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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1899)
rn , i .. i , ,, ixt-ti i a. , , T.. . - ' MT II II Ul N"!" W III " Mil 0) Hl null sj,, g -, ,, . Hi small: mil wMiiiiiiiiiliiwMHmi r""" I " " T- "-yir -('" l hn j I'ltSl 'aj.ntfU.nv li-nliinmn wium - -r t , t, L- , m ( illK DAILY AbTOiUAN. WKDNJCSOAV MOHNWU. JANCAKY J, THE EXCaiCNCI! OF SVKLP OF HGS 1 uuw lu.t only li tin- oH" limllty mi. I liiiilcl y of I In' I'omliiii illim, but ulao to the rnrn tin t 11 1 Willi which It U nmiiufuvliirril y bi'Viitllli! jhikiwh known to tlin Camcoiima I'm Niiiit Co. only, nml w wkli to lnrci. upon nil tho Iiiimii'Iuii.'0 ul mri htihlin; the truo hiuI orluliml rcinmly, At the Kcuuiiitt Ky nip of Flfc'n I inuiiufactured by llm Cai.ikkiinia I'm Htuvr to. wnly, n IiiowiIk of Hint fact will aalat mm In aml'llnif tho vvnrtliloaa Imllntliin mmitifnrtiiwd by oilier par ti. '11,,. hltfh htnn.llliif of tho Cai I Fohsu I'm Svia i Co. with llm moil, cat profiiMlnii, ami tho nntUfnctlon whhh tho ironulno Nyrup of Fljfn tin (riven to mlllloiu of families, utakaa tho name of tho Company "natality Of tho exiX'llpiiiHi of lu rr-mrdy. It U far In mlvMioo of nil other lexatlvea, a It kcla on lli kliliirya, llvrr ml bowel without irrlUlliiu; or wr-klteo-loif them, nml It ilum not grm nor oauaral. In order Uigetlu liciicflclkl frecta, plcnao remember Die nam of tho Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 4N faUNl'latHa, Oat UtlkTILUb Kf. UUW V)Mk R. T. IIOTWL AJiniVAIA OooMBnl-'. It New. W, M Ok and wife V. V. Whalen. W II. hrowne, Portland, Albert lienfcman, Han Krenol. i. R T tlvan, townli'B. W" I U. e. Oakland; W. II. Walker and wife, Oray river. Parker ll'iuan -II. Iiruintiarsrr. Iirt. land, .1 I'eirreon, Knn'l; Alfred it,, Kri -Aty ; l. 11. lll.Hii. Ore. fun my; W, I. M.liillra, t'alhlamet; :mll I'miula, iMwp rivr. BLIND WJJHECZEMA Thr Children Afflicted 20 Month. CURCO BYCUTICURA. Mf houkI rbil.l gut srMm4 wtuw eerea nuMiiluolil, TbuwHHwilu Uisf mi nralrliild ul It, anil f.ilU.alHf blm, Hie Ul una, lo )mii old. f"t if uwaiitu lhf ultm fnrful fHf. TWolr hita lxlli,nrUillr llicir lrra, wvte fn and raw thai lby via lillud lulf lha I una. Nn nrU ran iW ril Ilia aulTKfliig i.f my aarnud rhlld, ltna h'4 llx h tma i.ljr nuiaa. Ha Mmiulabllr rryluf.muld fi Malaai, and ba arluallr lid n Uk hmiuii. I liiwl durfir tJwi dirliif IIIwkiI Ilia alifhlaal rvll(. TtM Bnl alirailu nl ( i fni limuthi relief la oar l raae, and altar lnurtavn iUi' IreaU kMtil nh fi-rni a rtr and (TTK't kA (ulutmant , Ilia aunt raaa a rurad. Maa. A.SNIK HINO.M3 K. Iitbrll., N.V.t'llj. xir taa taie Tatti 4 M rar C4 aiBiimi la 9m aia aHa tv? mm au4r, 4 m4 ml Connu lailinO. fiMaai a) aM Iteeali 1 ras a4 nl DiiiD rar, kea rn.iii i. aa " Ilea t can I mail, kaa. BABY'S SKIN r.rifcS4 36 inches wide Fruit of of the Loom Muslin for our Great sale at 7 cts. per yrd Our Counters Ladies' Coats. Every coat or Jnckot In th houas must be cloaed out. 1 1.60 values for B.96 value for 145 i.M value R.50 value 7.60 values 9.60 values 10.00 values 13.00 values 1G.00 values 18.00 values for for for for for for.... for for 3.05 , 1.00 , 1.50 . 5.05 . 6.00 , 1.00 , f.05 , 1.76 L ' ' We want Every customer To know That we are selling goods at Less than wholesale cost at This big Reduction Sale. GENERAL EAGAN WILL BE TRIED President McKloley Has An nounce!! Ills Determination to Courtmartlal Him.' PENALTY A SEVERE ONE If He Is Found Guilty of Conduct Un becoming- ia Officer He Will Be Dismissed From the Army. U'AHHINiJTON, Jan. n.-I'maMnnl M.v Klnliy aiiiioiiiirad lit Die cabinet at tlie n-aulur nixvilnir Iwlay ihui ha ha de. mrtiiMird In imiir(-niMrlla) O'lnmlaaary. ileni'riil ICaalt, Alr waa nut at Ilia I'alilmH nieeilna, but Willi Adjutant (li'li. rrnl 4'urtiln waa at the Whlia llouaa In r.inlWi'iire with the preildonl on lha iibjent. Jnat rliir l lha rahlnel ni'-atlnit )nn. oral Mllaa mada rather Uliuaunl call upon two f th member of ilia cabinet, 1 lay and He had Juat returned to ilia city front New York, and when eHkn lu wild rnforoina to the ICakan raaa, adhered to hla original deilaratlnn Hint Hue wa nut Ilia lima for hint lo 'I. If at all. Iravlruj the lliillrallun lhat If the t-oninilaaloii or the admlnlatrallnn did not act It would then be lime fur him to lake eorna eii.n. tieneral K.acan ha nl Wn relieved of hla iluilr in aMtlH.ili.n of hla roaic. live trial, but II la understood lhat the order for hla arrest preparatory the trial will of llaelf rarry with It hi rn ll.f from oftli'lal dulhw, The nennral lirai'ihe I for lha mojorlly of iho court t roii.i-i of iwera or tuoerlora In rank of lha defendant. Ttll Would niJe lha luak of iio'ilna' (he lourt a hard one. Ilul lalliuda b -rnilllrd Ih, appolnllntT authority In nu.h eeeMlont, th ninth arilrle of war reid: "No orflrrf ahall. nhen It ran ba avoided, be tried by nrfi. r. inforlur in rank." It will tm noticed thai thq phraao "If It ran be avoldn.)" Iravra an opportunity for the appoint, rnetu of junior orflcrr. The penalty for lha uf(.na for whluh Oeneral Ku-rao j.rolwbly will be tried, conduct unbecoiic Inc an m-er and a eiiienin, I one of the nit levero known In tho army. b-lti i1!mlal. KAOAN'M IllOTHACTIUN. W'AHIIINilToN. Jan. 17.-Thr. war In. Vr.ilnntllitf r-ommlaeloti t.lay atatrd that the amended matement nf Ksan would be made puhllc, and HrWupaper men were allowed axvaa to It. Kagan haa ellmln. at.. all ubJrM'llonubln lnuo and tho phrar"liury haa teeti altrrrd frrqiiently. Kacun while refrrrlnrt to Uilr a the "enlor general" reaenia any aaaumptlon f Mllee' aui-rlorlty. and aaacirtti tht he (Kagitnl I aa fmHl. old and etorrlenewd a eoldler a Mllre. He aiao crltl.laa the Utter'a attack on the boef Induairy a liifamoui. It la believed lhat o far a the ommlaaion la otmrned the liut.lrnt la now cloavd. groan with the astonishing crowded Ln(He' Cnpe. 13 00 Cloth Capea, neatly trimmed flale Prlo tlK UflO ptuah Cape, fur trimmed. Bale Price US II 60 50 Inchro long Astrlcan Capta, Bale Prlo Every Cap In the Houae 4 Dig rieductlon. Boys' Clothing. 11,00 value for ... .. - 85o Suit 950 Poll l.tio vaiuna lor .Oil value for 2.711 value for , Sin) value for $M value for tt.M value for .,..$1.25 Butt .... 1.75 .... 1.96 .... 3 25 .... 1.60 Hult Suit Butt Suit 'olonel fllhaon, dlalrlhutlnff oarmt of the Niillnriill lleef AaeiKilatlon At Hintl ago, leeillled liefora the (VimtnUalon to. diiy. (illiNon nld Ih canned corn b.ef and rrfrlKnraiad leef furnlahed t flanll. ago waa unfit for Un, Th coinliilinilon I hii ndjmirned until tomorrow. . IN OUJKN TIMfcH. People overtimked the Importance of per. manenlly lieneflclal ffrrta and were x1 fled wllh trandent action; but now that It li generally known thai rtyrup of K Ki will permanently overrent huhitual con. allpktlon, well Informed people will not buy other lailtlvm, which act for time, but Anally Injur the ylm, Iluy the genuine, made by the Callfom a Jlg Hyrup Co. AccordlM lo lha new army orgnnlitiiiliin hill a hundred dnill-in with th rank of llmt llctiti-niinl, will ba alven einff in.l. tlona, and protiiilily no oincer will 1n mure Hioroiigh In their iliilllng. t'ATAKItll UK TUB 0TOMACH. A I'Jcuaant. Hlmple, but Hafe ind KfTocl. uu Our For It. Catarrh of the 'atotuach haa long brrn conaldered the lint thing to ltiurab!n. Tim ueual eymptom re a full or bloat. Iii( niiiathm after eating, accotripanled oimtlmra with armr or watery rllng, a formation of galea, cauaing prr,urj on th heart and lun and dllfliult breathing; htadachea, fickle ppen, nervouaneaa and a general playtd out, languid feeling. There I often a foul taate in the mouth, coated tongue and If the Interior of Ih ilnmarh could be en It would how llmy. Inflamed condition. The cur for thin common and obitlnate trouble I found In treatment wTilrh lauara the food to be readily, thoroughly dlgreted befor It h time to ferment nil Irrltai the delicate mucoui lurface of the tomech. To lecur prompt and healthy dlccellon I the one ntce ary thing lo do. and when normal dl. geetion la aerured the tatarrhal condition will hav dtaappeared. Accordlne to lr. Harlanaon, the afet and beet treatment la to ue after each mial a, latilet, ronipoaed of I'laaaeo, Aaeptlo I'rpeln, a little nux. Golden Seal and fruit acid. Thte tablrte can now b found at all drug Horn under th name of fltuarl'i l'yap'pU Tableia, and not being patent medlrln can be ux-d with perfect eafety and ainuranca that healthy ippellt and thorough dlgcetlon will follow their regular uu after meal. Sir. N. J. Itooher. of 1710 Dearborn St., I'hlcuo, III,, wrltta: "Catarrh la local condition reeulllng from neglected cold In the head, whereby the lining mem. brane of the no become Inflamed and ih poUonou dlach-rgn therefrom paea Ing therefrom backward Into th throat raache the toma h. thua producing ca. tarrb of th atomach. Medical author!, lie preacrtbed" for m for three year for catarrh of the (tornach without cure, but today I am the happtcat of men after Uilni only one box of Miuarl'a t'pepla Tablet, I cannot Hiid ainroprlate word to ripreea my god feeling. I have found Heah. appetite and aound red from th Ir ua. fituarf Pyepepila Tablet la the afet prttarallon aa well a th (Impleit and moat convrnleitt remedy for any form" of Indication, catarrh of the atomach, blllouanee. our itomach, heartburn and bloating after rneala. Brnd for IlltU. book, mailed free, 0n tornach trouble, by addreaalng V. A. Smart Co., Marahall, Mich. The tablet ran be found at all drug ktore. Second Week of our 9th big annu al clearance sale Now going on. Dress Goods Sc. mixed dre good o yd mixed diva good UVyd 35o, mixed dreea good 170 yd 60o. mixed dreo god J5o yd 7Sc Mack drea rxxl 56o yd toe black dree good 60o yd 11 blnck dree good B Vs 11.60 black dress goods SI yd Ribbons. Wide F"uncy Ribbons, per yard. Unby Klbbon, per yard ...lo ...Ho ...So ..Mi ...5o ...70 No x Butln Ribbon, per yard... 5 Butln Ribbon, per yard... 7 Satin Ribbon, per yard... 9 S.itlu Ribbon, per yard... No. No. No Domestics. llet grade calicoes, per yard So Heat iradea nm-on elmrham. yd 4o Rest grades outing lUnnel, per yd.... 7Hc 10-4 gray or white blanket, palr....69o Full sli0 bed comfort, each 69o 8-4 tirown sheetlntr, per yd 14Hc Laco curtains, pair 40o Full slxe bed apreads, each 49o ltlwai'hed oanton flannel, per ynrd.... 6o 4-4 unbleached muslin, per yard.... 5o Umbrellas. 60o Umbrellas to be closed out at ea.,.!5o $1.00, $1.25, $1.75. and $3.00 ladles' Um. brclla. your choice, while they last, ffor Wc FILIPINOS ARE VERY INSOLENT Have Assumed an Overtearlnji Attitude Toward Oar Sol dier in Manila. Af.lllNAI ri1 l4 PflYVFO! Fi ,lc '""trolling the admlnltratlon of In IJ I U""L'.OJ .rna) Ln,, 8u,e ukK Arms Delnf Smuggled Into the City ' Against His Will Three Ways Open to Dispose cf Question, NKW rOKK. Jan. 17-A dlvpatch to the Herald from Hong Kong aaya: Th Herald' Manila correpondent report k trlct ceiiorhlp upon dlaNiti;he. The latent advice, dated January U, ttc that th aliuatlon In th I'hlllpplnea la allll acute. Agulnaldo la holding bl force tu check with difficulty, and native have been arrevted for amuggllng arm into th walled city. On on occaalon k coffin wa found ull of arm and on another Is Maucer rifle and a atock of ammuni tion wu dlacovercd hidden in a load of traw. Th natlvea realdlng In th city pre. dieted an attack on Manila Hunday, th lilh, ut th forelttner maintain that there will be no Attack If Ih Amcrlcar do not preclpltat one. Th poition of lha Americana I very unpleaaont. Their Hpanlah prlaoner ere unfriendly and th hoaill natlvea r numerou nd well armed, both Inalde and outilde of Man. lie. In Ilo llo th iliujtlon remain the J am except that the native are In-1 trenching themarlvc. They have blocked. , the rlter by alnktng barge laden th ' atone. The native troop outalde, of Manila are Inaoient. and It I hard work to rea'rain the American. Tho Klllplno loldlery com out of their lli.ei, clone up to tho American outpoft. load their rime, de liberately point them at the American oldlera and then derlilvrly walk back to their own llnea. Under uch uinditlon there might be a fight at any moment. TIIIIKK WATS OOI'KN. NEW TOHK, Jan. 1T.-A dlp.iUh t) th Herald from Hong Kong ay: Rev. Clay Mi-r'aulcy. profeaaor of theology at Toklo. who recently returned from the Philippine. ay that a th mult of hi itudy of th cltuatlon at Manila, he think ther are only three way open for the United Htnte to aolve the I'hll. Ipplne queatlon. The flrat I by annexa tion by force or purchase. To um forck mean th moat dlaaitrou forelim war In American hlatory. entailing great loea of life and expenditure of money. More, over. It would be a violation of national honor. . Purcha mean the recognition of the Insurgent aa allU of th United Statu during th war; rewarding tho Filipino trader wllh office; employment of the Insurgent In military and civil office, and alao lvlng them tack pay a alllc for om month. Such a purcha would Loads of Bargains piled from morn till night. j mm t r if Childrens' Coats. $2.60 values at $1.75 3.00 values at $1.95 3.60 values at 160 4.00 values at 175 6.00 values at 195 All Wool Eiderdown Child's Coats $2.76 and $3.00 values, to be closed out at, each 95o sT JT" aT aerur k rompromlalng gain of doubtful tenur. Th American In Manllu are ,(enrally opposed lo annexation In any form, i, The ar't'nnd liillon la a complete ov ( rlntr from Hiln to a Piliplno repuh. no nu m retention ny tne united fliate for h-r own ue o? Manila Vr and port, Juat a tlong Kong I knt by "Zn,l'rilVoi th expour of the deferwel Phlllnpln i to th greed of th power, with a con. I rjuent acuta, rr(l In Kurope over f ir . eaatern rpjeation. Thl way la neither honoralile nor wla. j The third poaalhla nolutlon I autonomy under an American protectorate. Thl ' mean an Independent Philippine rcpub churire of th uprme judiciary and for. eign relation uch a iho prwer of making war or treaties while having :',omr.of .,h lTh',1 'iution- Mr. M'lCauley tblna, might bring about tutclHXo which would rult for thn fillur In botul lnd-p4Tid' nc of tho ; llund or voluntary annexation to tne j l.'nltod Htate. j Tho third way only, be y. ma.n peaco and properlty both to th United Hlate and to th Philippine. In any caae, Immediate action la Imperative. . A lending member of the Jf lllplno direc torate at Hong Kotax declared readily I and .mfthetlcttllv that lha flllnlnna would 1 r'"",y tcd vef Uo cog.- torn. There would bo no objection to paying the coat of maintaining a naval ijuadron in th Philippine water, In the um way a the ntlh colon) eon. tribute toward tho Imperial defenae, FREE HOOK ON DREX3M.AKINQ. How to Dye and Make mr Old Drr", Wrap, Etc., In tho Latent Style. An edition of Home Dreumaklng for KO ha juat tieen publiahed, and the Antorlan haa mad ipeclal arrangement to give a copy of tho took to any oi It reader who send th attached coupon with a two-cent damp to Well, Richard, aon ft Co., Burlington, Vi lloma Dreumaklng In a C-pagfl book written by an expert dreaemaker, fully 11 lutrated. and tellinar how fashion able dreeac. wraps and ulta for women and children can be made Coupon 07.1 8 nd thl coupon with a two-cent tump to Well 11- harda in A Co.. ind recelva free y mall one copy f Homo Dreoa. 'mklTitf from old garments that are cut of style. Send the coupon at once and get back the book by return mall. With this book will bo sent without charge, an Instruction book for homo dyeing, which will how yoo how to make your old clothing look Ilka new by tulng Diamond Dye. SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and Hantical Instruments Promptly fixed and ropalrad. Alarm Clocks from $ 1 up. Warrantc.1. 110 Eleventh St Next to Postal Telegraph. Ladies' Capes $1.00 values at 9o $1.60 values at too $2.00 values at The Greatest Bargain Ever Offored In LADIES' WRAPPERS will be found at this GREAT SALE. Muslin Underwear. You Should See the BARGAINS in Fine Muslin Underwear at this GREAT RE DUCTION SALE. it i y v il I mi.,-, nieiae- T SfJ ra x .:ilivh h nit. i m w u m u w i Quality and Price... The ran combination of quality and prloo which -w art offering la Golumbia, Hartf ord and Vedette BICYCLES for ti. has never been approached by any other bfcye'o hoti. Th qtiUlt of our wheel ha been admitted for year, area by our competitor, to bo nnurpa d. Our M model show imrkod adrancetnent la mechanical eon traction; th boat machine w bava aver turned out, that mean their equal do not axlax. By running our great factonea to their fullest capacity, they are abt to offar our bicycles at prices impossible to manufacture with smaller output, without sacriflclnc quality. Prices for 'qq Models. COLUMBIA CHAIN LESS XH-tt COLUMBIA. TANDEMS Utt COLUMBIA, MODELS SUt UlN COLUMBIA, MODEL 4f X0 HARTTORDS, PATTERN 1M0 ..! K.N VEDETTES, PATERN XLB M . VEDETTES. PATTERN fc-B MM Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. tftWtWriYWiaeW Astoria's L,eadlng Hotel iVIeirler Ac WriirHt. Proos. ag 36 inches wide Louns dale Muslin for our Great Sale at 7 c. per yd. upon them. Hens' Goods 50o Natural Wool Shirts or Drawers, each So Heavy fleeced lined 6hirts or Drawers, each 46o $1.25 all wool Shirts or Drawers each 950 $1.00 Working Pants, Sale Price, pair 45o 60c Heavy CoUon Sweaters, each 35c $1.25 Men's Fedora Hats Sale Price Wo Odd Lots $1.23. $1.50 and $L73 8. C Corsets Sale Price 39o 25o and S5o Children's Underwear, Sale Price 15o Ladles' all wool ooarlet Vest or ' Pants, each ......45o Boys' all wool drawers, worth 75o, pair Sale Price, pair 25o 25c Children's all wool stockings Sale Price, three pairs for 50c Eemnants. During last week a big selling In dress goods and domestics left an endless lot of Remnants; we have marked them at less than half price. A. 4 Str.S( f aVMtof 1 1ii 4 rrr- tyr terra e -ay Our Store is Ladies' Mackintoshes. $3.00 values for $1.60 4.00 values for 100 4.60 values for 185 6.50 values for , 4.00 (.60 values for 5.00 Childrens' Mackintoshes $2.25 values for...., 3.50 values for 150 values for... $1.50 ITS in mm Vflrei Jl , f ft SHAN AH AM BKOS.