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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1899)
THK DAILY ASTDUlANu WEDNESDAY MOKMNU, JANUARY 18, im JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tele phon No. . TERMS OF 8UB8CHIPTION. ' DAlLT. Beat by mall, per year Bent by mall, per month Serves' by carrier, per month.. .. JO 8KM. -WEEKLY. Bent by mall, pr year, in advance... SIM Postage free to subscribers. All communications intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communlcatlona of all kinds and remittances must to addressed to "Th Astorlan." Ths Astorlan guarantees to Its sdver Users tho lanteat circulation of SAT newspaper published on tho Columbia rlTr. Advertising ratca cat be baa on eppil- eauon to tho business manager. r fri Much regret Is expressed In Astoris that tho Oregonian's Ao apeclai edition Tioald be marred to such an extent by Inaccuracy and exasperation wherever U touches on Portland's onewsupposed element of weakness its lack of seaport facilities. Thers was enough. In all con. science, to be truthfully said concerning that city's great advantage, but ths un. blushing lies and Imperfectly relied mis. representations of Its maritime Import anoe will cast a suspicion In ths mind f every well Informed reader as to the uncolored facts related of Its real and natural commercial resources. It would seem that the Orvgonlaa ought to bo too wis and big for petty trloka and subterfuges of this sort. Every school child In the country who sees its ape. Clal edition, for Instance, will Instantly detect th falsehood Implied In Its pre. tense to locate Portland on the Co lumbia river, and Its standing among those well Informed, both at home and abroad, will suffer Immensely by Its bald assertion of a straight S-foot channel leading from the sea to ths ramihackly wharves along tho narrow and shallow Willamette at Portland. But a few days ago Captain Brown (he who baa put the wheat in the ship and taken It out again several times over at so much per bushel each put and take In tho case of every moderate-! lied loaded ship which has undertaken tho trip between Portland and Astoria this season) officially advised ths fort of Portland oommlsaloa that no ship drawing mora than a feet of water could get down tho channel to Astoria. It la within tho knowledge of every river man la Astoria that the Danish bark 8lx tus. drawing less than a feet of water, spent six or seven days in ths fore part of ths present month at ono spot be tween Astoria and Portland waiting for the highest tide of the year, rather than lighter her cargo In order to get down the river. Tho Kind You Have Always ltottslit, nml which wcn iu uso for over 00 yours, liu lnrno tho sP-nnhiro of -T? -rtl ll;tH lHH ltt;ll UtttltT 1N Of jt&r ! Mi;orlslon sluoo Its iuljuoy. WiASYX jCiCA4-K Allow no ono tutlooolto in IM. All Countorfolts, Imitation and SuhstiiiKot to lut 1A porhnonta that tritlo with nl omlanjrcr tho tio.ihh of lnHiuts ami Children Uxporfoin'o Multilist lixportmont. What is CASTORIA Costorlit l. a substitute lor Castor 0!5, rurv;nrl lronH and. Soothing Sjri'ps, It U llarnilv.- nml l'lotisant. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorhtne nor otltor Nurvotto substance Its 8 jo lit Its guarantee. It destroy! Worms and alloys Ferertshness. It euros IVnrrhtvn nnd "Vluil Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, eures t'oi.M fruition and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulate tho Stomach and liowcls, giving healthy and natural Moon. Th Children's PUMeea-Tuc Mother's Frietul. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Iron vlaltlnsr cards are pot'tilur In Gor many. Ths name la printed on them In silver and ths sheets ar so thin that forty of thorn only measure one.tmlh of an Inch In thickness. Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vms evava MM. TV W.U ITMIT, MtW fT9. EVENTS MARKING AN EPOCH. The simultaneous happening of two great national events In the field of In dustry Is likely to mark an epoch In his tory. We refer to the fact that American steel makers are able to supply British shipbuilders with steel shipplstes In qual ity better and hi price cheaper than It is possible for British steel makers to do. and the further fact that at the same time, shipbuilding in the United Ststes Is capable of being made as cheap as it Is In any other part of the world, while tho ability of our builders to produce ships ss good has not, for years, been seriously questioned. These two events are pregnant of great events In the fu ture, beneficial. Industrially, to the American people. Let us first prove our case: Mr. O. N. Wolff, a member of th. British par liament, is also a member of the leading British firm of shipbuilders. He was re. cently before a parliamentary commit tee, at which he stated that in former years the whole of the average of about 40,000 tons of steel used by bis shipbuild ing firm was obtained from ths west of Scotland, while now a large portion Is Imported from America. The tonnage of ships constructed by his Arm aggregates, snnually, about 80.000 or 90.000. In the Beptember number of the Engineer's Qa. lette, of London, England, the state. ment Is made that steel ship plates made in America are now delivered at Belfast at ten and twelve shillings per ton cheap. er than they can be supplied by British manufacturers. Tho Carnegie Steel Company, of Pittsburg, is now turning out 1,000 tons of steel ship plates, month ly, for shipment abroad. Mr. O. O. Her. bert. an Inspector for the British Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping, Is now located at Pittsburg inspecting and passing the steel plates destined for British shipyards. Recently ho was quoted. In an Intervltw with a represent ative of the Pittsburg Dispatch, as making the following statement: "The steel furnished by the Carnegie Bteel Company has so far been of excep tionally good quality, and ha compared very favorably with the British product Of oourse. the American article la the cheaper, or it would not sell abroad. Ths Introduction of American steel is becoming rather general In the United Kingdom, and I see no way of mectinc your competition except by a reduction of the price of th British product" Apparently, therefore, greater excel, lence In ths quality of the product Is be. yond British manufacturers. If not all tho rest of the world. The only thing for the British to do Is to reduce ih price of their steel. But meanwhile It Is not to b supposed that rock bottom ' prices have been reached la this country. When It comes to reducing tho price, probably the Initiative will be taken with us, not with tho British manufacturers. The London Times recently reviewed, at length, ths subject of the American merchant marine. In Its opening para graph It said: "It has long been foreseen by coin petent observers that tho mercantile marine of the United State woald sooner or later recover the position on the seas which It lost during the civil war." The London Times further said: "A country which has turned out the modern navy of the United Stares need not fear competition In material re sources, mechanical appliances, or con structive skill, with any shipbuilder In the world." If our people are the equal In material resources, mecnanicai appliances, or constructive skill, or If our position with respect to the possession of these places us In a position where we need not fear any competition, what need w fear? "Sooner or later." adds the Times, "the American shipbuilding trade is certain to And itself able to supply all the de mands of the country for shipping, and to that extent the British trade must In the long run be the loser." The fact that we are able to build ships In this country as cheaply as tbey can be built in others Is demonstrated. In inference, at least. But with a large tonnage to build In our yards. It will unquestionably be a fact. BrttUti newspapers are saying so, oer and over again, the British shipping traJ Journals have long ago admitted It, and they are now reiterating It. to thk mine. We are authorised to guarantee- evsry bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Itemed to be as represented end If nut satlstao. tory after two-thirds or ths content have been used, will refund ths money to the purchaser. There Is no better medicine made tr la grippe. i-oliU and whooplug cough. Prltvt and W cent per bottle. Try It Considering the les.l uml iimenlo. If sou women beamy oi( more thin kln deep It would be f.l'l OAJES'Xort.X.A.. Btars us M Vm H.i BsqjM Some women make t h i r own lniu-t, but some of them pl k ot.x r women's bonnets to piece. HOW TO PREVENT PNKl'MONU. Vou are perhaps aware that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During ths il. demlo of la grippe a few years ago. when so many cases resulted In pneumonia. It was observed that the attack was never followed by thst disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result In that dangerous disease. .It la the best remedy In the world fur bad colds and la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. "In this clt;," mJ.I ths tired. fued tittle woman In the trolley car, "the nun don't seem to have tyiy get up about them." 8lck headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using klokl Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S5 and W cent. For sals by Estes-Cona Prus Co, "No." said the roncl nilou lawyer, 'I refused to defend 'Hilly, the lt.' for murder. It was a cane of unwrrnt. ble brutality, and he hasn't got a cent, anyhow." OABTOniA. r;r baby is L&-Vv Oh, what a warm wel-, tome the first little traveler I P J. whom Heaven guides tol( ''.-Ml .uc uuw ui a woman s heart receives from the p I happy mother. Every! I thought and care is given I being of the new comer: after it has entered into the r-te " place at the family uresme. Yet durin time when expected few wom en do all they should to injure the little one's constitutional strength and vigor. No moth er wants to have a pony. weakly, sickly baby yet nnless she herself is entirely healthy in the special, delicate structure which makes motherhood possi ble, the baby i certain to suffer in some way for her weakness or neglect. The surest way to avoid this is for the mother to reinforce her own strength by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion during the time of anticipation. It will make her perfectly healthy. It will lighten and brighten the time of waiting. It will' make the ordeal of motherhood ab solutely saf- and comparatively free from pain and will injure a strong, healthy con stitution for the baby. Mr. Nannie I. Taylor, of Lovelace, Hill Co.. Texu, says "I am the mother of eiuht chil dren. I suffered from female weakness 1 tried physicians with no avail. When I last became .with child I saw the advertisement of Ixxrtor Pierce' Pvorite Prescriiition. I bought two bottles and look according to directions. When baliy was liorn I had a very eay time and have not suffered one hour since, from female weak ness. Baby is as fat and healthy as can be." Prospective mothers should send to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo. N. V.. for a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, which will be sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the eott bf mailing only, or 11 stamps tor ciotn-oouna copy. ro& shjoc3 ixd sotous aisobdeu soeh as TlnJ and Pain la the Btomech, ruddiness. Fulness after meals. Uead aobe, Dtrsloe, Jjsowitneaa, Flash Inn of Heat. Loss of Appetite GvtlTen"e4. Klotcbes oa the Bkin. C-Hd Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. JrWhtful Dreams aal all Kervoui and Trembling Bensatlona. THE ITXST P06SWTL1 6172 1KTJET U TVX5TT KXTCTE& ZiuygaOareg wilt aeknowledge tbem to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BSBCBAVa FILLS, taken esfirect exl. will quickly retor Females to eora pleta health. They promptly tmttm ebetnetionsortrregnlerttlea of the gys tern m4 mm Mast oaaacasl for a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Ltver IN MtM, WOMtN OR OHILORtN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival Sad bs IS LARCEST 8ALE w any rate ttJiealrlDe) la the vTerU, Vo. C ill Drv Rtorea, "In Ood We Truet" first appeared on the copper two-cent Issue of 164. and Is the first use of the word God In any government set. This sentence was In. troduced by James Pollock, an erg'ver. nor of Pennsylvania, director of the mint, with the approval of 8. P. Chase, then secretary of the treasury. Shows the state of your feelings and toe state of your health aa well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pals and sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a beaitby appear ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cure) sll blood diseases where cheap saraaparillas and ao-caiied purifiers fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sals by Estes Coan Drag Co. The famous Bowery In New York wa originally the road through the bouwerle, or farm, of Governor of the Dutch colony of Amsterdam. It was the post route to Boston. No healthy person need fear any dsn. geroua consequences from an attack of la grippe If properly treated. It Is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly at borne and take Clumb.-nmir Cough Remedy as directed for a severe cold and complete recovery Is sure to follow. For sals by Charles Rogers, druggist It has been discovered that the first two figures of WA, when added, equol either of the other two, and the last two when added equal the first two. Curious people afflicted with prophecy germs m;iy ti able to figure out something from this. 1.A GRIPPE eUCCBSSFt'DLT TREATED. 'I have recovered from the second attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. J.imes A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexla, Texas. In the latter case I used Ciiamberlaln's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being In bed a little ov r two days sgulnst ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to eo to bed in about tlx hours after bcin struck" with It, while in the first case was able to attend to business for about two days beforo gottlng 'down.' " For uale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Umitwo.M, llonaparte's houne In ft. Helena, I now a birn; the room In which he died Is a tatle; on the ::. of hi srav is $ machine for itrltidiii- f.rn. THE RUSSELL Compouiui Automatic I5nlne ; 7 . ; J ! l.1.l r-V Strtnj; uiul Kctnonitcnl. Writo us ftr jiiii'tifiiliirs, A. II. A KKILL, KUSSKI.I, & tU, Manajjor. I'ortlitiitl, Ort'gon, Kopp's "Best 99 The North raoiflp Brewery, of whioh Mr John Kopp is pronrirtor, ruake Wr (or domes' lo anl etpirt Irs.le, A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LIELY PURE. Rottlivl bwr (r (amity ns, or keg Iteor sntp11ml at any time, iloIlvry in the city (roe. 4orth Pacific Brewery A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jurs mill Jrlly ( J1;ks'm. With the Fruit top in them I'rlccH Lower Thtui ICver ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Iave I "Aaiorla (Pally) " Arrive . 111 u m l I'lM-tUnd and Astorlalp.m p bl !; t.MD Ksimms trains . . vis Kiiepps. Cliflon, Wsst port, V'atklil. ()le I'linneotloii at t)olil fur the Kt and i'ugst I r m ant, 1:40 iHoullil pul l:M ii point. Astoria. Hlle New Astoria rn(i.r 11 and P,m ,m, :V let iMii,a wIk vrriiltin land UvT. . .1 HllliilAV liunier' spw nil 1st Astoria to Dm J, (', MAYO. a. r. r. a. WHITE COLLAR LINE Colum.ila Itivsr and Puget Round Navi gation Company. Telephone lesvee Astoria dally, sleep "rei''rr..nd d.llf WPl ' w- . White ColUr line tlck.le Inter. Itnglile on Telephiwe. T, j. IN'Ifr end K J ThMnnmu for Atort and all wf (OIRIs. rivl, llwaeo, aeavlew, toost Heeoh, aa4 Nahcotta. u. a ccrrr. resldstt A. . TAVIm. Astoria Agvnl. Teieoaoae Mo. U T7 s TvTT ollUow aio ! tiviii .ami di 1 r.. I'KCAHr. ,- i-,mi,od Mi p in all jikr, leiivr. M Wiiiiii, intisn. " ms l ily, t. uwli Chli'eSi. siiil tl I Al p. w a.w.k.... I Walla, Mpi Swlsiie,l I' .ul .VIT- I'ul.illi. NlUaiisw, t ill. au ami Ki. ftom A.toila iKUAS KtliA.H.Mtll' All Halllns I'sUs tut Jrrl loiliis. I for n frsix-'s", IkUI Akkivs ft I aia.m MH.n lo It a. ss. Jan. J, . u. 1. I 1 ; 1 T me eu ii'l) Columbia III HlMSIMS T I'urtund MO mUr s n Tue. lliue lid !st Way landinsa yrois. rurUsiid M UIsismH Ulxr. p. m. Uoit, w.d tlrui. Albil.f.t or j ud el lis Ami f lni.llli( Mlllalla aa4 m. 3 x X p ia. oii.v.!. TS m kin HI. si. 'ii,, t'ie-u 11., lN.uis. A k..d rn. .11.1 l my UM.lll.ik, I I.usuriant hdir. of uhimiii ivlor. is 1 beautiful covering tor elt!ir s sud may be sc ured by using Hall's Vii .ble Sicilian lUlr Itenewrr. If a man never evlm.s sny dlstK.ltl to show off at any other time, the ten. dency will break out In s restaurant. Acker s Engllsb remedy will stop cough at any tlms, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. X cents and H cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. It Isn't buying liquor at wholesale, but buying It at retail and using It at whol sale that ruins most men. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets ere sold ea a positive guaraatee. Curee heart ouio. raising of food, distress star eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief, a aad to cent. For sttle by ktesvOooa Drug Co. CASTORIA For Infants and Childrea. Tta Kind You Hars Always Boagbt Bean the Signature of ft rheia tiny Cuptul.s are luperior m Div.m ui v,glll. Cubeht or lnjectionindrriT CURE IN 48 H0UR3lpU the same dieiei with-i out Inconver.'cn'. $I4 h tit ri'-rri' LUBRICATINQ OILS A SPECIALTY 1872 1099 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... SELL BHIP CHANDLERT HARDWARE IRON AND BTEEL COAL GROCERIES AND PROVI8IONB FLOt'R AND MILL KEED PAINTS. OII.9 AND VAHNIPIIES IOGOEItB' Hlfl'r.lES rAII!t'A.SK'H SCALES DCORS AND WINDOWS AGRICl'LTURAI. I Mf'LEMENTB WAGONS AND VEHICLES. e-1 A T T T-V 1 ri n, LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MIXEKAL WATEK. TEITEK. XOIitE. KICK0KY AM) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHEK LIQIOKS. IXES, UEEK AXI) CIGAKS Served Dny nnd INIstit. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Manacer innz&nnnaunivfisnnnnni J. A. Pastabetid, General Contractor and Builder Estimates Given on All Kimls of Work. pt)ni;jBi Nj. 491, HoiiHo-Moving Tools for Itcnt I.T lilNlllk lal'l . t, rut.lur.. : I i in . . . ... I.tlesritta .IMk Wlf. s , ltlilsl.' LraUluii I'Uiir ri f.ti, I .'M'.simI m Ii !. 1 1 in i li i 1. m r i,hiiiij,j suilrm .1 vIaii. t lave llst..n dally kk.-otH Tldsy. O. W, LUUNSUKRHT, As so I Astona, W. H. HURUIURT. Oeav faa. A St. resniaaa. Of. Mp tT EAST SOUTH UCAVE Astoria. Oregon. c. D. Commission. Brokerage. nsurance and Shipping. Custforrt llouste llroker. ASTORIA, OREGON. AS'iit W. K. A tVi., slid rsrlflo Ksprrs Co s. 00 p, u t-.m a. m Dellr escept uDdav rT: A. M N:W 1'. C lORTLAND Kl Pea lena a OVKHUND EX I'ltKiW. or taUm. ItuMburt. Aslilan4, Haeram.nta, Ofld.a, s srancisra. mo line Anolee, . ,.ww VT- ns en) lbs Kest. ftaeetnirg passener Via Woodhtirn, for Mount An., H. rtnn. Wat Mo, riFWDVlll. n D.fcl SOd Corvaflls paassiifer ( inavpeoa.noe pkJS '. A. M ARRIVE 1 Hf, H Dallf srept endey A. M III A.M W. F. SCHEIBE, xrss lur.r of ys RlltM. esS9Mkrs' Artult. 7 Comrvsrcliil Mt. "La Belle Astorli" Clear Schelte's Opera Star Schelbe's Special Arxl Oilier llri.t.t BLANCARD'i IODIDE OF IRON forANfiMIA.POOPNESSoflhf BI.OOD, 1 wnaiiiununsL l:Ak.rlLsj scroplLa, etc None geaui ne unlrss slvnnl " Bla kcas ii" 111 r,l riCf iwru . E. FOUOCItA A CO. , N. V. Arts, for U. 8 TO CURE A CuLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. ZS cents. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet It was noted by Blr Samuel Baker that a n.-gro had never Wn known to tam an elephant or any oth-r -wild animal. A person ml(?ht travel all over Africa and never see a wild creature trained or petted. It often strufk filr Samuel that the little negro children never had a pet anlmaL That Uie blood should perrorm Its vital functions. It Is absolutely necesssary It should not only be pure but rich In lire, giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that weM-knotm standard blood purifier, Ayera' Btxaapa-rlila William's Kidney Pills f h v a , vou neirivctod vour KiUnevsV IIhvi. W ft'.m una canned irouma wiin your k KKinpy una mtuuuTf iiavo vout W pains In tlia loins, ami?, lmi-k, rroinH J afl'i '"Indik-r? HavoyouaUtib'iy nn- pearnn:o of tha fVu. e-.p.:;ially r J? under tlie eye,' Txj frui"itli;- i-lri. W1HH llrinc.' Wi 1 1 In m'u T R. L. Bovle & Co LLeodlfiK Real Estate Dcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Inforinni ion him! I 'amjililct.'. ,i;t.", (Vminiti.'riiil Slrt'it Hard to beat Our line of alrtljjht Stoves and their Prices Something New W.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street. Pills wilUmpart newlifo to tlx; (lift-f .ancd orjans, tono up t:a ayhtcm and make anew maa of you. Jiy mail 60 cents por box, 6 Wjltjamh M ro. Co., Props., Clevuiand, O. For sale by BflTEB-CONN DBUO CO. ftS IS S Dm-BolsftfinfM fr."""1 f' l,.rrliu-. Jiljut, Hptrmtorriu-., Whites. DliDttiirkl Aim. j chkriimi, or knr lul)mn,. .w, irriwiiun or sluir IrHttHilOHlsmilfia kvis. Nan-utrlout V iTiBUBBsj r kisiiuiU ! Ifltwi MUSlM, f-t M kT lrmntl.ti t rot mt lo plain wrppr, jta ll.on, t S botllm, av.TS, C!uvulr snot us rauutak ny nstar nr. Peaa. w .ifrs S'liiw. MIMIinnn nrnrnnrrs .........wwv HbVIVIIUU Till wouileilul reB.l. f.';'r"A" ' 'Mrr-tdl.saers, u.h . Weak Me. 10, K5 Power, lleudwhe Wskeluloe, Ljt Msnhood, Nlgliily t "etl WCIri ZZfllrA RSk't' f V" b"i K r WI Kietur'b.? ? & Wi?!:. A'k-.f" Hi UkVio other. J,rugto.,di.mbuUul.geBu, TUlraandVamuMBu WkiTS Wot Bala by EBTK8-CONN DRUO CO. Dally, ttwily .soept riun.fay. (.ornctln at Iten r'nuioinw with CV denia, A trlntal, I'arlno Mall and Oce ania etaaietiin linee JAPAN. c,,lAWA,,'l'HAI.IA AND ntsste tlrkts on sal dally betwean I'ortlsn.l, Ksommito and tian rrenola co. Net ralre 117 nrei-rlua, and IU see-ond-rlaae. Inclisning elwr. Hates and tl-kta to Kastem oolnU aiM EuniM. A Law, I ,. n n r. il.i. II... k""! Aimtralla. fan be'nhtalnni from , H. KOKiu.itn. Manaaer Ttiroiish tlrkat Fa SI fnr lnaraal rtaa fail nn C. J Tranrhard local eanL Walls Ksrao t'ompany oltlre, Astona, . O. t. P. A, WHEN GOING EAST - Use a first tlnss Una In trsvsllng be twson Minneapolis, Ht. Paul end Chicago, snd the principal towns In C.ntral Wis. oonsln. Pullman Palsre ftiseplng and Chair Car In service. The dining cars are operated In ths Interest of Its patrons, the ni'st slsganl snrvlce ev.r InauKurattd. Meals are sarv.d a la cart.. To obtain first class service your ticket should rd via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Dlrei-t connesilnns st Chlcsgo snd Mll waukee for all eastsrn points. Vor full Information call on your near est ticket assnt, or writs JAB. C. POND. Osnsral Psssonror Ant. or JAB. A CLOCK, M.lwauke. Wis. Qensral A cent. XI Btark Btrset ' Portland, Ore iilliili! r -, --rr . sW. 21 MANHOOD RESTORED, M .r a fahK.ii. k.fll. r.i....i.u .s.i "CUPIDENC- Thill frMt VsS? sifsit.taa linn ..fa liini.,..l.r...M. r.,.-.,.i- ri- ''"totl..ri;k,8!..l),. ;,, , lw ft I liri. es, UiiUliisa to Marry, l.slmiisilil( Drain, Vkrlris-ela a ,il tonstlniiU-m. It skim sll loss., hr Any ,'r MKuC pr.van , nl nrss(,i uisciiurun. wiiiriiirrir.tfiiM-bA,i in,i BCrOftC ... AFTER all tlia horrorsM(lmpntnrr. 'll-.K:rluuaUieUv?. uJ Mln kl'liiaysiidthiirlr.srrorn.olWljuuuftua riTPIBKNfl strsnrthsns sml rmuim small waste nutans. Tb. reaaoa unrrers art nut cureo hr Ixirinrs Is Hm-hiim ninety per Pent sr tronhled with Pveatatllla. CVfl DKN K Is Uie only known remwlr tn cure wlihoul an operation, io irsi miinU sis. A wrlttaatuaraiiii-etlveasixt innnny returiie1 II sl hnsMi rt,s nolsilwi a iMfiiuuiantnu J40s boi.slx for I6.W, by mall. Bend for rasscirralsr and trail mum la, P""uui eure. Adsraas DA Ya MEUICI M U CO t. O. iKn 2079, Baa Fr.iwUco, (ML A, Halt fcy CHARLES ROOEBS. 4U Commercial flt Go East... via nilllnits and Burlington route, and yon reach Omaha, Kansas City, Bt, Louis, and all other southern and louthM.i.r. cities half a dsy sooner than traveler wno tase any oiner Una Oo east via 8t. Paul and the Dnninrtea rout, and you rid. the finest train on eartn-tn. uurniyrton.. Bt. PauV-Cblcam Limited. Oo east via Otden and Denver, and vou sea the wonderful scenery of the Rockies, famed th. world over as the moat mag. nlflosnt on the continent. Ticket, at office, of oonneotint line. A. C SHELDON.