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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1899)
THE 1U1LY AST0H1AK, TUESDAY MORMNU, JANUARY 17, llldl). iiiarveiOHS r HAN IE 15. LA LANNB A CO. Cotton end Woolen Mills C 15, IBM. Ur. McAlli-n A McDonnell, Por.'and, Oregon. (,'ontiftinoa: , W ar In recsipt o our favor ot 7m kiM.. and accept your offer for our goods Moira-Uilrd oil. W tHnk you will be able to mk VMnty out of tb lot at thi figur. for U to big Iom to u. Cut tn good have been handled tine Ihey Irft our place, ecfl w prefer to sell them cheap, rather then tuTe them returned. Tour very FRANK XX LA LANNE A CO. Mc Allen & tnCi Commercial Street. ASTORIA. $i-o will give you any of our $2.00 CORSETS AT Albert Dunbar's CUEARflNCE SAIiE. D I Ulanmr I I ej. iflW441IJ-Vii4i tDerchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Highest Cash Price Paid for TMt Skina. Tenth sincl Commercial 6t. Astoria, Or. TODAT'S WEATHER. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. Money to loan Ferguson Bros. Candle U cent a pound at the Parlor. Tha Columbia arrived Francisco Sunday. In from San R. F. Wilson returned yesterday from a visit to Portland. The government tux Hendetl left up the river lat night Beat tf-eant meal, Rising Sua restaur, ant, CI CDsuaercia! street, Mr. W. W. Parker t visiting at the home of Mrs. Adair, Sunnymead. The Ivy Leaf Social Club will give a dancing party at Fisher's tomorrow area, to Wanted Girt for general housework; good cook preferred. Call at tot Exchange street The county court, which adjourned Saturday, wlfl meet again next Friday morn In;. Freeh Sboalwater Bay oyster and dam at the "Pat" Market, 174 Commer. dal I treet. Bom To the wife of J. B. Sloop, at Bunny mead, daughter. Sunday, January IS, a Best California trine, X cent per gal lon. Alex Gilbert sol agent for Astoria. Talephon O. Wanted Girl to do cooking and general housework. Apply to Mrs. 0. Zlegler. St Seventeenth street. Dr. Finch baa removed n!a oOo to tha new Spexarth building. Commercial treet near Eleventh. Wallsend coal and coke is ma best for domestic purposes. For sale by tha Astoria Gas Light Co. Mrs. C. H. Callender was In the city yesterday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holden. The schooner Kuelah arrived In yester day from San Francisco and will tear for Portland to load lumber. Mr. G. C. Flavel, who ha been visit ing with her sister, Mrs. Dyer, at South Bend. Wash., returned bom yesterlay. Charles Campbell was appointed admin Istrator of tha estate of the late Alex Campbell in the probata court ytsterOay. ye Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article in the House reduced. This will be the greatest offering in Fine Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Famishing Goods, Etc DURING THIS SALE Owing to manufacturers' restrictions we are not allowed to place the following goods at reduced prices : Standard Patterns, Srool Silk and Cotton, W. C. C. Corsets, E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing and Rubber Goods. C. Us. COOPER The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. Sale Will 1)0 adileJ to goods already catalogua! in our Clearance Sale, A new lot of Jacket?, tho Intot creation of the tailorV art, and will be sold at lss Than Cost. McDonnell 141 - 19 Third Street. rORTLAXD. OR. The schooner Ralph O. Long ha ben rarwiiina in .enaicm smce ijecenio. r i . one u lumocr laden for 8An Fran. Cisco. Mlsa Mary Smith and Miss Amy Towell, wHicners in me punuo snoots, are sutler. ing from tha arrlppe. and are unjblo to; attend to their dutirs. nurln Tf T,, (.!-. .k. i. n.hi.v i Columbta, Dr. J. A. Pulton will be act. Ina: assistant urreon nt tha TTn'tot Bute marina aarTlc. Mlas Clara E. Munson and A. J. Meg-1 ler hava been appointed, without bond. executor of the last will and teata. meat of the 1st Byroa 8. KltubalL Qreas spots, blood, oil. stain on dressoa. coat and carpeta are promptly removed with Jiaptba Soap, Eight bars for S cent at Rogera' drug store. I Airs. McCullah and family will leave i on tha steamer tomorrow for San Fran- J Cisco to Join her husband, who Is engt- : neer on the tug Relief la the Bay City, j ; Q. Zelgirr ha resigned hi position in I 1 1 tha auditor department of th A. A C. j railroad and ha accepted the position j of accountant In the county clerk's of. I Sea. ' Alex Lampi. who waa adjudged Insane by the county court Saturday afternoon, waa returned to llwaco yesterday and will tx taken to the Washington state Insane asylum. 'Work on the, A. A C. warehouse Is pro. greasing slowly, owing to I be unfavor able weather. The contractors, however, cat that the) building will be oompleted in about week. The steamer Signal finished discharging ! M ton of coal at the FaciHo Coast Com. ! pony's coal bunkers yesterday. She will return to Seattle for another cargo a ' soon a the weather permits. ! The British ship Wasdale docked at ; Ninth street yesterday to discharge XiO j barrels of cement The cement will be j placed on a barge and taken to the gov. ernment work at the fort. ; " " Attention Is called to the special re- ! ductloa sale of fancy shelf goods adver. Used by Ross. Higglns A Co. In this ! Issue. Fine soups and canned fruiis can ' be bought at prices never before offered j In Astoria. I " ! BE GOOD TO TOLRSELF and good , to your friends. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best HARPER Whiskey Is the beverage for your friends and for you. Sold by the Foard A Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon. Th wharf foundation and slip of the Schmidt Bros, cold storage, for which L. LeVck has the contract. Is nearly completed. The carpenters at work on l the main building are unable to put in ' full tlmo during the rainy spell, and Its construction Is necessarily slow. ' ! W. A. Gaines' private stocx whisky, j handled exclusively in Astoria by John i L. Carlson. Is one of the most popular! beverajes sold. Its purity and quality ar guaranteed, and It Is especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at ths corner of Twelfth and Bond street. Ever placed before the people Positvely no goods will be charged for at sale prices. Orders from the country will receive the same benefit as if bought personally at the counter. But cash must accompany the order. - The popularity of the merchant' lunch erred by air. George Hartley at the Na. ttonal a growing dally, and many buil. new men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches aet by Ut. Hartley ere Ui ttneat In the city. Call at City Ticket Office ot Astoria A Columbia River Railroad, U4 Commerc ial il reel, for through ticket! to all polnu eaat, akeo Aberdeen, Olympla, Tacoma, Seattle and alt points on the Northern Paclfla railroad. Through tlckela oannot b purchased to there points at the depot The launch palsy, belonging tut Dav lturnelde, w swamped eiirly cUitul.iy morning while lying at the slip of Rats, lllgglns A Co. Th fore ot the wind washed the waves on board and she soon tilled and sank to the bottom. She whs pumped out yesterday at low tide and floated. v The sad news ha been received by Mr. M. J. Kinney of lh death, list Thur. day, of Miss Harriet Morgan, alstcr of Mr. IV Morsan. at the homo of her niece, .Mrs. I'phnm. at Coflcyvlllo, Knn, No particular of her death have yet been revelled. Miss Morgan hid many warm friends In Astoria, who will be. grieved to learn of her death. Btoelhcada are becoming scarcer as the wesson draws to a close. 8, f, w sr being taken that the cold storage plants ha refused to receive any more, and the quantities delivered of lute wore so small that they did not pay for the troubla of handling them. Private buy. era are paying M and ( cents a pound, but the supply Is only sufficient for demand. The season amis February IS. Petersen A Itrown wish to snnounee that they have a few odd line of line stylish women's and children's shoes which they have decided to close ouL Among thesa llnea are the famous l,alrd, Schoter Co.'a. noted for their line wear. i,lir qualities. Call early, befora the s'.aea are brokrn. Indies' fine cloth lop button reduced from RW and luvi U) HjO per pair. Other regular prlos In ! an.!! Ilni. rw.tinv.t In nr,.tMirf Ion Ut our ladles' window. , . . , , , At tha town election last Monday. F. Sweeney. George T. Moore. C. 8. Cr- A. J. Mill wrro Abbott record, f, n', W1" p4jr "rshal. a-s tho W.irn n. 'ton Tribune. Hut little Interest was manlfwteJ. only IS votea being ,IUd. Th m'vr vUo"M " Wh''- 'h ne r"lble excertlon eons, (entou cltl. lens, ami will wunoui uouiu n:i tn' ir I positions With credit lo themselves Slid prvflt to the town. Captain Newsome's stenmer IralJ.i, which, far long time ha been plvltw between Portland and Rainier, duelling at Int-rmedlata points, will soon go on tha ways at Wolff A Zwlcker's Iron works for extensive repairs, says the Telegram, It la tha Intention of Captain Newsnme to placo the boat on tho Portland. Astoria route and for that reason he will have her capacity considerably enlarged. She will t rut In two and then a piece will b spllcvd In. thus makin; her much larger a to beam and length. At a mass meeting of citltens of Ham mond Tuesday evening, the charter for the proposed new town was discussed and adopted. The name selected for the city Is New Astoria. The ofllceTS selected to guide the dretlnlr of the city unt.l the next general e4ectln are named in the charter as follows: Mayor, C. E. Ford; councllmen. R. Faulkner. Jimes Coffy. W. Mudd. H. Thompson and F. Johnson. The boundaries of the town In. elude all of the Kindred donation claim. The ways and means committee of the common council are engaged in basing estimates for the receipts and expendl. tures of the city for the ensuing year. The committee held a meeting yesterday, and. although not yet definitely decided upon. It is believed a 10-mlll levy will be fixed the limit allowed by the charter. Owing to the reduction In property valuations, this will raise an amount considerably less than did the 9-mlll levy ot last year and It will be only sufficient to meet the Interest coming due, leaving the remaining expenses of the city to be obtained through licenses and fines. l Cantaln Tom Nelll returned Sunday trom gan Francis on the steamer Co. lumbla. after taking the torpedo boat Davis down the coast Captain Neitl says the little craft behaved well on the ocean, but the weather waa unfavorable for good speed all the way; otherwise the Davis would have established a record between the two ports hitherto unknown. Twenty-eight miles an hour Is pretty quick time and Csptaln Nelll says that when under full steam the Davis idM'd through the water like greased lighten. lng. The after boiler gave out on the trip and as soon as this Is repaired he will be turned over to the government. The bill Introduced in the l.cL-la'ure warding barber Khops has no niprs'.tlon locally, but Is heartily commended. Mr. Zuelrh. of th., Palai-e. nys he favors the passage of tho measure, which will re quire shops to be closed on Sunday and make It necessary for barbers to s-rve oC the Lower Columbia River, an apprenticeship and pass an examina tion, lie say ha bc-Uevc all barber favor Sunday cluing, and he hopea that the examination claus of lbs bill will become part or th law, He thinks bar. hem, as will as dentists, should re, quired to attain a certain degree ot pro ftelenoy. If this I required by law, J.eenl and Irt-eent shop will not be so nunter oua. Of coin-so, cheap shops ntv not so well rwutnlcd a tho whose prbes are higher, and are wnstdcrvd more or less of a menace to health. As lo tfutul.iy cloalng, lln'rw I Jut so muelt business lo bo done, mid It can be. handled lust as well on Saturday n on Monday. Maibem genemlly think the bill should piss,' latgrlppo ha hevit epedcuilo In lit idly for the past two or three week" and tdil,i:tu estimate that hl persi-ii, comprising one.leiilh of the topulalott, are suffering with thn disease, in one f,'nn or another. There are many case of KrUM'c among the hm children, and lr. August Mnney alone has ni pi lb nt among ihem, No deaths as u direct re. suit of grippe haxo el Ixen repotted, but hundred are quite ill and confined to their homes. Th rv-viil spell of east wind brought on the cpedenile, Alt east wind blots no one g,i'd In Astoria, and when It first springs up persons subject lo cold and grippe should u qulnlnn, which I a sure preentatl. lr. A. U Fulton say the prevailing chluook wind will prevent a further spread of the disease, and with It conllnuaiwv f.r a few days longer Ihe case now un.ier treatment will become convaks,- nt. The lumber schooners Seven Misters and Volatile, which have been lying In Ne halem harbor bar-hound since early In lecemier last, will probably succeed In float Inst over the bar there In a few day and reaching their destination With their cargoes of lumber. Crews for both vessels arrived III Astorli from Man Francisco Sunday and started for Nehaletn by way of Me.isida ester, duy-taklng the train f,r the Utter place in the afternoon. The crews consul of III men. five for each veascl. It Is thought Ihe schooner can be taken over Ihe bar without removing any of thir cargoes, as Ihe winter freshets have cut new channel leading to the ocean of sulllcn nt depth lo allow them to through. The new channel runs close to the south side of the harbor, and the old one. on the north side. I now cimr-ty lo-ed up. There I I" feet of water In Ihe new channel at high tide, and with this depth It Is thought Ilttl difficulty will l- found In taking the schooners to sei. Captain Rasniussen. of the Seven M!l. r. however, says lhat It Is probate a pot tlon of the cargoes of tyolh schooner nil) have to be unloaded In Ihe harbor, sa he stormy weather renders II nky to cross out. (v,-n through the m channel, wlih their present draught NV!l,'n ; schooners last altempted to cr, out they struck on the bar. and Ihe Volatile is leaking at tho rale of two Inches an hour. Her rudder and a piece of the keel were carried away by Ihe ae, blent. Her repair will cost about !.'. and lbs Seven Sister Is also Injured to the extent of over The schooners are owned In Sun Francisco and a tug has be-n dis patched by the owners to tow them to that city. The men composing the crew will take horses from Seaside to F.Ik creek, from which point their b,igvig will be transferred by wagon to the Ne. halem. A guide accompanies th.. crew and from Ihe condition of Ihe road it Is thought their trip will occupy fully three days. PROPOSED ROAD IW8 DISCVMNEl LAHT Nl HIT. Manner of Collecting Poll Taxes Will He Incorporated In a Separate lilll Judge Gray's Caution. The Push Club committee having In charge the matter f Ihe betterment of the mad of the county reported at l ist nht's meeting that th suKKe!l"ii "f the club had been presented to the coun cil and that the council sanctioned the plan. The committee further reported that Ihe legislative committee was pre. paring the necisjairy bills for presenta tion to the legislature. Asked for a report. John II. Smith, of the legislative committee, said the wrk of framing the bills had not been com pleted. Me said there were many n com. mendatlons for embodiment In th pro posed law, and that It would nece.irllv require considerable time to get the bill In snap for presentation. A discussion ensued as to the best manner of pm. cedure, and Mr. Smith suggested that tli feature providing for th collection of poll taxes be Incorporated In a separate bill. Mr. Smith's suggestion met with unanimous favor, and the b glslittlve com mittee was Instructed to draw up a sep arate bill and send It to Salem as soon as possible. The bill will fluid employers rossmslbl for tho payment of poll lax- s ;i. ss. ,1 on men In their employ, and I Intended principally to compell the Chinese lab r. ers In the canneries to contribute towird the city and county governments Th' re seems to be a dlfferem e of opinion ns to what should be In, iud. d In the propped bill for changes n the road .iw of rh state, as. If all the suggestion mule, wore Ini.'orjHiniti d In Ihe measure. would necessitate practically new laws. Latest and Best. The (ircntcst Life Insur ance C(iiiimn In the win Id foimiilntcs n new twlli'v c cured liv over $'.,70.0()0.0Ufl of nsscts. The lowest (iron I urn rote conltcnt with !n.ety. Llticrnl loitns to the In mi red, the nnnmil nmoiints tic I n t set foi I h in the policy. Option for extended term insurance. Autumn! Ic pttldup liiMir nnce without cchunic of policy if you ennnot ion Untie the insiinince. Cnsh surrender nluesstnt ctl In the policy. One month's ijraec In pay ment of premiums. An injcnt con do more bust ncss for the .Mutual Life In stir time I'moponv if New YorK than for any other Company , Write for information to 15. VAN DISKX. Kcsldcnt A.tnt. Abulia, Orcijon. Mr, Mttilth was opoc-tcd b he plan of making It compulsory for counties to rngnsr the services of a ro,lmistir. contending lbs! this would create an. other iitllee, on which. Instead of upon rads. part of the money would he spent. Mis idea was that th cvuuty employ om enthusiastic romnetent prron for or U day In the stimnn r month lo make a i,prclat study of county tec, Is and report hi findings to ihe county court. Me further favored the appointment of three vlrwers by lh court, one of whom lo be the experl employed during Ihe summer months, and lhat thrsc. men be retained permanently In that capacity. In this way. ha said, tho county could get better results than by appointing dif ferent persons for each road pctltl .mal for. Mr. Hmlth Impressed the asso, I itl.m with th necessity of Ihe court appointing only g.Kid men as viewers, and wa of the opinion that such a plan W"Ubl l productive ot excellent result. Jl'IxiK C.UAV St CAPTION ABTOU.A, Jan. K-iKdltor Aslori.mi lisl July a convention wa held at the courthouse In this city, ami Urgsly atten,ld by delegate from nearly every road district In th county. After a thorough discussion, a petition pre. pared and circulated requesting lh icgl. Uture to enact a law that would mk It possible o collect a poll road tax. and that 60 per rent of such tax and of Ihe properly road tax rollecled In the city of Astoria be expended In the building of permanent roads from the city limits In. ward th country. Uwr lu farmer signed; Ihe petition, which 8 Uw. chairman of Ihe road convention. reuesi. ed mo to forward lo the Cla'op county allegation In Halem. and I did so last Saturday by Representative Young I am Informed thai tho Progressive A, sortition, by direction of the city council. Is prcparlntf a bill to ail,,- ill., country none of the property road tax. and will turn th poll nwl tax over to th rountv court lo build road outside th- city limit. This will be a very..qiiestluiiub.i and unsafe pro)oltlon for anyone anxious to have good county ro.n'. built, because there I no certainty lhat ths i1: . a I lax law will be changed, a It rciiul'r a general law, operative ull over th stale, and may not pass, and Is turning thn county off with a promise. The gen eral understanding since the conven tion ha been lhat the county should havi, 'J per cent of all the road tax col within thu city. ai thus., who think tho poll ta:: Is a sure propo sition be fair, and divide llm whole fund Very truly yours, J. I. l r.H.w A'SAINST A UKIl'('TI'N OK TI'K CITY'H I.IMITfl Progressive Commercial AHocdatl,.n I es Nut Pavor tho Action Proposed by the Common Council. At tho mteili: of the Tush Club last night thu agitation for a reduction of the limits of the. eiiy wa onriM, red, and tho lub almost unanimously condemned th proposed action of tho council. The council, at lis special meeting Krlday night, declared Itself In favor of smaller limits, tho vote being flvo to four. The action of tho Push Club, however, will probably have tho effect of changing the sentiment of the council. Judge Taylor was present last night and, at tho Invitation of President Mum. blct, explained tho proposed action of thu council. Mn said he wa In favor of reduced limit mid was of the opinion that the peninsula from what Is known as Wllllamaport west should bo Included In the limits, lfo said tho present limits of the city were ridiculously largo and that the amount derived from taxes on the portion he would exclude was used In building roads In that district, which was, therefore, of no financial benefit to the city. John M. Smith took an oioslte view of tho matter, contending that, If tho portion not thickly settled were excluded, It would escape paying In tenet on tho city's Indebtedness, ""d tho municipality would consequently be Inner. Ho suid the only reason this property Is worth any- thing Is becaiiHo the city In whom It Is, and if Astoria's population doubles thn value of the properly would also double, .Mr. iillduhrand advanced thu theory that tho limits should not bo reduced, because, even though tho cntlro amount derived from taxed In thu objectionable portion were expended on roads thme, the community would be benefited to the extent of thnso Improvements. Afler considerable discussion pro and con, Mr. Robb moved that the associa tion declare Itself oppoiicd to a roductlon of the limits, und that tho council be so. fuulnted with thn club's sentiment. The motion provullcd, but one member, Prank l I'arknr, voting in the negatlvo. Tho council meets next Thursday even ing, when It will consider tho report of the committee to which the matter was referred, It was the sense of the council, by the narrow mangln of ono vote, that tha limits be reduced, and the commit lee will recommend that the limits extend from the center of Tongue Point south to a point In line with the waterworks; Save Half Your Money The set tin! cost of shoe Is not clotormlned by th prlo you pay for Ihem, but by Ilia length of lime ihey wear, and by Ih salt, faction they give, V have (he riwlit shot. for Hi right prloss, I John Tito HOriE-flADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, nt THE SPA. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telethon) Ho, dj Handles Only the Choicest Aleats is Csmss.rtrl.l It, ! I'slsc UlM'ai.t. W. F. SCHEIBE, A full tin f Pie... T .d, sad i.r' Arliclee. 7-1 Coiumervlal est. Special CtiniiiiiTtial St ret t iifur s R. L. Boyle & Co Lending Rent IBHtnto Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information ami rampliUt. M ( m nifrcial Street lVrlV.WlVriVIWlVl,lVlWlVl'lVr, n.Eoc Astoria's Lending Hotel Metier WrlRht. Propn. 3 A. V. ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly (.to. PriccH Lower With tho Fruit to go in them g TlllUl ICver. The Palace Cafe W. VV. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention (Jivpn to tho rri jdinitioii of I Sati.jiietM. Ihenca nlong that linn lo tho waterworks; thine,, south along tho county road to Young's river and Including the peninsula west thereof. The question now Is Uon thu committee's report whether it will bo adopted or filed. TO CUIIE A COLD IN ONK DAY. Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund th money If It rail to cur. SSo. Th genuine ha U I), Q. on each tablet For sal by Charles Borer. For many year before hi death PI, marck wa quit bald; yet since bis death there ho been an abundance of his re. puted hair sold-enough to stuff a mat tress, In fact. And the Jewelers of Or. many are thriving; making lockets to contain It SWISS WATCH REPAIR SflOP Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and Nautical Instruments Promptly fixed and repaired. Alarm Clockn from $1 up. Warrantotl. 110 Eleventh St. Next to Postal Telegraph. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM PRKB TO ALU Open every y from I o clock to 5:10 and 6:80 to (:W'p, m. Subscription rate tt per annum. West Cor. Eleventh and Dtuuw S treat. Halm, Itullofflo Hhoo Dottier. autstiiurfr of Alitay iyllalila "Li Belle Astoria" Clfir Sendee's Optra Stir Sendee's Special An, I ( Hlier Mount "ri"' lV. ... . . m . I . ... a - low. Vo iiimhI reiltico Hlack rstul Nell Rctf nrillCH tf ComI Wing Lee & Co. CH)ptr'ii Dry (IikxIi Stun'. ALLEN Grand Masquerade Ball. oivisn nv Sons of Herman Saturday, Feb. 11, '99 Tfandrtomo nrlira wtll Ka .1 best sustnlned character, most arlUtlo flkMrilts. ... m M' 111 " ' """ tor tn0 best waltier, ladles' i,h,i r. il,- .-. . i , " "ei susiaineu am,.,,P a ,,., r(H.kll(f t,ha)r ()nnt man a prlxo, an elegant cuckoo dock. Ladles' priKo f,)P ,ne 10((t , , fe 'm.o, a valuabio toilet sot. Gentleman', prlxe, a gold douhiu watch chain, r,rl!S0 i'T ,!,0.1",,,t w',,n. handsomo rug each to lady and gentleman. All prises are us represented and ar on "'"" -nuries Jlellborn ft Hon' window. " ORCHESTRA Under the loadorshlp of A. W. Ul.lngep and consisting of nine of the best musicians In the state. ADMIHSI0N: Gents MiL!Ktiorn ., - Iady Masquers g 8eotators Tl OIDENT Children ,,1('1(' ( f i