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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1899)
IHK DAILY A8T01UAN. TUKSDAY 'MORNING. JANUARY 17, im t i IS THE EXCLXLCNCH Of SYRLT OF HGS in (3u not only to tlm cirlirlimlttjr and lmioltjr of dm coiiilitiiiitloii, but also to the cam mid null I wltlt which It U RiniiufuolurtMl by atiViitWIu pro'easea known to tho (.'Aupoiim I'm Kviiui' Co. only, iiml tvw wlhh to liiir'Mi upon ill tlio lmMii liiiii'o of iMin lmnliiK (h truo ami orlulmil nun-fly, An tlm franuinfl Syrup of In mnnufat'turrd by tlm L'Ai.iroiiNu I'm Kriiur Co. only, knowlitdire of that fact will Mint oiio In avoiding tlm worthies liiiHntUniM iniiiiiifiictiiifd by other par ties. The lilifh klundltiK of the Cai.I FOMHU Fil MtHl'l' ( O. Willi till medi cal priiiYaalun, mid llin satisfaction wbli h tlm jfunuliio Hyrup of FIk )ia fWen to inlllli'ii of famillia, tr.ttUd tlm nmiin of tlm Comimny a (fiiamnty of tlm txtwlli'iii'fl of lia It U far In Kdvmu'fl of til othrr laxative, M It aula on tlm UI1117, liver and bowel without IrrlloMnif or weaken ing tlnin, and It diM-a not grH r.or hauftcatd, I n order to gvl lu l(onrf!clal ffccta, ieam remember the nmno of tlm Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tTlaIU.g. Kr. r.W tONK. . T. Ilelte mad of douhle.fuced ia(ln rib tun r fastened iitgi-iht-r III th fnnl with a .mull i lu.i. "In ulilro lmr." pnltl Mlaa, "girl looked ii in In f ii a girl t-ottin. home from rnltn hihI atle look, up, luil-llii r. nothing llur." ITGMING LIMBS For Threo Yesrs. Nights Itching end Burning Terrible. WireSuggesUCUTiaiRA. Uses It. Presto! What a Change. NOW PERMANENTLY CURED. Tl Hrftln and burning I eiiAVnd In my lfi and lliuUf..i this. jrii w.i. irrfibk.. Alnlht ue, and would kwp tea ew.k. fnwlai part uf Ota alaht. laHuh4diUalr doctor, N'm im b.l Um Iruibl . I OMUImM 1 would ka to go to a (1nrlUB.ll bo.,,lll Ufui. I uuli ri rUf. Uf wit Baally (lllJ U nw lu rj 1'lTur r.m I'rMlut Whl.hnga. I am o rami, ad II U raal aura. I ImI Ilk kicking a. (J-kV of mylt fm Mir.rlnf Uira ymr. M.4. SI, lM. II. JK.XKINH, klltUUUHO, Kj. W4 U: ! a m. mii i tme Cn.i-. ll.tktM.W llMBW.'lN, SAVE YOUR 8 KIN uMrS" 36 inches wide Fruit of of the Loom Muslin for our Great sale at 7 cts. per yrd Our Counters Ladies' Coats. Every coat or Jacket In tha house must bo closed out." I a.EO valuea for tltt 305 values for S tf 4.M vh Hies for .95 IM values for S.00 7.50 value for J.50 9.50 value for S.85 10,00 values for H.M IS.oO viiltica for 800 15.00 values for S8 18.00 values for S.7 If We want Every customer To know That we are selling goods at Less than wholesale cost FORTY MILLIONS FOR THE CUBANS United States to Advance Three Years' Pay for Soldiers, It Is Stated. GENERAL GOMEZ' STATEMENT Ssystlie Government Has Practically Decided to Advance the Amount -Customs Receipts is Security. MOW YollK, lit-AiHitrilln- l llilHHilli i c:ui'riil Jim MIkio'I lunn, u mt'iiilitir of Id C'uliitii t-oinmliiMliiii In Wd.lili'.aloii, Hi Culiun uniiy U kur lit rririv Hi ilirr your' pny i whirh n U rnllilnl. -r.K ilvnncl ly Um riiliml KmiK, with i he rimlimi luxmii uf Culm aa "ciirlty fur It riaymiit. HrlKiiillKr (li-nrml (loimi, whu lia lul rrlvi In Oil iltjr from AVknlilnktoti, U uralcful fur ihq wy th c'nmnlil'in Im it Imii rriHVMl. Thn h"f'tlalliin. It In lMN'lnt, will la 'xiiiiltNl by Ih grid it thin month, wtuii lha luiiiinlinloti will ri'liirn to Cuba. Onm-ral Uorn i mlil nt niaht; "our hi)K- hvn nil n r.itllm-d. At rtri, liuwnvnr. Dilute looknl vfy dark for ua. INtr irirn Unri'la u ih inii.t liiilollii mrmlwr of ih romtnl. nI'Mi. II Imil llillo hoj fur th uir- of our laii wlirn b -tt fur Wohliig loll. 'Hi ml of lha rotniiilMlitii nrui-d, linm viT, I hat llin AmurlvNtii ImJ takni rhara of Culm nl thii trvniri u from ral.liia lii"iiiy, w hnd a rlxbt In riiii-( a loan with whlrh to pay off our in' n. (Iniiral HiircU tfkn tor only f l'u for nu ll III II. "llin other nililiilliiti r lie. jmu.n ot tlm Mtinll amount. Thrn rttme tlm Knii-rnl'i (lih nl fur th tiina In--tnt ni-Kutlailuii .r "I'liilrit, At our tirit nipi-llmr It B(rro1 iht tin (it i n I I llt of tlm mrn In Ilia Cuban army m niil.l Ui r-iUlril lirfur any nKrn-iiii-nt ! (Hiulil l rn hd. AoiHirillnicly, I Irft I fur Cuba, whrnca I rrturnpJ on Jktiu. my 4iti with tlio rwiulruj tl'icunir-nt. '"th. rn urn IT oo'ini n to ba palil In Hie Cuban army. Tha amount wa bava r--gilmlr.1 la 4.".0oU to lw turiir.l ovor o ua rlthnr In otm or In ihrr inminta. Wo will alva ancurlty llin runl'xn liouar In t'ulwi. HlmulJ th auvfrnmi-nt nut oar to li'iul ua llml auin, Wa aro wllllna ti Ink onr-lhlnl of It ctxl litter pay th mrn tha roat. "Aa affair now atun), liowi-vrr. I think w will mt'lvn th amount In Vitro pay. nii-nta. Thla. tiowrvrr, la lio ilcl l-1 yrt, Tti lata Mr. I'lnab-r aa In favor of Rivine ti th amount In on payment." HjH-akliitr "f th promt cumlltlon of affair In Havana, Urnvrul tlum-a taM It waa bad. "Thrrn appear to ba much dlaaartw. mnit amonc Ih Amr1fan aolillrm." h rimilnurit, "and m on iwini to know what hi powr la. on lvi an ordrr and thn lint man rountrrmand It. groan with the, astonishing crowded LncUeB' Cnpes. H.00 Cloth Capea, neatly trimmed Pale Price tl-X Pluah Capea, fur trimmed, Bala Price S3.SS tu 50 31) Inches long Aatrlran Capo, Mule Prlc MM Kvvry Capo In the House g Big Reduction. Boys' Clothing. Jl.OO vnlttea for 5o Suit 1.5U value for 95o Suit 2. (HI value for Jl.Hi Suit 2.75 valuea for 1.76 flulc 8 on value for I W Suit UM values for 8 25 Suit ti.50 values for H.50 Suit I An a ri'BiiH 1li av'.niinnt of Havana ! I- u i. I, a..l..l.. i nut hi. piiiuirin mn it iiiihui ii, ' "Onneral 'flrook, howvor, l wll llkd and III 'irtin ara mora 1hn wllllria; 1 hulp him. OiniTnl I.udltiw'a ord'ra prnvntliiK 11m Cubuna from taking any part In th 'vii'iintlon pnrd' ru''d a if rnit dmil of lll f'"'linK, Thla la now dona away with and tlicra nmid t no fi'iir of a claah b4wn -tlio Cuban and thn Annrlriina. "Tlio Anmrlftan olillr r a lnn ant of ini'ii and do not alva any troubln, W ara doim with wnr and wunt p"a', but ni'Vi.rttu'l w would never tob rato the loiiitlllon of iirfnlr willed la reported to eal.t In 1'orlo l(lo, "(li iiernl lirooku, 1 am told, la about to im nin a roinmlttea of Cubuna who will ai l aa ndvlaer. JnVndi-s Capoto, preal. dent of lli A Haaembly at Hunt a. Crm del Mur, Will On pbued ai tlio lieiul of th eomrnlaalun, "iienernl Muxlmo tiornea will remain In tlm field t'lilll tlio army I dlalmnded, iln will then look" hla horn In lluvana. Afi'-r th men In Ih army have; been puld off, w will try to prov to thla country that w nti fuliy nbla to aovern Cuba. ' Tim puylna off of Ih army la th nioat Important movement toward eatablUhlna tramiullliv on lha Inland. If w aliould not 1 4l t rilH mo mutiny troiibl. with th men would follow." (loma will return to Waahlnaton thla afternoon. 'Dm Ixdy of tluneral (lan-tn will lie liiki-n to Cuba by thn commla. alotier. I''I'INK MMIMHH)N .AIK)UT TO UK AITOINTK.I), ! Ita Imtlea Will 11 8olly to Ixarn lha AMIltliK of th Klllplnoa f'r Bidf.Oovernment, WAHHINOTO.V. Jan. id-nio commla- alon wlilih lha prealdrnt la atxiut to a p. point to proce to thn 1'hlllppinea will i not Im aubjeet to tha ronnrnuttlon of tha i t'nltrd Hiatea aenutn, but will b namail I under thn rearrvtxl authority of Ih pn al. il.nt. It la not expected to win ml t tha 1'nlted Hiatea aovernruent to Dm reo;iil- j Hull uf th Indept-ndem of th native, nor I It to framn a ehemn of Kuvrn. men( fur thn lalulida. aa waa thn cuao , with thn Hawaiian lommbuilun. j t'lnloiibledly. however, the mintnlaaloii. ! era will uiionVlnlly ronfi-r with th na tive and dvt with th mllltury au thoritlea, It belfia felt here Unit in.-n of : their e-rti llin alld guiilincutloiia will , Iw valuable rouriaellora In ths condltiuna i now ralatln. 1 It la believed that lha native mi b ; ki-pl f'-um hoatllttlea until Hie arrlv il of ; the riininllon at Manila, and then It la hoped that the U at r nulla will fol. j low th vUlt, Innludlna of thn native upon many put nt a aa to ; which they are now doubtful. It will al.o b perii-lvrd (bat by tha . apioiilineiit of the roimnlM!in the prenl- ' lb lit la arantliat ih ai'lK-al uf eutno of the l-rt Klllplnua who ara confident Hint Imth aide will Im enlightened by Hat ereallon. and declare tnat the Tnlied ; Miut'3 Kuvrriinn'iil will Im iliuwn that' the abllllli- of the Klllpln" for aovern. ment have fn undereailniateti, while th Filipino iheniaelve will Iw Induced to have patience before Imitating upon . aelf-Kovernment. . City Kdltor The atnet la all eidle- i ment An .hctrlo Haht wire h.'ia blocked , tratna and no one know whether It la a llv wir or not. , Kdltor Ietall tw reporter to go lo ' the wire Immed ately-ona to feel It and the ether to write up the reault. Ijondon Bk'tih. Second Week of our 9th big annu al clearance sale Now going on. Dress Goods 23c. mixed dres goods So yd Sic. mixed dresa goods lScyd X,c. mixed drcM gootls 17c yd 50c. mixed dresa goods Co yd 75c black dress goods .' 35e yd dvio black dress good K0 yd tl black dress good ffia yd 11.50 filack dress goods 11 yd Ribbons. Wlilo Fancy Ribbons, per yard, Ilaby Ribbon, per yard No, No, No. No Satin Ribbon, per yard... Satin Ribbon, per yard... Satin Ribbon, per yard... Satin Ribbon, per yard... Domestics. Best grades calicoes, per yard Best grades apron gingham, yd... Host grades outing flannel, per yd. 10-4 gray or white blnnket, pair, Full site bed comforts, eacn. 8.4 toroiivn Bheetlntr, per yd... I, a co curtains, pair Full alio bed spreads, each.... Bleached canton flannel, per yard. 4-4 unblenchod muslin, per yard. Umbrellas. 50o Umbrellas to bo closed out at a...25o ,1,00, $1.25, 1.75, and $2.00 iJtdlea Um. brellas, your choice, while they last, for tM ...4o Uf ... 7o U ...oo hrs , . . . .. a ..wv . mo 400 490 ... 5o ... 5o THE SENTIMENT IS AGAINST US Hostile French Newspapers Afa'n Arousing Feeling Against This Country. OUR POLICY IN THE FAR EAST Opposed to the Expansion Ides end Score Us for Our Courts -En land Also Blamed, NKW YOHK, Jan. I.-.Kremh oenll. PTJiit I on mwo bclnif worked up NKaltiat tha t'nllod Hlatn fur the Hpanlab war, H'wtllH ncwpun-r crllldam which temporarily wu ihut down by the vlo lorle of Manila and Huntluico, la now rouiMortlna; Itaelf In -onaeueno of tha dimcultle whi:h ITialdnit MuKluley vamllatln- policy Ima caused In the 1'hlllppinea. ; m of he leading )oumnla recently aeeuaed tho United Ktatt of going to Manila a Iifayotto and acting like Wlllliun tha 'oiiiueror, Im Temi, Ie bata, l.lle-rtn and Matin, and other, all harp on lha aumo atr.iln.' They k'iv promlneiM' to antl-anntiatlon apeec-hr and miiKnlfy tha fake r puna of mutiny of General tl' troop, (ieiiorally they regard the Filipino complies ttona aa a Jiiat reward of American bad falih. Kngland I blamnl for eniouruglng ex punalun. Ii I'atrle go ao fur a to print In hi headline "Americana bewlegcd In Manila. A eonalble leader In the London Tlm-1 enow tint! It la the duty of tha l.'rued Hlate (o put an end to the preaent ay, t. in In tlm archlpellKo aa may be read between tha line, Thn fullowlng la an extract: "The power ara bound to hold aloof exivjit In lha event, which wo aro en titled to regard aa Inconceivable, of the complete failure oh the part of the American to maintain or secure the lib erties and property uf the cltlzca of other couiitrli-. ' NOT A ItAIMtOAO I'HOIHITIUN. j Fnm the Aatorlan Iecemlj- r 24. It I the habit of some to aay that the j matter of making Aatorla (in lieu of I'urllaiid) the chief seaport of the Co lumbian baatn I a "railroad proposition" a matter that only, or chiefly, concerns th railroad of the I'aclllc Northweat. Hut It la not a railroad proposition. It I one that deeply affect all the dweller In the Columbian basin. It I one that involve tha question of adding millions, annually, to the pockets of our producers by reason of the heavy ship tonnage, with resulting cheap charters, possible at Astoria and Impossible at Portland. It Is no more a mere "railroad proposi tion" than in the question of dividing up the territory ofiha Columbian tauln Loads of Bargains piled from morn till night. at ,. a - a i MM Childrens' Coats. $2.50 values at tt.75 8.00 values at $1.95 3-50 values at 2.50 4.00 values at 175 6.00 valuea at : 8-95 All Wool Eiderdown Child's Coats $3.75 and $3.00 values, to be closed out at, each 95o Aim: r;r i at This big Reduction Sale. between Ilia O. It. It N, Company and lha Northern Padflo, Aa the Oregolan ha lately shown, In a oerlea of editorial of rare power, nothing can be a pietlon of dlvlaion of territory ltwfrn railroad ttmt affno the hlaheat Intereat of a. cummunlry. Tlm Inhiibltantil of the Columbian bn!n, aa that great paper luridly and gruphl. rally tK'IntM out. ar entitled to the flrat iwnalderatlon where their hlgheat tna terbil Intereat ar concerned. The water-level grade of tho O. II. N. Company, With their chiened bant of freight, a agnlnat lha li'V and moon. Initio Hue of the Northern, show un anawerably the til In of thn citizen of thn Columbian baaln to have the O, K. A N. penetrate it entire area. We ar not. and will resolutely refua. to b parceled off at pleasure by tha railroad. We are entiled to the be, result from natural rrtndirlon. Ho It la with the seaport problem. A, torlii aa lha chief aeaport, through an "oin railway," mean, y ths law of miture (through cheap ocen charters), miillon of dollar added annually to the wealth of our citizen. It 1 not, there, fore., a "railroad proposition." whether wn ara to force an "open railway" from the wheat fletds to the i at tho cheap eat charter port of tho Northwest coast I a matter wherein trw Intercut of the Inhabitant of the Columbian basin are chiefly concerned. Will the Oregonlan any whether or not thla la sound doctrine; on all-four with Us own teaching aa to rullway division of territory? CATAKKH f(K THE STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe and Effect, i ual Cure For It, Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to Incurable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloat. Ing sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on th heart and lungs and difficult breathing; headaches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. TlH re is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and If the Interior of the stomach could be seen It would show a slimy. Inflamed condition. The cure for thla common and obstinate trouble Is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion Is tha one neces sary thing to do. and when normal dl. gestlon is secured the catarrhal condition will have disappeared. According to Or. Uarla.nson, the safest and best treatment I to tine a fur each nual a tablet, composed of Dlasase, Aftcptlc Pepsin, a little nux. Uolden Seal and fruit acids. These tablet can now be found at all drug stores under tha name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and not being a patent medicine can ba used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. llooner. of S10 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. w'rltes: 'X'atarrh la a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In tha head, whereby tha lining mem. brane of tha nose become Inflamed and tha poisonous discharge therefrom pass ing therefrom backward Into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing ca tarrh of the stomach. Medical authori ties prescribed for ma for three years for catarrh of the stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after ' using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Ladies' Capes 11.00 values at 69 H.50 values at Uo $2.00 values at $1S The Greatest Bargain Ever Offered In LADIES' WRAPPERS will be found at thla GREAT SALE. Muslin Underwear. Tou Should See the BARGAINS In Fine Muslin Underwear at this GREAT RE DUCTION SALE. iff Tablets. 1 cannot find appropriate word to express my good fueling. I hv found flesh, appetite and sound real from thnir use, Btuart'i Pyspepatu Tablets I t!i a-ifcst preparation as well aa ths almpleat and mont convenient remedy for any form of Indigestion, catarrh of ths rtimtch, biliousness, sour tomarh, heartburn and bloating after mealt. Send for llttl booh, mailed free, on atomach troubles, by addressing V. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablet can bo found at all drug stores. TlIPA.Va IMMKNflB 8ALFA NEW YORK, Jan. 1.A statement la sued ty tha Itlpans Chemical Company show that the sale of Illpan tabnlca during the year Itiraj exceeded seventy million, and that tho sales In January ire at a rate exceeding Ave hundred thousand a day. . HOTKt. ARRIVALS. Parker House D. H. Glass, Oregon City; A. F. Zamloch, William Marx, C. R. Donnell, Portland; Oeorge L. Cham bers, Ilwaco; C. O. Taylor, Jewell; E. Hoover, A. at C. It. R.; R. U Eberman, Warren ton; R. Hunt, steamer Iielshaw. Occldent-J. W, Cook, A. F. Roger, A. N. ttmith, O. K. Hunt, Portland; E. h. Dorr, San Francisco; C. C. Slant Se attle; Mr. F. W. Hess, F. H. Hess, Fort Canby; Mrs. 0. E. Butts, Ilwaco; P. H. Kuhn, Vancouver barracks; Frank Tay lor. U. S. A. Quality and Price... Tha ran combination of quality and pries which wa ara offering In Colambia, Hartford and Vedette BICYCLES for ', has never been approached by any othar blcye'a b.-mse. Ths qaifl'. of oar wheels has been admitted for years, even by cur com pet Hons, to ba unsurpassed. Our " models show marked advancement In mechanical construction; tha beat machines wa bava ever turned out, that means their equals do not exist. By running our great factories to their fullest capacity, they ara able to offer our bicycles at prlcea Impossible to manufacture with smaller output, without sacrificing quality. Prices for Q9 Models. COLUMBIA CHAINLES3 COLUMBIA, TANDEMS , COLUMBIA, MODELS S7J COLUMBIA. MODEL O 1IARTFORDS. PATTERH 1M0 .. VEDETTES, PATERN H-22 VEDETTES. PATTERN Jl-B Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. g 36 inches wide Louns dale Muslin for our Great Sale at 7 c. per yd. upon them. Hens' Goods 50o Natural Wool Shirts or Drawers, each 35c Heavy fleeced lined Shirts or Drawers, each 45a $1.25 all wool Shlrta or Drawers each 93o $1.00 Working Pants, Sale Price, pair 45c 50c Heavy CoUon Sweaters. each 5c $1.25 Men's Fedora Hats Sale Price 90o Odd Lots $1.25, $1.60 and $1-75 S. C. Corsets Sala Price 39a 25o and $5o Chlldren'a Underwear, Sale Price 15c Ladles' all wool scarlet Vest or Pants, each 45o Boys' all wool drawers, worth 75o, pair Sale Price, pair 25o !5o Chlldren'a all wool stockings Sale Price, three pairs for 50a Remnants. Durins last week a big selling In dress goods and domestics left an endless lot ot Remnants; we have marked them at less than halt price. e:v.i:; .i Ptxt. . v ot tho rentunr tins been tno inwnw soma of the r-m:.ih Naarnhlfi n ! n i:ro sprt-rcniljr abut tu .! -.' tlitgo, U seemed utterly i, rluat them because of the ti'ri'UMa n iioi: Irt.fllnted by our guns, but the taak bat teen accomplished. DlHcnsea of !1k blood, stomach and liver frerionry wreck the health m that there, nin"-'' to be no chtnce of recovery. 1 1 1 1 tc wiit Hosteller's Stomach Hitters la tnkeri, th disordered system Is spe!ly restored It Its old-time vlitor and tone. The Itntcr will rexulufa tha liver, bowel and d tlve functions and purify the blood. Yott can buy this remedy In any drug store, and undo no clroiun,ianoe should you acopt anything said to ba "Jut aa good," A man never knows what ho ran d until ho tries, and then sometimes ha la sorry he found out. If OLDEN T1ME3. People overlooked th Importance of per. maneMly beneficial tffecta and wra aatla Mad with transient action: but now tb,l It Is generally known that By nip of Fisa will permanently overcoi habitual eon. atlpatlon, well Informed paopla will not buy othar laxltlvet, which act for a tlm, but finally fa-Jura ths aystem. Buy tlm genuine, mad by tha California Fig SympCo. xxm . tcos JA M K.M S5.H sin Our Store is Ladies' Mackintoshes. $3.00 values for $1.50 4.00 values for $.00 4.50 values for $.86 5.50 values for.' 4-00 6.50 values for.... 5.00 Childrens' Mackintoshes , $2.25 values for $1.50 2.50 values for L75 3.50 values for 185 Ca-e'V HANAHAN