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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1899)
T11K DAILY ASTOltlAN, TUESDAY MOHMNQ, JANUARY 17, IBM Qaix gVotodmt. Juan A. L,iuUiJUt, e,mor.. Telephone No. . TERMS OK 8UH8CRIPTION. DA11.T. Bent fcy irmlU per year H00 Bent by well. rcr nionih M gem by carrier. rr momi BElil-WEEKLT. Pent by wall, per year. In advance.. .1101 Postage free to subscriber. Alt communication intended for publi cation should be dlre!ed to th editor. Business communications of all kind and reinitiation muit b addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to its adver' Users ths largest clrculaon of any neaspaper published on tbo Columbia river. Advertising ratee cut m kid on app- eatlon to tho business bMW. "ALL THE WATER-LEVEL "LINES OP TRANSPORT. COVKRINO "THE GREATER PRODUCTIVE I13- TRICT8 OF THE PACIFIC NORTH WEST. MEET A THE JUNCTION "OP THE COLfMBU AND WILLAM "ETTK RIVERS AT PORTLAND. 'Hero It tho s-K-ret of .Portlands original location; here 1 th explanation of hr "continuous growth and of her commer. "cial power. She ha amldlioua rival on "Puget sound, but natur. In her mml "formidable shape, i In aUlsnee with "Portland. Every pound of ftirtht carried "directly between Puget snund and the 'Columbian bln must lifted abort "tho Cascade mountain range LM feet "above see. level. Between Portland and "ta Columbian interior. It Is a level "road. To those who understand the "primary principle of transportation, "even to rhoea who have thought upon "the difference In force required to walk "up hill and on a level, tho significance "of trilu fact rida no exposition. It to "a fact not to be put said or to be over, "coma by device. It I final aid abso lute. It establish forever the level "route down the Columbia a an Imperial "highway to th . ?t attache the "Columbia rive batlr. to commercial "Oregon by a law which laughs at po "liiicol line. It bring- the commercial "product of the great Interior baa "region whose vajit area and wealth "have won for It the high but not un, "fitting name of "Inland t.n-.pire to a "deet water port where they meet the " prwlucllona of the Wl'.lam "ett basin." Alfred Holtnan, In the Ore gonlan special edition. Thl Is literally true, a a phytic! fact, every word of It; but Portland reap no commercial advantage from It The rail' road which have their terminal on the Sound control the policy of Portland' "water Jevel" railroad, and they cause that road. In ipite of It grade and loir coit of operation, to change as much for bringing Ulterior product to Portland a la charred by them to the Sound. From some Interior points Indeed mere mile Age distance considered the cvet of get ting wheat to Portland over Portland' water level road. Is very much more rhaa over the 5,000-foot grad to Puget sound. Of course this extra, charge on Portland's road la claimed as a "differ ential" to offset the higher ocean charter at Portland, and it Is this that enable Portland's road to give a bonus to ocean ships to go to that port. This fact brings out In the strongest light the need of making Astoria the seaport, where cheap, er charters can be had with all the ben efit of a down grade and cheaper freight on the railway line. The Oregonlan has again demonstrated Its claim to rank as a great newspaper In not only the general excellence and magnificence of the number put forth a It special lf09 edition, but in its ability to rise superior to local bickerings and Jealousies. Like all other meritorious public institution, the Oregonlan occa sionally come In for a good deal of criticism, and evan silswpresentation. This Is a penalty. It seems, that must be paid for any sort of distinction and real merit in the public service of a free, speaking people. The Oregonlin appears to realize this, and bears Its cros of apparent depreciation and ingratitude with becoming resignation and uignlty. In eolte of the Inability ol our people to contribute to the expense of Its special edition, Clatsop county gets as good a mention as any other worthy portion of ihe state. If it Is any return for this spirit of magnanimity, the Astorlan can assure the Oregonlan that Astoriii will take as much pride In hs great special edition as any other section of the Northwest. Our people will read it and send It to their friends throughout the universe as a fitting representative of the civilization and enterprise of the great Pacific coast. Tho payment o'. subsidies, or bounties, or equivalent aids, to a nation's shipping never bent-fits an Individual or a cor poration as it does the nation. Reduced freight rate and increased openings for a natioa'i surplus products In f)M',-n markets is one of the direct advantages. Germany pn!d out to German ntc-amsh'p ' lines 44,300,648 marks In eleven years, without which payment the lines in ques tion would have actually lost 49,505,112 marks. As It wag, the steamship lines did really lose 5,258,504 marks during the eleven years. During the same time, ncrever, German exports to the conn tries to which the subsidised steamers ran enormously . increased. German working-men and manufacturers were the great beneficiaries. Since then a vast ri " W r sV.aAX'S Tho Klntl You Have Always in use for over GO years, '' Allow AH ComitorlVIt, ImKatloui iiml Substitutes uro hut K pcrtiuciitu tlutt trillo with and ctul ut;tr tho lit'iiMh of Iufouts and CUUdrcu-KxuorU'iuo nihist Hxiun-liuoiit. What is CA3T0RIA Castorta Is a substltuto lor Cn-tor V1, Itrv;rorif, Drop nml. Soothing Syruos. It Is lurmU;s r.ud IMcnsnut. It contain neither Opium, Jlorpliiuo nor other Xnrvotio substance Its njro Is its irurtntnlco. It destroys Worms and alloys fevcri-sunoss. It cures Piartluvit uud Viud Colic. It relieves Tevthln? Troubles, cures Const Ipntlon nd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Tood, regulates tbo Stomach and How els, plvitijr licit It by and imtural lecp. The Chlldreu's Panacea-The Mather's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the m Mir r t i a w is is The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. rot tmw tMH.t, maM) tnttr. at m ct. trade has bea established by these lines to Australia and Asia. Germany now h is a strong foothold In thoew growing mar. kets. There might have been no dovtl. opment whatever of this German com mere had not the government subsidies made possible extremely low freight rates which gave German manufacturers the chine they needed and availed of. So profitable. In fact, has the policy of granting subsidies proved, that the Oer- maa government has Just announced that thes subsidies will be increased one third for th coming year. The Oregonlaa's mammoth edition makes two Queer omissions. Its contour map leaves out Astoria, and Its sketch says nothlns; of the Astoria and Colura. ola River Railroad In the list of Oregon railways. It shows all other roads, even the M-mlle ponies. "Verily the wicked fleet, etc.. etc" But to cap the climax its geography shows Portland on the Columbia river! "Portland on the Wall. met" was the favorite phrase of Judge Deady. Ills bones will now rattle In their coffin. One of Astoria's friends recently re vived the absurd idee, that the question of maklnfr Astoria a "common point" ith Tacoma Is a railroad proposition. For the benefit of that genUeman and others who thoughtlessly glide Into such fatal error, we reproduce elsewhere a recent editorial from the Astorlan en. titled "Not a Railroad Proposition." Our people should not wrap such a cloak of lethargy around them. It la all moss! The cold chills of fear run up and down the back of the bravest nan when he loots down the bar rel of a dea;h dealing Win chester in the bands of a man who means "shoot" Every hour and everv minute men face death in a more frequent and equally certain form- death in the guihe ol that deadliest enemy of mankind con sumption. Ont of all tbe tens of thou sands who yearly die from consumption saved. Dr. Pierce's Goldjrn Medical Dis enverv is an almost unfailing cure if taken in the earlier stages of tbe disease. Jt will cure consumption and all allied dis eases, as bronchial, throat and nasal affec tions. It cures by going to first principles. A man's body starves a long time before consumption attacks hira. The tissues of bis lungs starve for lack of sufficient nour ishment They become inert and half dead and then are attacked by the baccilli of consumption. The "Golden Medical Discovery " restores the long-lost appetite; it strengthens the weak stomach and cor rects the impaired digestion; it promotes the flow of digestive juices and facilitates the assimilation of the life-givinir elements of tbe food into the blood. When the blood is pure and rich, old inert tissues are torn down, carried off and excreted, and new, healthy, muscular tissues replace them. It allays inflammation of the mu cous membranes, soothes the cough, fa cilitates expectoration, and deepens the breathing, supplying the system with a much needed stock of oxyuen. It dnv? out all impurities and disease germs. Medicine dealers sell it. " I was fiint taken nearly two years ago with i-hia-tnr and rnintr in mv inroai." wran II. Z. Moore, Ol Lmning. ornm i e, ol rvt1 ' 1 took everything I coum tnina oi anu .p great deal of money. J nree amor irci mt, Mv throat ulcerated and I !o my . ' could scarcely talk. The doctors called the trouble bronchial affection, and said the tarynx wa tadly affected. I wa a I mint dead with consumption. My neighbors thought I would not live a month. I began taking Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. From the 6rst, I commenced to Improve and now have as good health as ever. I owe my life to Dr. Fierce.1' TO CURB A CuLPIW ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists rotund the money if It falls to cure. cents. The genuine has L. B, Q. on each tablet e "J , Vfcw X 1-ai. . rA . . : j-r- liousht. anl which Im born lu bonit the- K';rimtiir of , ami ha Immmi intuit tumor liU or Hitiml siriorx kliiu M tu-: It iufiutcv. no one to tlovrh t you lit thK Signature of MANHOOD RESTORED Fii?SS; roanateed to eve all aemas ducasra, niaa as Weak Mriunry Loa, Jt bram rower, HtwUche, Waketaloe Iam MaabouJ, Nigbuy too, hertouaarw, all dnuna, kas of purr (a tieacntire Orgiaa of either sea. caowd by orr irrtKio, youthful error, rirrMlvt b oi tobacco, optam or stmalanti. hKk lead to InArtaitr, CoonmaOoa or 'u7- c" be carrW la vot Mrkrt. ft to rr bat. k K Vy mail "rSt T Fr8oJJ all drngs. Ac for h. Uke no other. Mtnafartared by the FVa MmiHnc Co . Pri. Hmnrr. t me lrm 1-rug tu., OulrUjutmg agtals. Third aa4 Yamhill bu.. rorlUnJ Oc 'or Sal by ESTKS-CONN DKL'O CO. A lltt'e g'rl at the pu' 11- l.bra-j lie other day aked for "Thmkeray's Appen dicitis." flh was given 'Prndennls." Pears' Do you know the most luxurious bath in the world ? Have you used Pears' Soap? Cloak clasps are of silver, gilt or steel, set with jewels, especially opals and tur. quolsc. TOUR TA r. Shows the stats of your feelings and tne state of your health as welt Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pals and sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. If yon are feeling weak and won out and do not have beJthy appear ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsaparlllas and ao-eaued purl flora fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Esies- Conn Drue Co. Trimming satin In white embroidered In jet spangles, with ribbon and black silk, is In favor. No healthy person need fear any dan. gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It Is much ths sams as a severs cold and requires precisely ths sams treatment Remain quietly at homa and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a sever cold and complete recovery is sur to follow. For sal by Charles Rogers druggist Cream and tan linen cushion tops em broidered In Roumanian colors In cross stitch are pretty. LA GRIPPE SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. "I have recovered from the second attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. James A. Jones, puhlltiher of the Leader, Mt-xla. Texas. In the latter case I used Cnamberlaln's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being In bed a little over two days against Um days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have bfi'n equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed In about six hours after being Vtruck with It, while In the first case I was able to attend to business for about two days before gottlng 'down.' " For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Girls' poke felt hats are edited with fur and trimmed with wide strings, bows and soft quills. HOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. Ton are perhaps aware that pneumonia always results -from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During the tol demio of la grippe a few years ago, when so many cases resulted In pneumonia, It was observed that the attack was never followed- by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result In that dangerous disease. It Is the best remedy In the world for bad colds snd la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist Feathers are lncruxted with sequins and bows worked round with blanket stitched chenlle. TO THE PUBLIC. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be as represented and if not satisfac tory after two-thirds of the contents have been used, will refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. Price 26 and 50 cents per bottle. Try It. st on i .a.. Beantbs ) Tin Kind Villi Haw Always feiigit THE RUSSELL : Conipouiul Automatic Engine i Strong mill Koonoinioul. Write us for particulars. A. It. A KKII.L, , KIJSSKI.L A W Manager. Portland, Oregon, Kopp's m t Th North Paoiflo Hrtwtrjf, of which Mr John Kopp is proritlnr, make Uvt for domes io ami eixirt trade. ......v..9'.''r - I - ' r ,!.- ,,M TjI . t .10 ', J Mm florth Pacific Breuerg r nnnruirurjjnjjnjm Tho IMPERIAL Hotel THO, riUlNElAN, Proprietor Seventh nml Vnsthlngton Hts. 5 C. J. TRENCH ARD, rnmmlwlnn Rrflfr.iir nsunnce and Shipping. J. A. Fastobend, General Gojith agtor Builder Estimates Given on All Kinds of Work. PMtjmciBNo... THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATEK. I'EITEK, X0I5LE, KICK0KY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQ10KS, WIXES, MEEK AXI) CIGAKS Served Dny AUGUST KRAT2, IQIQi CWch -1 U- .' I -...Off.. I'-'.!.. ..y potmcr, lost Powxr, NlahflotS, Smrt Iiv.:' 'tins in Back, C ll Dao.rn, mHil S r.tiK trT ". i i . i ir'US Us blMtr, Hsadacr, Oni'n to -Sim, et ' V. ;,roel, or t ons IPH'lon, Oulcln'S .)'- ( . -ti. it, (imria Ksr vous.TwltoMna Of ayallila. cr luiwl;..ft. i..r-l ..I. ,1 l...t... ..I, Snmoutn Ut. U.m ld fri. cntfl. w (l. iiKlal, Wllk t Lou. LuiuUl lM. (lllirsM, "I hear you are mnklnK pretty iroud money," said the "ton man" to tho coun- terfeiter. pussable." Oh. I can't compluln; It's OABTOIIIA. Baantis Iln Hind tw Haw km Bocgltf Binaturs cf Tiny rudl'-n of ribbon or Kauxe have a drawlnif srrlnir. the gauze Wing plain or embroidered. Luxtiriant hair, or unirorm color, la a beautiful head covering for either sex, snd may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. Charming neck ruffles that will lust well are made of Bilk and Dower petal In white, blackk nd shaded colorings. Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tut. A pleas ant her1) drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Entes-Conn Drue Co. Shell combs curve closely around the modish hair knot and give purfcet support to winter hats. Acker's Ensrllsli remedy will stop a couiih at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cents and E0 cents. For sals by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Velvet picture hats are adorned with plumes tinted In harmonizing 1 shades with moussellne de sole and chunllle spotted ends that tie In a large bow and ends In front. That th blood shonia perrorm Its vital functions, It Is absolutely necesssaxy It should not only oe pur but rich In llfe glvlng elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier, Aysrs' B&rsaptv-1 rills Ml fV; J..;'.VlTWri -i (.:r'X "v v V "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. i "v Itoltlrxl btr for family use, or keg bHr aappliotl at any linns leli-ry In Ihe city frr. ?. CAN, Proprietor Portland, Or. Cusiom Houo Hrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent W. f. A Cosnit 1'si lHtf K.lpre.l Co s. 1 House-Moving TooU for Kent Astoria, Oregon, p tinuiuRunttaruJ LOUVRE Astor Street5 nnd Nlalit. Manager C It if., w i .1 ... ' I- H, c ttrm n"g.(l, lfr ia. ; ' . " ft ryr it .1 .!. f tT 1 " " ' - "I'lwl s ryr it .1 .!. rT ' I ' " '- '!, ( ( I limit M'l. mmm A iu'. r. - in. , t u f: l"C1 : ' 1 DC O, CU F- ssl 'iv Char' rtnir'r' Acker's Dyspetisla TaWWs r solil on -a positive nunrantvo. Cu'cs hMrt ul. raising of food, distress nter rating, ny form of dyspepsia. One It: tie tablet glvs Immediate relief. 25 and SO cents. For sals by Kales-Conn Drug Co. ..... a . . good narne anil Junt an t-tmy, t(M, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature rHY8ICIAN'8. DK. AI,FRKI KINNKY-OlTk'K AT residence, Commern.-lnl street, near Blxth. Office hours: Morning until 10; all afternoon until 5; (vinltis until 9 O ClOiK. IH. O. B. U8TB8, I'lIVHlCIAN AND Hurg-on. Special attention to illHenses of women and stirg'-ry, Ollleo over Osnzlnger's storo, Astoria, Tel, No, G2, un. j at JUTT1.15, I'HViiK'IAN AM) Surgeon. Ofllce, rooms S and 0,1'ythlnn Uulldlng, ai'A Commen lal street. Itisl. denco same. Telephone Bti, Ai ling an- slstiint surgeon United Statu murine hospltut service. MASONIC. TBMPLI3 LOlKliS NO. 7, A. V, AND A, M. Kegular cemmunlcatlons held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. O, W. LOUNHUEItRY, W M.; E. C. IIOLDEN, Secretary, ATTORNEYS. J. Q. A. BOWJ.BT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, Bond Street, Astoria, Ore, rapU . TICIC1CTH i0pjVAPOIlTS EflSJ Through r.lao and tourist slsspsr. dining and library olMsnratlun ears, KLKOANT VKSTIUUI.K TIUIN. No, i UmlteJ leawa IVrtlsnd at I N I Uniltsd arrive Portland at a. m. Fur rales, tn,. rl! nr yW i,ii v ti W. UJUNMIIWH it, Afsnt O. k N.. Asiuria, r A. D. C. DRNNIS1X1N. . C r. A T, ., 1-wrtlaBd. Or. tioiii.r. AKItlVI. No. I. 10 t. III. lu p. m. Fast Msll lir Alt'lei'n. Hrnihli Heml, 1iiim. Hnisiii, MVIiita, tlMli, Aiiiuiiitu, Hi J'mil.l hi t'M), New Y"r, UI,m nd all miIiiis rwl su hiii miiiiiipui, ISirtlmid. HosliU ilj fseuina K press. Inrj Heolile. Isisiiii. tllyni iln ami Inli-fmedlste IKlllllS. Thr day to . 1aw. Omaha, Ki' as City and othtir MUmmiuO rlvrr wilnts. Thiw and ons hlf Uys to t. Uuls, MHwaukM and CMeago rVur and ons half dys to Whlfn, . . . . i . . . . . .. . .... .. . I ..v .. i I . n M . -nilurjllia ami uin,-r ir i ,;"r I'Miiaes taking H A. l. , i w'viui'k mrtUiiit train will .make ''!" pdiiiitiins at uoo:s wn uis "" 'V'nUm'u'evot connsctlmi at all trtndpl "lutft-sir rheiked through to dsilna. lion of tickets. rir slixt'in ear rervatliiis. tleksis. maps of routes and other infurnialioa, call on or addrs J, C. MA TO Ant. 134 Costmen Inl Ht Anna. or A. I. OIAIiLtuN. Asstatsnt (leneral aitwir An.t, 14 Xlitrrlson HtrMt. iHirlland. Or. Through Tickets -TO THIV EAST AM) SOUTHEAST -VIA- '.cToa" PUU.MAN PALAC1 lUttPlRJ. TOCRirr rxcKPKM aa4 mtl RXCUNINO CHAJJt CAM Daily to Salt Lake. Denver Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and ochf Easterm aiUsa . Bimft iWks4 throuirk to dasUnaisoti, t'niun upu, raM um, lowwst rsxaa, Hoi. light k ail ears.. For rau and Mbr tafurmatlow oaU or addrssa O. W. tOUNIOErtRT, AfM. O. R. as N. Co. Astofta. Orsaoa. ar 1. H UrTIinOP. Oaa. Aawit. Uk Tnlrd St.. oof A Id sr. iWiaM, ur. 187J 899 LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY Fisher Brothers ASTORIA... BlttP rHANDLERT IIAItDWAHK IKON AND 8TKEL COAL OIlfH'ERIM AND PROVIBtONS rwrii AND MII.I. KKKI PAINTS. OlUt AND VAHNISHI JI LOOOEHH' Ht'l'I'I.IKH FA I It 11 A N K 'H HOAl.M IK)OIl" ANI WINImiWB AOIlli'I't-TURAI. I MPt.KMBNTi VA(JON3 AND VEIIICI.EU. The Choicest Table Wines... Carlson's FamilyLiauor Store iiiofi's Nerverine Pills The grtj remedy !u' nervoui pros r. 1 ion nc 2 all ncrvoui "7 diitasei of lli .' ... .u Kcncrative or. ibiliUti aND at'iLit IUIK11. - - .i.i . . .. OI (ITOr ex, such u Nervous Prostration, Failing e dtU Manhood, Impofcncy, Nlehii Fjni lions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex ccuive ue of Tobacco or Cium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $JX) vv-rbox by m.iili 6 boxes for $5.00. rIOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Proc'i. CIAAbnri nhia ror saie oy r.o j I'.n-i.UNN OHUU CO. e- BLANCARDS as 1 or IODIDE OF IPOM ,or A.!A:00RNr;-M"f Ihe BLOOD, vuno 1 11 v urAL W AKN ;.S3 SCUIiinii a ii.. None genuine u 11 Irsa sk-nell " IlLA WCA K 11" AI,I, DKlKiCIHTH . ruuuuKA a w. , N, Y, A gts. for U. 8. Ml' wv ni. 1 Is s nnn-mrsnnnn) rnmixlir rOHr.S, 'islut'liri.V "lilies, unnatural Hlss enariM, or snf tnnamma. tln, irrlialiim or ula.r.. UMrsnma M I I.i.l.M IPnrHU MnlsfUSV .... . , ,00, , irHtlv8WtMi"ina t'anns. Noii-astrtl,,.u( i.J t ?' 'a lls1n wrspiwr, uprms. prepulil. fi 11.., r s imtlKw, Circular asm uu nuuwt, tsst ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Isvs I " "'"Astoria rllr "I Arriv" Kni-i, rilfton. Wi- niirl, t'lStsksme. f "J"i h. Ks.l and I'ui'l itiiund points. n m am i p.m a.m. i.mrls. Rsnstls snd li.ltfl.tki; I.H UN fi9w Astoria l'""f,r mliis, via Warrsnluii Mumtny liunur' v- 111 Astorls to inild J. C. MAYO, (1. K. A I'. A. fE COLLAR LINE folum.)! Itivsr and Pu Hfl gallon t.-uiniwnr. Telephone ! Astoria dally. iet at I a. m. . . Nshoolta. , ..Tiin. k i-nTT Aitiirta AgsnV U. It. W'OTT. T-I.h,,a No. 1L Ulo I TIMH IH Dl'l t'. liKTAIir r-p,,,! -'rllaiid A sinn .... U li, l'iir. n I j, , M-ll ! W.,lll., (IM..I... k , y'S .M" I ... I'll), t 1-OMl.J , !' j1 "J? V.: U'tlls, Mioksuf.' i,k.iis I .v p in i ,, in t.M, i , . . fi.ii, A.lmia (kllUN !i:AMM(ll' I All allln lt' sulij ).. I le . j fKt nil Mllr' jjll Ml l. 1'. H siu ft Mi t'olumUi Itlwr le Ur mmmets MO ' lldsjl T I'.itusnil ana i Wsr Undinsa r i"i finlul " . ml fil ill in. A!"Ji'. t 1 It. lied n a) I. n illif. ' MHUmsMs ssd soi ls. . Mil 1"", r'i'"'" ...I lNstu. mt Ml v,j Uii.linw.. s P. in. Umi. ttsd ml rii l p m. M-M.Vd. ud rn. I Uwius ' III, dalif ne t llifiii Ii.iii I 4'. lem I'i'il ..i"l M 11 l.tUI III UA H . k.iI. mi A .) Iej I l III r Oulnlsj tav Ilt.n ilsilr eit KrUey, (1. W. LOUNIMXHRT, AfMii Astort. W. H. HUnLIlLKT. uu It. Agl rwruas4. Or. LXAV1 rOHTLAND ARR1V1 ovrritjiND rx VHUM. tar (UUm. ItuMburg. Ashlaad, Mseram.nto, ogil.n, tun Kraoelaco, Mo- (.. Iju Ang.iM, : Paso, N.w or sans sod (he Cast. Roeeburg paaMnger Via Woodburn, for Mount Ani.l. H f.rinn. Hni t,-o, lirnwnvlll Hpring. 0U and NsliuB.,.. n H A at 1:1 A. M ttr.a Dally Sunday Dally srM slsnday U S V. all Corvallls paaseng fit le A. li iiiyrii,un li.l A.SI Dally. tDally icepi Humlay. (.onnwtlng at Han Kranolsm with 0 dMilal Oriental. I'si liw Mat) snd Oc. an'o Isais4itn lines for JAI'AN. L''N1AWA',J,UA AND R.Ute h an sal. dally hwi rortland, Hsoranwntn and Kan Cranrils. ro. Net rntm l? (trst-claM, sod 111 two-ond-rlaas, Inelisitliig slMpr. Italos and to Kasiarn points J0 Euroii Alan Japan, fhlna, Honolulu, and Aoatmlia fan tx otrtalnr. fri.m j. II. KIRK I AND. Tlca.i A.onr M ThTrfsU K. KORIII.ER. I, if. M A It K 1 1 Am) Manasr o. IT. A I'. A. Through tltkats F.a.t for Inwsst rates. V1,1, 1? C' I Trrnrhsr1. local sent, tt.lls Ksrso ('ompsnifi ortlce, Astoria. WHEN GOING EAST L's a first rlnss Una In trsvellna- ha- twsen Minneapolis, hi. Paul and Chicago, snd the principal towns In Contra! Wis consin. I'ullmnn Tatars Sleeping and Chair Cara In service, Ths dining cars are operated In the Interest of Us pnirons, the moat elegant servlro ever Inaugurated. Meals sr served a la carte. To ohtiiin first class servics your ticket should read vl The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connestions nl Chicago snd Mil waukee for all eastern points, Kor full information call on your near est ticket fteenl, or write JAH. C. I'OND. Oannriil I't.mnvM a or JA8. A CIXCK, -..iwauke. VVT. uonorul Agent, M Stark Street Portland, Ore, jUilfH sa.iwmassiiss.ssMasi'saMl Go East... via nilllngs .fill Ullrltn nrM saiita sasiA you reach Omaha, Kansas city. BL Louis, and an other southern and southeastern Cities half a day Sonne h. -u-i- who take any other line. Oo oast Via BL Paul sm th. r..ii..m. . - V.s UIH HMSJiVM UlJ,0U H(U tn train on srth-4ne Burlliurtnn a. r...i .'.i 1 Umlted. OO Mt Vit Order, anil TV. .... - WMtl KIWI VM l4 tilt Wonderful arja A it,, n l,i famed the world over as th mo', uaf. nifloent on th continent C77 T7T r TVTT '-7 J,h liLloifLlo QosnNA4tj neget at office of eonneotlng lines. A. a SHELDON.