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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1899)
nWniN'iW" wsr v' V .V.'.i t f "I i L y. xir.i.'iiut p '..tiv-'w!'. rny ono. fwJnd guilty of cucli Olf'uiilOi j will bo liable to prosecution, nvs H It) M ,f H 19. M AT Sf 0 THE ASTORUN hit the largest circulation of any piptr! on the Columbia Klvci ir r4V TWO MIIV .-. . tfnest an J test i':-:r on t&n CoUt&Va ttit I i .... -m-J"- FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. YOL XMX. ASTOJUA. OKEOON, Tl'K.SDAY M'MNINO. JANUARY J7, JIM a aa U -eft a Vn 1 4f 11 vr llil The Only - Stove Store ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpuclnlty: HTOVI2M AND ItAINOHH Wo know tho biiHincHH. Twenty (H)OI) Hlove, Eclipse Hardware Co. I 1899 Pocket and Office Diane: Tide Tables Calendar Pads Blank Books World's Almanac Huruim in Cloth Hound Book. Griffin Krt'jt hfiilthy anl iihc plenty of Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits Canned Vegetables FOARD & STOKES GO. "WE SELL EVERYTHING." Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon rl A Vejet.tle ...AnS... J Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. . San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Falrhavcn. Wish. Write Dm for Prloon C. HEILBORN & SON. The Oldent Hotme in Antorin. The Largest mnl Only Carpet and Furniture House in Astoria. Tho largest iiinl-fincsl Mock of Ciirjols and Furniture carried by any Ikuino in Oregon outsulo of rortland. Reduction Sale... To close out our overstock wo offer at Big Reductions Fancy Columbian Soups, eight or ten varieties. Fancy Sliced Peaches and Apri cots, in small cans. Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears. All tho ftbovo strictly fancy goods. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Engine Uullt nnU Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propeller Wheel ... Manufacturers for the Pacific Const for the ROBERTS WATER-TUBB BOILER. yearn (xicrii iic. If you wont a ni'o tho ntoek lit the 'J & Reed. At thin time of tho yeiir. Metal Works TK liCf spice Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock FAIR I Our,25 per cent HEDUGTIOJi SAIiE For cash Ends positively On the Last Day of this Alonth. Herman Wise The Reliable CLOTHIER & HATTER CUT PRICES W r miklnir K sroat cut In arxclal Hum. Your optmrtuiiliy It at hml. You are bound to no'-.t .ili.ic.i nj ihoiiM buy nw while thp!HHKo I go obviously In your favor. Tin s ihoc ar pot back numbers of uncrrliiln . to nj quality. They're all utandnrd atock and l-ood valuci for twice what w aak. I-alnl. SLhobcr Co.'a reducd from $(.50 and fS.OO to 12.50 and UTS. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of tba pudding w la tha aatlnj and tha proof of Uquora IS IN SAMPLING 'i'ht'a ao argvmant that's cob. olualya a damonjtratlon. Oura will ataad tha taat HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAI5IN0 AND nOYINQ A SPECIALTY H.F.PraelTransferCo. Talephoaa XL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Oooda Shlppad to Our Cara Will Raoalva Bpaclal AttanUoo. N Ol Doaaa Bt, W. J. COOK. Mar. Aatorla, Ora. Baa. Tai Ul WARN NG TAKES BACK HIS ROAST General Eagan Revises His Statement Concerning Gen. Miles. HE EXPLAINS THE EftEAK Wis Held Up as Having Fed Sol diers With Poisoned Meat and Lost His Temper. NO ACTION AGAINST HIM Several Unci of Procedure Are Talked of. tut Nothing is Yet His Been Officially Done. WA8M1N0T0.V. Inn. l.-:ommlar. (.eneral KKn I'May ont to the war In verdKatlon comrnUnI'm a rrvliied nuts. "H iit In plac of that orlKlnully In ri'Mifini to Mll-' chrKn. Tho revUid dit.-nwnt U alxjut X pr cat horur than thut which wu ordered withdrawn Im auia of II vloleiil and ahUHlvc char actt r. Tlic c'nnijuilon nt Iiit6 aven-t (alon to read in document and deM(l whether. In In vrmivnt form. It hua been expurRulid iumcleiilly to ernill It to ix! mada a purt of th uommliiMon rec ord. AccompanyinK KgaJi't revlicd alatc nn'iil km a Idler from the c-ommi.t.ary. K' ncral In which he dliclalma Any In. tendon In lil farmer U.tlmony of din. rnocct to tho conimlmlon. Tho writer In eicuxfl for hla vituperative Unfrua tt. that he had teen placed before tho whole country ki a mun who fed the army on polnrl meat. He aaya It la out natural that wrmn prr opwrtunlly wua Klvrtt him to mwt and refute the charge h aliould charactertte thftm In harth l.insuK and In tcrma that ar' dcvnitJ Iropruprr, no mutter what the provocation. lln voncludea: "t therefore withdraw the Imnruaife and matter ao obJectlonaUe, and rexuhmlt to you a aworn atatrment. with ubidlnx faith that your comml.lon having all the facta befor. it will decide the point. at Imuo JUMly." The commlaaion, after a brief tecret elon. decided for the preaent to make public only Banan a letter and not tha matcment accompanying It. NO ACTION AGAINST EAGA-V. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1.-In anawer to a direct queatlon, 6ecrvtury Alger, at the cloee of the oftlclal day, aald that the war department had taken no action In the rase of Commtuary-Oncral Eaan, but when th Inquiry wai puriued ha de. cltned to aay one word aa to hla tnten. tlona In the mutter. It waa apparent during the day that this matter waa receiving attention, and. In fact, tho commissary-genera! himself pent some tiny closeted with the accre. tary. i nrv uitinci tinea ot action were talked of aa within the lino of probabll. Ity. The llrat waa a strong letter of rep rimand, to lw addreniied by the president himself to General Eagun, stating that. ut for the immunity he had promlsd all witnesses before the commission, he would have court mnrtlalcd him. The second linn was actual ' courmartlal, while the third waa a court of Inquiry. The purpose of the latter would be. It waa said, to place upon a military trl. humil the responsibility for deciding whether or not General Euan ahould t tried by courtmartial. Of course the court of Inquiry might go a long way Into the matters which led up to the attack contained In General Eaan's statement, possibly involving a determin. atlon aa to the correctness of the cnarges, touching the character of army beef, preferred by General Miles, though this would appear to be appointing a socond tribunal to investigate the meth ods and results of tho first, organised already on lhat work. It was stated that General Miles would not prefer charges against Gene-pU Eagan for the utterances delivered by him before' the war Investigating com. mission last i"rlday, but Intends to let the war department deal with the mat ter in Its own way. MiNrsTEna commend miles. BOSTON, Jan. 16,-Oeneral Miles today received an Indorsement of his course In the controversy with Commissary. General Eagan from the Baptist minis ters of Boston. At their meeting Rev. J. D. Fulton offered the following resolu tion, which waa passed: "Resolved, That the Baptist ministers of Boston and vlolnlty recognise with de vout pleasure the magnificent bearing of General Nelson A. Miles In the cruci al ordeal throutrh which he la passing as a friend of the soldier, as a cultured of ficer and as an illustration of American manhood." ENGLISH MONEY MARKET TS GROWING CHEAPER. The Ranks Complain of a Low Rate ot Discount and Imports from the Continent are Weakened. NEW YORK, Jan. 18.-A dispatch to the Times from London, says: A rapid transformation has taken place in senti ment in our money market this past woek. We began It In trepidation lest you should take away too much of our gold, for there wore orders in our market for New York account, so blllbrokerl sold, and In fear of this they tried to sorew the discount rate op to DH P"r cent. The Paris rate of exchange, too, was dipping ominously near the gold export. Ing point and we could not be at all sure that Berlin might still develop a crisis r - i i . of Its own. All time loans from Aay to day or from week U w-k wr growing chimper nnd cheaper, until the banka had to nwept !i per rnt for seven day money. This struggle twtw.en nvriey rates and discount rate lasted until Thursday morning, when Improved exchange quo. tatlotis. both on your side and on the continent weakened the bill market even be Tom the bank of England return ap peared. After that came out th-r was an endeavor to maintain the discount. The bank nt Kngland Is not rich by any means, but Its market balances were shown by the return to be tl.m.'ffl larger than the week before, a sum quit suf. nent, ofri-r change being favorable to Induce case In loan rates at 1'aat. And discount Inviu-lably follows money down when Immediate prospects do not forbid. We end the week, then, with bill rates falllrrg rapidly toward 2 per cent, with money I to l'i per cnt, with gold passing Into the bank Instead of Waving It and with the prospect thus established that th bank rsfe next Thursday will be lowered to at least Vf,, and probably to per cent. Kor the bank to resist the current la useless, because at least a month must pass before the In.gatherlng of revenue places us In position once more to die tate to the open market. On this basis, cheap money is destined to endur for some wee ks. Politics on the continent, apart, I there. fore look for considerable development In the stock exchange speculation. Thus for market activity with us has been rather of a frothy description. We have had an Immense amount of noise, not only In the department of stock devoted to American securities, but also else, where. I find, however, that the most Important class of stock brokers and also dealers la the stock exchange have not been doing much, Investors holding aloof or come to the market to sell The Impression In Thonnorton street up to row la that Wall street has been going loo fast. Tha tired out holders of A re hJ son, Reading. Erie, Northern Pa cltlc and similar cases of storks kept srlllrittsa you drove prices up and they have not yet nut their money back Into other American railroad securities of tha better class. Iluylng got on undoubtedly, but It I the buying of the curlmtone punter, who Is In one moment of the day and out the next. For this reason the great upward movement on your side has, up to the present, had no other conse quence than to keep up our exports of your securities. HAVANA POLICE FORCE ENTER UPON THEIR WORK. The Homeless Are Provided With Shelter While the Criminals Are Put to Work Sweeping the Streets of the City. NEW TORK. Jar.. 1S.-A dlcpatch to the Tribune from Havana, says: The po. lice authorities have begun the moral sanitation of Havana. Vans have been provided ar.d last night, after midnight. hey made the rounds of tht city, pick ing uo vagrants and homeless persons. Since the time of the reconcentration the parks and porticos have been filled Ightly with these unfortunates, a few of whom are criminals. It has been one of the distressing features of the prevail ing conditions for which no remedy was found. Under the Cuban -American administra tion, tha building known as the San Isidore asylum has been obtained as a shelter. Persons picked up hi the streets are taken there and provided with lodging and food. If they are able to labor they are turned over to the municipal public works and are put to work sweep. Insr tha streets. For this they are paid M cents a day. Those unable to work. who are the larger class, are provided for at San Isidore and In the hospitals. In a short time It Is expected that the treeta will be cleared entirely of these people. Provision is also made for the are of the urchins who are without homes. In San Jose asylum. Formerly this asylum had a manual training hool, and this will be revived. Some forms of vice which have been demoral izing to children beggars and which ould come within the province of the Gerry Society, cf New York, have also been taken hold of by the police auth orities with beneficial results. Jose Mlro, a former Inspector of po lice and later a captain ot Spanish guer rillas, has written a letter to the insur gent Colonel Alfredo Arango, In which he gives particulars of police practices. He Bays that under Spanish officials, doc uments were regularly forged to convicts nd for this purpose a special stamp was made and spccUl paper prepared for forg ing tho documents. He gives the names of the chief of police and Inspectors by fhose connivance this was done. Among them are Cubans as well as Spaniards. Mlro says that, while the criminals were ported, a false Nanlgolsm was estab lished which was used aa & means of deporting Cuban political prisoners. Mlro'a letter la In the nature of a contus ion. The degree of credence to be riven It Is uncertain. What he says ot the de portation of Cuban political prisoners as Kanlgoes Is known to be true. Other allegations affect persona who are seeking employment on the present police force. As General Menocal Is the head of the police force, he Is In a position to utilize whatever Is true In Nlro'a state, ments regarding Individuals. TWENTY BILLS INTRODUCED. SALEM, Jan. 11 Both houses of tha legislature convened this afternoon, after three days' recess, Tho Introduction of bills was continued, about SO being Intro. duced into each house. The state printer still unablo to keep up with the house, nd business Is somewhat delayed. THE MARQUETTE OVERDUE. NEW YORK. Jan. 16.-The Atlantic transport liner Marquette, which left London for New York on December 29 last, has not yet been reported. Nona ot tho Incoming trans-Atlantio vessels of the flrsteloss, which left the other side week later than the Marquette, saw any trace of the belated steamer. She has now been IS days at sea. MACHINE A GAMBLING DEVICE. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 16.-The first decision by the appelate court In this state that deals with the element of gambling In the operation of slot ma chines waa made today by the Kansas City court of appeals, which held that a slot machine, where a chance of winning or losing is taken by the operator, is a gambling device, pure and simple. FUSIONISTS MAY ASSIST Washington Senatorial Con test Assumes a Remark able Phase. WILL HELP A REPUBLICAN But Jost Which One of the Can dldates Will Receive This Sup port Is Not Stated. A SCANDAL IN CALIFORNIA Charres of Bribery Result 'in i Lltel Salt-Boss Quay's Figbt to Be Re-turoed-Ia Other States. OLTUPIA. Jan. 11-The fusion mem bers of the legislature tonight decided to cast their entire vote, 27, one being ab sent, for James Hamilton Lewis, for United States senator. This vote will be cast for two days, when another can didate will be selected. "At the right time." It Is claimed among some republi can managers, the fuslotiists will support a republican. This apprehension la strengthened by the action of the fusion caucus tonight in falling t give united support to any ono member of their party until the conclusion ot the content. Practical politicians say they do not be lieve the sending of J0 people here to- day from Seattle to boom Humes brought tangtlble results. Humes lutlnuues be will have more than S votes tomorrow on tho first ballot, but his opening strength is here given at 21 or 21 The Foster, Wil son and Ankeny men say they will not go Into the fight with a full dhow ot strength, and each may cast 23 or X votes tomorrow. Ankeny will probably go In with from S to li Only 83 out of the K3 votes will be cast, as one of Foster's men Is sick and Is not expected to be present At a meeting of the legislature this afternoon resolutions were Introduced asking the president and congress to protest agauust the Canadian government bills excluding aliens from the Lake At. lln mining district, and requesting the president to consider the claim of tha Pacific northwest in appointing a succes sor to Nelson Dingier on the American- Canadian joint high commission. In the senate the latter resolution was referred. because of an expressed desire to see Dlngley buried before action waa take.i. SENSATION AT SACRAMENTO. SACRAMENTO. . Jan. 18. -Sixteen bal lots have been taken by the legislature In Joint session for the selection of a United States senator without result. The 18th ballot waa practically the same aa the first, and there Is no indication that th deadlock will be broken within the next few days. The last ballot re. suited as follows: U. S. Grant Jr.... S IX M. uurns u W. H. I Barnes 10 R. N. Bulla 9 Scattering 12 The sensational charges made against Speaker Wright, who has been accustd by a San Francisco newspaper of selling his vote to Grant, resulted In a resolution being unanimously adopted by the house today calling for the fullest Investigation of the charges. A committee of seven waa appointed to Investigate the mat ter. Today Wright affixed his signature to papers bringing suit against the San Francisco Call for JSO.OuO for libel. THE BOSS' HARD FIGHT. HARPJSBURO, Pa., Jan. 1-The battle for United States senator will open in earnest tomorrow with the taking of the first ballot in the senate and house. The fight Is between Senator Quay, backed by the 109 senators and members who took part In the republican caucus, and George A. Jenks, of Hrookvllle, the candidate of the democratic caucus, and halt a dosen "favorite sons," nominated by the anti Quay republican legislators. With tha democrats and antl-Quayltes voting for their candidates, the Indications are that there will be a deadlock. State Chairman Elklns and Senator Penrose are directing the Quay cam paign. They said tonight there was no doubt of the speedy re-election ot the senior senator. Neither side will give any figures to show how they propose to elect or defeat Quay. IN WEST VIRGINIA. CHARLESTON. Jan. 16,-The West Virginia senatorial contest tonight pre. sents a few changed aspects. Two can dldates have withdrawn. The chief de. velopment, however, waa the action of the house today in the contested case from Monroe county. Via, republican, was unseated and Logan, democrat, was seated. The democrats In the house also declared vacant the seat ot Brohard, from Taylor county, pending a contest. THE DREYFUS CASE. PARIS. Jan. 16. M. Loew, president of the criminal chamber of the court of cassation. In an interview with a repre- Makes the food more aovAi skiwi i 1 J St 1 1 k I " fXJI P. tentative of the Journal yeiterduy, er.ll. mated that three weeks would lurno he fora the court of cassation would hold a public hearing In the Dreyfus rose. M. Loew declared also that It was In x;ie7t to say that the court was In powiK'S. 'Ann fit documents bearltg on the rase furnished by Comte Ferdinand Ester, busy. TO CONTROL COPPER MINES OF THE WOULD. Gigantic Corporation About to He Formed , In New York Which Is Expected to Revolutionise Copper Industry. NEW YORK. Jan. 14,-The Hersld soys: Negotiations looklnar to the consolidation of th copper mining Interests of tha United States have been In progress In this port for a week. With a reputed backing no less power. ful than that of the Standard oil Inter. ests. tho American Copper Mining Com pany, in Its combination of sic plants. expects to revolutionise the copper ln dusrry of the world. In which the United States already figures aa the chief fa tor. The Boston ac Montana and the Butta k Boston Mining Companies, the Old Do. minion Copper Company, of Artxona, and the Arcadia, Tamarack and Osceola Min ing Companies of Michigan, ar named as the component parts of the new or. ganitatlon. It Is understood that the American Company will reach Into Canada and absorb Important copper mines there, thus making tho combination Internatlon. al, but the Calumet ft Heckla Company, the largest producer In the Lake Superior region, has so far declined to enter tha combination. Disinterested observers ot tha traiia. actions In copper mining stocks for Wt declare that a small coterie of men have added O.OOO.WO to their wealth through this channel. The combination springs from the re. cent upneaval In copper. Prices have soared to the highest figures known. In face of unprecedonted consumption. The employment of electrical energy has caused an enormous demand for copper. The European countries alone last year used 43, 7$. i.9 pounds and when It Is considered that American mines supply most of the foreign requirements, In ad. dltlon to home demands, tho possibilities In the copper sllua'on become apparent. Hints ot a consolidation, received pub. llcly Brat through the protective com mlttee of the Boston ic Montana Corn, patty, stockholders were asked to deposit their shares with a Boston trust com pany in order that they might be "avail able for protection against attacks on the company's propurtv - The matter was in charge of A. 8. Blgelow, head of the Blgelow-Oark Mining syndicate of Montana; Sidney Chase, head of a brok erage firm, recognised aa being repre sentatlves of the Standard Oil Company; Samuel Untermeyer, an attorney for the Standard, and Edward C. Perkins. This request for the hypothecation of tha stork has all along been regarded as a cobcentratloo preparatory to effecting the combination. Tha Montana mines' are the socond most important in the atate which heads the Hit of copper producing states, be ing exceeded la importance only by tha Anaconda mine, owned by Marcus Daly and J. B. Haggin. The Arcadia, Tarn. arack aad Osctola properties are the Hancock-Houghton copper belt, in tha Northern Michigan peninsula. The Ar. cadia mine has not been worked to any great extent although its shares advanced at the mention of the ' consolidation schema from S to T5 pclnts. The Portage bike district, where tha Michigan mines Involved are located, la in the throea of a copper erase that ap proximates the Kaffir mania In South Africa. Brokers from Boston, which la the American copper exchange, are doing) a rushing business at branch offices opened on the ground, and people are buying mining shares as fast as stock certificates can be Issued. Lewisohn Bros., of thla city, are credit. ed with being the principal factors in in. spiring new investments in American: copper mines. They have agents at London and Paris and have encouraged the export trade. They are said to have had their first experience with copper in an investment in Boston & Montana stock years ago, when no railroad pene trated the .Butte country. They held tha stock for years and when a railroad final, ly did enter Butte and the mine could ba operated with a show ot profit, they found a fortune at their command. The Rockefeller Interests, after heavy Investments in Iron ore fields, were en. couraged to Investigate copper mines, with the result that they 'bought heavily In the Michigan district. It Is one of tha persistent reports of the day that tho Rothchilds have made overtures to them looking to a syndicate control ot all tha copper mines in the world. THREE TWENTY-ROUND SCRAPS. BCRANTON, Pa.. Jan. 16.-"Doc" Payne, Kid McCoy's sparring partner, and Tim Hurley, of Susquehanna, fought a 20-round draw tonight. BUFFALO, N. Y., Jan. 18.-Kld Wo Partland. of New York, secured a de cision over Jack Carrig In a 20-round bout tonight PITTSBURG. Pa.. Jan. i8.-John O. Cavanaugh, ot this olty, and John Flnnl- gan, of Wheeling, heavyweights, fought 20 rounds tonight. The referee ffava Cav. anaugh the decision. SAMPSON'S FLEET NAMED. WASHINGTON. Jan. 16.-The navy de. partment has designated the following war ships to form a squadron of evolu tion which Is to go Bouth under direct command of Admiral Sampson: The flag-. ship New York, Brooklyn, Indiana, Tex as, Chicago, Newark and Maehtus. When a politician holds the key to tho situation It may be of gome use In a deadlock, but never In cav ot a bolt. n Baking- 1 delicious end who!csG.?.3 cMm en. nm yrm. i