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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1899)
Tllfc DAILY ASTORIAN, TUESDAY MUKMMi, JAMJAHY 10, 18tftf. t t r H Tlila lotof goods will be closed .out at once at prices leas than maufao turers' cost. FRANK TK LA I.ANNE CO. Cotton and WooImi alili Philadelphia. Pa. IS. m Uowra. MAlln A M. Donnell, IMrt'acJ, Orvgoiu 0ntlinn: Wa ar In rclpt of our favor of Ttn bint., and accept your off or fur ur ckJi ona. third oft. Wa ittnk you will ba M to mk mony out of tha lot t thli tUur, tor It l a blrf haa to ua, but to groj hav Wn handled alnea they left our ptatf. and wa prafar to tell th.m chMp, ra'.hvr than bara them rcturntd. Tour vry truly, FRANK D. LA LAXNE CO. McAllen & McDonnell 01 Cpmarrdal Etf t. ASTORIA. 1Q-1Q Third BtroH. rORTLANP. OR. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves 19c Pair AT Albert Dunbar's CLEARANCE SAhE.! P. J. Meany-sn (Dsrchant Tailor and Exporter of Furs. Eif fcaat Oafc Prioa rMd for rur Skin Tenth nd Commercial Stn. Astoria, Or. TODATS VtXATUIR. IUIn; gi alone coaiL AROUND TOWN. . Caadtai 11 casta a pound at tba Parlor. Tha Columbia allied Sunday moraine for 8u FrnnrUco. Captain Pattwaon. tha pilot, wa In tba city yettorday. Baat tt-ctut maal. Rlalnc Sun raaUor. act, HI Oommardal street. H. F. L. Lorn vaa tip from B4M jraatcrday on a abort butlocaa trip. Decpita tba inclement weather, tha aaatern tnalla arrtra oo lima almost arcry Cay. Freah Rboalwater Bay order and dam at tba "Pt" Market. S7 Commcr. clal street, Beat California wine, S cent per gal lon. Alex Gilbert, to! agent for Astoria. TelepboM D. A (pedal inritation la extended all Elk to be present at Prof. HcEwen's preform, aao tbia eronirf. Dr. Flach baa removed bis oOc to tha new Spexartb bulldinf. Commercial street, Bear Eleventh. Wallaead coal and coke is tha beat for domestic purposes. For sals by tba Astoria Gaa Light Co. Today Is the last day on which water rate can be paid to avoid the penalty of cents additional charge. An adjourned meeting- of the ladles' rulld of Grace church will be held in tba Teatryrootn this afternoon at 2:30. Gentlemen, just call at C II. Cooper's a Monday or Tuesday and see the Uses line of woolen rood ever shown In As. torts, HARPER Whisky Is liquid music, bot tled poetry, ripe mellow, refreshing and delicious. Sold by The Foard A Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. Hit a full lint of Pisauds Royal par. fumes. Rover ft Glllet' perfumes; Queen Of Violets In bulk and fancy bottles; a full Una of Palmer's la bottle and bulk. Charles Bogera. W. A. Gaines' private stock whisky, handled exclusively in Astoria by John Ik Carlson, Is one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality re guaranteed, and It Is especially rec ommended for family use. It is sold in ay quantity at tba corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. Jamr W. r? bus rined hi po tion as chief enxlnfr of tfc tug Sam. son. The tug Samara arrived down ye!-r- ! day with a Ws. rovkUdrn, In to v, for Gray' harbor. At a biwinee meeting of th Columbia orchestra last evening C. H. Strom w.s elected as manager. The Ivy Ix-af Social Club will give a j a hint party M the hall of engine com- ' pany X 1 tomorrow evenlnjr. Mis France lloldi-n. who ha bren tI. irlng for a few daya In Portlaii.l with br sitter, iln lIcKenxK returned home Sunday Bight During Dr. Tuttle's atweoc In BrlUh Columbia. Dr. J. A. Fulton will be act. lug assistant surgeon of the Vnited States marina service. The Woman's Auxiliary of Grace church will bold their quarterly meeting In the Sunday school room on Thursday ' afternoon of (hla week at t:W. William Deader and Dud Blount k:!l-d a wildcat near the Chlnvee gardens, back of tha city, Sunday. Tha animal was a small on a and about a year old. ' BBnBS The steam schooner Sunoi sailed Sun. j day for San Francisco, carrying 236.3 feet of lumber, shipped by the Knappton mills to tba Simpson Lumber Company. Spedal orders taken it C E Cooper's oo Monday and Tuesday. Measurements taken by an experienced cutter. Come and have your measurement taken, whether you want a suit now or later. Three vessels, constituting; tha norm bound grain fleet lying in the lower bar. I bor. were towed to sea, Sunday. They , were the British ships Samoena and ' Bruteshire. and the German bark Emln Pasha. Th British ship AJlenon arrived down from Portland yesterday, carrying 109.. ; CS bushels of wheat, valued at K.W3. The Allcrton yesterday lightered 19) tons of wheat, which was brought down from Portland to complete her cargo. Tha L W. Harper is the finest flavored whisky on earth. Ced In moderation. -It is a sura epecllo for Indigestion, for general debility, for insomnia, for men. ! tal depression. For sale by tha Foard A Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. Mrs. Huntington, of The Dalles, is now in the lead in the women's championship bowling tournament with an average of nearly jirs. ingails, of the A. F. iC. la third with STli ki.. ! of the belief that Mrs. Ingails will pull ' j up her averace In her next 25 game and nnuin nign. The Scandinavian-American line (for. ; merly the Thlngvaila line), also tha ; Cunard and White Star lines have made a i reluct.on In prepaid steer? rates from I & and-navlan points to New York. Call ' j at city ticket office of Astoria A Columbia ! River railroad, 534 Commercial street, : i or parue-iia.-. Fears are entertained far the safety of tne British tip Carnet Hill and 30 per cent Insurance I offered on ber In San Francisco. The Garnet Hill tlled from Astoria nearly 10) dayt ago with a cargo of imer for Tuku, Jur-ntv Phe loaded In PortiirV nd her trip d"n the rlvrr requurl nearly wo week. struck very san.lhar In the river and her cap. tain wn ttmroiichly dlfguvted. With or. dlnary Iln k, h hult hava rMched Tku U or 40 dnys after Milmg from Aitorla. The poulrlt of lh merchant's lunjh rvd by Mr. Geors Hrtlcy at the N. Ilonat Is growing dally, and many but), nrse men can be found thers every -U for thetr midday meal. Tha lunche et by Mr. Hartley are the In the city. Call at City Ticket Office f Astoria A Columbia IVver Kaltad. Kl Commercial A. ihistiivk IL'Vdfa Id all n.llnt. eat. al.u ANvnleen, Olynpla, TacotuK, !rVttl and all p.'!"1 on tha Northern Pacific railroad. Thrxnigh ticket cnm't be purch.teed to Ihoc point at the Strati Bros., of Chicago, have cnt one of their micrt cutter out to thl cortst, calllna at all their scn le. lie wilt be at C. 11. Cooper' on Monday and j Tuesday. Grniletocn, Itila will to an 'opportunity for you to 'lcct something ' nobby and up to dat for the coming j spring and lurami'r, j The rwmUh KArk Sixtti I yet lying at I the hoi.-tck. The hliih eat wind durflig last week. It 1 M. remlervd It dancer ou for the towboat to hitch on to her lo bring her dwn. With the high tMr he can reach deep water at Tongue point n a the weather nioderabp. The S xtus I fully laden. E. C. llol.len wss re.electel Tetary of the rh.imher of rommercs lt evening. i Mr. HoKlcn hAS held thl pltlon -nct 1TS. snd doubtlM will hold It for yean , I to come. II has devoted moi of hi j time to the work connected with hi, , oftKv. and t.ik- (mtt Interest In (he work !nd di'liberutlons of the chamber. No better choice could tv mad 1 The flcht between Sh.trkey and Mcv'oy j take !U at the Lennox athletic clu'i, 1 Now York, tonight. The fleht l l:ml:.-,l to 2.1 nunl but It 1 the general oplnlin among xrtinT men who are familiar j with the tactic of both rik'h'.er tint the fight will bo doi.l.d much sooner. Quito a numU-r ,of Nt have m ide In : Ahria w::h Sharkey being the f.ivorl'.e. Grand opening of spr ng tyle. Ttic j rxtvuentativ of S;rr,ut ltrv.. Chicago, j wlil have his encir line of new prlng , lulling and velngs otn-n for Inspection at C. IL Coopar'i on Monday and Tues- day, January i and lu. This is tho targc.t and flneit tine of woolens in Orvler will be taken for future delivery. A perfect At and .itisf.ictlcn guaranteed. The petition circulate! In the rcvl dl. trk-ts of the county tome tim. Ago to amend th road laws at the prenent alon of the lcirl.Uiur Kve not yet all hren return.-U to the county court. J j.lK'e Gray I prenarlng to have the petition forwarded to the Clatp delegat on at 8akm. The ditrlcts that hav not yet eut in their petition are 5, t, t. l 11, IX li and li. Only nine thu far have been received. An effort was made to haul the steamer ' LakriM Into deep water yeeterday. Two tugs hitched on to her at high tide. anil, although th item was afloat, the : reamer could not be budged. There Is ' much difficulty In unloading the lime from the fact that It burns the men's hands, compelling them to lay off. For this reason the crews have been changed several time since th work commenced. ' The water Is all out of the hold and the steamer Is not leaking badly, ber own pumps being sufficient to keep her clear. At the erosion of the county court to. ' day 100 name will be selected from the ; assessment roll from which will be drawn the petit and grind Juror for t circuit court. The road urTvLior of the county have all filed their annual reports In the clerk's office, with the x. caption of the supervisors of d'strlct 3 and I The additional supervt.r ap- : pointed by the county court follow: No. ' 10. William E. Joplin; No. 13. C. A. Anderson; No. H. W. E. Mitchell; St. 15. P. O. WaKe; No 1. Peter Gulllxon; No. 18, Charles Johnson. i ' Fuiher Opera Hou wa well filled , last evening when McEwen the hypnotist open h:s week', engagement. Th,. t-t ' given were very satisfactory and elicited great applause. Miss Grace Maynard. the great cataleptic subject, was pluced under a very evere Lent and It wa something marvelous. She was placed wlih her head and heels, on ctrtlrf and five men stood on her body and bend"d ' either up or down at the will of Prof. McEwen. At 1:30 o'clock today a man will be put to sleep and placed n Rogers' dniic store window and taken to tlic, opera hous and awakene. at i o'clock. The annua meeting of the chamber of commerce was held last evening, the following being preent: President Van ' Dusen, James W. Welch, vice-president; j E. C. Holden, secretary; G. W. Louns. berry, treasun-r; Messrs. Bowlby, Taylor. J Kendall, Gratke. Tallant, Stokes, Ross, ; Allen. Cooper. Thompson and Gray. Two communleatlons from A. L. Mohler, presl. j dent of the O. n. 4 S. Co., excusing him- I self from a coitfurwiii'e with lh olii. bcr's vMitiitl(le on th vonmion iomt question, were read. Mr. Mohler alleged lack of time. Mid expressed regret at be ing utiolila to meet the Astorlsn on this ni.wr liiHrtaut qviestUm. Heiintor Mi' Brule' CMiiinnnlcstlon n-sarilliig th Ha. wnllan calil was referml to tha com. mllte on ciminienn and navigation. The election of officers for the ensuing year follow..,!, with the following result: H, Van luiei, president; John T. Unas, l Ice-president; K. C. lloMeit, secntrtry; , il. W. I.ounslierry, treasurir; Messrs) K, i V. Tallant. K. It. Htokes and K. I'. Ken. doll, executive com III t tee. I'nsMent '. Van liion's annual reiHirt ns read to th cliaiiiher. The Oreiroii d.-leKatlon In ihih:ivs w II do everything III It power to make As- tort the terminus of lle propaed Ha. , wallait crthle, as Is y the fol. lowing letter frm rU imtor Mcltrl.le, read at last nlKhl's tueettnii of the chamber of commerce: "I not the siiuuesllon of the cltiiilcr that the states of Wa-sh-tiurton, Idaho and Montana may also be Interested In this matter, and In reply will eiy that I shall hop to have ttie support not imfy of senator from those . states, but also of senators from a Mf. flcicitt numK-r of other state to Induce the committee on foreign relation to accept m amendment mnklng Alorta the rnlted 8tate' terminal of the It, wsltan irtble. If the chamber ha any tables) of distance or other ttNtli tending to show that the route from A torla, to Haa-nll I ('referable to the prosol route from San Francisco, I shall tv very glad to receive them." The chamNr will furnish Senator Mcllrld with all the stattstlc whU-h can le cund. and It Is hope.! h will b able to demonstrate lo the foreign relation com. mltte that the cable should start from Astoria. Instead of Han Frane'vo. a the tilll at present provide. The matter Is one of great Importance, and the chamler Is il.-tenulncil to use every means at Its coiniuand to secure the cable for Astoria. It will tv he-arttly altsl ty the Oregon coiiKres.lonal del.'gntlon, end strenuous efforts will w made t srcure the suiMon of oth.r northwest inncrwsni n. The ch miner as ti tulrr il t thank, to S.r.ttor M-Jtrlle f..r the Interest he has taken In the matter. AN 1I.! PIONKKi: JOINS THE Sll.i:NT MAJOltlTY. l'..i:h i:..niMg ,.f v. V. r.irk. r t th.. A.ivath ol An,, of :i . jtket. h of 111 IJfe. W. W. Parker, one .f the old. st and I , t known men In Clatsop county, did at J yesterday afternoon at his reetdeuce. i-orner li vid and Thlr.l sire..t t th.. rife "f TV Mr lirker had Nvn allnk- for s.'tlle time aiul alsmf two weeks ago his condition lieeamo crlt.cnl. 11 sank rap. I.lly and his death wn not unexpected. Wilder W. I'nrker was born In crange. Vt IVtoUr !. lO. Ills parents remov.-d to Washington, Vt . where he Was cdu. catesl. H, attende.1 the Newbury .-m. Inary and later entered the Norwich univ.-r-wty. a military schs,!. After completlrg hi education he accepted a pixltion as engineer at the Norwich cop. per mine, on Lake 8uper.e. remaining th.-re for about IS months. Hearing of the wonderful gold discoveries in Call, fornla he determined ta .-on-m a th coast. to New Tork he took pu we on the temhlp California, buying the first ticket. Owmg to a mistake the steamer sailed without him. io he sailed on the Spanish brig Ilojota to Santa Man ha. going theme to Panama. Hearing still more of the California gold dis.-overle he left f.r San Fran, clsco, arriving there on February S, 1SU. He engaged In the hotel business, but In Juno. 1W, the hotel wa destroyed by fire, at a loss to him of CO.iHW. 8on after tho loss of his hotel Mr. Parker purchased the first soda fountain ev. r set up In San Francisco, and on the Sunday following It Installment reallied !) from the sale of soda water. " In IK'A he was elected to the bonr.l of assistant alderman of San 'Francisco. This bodv was afterwards known a the "Hone-u" council. At that time the d.-ht of the city wa K.w.ow, but the council established the first revenue s stern and icr.wtly reduced It. It also established free sehools. In February, 1ST.1 Mr. Parker came to Oriffon leasing the old Harrell sawmhl on the Iwls and Clirke. loiter he pur. rha.-d the Simpson awmlll In Astora, with which he wa eonnee-trd until ism. In that year ho was appointed deputy collector of custom under W. L. Adam, Lincoln' administration. Ho remained In the euslotn house fir 11 years, and th-n engaged In the real e:it business. In l.n ho was marr ed to Mies Ineg E. Adiim tho ehlest daughter of Collect. r of Customs Adam, who was a li,ne. r of mi Mr. Parker had no children. Ixcaiwd was elected to many local position of trust, and was ono of the first to une a free school svstein, He serve-1 a term In tho legislature, and held the offices of county assessor, superln. tendent of schools, mayor of tho city. councilman and school director. He wa a member of the water commission, of which body he wa chairman. He wa also a member of the chamber of com merce. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed. SALE Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article in the House reduced. This will be the greatest offering in Fine Dry Goods, fancy Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc Ever placed before the people of the Lower Columbia River. DURING THIS SALE Positvely no goods will be charged for at sale prices. Orders from the country will receive the same benefit ' as if bought personally at the counter, But cash must accompany the order. Our Ninth Big CLEARANCE SALE Is Now Going On. ANNUAL Bargains! Bargains! in every department through out our storo that will astonish tho shrewdest Buyers. i . sr.; VI 'i f Y, .t Ladles Coats $ ,j 50 vuluc (or Jtj J5 95 5 5 7 9 5 10 CO, 1 1 00 15 00 18 00 1 ! 11 11 i 11 t 1 Domestics. Host uraile Culit'urt. 3 els per yd Uest jjiadc aroii Jj J5 inghuin 4 ti jcr yr.l 1 1$ I.oiiitHilalc r 1 init 3 95 of the I. on in Mu. 00 lit 7 i l u-r ynl .1 5 1 1 1- t j;nnlo outing .J 95 Manuel 7 J rU j cr ynl 5 00 10-4 fif&y tir Into . ( 00 (1II011 JiIatiLrli. . (f rls ra-.h . i )5 l ull linn y C'niti . S 75 futtH , . f.i, 1 1 cat l S-4 Itrnwit Slu-rtiiij! Irst iti.tlity 1 j t ) tt I .arc Cnitaiiis 40 ti Air I till Sir to,N.rcail. .).; t in cadi i A Broken Line of the Pamous S. C. Corsets vuliien $1 25, $1 50, $1 75. To be closi'il nut nt 3D centi a mir; tho bipgtt burguin ever otU red. Boyts' Clothing $1 00 valuci fur.") ct.i xuit. 1 oO vnluosi for !') d.i unit 2 00 vtiluon for $1 !!.' Htiit. 2 75 viiIum for $1 lh .suit. 3 00 Vftluos for f 1 suit, .1 60 valuoM for $2 2'i unit, t 50 values for 'l 60 unit. Children's 25 c heavy Ribbed Wool Stock ings sale Price 3 pair 50cts Children's Merino Vest or l'aiitrf, Heavy Fleeced 2" nud 35 cents values mile price 15 cents each. J J, 3lllr ?rv t!LmwUp Cnn rS' esti;i(;tio,18 are not allowed to place the following goods at reduced prices : Standard I'altcrns, fii.ool 3ilk and Cotton, W. C C. Conto E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing and Rubber Goods. - cooper The Leading Dry Goods and Clotning House of Astoria, Oregon. Lndies'CnpeH. $3 50 values for $2 50 4 00 " ' 2 95 & 50 " " 3 !)5 6 75 " " 1 75 0 00 " " 5 50 12 00 " " C 25 i 1 14 i . 1 V'VI a, J fcil Ribbons. Wide Fancy Kibbons per yrd 1 0 I la by KiblKiii mx yard 0 No. 2 Satin Ribbon per ynl 3 0 No. 6 Satin Ribbon per yrd 0 No. 7 Satin Ribbon pt r yrd 5 c No. 9 Stitin Ribbon per yrd 7 c 1 9mM" sir1 : -p , . I . - i A i Ladies' and Gents umbrellas at one-half former price. Ladies' Sailor and Walking Nats to be closed out at your own price mm ?2 50 values for f I 75 3 00 values for 1 5 3 50 values for 2 50 4 00 values for 2 75 5 00 values for 3 95 All Wool Eiderdown ?2 75 and $3 00, to bo closed out ut 95 ets each. Biggest bargains ever known of in laces and embroideries, now is the time to lag in a good supplg. Men's Goods. 50ctsnutural wool nhirts or drawers each - - 35 cts Heavy lleeco lined shirts or drawers, each - - 45 ets $1 25'till wool shirts or drawers, each - - 95 cts 1 men's working pants pair - - cts 50 ets men's heavy cot- ton sweater - - 25 Cts lOcts celluloid collars each 5 cts Dress Goods. Wo pro going to eloso out every piece of dress goods. Wo have cut tho price to I regular price. lit.! ThogreatcHtbar gains in Ladies' Wrappers .will bo found at this great sale. Childrens' Mackintoshes ti 25 values for ti 50. 2 50 valued for 1 75 3 50 values for 2 85 Ladles Mackintoshes, . $3 00 values forji 50 4 00 values for 3 00 4 50 values for 3 85 5 5 values for 4 00 6 50 values for 5 00 If You want Bargains attend this Great Reduction Sale. We mean just what we say; every thing in our store a bargain. MMMHMHMIHBHiaMMHMHOTs1lsWMMiHVNHBMHMMMiHH..iii.fH Shanahan Bros.