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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1899)
TIIHJ lAil ANTOKIAA, TIKSHaV MMNIM. JAMJMY 10, W r. mo it THE aCLUCNCIi OF SVHUP OF HQS Utlue not only t t!i drlirlntlltj ami Impllulty uf tlm (iiiililniiiloii, but also to the cure nml nUIII with which It U mmifotnri. by Mi'nillllo proccm. known Uitlw ( At irotiNiA Via Kviti'i' Co. only, nml we, wish to Impio, upon U tho iiiijMirlniico uf piiri'hnaliijr Hie true ami orltfliml rmiii-dy. Am the KUUiiie Syrup of Flf Ik iiiuiiufacturcil t.the CAtiroiiNiA Kin Kruuf Co. Olily, ft kniiwlnltfn of Unit not will Mint uno In tvoiUiiiir tlm wortlilM liultntloo iiiuiiiifHCltitdtl ly other par ties. Tho IiIkIi ktumllnir the Cam Foh.Ma Fid HtHVf Co. with tho ini'. CsJ profession, ami tlm satisfaction which tlm ifonjilno Hyrtip of h'ign ha given U) million of famUIr, mukea the name of tho (oinpnny guaranty of the exccllcncr. of It rmt)ly. It L far In BoWniico of all o(hr laxatWve, M It neW on the kldnrya, liver and bowoU without lrrlt:liij( or weaken, loir tlein, 11 not jfrlH nor nauar-alrt. In order to get It lnrflolttl erect, iiaM) rniurtulNir the name of the CVanpnny CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. e rH4(IN, tL Lei'UVILLK. Kf. HKW NK. N. V. THK IIAIIK OAKLAND Tfll.VH f AT HKATTI.K. Order Krotn Treasury Iieimrtnieiit to ItesUtro III H')'1h) I mi I lurk un Registry of Cuatouui House, illn'iir of 'u"iin K w ixiiifW by thr lmury dntttrlmwil yesterday that lha Aiucrl, an tmrk Oakland, which fiMiiiitrrfit ulT Tillamook a year ao, i document at HMtltle. Tha tfekland loft Aatort with a caricu of lumber tx Hn lari.u in l-emler. 117, and waa abandoned oti the :i.f, dur ing tha hoavy siurm of lliol clalo. Th vaBMti wm Inft In a ainklna- condition and It waa ft nr rally aiit. aim wt trukMi U In lha aturm. Tli crew of II mm it rescued y U IuiiiImt ac h.Miix r lura May and lnua1it to I til a ritr. Whitney, of 111 lost l(afk. nll ilia rr'k rlt al th lm-l rua. Uftita Iiiiiim. aiil Ilia viwl raa arcort. Inly airlikn frm Hi rrauirr. Tt I'ltm m 1il'h llio Ouklaml fiumtTvt oi uf Ilia hmvlcvt vr irl-tHl t.lT th im, 'illn Whli tiry in hie r irt alvina- ilia vi-Ux lty of th wlml M W mi Ira an hour, anl unalanatlita tha wIikI na a hurtli-aiin, ll aa autoar4 at lh tlnir thai h Itaklaiut iiM nnr ucaln tn hranl of. Althouah Dm Vrwal would not to to Ilia biMlixn from tha lialuia of hrr orjc.i, It waa tltovr otia woul.l ilnft off to a ami rvmtually u to filnrra Nothlti waa hanl of U) IKkklaixl aliwr. If In aklvtcTKw. Hrr Itama tlwl not 'Von inir In any of lha uIOm or marine Jouriutln of tha voaai and tha Mnlitniiit of hrr nanir on tha rratmry of tha Im-al rualonia hou yra. taxlay waa aomi-what of a uryrla M lnluilra 1'atkrr ami t.lruii It waa Ilka a ilrll rMua" frm tha iInmI and lutaln alia rlti I tin vk'taalludra v( life. Itia Oakland waa au(OitrO Id hV tnn ili krt u ty a tVuul tuf anon after Ota UIaUr and townl to Hralllv. Hli Waa owiml ly llyxbr A (larkaon, of Han Kruiii Uxxi, ami waa a wootlrn Vvaarl of IM lona Uunlan. HirTKL. AHIUVAIK. i'arki'r Hotiaav-lt. U folnln and wlfr, Warlilun.l; J. W. MiOiully, lloaton; J. J. Hulllvan. Kort Oarrtiy; Krlti Johnaon, Chlnmk; C. tlray. rorllaiid. M. Vl. J. 41. Mrlr. Ilwaco. Ikvlilriii -T. J. luniard. Kalnma; II. I). lrlin.:k. New York; (louraa K. lturlon, Han Krni l( ii; II. K. IiuikIn rry, J. I', Whllr, V, J. Warrvn, l'ortland. KKAI. KUTATB TIlANHKKIlrt. ' Kata I'. Morrhrad to M. U t'ltiur, lot t, blm k IS, it.i'lura 1 Wrllmla K. MoKiiii to llikta F. Ilur. rll. mim hutf of lot t, blurk i. ( ran Orova (00 C, . (Irlmia rt al to Itoaa K. llurrrll, Iwo lot in tiloi k 7. Uoran Orova.... 4M OtTITUT OV THE KLONUIKE. No one will avrr know rxactly how much aold waa Ukrm from tho Klon. dlka field tha mt raon. Blnr tho Kn. Hat) fuveriimonl lniMcd a royalty, thn minor havo adoptivl all aorta of ruara to vvudo ttiu luw. It, I ruthcr illillcull to diMuo taxra, hut il I mira ttltnVult ( tloilKfl a bad cold and lha rlu at thla tlmo of yrar. When tho ayatrm I wwik. aimd hy auch attack, and tho blood lx oomi 'thin and ImiHivorlaliMl, the txat nicdlclno to take, la Iloatoucr'a Htomaoh lllir. Tlila romrdy Imllil up tho ay. trm. lliwlili rrtfulallnx dltlon, U ovoroomva ronatlpatlon. It la irood for thn kldnrya and llvor. too, atlmulntlnff theae orntna Into tha proper iwrformanco of thalr funotlona. Nothlimr la ao wood for miliaria. Taoplo who eund proacnta by mall ahould romombor that, doaplta tha aim tnf X the poaoa artlclea, every preaant tniun hiur a KovorniiH'iU aiump. Tho olork will toll you the proper poalase, WR DILI0U3 AND KEttVOUS i)I80EDER8 audi aa Vlnd and Tain In the Btomach, iildlnra, i'tilneaa aftor numl. ilonu ttilin, Dla.liii'aa, XJrowKlimaii, Flushlnint id limit Iiok of AppotltA ContlvenrM JUotoluut on tho Bkln, Odd Chllla. DIh turbod Blwp. iYWitful Droama an all Kcrvotia and Trombllnn flonBatlonn. THE FIR3T DOSS WILL GIYB EELEEF IN TWENTY WRUTE8. Evtry aufroror fill dokuowlode thum to he A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. DMrrilAW" PlLIJI.takrin Mttrect pd, will quickly roatore romaloa W flora flute health. Thoy promptly remove ' nhatruoUuneorlrrptfulnrltlna of tha aya- 4U and sure U h llnadaehe jTocn Weak. Stomdchi Impaired. Digestion. Dlibrdered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OH CHILDREN - Heecham's Pills are Without a Rival Ait yn tha LARGEST SALtr MHnyrotetnntl(ilne lathe WorW, 15a uf .U Drwr Btxroa. HOAR AGAINST IMPERIALISM Massachusetts Senator Opposes the Acquirement of For eljn Territory. ALLEGES ILLEGALITY OF IT Says Constitution Provides Against Expinalon-Piatt Peptics tolha Speech. WAHIIIMmN, Jan. ,-Thl provrd to Im. an lutmlliiir dny In th amain, 1Mb irliilMtl utJnot untlnr dli'Uloii 1 Im I ho ooiialltullotiul r l tit of lha L'nliod Hialnt lo carry Into tiffed lha polli-y of PlIHUMlOfl, 'I'tin li'a'llna H'il(rr waa Hoar (rnimhll imiii, of Miuatunuooiia), who lnvrrd a aiMHN'h In uimti of tha riilutlon In lriHttur tiy VVt (dnirM Tat, of MUomirl), lc larlh It to lia III 0rjHwllnn to thn iiinaiitiitlon for lliln country to acoulra fonlan li-rrliory to ha aovrrnxl prtna, Hint l' ii a iMilotilra. Although Hour or, iiiHiil ilia Hum of tha wnnia for mora than two hour, lia waa avrordod tin unuaiuil i-"iiiillnii rit of (-loan and utidl Vlilr al triii lun liy hla rollnnaura on lha floor anil a lurv auillriw'n In tho (ul h-rli-a Ha toitfliK'd htmiwl f cloai ly to hi man. iiai rtpt, hut hla ailrra waa ili llvrro.1 wild all lh (Ira, aarnaiiia end ani mation of lha orator thai ha la, Hoar U a moatrr of lll aulillPtloa of tm Kiiall'h anauaa aiwl a rhntorh'lnn if noMlila aJilllly, ami hi km-n aarcaain and wll wrru thorouahly cnjoyisl by Ma auditor. Ill aixcli wna In annwrr to hut rmrutty ilnllvrrml l.y I lu 1 1 lrniul. Iijiii. of ( niiwilrutti, and hiul br.n moat i-ari'fully rriarr. Ha took a iii'iia anmnd aanltut tha ltlon aa. iitiirl tiy lha t'otiitM'tli-ui ariiator, mnln- aililna thai It wna lit violation of thn iiiKtllutloii and thr i'Urtnin of lixlo. h-ihIi'Iiio. thn "an-oX tiMundr of thr mat II in Ion," for Ihla ivuutry to n jult . ir'ln irrrllory t v hrid and ov-rnrJ aa iiilniilra, 1 1. al tho coiM'lualon of II'mr' ad. Irvaa, lirlWly nt'Urd til aottia ilut of ho aMn-h whtili had Ix-rti dlmtrj lxlly at him. Ili rrltrmlnl hi former nUlrMu.tit that th I'nlir.) Htntr i. iir In aNiilra and aovrn fo'lan liTillory, and itivlrl that, had thin I'ouniry riiihrul tha ilimirliia of Hoar, tlm ll.iyllu"f would huvr Ikmi lurnM Inn k from I'lymouth It-x k and tha rouniry would txvrr have rindr1 to tho I'arMo riNut. faffrry i-oim IimUoI lit aorcWi In ol- II loll to tha NK-anqruan canal bill, but an ,fTort to Ha a tlinn for tha vol a uon It fajlril. KUKNVII KIHIIKIUKri UKillTS ON NKWTOrSLU.AXt) COAHT. Canadlnn Blnlroturn Prny Krroch Klah. ennon on tha llaiiliut Itsnka to Ob tain Halt t'ndrr th Trraiy. NKW VoltK. Jan. .-A dlmtch to lha llrrald from 81. John. N. K., ayc ItriKirtrra havo lulrrvrrwrd moat of the irovrmmrni otnclnl ami olhrr publlr men on thr autijrct of the Krrm h rlnhla alontf lha trraiy hor of thla bland. Hun. A. II. Mrtn. n( for Nrwfoundland dur. In a thr 1alc of tha royal commJaalonrre. Hlr John Hramaton. and Mtr Jamra Era klnr. aayi: Tho trratlra do not Juatlfy tha Trrnrh rarrylna on lobatrr packlna. Our cna dora not urpwid on the dlatlnrilon br. twrvn rrualaa and flan. Tha quratlon of tha anverilanty of tha aoll la Involved. The trvattr rclo ih French lha rlarht to rati h flat! and dry them on tha land, 4 In 171.1 Tha trraty of that yrar auld lh KTi iH'h ahould not rrrot any bulldUift bvahlra alaifi' made of boarila and thr hut nriury for Iho uaual drying of lUh. Tha drclaratloii of lha trraiy of VrrniMillra. In )7S. ald tha French ahould build only th-tr acuffold. hy which waa nuunt flah flakra for ilrylnic punxiara. "Udiatcra war not tinned In 1T13 or KSJ. Tha tlmilua tndtiatry rripilrr prr mam.'iit bullitlna and factories on the alutnv lolwicra aru not ilrlml, but IkjIIimI, and their packlnit I an Induatry atUchixl lo lha aoll, not to the fiKhery trraty ahoro. If thrre l any value whatever In uch Irvatlre thry ahould b rljtldly rnforcrd. Their ftidilnc atatlona mi the treaty ronal do not eiccad aevan iul nune ore profltabln, apart from the lotviter tnidc, 'Thn bunk flnhrry I carrletl on from 81. t'lerro and riHiilt'a bait chiefly ob. Ulnulilo from porta of Newfoundland not affected by tho treatlr. 8omn bait I otitiilimlilu Into In tho aprlng from bay t. Ocoiko. which I on tho treaty coiiMt. Tha Vruni'h naaert nn vxclualvo rlitht lo (like bull there, not for It atcual viiliir, but to enforce bull cimcetiKlona clacwhero. "Newfoundland denim the French tho r Ik lit to tiiko UUt from a treaty shore for a bank lUhurv. If thla contention bo auMtnlncd by tho llrlllxh Kovernntenr the tronty ahoro would ho vuluelcna to tho French, If tho French can arnitiro with tlm oolony for Wit for bank llahlng, Mr. Morlno llilnka they would probably aban. don lha treaty ahoro. Thla cannot bo Uotio without an arniiiHomont reKanllng tho French flah bountlca, "On the butt and bountlca tho whole iicntl(Mi luiiiga. The colony would bo ratified If the Uiittah government rigidly enforc-a the trratlm, aa Newfoundland rontvnd They ahould he construed." Tho Hun. A. V. Harvey, a promlmnt bimlnena nmn, iUho ono of tho delegate of tha Anglo-French almre qucatlon, aaya; "If any nogotlutlona 'ha entered Into for Iho rvltnqulHhmcnt of tho French prlvll. t-Kc, compcnaiitlon ahould ho hoard on (ho viiluea of the privilege to tho Fronch, not Iho promwtlvo value of nn unfet tered treaty coast lo lliitlsh aubjocu." LONDON STOCK MARKET NOT VERY PROMISING. There la Rather a Decline In Discount Rates and English Bankers Ar GoUIng Very Uneuay. , NEW YORK. Jan. 9.-A. J. Wilson, ftmtnclal editor of tha London Dally Stumlard, cables to tho Time from Lon don: "HUHinona on the London etock exchange lust week did not keop Its first promise. . "Our 'banker , are uneasy about tho futura of the money market because the I)9nk of England la not gaining gold. They frar, thorcfora, ndvanco' rather thun docllna Jn the bank's discount rate, I do not, howevor, share thla fear, and think, Improvement la prolwble aoon, Hut mattera wre complicated last week by oonrtderabla soiling from Amsterdam and by the closing out of a largo ec. count In Paris, which aeema to have tman opan ftrr ninny month, Tlia avnf karp lha price heavy and promptml eorrm of our atiMiilntora to anil for a fall. Th ciinaoUrna will tie ihat In all prohnMI. Ity our fortnlahtly itemnnt thla week will ha rHdliir than many upo, Hh'irt loan are plentiful and will toe at mnat m V'td rnt rhanper then they wnr at tha and of tli year, Thla will alva inar keta lierirt and mut produce a favorable frf"lfin, "Htlll, lha hiialfii-a dono III Annr!(nn rallrvud accurlili la not yt on a broad Imala with ua, Thn ilock aachanga hnw ai 'iulriul Imiiorlomt liolillnga bill lha pub. Hi) at lurxo conlliiuc either to hold uloof or to aeli. "ItrnUly, atrong and pnifrralv mar. kut ar nut lo h foiintfld iiikhi until Ihla condition la rhangMl, And It will not Im chiiugi'd until wo are mora a.iay In mind almut Iho IrnnitxIUtn futur of our money nmrket. "It la known Unit ordur for gold ar In thn 1imloii market for shipment to Anmrtca aa well a for (iermiiny, and If llMHn orrl ra ahould rraiill In liravy with- drawnl from lha Hunk of Knglnnd, In. at cad of advuncra In security vuluea, we ah ll huvr ,nnra or Ut iiiarp reictlofia with further pnaaur. nf aulr from this aldn on the New York tck eachaoga, "Hut there I a strong di-lro to ha up and doing In thn public mind which must develop into eitnnalve deullng If you do noi frighten u. Thn worm of lha situation la that dentin n monetary alrlrurrncy la not yet nearly at an end. Olacount ratr have gone up Ihera since lh now year ofiened and rm harm ii hue goua nmewhat agulnst ua. Tliua ll I hy no mean New York nloii that wa fear, although the con. tliirnt never scare us us New York aim. imr hoard of tradn statMlia for thn lauipliti'd yi-sr Just tiulillahl show Ihat lha I'nlti'd MUlea took rather Ira gold from u laat year than did (JTmany eleven millions terl'ng as against wrv and a half millions. I'suslly It I the oilier way and your trudu balance am so enormously agalnat Kuroa at present that were you lo stop uuylng leturttlea! and takn gold to llutildala them you iuld Uairl our market completely, j '('urlously though, our cininu-riiul bsl- i mms rB just as apparently adversa as youra ar favorable. Your Impona of mrrchandlsa wcr nearly C7i. .') In j etces of our rirt rornblnid last year i an unuaually high total which placi at a grrat dlandvantagn for thn mo. menl. In spllo of our enormous Imximn from capital Investment abroad, thn In ronm uf which I cab iilM to be worth qultn !;') ).') a year to us on an average. All Ihla goes to show that the Im. mediate futuro of our money market Is not by nc mean wllliout clouds. Hut Wn shall roiiw nut all right and fonge ahead directly wn are relieved from luian frara uf dearer money which now ar prtvub nt among thn morn thought, ful of our bunker and dealer In credit." F11F..WH 8IIOIIE lllflllTH ON NKW FOfNHlMNU COAST. Hurrrndrr of Treaty lllghta ly France Would Allow Newfoundland lo Knler Canadian Confederation. NKW YOUK. Jan. I.-A ,kII to the lerald from Ottawa says: "It Is Unauso tha French shore qurs- Ion conatliuies an InauiH-rable barrier the entry uf Newfoundland to the .nfcderatn that Canadian public men sr. analous for a successful Issue of t.r.i sL.ii-to.rv-. r,..ii.M -i.k Franca Kkliig to the surrender of her n.l. H.rM. .1. t.M.lnn. r IK. V Fund:uul coast. 'Huccrsstve al tempts lo arrange terms of union between Canada and the ancient colony have failed almply because do. minion cabinet ministers recognise the Influence uf thr French shore question would eirrolae In Caoada'a domestic Milltlca and have met New Foundland'a rotwanls In a half hearted way. in the words of a prominent govern. mi-nt official, 'with, our large French- Cunodlun population It would be Impel. ttlo for us to annex Newfoundland with he French shore question unsettled. It would mean that upon Canada would j evolve the duty of agitating for the aetitemrnt of Ihat uuwtlim In th. onlv way In which It can ever be tuitlsfactor. lly B"'ttel, mimely, by tho withdrawal of Frunen from this continent altogether. Of tho loyalty of French Canadians to the Itntlsti flag ww have abundant proof, but all the same they are French in sen timent and speech. "'What tho effort would lie In Queoec of un agitation for the expulsion of Franco from her laat remaining poaoe. slon In North America H Is not difficult to foresee. It la because our public men are not lookliag for trouble that term of union havo not been made with Newfoundland long ago. Hut It la no! j only becauao tho removal of the French hore difficulty would clear the way for rounding oft confederation that the sue. cowi of th present negotiation Is hoped for.1 "Ijist summer Sir Sanford Fleming, the Pacific cable promoter, paid a visit to Newfoundland and rvturncd more thun ever convinced of the benefit which union would confer upon both countries. Speaking of th 8illnbury-Ounbon ne. gnllatlona, he said: " i ran only expesa my earnest hope for their ucec, bocuuso j recognise that until tho French ahoro difficulty is set. tied the union of CumuU and New. foutulland la out of the question.' " CI IIAN3 Ml'OIt INCENSED AOA INST AIM I X ISTRATIO X. Appointment of the Rank of Spain as Financial Agent for tho Collection of Taxea Meet With Disfavor NEW YORK. Jan. J.-A dispatch to the IRtiUJ from Havana uy: The Cubans aro greatly Incensed over the notion of the Unulted Statea govern, mont In making the Rank of Spain llniin. cial agent of tho United State for tho collection of taxea, aa under 8panlsh misrule. No greater offenao could hao been given to the Cubans thun this. The Rank of Spain was the Instrument used for yonra to wrest unjust taxea from them. It la t'ho mont unpopular Institution on tho Island, and1 the administration could hardly havo done anything else that would have- gono ao far to convince the Cubuna of Ita insincerity as the choice of thla bank (is Its financial agent. Twenty-ono postal clerks have arrived, reporting to Postmaster General of Cuba Rathbone. Ton will remain here to clear up affairs, m the Havana office. The others will bo scattered throughout the Inland, and the prediction la made that auothor fortnight will see th postal af. fair hero In lis good a condition aa In thn United Slates. DR. FISKES A3 RECTOR. NEW YORK, Jiun. 9.-It Is likely that, the next rector of the Episcopal church of 6t, Mary the Virgin, famoua aa the moat advanced "high church" In Amerloa, will be Rev. George MoClellan Ftske, now rector nf St. Stephen church, Providence, II. I. Borne year ago Dr. Flake, waa elected bishop of Fon du Lao, Wisconsin, hut declined. OTIS CONTROLS THE SITUATION Will Be Able to Cope With Any Em.rgency Which May Arise at Mani a. WILD RUMOBS AhE AFLOAT Agulndldo 'ilireattns to Drive the Americans t roa the W.ili Our Troops Under Ar.n;, MANILA, Jan. . Tlm situation la rap. hlly approtichlriaT a cllinai, and It I juat poaa4!le Ihut Unorrow will sea a im:0'. ful solution. Meanwhile all aorta of alarmist rumors ar in circulation, in Lnll'M Hiats aulhorltlc aru tukliac every pre aullon. Tri hi quarters era under arm and the California regiment hue d.sunibarked from tha traiisporta. Tlie native, it I reKrtr), have Ven ordered not to work for t)ia Americana and th miiployea In tha cwrnmlaaury jairtment have gone on a strike. The nutlvre are kvlng thn city. Major (ivncrul Otis, however, has tha whole situation thoroughly In hand. A second proclamation has be n Issued hy ,Agulnaldo, In whkh he thrvatena tu drlv th Amerliatna from th Uluntla, ml calla tha Ielty to wltnesa thai thalr Wood will lo on Iheir own bead If it la ahad. Ha detalln al greater length tho promise he claims wcr mude by the Amerlcaiia a to the part uf thn Insur. acuta In tha campaign. N ATI Vial THIIBATEX 1M II. VHTtJlHA. II. C. Jan-K-Tlia Northern luclllc liner To'onia arrived here this lifter noon from tho Orient. Her ma:l advice say that a letter ha lrn M rlvrJ at Manila from Ho Ilo, ! slalliu (hitt j.M relH'ls era threatening ' the town and .vJ oilier were at An. tlijue ready to Join Ihi-m. Ttie rclxl chief has notlfl.d all Kuro. iran cltlirn tu leave tha town. IHELANirS VISIT TO TUB VATICAN KXI'IAINED. Changed Conditions Confronting the Church the Ileal Cause for Hla Visit lo the I'ope. NKW Herald Herald YOUK. Jan. .-A special to the from Woehlngion aaya: The correspondent Is able, Ihrough Ihe courtesy of a pnmliient Cslhollo clnrgyman of this city, who, ihrough hi foreign affiliations, keep In close tou h with Catholic matter affecting both thla ' "' Kurope. to throw some light ! 00 Arrhblahop Ireland's visit to Rome ! 1,lrh h ,"n 10 w,'- 1(10 entynn I . . J T1" r W"' malter" la WeB I Arcnoisrop ireiana wui give nis personal i !" " Euroi. that It la hard to speciry any panicuiar cause ror nia visit There has been, I am convinced. "11 I Iwl mo p-Jpo TO V1BTI Iionw. I certainty not to answer any charges or J to explain anything In connection with the course of the church In thla country during recent year. Morurignor Ir. land'a visit la voluntary, and is, I un derstand, principally In relation to the changed conditions which will confront Ihe church In Cuba Furto Illco and the Fhilli r'"e. "As eveo'one reallxrs, there must be many rhangea In the management of the church In these Islands and In the rela tionship hitherto existing between the church and the government and between church nJ P0?1- ThB H'ac ,r"'3r proviuee iree o. mim llnu ana a guaraniy mat ino Pro,.rrv, . which belonga to the church shall not be taken from It. ! 'Thwe I, however, a vast quantity of property, especially In the Philippine, which nominally belongs to the church, but to whlc there are many claimant. "It Is not tlili so much aa the character of. til.) pttkts in the Philippine which Is a cause of so much anxiety to the hierarchy of the Fn.ted States. If the Inlands are to be held by the Vntted Slate, aa I now almost certain. It la to be expected that they will be placed under the hierarchy of tha United nun en. "The government will not iook witn favor on the proposition to allow the Spanish prlt to remain In power and '"H Mmd. While they are cordially disliked and even hated by a large body of the natives, they are atlll very Influential and their presence there would fce constant menace to the In teres la of this country and a hindrance to tho wvrk of Amerlcanlxlng the Islands. Two priesta accompanied General Mcrrltt when he sailed for the Philip pines, and they spent some time In Man. Ua and other Wands. One of them ex. pressed himself In vigorous terms aa to tho hab'.t and character of the Philip pine priesthood. Thvy are totally differ, ent from the priests of this country. The priests are almost all friars, being mem bers of powerful religious organisations. "As tha organisations never die, they accumulate wealth very rapidly. In this cnao, they have been assisted by the government, which gave Hie church voat wealth, that hnd been left behind by original owners, who tied to escape pun Ishmont by tho rcbela. These landa the church holds on a tentative title, and it ia expected It will be compelled to aur render a large quantity of It, either to the government of the United Statea or tho original ownera or their helra, "During the period of transition from tho Spanish priesthood to the American priesthood, Archbishop Ireland's preswioe In Rome will be of the greatest value, both to the church and to the govern, ment. "Tills, I believe, is the principal reason The Palace Cafe W. VV. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. R. h. Boyle & Co Leading Real Estnto Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information' and PauiphJcU . , 535 Coiumo.cial Street for h'a trip to present tha csi of Arfe( and tha American church to th pope and to explah mny nm which tha government will take In rrgorfl to thn church In the Inlands. "There la nothing In regard to Ih fMholla university whhh would Incite a visit to llomn. Th university jrewtar. day placed a mortgage on If property fur tlCjpf) but I undnrsfiind It I to be utlllznl . to erect a building which Is nedcd, a they are very crowded there. There i-m to be no necessity for add ing fuel lo Ihe fir a whhh rngi'4 over th publication dealing with the life of Kill tier ll'-ckcr, Kurop take an adverse iom jf linker and hla work axl A mar. lea praise h rn. 'Ther I no rwonclill.itlon In sight arid a fre.h d.frnn will arouse more bitter rritlclsin. 'However strong the American liberal mny appear on Um aurface and whiitevnr prestige mny be at!ahd to them, Krann and Kuror'n will always be con. servallvn, and Ihvre ro Influences at Homo which will never rmnf their at Irrupt lo thwsrt the effort of ttie Amer. IcHII lllHTttla. "Archlilship Ireland mtde a imnt!onal addles tin last time he waa In Pari. He Is to speiik there again while In Europe, perhaps ihla address will b aenaatlonai one, ana aa prooucuve or comment aa the last." The coming vlall to Franca of Arch. bishop Ireland, and the addrasa which he will deliver in I'arla before on of the aocletlea there are expect'xl to either (u a reaction favorable to th Ameri can or bring mutters to a crisis. He I highly regarded iy th French Cath olic and thn last address he made In Paris was thn subject of much favorable comment, and for a time liberalism In Ihe American semm of ihe word waa not regarded with th horror formerly dl. played. The Influence of thl addres has partly worn off and It remsina to b n If he coo revive It UKCI8ION AFFIIfMED. OIAMI'lA. Jan. . The eupreme court tralay afllrmed the Judgment of the lower court in the cane of A. J. Symna, appel. ant. v the State of Waahlntgon, respon. dent. Byrne waa convicted of the murder of the sheriff of Uncoln county In LHtf, BHAFTKK TO COME WEST. BAN FRANC1HCO. Jan. l.-Word baa coma that Major General Shafter will leave Washington for Ban Francisco next Thursday. ALLEGED BRIIlERY. HELENA. Mont., Jan. I. -The senate and hou, today appointed a committee of ihree from each body to Investigate the charges of bribery In tha Interest of caraiidates for I'nlted Bute senator. The charge were made and reiterated by tho Anaconda Standard. SEATTLE PIONEER DEAD. SEATTLE, Jan. .-Arihur A Denny, a wealthy pioneer of this city, died to. day, aged 76 year. Denny waa one of the first settlers on Puget Sound and a portion of the business part of Seattle la tocatvd on hla donation land claim. NEW PARLOR CAR BERVICJC PORTLAND. Jan. .-The Southern Pacific today Inaugrated a parlor car service on day tralna between Portland and Albany. The parlor car used by the Southern waa In the service of the As toria A Columbia River railroad for Sea. side travel for the summer. A BATTLE EXPECTED. NEW YORK. Jan. .-A dispatch to ihe Herald from Lima. Peru, aays: Ad. vloea received here from Bolivia an nounce that President Alonto's advance guard is within lx league of La Pas. capital of the republic of Bolivia. It ia likely that a battle will be fougbt between the government troops and the rebels who now bold the capital. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al druggist refULd the money It It falls to cure. Be. The genuine baa L. B. Q. oa each tablet. For aale by Charles Revera. Tha account of a atranger dying In a North End lodging house "without a hand near to offer him a word of com. fort or cheer" would aeero to indicate that the deaf and dumb people of thla city have not lived up their charitable oppor tunities. IN OLDEN TIMES. People overlooVed the Importance of per. manently beneficial affects and were aatis fled with transient action; but now that It Ii generally known that Syrup of Fig will permanently overcome habitual con. attpatlon, well Informed people will not buy other laxttlvea. which act for a time, but finally Injure the system. Buy the genuine, m.vde by tha California Fig Syrup Co. fTEftOfjllAtiDS For Year. Sore All Oven Could Not tlio Them. Phytioian No Benefit. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES. Imme tlisto Relief. Permanent Cura. I hul boea troubled with tetter for aeveral years. At U tee my hands would be aor all over, so that I could not aa them at all, and were ao tender that clear wator, even, mrted like fire. It abroad over my arm. Bvk, aud faae.' I had bceo treated by phyticlana, without benefit. I bqmn nalDg Ccticcoa remedies. bund rt ii ftKftr I hai Sutra Me rat Milt. I acd throe or four botuo of CVTicuaa Rsot.TKHT, on enk of Cirricvaa Bote, and one box of Cuticura (olntmontX and It baa Mror troubled niosiuce. KLLA CfRZON.Kpplngham.IU. Cmceat Eimmii rnriSN th blood ana din. htinj Auhla ol llvsoa Oaaaa, mi thui nmoTaa tb rout, while warm baitii with Cv-Ttctiii sotr and canUa aanntmn niui Cvticeat (ointraent) cImkm lha Ula and sfl;p of orut and aralta, a lay Ilchlnff, buraln, sad IpflimriKltoD, kwUm and hwl arary torn of ikia bunov. Rod thfonrhauttlw world. Farm D. isn C. cna.. ame rrovaouawH. Mow to Cm wy Uiuaor, tn. YOUR SHMJSaifteSf8 on I IE W. F. SGHEIBE, A lull Una af Plpea, Tafcsa an Asaekar' Artltl. 4 74 Commercial Ml. 22 LOUVR Seventh and SHASTA MIXEKAL WAUK, I'EITEK, XOIilE, KICKOKY AXD SHAW'S MALT sHISKlES. ALL OTHEK LiyiOKS, WIXES, IJEEK AND CIGARS Horvod Dny and Nlstit. AUGUST KRAT2, - - Manuer HOHE-HADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Boa- Bons fresh every day, at THB SPA. C J. TRENCH ARD, Cominlsslon, Brokerage, M t . , nsarance ana Snipping:, J. A. Pastabend, I GewCotogtoh flilD Boildeh Estimates Given on All Kinds of Work. P)tim:sBat No. 491, ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY! 5 Telephone No Q3t 2 Handles Only the Choicest Meats I 4t$ Cesssaercial St acit Paiooa Rtstaaraat. . Save -Half Your ftloiiey The actual cost of shoe la not determined by the price you pay for them, but by the length of time they wear, and by tha aatla, factlon they five. j Wa hare tha right shoes for th right price. John pecial Commercial Street near Sale Victor Rost, Eiefenth St, next to Postal Telegiaph Office. WATCHMAKER BnslisH and Swiss All repairing dona by myself. Satisfaction guaranteed. Quality and Price... The rare combination of quality and prica which we are offering in ColamMa, Haftf BICYCLES for '99. has never been approached by any wheels has been admitted for years, even Our '99 models show marked advancement In mechanical construction; tha best machines we have ever turned out, that means their equals do not exiot. By running our great factories to their fullest capacity, they are able to offer our bicycles at prlcea impossible to manufacture wt'.h amaller output, without sacrificing quality. Prices for COLUMBIA CHAINLES3 COLUMBIA. TANDEMS COLUMBIA. MODELS 57-58 COLUMBIA, MODEL 49 HARTF0RD3. PATTERN 19-20 VEDETTES, PATERN 21 -J2 VEDETTES. PATTERN 21-23 .... i U Jv inuuiliuiui ni Portland, Or. Controlling.Oregou, Washington, Montana and Idaho. FINE CIGARC! E Astor Streets nous Broker. AolUKIA, UKtUUii. gem w. r. co,Md pine Kgpm.ce. House-Moving Tools for Rent j Astoria, Oregon, h Halm, The Reliable Shoe Dealer. Oriental Curiosities and Toys. We tmuffjt reduce stock and Sell Regardless of Coat Wing Lee & Co. Cooper's Dry Goods Store. AND JEWELER Watches a Specialty. Music Boxes repaired. aiarlna Chronometers Rated and Repaired ord and Vedette other blcyc'a h.we. The quill" ol our by our competitor, to be unsurpassed. '09 Models. 175.00 , ....75.00 50.00 40.00 ........ , ., 5 00 25.00 28.00