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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1899)
MK DAILY ASTUitlAN, TUESDAY MOKMKU, JANUARY 10. I8M JOHN" T. LldHTER. Editor. T.lcvhuue No. d terms or fiunscmPTioN. DAILT . Brnt by mall, per year .1400 ... M .. . Sent hr mH. rr month IBervr by currier. rr month SKMI-WEEKLT. Sent bt mull, per year, la advance., fostage free to sUDecribers. ttdt All communication intended For publi cation should be directed to iba editor. Bus'njss communication of all kinds and remittance mum ba addre.ard to Th Astorlaa." Hi Astorlan guarantee- 10 tta adver tiser tba largest circulation ot any Mvspaper published on tba Columbia rtrar. Advertising ratta ct ba baft on apprt- eatlc to tba business mnfcTr. W. W. Parker was an old-Mmer. His drat. U another patnetio reminder how rapMljr to father of Aatorta ara passing away without realising their fond bop of sharing tn tba new and greater oity of tha future. That b gev. th y bat vnm of Ma manhood and risked tha last dollar of hla subetanc oo hla faith In tba Aatorta proposition testifies Ma loyalty aa a cittsen and commend bin to tha kind and respectful memory of all true Astorlan. A NEW DODGE. Tha Uteat dodera of the O. R. A N. Co." amUearie for the suppression of Astoria's demand for common point rates with Tacoma U tha idea, put forward la an evening paper, that A.torUn should not bother about that question; that it will work Itself out, becauw our "treat natural advarrtasr" will foroe tha ex. porta here. The idea advanced la that w . should busy ourselves with the deveU opment of our county road and agri cultural resources, and let tha railroad people manage the seaport problem that It is "a railroad pro position." No doubt it la of vast Importance that re should develop the great srealth that exlau In our rich and fertile delta, Our roads should be Improved. The rich ness of our soils and the advantages of this region to Immigrant should -be ex. plotted. We should pursue these thing with a steady Industry aad purpose, whether we had any chance for seaport supremacy or not. But tha advice for our people to lie supinely on their backs and refuse ta tike a vij orou hand la tha question of our destiny as a great seaport Is that or aa enemy. It is aa Insidious appeal to ye Ancient Vow back such as always- held Astoria back until the steam-engine vigor of I B. BeHey discovered Hammond and through him stirred our people from that same lethargic spirit Into action that has brought us a railroad to Port land. But that railroad connection with the transcontinental systems is only physical It has given ua no traffic con. necttons that are essential to an "open railway." such as can make ours the seaport Without an active and persist, ant and incessant clamor such as will show the people of roe Columbian basin the Inestimable value to them of this port, the railroad may do us no good In securing seaport supremacy. It may be neutralised by railroad combinations, such as now undoubtedly exist against Astoria. If we lie supinely, resting on our "great natural advantages," It might be another twenty years before com merce would quit Its present ruts and make us the seaport. Of course, we be lieve the pending absorption of the Short Llne and the 0. R. k X. Co. by the Union Pacific mean an "open rail way" to Astoria. But we have no clear evidence of that fact We do not know what controlling purposes may exist In the councils of the Deutsche Bank, Kuhn, Loeb ft Co., Plerpont Morgan and other giants who seem to have "a finger In the pie." Th. advice to act like ninnies, to wait for what may come, to refuse to utilise the power we have in the premises to force the 0. R ft N. Co. to make this the seaport, Is the advice of an enemy. The PACT THAT AX "OPEN RAIL WAT TO ASTORIA MBAXS FOUR MILLIONS ANNUALLY TO THE CO LUMBIAN PRODUCERS, with an in. creasing tendency, l a fact that is ir resistible in forcing the desired result It only needs to be drilled into the mind of the dweller, 1n thi, basin in order to procure us the "open railway" against all outside Influences. If the Vanderbllu have already ar ranged to make this their terminus, well and good. The agitation of this question will not have hurt us. it will have more thoroughly advertised our "great natural advantages" to our very peat benefit If, however, our railroad is aa "orphan;" if It has to light for Just pro-ratea with th O. R, ft N. Co., then our manly efforts will have boon most Heedful and timely. ' Our. people should beware of these la. sldloug scheme to lull them Into Inertia. ' -, I 'I - iv -J!.!fe AYcfctaUc Preparation tor As slmiWUlnS tie Yxixti Ret? da ting the Stomachs aivtUowcli cf jU''pffivs i -sjt5??vcW:V nmm ssas iiiaii n IYonote s Di;estiOR.C:c:f;:l - nc5s ami Isret-Conwins nciiru r Ojinim.Morphiue wr MacJ. Not Kahcotic. Apcrfcct ncmrdy forCcnslIo- tion. Sour Stoxach.Diarrtwoa. Worms jConvulswos .Fevcnsh nrss arhi Loss or Suxn latSirvla Signoturs cf NEW YORK. -WK ' l.i.i CXACT COPY OF VRAPfCH. i MANHOOD RESTORED raaraatred to cr all atermu duraara, u Bimia Fuver. UeaaWbe, Wakelalaeaa, Lt awM. HuwiaiKa, all draioa, lot of pua ettber srx. eaued bv o-exertio. voutl raraatedtocraUarmuduraaralaBaWakMniKiry Uodf Btmia Fuver, UoKbe, Wakelalaeaa, Lam Maaaood, Mabily slinia awM, HuwiaiKa, all draioa, In of puwer ta Gtaeraut Orgaaa of L A fy isV oOacca, or siHnaUiKs. which lead ta Infirait7, Cmnimat l i.' rjrp.kt Circular rr. ftoij by h drotjirfi. ifar;Ukeao. ml snufaviirhl Km Iks. IsmI-. , s ragUk.dumbaUs(ageata, loud m4 VimhlU bit.. rorUmO o Vr W!e by rjTVS-rONV PRPO CO. That k is "a railroad proposition;'' or that an "open rtvtr ts our need; or that our primary need Is developing our near-by local resources all these, and the like, are but devices of a wily foe to defeat our Just claim to be put on a par with T acorn as to wheat and lum ber rates. When sre read of a railroad wreck fa which a hundred modIc are killed, we are filled with pity and horror. There are other danger in thia hie a thousand time greater than that of the railroad wreck, only we do ot have them brought to forcibly to our artentioa. Consumption does not kill a hundred people at once in one train. It does kill tens of thousands for every one that is killed by sccident If s duSerer will resort to the right rem edy before it is too late, consumption ran be cured. Dr. Fierce s Uolden uediral recovery cores qrt per cent of all cases if taken in the earlier stages. It has main tained this record for thirty years. Many of those whom it has rescued from the verge of the grave have permitted their names, addresses, experiences and photo graph to be- printed in Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. Tnts useful book is free, aad any sufferer who wisbea to investigate may procure it and write to tboae who were once uerer themselves. For a paper covered copy aend 21 one-cent sumps, to (over cost of mailt r only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. The "Golden Medical Discovery " is the great blood-maker ana flesh-builder. It restores the lost appetite. corrects the impaired digestion, makes the liver active and the blood pure. Any med icine dealer who offers you something else said to be "just as good "is thinking about his pocket book and not about your health. "I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DiscDTtrv aad Favorite PmmptiMi with wonderful rcMlta." writes atn. Annie M. Nor nan J Cxitlinnnk. Wiiw Co.. Pa. "I had contiimptioa ; the doctor Mid I'd die, Tba Gotten Meoicai uucovery euro d". - A wise man changes opinion occasion ally, but somehow the fool who can j change a 11,000 bill always commands more respect Chicago News. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglau refund tba money If It falls! to cure. S cents. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet It's useless to extract a promise by force unless you are prepared to con tinue the pressure of compulsion Indefi nitely. Pears 9 Pretty boxes and odors are used to sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised. Beware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the finest soap in the worl d is scented or not, as you wish; and the money is in the meschan not in the box. AJI aorta of store gtU it, aapeclail dnsfgiats; all gorti of paopla sing Ill s 11 il ForTnhnfs nn Children. ITEiQ Kind You Havo Ahvsys Bought Bears iho A Sisnaturo & The Kind You Have Always Bought. Hill eN. tr trrw y asvT Iff. Mm1, lllar Xerve rilia, This WMWrtttl wvrinioa, yoaianu errors, ncneive aae o uaor y nuil The Duke of Westminster haa a gr-t objevtlon to people walking about hi room with thetr outdoor boot on. which arcounta for the thirty pairs of sllpp r that are kept at Urvsvenor house rr the uh of visitors. Luxnratnt hair, or uniform color. Is a beautiful bead covering for either ss. and may be secured by using Hall's Va-e table Blclllaa Hair Renewar. Lord Salisbury baa not always been a notustooker. In hla younger daya be thought nothing of consuming ten cigars and an odd number of cigarettes a day. BasnUs lMtadtfc)niBglt Emperor William viewed the eclipse the other evening. From general remarks lb ImpreasloB was gathered that be approved of It-Philadelphia North American. Acker's Dyapepala Tablets ara sold on a positive guaraataa, Cur heartburn. ristasT of food, distress) alter saline, say form of dyspepsia. On little tablet gives Immediate relief. aad H cants, roe sak by Gstsa-Couo Drag Oo. The dowager Empresw of China still occasionally grant to favored forckener a private view of the emperor. Iltt burg Chronicle-Telegraph. That the blood ibouia perrorm Ita vital functiona. It Is abaoluteiy necesssory It should not only be pure but rich In life- giving elements. Tbeae results are best effected by tha uae of that well-known atandard blood purifier, Ayer' Si rsa pa rtus Within a year President MfKinley h been east, west, north and south with. out finding the enemy's countrr.-Jt. Louis Globe-Democrat Hold Tea positively core Men aaadaaba, indigestion and constipation. A daJIgbtfal herb drink. Removes all eruption of the slon. producing perfect eompiexloo, or money refunded. S and CO cents. For saia by Eatea-Oonn Drug Co. They're hanging banner on the outer wall of Havana and also banging the hangers. Detroit Free Press. OAaToriiA. Baantha Cat' Ya Haw Alwn Eotgill When a man aius-rts that he Is Just ss good s another man he always believes that he ia better. Acker's English Remedy will atop a court at any time, and will cure tha 0COliJn 'Til hU' or monr - w uju w crnu, rvr sue DJ Estea-Cona Lmur Co. Clara Are you engaged to Dounlas for good? Gertrude It looks so. I don't believe he'll ever be able to marry me. No healthy person need fear any dan. gerous consequences from aa attack of la grippe If properly treated. It Is much tha same as a severe cold and require precisely tha same treatment Remain quietly at home and taka Chambcrlaiu's Cough Remedy aa directed for a sever cold and complete recovery is sure to follow. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist She I will consent to be your wife on one condition. He Name It 8he That you will stop smoking. He All right; but let's make the engagement very short. TO THE PUBLIC. We are authorised to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be aa represented and If not satisfac tory after two-thirds of the contents have been used, will refund the money to the purchaser. There Is no better medicine made for la grippe, cold and whooping cough. Price 2S and 60 cents per bottle. Try It. "You know, after all," said the young father, "a' baby does brighten up the house." Single skeptic "I dare say; I've noticed the gas burning in your room of late;" :- - Bean tag ' 'JT1 M sJwift BwgM f Li aa jtr It Aahlrur-Whet do you think of Puffing, loaf Ortiatiaw-4h, he's the kind of a man who thinks that when he steps on mi end of tha country the other end fli up In the air. nUCKLEN'S ARNICA BALVB THE RRT BALVB In the world for Cuts, Uralses, Horse Ulcere, talt Rheum, Fever sorea.l Teller, Chapied llsnla, Chilblain. Corns and all bkln Eruptions, and oslt;vvly eurea FHea, or no pay re quired, it Is guaranteed trt give perfect MtlefwUoa or money refunded. Price cents iwr boa. f r saU by Vt-t'onn Urug Co. Whrnevvr a man make a mistake you may exrect a llOal wave of rxpliina. thn. MILLIONS til KS AWAY. It I rerUlnly gratUylint to the puMlo to know ot on com em in the Innd who are not atral.l to N aeneroti to the intxly and suffering. Th pioprl.'tora ot Dr, Klnn'a New in.overy for Consumption, Couch and Cold, have nlven away over ten million trial bottle of this groat nied telne; and have the satisfaction of know ing It haa absolutely runs! thousanda of boiwlrs raaea. Asthma. Uronohlti, lloars'ina and all d're of th Throat, Ch.'st and Lunga are urely cur.' J by It, Call at Eates-Conn Drug Co. and get a trial bottle free. Rrgular i, o cents and Every bottle guaranteed or pru- tefunJed. Mot People know what they don't want also that they don't often get what they do want. HOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. Tou are perhaps aware that pneumonia always result from a cold or from an attack ot la grippe. During the tot demlo of la grippe a few years ago, when so many ease) resulted In numonla, It was observed rbal the attack was never followed by that dl whn Chamberlain's Cough Kemdv waa used It counteracts any tendency of a' cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It Is ths beet remedy In th world for bad colds and la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For aale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Nature has arranged things so that a poor man Is able to display as many vir tues as a millionaire. PLAMLD OUT. Dull headache, pains tn various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stom ach loss of appetite. teverUhoee, pimple er sore are all poaulvs evidences of Ira pure blood. No matter how It became so It must be purified in order to obtain good kalth. Acker's lllood EUier has never Ni'- to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi sons or any other blood dlcasea. it Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sll every bottle on a positive guarantee. For aale by Estae-Coun Drug Co. The score of "1 Fllle de Mme. Angnt' Is the ultan"s favorite composition. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like It. but there Is really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who haa lame bark and weak kid neys malaria or nervous troubles. W mean he ran cure himself right away by taking Electrlo Itlttera This medicine tones up the whole ylem. art aa a atlmulant to the liver aad kidney. Is a blood purifier and nerve tonve. It cure constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It la pure ly vegetable a mild laxative, ana restore the system to its natural vigor. Try Ele tn Bitters and be convinced that ra7 are a miracle worker. Every bottle guar anteed. Only SO cent a bottle at Eates- Conn Drug Company. W. S. Gilbert's working day bcsjlns at midnight CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Tba Kind Yon Ha.a Always Bought Bear th Blgnatox The shoes worn oy Georgo IV at his coronation, a breakfast cup and saucer from which he was accustomed to drink and a lock of Wellingtons hair were among the collection of curious recently sold In a London auctlvn room. i 87 J 1899 LUBRICATINC! Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... OILS A SPECIALTY SELL. 8HIP CHAVRLERT HARDWARE IRON AND 0TEEL COAL OTtCM'KRIEU AND pnOVISJONS FLOI'R AND MILL KEKD PAIN'TB. OI1JJ AND VAKNISHF.fl LMlOERar 8UPPMr:,s FAHtl'A.SK fl RCAt.Kfl DOORfl AND WINDOSVfl AGRICtTLTL'rtAr. IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLK8. The Choicest Table Wines... Carlson's FamllyLlquor Store HO THE NEW "North-Western Limited" (2JTH CEKTI'IIY TKAIN.) between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, is entertaininfrly described In an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MRAD, Cen. Agt., " BIB WashlDKton Btiest, PORTLAND, ORE. W. PARKER, Com. Agent, eoarirMAvtnue, SEATTLE, WASH. NOTION OF FlUNrt OP AMIWAMKNT ROLL AND MKKTINC1 OF TUB HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice I hereby given to all person whomsoever, iliat there haa boen re ported h th common counoll of tha Ity of Astoria, Orwgon, by the board of aasessors of said city, a spavlal assess, meiit for th ImprvviMtiont In sld ulty known a th Impruvonunt of Kighih Btreet, Uolwven Oram! and ItarrUoit Avenues, and whlrh sinirni la hou on Ih aHKll aanuiumiviu Mil (or iKI aniMit. which la now on lite In th oitic of the undersigned, la open (or limpwtion. nd will so rvnutln until Hal uiMay, the 14th day of January, m. at th hour of ten u'vlwk a. m. of aald day, at which time the board of ihjusI. laatlott fr snjil aawsa'iioni, onnla(ing of th said board f sar and the ooiniiilllee of stiwi and poblio iyt of th cununon ctmncil of snld city, will nul In the council ctmmlii'rs of said city in the city hull ilirif, 10 r. View and vquallae uld asmisment All olijwtlon ti ;Ud Hst.siuont must t lllnl wth the uiul-rmnn,i on or be for th time of sM mooting. This node is putilinlml by orxtvr of th (vntinon couih'II of uKI oliy, Dated at As 1 011 . ir.Mii, lxyomtwr Hh. lSsl It. E. NKUSON. Auditor and I'ollc Julgo, City of Aa torta, Oregvui. NOTICE OK FlU NO OK AKSMENT ROLL AND Wh'h"l'lNU OF II IK HOARD OK l ltiN. Node Is horoliy g.vnn to alt peraons whomsoever, iIiai there lu been re ported to th omuinMi counoll of th iHiy of Aatorta. Oregon, by the board 1 assessor of said cKy. a s(o-lal aaa moot for lb Improvement In aald city mown aa tha "tmprovoment uf liar rise Avenue. Between ttvvmiiti and Klghl treats, and which aawaamsut I ahowi on Ih Bpex'loi asorssment roll fr said aseneonient, which la now on file in lb onto of the undoraignrd, 1 opn tot Intpeotloa, and will ao remain unul Bak unlay, th Hth ).iy of January, V, at th hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at which tint th board of equal, laatlon for ld uwhinrtii. conetatlng of the said board of sssaor and tb commlttea on atrxvta and public way of th common council of ald el IX will meat In th council chamber of aid oity In th city hall thereof, to r. view and equalise sold sssessmant. All objection to said aaeraanicnt mual be filed with the undersigned on or be fore tb Urn of sold meeting. . Tbl nolle Is published by otdr of th common council of aald o-ty Dated at Astoii.i. orvgvn. Dvenibr 11. ti. .M.iu.'v. Auditor and I'ollc City of As. toria, Orwgox ;..i-V WlHisrr.'d Sidney Piils V lias no i"iu:'.l '.1 iitvi of tli'fi ICl.lucvaiu.i. I ,;.orr 'u'ov llt yo't mvlcctisl i-ir I'ltUioca llc Tin ovorvunUv I j'tsr "iciimik vv tu am! car.wl tr ui'o'.o with j'utir iivUlncT nu t I i:t.l.l. r; Have you pallia lu !! i... j . .Mti , tMM-k.irrulti mtir'l xl.llUlor? II..VV V U a .V''T at tvaruoco cf toe imv, r.x,c.nlii . .... I... .1 .-1 -r . 1 . . .1 . hutwr fcuvi even. i hi tri'l lf"lfc tic n.. ... I.. . I Willi.... i ..tlVIWIHltlfl- 1 1111.1411 VI.4l. J V llila wU Humort nnv llfo ! thn U!s- r UMd Or'aun, tone up t. 3 synt. m J an J make a now man of you. Hy nmu 00 cs-nw pT it'i WitUAMa xru. (U, Pmi., ClAveuod. a roe aale bv rsrrE-OfNN DRUO CO. LBLANCARD: : -or- IODIDE OF IRON foeAN-f MIA P1HMCS.E.M .rftfeMOOO. 1 1 1 v 1 we AUHtttA aXHunLA.iilc. Noaegeauln unln.ii(nH "ItLaKcaao" At f. nai'(.;isT- , B. rOUUKRAitCO., N. V. Agta. far U. 9. , --s ri M a aon-i I-m. I; I .r bunoir '.. Sraiiuith, Whit-. bii.iBril a.. iii.a, nritii.a or ! 'nm nav l'"0 ' I in c on lrHiuslOlii't Wsaia. wiiinarut I MM ay wwaa. 'nr ( la slsia wrarr. ir .iprnw. rr-rsii. it4 '.ti, r t vUf, . 7. Circulsr aaat urn imimL L i. o s B www. THE RUSSELL : CompouiK. Automatic Knfjine w ' 4 ' , J ... - - ' ' - 1 -r '... mi iViliia7M ? ave .Slronp anil nconninicnl Wntt; i;s fur particulars. A. II. A HUH, UUSSKLL t CO., Miinnficr. I'ortTand, Oregon, WlaM'rVriWrVV I THE OCCIDENT Aistorla Leading Hotel McRlcr & WriRht, Props. riAafuiruiuiAAvnnriruiru uruunsmjvxnnnsnnniuuvjnrui mm nnp m M V D sT-i W W 5 Z2IIfilOtIAH.otoi THOft. OUINEAN, Proprietor Seventh nnd w , 4 2 whingto Htm. fonianu, vjv wVurvrirtiAiriAnrmvrixtnAiAm SOB SMMI9meMMlttaVKM raiam-i Mormon filst'ia' fills '"i l iw i y ytm rf tha lo,w, 01 ii,a u,a Owcbaua Uk.i h .n. i;..wu.i (k cm ihi w t.i .4.c in M tvi yuvnf lel.liw hnm ,tZ .iwl.rii. iv k..M Ourei MnnhOOd. Im. potsncv, tost Mower, Njcht-tosaa, irmnror,-hOttj Insomnia, Vain c9s ' n.paoK. a .11 wsir, itmini Ihnaa, Cuulmbaa. AdSrsSS, or co'ne Ipsttion, JeV-pe, QuicCr.o.e'of CI a- fcf II fharge, atpps llaV vou. Twifchlna of Byalltl. ait in .iwT. fs IM rmi.iirt7 ss""iCra irlniKtiuu. Iir,r ill J,i,,T ni, a un to al h.n.1, I JfiTl Hmmn imall, in.lrtalnmd TICKICTS to nil H0(LVApoiflTS EAST Through palace and teurlst lopr, alnlnsi anil library observation ear. Kl.ROANT VRHTIIIiri.W TRAIN1. No, Umlted loaves Portland at I M p. ni. No. IJiiilted arrivea IHirtland at II U a. m. For rale, te rail nr addr . w. I xHiNHiiKiinr. Agent 0. It A N., Astoria, r a, II. P. DKNNIBTON, V. T. A., Portland, Or. OMlll.K AkIIIVB. No. I 10 90 a. m. No. V 10 p. l. rast Mall fur Aherdvoa frnhh IIkikI, Vsmiiiib. go. 1 II.' -a tu H.kiin, Walnia, llulia, Anoouiioa. M. I'aul.l hi- noeii. New York, Ikialou nd all points vast aud aa 1 aouiueoai. No, . IN. Portland. Heatile and ITatema Cipi: fori JiaiaLIUi. 1 ammik. Illvm la ami IntcrmKllstH (HiinU. Threw daya to HI. Caul. Omaha. Kan sas aty nJ nther ktuoourl rlvr rjotnta. Thw and on half days to Bt. Luls, Milwaukee and Chicago. Four and olio-half day to Washlngtswi, I'hlladnliibla an,1 other far easlocn points. I'BAevnaare taking rn A. C It It It. I o'rlo-k morning train wU inaka cloaa cxnnaoiiao at Ooble wnh th al bound foot moll. t'nloa depot connection at all principal cttlssv luggage rhet-ked through to deeilna tlon of 1 1 . For alMtiutK car raSTvatinna. tick), map of rout and othor intomiatio), call on or kddreo J. C. M A TO Agent. 114 CoawmervUI elf.. Astoria, or X 1 CIlAllLToN, Aaolatont Unral Psaanttiter Agvnt. M Morrtsoa Htrssst INntland. Or. Through Tickets -TO TIlsV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TU- PULLMAN FALACI LBKPCRJ. TOURIsTT iiximu aa4 rnxa rscunino ciiau cari -Daily to-. Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City artd other Baatsro oitleg . Bus-ag nbeeked thriafa t daaUaaHna, tlnlnn Dcmia fao. time, towwot rwcwa, Ptatacsi llirbt aa ail ears.. For rain and otbar infnraaUoa oeJI ej or adilrwa O. W. LOUUBBCRIIT, AsrNsi Aatorta. Orsaroa, e I H LOTHROP, fXv Atwrt, Uk Tnlrd t. oor Aklar. ISjnUad, Or. Astoria Public Library READINO ROOM FRIES TO ALL, Open every .ay from t o clock ta I JO and l: to ID p. m. Bubacrlptlon rate P per annum. West Cor. KJeveath and Duao Itreeta aril iminnmi., i"Ho. rservoua Da. 'iHa namei , aWn Pranalaaa. OaL LINK I I fS Inhume For sals Iry Charles Rogers, ASTORIA AND COLUWCIA RIVER RAILROAD. Iav r a.m ,p,m." Astoria "(Dally) I A,rr" I rorllaad atwl Atorlall. P.m. (Cipro.. trains via lliftUiN Knappa, Clifton, yTsel; port, 1 iaisssin. V""!"1! ....n.iA.l Ml lluti a Hi HMt and l'ugsl IHuund imiIi ilnla .m ara. p m a.nv Astoria. Heaslla and .n lie Naw Aainrla I'ssssnasr I J'ss War ilininp. . riiiiui and Klsvel. .1 I HI riunilsy llunlsrs' stf lal Astoria o risd J. C. MA TO, 0. F. A P. A. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and rugt Hound Navi gation Company. Tolannon leavee Astoria dally, eioept TOl-isl.a -ar uad.y al 1 a. m. Whit Collar lln llckels Inter. nngaal on Telepbon.. T, 4. ! tf an.1 H, R. Thompson for A.toria anA all ssrH" FUv.I. Ilwaoo, eat., Long Iteaon, an Naheoh A. TATI11. Astoria Agent. Tisabiwe No. U U. It, IrCOTT. M ITeeldant Ul0 Tlnll triritllL DKI'AHn Km,,, iriliid Asarvs rsi kUU I p. III. Jll lak, I'.siTif. ft W1111I1, tiiiisli. kn 1 uy, ii. Um, riicau .nil ri . . . . . . - Wslla Walla, Hiisn lllllielolla, "I. I' Ul llillllttl, illlxsul.-r I hli'iliu aud Fs.l, Kiulil Ailon. ra.1 Ha I tiam HPkll rhrr I Aip. m HMl.n rir ro IS a. m. OCIIAN TtAM.M1IH. All KSlllll l".U lull Jfrl lit cli.hfv, yur ran r r.nrti.M - Hall Jan. s, s, at, is, li, 3 J us nu Columbia Hive Mtanlflar To I'ortiand and Way landing aaafo bUsf nUf ymyj I'urtlkiid WlllasMtw Ulssf. a. m P. m, won. w.4 ana rrt Tun iiiur audltsl .sletn. A IVoiiy, t'url I'S snd way Un lli.ji Mlllaowll. aai m4 I p ss. l m- hill Ulv.ra. . in. I aoi...M'a4. Tuet. Iliur1 Orr.n til), hl4i. t si.d frl, and Nak l.v HliMtrlo, Inl'y 'i I. 1 I a in. I t lewiala s ! a m. lur ne t r.; .oak Itlvsf. Itliairlalo I ral.lun rarlUini 1 w:i i.inir h, rit 4 p in r.iHu'iol.i 1f '('. X.el-rg. lt."Mad.y ; raleui A sr.lainl s , Iav lwtatewn dally cx muy. O. W. LOUNgllKIUtT, Agent Aatorta. W. at. HURLBURT. Oea. ra. Act ywrtMad, Or. UCAVJD IOHTLAND ARJUVB OVRMLAND EX. I'HKHJTfor naleio, Roaeburg. Aablorid. r. m llacramanto, Ocdsa, MM A. M nan f rancieco. Ma lav 1jo Ang.lae, tl Paso, New Or leana ana tbe East. 1ft A. M Roe burg passenger N D P. M Via Woodhurn. fnr Dellr eacapt Mount Angel. H. DeJlv swton, West flt-lo. I en-nt Hnnvlll, rinrtng-l HomUf ami iaiiun.,.. ft A. M Corvaltle paaaengee rl Ki A. M HM P. M iBaepeiuienoa) pmr t:B A.M Dally. tDally .scant undy. Connetln at Hon r r.ncl.xi with 0Yi dantol A (M-lantal. 1'artflo MoQ anj Oo ante atramatiip llrwea for JAPAN, c,"NAAAA,1',nAt'IA AND Rabat tea at. ,m oX), hatweaa iNirtlsnd. Hacranvsnto, anil Han Kranrhs co. Net rata; Itj flnl, and tU und-claae, tnrlullng elmper. Itate and tlrksia to Kastorn point ana Europa. Alao Japan. China. Honolulu, and Aiiatralt. Can be nbtalnni J. B, KIHKIAND, Ticket Ae-an i Tnir i a7. a KoknLiiii. 1. 1. mahkiiam! Manaaror O. F. P. A Through tlckata Rait foe lowest ratea, J r' I Tfchard, loco! ag-if, W.lle Fargo t omtany'a office, A.tixla. WHEN GOING EAST . Uae a first rlas lln In traveling be- twern MlntiMipolla, Bt. Iu aad Clilcago, and the principal towna In Oairal Wig. consin. rullmnn Ialac Bleeping and (.alr Carg In aervlce. Th dining care are operatad ln tb Internet of Its patrona, thn moat elegant ervlro ever Inauguraleil. Meals are ssrvsd a la carts. To obtain first rlaaa servic your ticket should rend via The Wisconsin Central Lines. f Direct connection at Chicago and Mil. waukce for all eastern point. For full Information rail on your near est ticket aaent, or writ JA8. C. lOND. Oennral I'assenger Agent, or J AS. A CLOCK. -i.lwaukoe, Wtt. Oeneral Agent, M Stark Street Portland, Ore, Go East... Via Illlllnra anil nnii... uu.iuiainn route, ana you reach Omaha. Kansas city, Bt, Louia. and all other southern and southeastern eltlea half a day sooner than travel who taka any other Una. ' OO Cast via (It. Paul ah. r.. . ---. tn uiiriingxoa rout, and you rid th finest train on Limited. Oo east via fUhA n . . - -7 wanssr, ana you see ths Wonderful .r.n. .... . - 1 un nooai. famed th world over as th. moat mag. lHJolftlow O0UlsnAA mm south iUn, iiftiliv iiciteia t oracM or ooMnotlnf um, A. C. 8HSLDON.