t TIIK DAILY ASTORIA N, FKIPAY MOKMNU, JANUARY (5, MM .v.. .J V l.HiUIKH. Editor. TkI. phone No. K Trniis or mrincnirTiON. DAILY. Hi-'it by mail, per year Hoc p. ot dy mail. rr month M Barvcit by carrier. ter month....... 10 HKMMVKKKLT. 8,.i;t bv in ii II. per rear. In advance,, postage free to luosor.bers. .no All communlrstlons intended for pii'.. cation should be dire, led to h alitor, pui-'nea communication of all kind and remittances must be addressed to Ths Astorlen." Tha Aatorian guarantee to tta adver tisers tha largest clrtulauon of any nsppr published on tha Columbia rtYr. Advertising ratt ct ba bad oft aprU satlon to tha business manager. AN EVASIVE ANSWER. i EUonlKTt w copy an Oregonlaa ed. tori. In rty to tit Astoriana cUim that tha hvy itttp tonnage pueafbie at Atorla and impueerfil at Portland -aruuld add enlllione, annually, to the products of this basin IF THE O. R. A X. .CO. WOCLD MAKE ASTORIA A COMMON POINT WITH TACOMA. In other word, our dalnt that a "OPEN RAJLWAT FROM THE WHEAT FIELDS TO THE OCEAN la wort mil lion every year to oar producer. Tha d Mortal concedes (vaguely. It la True) our claim that Astoria' beery ahlp tonnage would add the million to our producers' pocket It make tha concession aa follows: "Tha economic of commerce, the Astorfcaa dtvJares, rtn largely upon increase In tha alia Tnd depth of ship. Thla ta a fact both true and familiar." Tacitly coated ng that remote of J? td ."3 fet draught of modern commerce cannot get to Portland, Jt any In substance, however, that th river to Portland can ba deepened (by the Port of Portland) enough to admit Ui.pa of the heaviest tonnage. That I aa absurd answer In face of the plain admbjjoo tbat railway equality between Aatorta and Tacoma would AT ONCE giv our producer! CM a ton toon for their wheat til H a4 too now charged by th a R. N. ateamera to take It to Boa Francisco for foreign shipment at Urer. pool price. It la not only aa absurd atutwer. but It b a fitae one. ThiUdel phia baa now a ID-foot channel aa acalnat Portland'a C-foot diannol. Yet prac tically all tba vteat soe paat that city to New York for fbrelrn abipmect. in apite of a tear? railway d.fferential to Philadelphia. Why la that aof Simply becaun tha wheat it worth mora to ihe producera at the coaj port than at a far Inland port of bowerer treat depth. Furthermore, It would be hnpotMble for tha "Port of Portland- to vulld and maintain a ID-foot channel (or 100 mllea. Ita conn ruction would coat tl00.ii,j0. It would bankrupt PortUnd. Even the United 6tatea could not accomplish tuch a S'cantic feat In faos of the annual aprinc fretihets ot rbe wild and turbulent Columbia. Why then auch a wild ahjno of uncertain roeulta. In fact In face of almost certain failure, when jiving- the A. 4 C. equal rate with tha Northern to Tacoma would accomplish the de. aired result? Suppose the northaatm railway (through a whet poo.) should oornttne to force export at Philadelphia and Baltimore, with a loss of vast mil. Hone annually to the producers, how lone; would the ptwple of that section atand such oppression? Verily, In the language of the apoetle. they wjuM wipe the eurth with thai pool and catter It to the uttermost ouaxters ot the globe. "Talk in newspapers or elsewhere.-says the great organ, "never made a port and never will make one." But If an un bought press of this basin shall arouse our people to the Iniquity of the O. R. ft N. Oo.'a refusal to make an "open railway" to the aea by mean of common point rates) with Tacoma, the desired result with ita inestimable benefits to ALL THE PEOPLE OF THIS BASIN will follow like mafic. It would not simply "increase land value In Astoria." aa She small organ of the wheat pool (the East Orcgon-ian) say. Nor Is It true, aa than fi. O. ays, that "the news, paper of the Inland Empire havy no Interest In Astoria, other than what It create for ltlf by worthy effort." This finest port on earth Is worth vast and Increasing mllllcma to the Inland Empire and to all honorable newspapers of that great region. It ia the key to Immense wealth for all those people and of Portland also, aa the Aatorlaa' ex. haustlve pamphlot shows. The 6. 0. ne. j e-lect to answer that fair and complete argument except by mere assertion. Such assertion aa that If "there were auch a difference between charters be tween th Wo porta it would not be a w Wore A.tor!a wouia flipping wheat to Liverpool." It ignore the fact sot out In that pamphlet, and well e. tabllshcd, of the incomplete condition of our road r,t of the hostility of the O. fi 1 Tho Kiiut You Have Alv.nys Hott-ltt, ntstl v lileh lm Wu ia uso for ocr yoars, lia lxto t!to K!;r:iuturo tf nmi li.ts boon iu:lo nm'.or Ills jor ? jC f ''0!,:,' ''illlv i:tft infanojr. WttfVy; StUcAjit Allow no imp to (locotvo u In tliix. All Conntoifolts, Imitation and SiiI-tUntO!i wx lnt l'.x lorimoit(. that trli'.o W ntul nul.tnuor tho liostlth of luf.tnts ond ChiWrcu-Kxi rlonw u..t:ist r.vioriniont. What is CASTOR i A Caxtoriia 1 a substitute (or (Uvtor O'.J, IuivirorU', Drtms And Soothing S.vrt!;)s. It N lJ.i;m: . .. and l'loas.it, U contalnit itolilu r Oilotu, M trpiitMo r tht r Xartnitio mbstauoo. Its jr Is Ii ffarnntco. It dttry Worms and iiUrtys FovfrUhno.-s. It euros Ularrluru and Wind Colic It relievos Teetlilnj? Trouldes cure ('ntlmtUm and Flatuleney. It lniILtte tlu 1'ihmI, regulate th Stomaeh and llowols, givln;: lrr!( hy and natitml slT, Tho Children's ttmaeott-The Llother's Frlostd. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears tho Signature sf The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. elkvknth stkhmtbi-iwkuassiissmmnt notom;. Notlca I hwMiy rlvn that the eaasaamsnt ma.U by otsllttsn.Ht No, fm of th rlty of AlrU, Oivaxn, 'livd Iemlti-r ITih. iilllnilii the simeMmeiit nn.t for ths Miiniru.-tli.n of a swr on K'lvvsnth lnt, front a noltit tin f.t e.tuih of the noritt I n of Irving avjnu to the north line of Commsrvlal tr.t. In lht part of th said city vf Astoria aa lni.l out ami ivoor.lor hy John Mo- una, H lure, will be On ami nay "Ms In U. H. koI.I coin i Hia iti. ..f il.A .-n m... urr on or bfitre Jnniiary Mh, Is, and If not paid within live dys fnm that itsta tl (svitmon tvundl will or,ler warrants Issued for the collection of the Mm. asfrasment I aa follows; Alrth. KUm , Ahlere, l.oul . Allen. A. V AiuWrson. And, AiMivrm N.tt.onnl Hank A.torl tavlnt:s Hank Astoria tvln lUnit A. ri SavIikis liHnk AMru having Italia I'Kin, v K, lUut. O, K Harker. V. U lUsol, Haihlolph . VMS CttTW MANHOOD RESTORED rnsrant(d to r-r all aerwas dtMasta, sa Brsia Puwer, Mesdsche. VskduUMsa, Ix naot, hervossona, all drsiss, loss ef pom . estl b oT-rIm roatl sfs. , opium or attmatants. whuk lead to Infirmity, Cmomstioa 01 ' lV""7-C" ,bfarrkd ia vest perkx. Jt so per boa, 4 trr !. by mJ I' TClMl8byahdn.rri Aforu"uk.airhrt ny t)r try. W-a lelUw Merve t-Uta. TfaM vunlwlul - rnarutcd to nr sll aerfoas dtMasta, sack as Weak Memory UmJt , w ci uunw, m uami, rognuy aml swos. hervoBSoeai, all draias, loss of power la Ceaersltva Otgaa ol eiUKTara. esrard by oersertwa. yoathfal errara, rTrrtT ntt ot r-" or rrsa aienwtne tj . rr Ktiih, I ne-liTie -rugC,lutrUaoji4eata, Taulao4 yhmsu . ivttunj "nrJUle by ySTKS fONN PRfO V ."oMrn , n rpi Iioarxl of Mission ot Kforni4 Church.. lOFIIIIla. li . k. r. Theo, I'rown. O, 8. Hrown. C. 8, lirowiu V'. 8. Hrown, t', H Iirown, lllrsm ..... Hrown, lLmiu Iirown, Illrsm liruwn, Illrsm Iirown. Margaret , City of Astoria. .... lv a. J. r' tYruon, J, R., Vruson, j. R,, KoriEUaon. J. R..... k'.Tviwoti, J. K..... rVrttusnn, J. V: J. E.. Kercuaon, Mher. Aua-ust O. rlahe Auut C... Khmlh ltrxhrh.vd rtrm aimhotliHt KW-xil Churvh..,. nni i rri.yirtn t nurt-n Ftrst !rbytrtua Church Klavtd. H. O Klavel. a C nvW. o, C riatrst. O. C r lavel. 1U .... KlavcL Katla Mavel. Mary C... rTavel. Mary C. Dave!. Nellie .... una. i und. 1 und. M uml 1-4 und. l und. H uiui. 1.1 KlavW. Nellie UiKt 14 h uvi-t. xxiie and Katie. !.ot S block W. M.'t'lure'a Atrl.. ( N) ait 14. blm-k U, M.t'lutVs Astoria, ,M Id t L block ?0, M.CIure's Atorla,,40 M Un T, IiUm k W, Mvt'lur' Asuulit., Kl I.01 S, bunk W, M.viurs'a Anions.., IK 11 l.ot 4. l.iok 41. Mi-CUirs Astoria.. 5J II l.i'l . block II, M (Mine's Astoria,, M j.t l.ot a. blo-k 44. Mot'liirs'a Aatorla., U 1.1 Ul 1U I'I'X'K rt, Mt i'ime's AiorU., Vi l.o I. block M.'t'lura's Asloii , 4.1 l U t bl.h k iw. M.Tlurx's Astoria., IA M l. 't lio. k fl, M.i'lunt s Asiorl.i,. I III Lot 11, blo. k H'., M.-i'lnre's Aalone., t TH Ut 4. block n. Mo.'luiv a Aor.,, i i I.t It IiIih k t, M- Cliir-. a AsiorU., II M ..usd. i Ut I. blin k l. M 'ChiiVs Aaloriii., II W U'l I. bltx k W, M t ime s Aaloru,, 40 M Lot 1 bl.M k I't. M.'t'lotii's Astoria., tt i , ,. Ut l. bltH k i. MVlnr''a Aaiorin., t M l.ot 14. block H McVlurs's Astoria., 4u M l.ot S, Mock M.flurv'a Astoria., Ill) l.ot 4. block M.H'liii' Aaior.a,, M II Ia'I a. block (ti. M.H'lure's Aatorla.. S3 13 U1 4. I.I.K'k McCiuio's Astoria., lill U't bl.Hk M,'liii s ,Uir i 14 M Ut 1. block l. M.l'lurs'a Astoria., 4J at ......und. H I a I 4. block tl. MoClure'e Aatorta., M ,unu. j. I'I.k n a.. M,s lul' a Aaiort,, f P7 ,,,,,,unu. ,,,.,.uml, umt. uml. U JH j, I,),- 7 M,H'Uirs Astoria.. M und. i UH 4. block 11. M.v -Unas Astor.a., KM Lot li block o. NKt'liire s Astoria., 14 M lt 11 block M.VIura'i Au.rii.. &v si .west H U't li. blo-k CI. M.VU11V Astoria.. 1 1 1. I'l.VK si. Mm-iir s Aatorta,, at Si Ul 1. block l. M. Clur's Astoria,, ! 1 UH t blwk II. MoClurs'a Aatrta.. V M Ia li block l, XUi "lure's Astoria.. 14 Lot I. block IV. MiOure' Astoria.. 14 tM 1aI li blook 1. M.VIiir' Aator a.. 4 U U.t 14. blo-k 1. Mc'liira'a Astoria.. M U't IX, Uoek 1. MNurs'a Aatorta., 4 tt I.. M a. J. I'Um a.. M.s imv a Aaiort,, f P7 it. Is M 4. bl,k 46. M.VWir.a Aatoria.. Hit J. V, U L block li. Mcl'ltirs'a Aatoria., 14 4) it. S Ut, , blo,kj. Mcl'lurv's Astoria., 1 04 PrjrrAT TICKICTS NpULYApo!fTS EAST Thrntish palace and tourlat alespsrt. tlnliisT and library observation ears, Kl.KOANT VKHTIIIUI.U THAINS No. 4 Uiuliist leave I'urlland at I t ni. No. I Lliiilii4 arrlvea INirtttnd at II II t ni For ratsa, tt,, tall nr .Mrs . tl W. lAH'NHliKHItV, Afsnt O. 1U N.. As'orl. t A. II. C MCNNISTON. C. P. a T. A., l-ortland, Or. rnc ssXlT7K 11,0 XJppZ-sp1 fat Lut 14. block VI M.VIurt'i Astoria. 1a4 It llH-k 1. M .'CI are's Astorltt.. II ! IaH 14. bkxk l. Mcflure- Astoria.. K 4t Lot U. block l. M.H'lurv's Aa.orU.. 4 Uk 14. blo k yi. McCliim's Astoria.. Lot U, bl.'k l. M.i'lures Astoria.. SM FVater, Ambmoe west Lot K block (i Mci'lure'a Atna., t 14 r"ulton, C. V wawt H Ut 4, block To, M.i'lure'a Aatoria.. 174 Pulton, r. W ! S lt 1L block M.h 'lure s Astoria.. I Tl R. 4 K. Co. to aa "open railway" to As toria. Neither is It true, as the 8. a assvrts, that we are "simply endeavor- Tt'-!, A. 9. Keif. (irj Kiilrer.Ant. J. W... j Suprorant. J. V. i Suprenant. J. W... 8upriitn:. J. W... .' Ximrwiant. J. W... . I Suprwant. J. W..., a- -i-a.J'A.- jlI. X a . Ppexsrth. A. 0 n . t: I li ju t.i i i.sin ks- f.i'i'. . . MOT " - - ' ULIl.k Pulton. Vltttinla K.. Fulton, Vircmla K Mmae, Jurui. hetra of und. H Orttrtn. Jofcn N una. UiimlrrsHtn, Ann e M H.minioml. A. H. ,. II inmion.t. A. It. Hanson. Mary Hylan.l. IVtef Hdward Jon son. Aberttne , Johns.ni, Anna Johnson, Anna Johnson, Anna , Johnson, Anna ... .. Johnson. Anna. Johnson, Anna Kant. Viola T Lumljarve, John H. .V inaiir, l.oon Manaell J. ( Ktcoa. hroe Olsin. Thora I'litiH-k. Ilnry L rare. C. H lyihi,in Iand and Ilulldlns; Assm-iatlon. wat H tt V It No. t II. 'a ui o. a. p in. I ii. iu. i: Vl Mai' for Al r.lc.'O foiilih liiii.l, la.iima. Hml.al, Itrlttta, llutte, Ann. ..ii.iu. M. 'aii,i til ittli, Ne V"'a, IkNliin ano sll tums ami aai MoiiUieat, I'ortlati.l, Heilile laiNiina rii, sn.i fori AHIIIVK. No. I. 10 M s. m. No. a. lu p. m, Kcaiilr, TuMwi. iimn . auil li.i.rnieillala poltila. Paul. Omaha, Kan Tliree dsva to Ht is a I'lty and other Missouri rlvr wolnta Ttiro and nne hnlf ilaya to Si. U'Uls. U1 L block 7'J. M-i'lure'a Aatoria.. Un li blmk T. M.H'lur' Aatona.. KM Iot 14, bl.vk tl. M.i'lure'a Aatoria.. J 44 Ut 14. block kl. M.-iMures As.oria.. l 44 Ut . block t. McClurs'a Aatoria.. 14 Ut I, block . M.i'lure'a Aatorta,, Ut a. bl.H k tM. M.i'ltir' Aatoria.. II 11 Lot I. block lu, Mci'lure's Aatorta... U II l.l II M.K-k SI. M.1 'lure's Aator., Ita U 1 I.Kh k si. Mii'lurs's Astoria,. 14 U't 1 block !. M.l'Uite'a Astoria.. 14 M Lot 4. blin k W. M 11 lire' Asioria.. I 1 I, I Kor sIopiMiw car rrwervatlons. tlckai. ill map of rou I s ami wthsr Informal!., .. m can on or su.ii f! J C. MA TO, Aaant. a ll f'f.a.tii Ar,-ta I rtl Ai.,ria or A. I). I'M AltLTUN, Uk i. bl.Hk M. M.i'lurs s Aatoria.. 1 II "," Lot 11. block at. Md'lure's Aatorta. Un U. blok sa. McClurs's Aatona. U.t 1. block H. Mcl'lurs Aatona. U1 . block W. Mn'lura Aa:orla. ..esst H IM i block 4. M.i'lure'a Aatorta, Uot . Dl.HR , AM Hires Asioria. Ut II, bl..'k J. Mil'luro's Aatorta, U I. bUvk II. M.i'lure'a Aatorta. UK li block M. M.i 'lure s Aai.wla. l)t 14. block t, MoClure'e Astoria. Ia 4, Mock II. McOure's Ator'a.( U.t li block l. Mn .lire a Astor a l.ot II. block M. M t'ltire's Atirl MllwaukiMi an.t I'hli Un l-Vur ami one-half Jjya to Wablnirtn, rhllailolphla ami nlrcr tar tatat.n lo.nia. l'-ngra lakln inn A. I'. It. It. It. I o'clock momma train will make close connections at Uohie wiih the eat bound fast maul. . . I'nlon UiHwt eonno. ll na at all principal rlt'ea. Ilaace checked IhrotiKh to drsilna,. .und. January soles now In order. Work cornea hard after the taat two 1 1 "h(- Ann . , .l.v. I e care nocuinsj tor any aiaer. -- - " Intr to make the O. R. A N. CO.. at Ita Kuter enm expense, remove the barriers In ;ks way of Astoria becoming a common poM. enilal in faror of Port! tnd. We simply demand equal rate with Tacoena, order to brinv all the wheat to this port. If thla necessitate) a leseenlnf of tbe O. R. N. chart ea to the producers a for aa Port Und, It would simply show that road U now EXACTING TOO MVCH FOR ITS DOWN GRADE HAUL. The Oregontan'a concession that th heavy ship tonnage possible at Astoria would add vast millions to the pockets of our producers, is aa admbwloa that the down grade to Aatoria should form the baei of freight cliarwes. The pen. plehe producers are entitled to this. .und. H und. S unit. und. i uml. l un.t. t und. und. 4 , una. u und. li Through I.,.; 4 t.:o k r. M '-.ir.' s Ator.. M I lMf U.t X bUx-k 4'.. Ml'lure's Aslorl.. I M I ILKrl I..1 J. block I'., M.i'lure'a Astoria. . I M ' awaw.wa 1J4 nn 47 III 40 171 7 ? 4! Assistant tleneral Paaamsar A(rnl. at Mocrtsoo Htrset pnrllaiul. Or, -if? .west S I HklWe. Mat t W!nivi, I. u y V 1 Thomson. Mury P. "iiitr.- Firt ltaptlst Church, wat 4 i ucser, ii. r. Ut . blH-k '. M.i'lurr's Aslor a.. I UT Ul 5. b.o. k Tl. M.i lures Astora., sot. 1 t.'.i.k : M -I'lur a A 'ort . . 14 I ! U I: Ji. XX: A:r.wr;: : '? ! HAST AM) SOUTH l-AST Ut 4. blxk l. M.1 Hire Ator:a.. is u . Ut ll. t'lx at M 'lnr. a Asi.-n., I 7 33 11 ' : ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave I Asioria (lislly) Arrlva" a in p m. I'orlland and AoHsp.inp.m. till I.WIICii'ras (rain vlailJ,K.ll.es lvnais, i iiiioii, ii. i port, t'lalsksnl. tlolilsij iiinneciion si iiui' s i". I ha Ksat and i'ilt Holiltd polnta. 1 ri.rn a.nt ip.m a.in, IHII.Oil Anuria, Hraslle am) 4 U T.44 New Asmrla I'asssnssr trains, via Warraiilon land r'laval. I I. )l Hunilsy llunlsr iM list Aslorl to Miwsldal J. C. MAYO, II. f. I. A. WHITE COLLAR LINE Coluin.ita lltvsr ami Pugst Mound NavW fsllon t'omt.sny. Telethons laave Astoria dally, leapt inula y, at 1 p m, Uavee-i'orltami dally aioepl Hun4ay at I a. m. Whit t'olUr line iirk-ta Inlsr. hsoavle nn Telephone. T. J Poller and II. K. I homiwon for Asiorls and all way miinta, KUvvl, llwsoo, Heavlaw, Uom lie, h, an3 Nahootta. v n. HOCTT, , Irealdeat A. . TATI1H. Astoria Anl. TiH.noe K U Mo Tl VI H 5VMI III l.l'-S liKIMIlti rioni I'ottlaiid M.ll S t III Spokane ri.ee I JU p. ui. 'all lake, H.iit.r ft Wuilh, tlmali Wan I'ltr. "I. I "ill, I hlcatft. And I at W'a Mailt, Hi..' ant lllllllrill. l I'xil Ixilulh. .Ml'aauk.r I III. asu sii'l '' 1 I'toui Ailoria IKIIAN I. Til AM Ml II1. All Kullliif lalra iiit) ! ) I to . I. (..,. ' y. fan r rnca'. hal lf. cli.lj .1 an. I ft. A! fa! M.lll I JUS. Ill rtw.lsns rifar lu It a. at. fa ius "u Inlay j Columbia It I vat Niva liters To I'urlland and Way landlnas. 1 r'fxe 1'i.filsi ii. WlllaaMtta Ult.r. Aa ai S Me u.lst I p Ml Vl .n. Wad ..! rn : Luiariani hair, or umform color, la a .beautiful head covering for either aes. iau max uw Ntum oj uaina nan iffi Ubl Blclllan Hair Renewer. Theater manugrrs are glad th shop, ping fever baa abated. That the blood should perrona It vital functions. It Is absolutely neceesaary tt should not omy be pur but rich in Ufa giving elements. These results are beet affected by the uae of that well-known standard blood purifier, Ayers' Baraapa. rtlla And now only the candle) w least Mke are left la the box. I.-H J. block W. M "lure's Astoria Uil . block 6V Mi'lnre's Aalona UK 1!. block Tn. M.-".iires Aatorl . II U't J. bl-K-k 44. McOure Astoria.. W U lxt I. bl.vk Tl. M ''lures As'or'.t . J.1 M Ijh . l.l.a k 71. Ml'lure's Aatoria.. II U U.t 4. I.l-i-k M-i'lurc's Aat.-rl . 07 I Uk 1 block I". M.i'lure'a A'torta.. I n TO THB- -VIA- s s m Tura I Iiui S...I Sat M.il.-tu. A tb o.r, t om al I s a' .l aa I.e.. It.r. MlllaiMHIa aa aa4 I r:..- hltim.sra. M V... and'.-L "let -ill II.. I toil. M n.k l-i.tll.r. Wlncate, U WW. Herman und. 14 Wla. Snnh und. i Young. ChrUtlna Lot L bloc k M. Ml 'lur.a Au.na.. 40 W By order of the common council of the city of AstorU. Oregon. H. B. NELSON. Aud.w and Police Jj.lfs. Astoria. Oregon. December ii. 11. itablee In ermine are aa proud a pan It la a good time to buy luce curtains. If the unbought pre of this twain do ! by Esteaonn Drug Co. their duty, that status will come quickly Acker's English remedy will stop a cough at any tlm. and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money r- I funded. Scents and SO cents. For el, your liver, stomach and kidney, ton THE 8UR LA GRIP FX CUKZ. Thar ta no ua) suffering from thl dreadful malady. If you will only gel the J right rumedy. Tou are having pala all through your body, your liver la out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambl- Uon, have a bad cold, la fact are 00m ! pletel used up. Electric Illttsra 1 the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on CASTOR I A For Infaati and Children. Tha Kind Yea Hats Always Bought Bear tha lgnatar Cough medicines and colic mixtures tnroum an "open ra:lway to the ocean are rlvala in tbe drug; store. at Astoria. up the whole system and make yo'i feel like a new being. They are guaranteed . to cure or price refunded. For sale at ( Estes-Con.i Drt g Co. Only to cents per . bottle 1 Acker's DvsDeoeia Tablets are aold en 1 Tbe Oregonlan evadea the main Issue a positive guarantee. Curea heart bum. The credit ilck is very popular these the real ouestlon-that of benefit to tl.e raum 01 Iuoa- a ater eating, any days. 1 form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives people and urges only that of benefit to Immediate re.lef. S and U centa. For! TO THE PUBLIC. S and 14 centa For the ship owiwrs. Will extension by an bjr Kt-C"1' Drug Co. open railway" to Astoria greatly bene- The doctor and the dentist are per. fit ALL THE PEOPLE of the basin? ' "cuiarly " demand Just now, Tha ia not denied. BLANCARDS or IODIDE OF IRON for ANEMIA .POOUNV.K of ihr HI.OOD, CONSTITITIONAL Wl:AkM.S5 CHW I LA. l ie NoeegenulneunleaaaiKnrd "Blaicasii" ALL IlKl'l.lilSTH. . E. POtOLKA 4 CO. . N. V. A f ta. lor I alTl.'"' 'I I r lli U lal . ( L al.(i.f. 1 I ' a in. naka Hilar. Iliji.iat.. 1j.iI.uh a id rn. I lawl.lu 1 a in. .Ill rif t I r 1 . 1 .a .vs lwtal.ian daily ave(, r'rtdsy. 0. W. LOUNBllKllMT. A a an I Aatorta. W. H. IIURLIIUHT. 0a I1. Agt. Pee-uaad. Or. ev4ii ,, aicto' PULLMAN PALACH ILKCPcii. TOl'RIaTT LEEPCRJ aa4 FRtB RECUNINO CHAIR CARi -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern etllaa . tlasrag ntuarked through to destination, Colon lerts fsat time, low rates, IMnijK-h lleht In all care.. Por rat and other Information call ) or addreae O. W. LOUNB0KRRT. Afeat., O. R. A N. Co. Astoria. Oregon, er J H LOTIIROP. On. Agent. Uk Third st. cur AWr. Purtland. Or. wV 1 Til MOUTH I.EAVB How can this be secured? By forcing the O. R. 4 N. Co. to do It duty. Who can force that ac tion? The Oresonlan. How? Bv stir ring the roaest with it mighty influ. once the voice of the Thunderer. The . , , i Heavy tangs are threatened. Let u Atortan appeal to that mighty orgaa (ru,t tbey wui not matirallxe. Sick headache absolutely and perma- nently cured by using il.'ki Tta. A pleas ant herb drink. Cure constipation and muismiuu. oiaars you eat, steep, worgj bottle. Try it .u umvvt o.iai4iciiun guaranieecj or money refunded. Ii and id cents. For sale bv Estrs-Cinn Drur "o. Ws ara authorised to guarantee every 1 bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy ! to be aa represented and If not satlafac. ! . tory after two-third of tbe content ; have been used, will refund the money William's Kidney Pills Kaa no rnual 'it tlLi'uxos of the to tha purchaser. There Is no better j f KJilticya nui Urinary Organs. Have medicine for la grippe, colds and whoop. V you m'tflecUil yjur ll.liwys? Jlae ; ing couga. r nee ana tu cents per to do ita nlain dutv and thiM nmmr4 1 No healthy nerson nerd fear anv dan. the great prosperity of Its own city and ; gerou consequences from an attack of all the Columbian basin. J la grippe if properly treated. It Is much 4iJ . th same as a sever cold and requires - precisely the same treatment. Remain : quietly at home and take ClumbcrUiu'i . Cough Remedy aa directed for a severe cold and complete recovery I ur to ' follow. For sale by Charles Rogers, ; druggist. 1 Holiday can wear one out Infinitely ' faster than the regular routine. OAHTOIIIA. , ! Bigaatu The Kind Van Haw Alwrt 'Ye Owe H to Her. If yon are the mother of a young ' girl who is rp. ' Hyacinths and maidenhair fern mak proaching tbe lovely table decoratUona. time when tprl-1 hood merg-es inu BUCKLEN'8 aRNICA BALVB womanhood do j not hesitate to THE BEST SALVE In tha worM f.r speak freely and !cut, Brule, Borer. Ulcer, Salt Rheum, iransiv wnn ncr Cvar urii Ttir n.,n u..i. about the tbinp which most clo-cly con- ;Cnl,ba!ns. Corns and all Skin Eruptions! im tn an. r,f the delicate ane- . na Poaitively cures Pile, or no pay ra cial organism of womanhood, make it your .0"'red. It la guaranteed to glv perfect business to see that this is properly cor- satisfaction or money refunded. Price rected, and that sbe start upon woman- cents or ox. T'sr aale by Cstes-Conn hood's career with full womanly strength Drug Ca and capacity. Sue will bless you lor it ail her life. There is no need of examination " and up.to-data bnlrooma. "local aDDlications." Sound professional advice may be obtained free of charge, by writing to Dr. R. V. l'icrce, chief consulting fihysician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surg es! Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose thirty years' occupancy of this position Draped dressing tables are seen In all TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls has made him recognized among tbe most 9 cure- 23 cen"1' THe genuine ha U B. eminent of living specialists in the treat- vwn. ConsplcuoiMly manicured nail are not ment of woman's diseases. Every eat.e submitted to him by mail re reives careful consideration. Efficient and good form. inexpensive nome-ireaimcni is presence u whereby delicate, feminine complaints may HOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA tie promptly alleviated ana cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only . . , . . . proprietary medicine in the world designed "7 , " , 1 pncum0MI1 For this special purpose by a regular physi- alway reaului from a cold or from an cian an educated, experienced expert. attack of la grippe. During the epl. Miss Cora L. Rnasel. of Leemont. Accomac Co.. demlC Of la BTlDDO a few veara nan xher Va., in a .teller to Dr. Werce ys: from April, m man, CUies resulted In nneumnnla x-r. 1 -iifirrin . - lhJi until th- followinor ven?W from nainful men ..ition. For about " Wat ODserved that the atUck was twelve hour L-rfort? tlic appearance of the menme never followed by that disease when body waabreakinif. Nothing did me any good. counteract any tendency of a cold I wrote to Dr. l-icrae and he recommended his or la grippe to result in that dangerous I Every bottle warranted. For sale by Crap doesn't always Indicate sorrow. t Charles Roger, druggist. Bright weather brings out bargain hun. ters. yot oTerworked ...r rt.-rVou. "JZr.Z lw. ami cand tr,.Mo with yourj V Kidney and Ula.I.l. r? Have youf ! '"T?- "1 A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful word written by Mrs. Ada E Hart of Oroton, 8. D : "Was taken witn a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cout;h et In and finally terminated In consumption. Four doctor gav m up, saying I .oul.l llv but a short time. I gave myself up to my 8avlor, determined If I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones aim vs. My hushnnil was advised to get Dr. Klnsr's New DlHCovcry for Consumption. Coughs, und Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eight bott.es. It has cured me, and thank O.d I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Tr'al bottles free st Estes-Conn Drug Co. Regular e Va md tl. Guaranteed or price refunded Hllk skirts are now conalderel nece. ltlee. TOUh FA. 1 Shows the state of your feeling and th stats ol your health aa well. Impure blood makea Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimple and ikln erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a heajthy appear ance you should try Acker1 Blood Elixir. I', ores all blood diseases where chenp sarsaparlllaa and so-caned purifier fall; knowing thl we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Bates Conn Drug Co. F pain, la the lolnn, ailto, Itm-k, irrinn to iiitiaer? lluvo V'jiinSii'j'iy ill) nif.'irnnce tif tlic f ici. cMvoiallt NtrTIt i: OF FII.INO OF ASS1MMKNT ROLL AND MKKTINi! OF THE HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice Is hereby given to all persona whomaonver, that thrr lias been re ported to tho common council of the city of Aatorta, Oretfoti, by the board nf aaisrs of said city, a apei-lal aaam. I m.mt for the Improvement In said city ,knon ai the Improvommt of Eighth i Street. Hot ween Uron.l and llarrts.m I Avenue, ami whlrh aasrsamtnt Is shown on the special aaseaamvnt Mil for sold aaseaement, which Is now on file In the nderslgned. Is open for will so remain until Hat- a j uruar. ine mn uay or January, 1M9. st ,J day, at which time the board of equal. laiuun nrr m4.i tswuncni, conaiai.ng of the aald board of aaaraisors an.l the nominate of strer-ts and public unys the common council of said rlty. Ill m-et In the council rhiinilicra of -.iid city in the city hnll ihcnvf, to re. 1.00 P. If 1 ft A. U Dally exoept Sunday IT m A. M K in P. M PORTLAND 0VEHLAND KX PIIKHK. fur Halim, Itoasburg, Ashland, Harremanto, tgdn, rlan r'rnclao. Mo. tavs, I Angelas, :i Paso, New t)r Irans and tbe East. Rneaburg passenger Via VVoodhurn. for Mount Angal, Mt. vertun, Wast Hclo. Iimwnvlll. riprtng 0M and Nation.... Cbrvsllls paaaengar Independents paaa' A1UUVB ,1H A. M I'M P. H Dally sctt Hsnday I M A. M II a A.M . i.r,r iho t'Vi'h' T o fr.i(o;t b .to ni tirin V Willliitn's KI'liK') .ill ,vi!l in.::i:t new li.V to tl.o i'v V ; '" f' l.(.l or.Mn, U, ; tip Kyst'"Ti k 1 .10 I n:ili ati' "rin ut y u. J'y ' i -i ..I ,v i.crii t .-r 1. . r : . ,1 b'J.IMM .Vtii. , o . ) em-,, l .-vri.ii.l (.1. X ' v'w H'"' 'ualllo sulil aaaeaamrnt. 'A -" 'U-t.,... 1 All olijix-tlons to said ajuosamnnt niuat Foe sale bv FPTKS-CONN PRUO CO. .' bo ll!e. tMh tho undors'.giKKl on or be- i fore the time of said minting. TMs notice Is publlshi-d by ord.-r nf The Choicest Table Wine... Carlson's Family Liquor Store mmm I heS'i tiny odou' ate ti.DericI .f..... r- , f 10 rjaiwm 01 loraio. -Cubehi or Injections and, CURE IN 48 HOVHSWM tame dnuo vith- Inconvet'cn '. SMir nil r'prih. The IMPERIAL Hotel j 2 THOS. C1UINBAN, Proprietor $ g WflHhimttonfltM. Portland, Or. 2 'a j r r a, r Irtl'l ?i MAuiiooD restored;; :CUPIDENE" Thin rrnntVi.li..ii.i.u iiiriiiiiwww iiuw l wiiuuviuur,IL,.rTiZ tlon of a famous r'renoh pi.yslrli.n, will quickly cure you 0 all tier. " '. ' ami ail lorn"" ny uuy lit .ilarl.L l'.iviiia b n' aaof disnharae. which If not checked Wis i.Hnrr,,. .,.,,..'. ..... BEFORE aD AFTER ?" H' horror uf Impotaney, 4 lFIOKAKcleauavsUwUvar. Uie I JT'" rlt-? kldriy,aiidlhaiirlnaryoransoIallunjiiiiUea -", n. 5 a. a-a nana ai nguiana ana rnioreaamsu orxana "1 lie rcaaon aurrcrera sr not cureu by iXK-iors la bernuse ninety per cant are troubled with lreatalllla. (JUI'I uy.HK, la tha only known remedy to cure without an operation. Wioioilmonl. f A- A wrllteogoaraniMiglvenand mony returniMi If six tKixpa (tneanot ellocl a Mnuauvutoura. i40aboi,alxfort.W,brinau, ttendforrasaclrcularand leattmonlils, Adarsas DA TO- B KDICIB CO., p. 0. Box SOT, Ban Pranclaeo, Cat fur Rait bv CHARLES ROGERS. 461 Commercial Bt the common rnuncll of said city. Datt-d at Astoria, Ur.'ifon. l)ecimibcr th, WA. If. E. NELSON. Auditor im.l police JmlKe, Cliy of As. toria, Orogon. NOTICE OF FILINO nK A8HEH.HMHNT ROLL AND SIKICTINO OK TIIK HOARD OK I'Hj i.ATIf)N. Nollco Is hereby given to all persons whomsoever, that there hus been ro por(l to the common council of the ultv of Astoria. Orogon, by tho bonnl of assessor of wild city, a special ussiaa ment for lha Improvement In nld city known a the "Improvement of Harrison Avenue, Jlotwoim Hcvonth and KIkIiII atrenis. and which assessment Is shown on llio spot'lal nHMcsament roll for snl.l assessment, which I now on ft In In tin ufllce of the undersigned, Is open f.s Inspection, and will so remain until Hut unluy, thu Hth day of January, w,. at the hour of ten o'clock a, m, of snlrt day, at which time tho board of equal. Izntlrm for said nnsit4mi-ril, consisting of the said board of asa'wsors and tli commltteo on streets and pulilla ways of the common council of said city, will mnt In the council chamber of aid city In the city hall thereof, to re. vlow and eo,uullxo said asfieanmPnt. All objections to said assessment must bo filed with tha undersigned on or be fore the time of said mooting. Thl notice I published by order of the common council of said city. Dated at Aatoria, Oregon, December 30th, lfcUS. II. B. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge, City of As. toria, Oregon. Dally. tlMlly exc-pt Hunday. ( iinioH'ling at Hun Kranelsrai with Oora denlal A trlanlal, panne alaU and Oce anic steamship Unas for JAPAN. C'"'NAWAAI1'J'"AL1A AND RalMle tlrketa on sals dally balwean Portland, HaiTamaaito and Han Frannha 00. .Nat rates I7 fll-U'laa, and 111 aao- oti1-i-liuM, Inclu.llng sl(-.-.r. Rate and Itcketa to Kasiern points ana Europe. Also Japan, fhln. Honolulu, and Australia, fan bei.btalnnl from j. II. i7"i? k "" "J."".', .T1? '1 "'i. (-. 11. MAlth.ll a. af. IL KOk'HI.RR Manager O F P . A. ThrOUSh tlckrta Past tnr In ! .'l. Call nn C. J. Tren. hsr1, bra agnL Wells Fargo Cominy' orrlce. Aslona, WHEN GOING HAST . Use a first clnaa Una m traveling be tween Mliinniipolls, fit. Pstil and Chicago, and ths principal town In Ceatrai Wis consin. I'ullmnn Pa'lac Hleeplng and Chair Car) In service. The dining cars are operated in thl Interest of Its patrons, the most elegant service ever Inaugurated, Meals sr served a la carts, To obtain first class ssrvlr your tlckt should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Dire, t connections at Chlrago and Mil waukee for all eastern polnta. For full Information call on your near est ticket as-enl, or write JA8. C. POND. Onneral Passenger Anont. or JAB. A CLOCK, -i.U'ttuk.-e, Wl. Ueneral Agent, 216 Htark Hi root Portland, Ore. 4 ri.ii....i)f t..r ti.iiiiirrli.ra, K. j !;""1' srmlorrhiea, 'r''l v1'1'"". unnatural His. imI (I cliars.s, nr snr li.Hnim- J'-.. m ion w is a nrni-nrnwri nni X' 'i r..ll....y tut U..ii.irrl..ra ........ -f. j .. . a . Is 1 la lilar (IflWtllMd bai u rUiBs. II. ,11. Irrltatl.tii or ul...,nu Cr"ou MniMlas. tlon of in .icons nirm rHEEMKlOHenmiiflo, brsDn. tton-aatrlnsiul CIHsarii0.r',"a ,d lrggUa, .. ... jOn -.n In aI.I- - U.K. A. i ' " .r, , ,an .f. ,u ..'Mtuxawt-e-d Go East.. via Rilling and Rurllngton routs, and you reach Omaha, Kansas city, Bt. Loul. and all other southern and aoutheaatarn cltlea half a day sooner than traveler who take any other Una. Oo oast via flt. Paul and th Dnrllngton routs, and you rid the finest train on arth-th Burlington, Bt, Paul-hlcaeTo Limited. Go eatt la Ogdn and Denver, and you ee th wonderful scenery of th Rockies, famed th world over aa th moat ma. nuioeni on wm continent. iootrr"lKittT,aT'ifc.Tr!!'f I Ticket at office of connecting line. Circular soul ou rauuwt. A. C. flltmi.nnM