" fr-r- ; winrl : 1 THE A3T0RIAN DM tbs Urfcit circulation of lay pipeif on the Columfcli RIvU IHfc UAILT AilU;A. 13 I .J n fcijrftst ml test t;;;:r i I ! S. Ait th frlumVi FSii, jr if! , , ..'w;.,!'r-- - '! , 'V FULL ASSOCIATKH PKICSS REPORT. VOL. XLIX. ASTOKIA. OKEOOX, WKDNlOr-DAY M0KN1N0. JANIAKY 4, I8'.U NO. 110 y Stove Store ... IN ASTORIA ... sWssa Our Hpoclnliy: HTOVDH AND HAINOEH SMearyaaer Wo know tho biihincttfl. Twenty years cxperirnco. If you wunt a GOOD Btovc, bco tlio Block ut the Eclipse Hardware Go. lAAAVVVAAAAVAAAAAnAAAAAAAtVrvtVVVVlAfUVl 1899 Pocket and Office Diaries Tide Tables Calendar Pads Blank Books World's Almanac Ilurgnim in Clotli llomxl Il(kn. Griffin & Reed. OUU MOTTOi "WE SELL EVERYTHING." White Sewing Machines and Royal Cream Flour FOARD & STOKES GO. W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull llM W PlM, TMM. Ml 3nfc.r' Artlcl. 474 Commercial Ml. An Ideal You MBDOt Uk money tad buy a M SMfttl m a Pair of Good Slippers. W bar th Urgtat howa In k dty, at John Hahn, Holiday Goods Arriving Every Pay, at Portland Trices. Chairs, Rugs and Medallion Pictures C. HEILBORN & SON. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BollerMakers Machinists Foundrymen I Logging EnglnoM OmIH and Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Manufacturers for the 1'aclflc Coast for the - s C uvl Manufacturer and Lalr In FINE CIGARS! Gift... a tin all amount of CbrUtmM ltt hair MMrtoitat vr th rry lowaat Tlio Rollnble Stioo Dcnlor. Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock ROBERTS WATER-TUBB BOILER. FhAHKIGAN Tells How ft Is Possible for His Hired Man, Her man Wise, to Make a Reduction of 25 PER CENT On All Lines of Goods in His Store. wild .Ww yi-ar. mi lh loill otm'. 'Clll nhprlnr niakni lh n"W ntylo bloom In 111 (iilirditn Iv corr.iTH'rra lolks gould mlim U l.kiomlr.if In Ilia Klon1lkr. (hrer.i,f(,r w oprn ir C r clnt ry iliM ilon nl on tli flrat of lth yr mt rotnflftlil. In rimtom W tnko lh raltrr In tin haritl ul cut tlx liver an' onion, wit Iv prlcra. Talking Iv rlifn. di'1 y Iver thry to cut aoll curn with a riUxr whn It lr dool ail' ahlrrpy l"lk. If V av wl, nxbtiy y hova lr;l to aluivo y rwlf wlu-n yT nw burn movatAiih Hrl lh loKht Iv day; r prrhn' r have aitrmto'l a colored pit n!" a'l lav cm 'nm harpn Oirlr r.yi'jrn on nlrh olhr' rorannia: In aythi-r vltit y can rllie what It mnn, fur Herman Wiaa to cut th pr!- iv tvor)''bln n' hit ahioor 23 pr clnt, Therr'i ir.n'a a n byr'a (luda Iv all l'-. crlpliir.1. nn' li. iiiri. an' ox. tc. an' ic; ih croil rA)itir kU 1iI iharp wurrlik In 'n Ivrryllunj In tht .htour. Jrv Ivir flKrrl out what K PT clnt. rally mn? pol" V hpV darlr, rip with thirty aumnvri ay' y could i btr ag r Joocd per clnt., or poain ye had 500 buahcla Iv plr fwt. which ya hava not. an' Ivrry plita foot wux worth M clnta on tha barrain counter iv a conipartmlnt ahtora an' by alncllna; yr p'l'i fct to tho I'hlllatlna Idanda ye could ret S per clnt. ad velohn'm or 25 per clnt. more In dlirlnka at th corner : arocary; or If ye had a babrn full Iv bent that laid a aour krout barrtl run iv rold aWlea 'very M. e4 day an by fahlln em on palnleaa celery compound, ye ouid lmrta.e their eittltif capacity S ner olnt. would ye do It In cjorae ye wood; an why will ya take the few hard earned dollar which yer wolfa bei aaved up. by egcatracktlnif the small chalnae from your hip pck;t mahniliiga. an' throw It Into tha drawer lv an oppoaJf0" ahtora. whin Herman WUe olt-'ra y 2 per clnt. redooctlon on Ivcry thlnr. Judclrnr from yir reputation an the irlneral tchoon Iv yer eompllaion I'm au-e y will conclude to take advantage Iv Herman Wlee'a per clnt. rrdooctlon a, bet-lnnln- January lat. Tbroly your. KI.ASS10AN. In care Iv HERMAN WIRE. The reliable Clothier and Ilat'.or. CCTTKO m it PAIR Of our Shoe that feel comfortable at one I worth a rreat deal. We'll put your feet Into Shoes of that kind and charg nothing extra for tho comfort and very little for the Shoea. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of tha pudding ta In tha eating and tha proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's con elusive a demonstration. Ours will stand tha test. HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISlNd AND nOVINQ A SPECIALTY Theodore Bracker Wholaaale and Retail Deal In QlGflliS A0D TOBRCCOQ Smokers Supplies Of All Kinds. Commercial St, WENT DOWN IN A STORM Steamer Protection Lost Off the Hiver on New Year's Day. ONE MAN WAS DROWNED Second Assistant Engineer Car rey Lost While tbe Boats Were Being Lowered. AT SEA IN AN OPEN BOAT Fourteen Survivors SufferedTerrltly From Cold Before Being- PicluJ Up ty the Catfate, mmm I Tha Ilrttlah bark OalgnU, Captain ' Orimth, arrived In port yesterday, bavins on bo.nl 14 of the alUpwrecked crew of tlx. steam s.hoonr Protection, whl.h fuundered S) mile off tb mouth of live Columbia at 4 o'clock on tho morn In r of Junuiry L Captuln O. Erlckin. of the lo.t steam- er, slates that he ett fk'tutlo at 2 o'clock Tliurs'lay, Deermber 29, with 30 tons of coal for fan Francisco. Tbe weather was fulr until tht ateamer awrouthed tha mouth of the Columbia, when a heavy. , Tbe Pro- southeast rale sprang up. tecJun waa sw-umliig un-lcr slow U.I1 and the an, was running- very heavy, , washing over tha vessel fore and aft On the mornlnr of 8au(rday, Dtcember . 91 rltl..f KrurlnMMr MiiOr.-fl rwnrlvA that , the ship was leaking, and the pump, w-t Publican cnuou. for Vnlted tkatM aena Immediately manned. The water In the '""ht nator Quay reeved the vessel's hold waa found to 1 fining on ot 109 " ,h JM fPbll,n. of the tha pumps, which were bec-onilnK rhok. a. legislature. Ona hundned and twenty. 1ih slark coul ! 'lKht u nwjorlty of the entire teglsla. The rale tncMia.-d I fury and the and th. anM-Quar men olalm h steamer rolled and pitched htavlly. It waa then determined to jettison the cargo, w.ti. ... rji fwn tha 'tween decks. Finding the water steadily gaining. Captain Erlckwn again ordered all hand, to tbe pump. The men remained at tha pumps alt Saturday night, and toward, mornlnc Hv. feet of wler waa d levered In the hold. The .tenner appeared to be sinking. She waa listed to (larboard and her stern ynM sen to be fast going down. Huge ! wave continually swept over ber fore I and aft, and Captain Erlckson saw that I her doom was sealed. ' At i o'clock on the inornms; of January 1 the lifeboat were ordered lowered. 8c ond AaMatant Engineer Carvey. while en- gnged In tha work waa truck by one of tha wtnrlng bouta. Carvey was knocked overboard and drowned, rt being Ira. possible to render aixy alstance In the dnrkness. Little Is known of Carvey by his shlpmsw. he having Joined the learner at Scuttle shortly before she iled. After much difficulty the lifeboats were launched and the ateamer was abandoned to nor fate. First Offlcer Grtffln had ohargo of one of tho boats and Captain Erlckson commanded the other. Sovcn of tho men went Into each boat. The boats were supplied with water, meat and crackers, but the crackor wi-re use less aa soon as they got wot. Tho boats wero able to kwp close to. gvther durlnit the day. Tti storm con. tlnued and but little hcadwuy could be made toward land. Tho men suffered terribly from cold. n they had saved nothing from the sinking stoamei -except tho clothing on their backs. As they pulled away the Protection was laboring In a heavy sea. but remained I afloat while me smuu whiis t "is"i. Captnin Krlckson believes tlvnt the steamer did not sink for about an hour utter n nau aounujuti ncr. sue wua , listed to starboard and seas were con. stantly breaking over the stern, which was low In the water. The men In the boats were In sight of her for about 15 minute and she wua yet afloat. Captain Erlckson and 'rot Officer Grlf. fln agreed to steeir on a certain course during the nlgr.t, but the boats separated soon after darkness oot in and were lost to view. The oold was intense and soma of tho men In Captain Erlckson' boat wera growing weak. During the night the second officer foil overboard from tho , boat and. being exhauset'ed, would have j drowned had not Captain Erlckson saved j him. The captain grabbed the maji and ; pulled him mto tho boat, whore he lay down, limp and almost lifeless, ! Shortly after daylight a sail was sighted, which proved to be the British bark Gal. gata. The two boats were soon to- ' gethor again and sighted the Galgate ' about the same time. The men In the boats were drenched with water and had no moans of making a light with which to signal the Galgate, but the Britisher, to tho dollght of tho shipwrecked mnrin. er, was oen to be making for the boats. About 9 o'clock the bark ncared the life, boats aaid the men were placed on board, Soma of them were so exhausted that Jt was necessary to haul them over the Gal. gate's aide with ropes. Another night In the open boat, Captain Erlckson says, would have caused the death of two or three of the men. The boats were pro. vlded with tanks, which alone kept them afloat Captain Erlckson and the members of his crew speak in the highest terms of their treatment bv Captain and Mrs. Grtf. nth, of the Galgate, Every comfort pos. slble was provided until the mem were landed In Astoria, yesterday, Mrs. Griffith kindly attending to the wants of tha unfortunato seamen. Captain Griffith says mat early Mon. day morning, when 18 miles ocrthwest of Cape Disappointment, the two boats were sighted, but were at first believed to bo drifting buoys. By mean of his glass Captain Griffith soon discovered that tha objects wore boate, containing men. Th Galgate stood off to sea during the night and wfut j.l k'xl up ty a tug thli momlnr and towed Into pirt. Tha alilp wrecked crew waa taken In charire la nlbt bv Captain Perrlman, who la hrt from Run Kranclitco an the rprenuitlv of tha underwriter of the l'-uiif r Ikme. Tho men w'r quartered at tha Irlu-r h"iii!, whero thoy will re. nailn until word la rewlved from the owiiti of the Irotv;tt';n In Han Fran flCO. Tha I'rotecrlon wna ant earn ichooner of aloiit Vtl ton burden and waa eriracd In ninnlnr botwn roaat porta nd Ban p'randnro. Hhe ha made aevefal trip to tha Columbia, being her about two month ago. 8 he waa built in VM in Alameda and waa a woodm vawel. Her owner are . 0. Kimball tc Co., of San Yrnmo. Whether the veaael or her cargo waa Inaured la not known. TWO VBHSKM IXflT. 1GSVOS. Jan. I.-A dkpatch to Lloyd ay the Italian at earner Vorwaert. j which lft A ma tor dam December li, and I touched at Cardiff. Iembr 9), haa bwn I a1andonwl nenr Trevoae bead, on the went Cornwall coast. She went aahore ' In tha gula that ha been raring n the j Irlah channel. Kleven of tha crew, who , put off In boat, were drowned. Nine, j who clung to the rlgrlg, wera reacued. I Tha AtlRrrtlo tranaport ateamer Meaaba, Onptaln Layland, from New York, passed j I'raule rlnt today and reported that aba wpok the American steamer Catania, i Captain furlong, from Glasgow for New York. In latitude , longtltude tt. In dls. ; trea. Her decks were fwept and sh , oaked aaslatanoe, but sucb a sever gal was ragln that tha Mes&ba wa unable j to help her, thourh he waited for seven , hours for a chance to do so. QfEEN'8 ROtTOH l-AJSAOE. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. I The wteam- "'"P Q""" 'rriv1 oda'r frwB ScB,,le "'' waV Prt verr nah WP- When 10 mile p,mtheaat of Cape Flattery charl' Rahman, quarterwMter, whow hom at Frenclsro. waa washed overboard. Every effort wa made to the young man, but It was not poa- lbl" to locate him. , ROB3 QUAY CONFIDENT I OF HIS RE-ELECTION. Ba'( Ho Will Undoubtedly Re Returned to the Senate The Situation In Other States. HARRISRURO. Pa,. Jan. S.-In the re. cannot be elected. Senator Quay made this statement at mldnbrht: "I am entirely aatlafled wltfi insrejuitm i,..n. Z 7,a mprabT of WaI ' . o enter the caucu. tonlgh thav, a-uned ambly meeta in Joint convenUonu Th WM u u,ffld.en' to elect mo. I am ahsoluu-ly confident of my 8UCCr "" PERKINS WANTS INSTRUCTIONS, SACRAMENTO. Jnn. I When the sen. a( wna called to order today a communl- cation waa received from United State Senator Perkins, h wh! be asked In. ruction from the senate On the pend. nf question of territorial expansion. He ,xprMoed himself s oonAdent that this Question Is ot mora lorortanca to the welfare of the country than la any prob- lMn thmt has arisen durlnr tha present generation. He stated that. In the absence of instructtona from tha legislature of California, he will vote to amend section of th6 tPettty. which provide for the paymMU of $20,000,000 for the rellnqulsh. ment gpan'S sovereignty or her Inter, in th Philippine Islanda He to of the opinion that the United State re. qurcs only a military station, nnval and coaling station In the llanO. Further, It seems to him. to acquire territory In the Islands or on tho 'Atntlc coast In pontrary to the spirit of the constitution TROUBLE IN DELAAVARE. DOVER. Del.. Janl t For the. tlit time . h. ' " . .J nr. of the Deiawar icgislntu w h0UM (, on AlaaeTWmeM between She rejrular republicans and the union republicans, or :n Addlcks faction, 0lwinllaHon of th, RURROVS 'WILL RK RETURNED. LANSING, Mich., Jan. 3.-There Is na.rdlv a question of doubt today about the re-election of Senator Burrows. It Is only a question of how large his majority will be, ORGANIZATION EFFECTED. LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. i-The ropubll- cans organised both houses of the legls- lature today. KILLED AT COLFAX, COLFAX. Wash., Jan. 3. James Hard, wjc)t( a bartender rn Hogan's saloon, was ghot and killed today by W. O. Campbell, well known plumber. Campbell, 'who was drunk, wanted to pay for drinks with bar checks, which Hardwlok rclused to accept A wordy altercation followed and Hardwlck struck Campbell a torriflo blow on the head with a boer bottle, Campbell staggered back, then drew a re- volvor and shot Hartwick through the heart. As the latter was falling, Campbell sh0t hlra in the back. Hardwick's death was almost Instantaneous. Campbell Is fo jatl. It la reported that a few minutes before the affray Campbell left the saloon and got his revolver, saying he was (rolng to practice. Campbell is a married man, about 40 years old. Hardwlck has a brother at Pendleton, Ore, Campbell's head was badly out by Hartwick' blow, , I BOYS PUBLICLY WHIPPED. ! EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 8. Minor Garreii, Edgar Gardner. Elijah Scott, prank Curland and William Morris, boys ranging from 10 to U years, were given publlo whipping in the police court for gteallmr some old wash boilers. Their parents were given tha option by Judge Winfrey of whipping the boys or hav. tar them sent to the reform school. The boys were led to the hall by the turnkey and given X lashes each. Their yells could be heard for two block away. On of th boys waa so weak after the flogging that he could hardly walk from th, police station, SITUATION IS CRITICAL American Troops and Insur gents May Clash at Any Time at Iloilo. MILLER HAS NOT LANDED NewsFromtne Philippines Canscs Mncb Concern Among Wash ington Officials. MORE TROOPS FOR OTIS He Will Not Bet-In Aresslve Oper ations Until tbeArrlual of the Fefulars for the East. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1-New. received In Washington regarding the attitude of tha rebellious natives at Iloilo and vicin ity, officials say. show that th relation. between the Americana and those with whom they are deallnc an much fraJneri and will require tact and forbearance on the part or both to avoid a collision. It I also said that tha Information which has been received her does not Indicate that General UUler has landed with the American troops. REINFORCEMENTS FOR OTIS. WASHINGTON, Jan. '.-General Otis has been notified by cable of the arrange. mcnta that bav been completed to speed. Ily reinforce his command by the dispatch of atx regiments of regular Infantry. The Twentieth, now at Fort Leavenworth, will sail from San Francisco on the transport Bcondla, January T, and Is timed to reach Manila by the end of the month. Major General Lawton has been in com mand of the Fourth regiment, now at Fort Sheridan, IIL. the Twelfth at Jef ferson barracks and the Seventeenth at Columbus barracks, Ohio, and Is directed to sail with them January 12th. from New Tork Cltf on the transports Mohawk and MaaXAchusetts, proceeding by way of the Suea. canal. This force under General Lawton expected to reach the Philippines the second week In February. Tho other two regiments selected for garrison duty In the Philippine the Third infantry, at Fort Snlllng, Mlnne. sota. and tha Twentyjecond at Fort Crook, Nebraska, will depart from San Francisco aa soon as transports are available. The army steamer Senator, which left Manila December 15 with the Aator battery and other troops bound for 8aa Francisco, la due there early next week, and will b ready to return with either tbe Third or the Twenty second regiment Ave days later. While everything la being done by the war de partment authorities to expedite tha de parture of these troops in compliance wtth repeated Intimations from General Otis that he la anxious to exchange his volunteers for regulars. It has been found Impossible to start them much ealler than the middle of January, which waa the time set when It was first decided to send a portion of the needed force be way of New York on account of the luck Of trans port facilities in the Pacific, Until these troops reach the Philippines It Is not bellvved by the authorities that General Otis will undertake any aggress ive operationa for the extension of American sovereignty in tue Philippines over the various provinces now held by the Insurgents although he ha full dis cretion In the matter but that he will reserve his forces for use in emergencies should the Insurgents grow unruly, par. tlcularly In the vicinity of Manila. Confidence was expressed at the war de partment that there would be no battle at Iloilo, after every resource of peace ful negotiations to Induce the rebels to evacuate tho city had been exhausted. AMERICAN CONTROL WORKING MORE SMOOTHLY. But the Change In Tariff Laws at Ha vana Causes Some Annoyance Po. He Organisation Progressing. . NEW YOKK. Jan. J.-A dispatch to the Tribune from Havana says: American control In Cuba works smoothly. Gen. erals Brooke and Ludlow are 'beginning the reorganization of the civil adminis tration satisfactorily. The Cubans aro well pleased. Part of the Spaniards are sullen, but the commer. cial classes are satisfied with the new regime. The understanding Is that no members of the former autonomist cab. lnetare to be Included In General Brooke's proposed council of advisors. They are all unpopular and lack the comldence ot both elements. Civil Governor do Cas. tro, by order of the military authori ties, has abolished the use of passports and of stamped parr In the government offloe. They ware annoyances. Prompt steps have also been taken tor Improving the section of hygiene. The chief Interest on Monday centered at the custom house. Colonel Bliss was assisted by the treasury expert, Mr. Don aldson, who will be In charge at Bun. tlago. The merchants had prepared for a change. Since noon on Bunaay ntteen vessels had entered the harbor with car. goes, for discharge under the American tariff. The first was the Norwegian schooner Kitty, from Mobile, with gen eral merchandise. A Spanish ship, the Mexico, of Barcelona, arrived in ballast. Among Monday's arrivals was the Segur. arte a, from New York, with merchandise. American shippers seem to have improved their opportunities. Some confusion re sulted, as no tariff rates had been trans, lated Into Spanish. That deficiency will soon b corrected. The Importers had secured American money with which to pay duties. The postofflce service tut the city and foreign mall show Intnprovement. Cou fuslon Is due to Inefficient employe. rhe dcmornllxarlon In the Inland irvloo can. not bo r-medld Immediately. C'hl,.f I'l. roolor R.ithbumo'a drat order aftor tak ing charge was to aboll.1i the frankhur rtflvll'Kf, which has ben groiwly abntxM. A mistake made m Wahlnrton In nnn. big J-cent stamp for American corres pondence has been remedied bv slllntf th stamps for two cents. The police service Is belnir slowly or. ganlzed. No gfn.riU dlnorde exists. Two or three homicide during tho bst two days have bav been of th ordinary kind and bav no slgnifl'ance, Cubnns and Spaniard are getting along together pretty well. Some fears of social ilmuir. allzatlon, on which Americans complain, will be corrected when tha police organ isation is more advanced. The military' authorities (Jo not war ta iim trmn duty of this kind. REMARKADLE 6FEED OF RAILWAT MAIL TRAINS. Sustained a Rate of Fifty Mile an Hour Between Chicago and Omaha, Break. Ing All Previous Records. OMA1IA, Jan. I. The new fa.t moil trains on the Darlington and Northwest ern roafls finished their nhenomenal n. from Chicago without special Incident this morning. The Burlington pulled Into th terminal station eJjrht minute. ah.af of tbe wchedula Th NorrhvMtam -r- rlved 17 minutes ahead of the chedula, aitaougn these trains had a head wind all the way. The crews of both trains are confident even of better time being mnda after they are called upon to do so. ID addition to tha sustained twm1 nt these two trains being remarkable, over to miles an hour for the dtotance, there were some still mora remarlcablo burst of speed during th trip. Several time a mne was covered in 37 seconds. The actu al elapsed time from the start at rhl,-ir to the arrival at the local depot waa as touows: Northwestern. CJ mile, with H stonn nine hour and Eg minutes; Turlington, 60J mllew, with 11 stops, 10 hours and seven minute. Every fast mil. record. inWtnllnv the New York Central'a record for a ml! In 22 econds, or at a rate of IliS miles per hour, mads In 1WS, was broken by the Northwestern. The distance frcm tha siding to Arlon, two miles and four.tenths. was mane in one minute ami aj ecoml. or at th rat ot 133 miles per hour. TO SUCCEED Da AtiBOTT. CHICAGO. Jun. t New win received here late last night that Rev. Newell Dwlght Hlllls, pastor of the Central church In this city. Is to be called to the pastiora&eof th famous Plymouth church, of Brooklyn, as the successor of Dr. Ly man Abbott. The formal call will be ex tended to Dr. Wills after tho meeting of tho advisory committee of tha church to hg held today. Dr. HUH Is a native of Iowa and la. 40 years old. He was edu cated at Grinnell academy at Lake For. est university and at MoCormick semin ary. For three yoaro after leaving his theological studies be was pastor of the Presbyterian church of Peoria. In, December, ISM, he succeeded Prof. 8wing at Central church. Dr. Hillis. like tha predecessors of Plymouth and Central churches. Is a writer. Iho four books ha has published are "Foretokens of Immor. ality. "How the Inner Light Failed." "A Man'a Value to Society," and "Tho. Investment of Influence." i CHITUSE IS SPEEDY. SANTA BARBARA. CaC Jan. t-The protected cruiser Chitose, built by tha Union Iron works, of Ban Francisco, for the Japanese government, made a slx-nour run over a course In fiama Barbara chan nel today, averaging 21.M knots per hour, where but 20.5 are required, nd develop Ing a maximum speed of 21.28 knots under ' natural draught. PAY BEFORB DISBANDING.' HAVANA, Jan. S.-Gneral Maximo Gomez, from hla camp mil.1 westward. nir Narclso, hasi issued a proclamation to tha Cuban army advising against dls. banding until the proceedings at Wash ington regarding the pay of the insur gent troops have been completed. THE POPE OBJECTS. LONDON. Jan. 3. The R j-ne correspon dent of the Dally Mall says: The Pope forbids Archbishop Ireland to represent the United States ut the disarmament conference, because the Vatican Is not to be represented. OREOON MAY GO TO MANILA. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 Secretary Long cabled orders today to the Oregon, at Callao, to proceed to Honolulu, taking the distilling ship Iris with her. The lowa ordered to San Francisco to make re pairs to her boiler and replace a broken cylinder head. The Oregon will gel orders at Honolulu to proceed to Manila if the situation does not change in the meantime. The gunboat Castine has also been ordered to Manila. , SUGAR GOES DOWN. NEW YORK. Jan. J.-Arbuckles have reduced the price of granulated sugar 1-18 of a cent per pound, making thalr price just that much below the quoted prices of the American Sugar Refining Company and several independent refineries. Balling Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards thz food 4 L Alum taking powder are th grnXri tntnacat to teal ih of thi preset day. ii il i i 5 i