THA 1A1LY ASTORIAN, TUESDAY MOKMNU. JANUARY.? 1M9. t I s.-i I WVlW Thin lot of good a will be closed out at once at prices lees than mnufao turer coat. McAllen & t--41 OmmorolM ettxK. aBTOKSa. 38c Will Purchase Any of Our 50c Hose. Albert Dunbar, P. J. Meany- (Dsrchant Tailor and Exporter of furs. Illcbwt Cash Prto raid for Fur Skin. Tenth qnd Commercial 6t. Astoria, Or. T0DAT8 WEATHER. Enow; except rain aJom coast, AROUND TOWN. Candles 10 cdU a pound at Uta Parlor. Mr. a YF. Lounsberry pct the day at Soasldo yfa'.trday. Waatsd-Glrt for tonX koomOTk. Xsqoira at Astoria offlca. Bast IS-csot bnI, BSalnf Sua rtatanr. tai. CJ OaaunaraUl strss. Editor William, of ths Skamokawa Eaf is, jjxr.t yastecfiay In t5i glty. ftsst California via. eaots par f Ion. Xitx Gilbert, tola acot for Astona. Tatepbons C Tts British bark Inrerloctiy, ulna days from 620 Francisco, la ballast, arrlvsd In yesterday, A ship a reported off the rim yea. terday. Eba is supposed to the Tbalaasa, troa Ban Francisco. Wallseod coal and coks la the beat for domestio purposes. For sal by the Astoria Oaa Lbiht Co. The funeral of Henry Albright will be held today from Pohl'i undertaking par. lora. The Interment will be at Skipanon. Tx Eent Tbad 8. Tnilllrurers rest, deoca, furnished or unfurnished. For par ticular Inquire at W. G. HoweU's, m Xxcbacca street HARPER Whisky la liquid music bot tled poetry, ripe mellow, refreshing and delicious. Sold by Ths Foard A Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. The A. F. C bowling team which la to contest for the Feldenhetmer trophy, will meet the Road Club team in Portland the latter part ot this month. Hare a full line of Pmauds Royal per fumes, Boger A Glliet's perfumes; Queen cf Violets In bulk and fancy bottles; a full line of Palmefa In bottle and bulk. Charles Rogers. Rev. William MeWatters, of Gray's Hirer, and Mrs. Addle Roberson, of n waco, were united In marriage at the par sonage of the M. E. church last Sunday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W, R. Holllngsbead. W. A. Gaines private stock whisky, handled exclusively in Astoria by John L. Carlson, la one of the moat popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and it Is especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. QUE. Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article in the House reduced. This will be the greatest offering in fine Dry Goods, faney Goods, Clothing, faraishinj Goods, Ete. DURING THIS i ALE Owing to manufacturers' restrictions we are not allowed to place the following goods at reduced Silk ad Cotton, W. C. C. Corsets, E. & W, Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing and Rubber Goods. The Leading W A FRANK D. LA LANNR CO. Cotton and Woolen Mills rhiladotph-S, Io, IS, 1SS. Messrs. McAllrn A MvPonnetl, P-irtter.d, Orrgvn. Gwitlemen: Ws Bra In rplrt of our fsvor of Ttn tout., and a"pt your offnr ror our nxd one-third 0(1. TV think you wilt abls t rosk monfy out of ths lot at this flgur. for It la bijt loss to us, but tns gwds r.avs bMi hamllrd slnca thy left our nla-, aru) wrs prater to sll them hj, rather than navs ttinn murnsii.' tours vry truly. FRANK D. LA LANNE A CO. McDonnell lO-ia HUH Btrsat. rORTLANP. OR. The great rat clearance sale ever known will commence Tuesday morning at S&anaban's Ladles wishing to take advantage of oar great sale, please call early. 6 fi ana ban. Bros. W. C Cowciil. of the La Grande Advo cate, spent yesterday In the city on a visit with bis family. Remember you will never have the same chsnce to buy dry goods again. Cost or profit cuts no figure. Shanaban Bros. The bod' of WillarJ. the 8a de mur. derer. will be put on the noon train to day by Coroner Pohl and taken to the potter's field near Clatsop for burial It Is said that Captain Riley, of Port land, la to be appointed adjutant general by Governor Oer. Carttain Riley say b la not making a canvaas for the place. "OLTMP1CT FLOrR Is made of high grade Blue Stem wheat and has all the quality of TUlabarya." vli: Strength, whiteness and firmness. 8014 by Roes, Higgwa A Co. Pubtio office and all the leading busi ness bouses In the city remained closed yesterday, The dsjr was generally 00- aerveJ as a holiday nJ practically suspended. Short enrculu at th power house and In the Astorlan office occurred simultan. eoualy last evening, and for a time the wheels of progress were stopped. Repairs were made to a short time. W. O. WllUame. brother of Sheriff W11U lama Is expected to arrive from St. Jo. sepb. Mo., this evening. Unless Mr. Will buns falls to reach Astoria, the funeral will be held tomorrow. Yesterday many of the dead sheriffs friends viewed the remains. An extra edition of the Astorian con. tainlng an a count ot the visit of the Ore. goa state officials to the Kalama hatch ery baa been published, and a copy will be sent to each member of the legislature and state officials of Washington and Oregon. W. J. Stacy, of Rainier, and Miss Lulu J. Qulgley. of Clatskanie, were united In the holy bonds of matrimony Sunday last at the residence of Mrs. W. H. Twllitfht, 475 Bond street. Rev. M. Burllngatne. of the M. E. church. Rainier, performed the ceremony. The city council held a meeting yester. day at noon. All the members of the council were present and an adjournment was taken without transacting any btisL nesa. The council will meet this evening at 7:30. when the regular routine work will be acted upon. The Portland Cftamoer of Commerce, to employ the classical parlance of the day, is on the bum. The Telegram a.ks: Tf It's dead, what killed It? If It's alive, what's the matter with It? Probably the people have no use for the dignified cham. ber wile the "Port" of Portland commis sion Is doing business. The preliminary examination of P. II. phllbrick, who waa arrested Saturday on information charging him with complicity In the burning and looting of cottages at Seaside recently, will be held today, Ever placed before the people Positvely no goods will be charged for at sale prices. Orders from tHe country will receive the same benefit as if bought personally at the counter, But cash must accompany the order. Dry GoodB and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. It la mUl, ait J It Is vUlttwd that nulTlelflM evidence has been gathered to mntlm him wlih the outrages at ffoesltle. Of this. hoevr, nothing Is certainty known, as the officers refune to divulge what they have dlsoovercd. Ths ppularlty of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. Oeorgw Hartley at th Na tional Is growing- daily, and tunny buol. nt'ss men can to found there every iUy for their mkMay hI. The luiiWie set by Mr, Hartley are the finest In the city. Two marked rubbers started tho new year In rather a hiharl manner In IVrtlnd. On Sunday night they entire! the NKn of L W. Carlin. wh does hudltwn at the Corner of Seventeenth and Northut streets, nMueoting the pr. prletor to elevate his "mlt." This he did. the robbers doing thei rent $ and a watch. They were net raptured. Iaao Bowman was arretel yesterday by Constable Wlckman chargisl with the Istveny of tT) from John Ravelin, The men are emploved at the Clatsop mil. and It appears Ravelin secretrd hi money In the bunkhouxei. i n he went to get It rhe money was svne, and suspicion pointed to Bowman. The cane will be tried In the Justice court this morning. A young man named Bruno, while put ting In a water nlpe at the Adair school houe yesterday, fell front the roof to the guri,I. a dlstanos of about feet. When picked up he was unconscious. He was uken to St. Mary's hoepital ami ex. amtrwd by the attending ph-slclan, but no bones were round to be brohen. I'p to a lata hour last night he was yet un. conscious end It Is beilewd he Is injured Inlemully. Th Brltlvh bark Galena dragee-1 her anchors yeati-rduy from Sand Island and drifted down to Clatsop spit. The ; sin made sail and was about to put to sea. but a tug came along and the veel was towed to anchorage. The drifting of the Galena was charged by tho cap tain to be dn. to the carvle.neM of the pilots in charge. I made nil sorts of accusations asralnKt those rvepormlb'e fr the exKT,e of moving hl vessel. He insisted on sailing out of the hrNr w'th. out the aid of a tug or pilot but was finally persuaded to remain In port. A remarkable coincidence, which may be of Interest to believers Inn fetopathy and other kindred occult seivb vn, I to be noted tn connection with tha recent dtructlon of the Fulton cot tag at SeasMe. On that nlghl the members of the Fulton family were alarmed by a strange sense of smoke prevndlng the res idences The odor was so marked snd dls. tlnct that the Indies of the fanvly be came alarmed and Insisted upon a thor. ough examination by Mr. Fulton of the entire premises, which, of course, failed to disclose any fire. Strange as it may seem, this was a veritable occurrence, and believers In the mysterious enn make as much or little of It ft) they please. An Interesting evnnt occurred the other day on a Great Northern train, while whirling westward. As the train neared Mel bourn, Mont., one of the passengers, a Norwegian woman, accompanied by her husband, gave birth to a girt baby. The couple were traveling second-class and alone, ami were unable to speak English, Hastily the forward compartment of ths smoker was made ready. A report says that with the aid of one woman and a young Norwegian girl to act as Interpre ter, Conductor Bowvn performed his hu mane office in a very creditable manner. Some hours after tha baby's birth the passengers demanded a pet at the new arrival. Brakeman McDonald, never at a loss In such cases, rose to the occasion and gallantly taking the baby girl In his arms, went the length of the train to the rear sleeper, where was held an Impromp tu reoMthin. Such an unusual occurrence could not be allowed to pass unheeded, o the passeengers made up a purse fur the baby. As she was born In Montana they duly christened her "Monta Melba." The big candle In Herman Wise's win. dow. which was lighted at I o'clock Christmas eve, burned out at 3:15 Sun day afternoon. The monster taper lasted 13 hours and 13 minutes, or two hours 45 minutes less than eight days. Theta were very many guessea In tho contest, and the Judges, representatives of the dally papers, canvassed the guesses yes terday. The three closest guesses nrt the same 192 hours, or eight days. The guesaer who predicted that the candle would burn eight days are Mrs. C. H. Stockton, Miss I,. Jeffery and Sol John, son. As tho guesses are the same, the above named persona will draw for the prixes, the winner to take first prise, the second prixe to go to the person who ' A-nr nftw, hu( . r. ,1 1 m a H i 11 1. nrlA ' to go to the third person. The guesses ranged all the way from two hours to four and a half works, while some, think. Ing the contest hitched on a "catch," guessed that the candle would burn until It burned out. Ons man, who had five guesses, started off with hours and wound up with tv) hours, the last guess being over J3 days. Mr. Wise ought to give him a pair of suspenders for "close." In the main, however, the guesses were quite even, about a week being the aver age. The three closest guessers will draw of tho Lower Columbia River. COOPER for ths prises at -Mr, Wise's autre at ( this evening. Mr. Wtsa hns not yet de. elded what he will present to the person who guesevd Unit tto candle would burn two hours. Coroner lVhl empaneled a Jury yesler. day to hear testimony In ye reevnt Kh tragedy. The Jury viewed the body of Sheriff Williams, and also the txxty of lvputy ljnmr, tind tusird the statement of Pr. J, A. Kill l n as to the wounds whK'h caused (he doalh of the oitlcer. Examination of the clothing of tho dead sheriff disclosed the fact that he wns '.hot from th left side, the b II phtellret Just below tho arm, and rnmtlng down, ward. The bullet came through the vest on the right sldo, but did not pass throtig-h. the coat, although It went through the lining. Sher'tf Wlllbims must hvt twit standing within 10 feet of Wll lard, and the latter was probably on a small knoll when he shot. The hall passed through the sheriff's henrt and lungs, and death was Instantaneous. Wlllard likely urncd tha revolver un twiner limited!. ntely after shooting Sheriff Williams. 1-amers closing on him. The revolver with which Wlllard did tho shooting was a large huntliar Oil's. All the bolls from the revolver passed throughl the bodies of th men, while the bullets from Wll lard's Winchester rifle did not. In ths scuttle with Miller, Wlllsrd succeeded In extracting the cartridges from the con stable's revolver. The wettoon was an old-style Smith A Wesson, and Wlllard operated the extractor during tho strug gle. The shells were afterwards found on the scene. The Jury adjourned until Friday at t o'clock after making Its ex amination yvwterdny. On Friday the Us- tlmony of IVitatahto Miller will be taken. Miller Is still confined with his wound, which Is unite painful. The Jurors were W. N. Smith, a 11. Knndall. Thomas Henderson, T. t. l.oughery. C A. May. and H. K. Bruhn. A ntKH.EXINO Ql'KSTION. HAVANA. Jan. t Tho continuance of the Cuban Inarms Is the tnowt ptisillng question oonnivlol with the ndmlnlstra. tion of the Island. NVgotlatlons for th payment of soldier are to be conducted from Washington, so a to relieve Major General Itrvwke of tills dlllb ulty. For the present the Cuban commanders are hold. Inr their men closely tognther and under dls-iIlne. llenernl luvls. military gov ernor of (he department of l'lmr del llio, ha gone Irtro the matter fully with il"n. rral Urlo MrruvM and other Culan com ntnndtr. They Siiy that they expect the t'nlted Siatea to pay. and that they will not disband until they get an answer. A majority of the military observer here seem to think that prolxihly the rosiest way out I to make payment, taking a mortgage on the revenues of Cut, In the form of bonds. There are probably JS otn) men able to work, but now sponging on their country. If paid off on condition that their arms be surrendered, thoy wvul't hare no excuse Pr not working. BACINO E.NTR1K3 CLOSE. MEMPHIS. Jan. t-F.ntrlei to all stskes offered by the new Memphis Jockey Club for Its spring meeting, which begins April S. close today. Entries to th Tennessee derby. PXK) added, and Tennessee Oskes, flOUQ added for li. also close today. IN OLDEN TIMES. People overlooked the Importance of per manently beneficllffecta and were satis fied with transient action: but now that It Is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual con. stlpatlon. well informed people will not buy other laxltlves. wltleh act for a time, but finally Injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by tho California Fig Syrup Co. Mr. Uooley: A mugwump a a man that always wants to know what's going to happen next an' hopa tt won't. WAR BETWEEN SPAIN AND roANca A Paris correspondent has set the ru mor afloat that war Is possible between Spain and France. Such an outcome Is hard t) bellive, because the two countries have been for years on unusually In. timate terms. Tou cannot tell what will happen between nations, but you csn tell what will happen when a dyspeptic takes Hosteller's Stomach Bitters.. His health will Improve. His appetite will com back. His mouth will not tsste badly In the morning. He will not be subject to dlxzy spells, and his head will be clear. His disposition will be more sgrccable. and his bullous look will disappear. His blood will be purified and his kidney stimulated to perform their work prop erly. All these things are accomplished by the bitters. Some poople's Inventions are so untqfle as to be a constant temptation to poke their noses Into them. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refur.d the money if It falls to oure, c The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Charles prices: Standard Patterns, Spool SALE Our ANNUAL Commencing Bargains! Bargains! in every dopartmont through out our storo that will astonish tho shrewdest Buyers. M-e Am. A Broken Line of the Famous S. C. Comets vnlucH 5i J5, $1 5( To be closed out at n pair; the biggest ever otferi'd. Children's 25 c heavy Ribbed Wool Stock ings sale Price 3 pair 50cts Children's Merino Vest or Panto, Heavy Fleeced 25 aud 35 cents values sale price 15 cents each. LotlieH'CapeB. $1 50 values for $2 50 I (10 " 2 JI5 5 50 " " 3 i5 C 75 " " I 75 9 00 " " 5 50 12 00 " " C 25 Ladies' and Gents', umbrellas at one-half former price. Ladies' Sailor and Walking Hals to be closed out at your own price l 7 If You want Bargains attend this Great Reduction Sale. We mean just what we say; every thing in our store a bargain. Shanahan Bros. Ninth CLEARANCE SALE Tuesday, January 3, 1899 Ladies' Coats t J 50 values for Jj 5 3 95 " " a 45 4 50 " ' i 9S 5 50 " " J 00 7 5 " " J 50 9 5 " M 3 95 10 eo J 00 11 00 " 6 00 15 00 " t, 95 S 00 " " 8 75 75 Boyn' CIothitiK tt 00 Vttluoji furGJ cts suit. 1 .'0 value!! for 05 cU suit 2 00 vbIucm for $1 25 suit. 2 75 value for fl 75 suit. 3 00 value for $1 15 suit. 3 50 value for 2 25 suit. 4 50 values for 2 50 suit. 3'J cents bargain I mm $2 50 value, for $1 75 3 00 values for 1 95 3 50 values for 2 50 4 00 values for 2 75 5 00 values for 3 05 All Wool Eiderdown 2 75 and ?3 00, to bo closed out at 05 eta each. Men's Goods. 50 cts natural wool fihirts or drawers each - 35 ctn Heavy flceco lined fihirts or drawers, each - - 45 cts $1 25'all wool shirts or drawers, each - - 05 cts $1 men's working pants , pair - - - 45 cts 50 cts men's heavy cot ton sweater - 25 cts lOcts celluloid collars each 5 cts j An? KM"-: i i i w r j i sXJ !,tT 4,1' I Bio; Domestics. Hot f;railc Calicoes, Hcst gruilo inm Kinghsui I.titiiiHilnlc or I init of the l oom Miii' lin Itrst grade out ing I IttmiclJ 10.4 gray or while Cotton Hlatilcts.. l ull ie heavy Colli forts 8-4 llrown Sheeting bevt (jtulity,,,, ,, I .arc Curtains. hill Sie IteiNreiU 4 rticryrd 7 t t rr yrd Tj ct per yrd (i) ct rash 6f i U cat h K)'i t )rd 40 tt pair 49 its each Ribbons. Wide Fancy Riblonn per yrd 1 o Baby Ribbon jvr yard o No, 2 Satin Ribbon per yrd 3 o No. 5 Satin Ribbon per yrd 1 o No. 7 Satin Ribbon per yrd 6 o No, 9 Satin Ribbon per yrd 7 e Biggest bargains ever known o? in laces and embroideries, now is the time to lay in a good supply. Dress Goods. Wo nro going to close out every piece of dress goods. Wo have cut tho prico J to regular prico. Tho greatest bar gains in Ladies' Wrappers will bo found at this great salo Chiidrens' Mackintoshes t2 25 values for tt 50. 2 50 values for 1 75 3 50 values for 2 85 Ladies' Mackintoshes, ti 00 values for 1 1 50 4 00 values for 3 00 4 30 values for 3 85 5 50 values for 4 00 6 50 values for 5 00 w