THE DAILY .'AMTOMAN. JUKMAY JfullNlNU. JANUAJtY MODERN HAVANA POLICE FORCE Ancient Method of Dealing With Law-Breakers to Be Done ' Away With. ONE THOUSAND OFFICERS Army of Picc Guardians Will Be Placed on Duty, and Patrol Wagons Provided. NKW YOIIK, Jan. t- illapaMi l the World from Havana, aaya: Omul trogrra liaa ton iiimlo In Ilia crrullnn of Havana polka (urn. Already uv r I ln(imiurt hnvj boati iMlntd ml mor tliiui mhhiiiIi ailkalliins am tin Pie to nil Ilia subordinate (MWlilona a nil Ilia ranks, Clilnf t( I'uliiii Cuiiinnl Muuliun lirlnga lo ila hard lank aliln tiualliaa exponents .lid rroal wii.rKy, I la liaa rn'otunintuM draaiia rhaiiKxa In ilia lower courts lo help lha aMmiy iunllimnt of rrlina. Havana's nollclnf la lo la niodrni JOach ot lit nwolva iiuIik siatluiie will ba roniini lrd with Ilia irntral orhVe by toleplioiie and Now York "hurry up" Watfona will alart Ilia pedaatrlana. "nlppere" will dlKptaie Ilia tlfhily drawn rope whir.h now brim the prlaonera' dhows painfully lottnihnr bohluil Ilia talk. Nu niiiro blowUns- mm will la manliad aa a butt of abuaa thruuh Wie narrow atreeta ngr will tlio wo.un uiranilore be iKiimd and tin 1 11 Ilka anlmala. Who rarli criminal la, whore lia tt and what lie does will b raivnlad. .Now eldior tiotlili la licard of a nun after ha commits a rrini, or ha riwunira lila former tmblta In lila fur. mrr heme llh abeiully no iilunaao. K'lthlrvn hu nd rod appllcatloua ur mi. Ilea Klllina have apKirl. (If thr.n bout Lung will ta accoptixl. limpi'itur MuCullmtH lliinka lia van pUk cimuili gwi limn tu itiAka an effective fne frum lha alart Thre will ba 79 policemen, of whom ona hundred will ba mounted, aimtlirr hundred will ba Ucd III epi)la d'-talla at public medium, llio ferry, rallrnada and all pul.llv a(irr:n. 'Jim remainder will bo unVera. Tliora will bo a rlilf, . M.nijt.m, ona dnpuiy t-hlrf, Iwrlve raplalm au II IklllflinliH. Inj.tir iliVullagll liaa urniU'd Ilia lallrr rank hrre bcau llie rank "MTKwiiit" aa uixl in the I'lilm Hlalva r-villy mun linuienaiil, and in unVUIIy tiH'KtllIol aa bring- I Mr rtjlllva. Unl uf Unit iado In tlia L'llilml Hlatre army, Thrra Mill he it eci-craiue aa wHI with tha lowrr urdr f duiln. and lln'n the (Nilrwlinrn. Tlia rrm "ruuiuWmnn" Mr. MuCulliavh ounUl.'ia ubaulirta and hl haa drinwt II. aMliilii( llio.o dutira lo hla aoranla. Kw Amorkan atl'U atlona bava ap. Iwd, one of lha rnjulrrmotila la that futura Havana poll, emrtj nitwl ba able o auk HiiJh. II y I'rraidoiil Uc. Klnlry'a tiiM di-.iro no account la takrii uf tha nalloiuUliy of any alt'llraiil, Cubana and Hianiarla ar trralod with Hbaoluia linarlallly. CVIunrl Moulion haa rpmmiiilM to Ooncral l.uduw that rtporta ba aaked to roport Ukii tha rhanra u tha prnal ooda. I'ndrr 8ianlh law, an accnid iaraon, aftrr twins aatnilnrd In th lowor rourta, could ba kvtt In rton for Ihraa yoara awalltn trial In tha niid lln on a. Tlia powor thua lo drlay trial haa toon ofii-n urd by rorrupt tinliih au. thortlli to mulri lha prlauiiiT and hla frlomla If thry Imva moiiry. Even for DUnur i(Tiik, lha rleonr may ir kept 73 hotira before lila raae la callnl. Ineprrlor Mi'ullngh m; "Thry put a man In Jail and thrn api-nd Ihreo duya fliullna out wliu ho la. If he la anybody, that a enmiKh to what hla fmlly and frlenda will do for htin." The veteran alao aaya: 'Talk alxiut yuur aoldlnr pollremrn, with rl!la, Juf live nia the Nrw fork imlkvman'a luli. With cihhI cnirla bidilnd It, and I will guarantee lo kep Havana tlio moat poaculilo city In llio world. In piple are mild and oaally handled," Colonel Moiilton'a future pollry n to lha aupprcaalon of public Immorality, tha curie ut i'uba, will be aa Oi'iiwal Ludlow may dlret-t. ITolnitily few chan. a will ba madn at prra. nl, althoiiRli tha ImnioriU thriilcre nmy be wnrmM to remove certain fi'turea. Coloiirl Mul Ion aaya: "I ehall try to avoid rllber nlmne ami to lino pluln I'limiimn ' iio In drill. ltC with drlliatu iiiellinia mid cutina of three crntunca' growth." KAUT TIM 10 MAHU II V TIIIC IIUIII.INUTON' TItAlN. Tho New Overland Mall Covere I'lvo Hundred mid Two Mllea In Ten lloura mid Twenty Ml mil en. CHIOAflt), Jan, J. Tim new fiiat mull on tlio Chicago. Uurlliigton A gulncy llallroiid, which pulled out of O11111I111 at o'cliK'k yeatenlny ufiernimn, rolled Into the Union depot In Chicago ut 1:11 tttla monrlng, ton houra and twenty nilnotra from Omaha, a dlatuoco of U2 ciilltxa. The tniln wna In churge of Con ductor Frank Columbine ami Engineer Frank lliillurd, who hoKIa the record for tho fnaleat run on Iho rond, waa at lha throtllo of iniglno No. 6im), culled 'Tha Uroyhouml of tho lliiiilngton," f T5p TOR BILIOUS ASD KEKVOUa fiIflORDER8 eueh a Vim! nml Tnln tn tho Stomach, llltlluo FiifMeiw aftor mutiln, HoaiU nnlio, UlwilniiBO, Drownlnoaa, FIuHhltiKJ of Hoot. Ixa of Appolltn. OiwtlvenoHA ii.cIiih on tho Bkln. Odil Clilllm JJIh. tmlwd Btoop. rrkihlftil Droiima a4 all Nervoua and Trombllnir Simaatlona. THB riRST DOSE WILL OIVB UUtt IN TWENTI MINUTES. Ew.rr gufforot will uoknowlodga tUuw to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. tlXKCHAM'aj riLM.tAknn aaArocr cd, wlllauloklyr'Htore i'oiniiloa to eom pleto health. Tliey promptly rmnro nlistractiohB or lrmgnliirltl ot the aya torn mid cure nick Headache, Jr0rn Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMKN OR CHILDMFN Boocham'a Pills are Without a Rival And hiive the I. ARC EST 8ALIZ Manf rnieitMedlelnfl In Hie VYorM, la at all Dm? fitoiog, Tha cara wra mall rnr fin, 114 jir, and atorvga car No, li;il. Tha now train la dialnxd lo ba one of Ilia link In tha Orinil mall ivlt, la lo nut down tlia tlma of oroae, I11K Ilia tiirtit liM'iit lliirtn hour, )lia mull wo rualind eualwurd at tnca, 'J'lio nvW fiiat liiilo of llio Iruiiacon tlimiitul mull rmilly In nun at Urnm JUvr, Wyo,, wlii'ii the moll waa dnliitliril from llio ri'gulur overland ilmllod and amit ahead, A gain of una bour and a half waa miulu but wwn Uivrn tlvr uind I'uUiK'll JlllllTa, Ttia apur linulo (tin fualeat rallroudliw fH'r done In the Weal, 'J'ho train wna In thnrga of KiikIiivit Mu 1 hla, 11 nd hu limUtod Hint the tlma inula ba cut down materially. One uf tha bi iikoinoii uf tlio now I r uin ilia elund lliul Hie uiira awnyvd unci jumped uvrr ilin ralla iimJer llm powerful pull of tlio eliKlim M 111 li ua amull 'Y anup tlia whip, Al lliin-e ho feared lliey would leave lliw Hark Mini go Into Hie ijltt ll, If Hie lliirlliigtoii aumeeda III keeplntf down llio wliudilla It will im a groin factor In Ha fuvor In the ainrng nni. pelllliiit Willi Utn li". k lalimd nd Nurtliwralerii riiilronde for the mull cunlnul, Thla completliul iHgiinung on January 1 The amount Involved In tha total ioiitil from weui tu ueeall l ',WI,W. Tlio e hedtllo Inalliuled lt night M ala the former fuel mull by uno hour and llfli-oll mliiutne. Tliu fnateal lima wua luailo Juat w'-et of Aurora, whore W mlhw an b'uf waa allrtlnud. The average apeed for the whole, dlalanee, Im ludlng alope, la II w mllea an hour. Il la uniirtlonalily the faaleat regular train ever put on tlia lime l ard weal of I'hleogu. The average lima la euld lo bo even b'Hler than that of the faat nulla of the eoefvrn ruada. WIIOI.K KAMII.Y VYH'KU OUT UY katai.itii:h. Mra. friateil iCnwraofi Found Ytm-n In Her HmiM on ChrlaUima Iuy Hirnnge Katulliy Kwllowed Family. WKIIMTEU ITY. la., Jan. I The myi. tnrloua llaapMaranre r Aire. mclla Kiuvraun, age tu, widow of the lain Ievl Kmnraon, a banker of KtrAtford, haa Iwn aolvcd by nndlng her body froaeii atltT In h.'r Imme. Hha ud been dead. It waa b arned, aln t frw day before Chrlatmaa. An au- topay Will be held today to il.'lrrillllle lift can io of the death. Thuraday night, before Chrlatmaa. a nephew from I'aytoil took tra. Kimriin fwo barrHa of appba aa a l.lirlatmaa gift. Ho waa 04 llio h'iu lale la. I night and auld everything about the plaee la luat aa ha left It when ha returned hine. Huma of money wrre kmiwn to have been k"pl In tbe home, but how mueh there l now, or waa, haa nl b'rn ancrrtalin-d. It la not believed the huo baa been roll. bod. A atrange fatality aeema to have fol. oel tha forliilK-e of the Kmoraona. Kmerton, llio liunliaiid and father, la aald l Imvn iimitult auli'lua ly polaoiilng hlmaelf. He died auddenly and nu raiunlnatli'ii waa madn of lila bxly. IJoyd Kiiiemoti, the only aon. doing a banking bu:riee at liming Oty. NU went lo Colorado Hprlliga for hla beallh. and while lading a lih buret a hl'xl veoeel and dmilh eimued. May Emereon, lha only daughter, while bamlllng a enior. a'lilriitniiy itit nern u. iiiiwu ii'ino followed and rauaed her death nlno nwmtha ago. Tha whole family haa been alpod out by fatalities. KOUHNO HEP KA4 AI.ITY, TrntV'rrir:r.r. III". Jan. I-Mra u. retla Kent, a widow, met her death here In a manner horrllile In the eirrrine. Her fata waa revealed when a friend, en. lerlng her houae. found hor dead body. One hand waa plnhmed IneilrlceJily un. dor a heavy folding bed. The body waa devomtxwed. ahowlug lhal death had! on urred aeveral daya ajr. When found the wuman'a broken hand waa till rlaeped In lha bed aa In a blackamlth'e via. How Die accident hnptieiied will I n.vee I known definitely. The woman ' livd .lone in the hou.e. and that ar. euunie for tho lardy dlacovery of the ! body. I'llKKKIlUKH nKATH TO WAll. l'AKlrt. Jan. I-TI10 Journal haa fron a perann In-loiiKlng to ttie eulte of ex. Kmpreaa Kugenle, tlie atalement that upon tlie eve of her dejiartura from En glum! In the early duyi.of tha Faahoda Incident, lha ex.empre took leave of her majeaty, Queen Victoria. When Ku genle waa about to leave, the queen aald: "If war ahould break out between France and Kngland, I will ak (lod lo let ma dlo bcfr It occura." Threa daya latrr tho aecrwary of I"" rx.emprcaa la aald to hnve rommunlcnteii the word of tho queen lo tho French for. elgn office. SNOW IN CUI.IFOKNIA. IH'NSMI'III. Jan. -There r three fwt of now on tho grund here, thl beligc th havleal fall recorded lnce lv.13. Althmigh trnln have been delayed Iho rullrond I attll en. At linn the Htorui Ini'revine 10 a gale, making It dllllcull for ihn now plow to wvrk. Tha rotary plow I doing excellent er. vice, and It I thought that the trulna can ba kept rumilmr STATU IIOl'SK lll'IUli.AilUiCn. flPUINdKllCI.O, III., Jan. t-8om tlmo Saturduy night, the governor' ofllce at tho ataln houeo wua enured by partlea unknown und .'o atolen from a drawer. Tho crime la aurrounder In myaicry, aa all floore of tlio building are guaraca oy watehmon. H10 then wua aiacoveren by Colonel J. M. Tanner, and an invea. tlgutlun la pending. : flAUASTA IMntOVlNO. " MAimiD, Jan. t-Scnor Sugastn. who haa been Buffering from nn attack of bronchial pneumonia for some tlmo pt, ml up four houra yeHUrdny and received J auweaalvely l.leuleimnt Ueneral Corren,; tho mlnlMer of war, the preMldent of tho ohamlxT of di'iiutiva uiul tlio prrfcrl of Miulrlil. tlio pri'tiiltT will conHinio th rifcptiona today. IN'IiOOU MF.KT OP CTCMSm NKW YORK, Jnn. 2,-Tho foaturo of tonlKhl'a prtiKrnmmo at tha liulmir nioct of llio Ainvrloan Cjxlo Iliwlnu Aaaoul. ntloit In MiiiIIhoii 8iimro Garden, wna a 50-nillo P""0 rutxi lwtwoen Harry Klkos, of Ohm Full, N. Y., and Frank WiilH-r, tho "Flyliur Dtiti'hman," of Sun Francis. co, v nllor received a concession or tno aturt of two minute. Klkea win oa.slly. Tlmo 1 hour, 60 rulnulca 46 2-5 aocoiida. I'UU MINKU3 KILLED. i JAMESTOWN, Cnl., Jan, .-Four mln. era wero killed In tlie Bumper mlno today by tho droppliitf of a klp, which fell ISO feot to tho bottom of tho hivft. One other miner waa Injured, jmoro DAY BANQUETED.. CANTON, 0 Jnn. 2. Judjre William R. tny, president, of the pcxj commission' all Turin, and lalo aecrotary of atnto, re-" o'lvwl a wvloome homo till evening whloh Umk tho fbrm of a banciuet. M0i "N'U im: .1 VIVA It THE EXCELLDiCF OF SVKLP OF nQS It (3u not only tu tlio orljrltmtlly and mpllully i.f Hu) eiinllniilioll. hut mIho totho cum 11 n l ,,t ,vlHi which it la nmnufni'iiiriMl by au'entlili. yttvvwH known to tint i.'ai.imhima Ym bviu p Co, only.iuH vvii U) iiiiin-ia uimiii all tlio Ihihii inm o of iiiii liith!ii(r thu truo Binl original remedy, Aa the (Ten u 1 uc Syrup f I in la iimnufaoliirf d by tlia Cai.iyoiiNu Ym Krnup C. only, n ktiowlisln of that fact will aalat ona In avoiding Dm wortlilem Imltntlona iiiniiiifiu-iuri'd bvothrpnr tlrg. Tha hlifii Uiiidin of the CiLl ro.iu Flu myhit Co. with the mi-df. cbI pr(ifeMn. n.) the gutlafnctlon which the (fi iniir.o Syrup of Yg liaa flron to mlllli'nn of fmnlllea, inuUei the nauio of t!iu ('oiiioanv t tninrnnle. of the exci'llftina of lie remody. It U r 1a kdvanro of all other laxative, aa it out on llm bldnrvi. liver and bowcla without IrrlUMiift or weaken. hg them, tml It dca not irrlpe nor DtUB4-b. In order toirct lu beiicflL-lal e ffecta, pear remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ag ruriac, rat Let'UTILLC HKMT TeHK. H. T. MK.V KItoM TIIK 1'E.firtY IN A 8TAHII1N0 AKKHA Y. Oiler Wrallaka Herloualy ut In a Klght Iwiat Night Japaneea Charged With lha Aaaaull. What ramo near being a fatal (tabbing affray look place. In front of the World'a Fair au I noil, on Coinrner.ll afreet, about 7; laal evenlhir. In a me le Alfred Wcet. Inka and a Jaruuieea from the revenue culler Perry were cut, Wcatlake'a In. Jurttn being quite aerloua. Tha Japaneee waa cut In the writ, but 111 Injury ta not very ecrkiui. Ttio men Implicated In th affair were taken to tha police aruil'm. and three Japaneeo now are held, pend lug lha trial today. Wea!luk la chief oiler on the I'erry With N. Tereo. calMn biy. 8. Ogawa rabln atrwanl. ami K. Terae, he wna In the aaloon laat night. The men became tuvolveal and later rniigd In a huh eutelitn tha aaloon. Ogawa la allege.! lo have dona the cutting, but he atnuuoujily d'tilea the charge. Aoirdlng to Wratlake, tha men were drinking In the aaloon. Ogawa had or. dered drlnka, but refumxl lo pay for them Weetlnke aaya bo frarvd thai lha bar. tender would aliike Ogawa, and that h tried to got tha Japanraa lo aettle lha ac. count and avoid troubl.a Ogawa, ha aaya, ueed eoma objedlonable language, and he alruck (ha Jap. Tha latter drew hi pocket knife and alaahed him. tha other Japa mixing In tha fight. Another arory of the affray la that Ogawa left tha aaloon before the right occurred, going to a Japaneee reeiauran near by, wher he waa Joined by the tw Temca. Tlie threat then rturne.1 tu the aaloon. Ogawa calling Weetlake outalde. Then lh trouble commenord. Wratlake be4n rat and (tie younger Terae. a lad of about . receiving an ugly, though not aerloua. ganh In tha wrlal. Weatlako waa taken to the office of Dr. Eatea, whera hla wound waa dreaaed. Tha knlfa entered the face on tha Wt alda and cut a gaah down and along the neck to tha breaat bono. Wratlake waa not placed Under the Influence of any opiate, but for an hour plucklly allowed the doctor to Mitch the wound. In all over W atltchea were taken. The younge Tvre waa alao taken to lr. Katea' ofTIe, and tho alaah In hla wr t waa aewed up, Aftor lila Injurlea were attended to Weetlake wna talon to tho city J:U1 where Ognwa and the youinrer Tit were loeked up, tha latter aa a wltneaa. Weetlake Identified Ogawa aa the man who hud done tha cutting, but the bitter denied that ha atabbed him. Tbe knife waa found on him, the bladSn about threw Inchri In length and very 11 harp, but there were no blood etalna on IL u no japaneae would any little about tie affair. Wratlake waa later taken lo the hoapltal, Captain Kllgore, of tho Perry, wv-nt to the atatlon when he heard of the trouble, lie woe very much eurprleed and ag grieved to loom that hla men had become Involved In the dlfllculty. Ho auld the Japaneae had olwnye tnhaved well, and he eoeimied liK-llned to bellevo that Oguwa waa not altoKcther to blnme for the cuU ting. The thra Juimm-Mi tiro held at the atatlon. Oguwa will ba examined txfora Juatlca Hughea thla morning TI10 li.lif wua cxpiMd lunt night thnt It waa tha Intention of tho Jupanct to "do up" Weetlake, but tho Tvraea do not look Ilka men who would take part In any audi affair. Ogawa la ulirn a very quiet looking man. He and WeMlfika onry before had troublo, accortllng to tho latter. Ogawa, he aays, came aboard In an Intoxicated condition one night, and ,bue0ll nmi wheroupon h struck him. Th(lt lncilSent happened eome tlmo ago, and th(ire hnJ b,- no furih,.r trouble. Captnln Kllgore aald tonio of tho men wore Inclined to regard the Japanese, as Inferior bolng and treat, them lmpnicr- ly, but the Japanese, he aald, hud provcil faithful Bervnnta on tho Terry, 11 nd he Wii at a l0Bi t0 undoratand why tho trouble ahould have occurred. it s Captain KlUjoro'a desire that the ol(j tng m0rnlng, aa ho wltmc ga t0 ,ne i0Ull(j th, aft(.rnoon, and wollij llka t0 ba ln wn vwn ,h0 hearing la hold. TIIIS BEAUTIFUL HAIR IS THE RESULT CUTICURA AND CUTICURA SOAP. I wash my child', bead every woek with warm wntorandCuTicuiuSoAi'.and rub lua littlo CUTicuMA (oiutmenl). ilur huir la flue, thick, and very long, reach inn below her waist when atandlng erect. 11 us. C. 0 IU.I1 AM, 1087 No, California Ave., Chicago, 111. (Mil lhrau,hmillhwnrliL Pnmi D. akd C. Coir., (olt I'ropin Buuao. 'AUatMutihtawlf udUalr.".awi mm.- Art That's Med " No soda, no borax, no ammonia notli- 1 in but water is needed r Iri(r1if fltlfl fvntif iTiillxr It cleans everything cheaply, thoroughly, BtlM Povden where. Largest package greatest economy. TUB H. K. rainBAItf COMPARY, tllaogo. KkLoula New Yerk. BoMoe. fkUadrlphla. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 We are Informed that certain Jensen Can-filling Machines, with a view to rppairinsr. litem by supplying any mlsln?, worn them to us for packing salmon. A recent legal decision of high eflect that to supply one or all of the above cannot be lawfully done with put consent of the palent owner. We are the sole owner by purchase of the Jensen Patent for these machines, and public notice Is hereby giyen that any and all per sons who undertake to so repair or use these old machines will be prosecuted to the full exlent of the law. The matter has been placed in he hands of our attorney, John II. peremptory Instructions to take all necrnsary legal steps to protect our rights in the premises. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. R. L. Boyle cl Co Leading Real Hat a to Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information ami rainjihleU 535 Coiiimerci:rl Street A. V. ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jrlly Glauses. With tho Fruit logo in them Victor Rost, EleVnlh Ft, of xt to Poalal Tf lfii b Office. WATCHMAKER BngllotH and Swiss All roTMlrtnf dona br nraolf. Satlafaotloo guaranteed. p!a2?rcSIajraXla &5KaT I .1 A Pncfnhf-firl. 3 General GofiTHflGTOR w Buildeh Estimates Given on V I Ivi nils of Work. P-MOfflciBox No. 49L A W. F. SCHEIBE, A hill Una of Piece. Twbacc. aad 5mokera Arlklsa. Commercial SI. The Palace Cafe W. VV. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. THE RUSSELL Compound Automatic Engine " ! I . L . 1 1 Strong nml Economical. Writo us for particulars. A. II. A ERILL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon, HOTEL ARRIVALS, rarkor House P, W. Piillls, San Fran cisco; Craig Mason, II. Young, Fort Ciuibyj W. H. Hunter, IVrtlanU; Ntclt Wtoaner, W'alluskl; C. O, Taylor, Jt'well: WllMam F. Olllott, OUt Point; Miss Dolln Cvloy, Miss Maud Haatlngs, X)lok Sauls. borry, Frank Rankin, Qone Vv'oodberry, New York; O. D. Rogers, llwnoo. OeddentJ. Kelly, San Franvlsoo; C, F. Leavenworth, Olympic; Miss Nordwlck, FmnkAirt, W. B, etrntton, South Pend; C. Dal ton, H. 3. OUe, I A. Loom I a. Mlsa Loom Is. ' ' The real triumph of Invention will come when somebody Invents something to make tha recent inventions work. toniakc things wliitc and r1iti wtt quickly, bold every parties are purchasing some of the old or broken parl.s, and again putting authority ba.s been rendered to the Miller, Eq.,of San Francisco, with ALLEN ....Prices Lower Than Ever, AND JEWELER Watches a Specialty. Vaate Boxea repaired. Manna Cbrooomatara Rotad oad Bapolrod House-Moving Tools for Rent Astoria, Oregon. Manulaclurar and Ltoaler In m mm mm FINE CIGARS! FOUGHT TWliNTY ROUNDS. NEW YORK, Jan. 1 Owen Zelgior and Muttte Matthews fought 20 -rounds to a draw at the Greenwood Athletlo Club, Brooklyn, this afternoon. HALF A TOWN BURIED. , BEAMAN, la., Jan. 2. Flra destroyed over half the buslnosa portion of this village today. Tho ntst thing on the vaudlllo stnge will be a tew disjointed specimens of the Filipino dialect. Colonel Brlce's heirs will rejoice that he was a better 'business man than he wag a politician. Fine Display ot Good Things Oranf, banana, nuia, rau.nn, plum pnddlni, mlncmati, ru charkad apple, Oallcloua c.b'ct. Cbasa aV Sanborn' fam'iua cottft, and tea, ate,, atfl. ROSSHIGGINS & CO LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MIXCKAL WATER, I'EtTEK, NOISLE, KICKOKY AXU SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, VINES, UEER AND CIGARS Served Doy unci INIglit. AUGUST KRAT2, HOflE-HADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Boa- Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. C. jr. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, nsarance and Shipping:. Astoria's Leading Hotel JMegler & Wright, Props. Pacific Sheet .... . MANUFACTURERS OF lmon a Lithograiphirig on San Francisco. CaL Astoria, Ore. Falrtavcn, Wasl Write Us for Prlees ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY I Telephone) No. OS Handles Only the Choicest Meats 415 Caainrclal St.. tm ill T The Pat Market Flour,fr Feed " and Hay '. B74 Commercial Street. Bale Commercial Street near t t IK t fimsll roaatlin t's anl prim trtxti miitta of all dr'Hptlon. fiplendlrt lot of yoimi:, fit pnijl Iry; turkey, clilrkena and tt. - - Mnnacer CMetoni hhm Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON. At,t.t.icoiHctcxVrco,. ! ran an BP- nl 1 r- Metal Works TXTotr sjlce Syrcj Tin a Specialty. aczt Palaee Rcaloai avt. Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... andABSOLUELY PURE The North racifio Brewery, of which Mr.John Kopp is proprietor, makes beei lor domestic and export trade. Bottled beer tor family use, or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery in tbe city free. NORTH PACIFIC EREWERY Oriental Curlcmitles and Toys. Wo must reduce stock and Sell Regardless of Coat Wing Lee & Co. Cooper's Dry Goods Store. 1 Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices Sotncthirtg New W.J.SCUIvUY 431 Bond Street.