The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 03, 1899, Image 2

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J'MsV T. I-tcJiTt-'R, R -II tor.
i etpphon ho. &
tutus of subscription.
Sent by mH. per year
font l.y mail, per ninth
g.-rvfj by carrier, per month
.$4 00
.. M
B i t br mull. ir yfr. I lvnr...J '
Poalag free to tiiworliera.
All communication tnten.Kd for puo'.l
cation MhuuM b directed 10 tho alitor.
BurtupM communication of all kino
r.d remittance mut be iJJwifJ to
"Tho Aatorlan."
Tho Aatortnn guarantee to Its adver-
tier tho I a meat clrcuiauon of any
newapaper puoli.hed en tho Column
Advrtiainf reU car bo had on appd
eailon to tho biwtnee manager.
Tho attention of tho number of th
Oregon lcgiltur U called to tho fact
that an "open railway" to Astoria from
tho wheat field means millions of dot.
lars annually add! to tho product of
tha producers of tho Columbian baalo.
This U practically admitted tj tho Ore.
fonlan's ailenca oa hit grest cue.
tton. It falla to answer to Atorin's
tibM)itlv pamphlet on that question
ontltled "Tho 8csport Problem of tho
Taclflo Northwest," Tiiat a) aerfea of
letton shows, la U forma, and In
overr lUrht. tho truth of this claim aa
based on tbo undented princlpla of heat?
ocean ahlp tonnage and resulting cheap
charter now stirring tho eastern cen
ter! to action. Tbo heavy tonnaro poaaL
bio at Astoria ami inipowlbl at Portland
would secure to our producers at leaat
10 per cent cheaper charters at Alton, or
evera million dollars, annually, of no
wealth for this basin. An "opn rati.
way" to As'.orU would aecurs this treat
boon. Tho ft R.4 X. Co. stands In tho
door to prevent this (rand result Not
only so, but tbo resulting concentration
of ail American transcontinental on
Astoria would fetch rh bulk of the Ori.
ental commerce through that gateway
and make this basis the great center of
tho west. This would toon double the
population of tbe basin. It would double
It wealth also. The Nicaragua canal
even, la not half so important to our
The O. R. N. Co., under "Jim" H Ill's
control, blocks this greet prosperity,
The Oregon legislature can force It to
term In several ways. Unless Its policy
shall change VERT SHORTLY with
pending railway moves. It is the duty
of that body to apply the remedy sharp.
ly. It Is a gigantic stand for the Colum
bian basin. Let us play for It and, as
tbe great Cardinal said, "not miss
The Astorlan renews its demand upon
the O. R. A X. Co. to make Astoria a
"common point" with Tacoma. Its de.
mand la baaed both upon the Interest of
tbe producers In tbe Columbian basin
and upon that of the O. R. t X. Co. it.
self. That such action by that powerful
railway company would result In
mU Ions of dollars to the pockets of the
wheat growers, annually, is now con.
ceded by the Oregonlan. Tbe Astorlan's
proposition, editorially and In its pamph
let, that the heavy ship bottoms poisL
bis at Astoria and Impossible at Port.
Uiid would cheapen wheat charters 30
per cent and thus add several millloi dol.
lars to the value of our wheat products,
atands undented by that great and domi
nant paper of the Pacific Northwest.
Its silence means absent to the soundnens
of our proposition. This Is made the
plainer by Us previous easniesg to dis
cuss the seaport problem when the Issue
was confined to the relative cost of
ship expense and train expose between
Astoria and Portland. Its profound si.
leno now, after our pamphlet ex
haustively presented the question, on the
new line of heavy ship tonnage, is
manifest oonfoeslon that Astoria as the
seaport would add millions, annually, to
the wealth of Oils basin-to the great
benefit of Portland and of lu great com.
mon carrier, the 0. R. & jf, co.
Elnce that railroad compels a common
point rate between Tacoma and Port
land, the Justice of our demand for a
common point rate with Tacouu is over
whelming In Ita plainness. Astoria Is
equl-dletant with Tacoma from the wheat
fields. She Is IT miles nearer the ocean.
6he has a water level grade from the
whe-at fields against a rldpy and moun.
talnous line to Tacoma that adds at
least 200 miles to the distance of the
latter. Shu U 600 miles nearer Liverpool.
Making Astoria a "common point" with
Tacoma would not only 'dd, annually,
four million dollars to the pockot of
our farmers, but would doubla the O.
IT.' & N. Co.'s traffic. Most likely a
ch-ira of owner.hlp will soon alter the
policy of the O. R. & N. Co. In this re.
spect. But the Astorlan Is not acting that prompting. It demands th
common pmt with Tacom. on It own
r-H.i!miMlily and on pin hi principle of
Justice to Culumblan producer.
Acher' Draper,, Tablet are sold on
a positive guarante. Cure heart bum,
raining of food, distress star eating, any
form of dyspepsia One little tablet gives
Immediate relief. and to rente. For
tl by Kates-Conn Drug Co.
t can stand for Dutoh lunohis'.
Cold cream and carmine.
Rut tho llia that tomM lMison'a
Aturt never touoh mine.
Tlw new Jaane minister Is a llitr
vara graduate, ami has come back to
Amorka t tKffH what he d.dn't learn
at our bona collrue.
8lck headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by untng alokl Tta, A pleaa
ant herb drink. Cure constipation and
Indigestion, inakee you eat. sleep, work
end happy. Sallafaction guaranteed or
money refunded. K and U ornta For
sale br Estee-Conn Dru Cv
No wealthy person, need fear any dan,
genous consequences from an attack of
le. grippe It properly treated. It la much
the same as a sever cold and requires
predeely the same treatment Remain
quietly at horn and take Chamberlain
Cough Remedy as directed for a severe
cold and compute recovery Is sur
follow. For sals by Charles Rogers
The real name of Julee Verne, by the
war. is Olevhewtta, and he U really
native of Warsaw, although he Uvee a
Amiens. Franca, ,
That the blood should perrom Us vital
functions, It la absolutely aaceessary
should not only be pur but rtvh la Uf-
gtvlmt elestaoss. These results are beet
effected by tbe us of that well-known
standard blood purifier, Ayars' Sarsapa.
E. U Godkln. editor of the New Tork
Post Is referred to by a brother editor
as the pereon who edits ths sneer de
partment of the New Tork Poet"
Lozartant hair, or uniform color. Is
beautiful head covering tor either sex.
and may be secured by using Hall's Vege
table Sicilian Hair Renewer.
Bryan differs from Dewey on the Phil
ippine question. Now if Bryan wants to
make a teat of Dewey's popularity, let
him go before the people on that prt
si non-
Ackers English remedy w',11 stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
VAMl tnM In ff!v Kaiim a ssiamam
" W uia V S Hivuc as
funded. IS cents and to cents. I'or sal
oy r.stes-conn Drug to.
Emperor William will not ask the Prus.
siaa diet t pay his expenses to Palestine.
If his own diet had been more simple,
be might have paid the expenses him
Bears tits yf iBI Yal Hi Kwm Bk
Having been freed from Spain, the Fil
ipinos evince a ready disposition to sell
themselves to any nation that happens
to havs the price.
THE BEST BALVK la ths wortd for
Cuts, Bruises, Borer. Closrs, Salt Rhsuna,
revar soreaj Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Coras and all Ekla Erupttoaa
sad positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired, it Is gwarantsed to gtv perfect
satiaf action or aaoosy refunded, pries B
eenU par Vox. Tw sal by e tee-Con a
Drue Co.
Whlls kidustrlously engaged In pro.
moUn peace. It will be noticed that
Editor Stead exercises due diligence not
to get In front of the English guns.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hart of Oroton. & D.: "Was taken with
a bad cold which settled on my lungs
cough set In and finally terminated la
consumption. Four doctors gave m up
saying I could llvs but a short time.
gave myself up to my Savior, determined
If I could not stay with my friends on
earth I would meet my absent ones above.
My husband was advised to get Dr.
Klnsr's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. I gavs It a trial, took
In all eight botties. It has cured me, snd
thank God I am saved and now a well
and healthy woman." Trial bottles tree
at Estes-Conn Drug Co. Regular s see
Wo and tL Guaranteed or pries refunded.
Realising that marriage Is a lottery
Congressman Roberts took a bunch of
chance In the hope ot winning at least
one prlxe.
"Whet Shall
riaa Give t
The solemq
question comes
borne to almost
every man at
some period iq
mi career
"What will
you give in ei
change for
your life?" It
is like that
other solemn
question about
tbe soul. Just
as an honest
man feels that
nothing of
earthly value
can be weighed
against bis soul
so a man who
has one friend
to love him
knows that life
is too precious
to be bartered
awav for am.
bition, or money, or pride.
But men are slow to believe that over
work fcometimes kills; s man hates to ad
mit that bis health ever need any particu
lar :are. He feels miteraMe and out of
sorts" but tries to "bluff it off" until be
gcti flat on his back, unable to do a stroke
of work. He becomes obliged to spend no
end of money for doctors and even at that
can hardly save his life.
How much more sensible, and in the end
how much cheaper at the first signs of pby- j
sical weakness to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce,
chief consulting physician of the Invalids
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
N. Y., and obtain, free of chsrge, the ad
vice of a skilled and educated physician
who has a wider reputation for the success
ful treatment of chronic diseases than any
other physician in this country.
In a letter to Dr. Pierce, Mr. f. W. Brlttln. of
Clinton. Dewitt Co.. Ills.. (P. O. Boa 475), writes:
" For over a year I was troubled with liver eotn
pUlut Had no appetite, could keep nothing
oe my stomach, and had severe peitis in my
stomach and bowels. I doctored with home
(octora but did not obtain relief until a friend
advised m to take Dr. Fierce Golden MeclicaJ
Dincorery. I tyrvnn Inlrtny ft stonreand slier
Uking four bottles I thins myself cured, u I
Can eat anything I want and my food nevet
hurts me."
Dr. P'erce's Pleasant Pellet cure consti
pation.1 At all medicine stores.
I II I M I' 1 , I
The patrlotlo best cltlsens of Ororttla
put away sliotnuna and other nl.
sor vhAM'i fur a day and warmed up
to -MoKlnley,
Tou are perhaps aaare that pneumonia
always result from a cold or from an
attack of la grim. During the l.
demlo of la grippe a few years ago, w hen
ao many caaea resulted In pneumonia,
It was observed thai the attack was
never followed by that dlseane when
ChambcrlAln'a Cough Remedy was ul
It counteract any tendency of a cold
or la grippe to result In that dangerous
disease. It la tha beat remedy In the
world fVr bud colda and la grippe.
Every twttlo warrantrvl. For sale by
Charles Rogers, druggist.
New York Is rio for a norse shw,
Ch.iago haa a cat show, and Itryan is
a holy show all the year rmnd.-t.
Paul Dlypatt-ii.
"I have recovered from the second
attack of la gr pp this year." saya Mr.
James A. Jones, publisher of the LedcVr.
Mexls. Texas. In the latter case I used
Chamberlain' Cbugh. Remedy, ami 1
think w;th crnlerUl succ.., mly
being In bed a tittle over two days against
ten days for the former attack. The
second attack I am satisfied would have
been equally a bad as ths first but for
ths us ot thl remedy, as I had to go
to bed In about six hour after being
struck' with It, while In the first case
I was able to attend to business for
shout two days befvr getting 'down. "
For sals by Charles Rogers, druggist.
Under the charuleller on Ingenious
Kansas City girl hung Instead of a
branch ot mistletoe, a picture ot Lieu,
tenant Hobson.
Thr 1 ao u sutfartng from this
dreadful malady. If you will only get th
right remedy. Tou are having pain all
through your body, your liver la out of
order, have no appetite, no lit or ambi
tion, hav a bad cold. In fact are com
plete!) used up. Elecirto Bitters Is ths
only remedy that will glv you prompt
and sur relief. They act directly on
your liver, stomach and kidneys, tons
up th whole system snd mak yon feet
Ilk a nw being. They are guaranteed
to cur or price refunded. For sals at
Estes-Conn Drvg Co. Only SO cents per
There id a certain Irony In the sign
"Look Out for Pickpockets." They look
out for themselves and tor you. too.
Bears th J 1 Bfttf.t
While Mayor Harrison Is holding down
the city council, the c.ty council Is hold.
ing up the street railway companies.
W are authorised to guarantee every
bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to b as represented snd If not satisfac
tory after two-thirds of the contents
havs been used, will refund the money
to ths purchaser. There I no better
medicine for la grippe, colds and whoop.
Ing cough. Pries S and U cent per
bottla. Try It.
Soma people's affairs sre so unique as
to be a constant temptation to other
people to poke their nose Into rhem.
Shows th stat ot your feelings and th
state of your health aa welt Impure
blood makes Itself apparent tn a pal and
sallow complexion, pimples and skin snip
Hons. If you are feeling weak and worn
out and do not have a heajthy appear
ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir.
It cure all blood dlsesses where cheap
sarsaparlllas and so-caiied purifiers fall;
knowing this we sen every bottle on a
positive guarantee. For sale by Estes-
Conn Drug Co.
The real tr.umpb of Invention will
come when somebody invents somethlnw
to make the recent inventions work.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaOlets.
All druggist refund the money If It falls
to cure. 3 cents. The genuine has L. li.
on each tablet.
The next-thing on the vau.llv;lle txif
'111 be a few dlslolnted nn-lmrn, nf
the Filipino dialect.
For Infanti and Children.
Tta Kind Yen Hara Always Bought
Bears tho
Astoria Public Library
Open every -7 from t 0 clock to l;S0
and 4:10 to l: d. m.
Bubscrlptlon rates O per snnum.
West Cor. Elevesth snd Duan 8treeta
187J 1897
William's Kidney Pills T
Tlaa no enunl In dlwuscs of the 7
Kidncva ai-u Urinary Orc-ans. Have
Lyoit neg'lecU'd your Kidneys? HaveT
you overworkea your nervous sys-
em nnd caused trouble with your
.Kidncv and Ulaildcr? Hnve vouC
1 r . . . v.
' under the eyes? Too frequent rle-, I
ire paMuriueV WilHnin's Kiducy
. I'ills will Jinpart new life to the li- ( '
'"aned oran tone up tia system, 1
and make a new maa of you. liy '
mail 60 cents per box. I 1
. u,uaiu ai ru. (jo., Kropc, uevewna, u. 1
For sal br BBTEfl-CONN DRUO CO.
pains la the IoHir, erue, baek.roitiB
an'J nindder? llaveyouallabby ap-
ncarance ot tha fnee. eKWciallvtr
Notles I hereby riven that the aaeeasinent mad by ordinance No. H. nf In
' city of Astoria, Oregon, approved iw-cemix-c 17th, 1m, rnnnrniing III nimt
made for the construction of a sewer on Eleventh street, from point ten feet
outh of the north line of Irving avenue to th north lln ot t'onunerolal aireet,
In that part ot th saIJ city of Astoria a laid out sihI rveorder by Joliu Mo.
v t lure, will be due ami payable In C. H. sold coin at Urn oitice of th city tr.
urer on or nerore January pun, inw,
iiat tre common cmuih-H will onier
am, Tri asesment I as foiioeil
Alrth. Ellaa ,
Abler, tout F. und. Vt Ami. ,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,.
Astoria National Hank
Astoria Savlnaa liank
Astoria favlna Hank
Astoria HitvtiiKs liuik
Avon Savins lliwik ,
im, i'. K ,
Hani C. K.. ,,,,
lUiker. W. II ,
Hanoi. Randolph West V
Hoard ot MLsalon ot Reformed Church..
Hoellluil, V.
Hiu. K. r, Theo. ""A H
Drown, C. 8
Drown, O. 8
Drown, C. 8
Drown, O 8
Drown, Hlrim
Drown, Mtrain
Hrown, Hiram
1 1 row it, tl Iroiii
Drwn. Uaricaret
i ity or AsiH-ia .
liavlee, J. F
hVtvuon, J, K.
Ferguson, J. H. .......
IVmunoih J. M
,..u ltd.
' hVrv iwoii, J, H
Vniueon, J.
Fergueon, J. E.. .......
Klnhnr, AUut C
Fisher, August C
a ... L .... ...
riniunn jtrwnvrnoou
llrnt Melh.allnt KWpal Cnur-h..
west M
rirt i"rrtiyirtnil nuren
First lYeebyterkut Church
KUvei. O. O.
navel, a C.
KUvel, O. C
Flavel, G, C.
KU Katl
tin vet. Katie
Flavel. Wary C.
Mavel. Mary C
riaveJ, NellJ
FlavW. NellM
KUvel, Nellie and Katie.,
KWrr, Ambrt
Fulton. O W
Fultott. W
Fulton, Virginia E
Ft. I ton, Virginia E
Fun, John, heirs of
Or! flirt, John N
ilumlern, Annt M. .....
unit. 11
und. I t
,...un1. 1-4
,...uu.t 1-1
....uml. 14
....und. 14
west H
...und. H
...Und. H
Humntond, A. H.
tlitnunoiiil A. It.
Hanson. Mary
Hyland, IVle- Edward
Joitson, AberOne
Johnsttn, Anna
J. hueon, Anna
Johnson, Anna ,
Johnson, Anne, ..
JohiMion, Anna
Johnson, Anna
Kant. VloU T
Lumijarve, John H
Muisur, Loon east H
Mansell.J. It
Nlcoil, Proa und. H
OWin. Thora ,.
It nock, Henry L
Page, C. H
i)thlan Land and Building Association,
wet 4
Ree.1. A. 8. und. V,
Helf. Creorue Und. -
Hu)rennt, J. W und. S
Suprtwant. J. W und. U
s.upr.want. J. W und. H
8urennt, J. W und.
Supresiant, J. W und. U
Hui.rtwutnt. J V und. k,
8iexarth. A. 3 uml. 4
rillpp. J. L. und. IJ
Sklbbe. Mat;
Thomiwm. I,u -y A went l
Thoniaon, Xlnry P
lY1itr,i Kirt Paptlot Church, wtst H
Tucker. B. F
Twii'jtht. Mary Ann
Wlrucitte, U
Wlngate, O
VIe. Herman und. H
Wlae. Santh Und. S
Voumf. Christina
Ity order of ths common council rf
H. B.
AtorlaT Oregon. Deoetnber H Pt.
II i: DeiAlTeerfAern
ll-rridCl IldUolCl LU
Telephone XX
All Goods Shipped to Our Oar
Wdl Receive Special Atteatkm.
N). US Duac 8l.
Astoria, Ore.
W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Kss. TL Ul
Table Wines...
Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store
for ANtTMIA ,POORNE55of the BLOOD,
corns 1 1 1 n itiniAL, w tAKtS3
None genuine unleaaaigned "riLAitcASit"
. E. FOCOC8A ACO.. N. V. Aft, fort'. S.
(2'tk Cem-iky Tkain.)
bci'A-cen Mmnrapolis, St. I'aul
au.1 Chic:',"), is entertainingly
ilcscril-cj in in illustrated
b'okli't, which will be fur
nished fni on application to
V. II MEAD, Gen. Aj;t.,
2H Wanliiiiirtim HtiM-t,
H)VlLml, OKE.
l.'.nn. Aarnt,
in rir avuiip,
"- "r c" -'jt '
jr 1
THOS. GUINKAN, Proprietor S
? Seventh and - ?
Washington S. sPortlailCj, Or,
'hrunsxnjvirwjxnrirjvuv nnnnnnnn nnnnnnn n tn
Mormon Dliriop' hill iu
aniae, SdmulMat u bm nd Bern uiun,
i awiMoaa, sua Ma, CiraiUn txmm. Addru.
. .v., ti a, mimii.,,, curei tost Mnnhood. Im
potency, Lost Power, Night-Lo?, oermntorrhOeq lnomnla, aln
Pl.P,c.Ki B Dsalre. Bomlral r.rnl:i, lir., Unci, Nervou De
blllir. Headache lir.dtneta to 'Ssrry, t 03 of ll'TH 'emen, Varicocele,
ZLtfK RVSS'fn.Ji"' fit '" iTfTl Pbarg; Stop Nr-
VOU. Twitching Of gyelldi. I m Imwuu. EMZJ rmiMiOiKof an.l K,lafic to
Itc fum ivw.r u., ,1. .....r ... . i i 1 1 t, . it .. i i
snn u not iwio wiiniii nv imy noin tnai
Issued tor th collwcttou of th
Lot 1 block 4. M-Clure's Astoria. , W
!.ot 14, block 11, Mc'lur' Astoria,. l art
t L bloc It Til, Mi'l'lure Astoria,, 40 n
.01 I, bl,H k Met 'lure' AatoiU., I 14
Lot S. block t. M'Vltii'' Atona. IK 1.1
l.ot 4, lilmk 41, Mvx'lur Aston,, M U
Lot (t, block (4. jU'Clnr' Astoria,, M 11
n t , bliH-k 41. M.'t'lui' Aslorlit., Ill 1)
it II, blo'k Klct'lure's Aniorlu,, I VI
let L tiliH'k. X Met 'tin 'a AslorU , 40
1 M
U-t S, lilo.k '. Mi-Clum's Asioria.. 1ft M
l..t i.i, in, i R i, .M.'t'iure Asioria,, 11
Lot II, block Mci ltim Asiona., its
Ut 4. bliK k VI, Mcv'lure Astonu,, 1 i
Lot II I'lock i t, M.'fluie Anlorla., U M
Lot i, block Kl. .Mrt'luie Astoria., II M
l,'t I. bio. k M' hue s Aslurm,, 40 M
Lot 1 block M.t'liue s Astoria., n M
Lot l. block l, M.'t'luiv's Astoria,, tS M
Lot 14. block M, Mcrlur' Aslorla., WM
Ut 3, block . M t'liue Ast.iri,. IS U
Lot 4. block i M 't'lute Anion., 54 II
leH 6. block U, M.t'lure Aslorla., M 11
lt i. bliHk Si, M.VIure Astoria., liH
U't a bliH k (o, Ms'lui' Amoria., 14 M
Lot 1. blox k II. M.i 'lure's Astoria., 40 M
Lot 4. blink 44, Mvt'luro Astoria., si
U'l 1, lil.M-k 4. Mi't 'luiv' Aniorl., t VI
JavI 4. block M'luro s Astoria., 14 It
Lot L bbH'k 44, M't'ltirv-s Astoria., 14 6)
lot. i. bl.nk i. M" Mitre's Aetorl,, 04
Uh S. bliM-k '. M.VIure Aslorrk., 4(4
Ut 4. block 71. .M.VIure' Aslor., 14M
Lot li hl,M-k fci, M.VHire's Aaloit., 14 M
.... If t.l ..... it .1- l.,h.'. M !,
1.1, .riw K Ull", ,-..MIl,, H 9S
Ut 1L bl.K'k l. M.VIure' Astoria., ITS
Ut t. block 4. Met'lurv Astoria,, MM
U4 1. block 1. M Vlure's Astoria,. 4 M
lt t, block II, MoClure Astoria., U M
U. li block l. M .VI u re's Astoria., 14 M
l4t 1 block W. M.Vlure's Astoria., 14 tt
Lot li Uock l. M.Vlure's Astoria., 4 tt
UH 14. block SI. M.Vlure's Aslorla.. I M
Ut It. NiMk Wl. M-Vlure s Aslorla., 4 U
Lot 14. blok tl. M Vlurv' Astoria.,
UK 11 block 1. McClure Astoria.
11 M
Lot 14. W. k l, Mct'lure s Astoria.,
Ixtt U. block II, M.VIure s Astoria.. 4 tt
1.4 14. block VI. M.VIure a A el una
1. H
Ut li blivk l. MiVlur Asloii., 9 H
Lot a. block C. M.VItir Astoria.. J 14
a1 4, block To. M.Vlure's Astoria.. I Ti
UK i, block Til. M.VIiire Aatorla,, Tt
lot I, block. Tu. M'lur' Astoria., M
IaK li bl.vk 70. M.Vlure's Astoria., IB M
UH 14. bloik 63, M.H'lure' Astoria.. 44
UH 14. blm k tl. M.VIure a Aa.orla.. Pi 44
U4 a. biiH'k 41. McClure Aalorla., 14
Ut I block M.VIure Aaloii., I U
lot 4. bUnk l. M.-t 'lure's Astoria., 14 IS
UH I, block SO, MoClur Astoria,, U II
Ut It bl.K-k l. M.VIure Aalor a.. 4 44
Ut 1, bto'k l. M.-v'lure's At"rt.. 14 tt
UK J. Nock W. M.H'lure Astoria,. 14
lH 4. block . M Vlure'a Atori., I M
1 a 1,1, ..-k a M.Vlure's Aaiorla.. Ill
I.iH W, blin k W. M.VIure' Atn.. 1 II
It II. block W, M.VIure Aston.. I rl ,
Lot 11 block VS. Mct'lure s Astoria.. II M
U1 . bio. k M.Vlure's Astoria., II II
1 ... f hi. i. u MiViure's Astoria.. IU
M 1 block 44. M.VIure Astoria., t 14
I)l 4, block DO. M'Vlur Astoria.. U II
loC M, lilO 00, Al, mvi .".,., w
lxt I, bl.H-k II. M.VIure Astoria.. I It
Lot li block . M.VIure' Astoria.. SI W
Lot 14. block W. Mcv'lure Aatorl.. 40 N
Ixn 4. block 4t. M.VIure' At r a.. I H
Ul 14. bl.H-k 41. M. rlure's Astor1.. 47
Lot 14. block M, M-t'lure's Astoria.. V 41
4 blo-k 4.'i M I'lur,- Astoria. . 1 M
l.t X block 4',. M.Vlure's Astoria.
Ut S block 4',. M.VIure- alor!.
a1 4 block 4'.. M.Vlure's Aaloris.
U1 J. blo'k TI. M.Vlure's A'r.
IH 4. lil.wk 71. M. i 'lure Asotin.
Ul J. M.H-k M. M-.'Mre s Astoria
I.. 4 bl.M-k l M.t'llire' Aalorl
a 14
1 M I
1a1 4. block l. .M.Vlur Astoria,. U U
U.t It. llo k 4. M.vltir..'s Aatorla.. IT
UK li. blifc-k l. M "lure's At"n.. S3 tl
1.0 4 hi.k-k itt M Vltir-a Aatona., 1 7
UK It Nock 7'i. M.Vlure's A(ri.. 14 44
Ut 1. bkn-k 44. Mc'turaa Astoria.. It IS
Im K ttl.n-k 71 M.Vlure's Aeiorla.. W U
iMi 4. block 71. M'Vlure's AstoM.. I 11
l..t a block . M-.'lur's Astoria.. 101
Ut 4, block . M "lure's Atorta.. t ia
Lot L block 44. M'Vlure AsUria.. 40 M
th city of Astoria. Oirn.
NELSON. Aud.ror and I'jIIcs Judge
HOU. Au uti.ii.m t..r inc.
board of equalization
Notice) Is hereby g ven to all peron
whomsoever, tht there ha been r
ported to th comm'Xi cuunoil of the
city of Aatorta. Oregon, by th board of
assessor of said city, a special asars.
msnt for ths Improvement tn said city
known as tb.j Irr.provorm-nt of Ighth
Street. Uetwren Grand and Harrison
Avenuee. and -h'h assessment la shown
on ths specisl assessment roll fr said
assessment, which I now on fll in ih
office of th undersigned, I open fr
Inspection, snd will so remain until Sat
urday, th 14th day of January. ll. t
th hour of ten o'clock a. ni. of said
day. at which time the board of equal.
Isatlon for uJd saesa-nrnt. c.Mixlat.rtg
of the said board of assessors and tbe
j cumiiillte of strata and publ.c aya
I of th coroinxii council of sal.l city,
j will meet In th council .lumber of
I said city In the city hall thereof, to r-.
view and eguallSA M aaeaainrnt.
All objection to s-tl'l aanesamnnt muat
be fllwl wth the undersigned on or be
for th time of said meeting
This notlco Is publlehrd by ord-r of
th mmon council of said c'.ty.
Dated st Astoria, Oregon. lceinber
tnh. IK
Auditor and Pulb: Ju.lg. City of As.
tori. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby s v n to all rvr,in
whomsoever, that th.-ro haa bi-eii r
pirtl to the common council of thi"
cJtv of Aatorla. Oregon, by the byarJ
saaesaor of saM city, ap-vlal .. a
ment for th Improve mem tta and rltv
known s the "lmprovrmont f II.'iirlor
Avenue, Iletween 8.:vmth and IHitlith
atreet, and which aflH,'-i.m''iu In liwr
on tho apii lnl aaapHtni'iit roll f r a il l
asassmnnt, which la now on ()! In th'
office of the undersigned, 1 oi'n In
Inspection, and will ao rnnnln until flat
unlay, the 14th day of Jiintuiry. IW, at
tha hour of ten o'clock s. m. of a.ild
day, at which time tho board ! (
Uatlon for aald aj,eiin,nit, cmlKtlmt
of th wild board of maeHaor and t lie
committee on strei ' nnd public wny
of tha common council of suld city.
will rn"et In tho council chamber of
said city In the city hall thereof, to re.
vlow (uid equalize sn1l aaacaainent.
All objection to nid naaoeamcnt miiNt
be filed whh the undoralifned 01 or b
for ths time of said meeting.
This notice Is publlahed by older of
ths common council of said city.
Dated st Astoria, Oreyon, December
SOth, lKil
Auditor and Pollco Judge, City of Aa
torla, Oregon.
Inn in no uvnr y 1 tir Hi Uulcra 01 tlx M
A inltlaa fiwantM, locwe
ai.h.a n,l on.. Inn Flinnlian. n.l.
For sals by Charles Rogers. -
I wi nr crt in nia iii y.Kiii'f an ln rroii tUccla
0 - t
Through Plae and tourist sUspers,
II nl i and library observation ear.
No, 4 Limited leave Portland st l
0, m.
No. I Limited arrives Portland at 11:11
4. m.
For rales, to,. rait or Vlres
Agent O. It. N Aslorla.
CUT, 1., Portland, Or,
I - '
No. 1.
lutii a. m,
Km &.
10 1. in,
Kant Mali lor Aberdeen
hottlltl lleml, tsiillia.
Ho. 1
Hxiksiis, Welina, Untie,
Aiiaeoiw. fl. rmil, ni-
eetto, w t nit, Iknioii.
snd all poluia I. I aiul
a I olllhessl.
HNo. 4.
4 bi.
I'ortleii.l. and
Isvmi ftpreM; loii
Heatlle. V-,snns. Illvut
.a and iMcruicillatM
Thro day to t. Psul. Omaha, Ksn
sa City and other Missouri river points.
Three and on half days to t. lul.
IntwaiiliM kn.l t'hl.-ajro.
tmr and one-nair tiy
htlaitelpbla and other fa
'senaar taking Hie i
anil one-nair tiy 10 wneaininwi.,
r eaaircn pointa
A. C. It. It. It.
I oMiv-k mnrnln
tt train win nw eios
oble with the "al bound
cinneciion at Go!
fast mail.
t'nlon detxit oonnecllon at all principal
lugcnfw checked ihrouiih to tie I In,
tlon of tl.keta
For leiiisi car reservations, tick!,
mans of route and other informal!,,
call on or addrea
j. v. WTl, ACni,
134 Coa.niertlAi Ht.. Ax.-rla.
Assistant General I'nasrotf.r Aavn
j Xlorrlaoa Hlreet, Portland. Or,
tINC ( I fwe- l"J..l
ea"'" "0 Ea
-Dally to
Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha.
Chicago. Kansas City
snd other Eastern ottM .
Prr shacked through to desttnstma.
I'nU.n Dopots. fvK time, lowest r(ss,
Pin teen lisht rn U ears..
For rates snd other Inurmstlofl call mi
or 4tras
O. a N. to.
AtrU, Oraajua,
of J H LOTHROP. Oeo. Asevit,
Ilk Third St.. oor AUIt. Portlsnd. OT.
Nolle I hereby flven that, by virtu
or s warrant fur th collection of a do.
Ilnqtiont aaaeaernent for the Improvement
in the rlty nf Aatorta, Orreon, towltl
Thirty-fifth tret. from Franklin avenue
to Duane trit, duly laeurd by the AudU
tnr and Police JuiIa of aiJ city, bjr dl
r.,'tlon of th common council of aid
rny. aain warrant rminf dated the 1,1
day or jMovemtr, to me dlrectw,
of Novemlr, IM14, to me dlrectd.
the aaaeaament tn which rani
untlnar ! 13). with Intereat theraon
alimllnlln lo siel wlfh InlAfitat (harm
at the rate of I rr rent per annum from
the th day of rVpleniber. IK, and twin
axalnat ih following nanird peron, to
wit: Laura M. Whallay. ownar of th fol.
lowing deacrlbed real property, to wit.:
lot 4. In block 111, In the port of Upper
Aatorla. aa laid out and recorded by John
AdaJr. and alao asalnat laid abova (In.
ai-rlhrnl property, and which warrant com
mind a me to make levy upon and sale
of ald deecrllKH) real property. In orUor
in aatiery aaiu warrant nd aij aaaea.
nirnt. and tneethar with th Inlrreat
Ihrroon and the coat and eipenac of
ild ante, and puraunnt lo ald warrant,
and the commanda therein contained, I
il.d. on tha 3d dny nf lwi'intrr, IKH. duly
levy upon the above di-arrlhrKl r-al prop.
itIv. and I will, on the It dnv of January.
K. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the
foronoon of said dny, at the court hotiae
door, town the nntrunre of aitld court
hmiae on Ninth atrret, In the cliy of Aa
torla. county of tlataop. ftiate of Oren.
lai-ll anld d.-acrlbed real property at ,ul.
I lie ntn tlon to the hUtlirat blddrr for raah.
. iTnll,. 0, ,lln . , .,,.,1
j atK aami-nt. the Ititurmt therron, and the
roal and rxpenae of aula aforesaid
linn me ecruing coai.
Dated at A i 1, rli, Oregon, th Sd day of
December, Wl.
K. IFALtKlf.
Chi.- f of Police of Aatorla, Oregon.
Notlr la hereby given that, by virtu
of a wnrrant for the rollocilon of a de.
Iln'iuenl nsacnament for tha Improve
ment In th city of Aatorla, Oregon, to.
wit ; Alleyway running ibrougb block
1. I, 4 anil S, from iho weat line of Thirty
eighth traet to the eat line of Forty,
accond atrent, duly laaued by tho Audi
tor ami police Jurigo of anld city, by dlrec.
Hon of the common council of anld city
aald warrant being dated the Sd dny of
November, 1K08, to mn directed, and the
naaeanmi'iit In which ape:ltleil amoimtlnii
to $72Z7, with Intereat thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum from the Ktli
dny of Heptenibur, 1MIJ, and being ngalnat
the following named peraon, lowlt,: (n.
doltih llrirth, owner of the following de.
acr bed real nronerty. towit : ln 1. Y,i,wu
j, in mo ron or uniwr ziaiorm ua nr
out nnl recorocu y j"iin Aiiu r, mid ulao
Uicniliai aiuu boovo oi'acriueu proM!rty,
and wnicn warrant commanda nin to
make levy upon and nle of anld drrlhad
renl properly. In order to satlafy aald
warrant and anld nimnaHmeiit arid together
with the Intcreet thereon and the rtoNl
and expenan of said aln, and purauunt
to mid warrant ami tho couimmul 1 horn
In contained, I did, on the 8l day of
December, Wl, duly levy upon tho rAovo
Uescr.neu reni propi-riy, 11 nu 1 will, on
the 2d day of Jnnuary. 1WJ, at thn hour
or 11 o ciocK in ine lorenuon or anld duy
at tha court houae door, towit : the en.
traiwe of anld court houae on Ninth
street, In th city of Aatorla, county of
Clatsop, state of Oregon, aoll mid de
scribed real property at public miction to
Din hlKheat blddor. for rviah. In llnli,
States gold coin, to antlafy anld aaaea.
ment, the Intereat thereon, and the coal
and expense of laid sale a aforesaid
and the accruing coet.
Dated at Aatorla, Oregon,-the Id day of
December, liuS.
Chief of Police of Aatorla, Oregon.
HI Out nnn-rninnaii(
r"iui.,ly fur tlonorrliii',
Jjliwl, Upermalorr li,r,
whltea, onaalaral Hii
charM"", nr anr liiuamma
lion, Irrltailnii nr ul,'"r
ion ul in u oo u i nieiti
uranea, fln-ajirlnii,ij(
JPj; , J OaaraaiM U
HI! fj M f ivLwr..
Jr.. fI ih"i iia.
Mf I fa5itWCHgifltl llj. wane.. n-ajirln,ij(
IV"0l0IHIIn,0.I T ..ll,ai,
V V 0 a J. 1 or I" Plain wrapper,
A, J J I'T P"",i Prepaid,
aiaao CirouUr aiiul oa reuuait
Aslorla "ltallr" 1 Arriv"
.in.n.m.i I'ori ana ami a
in p.m. Porlland and p.m.
1;44 1.DOlKsnres train via
111. fell, w
lniia, I'lirion, weai
iiorl. t'lalakanl. tlulila:
connection i Gobi for
h ICast and Vugs!
Hound point.
l;uui Astoria, Reaall ,m.
i n i:n
New Astoria I'assensar
llrMltie via WKfrellton
land Flavel, . . I
I; mi Huiuiuv liunierr spe-
lint Aslorla
0 aslll ,
j. c ma for
O, F. P. A.
WHITE COLLAR LINE Ittvsr and rut Inuiid Nl
gatlun Conipsny,
Terhnn leaves Asloii dally, eicept
(undnv, l t p. m. ...
Leav-rortlnl dally strspt Sunday
st I a. oi.
Whit Collar Una ticket Inter, hanibl
on Telei'hon. T, J. I'oller and It. H.
Thompeon for Aslnrl snd all way points,
Klav.f. Ilwsoo, Heavtcw, Umg lleacb, and
aaiorls Agent,
Tstetibon No. a
U. a COTT.
TItH 5CMI 011.I1.4
fwm 1'ortlainl
I p. in.
as 11 lake, Hetivar, ft
Worth, ilinali. Knn
taa City, el. IjmiI.
t lilcai and !!.
Walla Wslla. Hi-., ne
MllllieHillt, HI.ISul
1 ill 11 1 tt, Mlleauire
lil, atia and Ka,l.
f ioui Aaloria
T . 111
Hi, kn
10 Id a. is.
(KUAN ri!AM.MIII'.4i
All Nailing 1 1. Ira tub
lirl lorlmnae.
Cor eatti I Miteieco - H.l
lie. riul.rr :i and K.
7 a uiei nu.
Columbia Itlver
To I'oriund snd
Way Ijtn.llnaa
Kro I'orlland.
H.tlriit. Albany, t'orvsl
lis am I ) laii.lluaa
Jn 1 1 Mo
I, in
Tuea Hiur"
and Dal
W 11 m.
M W.4.
and m.
is. rn. j hill Ultef.
Tui-e, I hill
siidK-i Oregon 1 lir,i,t.m,
1 ) lttxtlliga.
I t Hltrla,
.lal'l rt, L
I a a ni.
I v IxvUla
S I', a. 111.
lallf r t
5nak Itlver.
lllrllo I vU tun,
1AV llton dally eicoiil Friday.
O. W. LOUNillCrtRT.
As an I Astorls,
Oes, I". Art Penusd, or.
Pltk.Mil. fur HaUm,
lloeaburt. Aspland,
Hacramento, 0ian.
Han Francisco, Mo
Save Is Aaselas,
CI Po, New Or
asns snd lbs East.
Roseburg paaeenftr
Via Woodhtim, for
Mount Anl, H.
vertnn. Weal B,lo,
limwnvllle. Spring
OeKl snd Nation..",
Corvslii passenssr
1 00 P. U
. A. M
I s A. M
4 10 P. at
rr A. V
tl M A. M
14 :10 P. si
Tl B A.M
Dally. tDaily except Sunday.
Corinacttne at IWn I. ran mmiu fsL.
dental A Orl-mlal, parltlo Mall and Oc
1 anlo em
kiiiv wiriniwiiii una ror
h!t line
Rabete tlckate on (ale dally betwMa
Portland. Hanramaeilo. H.i v.iZ:
1 co. Net ratr lit flrsllajia. and 111 ma.
ond-claa, Ineludlng Iooiipt.
Itatoe and tli ket to Knainrn point ana
Europe. Alao Japan, China, Honolulu,
and Auatrnlla. Cnn be nlMslned from J. H.
KIRK I AND, Ticket Agent. M4 TtUrf slT.
R. KOKHLRR. C, it. alAUKllAlhl
Manaser (). F. P. A.
Through ticket Faal for owt rat.
Call nn C. J Trenrhard, local agent.
Well Fargo Company oltlca. Aatort.
Ua a flrat rlaaa lln In traveling be
tween Mlnnmipolla, Hi, Paul and Chicago,
and the principal town In Central Wis
Pullmnn Palnc Bleeping and Chair Csrs
In aervlce.
The dining car aro operated In thl
Intereat of It patrona, the mnt elegant
ervlc ever Inaugurated. Meal ar
aerved a I cart.
To obtain flrat clnii aervlce your tlikt
ahould read vl
The Wisconsin Central Lines.
Direct connection at Chicago and Mil
waukee for all eaatsrn point.
For full Information call on your nr
at ticket scent, or writ
General paaienger Agent.
or JAB. A CLOCK, M.lwaukes, Wis.
Oeneral Agent,
M Btark Htreet
Portland, Ore.
Laett aeai,iiiiiii n i-ojja.
Go East.,.
via Rilling and Rurjlngton rout, and
you reach Omaha, Kar.a aty. HL Loui.
snd all othor southern and southeastern
eltlea half a day sooner than travelers
wno tag any otner line.
Go oast via St. Paul and th Dnrllnaton
route, and you rids th finest train oa
earth-th Burlington, Bt. raul-Cl.lcao
P. ni.
M011. w4
ml rn
0m ...
2? kMit -ri
: I I I W
ij miiou.
Oo east via Ogdon and Denver, and you
th wonderful sosnerr of th Rockl,
famed th world over as ths most mac.
nlfioent on th continent
Tickets at offlc of connecting lines.