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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1898)
TflE DAILY AST0R1AN, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 18M. IflPOftTANT v; ar Informed that cprtaln parties are purchasing some of the old Jensen CaiMillimr Machines, Uih a vlv to rrpairln v,ra ,) RBpjiljIng any missing, worn )v r.t l) for packing salmon. A recrnt lal drclMnn of high minority has Won rendered lo U-f fUrft lliat to supply one or all of the above cannot be lawfully done with out consent of the patent ownrr. We are the sole owner by purchase of the Jensen Patent for these machines, and public notice is hereby piven that any and all per sons who undertake to so ropair or use these old machines will tie prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The matter has been placed in the hands of onr attorney John II. Miller, Esq., of San Francisco, with peremptory Infractions to take ill necessary leal steps to protect onr rights in the premises. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. Good Things Nw Um of Plusb and Cloth Capes, tt 1mm than cmL Jacket sacrtfloed. No looaiio. Kw ln Handkerchief, I and 1 ctotl, worth U and K csota, Bilk riush B csot, yaluo for B and rents. Call early and aocura aomo of the great raloea. McAllen & IW-f3 Commercial Btr c'xrTORlA. P. J. Meany-vvvcu Oerchant Tailor and Hlghei Ch Pries Tald fo' Fur Tonth ond Commerciol fcti Astoria, Or. TODAT8 WEATHER. Orasskmsl rain. AROUND TOWN. fry fcoalys coat, Blmoro. Sanbora Co. Candle ID cent a pound at tha Parlor. tjurnt assortment Xma trco onva nanta at tha Parlor. airs. M. J. Kinney, of thia city, la rl Itlng in Portland for a fur day. Boat B-oeet meal. RUlng Sua rsstaor. act, U ConaorolaJ street AH holiday goods at rodacod prices. Mr. JL Rappley, 1 Tooth street. For Root Two or ihres furnished room for housekeeping. US Tenth atrect. roc Rant-Two or thro fuftilabed rrcm for houekeeplng at ITS Tnt!i street. Tha Iry Leaf social club will give a whist tierty at No. I engine house this evening. Miss Ethel Hunter and Mr. Stout, of Ilwaoo. are in the city on a abort visit with friend. Beat California wine. 10 cen'i per gal lon. Alex Gilbert, aole agent for Aatotia. Teleohone 85 . NOVELTIES IN CHATELEAN AND MONET BAGS. PURSE3, ETC.. AT C. H. COOPER'S. Wallaend coal and coke U the beat for domestic purposes. For sal by the Astoria Gas Light Co. There will be a social tonight r the Salvation Army hall. After the meeting coffee and cake win be served. The Chrysanthemums and WeajeKaa and Forget-me-nots and Wisterias art scheduled to bowl Monday night. Don't pay high price. See the Parlor for Xmaa candles, warranted as pure and as geed quality a any In the c'.ty and lowtr prices. . For 8a'.e. 100 ton ot Rosym coat, the finest house and steam coal ever brought to Astoria. Elmore. Sanborn Co.. Tele phone, Main M. SEE THE HANDSOME SILK PETTL COATS MADE OF TAFFETTA SILK, IS.M TO 110 EACH. C. H. COOPER. ASTORIA. OREGON. For Rent Dwelling house containing nine rooms, with all modern Improve ments: located In a good neighborhood. Address A, Aatorlan offlOce. I have the largest assortment of per. fumes for Christmas ever brought to As. rorU; from Scent goods to the highest glades. Charles Rogers, druggist At the Baptist church tomorrow the theme of the morning will be "Finding the 'Word of God; that of the evening Sirmon, "Destroying the Word of G A." AT C. H. COOPER'B STORE YOU WILL FIND MANT USEFUL AND ELEGANT PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT HOLIDAY SEASON. The announcement thct the big football gam at Fort Stevens would take place on Christmas day was an error. The game will come off on Monday, Decem ber 26. The by-laws of the Astoria Fjou ball Club prohibit its teuns from partici pating in Sunday contests. The popularity ot the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Na tional la growing dally, and many buil neea men can be found there every day for their midday meal The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the finest in the city. CLEARANCE SALE. l J. Goodman & Co. offer their entire stock of Bouts and Shoes at prices never before heard of in Astoria. Sale will continue until the present stock Is disposed of as we need room for a New Stock ordered from eastern factories. V.'c offer ladies $3 and $i bhoes at $1 and $1.50 per pair. Misses and children's shoes In proportion. 30 per cent off on wen's shoes. For proof of the above see our bargain tables. P. J. GOODMAN & CO. ,. C8S Commercial Street, Sara of Bed Boot. NOTICE! or bmkrn parte, and ?aln puttinjr. for This Week Heat an4 cheapest lino of Dre Good. "Black and Colored." vr shown In Oregon. All w. KM Glove. $1 CO; reduced from ll.M. Outing Ftantl, I cent. ckft at I cents. Now stylo Cycls Corsets, olack and drab. U cent; always for 11. M. McDonnell Ifl-lO Third Btreet. rORTLAXP. OR. Tha steamer Alliance, with freight and paxsengtr. salted yesterday morning for Coo bay and San Francisco. NOVELTY ALL WOOL. DRESS PAT. TERNS FROU C W TO I 50 PER SUIT AT C- II. COOPER , THE LEADING MOUSE OF ASTORIA, An assortment of" Ed Ptnaud Royal Perfume for Christmas, also a lot of high rrade perfumes In halt pint bottle t Q per bottle. Charles Rogers, druggist. Mrs. Leander life gnu. of West A torl. was painfully scaJdtd by the o re turning of a kvtKe of bourn- water at h.T bome yeaterUay. U injur tea are not erioua. I. W. Harpers Nelson County. Ky. whkky. A gentleman's whltky, a whlnky for the sideboard, a whisky for tho st.-k room. Sold by Ford Stokes Co.. A. t rla. Oregon. Have a full line of Fluuda Royal per. fumes. Roger A Gailet's perfun e; Queen of Vloleu In bu.k and fancy bottles; full line of Palmer'a In bottle and bulk. Charlea Rogers. A. F. Rogers. BUke-McFaU s bustling repreeeotatlve. Is in the city, selling pa per to local newspapers and merchant. The demand for paper Is good, owing to the heavy holiday trade. rraaoywnan cburca, services as t'Euai tomorrow. The pator ffl preach both morning aid evening. Subject of the morning sermon "A Divine Epitaph." Evening subject: Character." FUh Commissioner McGuire has sent a messenger to Anderson. Cl-, for tOOO.OUO chinook salmon eggs. The eggs will be placed In the government hatchery at Mapleton on the SuUlaw river. It la a notlcaliie fact that all the mem bers of the Inland Empire party, recently in Astoria a the guets of Mr. Boyle, were teetotalers, and that none of them was addicted to the use ot liquor. The ship reported to be In ttve o.Ting Thursday is still outside. A tug went down to the mouth of the rivtr yesterday, but ; the vessel was not xghted. It Is ex pected she will arrive In porl today. Neaily every other penwn in Astoria Is suffering from a severe cold, the result of the disagreeable east wind which has prevailed for the past wfvk. Yesterday's I rain promixes to relieve the iuftVrers. WE ARE SHOWING AN ELEGANT ! LINE OF BLACK PEAU DE SOIE : SILKS IN li-YARD LENGTHS, FROM U0O TO d. PER PATTERN. C. IL : COOPER. THE LEADING HOUSE OK I ASTORIA. T. R. Dj.Is was reported last night to be dangerously near death's door, and Che chances for his recovery were con sidered very meager. He sank very low yesterday and his life was despaired of lapt night You can give your laily fritndii nothing that will be as useful as a fine dreia for Christmas, and Albert Dunbar can show you the best line of drees goods and siiks to be found on the coajt at prices that speak lor themselves. The Great American Importing Tea Company has received several miniature bust of noted beroe of the late war. The work Is excellent and the buMa of Schley, Sampson and the immortal Dewey are true to life. At the Congregational church tomorrow Forefathers' day will be obsmed. The cause of home melons will be presented Morning theme "Putting Hards on the Ploufth;" tha evening address Willi be on "Our Puritan Foremothers." The steamship Columbia arrived yea terUay morning from San Francisco. She brought a full cargo of freight, but only a few passengers. After discharging a quantity of iretght for local merchants, she left up the river for Portland. FIFTEEN YARDS RICH BLACK BAT IN DUCHESSE, THE QUANTITY RE QUIRED FOR A LADIES' DRESS, AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: n.90, 120.25. WE RECOMMEND THE ABOVE QUALITIES FOR DURABILITY AND WEAR. WE HAVE CHEAPER GOODS AT J12.G0 TO JH.00 PER SUIT. A HANDSOME XMA8 PRESENT FOR ANY LADY. C. H. COOPER, THE LEADING HOUSE OF ASTORIA. Chief of JHo HaUvH-k yesterday gold the delinquent proterty for tha Improve, ment of llond atreel, betweon Forty-sec-ond and Kvtrty-nfth, and Duan ureet, bwwoen Thlrty-nrth an. inlrly-aeventh. In Ft Aborts, City AUutuey Allen, ior ma city, oongnr in all Um pivprrty. A slight Improvement In In condition of Mlsa North Uoiiltw. who 1 danger ously ill In Hie nwniviMli, , reported ctrdy, and friends at her bednlde now entertain hoie ) hor rivery. IWt con. dltion Is still sorlous, howevvr. bul tha for an improvement are much better. W. A. Galnea' private stock whUky, handled exualvety n Aalorla by John L Carlson, Is one of the mot popular beverages .ld. It purity and guallty are gxiaranteed, and It 1 espevlally reo ommiwded for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner ot Twelfth and IUmhI street. . Tha torpedo boat fv. In wmiuand of Captain IHitteraon and with a crew of employe of the Wolff jk Z wicker iron wks, 1U leava lWrtlafd at . thl morning on her voyajr to Mare Island. J. K. W'olCf ami A. Ewlcker will acvotn. iwiny the vessel ro California. Cuptalo Patterson will be relieved her by Cap lain Thorn Neai. Mr. Ingalla won tha final contest for the Wise medal yesrerday afternoon, with the excellent Mtal of m, Her vre were good throughout. be!n JO. 41 M and X. Owlivg t the disagreeable weather. mere were but few contestant. The trofhy 1 now the property of Mr, in. gall. Thl 1 the sewnd medal she na won at the A. F. C. alley. The Oriental liner Columbia, rh r.i. try of which ha been changed from HrUlh to American, la loailltur at IHirt. land and I exicted down (h river Sun. day. The lVrtlaud cutotiv ortloUU have tnvaaurel the tlumb to determine her tonnage, and utKler the AnurU-an m-i. suremenr, ne U lii ton larcer than un der British meanurenent. Her Jliner.. sion now are: Length. Cil: beam. jf; depth of hold. SI t; gross tonnage, r; net tonnage, JSTu. The OWumbla la the smallest s;ettniship pljlng betneen A- tiria and rne Orient, ard was mide so American veasvl so a ro be able to et- na! In the Philippine trade. She wtll iV on t ruii oarf " ,t,tlan,, ,,,r (!i-! ental pons. It I un.lw.too.1 that Councilman Robh. Of the cemmittee on wbarrn and wi. r f-ont.i;e, to whKh bojy was rA-'crred tlie rvmlutlon accusing Street Superintendent Llnvltle of prvvartcatlon in the matter of killing wild animals, will rewmutrnd to the council at the next meeting that the city attorney b tnetrocted to apply to the circuit court tor writ of Injunction res'rainltia said ottlcial from telling any more cougar storlta. Complaint has be n made by persons owning property In ihc outskirts of the city that "Turn" ha lain wild animal on their lots, and that thjir property has been stained red from the blood of the slaughtered City Attorney Allen, who ha a weaknrs for bright red. ha signified his Intention of purchasing two ot the atalned lot. Captain RandUL of th tug Relief, yesterday received order to take hi vessel to 8aa Frvnrlsco, who.- she will undergo a thorough overhauling. Ht boilers are In need of repairs, and a few alight alteration win be made In other portions of her machinery. She will leav out today. It I thought. Th Re lief Is on of the beet tug boats on the oinst and baa been In constant service her for several years past. While h I being repaired the tug Sea, King, an other of Sprerkela' boats, will t ike her plat. The Sea King left San Francisco Thursday for Astoria and b expected today. The repairs to the Relief will re quire abort a month' work. The fl- King la also a good vessel and the ser. vice will not be impaired during her stay. In voting against the rnotl-m to upond the rules and place the hat ordinance on it final Thursday night. Councilman Brlx dll not necessarily slg. nify hi Intention of opposing the mea sure. Unanimous consent of all the membr of the I neccawy to suspension of the rules, and Mr. Brlx voted in the negative because, a he ex ptainrd at th time, he thought the measure should not be rushed through. Ha said he believed the ordinance a good one. and, there ta no doubt that he will vote for IC when It come up at the next seasion. Alderman Fulton thought Mr. Brlx had presented bis wife with a new hat. but th gentleman from the Third ward assured the council that hi ob jection was not due to this reason. Mr. Haiuien, father of the measure. Is a single man, and It Is said of lilm thai he has no consideration for his married brothers in the council. He blame it ail on Manager Seiig. of Fisher', vt he says, requested the Introduction of tha ordinance. A philanthropic movement ha been Instituted In Portland In connection with the city board ot charities, called the board of friendly visitor, the aim of which Is to cultivate personal friendship with the destitute, and Ignorant, In ordT to help them to the right way of living, physlclally as well a mentally and m ally. Practical cooking anu sanitary con dition wltl be Introduced Into destitute households with the gentlest tact. The board I composed of some ot the wealth iest and most prominent ladle In Port land, and Is non-sectarian In Us member chip. Each woman Is given one or two famllie to look after. Investigate their condition and when necessary, call upon the board of charities for pecuniary as sistance, lao object of the board are rather more of sympathy and enllghtmcnt and the teaching to families of sclf-sup. port than material assistance. AUin doned mother are made pedal object of attention by these ladles, whose re flned enlbllltle, kind heart, and en lightened understanding are caicuated to arouse new Interest in the Ignorant and unfortunate. The member of the board meet every 10 day for the purpose of comparing note and offering augge. tlon for Improved usefulne. The new society In Portland Is an accepted insti tution in many of the larger American cities- J5,(,j0,(W0 LOST ON HORSE RATES. It I tated that a man won and lost ,'M),000 on horse race. For 20 yfirs he kept at It, and most of the time he was successful. At lait fortune turned against him, and today he Is penniless. Oamb ling Is a good dual like neglect of health. It can be kept up a long time, but In tho end It la dluastrou. Fortunes are harder to restore than health. The nrst stepjo. ward winning back lost health la to re store the digestive organs to a normal condition. For this purpose Hosteller's Stomach Bitter i far ahead of anything els. This remedy Is a specWc for tndl. geutlon, dyspepsia, fever, egue, nervous nets and sleeplessness. It Is a wonderful tonic. Druggists sell It everywhere. When Commissioner Booth Clibborn, of the Balvation Army, sent telegram con gratulating Queen Wllhelmlna on her accession to the Dutch throne, he said: "The Wnd of work In which ws ars en gaged Is calculated to make your majes ty's throne eternally memorable to hea ven by addlnn Dutch Jewels to the crown of Jesus." T K a as' - . m WW THE EICEILD'CE OF SYMTOFIKS Is uu not only lo th originality ami almpllclty ot tho combination, but also toth car ami e-Uill with which It U manufactured by tu-lcntitld mcw known ta tho Cxt-ironM Fm Sthit Co. only, and w w UH to Imprc.-oi uhui all th linHy taiice of jiutvlinalnff the truw and orltfliml rrmev. As the genuine Syrup of Ylg I mnnufactureil by tho CAi.iroNMA I'm tsrrp Co. only, knowledtr of that (act will ualst otio In avoUllntf the worthiest Imltallon iiianufucturtHl bv other par tie. Ths hlK'h tUitlnf of tho Cam rofcxiA I'm Sthi-p Co. with tho medi cal profraakm. avl tho Mtlafuctlon which tho gvmilne Syrup of I'ltra has firon to of families, make tho nauio of tho Company a guaranty of tho Oxcclle-ttco of lu remedy. It U fw to tdranco of all other laxative, M It acU on tho kUluey. liver ami bowel without Irrita'.injr or weaken lag them, atut It !., not jrtpe nor Muscoto. In ortler to rvt lU bcncflotal fTecta, ploaso remember tho name of tho Company CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. oak nuarmco. ew LOl tSVILUCKr. NKW YOU. N. T. 'LANP EMI'trtE VJSITOKS HAVE REi L'K.NKt) llOMT Left Testenlay. After Looking Over th Situation and Studying th As toria I'roiHwitlon. After two tys spent In viewing A torla's sit u i Km and surroundings. Mes srs. 11. L. Fraaler, H. M-Ln.ld, William Nli-hols and Irifer OerRe Nichols, the Eaatern Oregon Visitors, left on tlw train yesterday morning' for their re- p vtlve hvvnra. They were all loud In I praises ot Astoria's hospaallty. j Frofessor Nlchol aaylntr to an Astorlan reprewntatlve. In behalf of the whole , party, that they were never treated bet- ter. nor enjoyed a trip more In tin :r . live than In Astoria. The visit of theso substantial bualnea men to Astoria mean much for the fu ture Interest of the city. Messrs. Iloyi,. and Gllsmtp. whose guests they were, look particular pains to show them every object of Interest about Astoria, and Its advantage have been thoroughly ttudled and comprehended by them. They are all leading cltltena of their home town and will radiate an Influence throughout the Inland Empire which will be the mean of attracting to Astoria much de sirable Immigration and capital. Each member of the party. It was learned after their departure, had closed deal while here. Involving In the aggre gate many thousand ot dollar. Tbey unanimously agree that Atorta's location and resource exceeded their antic! pa tlona, based though they were upon th strong representations made by Mr. Boyle to them and their associates In Eastern Oregon. It may not be amiss In this connection to say a word In rommemlatlon of the personal efforts made by Mr llyle f. r the advertisement and advan-emrit of Astoria In the pant twelve months, lie ha "aveled Incessantly night and day throughout Eastern Oreon and Wanning. ton. preaching "Astoria" to the buslntu men and substantial farmer of that great country. Ill effort have been tireless and Intelligently directed, and their ulti mate eff.i-t will be felt In Astoria for years In future. Terhaj nn Individual hai done more, or as much, a Mr. Hoyle In calling attention to the Importance of Astoria to the Inland producer a the sea port outlet of the great Columbia bnsln. He has not contended himself with the circulation from Astoria of pamphlet and maps relating to the situation, but, af. t, r the ex imp!., of the npi.wtlew r.f nld h is gone out Into the hlghwuy and byway and personal application and periiii4ln spread the truth of Astoria' upTlatlv advantaKcs up and down In tho larid. Thcro were those In Astoria who nt first scoffed at Mr. Hoyle' effort, and pre. dli ld a fallurH of his mission; bm no one who ha.l the privilege of meeting and talking to the reprtsontailvo gcnile. men who aceominled him to this city on day beforo yesterday can have any doubt of Mr. lioyle'a ability to talk and successfully demonstmte the Astoria proposition. TUB MODBkN MOTHER. Has found that her little one ar Im proved mors by tbo pleasant Syrup of Figs, when In need of th laxatlv effect of a gentl remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and It benefit them. Tho true remedy. Syrup of Figs, I manu factured by th California rig Syrup Co. otdy. ICE BREAKING UP. VANCOUVER, Dec 1.-The Ice In the Columbia, which has caused a complete blockade In the river from the Cascades to the mouth of tho Willamette, already shows sign of breaking up and If the present warm weather continue, the Ice I expected to go out of the river In another U hour. TO CURE A CUu IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All drugglsta refund th money If It fall to cure. Sc. The genuine ha L D. Q. on aoh tablet For sal ly Charts Rorers. j,Qyj,p NOT OUILTT. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 16. -Walter N. RoHser, the Tennessee soldier who, on the night of September 13, shot a civilian named Henry HilJebrand, wrs today ac quitted of the crime by a Jury. It was shown that RoHser. bad been drugged while drinking In a low saloon and was entirely Irresponsible for his acts. HOME FROM EUROPE. NEW YORK, Dec. ll-Among the pa, sengcrs who arrived tonight at quaran tln on tho steamer Lucanla from Europe wtra General Weley,:Merrltt and Mrs. Merritt n Mother (puling her boy out of th pan try) How many morO times have I to tell you to keep away from that preaerv Jar? Small boy (sobbing) No more, mamma. They're all gone. Make the children happy at ChiisUnas and you will grow young again. TEMPTA In Dressgood Specials S3 liu-he wide, Mack ngureit mohair Ins. ter finish, 6 rem value; special, 4a rent yard. M Inche wld black or navy storm serge, K0 cent value: spetMal M ient yard. T-yard stilts, twiv-huie cvert cloth, In handsome combination of color, t vahin, special. H M suit. Dress Skirts ladles full width heavy atorm ssrgs, tailor mad, colore black and navy blue, 13 value, special 1160, Ladles heavy brocaded silk skirls, sxim full width) well lined and strongly sewed, 110 value; special. 14. JO. MItH iih Good oh n ClrciiH." Thu. Bpoko on. little lad whose mother had brought him hr to so th sigh,., llrlng your lit. I. onM, Mrs. Hasd. er; a world f amusement awaits them, SHANAHAN BROTHERS 580 COMMERCIAL STREET. Keport of the Coitlltln of the FIRST NATIONAL HANK of Antorm. At Aslorl.1.' Ill the SUto of Oregon, at inn iiwe of built)' l,vrmter 1I, lA RKt'Ot Itl'K.I. txui and dlsoounm lia.l) 10 lUirUruf.s, secured and Unse en..! 1 1 M V. 8 bond to N-ttre rlrctilation U.I-0 w) I'remiunis on l' 8. Ikii.Is W Ht.Hks, snt'uritlrs. ate .:2 tuner real ratal and mortgage owoeit I.t'3 Tl l)un from national banks I not re set va ams HKT 5 lue from slat batiks and bank- en JJ.CU H I hio from pprvd reserve agrnts 1ST.M fw Ch.Hka and other caah Item..... 13 W Kevrtiun amX 1H 44 Note of older national banks... US M Nl.-lt'ls and i cuts MN Ia ful money reserv hi bank, vl : Spocl WS10I0 Legal lander notes Lit W HTM 00 Redemption fund with I'll trvaa. urvr it per cent ot circulation)., U3 U Total IH1.M0 UAHIUTIES. Capital dock paid In f M OHO Ot Surplus fund W.lM) W Undivided profits, less expense and taxe paid 41 B9 47 National bank note outstanding IV 0 liu to state banks and banker. U 71 Individual depoaii ub- Je-t to ch k CU.433 O Iemand certificate of deposit 4O.7S0 13 . A.m 0 Total lilitot 01 COfNTV OF t'I.ATt)P, STATE OK OKKOON. I. fl fl. Oordon. cashier ot th abov named bank, do aolemnly swear that th above statement is true to tb best of my knowlcdg and belief. S. S. Oordon. Cashier Suhscrlhod and sworn to befor m thl 7th day of Ierember, ISSIL C. IL THOMSON. Notary r-ibllc. Correct Attest: JAl'OB KAMM. W. K. MeUKKUOH, W. M. LAJ-fU, Directors. mm m i pair Of our slipper that feel oomfortabl at onoe la worth a great deal. We'll put your feet Into slippers of that kind and charge nothing extra, for th comfort and very little for th (Upper. Petersen & Brown. H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephone 22. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Ooods Bhlpped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. N. S38 Duane St., W. J. COOK. Mgr. Astoria, r. Re. Tel. lit Theodore Bracker Wholesale and Retail Dealer In QlGAfiS AHD TOBACCO. Smokers Supplies Or All Kind. Commcrclnl Ht, Astoria Public Library READINO ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every i.ay from I o clock to 1:80 and 1:10 to l:M p. m. Subscription rat tt per annum. Wast Cor. Eleventh and Duaso BtrssU. Holiday Bargains Capes and Jackets IjoIIm allk plush rape, JO Inches long, ihihoi fur irlmmatt, lined with near silk, full sweep, lk vadus; spmilul, IT4, ladles' heavy wml melton Jacket, Urge sform collar, niled eaina, new sleevw, HW value; special, 14.10. Childrens Jackets Of heavy navy blue English covert cloth, trimmed with whit soch braid, wU sowed, UM value; special, t, Gblldrens plackintosh Twtvcapo doubl (extur navy blue, every garniant Warranted. tXW value; aiieolal mo. In the Toy Store. flisses Felt flats... 50 cents each. Albert Cor. Fairbank s Tho best money will buy, nnJ SoKl nt Popular Prices I 1 Inniliornr Callotnlrrs with photo of War HfriH'i with 2.')c jiiirchustn ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Holiday Goods AT THE BEE HIVE. A gront variety of Holiday (lootl.s now on display. This includes all ntyles of Christmas Novelties AND A . Big Line of Toys. These goods wr bought at tho lowest prloe and ar marked accordingly, aa4 must bo oold within th ncit few days. Theso goods ar ebeaper than yo eaaj buy tham tn Portland. Come early while selection. Holiday Goods Arriving Kvcry Dny, at Portland Prices. Chairs, Rugs and Medallion Pictures C. HEILBORN & SON. J. A. Fostabend, GEfJERALCO(lTRRGTOR flfiD BUILDER Estimates Grvon on All Kinds of Work. po.tofficBoxNo.,9I, The Palace Cafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. TIONS Kid Gloves A pair of our I'Vloliraled Masco I kid gloves, would nutk a tile pcraent for s duly, All sliade and vises. Ladies Aprons Of rine whit lawn. emliroUWy or lao trliiiliied, W ceiila value; ieclal U cnt each, Silk Ribbons All allk plquolt dg baby ribbon, special t cent yard. All allk satin, plain sdg baby ribbon, special 4 yard for centa. No, all silk satin ribbon, all shades, special I cant yard. Special baivaln In all widths Bilk rib bon. Dunbar, !th mill ( 'oiiinirri inl Strrols. Fairy Soap... (!ouh)ii for IUinl.toiuo Ilookn of Kairy Tnlo.e, with rnch ftc uirchn.ic. our stock is unbroken and yon oaj IIouHO-Moving Tools for Rent. Astoria, Oregon.