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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1898)
THE DAILY AHT0I11AN. MTURDAY MORNWa. DECEMBER 17, -1898. VANDICnillUTB WOULD BUT 0. A. NMW tOKK, lc. 10,-TliS TltbUik "All aorta of rumor regardlm th Chi- vajru A A I toil JUtlroml Cotiiiiy are cur. rnt In Wall ilioiit, Tliur I revival o( th report Unit ilia Vaiiilorbllt wiiulu fcuy id road, (ha Mlulilgugn Contral b. Imf inuiwd th apui'ltla purclimuT, "Anotlmr allngnd liuyor wue tlia Union l'mliln, liiil fow tiiu ii In dm niiHiiulitl (111 trlci took ilua rumor wlili any aniluu. i. The liiillraUoim mill point to Hi OouUla, anting lliruuiili Ida lllaaourl I'a. oJilu llallrouil 4'uiiipmiy, nit I ho probable urcliuar uf Uia Alton road, JtidKu J, J. Mil hull, piinliluirt uf Hi Illinois Truat nl HavIiui tittjik of Chicago, who I a lai holder uf All in .il k mill I Mll to Iav Imwii authorised by 1'Hwldolit Black Ion uf lha Alton to act alao In bohalf uf th minority aloi klioldor of III rail way corporation, had a conforeiice Willi Uaorg J, Oould hor on Wadimaxlay, II la still In th vlty ami apvnt all day Thurm)jf in a uris of furilwr oonfor. MUM, ballaVwl to hair buen with Mr. Oould and hi aaaoclatae and, according to tlu boat Information oblalnalila, in w -4)uiltlnii by Hi Missouri J'acliid of Hi :iuv:iiiig nlrat In tli Chicago and Alton will ba amwuiw.d in a fuw day, It la uiiUtrltnS that Ui Vainlarbllt Would by no nivalis to avarae to such Man of traiiafor." NkiWal KJIUM CHINA. TAl'OM A, Deo. 11-Th. atuainur Km. prwm of India brings from Chung kit, China, Via Bliaiighal, that buwiuwt U Mill uaraJyaud llirouajluiut Uia woataro Chliiae prvvliu. of tUubumi bei-sua of Out degradation of Yunuuusn and bla ImuuI A t.uu tubals, who at thoroughly fllatlpllinid, anU wear a uniform having fur It dletliigutahliig fouur th Chlnoa character nwatiiog "Aviwg." Thy a duiuiuiliiPd io rid China of ail foreigner and lo alamo out th Clirlatlan ratlglun. 'J1u.r am u .j ,t,,., it'iunvrii in t'hung King atui Ilia property destroyed by th rubel U cailuialad at t.iMl.uw taoU. Dur. tug liio.r lain limy bav rwiidnwl tu.guu w'l, iiiuatly iiatlv ChrlaliaJia, liome Ua. and Id live v Imu laawi, III. tiuding wvutiU fcuroprau luuaioiwri. iuii am (itly bvbMulnd two Clholl lulHlolnuu HKn III clly uf Vuiiuliuuu 44o up tu bun a iKwiijoa, llu utTrd llioiil llir IIU- If liny would iviiouiu liwir roligiun. Miry ipIuikhJ. J. Kiniium, n Kngii.b ii.iuiiiimry, hn brn klllud 1 liaiHi nU ulilinr at 'lin I'li4, M inlioa hui of Ki Vng. 'ilia liiiiin bouw wa talUwl mid liutnod 0uli. '1 liifa bua barn no alliiinl lo J.uiilli tb rolU al llu ttanda of in i4rilar.tu. Han. o ilnimiuja J.ouu.uuu l diUiuar lor Hh di atroi tiuii uf thv r'rmh tiii..naty iiri(M)r, U. 1C N. CU t Kl diUKANK, i, lk.-l'ru.'o,im rr limlllutad brt tuil.y. uy iIm, vl WMbiiigtua lo ntfi aawinai ili o. It N. Co. Il law taMd at lh Ui imi of th IcguUiuro .r th liUrr. hang of iraltlu Urlwrnm lommori rarrirra. l Alari'h U, IWI. John Van Wart d. favntod u ilia cun.MUiy agrni al l-'mi. Haul, In Ihla munty, a carluail of wrwai blllid fur il.livatr at tauutna vr ih lliira of Ui U. It m N. and Northern J'a.jino aiHl Urral Norihrm. Tin com pany rrfuard lo mak lurh dnllVvry unlraa Ii wora wld full llirouli rl. Coinplalnl w rntrrrd hrro today In tho JunlUw tourt ami a dvniiy l.orl(t hoa brn mh to Kalrflrtd to arri John tirrvli. tlm agini of th o. It. A N. who rwfuard to aixtipt ilia loailnt car In qumtlun. KII.I.K1) 11V TlllC Hul HK. WAMIIlMlTvlS, live. il-Th bill lo ln.M-rattt tli.. Iitlcrnatliuuil Amrrlt'un tnuik wa burlM by an overwhelming wlvrraa majurtty In tho i,uo today. 'Hi d'lmtc Umu lhi meaaurv, which opfiunl urdy. waa includnl at I o'clih-k. Tlw. vote by whlrh tho bill wa drfratad tooit In aye to Un nora. i"he bill to rxti'iid th rual.iin and rxv'Miu nwa of tile l'nllol 4atiw ovir tho Hawaiian lluiul waa witd without oioitiiin. The lull, l)lngliy atpialnrd, carried with ,ll olvrt aifvU-o Inwa Muting to aptMiit. invnta In the ruatom and revvnup itvUo In Hawaii. llllVAN IN WASIIINtlTOS. WAHIIINUTON. Hw. lrt,-Colitii-l W. J. Ilryim nxproaard hluiwlf tixlay very cm tihultoiilly In Ilia di'nioornUo naaoulutr uihmi th duly of ronira In rrgard to Ihn riilllpplnii. Ho bollnvr tho Uliinda oiikIk not to bo hold lo:igir than I nvom. miry for tlm I'nJttHl 8tati to iNitiibllali . thi-rn a atiibt and ItHli'pondcnt govrrn Int nl. aiuh a wua gtmruntood lo Cuba in ih nwolullim which Ivd to tho ilii' liiralbin of war, and hu Uluvo It la tli duly of iHingrca to nmkn a drcJurntlon of tho IninnUon of lha United Btutr at lb l'iirlhat iminnIIiIii ditto. . tl. H. t N. DIVIDEND. M4W Vlilllv, Dn W.-TI10 Ulreotora (r tlirt O. It. N. Compiiny Imvo diu'luriil a t per f'i'nt dividend on preferred atocK. Cornflowers Decorated on Semi-Porcelain with (lohl Decorations. Vegetable. Dish, Pitcher, Sauce Hoaty Soup Tureen rialter, Pickle Dish. Given away free with . American's Best Tea-, Coffees, Spices , Cr&it AmerlcatilmportlnqTea Co. 671 Commarolal itraat. ' Wi? ulso 81)11 , (.lilaii. (inickcry, (iliiM.swurc . : Cli mi test lYiccri in Aincricn. Writ for Cauiom. fO0ft9oooooo0iot00999toeeess$s;A 41 A . - .a mm A uceptn Kwp Informed of what in ningozlnes j rent and reading A OhlratOi MtlMla, NtwTork. Iloaluu. I'blladclphla. 0ooooooooooooooo0oeo9eatooooooe9oaooo0coft A. V. ALLEN ..Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jurs mul Jelly (iIiinwh. With tlio Fruit logo in thom Victor Rost, Klutb ht, lieit to Foatal Trleglaph Oltlc. WATCHMAKER nngllnlt nnd Mwlaa All repalrinff dnn by irraalt, ttallafaollo) auaraalaad. 1 A CTAIll A n 1 Telphon No. (1J Handles Only the Choicest Meats ;J t CenaMfdel St. Bait Paler Rtetawrakt. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging RnglncM Ilullt rtncl Rcpnlrcd. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturer of the I'asurpnsscd ... " Harrison Sectionar' Propelior Wheel ,.. MaBufacturtrs for the I'adflc Coast for the , 1 KOHCKTS WATCK-TllJC JiOILEK. W. F. SCHEIBE, A fall ha el Pipe. Tatecca, aag Jaaafcef' Artkt. 4T Cammtnilal Ml, UAAUVAAAAAiUVXAAAAlUtAUVAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAVjAAJrbU Tito JMPERIAUhs! THOH. OUINRAN, Proprietor WaaiHIngton Ht. Portland, Or. wVAf riATUAAAAAAAArVrVrAAnnArulrVArtfV 1I1I11I11UULI IIL.UIU1ILIJ " . tuarntrtdloru all acreuua diacean, aueh a Weak M rotor. lIj iia Power. lltMUrh. Wakctuloeae, Loet alaabood. o.bly UmSl noaa, Nmoeaare., .11 dralna, loa of poawr la Ucaeratl Or.a?S either wi cauatd by oT-nertka, youthful error, ncrejle De ol inaeaiiT. cn becarrlcd la el packet, l eanrr box Ifcri. C. Bull l3uUrt,edJtI.'0',1mn,",,,t E.-S-hiV. Manu'actured by Ih Fra Urtllrln Co , Pna Pram trug Co.. diKribullOfigcat. Third aod Va.hlll Vr Bala by KaTira-CONN PRt'O CO rriiAN cirsTOMa tauikf. WAHIIINilTDN, Dee. 6.-ITiMant Mc Klnley, lafim leaving for th south laat Tue.luy, gn(l nn executive order eatab. Ilahlng a niatxiin Inrlfr for the laland of Culm, M gn Into rffocl January X next. Ttila to riff la baaed upon lha report and nvomniendallotui mad by Hon. Robert P. Porter, Mcdul comnilaalouor of the United Hlutiw who wan aeit lo Cuba eonio niuntha ngo for the Hclal purpuae of milking an InveetlaoitUm of rba aub- Joot of rewiuo and ruatoina of the blund. The lint of uxtlcliH which may be Im ported Into Cub free of duty Includes tree and plant a, In tho natural state; triiied nnlmulM. currliureM, iheairlmt proNtrti!N and almlhir objects Imported temiMirarlly for publlo entertainment; lined furnllnro of peraona going to aettlo In th laland; wearing npparol, Jewels, Hkruil)lo tools and Inatritmonta, etc., for tlio peraomU uao of travelers ontorlng tho iHlnnd; alone for paving' vurpoaes; plows, Iuhmi, hntchelM, niiudioles, and other ug. rluulturul Implements not muchlnr'i qnlnlno and all alknlolda of salts of clu clionn bnrk; hemp, flux, nnd rnndo; spun Jiito for the manufiu'.turo of sugar bugs; hooka, inaui, evt., for uso of schools; coal and ooke; mineral carbonated of slter waters, root beer glngeralo, etc; also sample of felt, wall pnpor and tlaauca, and of ttimmlng, when In small pivots or of no oommarcliU value. N15W OIlMiON t WASHINGTON, Deo, 15.-Th senate to. day conllrmcd H. J. Hendricks apprais er of mnrchandlao for 'the dlstrlet of the Wlllliimotte; also th folhtwlng rollcctori uf ouatoma: John Morgan, for the south ern dlHtrlet of Oregon; C. B.,Croono, for lh diHlrlct of Yaqulna, 0r, I"ostnxitor Oregon-. fl. Train, of Albany. Washington L. Dubolse, of Vancouver. tiie world going on; read the papers and z nave time from housework for S by using 0ASHINQ POWDER It saves Iwth time and labor and gives results that please. THI N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANr. .. ..Prlcen Lower! Than Kvcr....j AND JEWELER Wntchcn Hpcclnlty. Muals T)i I a r(ialrd. Maria cbroootair Rated aod Repaired AT f H aj r a Ml f t Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock M)nufaclarr and tal)r In a a a FINE CIGARS! frrwalir Dr. rwa vw .im riiia. POSTAL SKRVIOB T PORTO RICO. WA.SIUiCJT'.A Deo. lt-The poatal comraot with the New York and Porto It I co StMimahlp Company, iupplcmontal to rxIMtnff arrangements with the Red O. Hue, has bvn formally signed. The ar-r.iiigi-nanta are for five regular sailings a month from Now York to lNirto Rico and regular additional sailings In connec tion thcrvwllh, around the Island at least onco a week exiling at all principal har Inirs and porta.- M'OOY (10T DECISION. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 16.Woe Qod. darn and Kid Mo Coy wero features to night nt tho Arena In a slxround bout, which came to an end In the fifth round h- lha reforeo disqualifying the barrier champion and glvln the fight to McCoy, The referee enld Qoddard hal athmpted to throw McCoy to the lloor while wrestling. MORE TROOPS FOR MANILA. NEW YORK, Dec. 16,-The transporta tion department of tho army was notified today by Die war de-port meat to get ready two transport to leave here na soon as posalblo for Manila via. tho Buei canal. The transports Mobile and Mo. hawk hnvo been selected. Each has a capoolty of 8.400 men, but tor this trip they will carry only 1.800 men each. THOUSANDS ARE STARVING. SAN FRANCISCO, Dea 18.--H. -. W. Whit , !i, who arrived froriS Chlni .tikiay.; brtngs news, of a: terrtbla condition of affair existing In Chin Chow Fu provlnoo, a aivatlJJV 150 mile loug and 70 niHi-a whlei Inhabited by' over .45,000 pooi lu. . Owing to twBUCcoilve drouilvt the crops have' been fnllurea and pwjvlc' of th provlnoe are dying; by thousanas from starvation, Thn outlying province and the government are doing little to help the suffering-.1 .- ' 1 . THE RUSSELL Of : : : Compound Automutlc Knglnc j" 7 rr V , r 1 rLr'i r ' r Strong nnd ICcoiiouiicnl. Writo us for particulars. A. H. A KHILL, UUS8ELL & CO., Muruigcr. Tortlanrl, Oregon, SHASTA MISEKAL WATEK, I'EI'I'EK, XOIiLE, KICK0KY AXI) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIQU0K9, WIXES, BEEK AXD CIGARS HervoU Day and Nltit. AUGUST KRATZ, - . Manager HOflE-flADE Tafies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, : at THE SPA. Commission, Brokerage. cMf3tom houH Broker. J ,tt - ASTORIA, OREGON. nsurance and Snipping:. THE0C Astoria's Leading Hotel McRlcr & Wrlcht, Prons. I Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Vejctatle ... Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Write Us Sole Atntsfor the LUNLAP HAT. The Pat Market Flour, - Feed - and - Hay B7- Commercial Street. pecial f aie Commercial Street near s n LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets CIDEFJT M 3- Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DWKkJ andABSOLUELY PURE Tho North Paoiflo Brewery, of which Mr John Kopp t proprietor, make bee tor ilomva'io and export trade. Bottled beer (or family om, or keg brwr sappliej at toy time, delivery in tb" city IrtA NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Metal Works spice Q... end Syrop Tin a Specialty. Ore. Falrhaven, Wasb. for Prices Robinson & Co, HATTERS, a8c Wanhlngton Street, Portland. Ore. Oriental Curloaitica and Toys. Wo rnuxt reduce Mtockand Sell Regardlcst of Cost Wing Lee & Co. Cooper's Dry Goo'ls Store. Hard to beat Our line of airtight , 4 Stoves and their Prices Somcthltig New . W J, SCULLY 431 Bond Street.: TIIE'CWN'TI COCHT. Compllfl by If. 3. parity, CcM-nly Clork, by Order County ourt ,' (Official lli-port.) I 7-;., ,', 'In tin' county court ol th stal of Or. con, lp and for th county of Clntaop, WilnTJay, rjmber Tlh, ysnj Oral d iy ot term. , rrant Hon. J. II. D. Orgy, JikIji, Howell lwl and C. I'rtnrwm. coin m In alonara, II. J, Whrrlty, clerk aral J. W. William, hrlff. Court met and was duly opened at 1:30 o'clock p. m. In the mutter of th petition of John U-j-aon and other, to Viy out a county road a fallows, towlt; ll'giinM" .11 tho quarter aecllon corner on Ihn south boundary ot a Hon 1U Twp. I N R. 1 at, of Wllliimmfe morldlan; thenc outhrly alona; th line to th foot hill near Mu('lur CriwK; thonc by the moat pnu'tl(.bl rout to and y a post mark. 4 "II," near th mouth of Unvrg e'a Cretk; thonc frown and aprons th Nehalem rlvor, to a post VH feet east of the south west comer of section II. Tp. 4 N R. I W, Wlllamect meridian. And aJao at this tlm la prtsentad. a ramonatrartc of Relcraoa and other aralnat th frantlnf of said petition. And It appeartn; to h court that said remonstrant Is futncleot and In ail re-p-a rcvular end avxordki: to law. It Is therefor ordered thai aaid petition b not rranted. In tha matter of tha atltkn of J. It Wherry and IS other to relocate and lay out a county road 40 feet la width, as fol io wa: Bcvlnnlnr at a atake In th center of th county road a ttoorita on pa go 14, Road Plat Hook No. t, ot Cliiaop county, Oregon, 1170 ctialna soufh and 1.M chain west of trm corner of snctlon 1, 2, U and IX Tp. S N. of ran; T west of th Wil lamette meridian. In Clatsop county. Or- ton; tner-catoy th most pfactlcabla rout down the Nehalem river, on th north Ida thereof, via. Grand Rapids and Red Bluff, to the northeast corner of lot No. f, seottofi t. To. 4 north, range 7 west of th Willamette meridian. Ordered that T. J. Brown, Chaxie II. Miller and An. draw Youna; be appointed viewers, and A. 8. Tee, surveyor, and that they meet at th Jewell poatofllco on Monday, the Itb day of January, MM, at 10 a, m. In th matter of th petition of B. Gal lagher and a others to lay out a count road aa fallows, towlt: peglBplnf at a atako In tho center Of - th county road, running easterly 34 rods and 13 feet, from a point ar th center of the west end of the east approach to th draw spaa ot th Lewis and Clark river draw bridge, situated in section 7, township 7 north, rang t wcat ot the Willamette merldlajn; thence over the most practicable rout via th north aid of the BatU Creek school faouso. In section 10 of above tjarn ahlp, to the 8. E. corner of tho 8. W. of section 22, township 7 north of rang t west of the Willamette meridian, al) In Clatsop county, Oregon. Ordered that A. B. McMillan, H. F. Nurnberg and John Fry be appointed viewers, and A. 8. To surveyor, and that they meet at the resi dence of W. J. Ingalls on Tuesday, De cember uth. 1898, at 11 o'clock m.. and duly qualify and tmr upon rli dirrharg of their dutlea In tbl behalf, according to law. In th matter of th petition of J. M. Gillette, for a liquor lloense to sell wine, malt and apltltuou liquors In less quan tities that one gallon at Seaside, Clatsop county, Oregon, for a period of three months. And It appearing to th court that no remonstrance ot any kind has been Hied aaalnst the (ranting of said petition, and that a good and sufficient bond has been flled; it is ordered that said petition) be granted. , In the matter of the petition, of O. J. Thomas and others for a draw bridge acroe John Day river. Ordered that th notice published by the county Judge, calling for plans, specifications and bids, for a balance draw bridge across John Days river, be and the same Is hereby approved. In the mtttr of th petition ot D. J. Ingalls and 41 others, requesting th county court to offer a liberal reward for cougar and panther scalp. Ordered that the clerk communicate with the clerk of Columbia and Tillamook coun ties, and ascertain If those counties ar offering rewards for cougan and panther scalps, and if not, they lay th matter before th county court of those coujr tle with a view to co-operation with this county In offering a reward of $8.00 or 110.00 for such eceHpe. Ordered that the court do now adjourn until tomorrow at 10 o'clock a. m. Thursday, . December 8th, 1S9H, second day ot term, aam present aa yesterday. Court met and was duly opened at 10 o'clock a. m. Now at this tlnjB comes C.. W. Carna han and presents his bond as county as eesior, in the sum of SS.000.00, with F. A. Fisher and E. A. Taylor sureties thereon. Ordered that same be approved. Communication read from H. E. Nelson, auditor and. police judge. Informing the court that the common council bad in structed the committee on streets and publlo ways to confer with the county court in relation to the improvement of such streets, roads or crossings as may be neoensary to form a connection with the bridge now building across Young's Bay. Also was reiad at the same tme a resolution from said council, informing the court that the city attorney was In structed to arrange the matter of tax ti tles with said court, as may best subserve the interests of the city. Ordered that ttie same be placed on Hie. Bills on general fund examined and the following were allowed: Mrs. Baker, 110.00, care ot Sorglund; Mrs. T. O'Brien, $10.00, care of Osburn; Mrs. Shrnder. $6.00; Mrs. Sandy, 16. Of.; Mrs. Pise, $S.0O; Mrs. M. Johnson, $6.00; Mrs. Nordlund, $4.00; Mrs. Osvlek. $6.00, allowances for Nov.; Herald Pub. Co., $tU3, publishing proceedings for Nov.; J. S. Dolllnger. $20.00, supplies for court house; F. V. Ferguson, $24.50, blanks for court house: Griffin & Reed, $9.35, sta tionery; Glass St Prudhonime, $23.00, mortguge record for recorder; O. T. & T. Co., $3.00, telephone for Dec.; K. L. Jef-f.-ry, $S.W, meals for Jury, etc.; Albert Fountain, $1.00, witness foes circuit court;' S. A. Wherry, $11.00, serving papers Ged des case, Justice court; costs. Justice court, state vs. Johnson, $13.25; vs. John AJams,$12.1; vs. A. Munson, $12.35; vs. Trullinger. $11.95; vs. McCabe, $32.S0; vs. O'Neall, $27.25; Astoria Gaa Light Co., $13.45, gaa for Nov.; Andrew Anderson, $2.40, repairs for court house; H. Bell, $S.O0, recording plat recorder's office; J. T. Lee, $12.00; A. L. Clark, $12.00; Mrs. C. A. Gearhart, $12.00, services teachers' ex. amlnattons; J. W. Williams, $ti7.G9, board of prisoners for Nov.; Geo. Brown, $90.00, services copying assessment roll and dep uty assessor; J. E. Young, $5.00; examina tion of children of L. Irish; Mrs. Warn stuff, $10.00, care ot Addis. Mrs. T. O'Brien, $10.00, caro of Sa-pot, Estes-Conn Drug Co., $1.00. medicine for J. F. Adams; West Shore Mills Co., $2.50, wood for Mrs. Salka; Ross, Mlgglns & Co., $23.00, pro. visions for Mrs. SakrI, Hendrlckson, Wilson and Turney; J. V. Marlon & Co., $11.00, provisions for Bannlah and Rob inson; A. V. Allen, $3.40, provisions for Mrs. Sakka, Oct and Nov.; Miller and Carl, $29.25. building bridge In road dis trict No. 12; A.' 8. Tee, $5100; H. Bell, $11.00, superintending ' building Young's Bay bridge; J. C. Lid well. $31.00. labor Young's Bay bridge; F. Olson, $4.35. nails for bridge road district' -No, 7; N. E.' Fos. ter, $l; J.. Fofi T'.', xtate vs. neditra; i JL E:,.-p. ftf circuit court. Bills on special roiut fn"4 1 and the following; werti a!'.'j.J! v. e. unton, tux). k'p r f D. . Warren, $T&03, aiipplh r trlot No, 1; BcholDeM A Hank". ?: : 1 purs road district No, J; VVm, $H 00; I AndMnoii, 113.50: n. Ii. l., $15.75, labor road district N). 6; N. iv $21.50; J. Bonier, $3.35; II. TorkeUon. $1 ' Ubir rotwl dlatrlct No, ; O. A. R . I. C. Havlrd, $1.; A. Carlson. !.!. la txr ro dlatrlot No. I; MUirr and Cat' $10.00; C. O. Anderson, $13.73, lnl...r rM, dlatrltrt No. 12; W. J. Dinver. II. (Hi: IL (Jiwum, $i.oo, lulu rood dUirlrC No. 15, Ordered that (ha court do now adjourn until tomorrow at 10 o"clo(ik a. in. Friday. December Uth, lKWt; third d.iy of term, laitin prawnnt a yeaterilay. Court met and waa duly openml at 10 o'clock a. m. In th manor of the petition of O. J, Thoma and other for a draw bridg acrrm John Day river. This being th time et by th court for the opening oj bid for a balance draw brldg acroaa John Day river, only two bidder ap. pring-J. E. Ferguson and N. Cllnlon, wtione bid are as follows: J. E. Ferguson Dm w brlilga complete, acnordlng to pinna and specification fur nlahed by himself, MS5.00. N. Clinton il'llea furnished and driven pr Uneal foot, 10c.; approaches without plica, par lineal foot, 1.06; draw oonv plota, $70.00; sway bracing whar needed, per M. feet, $1100. And It appearing to th court that the bridge can ba completed according to th plana and specification furnished by N. Clinton for th sum of $470.00 or less, U Is therefor ordered that the contract for th construction of th balance draw bridge across John Day river be awarded to N. J. Clinton, upon hi signing con tract approved by the county Judg. and H'ng a good and sufficient bond In the sum of $400,00, with on or more sureties, providing that h will construct said bridge In accordance with th plans an 5 specification furnished by him. Com missioner Lewis being on of the petition era for the above bridge, did not con sider K right to sK aa a member of th court during the pendency of the ahovt matter, which aotlon waa approved fcj; Judg Gray and Commissioner Peterson. Ordered that 4h court 40 adjourn until tomorrow mornl" at 11 o'clock, for, the purpose of attending the road conven tion and visiting the Young's Bay bridge. Saturday, December 10th, 1838, fourth day of term, same present as yesterday. Court met and was duly opened at 11 o'clock a. m. Report read from 8. A. Uragg, super visor road district No. 15, informing th court that A. A. Cola has completed th (IH In th Elsie road, near the s-mll poet, according to contract. Ordered that said report ba and the same la her, by approved. Communication read from R. A. Abbott, supervisor road district No, L stating that th lumber for th bridge across Adair's slough Is gradually disappearing. Ordered that th clerk Inquire from Mr. Abbott If the lumber can be used to advantage In any other part of the district; If so to inform th court; also that he is directed to prceecuta all persons found appro priating the lumber to their own use, without an order from the court. In the matter of th Warrenton draw bridge. Communication from Mr. Ab bott read, statin? ht lb keeper of th Warrenton draw tridg had resigned his position. Ordered that aame be placed on nil Ordered that In th future th meet Ings of the county court n the Brst day will be at the hour of 1:30 p. m. Instead of 10 a. m. ' Ooflered that th court do now adjourn alne die, - i- J. H. D. CRAY. Judge, ' ' HOWELL. LEWIS, C. PETERSON. Attest: Commissioner a. H. J. WHERITT. County CJerk. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. At Astoria, In the Stat of Oregon, at th cloae of business December 1st, 1SSJ. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts t $5,64 S3 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 774 It TJ. a tonds to secur circulation 1I.5H0 W Premiums on V. 8. bonds l.wiO 00 Stocks, securities, etc. $0,714 U Banking house furniture and fix ture tta 01 Other real estate and mortgages owned 1,700 00 Due from national banks (not rs- serve agents) 7.258 OS Due from stat banks and bank era im 4 Du from approved reserv agents XI. 514 14 Check and other ctsh items.... 1,496 14 Notes of other national banks.... 4ii0 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents K1S OS Revenue tauip 263 S8 l-awrui money reserve in Dank, via: Specie $3S.40I $0 Legal tender note u t Redemption fund whh U. 8. treasurer 16 of circulation).. a w Total ! $221,204 U LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ SO.ono 00 auirlus fund 7.90Q. 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid S.5S1 11 National bank notes outstanding 7.350 00 Due to other national banks $.360 M Individual deposits sub ject to check $77,601 75 Demand certificates Of deposit 14,05 H Time certificates of d- posit M.T35 U . 147.01J75 Total $221,204 IS winr nir npFnnv 1 COUNTY. OF CLATSOP.I T n f Wareen ntxaatrlftnl Ctf thm sirWiV S. -. mi 1 v. . . y . v v. ... Mamaxl nink An anlmnlv iwMr that t nt above statenncnt ts true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. D. K. WARREN. President. Onknwlal an1 suinra In Vip frxrm mik this 12th day of December, im. Nntarv Publlo for Oreiron. Correct Attest: . H. U. inujiraun, J. C. PRMENT. A. SCHERNECKAU. Directors, A lursra tom-cat for 13 years made voy ages on a moll steamer between Sydney n,i sn Francisco. The animal has died, and waa buried at sea, having al most completed 1.000,000 miles 01 travel. The Choicest Table Wines... Carlson's Family Liaaor Store L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSERAISINCT AND nOVIQ SPECIALTY