The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 14, 1898, Image 2

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gailu -glototiatt
JOHN T. LlailTKR. Editor.
Telephone No. H.
Bent by mill, per year
Dent by mall, pur month ,
Served by carrier, per month
Bent by mull, pr year. In advance.
Poauge free to subscribers.
,.. .to
All communications Intended tor publl'
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business rommunlctlom of all kinds
end remittances mult bs addressed to
"Tin Aslorlan."
The Astorlan guarantees to ta adver
tisers the largest circulation of ur
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appU-
atlon to tha business manager.
A certain man (Interested la Astoria,
atrange to tell,) object, tt la aaid. to tha
Aatorlen's pamphlet entitled "Tha 6ea
port Problem of the Paclflo North we t.
because It quote with approval C P,
Hutting-ton's claim that tha "extra train
expenae" berwotn Portland and Aatorla
of hauling 1,000 tona of wheat on cart al
ready loaded would not exceed tl&. "It
la aa Miotic proposition," thla C, U. la
reported to hav aaid, with treat heat
Ho was properly told the mocy con.
Uted la a denial of ao plain a truth.
That extra expense consists of oaa day's
wages for an engineer, a fireman, a con
ductor and three) brakeaen els an
together with extra ccal for on mall
eijlne. Counting the wages of these
employes at fit (average) a month, msk
In- XX a day. and tha coal at Co, we bat
an actual train expense of CO. Where
tha other TTO of Mr. Huntington' eetl-
mat would com from It la hard to see.
Of course, tha expense of unloading at
Aatorla la not extra. In fact. It would
be much less than at Portland, because
f tha poaalble long plera whereby rail
and aall could be brought alongside wjth
greatly reduced expense of transfer
more than enough to cover tha extra
train expense,
L. & SeeJey was told whet the C M.
had said. "Why." aaid Mr. Seeiey. "Ed
McNeill say tha same thine a Hunt
ington," Any maa with a cram of ku
(except "J. B. 1L" and tha C M.) win
ay tha aama thing, too. Then why did
tha C M. make auch an absurd objec
ttoo? If anyone win read the "Addend
um" letter of the pamphlet he may dis
cover the motive of C. M.'s objection in
Ita referenos to thoe who atand la with
th Wheat Fool. Perhapa eome one of
C. IL'a friends la among the Portland
"undertorxs" there scored.
aea Baby's Ul.
Wbea the little loved one is sick, when
it brow is fevered, its pulse rapid, its
features pinched with pain and there are
great blue circles under its eyes, the mother
hover about the bedside, and with anxious
eyes tries to read the meaning of every ex
pression npon the physician's face.
A woman may save herself almost all of
this worn men t about her children if she
will but take proper care of her womanly
health during the period of gestation. A
child born o? a mother who is thoroughly
healthy in a womanly way will almost
unfailingly be healthy and robust Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription acts directly
on the delicate and important organs that
bear the burdens of msternity. It makei
them well, strong and vigorous. It heaU
all internal ulceration and inflammation.
It stops debilitating drams. It fits for
motherhood snd insures a healthy child.
Thousands of happy mothers have testified
to its merits. No honest dealer will urge
you to take an inferior substitute for the
little added profit it may afford him.
"A lady told me that Dr. Pierre'. Favorite
Prescription was rood loulte when with child."
writes Mn. Annie tiimptun, of No. 13 Chelms
ford Street. Lawrence, Maw. : " 1 wai tuileriny
terrible pains, and was unable to get about tnt
booe without brine; in misery. I begin taking
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and the first
bottle greatly relieved me. I look three bottle
before my baby was born, at which time I suf
fered very Utile. The baby has been heaithy
since birth, and is now three months old and
weighs fifteen pounds When my older child
was born I suffered terribly. 1 don't know bow
to thank Dr. Pierce enough."
They don't simply give temporary relief,
but are a permanent cure Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets for constipation. They
never gripe. One little Pellet" is e
gentle laxative and two a mild catharic.
Saturdays and Sundays are of lte
blewer than the bluest Monday on record.
Palna In the cheat wtien a person has a
cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece- of flannel dampened with
Chamberlaina Pain Balm and bound on
to the cheet over the it of pain win
promptly relieve the pain and prevent
the threatened attak of pneumonia Thl
aama treatment will cure lame back In 1
few hours. For sale by Charles Rogers
druggist '
A new Blsma.-ck anecdote contains the
statesman's opinion of Wagner, the man
"I knew him," said the chancellor, "but
it was Impossible for me to care for him
At breakfast, dinner and supper, every
moment Warner demanded admiration
I found myself too buBy to give it."
Mr. Hardin Norrls. clerk of the drug
store of R. Shoemaker, perry, m., My)!.
"A man came Into our store the other
day and said, 'I want a bottle of that
tuft that aaves children's lives. I read
In the New about It The children mar
got alck when we can not get the doctor
quick enough. Ifg the medlolne you sell
for croup.' " Ha alluded to Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be
fora ha loft tha etore. For sale by chaa.
Rogers, drugget
1 1 1 1
AYcCcliNe rrqjrjlton for As
ting the S uimaths ami LVmvb of
aaWaaBVMBBSBBl a sawaasasssssswaM
IYotnolcs Diilcslion.Ckcrful-
ocss arvl IVst.wnuins nciuvr
Opmm.Morptiinc nor Mineral.
Hot Nahcotic.
jByv fcW BrSKi ZZ-TTtX:?
Ma SmJ-
Ail J
ArcrfrfBr.clv frCcnslipa-
lion, Sour Stonv-cti.Diun rkXi,
Worms .ConMilSiorkS.roNTrisn
ncss jnilOSSOrSLEEr.
TflClicJc Sijrwiture of
m aC v
rtmritd tOnr All
eubrraex.cawsed by youthful rrron, rrrwx w ol
tobacro, opisai or stimalsau wKKa kU to i.n.. V ill Z
Is-shv. CsWcrnrd
He I know a girl who doesn't care for
Ira cream. She What asylum la aha In?
Pears' soap is
dried a whole
year. 1 nat s
why it lasts so.
Jimsoo I played a game of golf with
my wife the other day. Wilson Which
won Jimsoo How many wives do yoa
tbli k I have?
Luiurtact hair, ot uniform cator, la a
beautiful bead covering for either eex.
and may be secured by uatng Hall's Vege
table Sicilian Hair Renewer.
I have never met," he aaid. "more
than two lovely women." "Ah!" she said,
looking up Innocently Into his face. "Who
was tbe other T'
Acker's English Remedy win atop a
eours at any time, and will cure the
worst cold In twelve hours, or money re
funded, x and M cents. For sale by
Estaa-Conn 1ru Co.
Tourist Tour mortality here seems to
very low. Reuben Wall, yon see.
our only physl:lu Is our Insurance agent.
and we pay our only undertaker a sal-
Beuttke A '
Spanlrh spies
were m vogue last sum
are thla season's offer-
mer; mince plei
That the blood ahould perform Ita vital
functions. It Is absolutely neceeseary it
ahould not only be pure but rich In llfe
glvir.g elements- These results are best
effected by the use of that well-known
standard blood purifier, Ayers' Sarsapa-
larky-y Vus. my poor ororner had no
dlcatlon. an' It mmr hi. ruin! Itirklev
How was that? Jacksey He forged a
name on a check, an' the spellln' wur
Mokl Tea positively cures sic headache.
Indigestion and constipation. A delightful
herb drink. Removes all eruptions of
tbe skin, producing a perfect complexion.
money refunded. 25 and SO cents. For
sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
The Baroness Burdett-Couttes la a
great novel raider. Scarcely a new book
of any note that is published escapes her
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet are sold on
positive guarantee. Cure heartburn.
rising of food, distress after eating, any
form of dyspepsia. One little tablet give
immediate relief. 26 and 60 centa. For
aalo by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Thfllrarv mo vm t V. a . . nmln wlthmit
a laugh In her Is the greatest bore in
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy can always be depended
upon and Is pleasant and aafe to take.
Bold by Charles Rogers, druggist
Some of the up to date hymns bavo all
the go of Souea's marches about them.
Bears the yf Ha Alw3'"
Unlike most members of the house of
commons, Mr. Healey does not In the
least mind being caricatured In fact, he
rather enjoys It, and the more flagrant
tbe caricature the better be Is pleased.
"If we are not be carloatured," he de
clares, "What on earth do we come here
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggists refund the money If It falls
to cure. 2S cents. The genuine has L. B.
q. on each tablet.
ilbas S OB
For Infants and Children. .
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
You Have
Always Bought.
$3M 1 111
mrwnmm rliaMaw. sw.k aai a. u - .
I. ve pock. ft sorer boii far iV. d
1--4i.UiHMhi iairaaaa vamomsu.. rurtUnd.or
wr U1 hy raTFS-QNV VHVO CO
Why la It ons'a purse Is also shortest
when the day are alsoT
What la the use of making a better ar
ticle thar your competitor It you cannot
get better price for It T
Ana. Aa there la no difference In the
price the public will buy only the better,
ao that while eur profits may be smaller
on a Magle sale they will be much greater
In tha segregate.
How vawn you get the public to kaow
your mama la the best?
If both articles are brought prominently
before tnw publlo both are certain to be
tried and the publlo will very quickly
paaa Judgment upon them and use only
ih oeiier w
Thla explaiaa the large sale on Cham
berkUn'a Ctohgti Remedy. Tbe people
have bee using It for year and have
found thai It aaa always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take up
.with aoroe fashionable novelty put forth
:wtth exaggerated alalma, but are certain
to return to the nee remedy that they
know to be 'reliant, and for coughs.
oolda and croup there la nothing equal to
''.'camber Iain's Cough Remedy. For sale
Charles Rogers, drugglat,
It is a wise woman who knows when
she la really well off.
A startling Incident, of which Mr. .tohn
Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject.
Is nrrated by him as follows: "I waa in
a most dreadful condition. My skin was
almost yellow, my eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually In back and
sides, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had riven me up. Fortunately, a
frieM adrised trying 'Electric Bitters;'
and to my great Joy and surprise, the
first bottle made a decided Improvement
I continued their use for three weeks,
and am now a well man. I know they
aaved my life, and robbed the grave of
another victim." No one ahould fall to
try them. Only HO cents per bottle at
F-stes-Conn Drug Co.
If you can't have what you like try to
like what you have.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfleld. 111.,
I makes thla atatement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she was
treated for a month by her family physi
cian, but grew worse. He told her she
; was a hopeless victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. K-ng's New
, Discovery for Consumption; she bought
a bottle and to her delht found herself
I benefitted from first dose. She con
' tinued Its use and after taking nix bot
; ties found herself sound snd well; now
: does her own housework and Is as well
1 as she ever was. Free trial bottles of
this Great Discovery at Estes-vonn Drug
Co. Large bottles SO cents and 11.00.
Every one's lot stems brighter than
our own.
Dull headache, palna In various parts of
the body, sinking at the pit of the atom-
jach loss of appetite, fevertshnes, pimples
or sores are all positive evidences ot im-
' pure blood. No matter how It became so
it must be purified In order to obtain good
hoalth. Acker's Blood Ellxer has never
' fall' to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi
sons or any other blood diseases. It Is
( certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell
every bottle on a positive guarantee.
For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
The Prince of Wales has officiated 75
times as godfather. The kalstr stands
go J father to ell seventh sons In Prussia.
The Empress Eugenie In one year acted
as godmother to 3,KH children, who were
booi in France on March U, VSX, the same
day as tbe prince Imperial.
THE BE8T SALVE In the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Kheum,
Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped . Hands,
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Plies, or no pay re
quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price
cents per box. Tvr sale by Vstes-Conn
Drug Co.
Canada lacks only 237,000 square miles
of being a large as -the whole continent
of Europe; It la nearly thirty times as
large as Great Britain and Ireland, and
is (0,000 square miles larger than tbe
United States. I
Notice Is hrbv given tlat by virtue
of a wsrrsnt for the i-oilevtion of a d
Iiiiuukiu srsit sMMnl (or lh- Impruven silt
iu the i-ny of Ati, Or.m.m, lowit;
Idwid stroot, frMi Kurty-swoiiil to Forty
II. 3 su(, duly iftaumt li) the auditor
and police Jule of wnid oily, nv illrro
tlon vf (he c m imm coum'll of i v ,
til war in ni ttiig am is I the l,tlv tnv nr
li ioIi.t, IkiI, to me illr. irj, and the
s!iiuititt on mm l) .iwiiwh! miuniiilliig
111 xt
j m wun inmrmi uirrmni m uui rut.
Mr rent ! 4iinum llie Slat uy
troh. 1K4. and Ix'inir avwlnst llie
lollowlug luuirsl ieron, 1'U;
It. Miiiloii and 11. MctVrniack.
owner of the filowlng iltwcrlbod reid
ri'ivrty. toe It, lot U, tl.n k , as ub-lIMllt-il
III III l'l'll of I 1'MT AtirlH,
us lul.l nut and nvnl.M ny John Ailmr
nilil l niiiUn( salit iIivhtiImm Hii i',
mid wli.ili warrant i'oiiiiiiaiiiI me to
ni-i ki li- iihin slid -ili ol Mm ili
i r.lie.1 luoiwi'ty, In onlor to iitliy aaul
wuriMtit ami sxlil i'iit.iiii'1II mii.I In
Ki'ilirr Kith the liiieri'M iIii'Ikhii aiul llie
ihhU elitt ci'i-niim of suiil snle, suit
nnu;uit to n.iul murnim nn. I the cm
niniiil tliirhi contiiiiHl, 1 did. on the
inh day of November, INW, duly Uvy
uimn tun sKive di'noniiAl rHil pioiwrty,
ami I will, on (he lull tiny of I'voomtirr,
IMS. at tn rrnur ot u o clock, in tne
forvnooil of aiilil (tnv. at the court hotie
dir. towit: (he vntrwnce of said rou
hoiiMi ou t;i!hili streot In the vlty
Astoria. (.Vuiily of t'Ut.oii, Slate
Oregon, sell sMld deecrldd.! il iiirty
t pulllo auoiion to the IiIhIioI ImiIiIt
tor cah, In 11. S. soul coin, to aUafy
aMe.wiient, the Inivrxat rin, anil
the oxeia and eapenaee of eale aa
afnrveald. ami the .-croiiig cost.
Uairil at AstoriA, uregon, llie ITlh day
ot Noveiitber, liML
B. irAMXtOK.
Chief of rollce 01 Astoria, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby xlven thai by virtu,
of a warrant for the collection ir a ile
U'Miuent asMsament fur the Improvement
In Hie city of Aatorla, (iron, town:
Hovl etreet, frvm Forty-second to Forty
rtfih strem, duly laeund by the auditor
and police Judge of weld city, bv direc
tion of the oouumn council said city,
said wur rant toeing dall the l?th day of
October. Is, lo me dlrwiied. and the
aawmsment on wak h spcinl amounting
to ft an with liitenwt therein at the rets
of I tw" cent onr annum fruiu the lint day
of March, lii. and bnlng against the
follo'vliig named persona, towtt:
R. Marlon and II. Mocrouu'k.
owners of the foltowtner dewrlbe.! real
property, towlt, lot U, lh-k 1 as sub
divided In the t'urt of I'pier Astoria,
aa leld out and rmnirtlnl by John,
and also agatnet mud dairitl nnwxriy,
and which warrwnl cmmianda me lo
mke levy upon and Oe of miu dn
irlhod property. In order to satisfy laid
Warrant and eld aaenainenl and to
gether with tho Iniermt thervon and the
coats and expenses of aakl sale, and
pursuant to aeid wwrrant ant tbe com
mands therein contained. I did. on the
ITlh day of Novotuber. duly levy
upon the above described real property,
and I will, on the Kth day of Deonuber.
licit, at the hour ot 11 o'clock la the
forenoon of said day al the court houae
door, towlt: the entrance of eald court
house on Ktghih street In the Oty of
Astoria, COuntr of Clatsop. State of
Orvgon. sell antd descrtbed rent proiierty
M publlo auction to the hthet bl.l.trr
for cah. In U. S. gold coin, la smlsfy
said SMr.saienl. thelniere (hereon, and
the coeta and esDensee of sale ss
aforesaid, and the e-vrulng cost.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, the ITlh day
of November, ISM.
B. riAl.lAH'K,
Chief ot Police ot Astoria. Oregon.
There Is A breed of dogs In Russia
which are said to be naturally quite un.
able to bark.
For I&i&aU and Children.
Hii M Yon Hare Always Bougbt
Bear tfcg
I Laitit-.i- tri... nnu
js ss iiituiti 9 ixiuiict rtnm
W TTa. wi entn.1 In Hlajiea nf tKe
KJJuevsail LriiiarvOrguus. Have
.:.i ...... i-i. i...... ti.
jvil urymwii juur i aiucj.r jtee
vol. orenrorkrtl vour nrrvoua sve-
toin and canvd nmbla with your
wKKlni'va and Iilmiib'r? Have yosC
palna In the lolmt, snle, W-U, polus( I
n i luJUcrT Have vouaCa'jtiy an- .
pwirance tf tha face, eepccinltjl
enjor tlio ryeaT Too frvquentde-. i
irxj puASUrinoT William's Kldury
Pills will impart new llfo lo Uie 'Hv I
eased oiyuns, tone) up U. sj-stcm
nnd make a new man ot yon. Jtv
mall W wnta prf b x.
iv iluams m ru. t xi., I'm pa.. UeveunJ, O.
For tale by F8TEH-CONN DRCU CO,
These tiny Cspiuh t at tupenor I
to oi nam ot lopaioa.
Cubeb or Injections and
tha same d tenet with- I
out Inconvenien-.
M tr mt h'rrit:
Astoria (Dally) Arrive
l Portland and Astorlalp.m p m.
am p m
7:46 l:M,Express trains vla,U JCll.JO
Knanna. Clifton. West
Dort. Clataksnle. Ooble
connection at Ooble for
the East and Puget
Sound polnta.
J 40 y.w
Astoria. Benalle andi 4:10 7:40
New Astoria I'saaenirer
trains, via Wsrrentonl
land Flavrl. I
8:301 Bumlny Hunters' spec-l
!lal Astoria to Seasldel
O. F. A P. A.
Columjla River and Puget Bound Navi
gation Company,
Telenhone leavee Astoria dsltv mm
Sunday, at 1 p. m.
leaves Portland dallv ezcent Bundav
at I a. m.
White Collar line tickets Interchanges ble
on Telenhone. T. J. Potter and K. R
Thompson for Aatorla and all way points,
navel, nwaco, oesview, ing tieson, ano
c. vr. stone.
Astoria Agent.
Tslenhone No. 11
Astoria Public Library
Open every i.ay from t o clock to (:S0
, . and 6:10 to t:K p. m.
Subscription rates $3 per annum.
West Cor, Eleventh and Duane Streets,
ssasnsuwaawr. wnmuvtu.
iswTisec, -
mormon DIS'IOPS ruts
urch 'cj ui..' ! hj-.-!. riuiv,jr
elf-ilaiM,, tug , or cl
potanoy, Lost Power, NighM-oaeee. Soermatorrhoen Insomnia, Pains
In Back, ll pea 1 r.., gamlnnl tmlstlois, litmi Nervous De
bility, Headache Umltnaea to"nrry, otn nf tTV!"t afltnen, Vnrlcocele,
or Ldi
wuM." vniiuni .oo. ul.vroe.a "I Mir
Je.TwItohlnB of Eyelids. .'" ' u b.imet w.
r Iuikiioo. l-.iir xet a...Jft'l fit, a cur. ! M h-n'l,
aieuiMi. llu, mim ..a imh ceiio-rl, s
m mtotf ratiirntort, .lib s bwa Cliuatn Urn, Ad
NutliMi Is hereby glvht thai by virtue
of a warrant tor the cnlWllim of a ite
I.IHi"lit nariMPiiieiil (nr ine tniiiiMve.' eiil
In the illy of t ir:a, Oreaoii, lowiu
Itoml street, from Ki'i'tv-Ki'cnm i Forty
nrih street, duly lamieil liv the auditor
and police Jiiilse nt suld city, by illien
lloil of th t'oiiiiMKii i on. I 'II of inlil iMiy,
atiil niuu tieing ,1m 1 4 1 (he nth. day of
Ool.ilwr, In, i nie ,tre.ti.,, end the
HuncMimciit on w hich 'nn'liiM amounting
to 1:1 ill with Inieiint I hen on at mis
of I ier cent nor Annum Imm llie Rut il iy
ot March, ISM, and Iwing sunlimt the
folltwlng iwiiiikI krsi)im towtt t
1 Maiiirn ami II, MiH'ornmi k.
OWiirr of (tin follow Ins deacrikV.1 ren
proiierty lol, lot li, block V, s sub
itt 111 ll Port of I'lipi'r Aalorin,
ns In tit out sin! iwortlml liy , oliti Ailmr.
nml li iiMiiinai srtlil deacrilxM toiii(y,
nml wh'i'li wiiriinil cihiiiiiiiiiiIk me 10
limKe levy uimn and mile or snM do
acrllieil iM'i'ily. In itrilrr In .4tlfy snld
wannilt and mII raiiiiti n', to.
neilier with the Inlnrvnt ihiMiMin and the
crista and ri'i't' of aUI .ale, nml
pucwiituit to -M wnrrnnt ami Die com
MiMiula tlinrelil cmiln lied, I did, on the
I Till day of Novcmner, iKDI, uiily ovy
upon llie ilove tl,-orth.vl rn property,
end I will, oil the lillh day of llncetntier,
lsis, at hour of li uViot'k n the
iiMciunin oi Mini iinv hi me court luuue
hi inn cmiri limine
unco of .alii court
cel. In the Olv of
t'Utaop, Hlate of
ti-ior, iowii: ine viiintm'e
Iioiim on l. in titii i rcot
Aatorln. t'oulily of
iHvsn. sell anKI described renl property
nt puiillo auction in the hlslieat li,,Vr
for isiah, In U, l golii otun iu satisfy
snld BMcaanteiit. he lnloret ihereon. and
the dwte and of stile as
aforeanld, ami the ercrultig coats.
lwiied at Aaiori, oreHoii, Ihe Kth day
of November, 11
Chief of Polio Ot Astoria. Oregon,
Notice Is hereby sly tlist by virtue
of a eemnt for the collection of a de
linguent ainH for llie mprovj unit
In the city of Axons, tVeaon, town:
Pond street, fnun to Forty
rt'ih sirtet, duly iMiim) by Ihe aud!lor
and polke Juilse of said clly. bv dlrep.
tlon of the common council of Slid city
enlil warrant living dated the ITlh day of
October, IK'S. Ik me dirwiied, and the
aseeenment on whk h spectnl amounting
i f-' wnn iniiimii iiipmin i me rale
of I iter colli er annum from the Hat day
ot March, UM, and being aealnat (he
fullowlug named persons, towlt;
H. Marlon a ml H. MocVrniack,
owner of Ihs following .eeertbed real
properly, towlt. .K H. bio, k I mm sub
divided In the port of Upper Astoria
aa htld out and rorded by John Adair,
ami also against said ile.rrlteil properly,
and which warrant commando me to
make levy uin and sale of said de-ea-rltied
property. In order lo aallely said
warrant and said aaaesamcnt and t
ether with Ihe Intervel thereon and the
coale and .aiwnsne of said sale, and
pursuant to aaid warrant ami the com
mand, therein ront&ifWki. I iliil on it,
li'th diy of November. IM. duly levy I
uiin ine wwve uecri,HHi rem proveriy,
and I will, on the Mth day of December,
list, at Ihe hur of 11 o'clock In Ihe
forenoon of ould day. al tbe court house
door, towlt: ihe entrance of said court
houae on FHerhth street In ihe City of
Aslorta. tVuntv ot Clatsop. Stale oi
tH-egon, sell mid described r-al proiierty
at publlo auoiiuti to the highest bidder
for cash. In U. ft. gold ooin. lo satisfy
Mid aeaeaswent, the n(eret inarenn, and
the roate and eaienee of sale as
aforesaid, and the accruing coals.
latrd at Aatorie. Oregon, the 17th day
oi November, ls.
Chlof of Police of Aatorla, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby aivett by lrliie
uf a warrant for the coilecnon of ile
liUlueM aaaieni'ni fur (he In prwei .inl
In the city of A.toria. or von. town-
llond street, fnmi to Forty
fifth if eet. duly luunl by die ami lor
and police Juilse of sM illy, by direc
tion of Ihe common council uf aid ,-liy
ski warrant belitrf detnl ihe 17th day of
tvtotir, Ivl. lo m dirnted. and Ihs
aeeeeamenl on whla h apecinm amoiintlns
to $11) with Inlnreat thereon at the rat.
of i per cent per asinum from the Hal dny
ef March, 1M. and being aaaln.i Hie
following named persons towlt;
R. Marlon and 11. MoXnnack.
owner of the follow Ine described real
property, town, li U, bl k I, ee sub
divided In Ihe Port of Upper Astoria,
aa laid out and re-on by John AoUir,
ami alo agatn wld aecrvbi iriteri),
and elMch warrant cummande me u
nvaSe levy upon end aale of eald de-sa-noed
pruter(v In order to sallafy said
warrant and aaid aeinnt an . to
Berber with the inlenvt thereon and tne
i-oete aad eanensee ot said sale, end
pureuanl lo aaid wnarrent ami the Com
Ruuids therein contaned. I did, on lbs
17th dsy of November Ita. duly levy
upon the above deenrtbed real property,
and I will, on the ith day of Dewmber.
1HJ1. at th. hour of II o'clock In Ihe
forenoon of swld dsy. at the court house
door, town: ihe entrance ot said court
houae on Ktshth street In Ih' t'lty of
Astoria, dunty of Clatsop. Mlale of
Oregon, sell said deecrlbeal real pronerty
at publlo auction 10 tha highest bidder
Chief of Police of Aatorla, Oregon.
Nolle, la hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant for the collection of a de
I nqu wit aaaeaxmeni for the improvement
In the c iy of An! ia. or.eon. '! t:
llond street, from rorty-aecoiiil lo Forty
fifth street, duly iMued by Ihe and tor
and police Jti'Ue of eald rir by direc
tion of ihe common coun -il of sild city
said warrant being deled the ITlh day of
October, Wn. to me directed, snd Ihe
seement on wnich speclded smoimllng
to UH with Interret thereon at the rata
of i er can: per annum f nun the 11 nt day
of March, Veii. and being against Ihe
following named persons, towlt:
n. Marlon snd II. MoOrmsck.
owner of the following dwrtbei real
property, tow it, lot 13. block I, aa sub
divide,! si me Port or lloiwr Amur. a.
as laid out Slid recorded by John Ailelr,
and aiao Klnt a.ii, .1 -etilni rierty,
and which warrant commands nie .i
maae levy upon and sale uf aeiil A
scribed properly. In order to aatlufy aaid
warrant and aulo ameaament n1 to
gether with the interw! thereon ami the
owta and exprnaea ot a.ilil sale, nnd
pursuant to auld warrnnt nnd the com
mand, therein coma ned. I dbl on the
lith clay of NovemlM-r. IMel. uiily levy
iion mo soovh lU-ncntwHi rn property
and 1 will, on the Mth day of December
iiot. ai inn nour of 11 o c.o. m in in
forenoon of miio dav. al the court boon
iloor, towlt: the entrance of kjuI court
house nil K'tthin .ireet. In III. t'lty
Aatorln. I 'mint v .of rialaou. Stale
Oregon, tell sold described rnl proerly
m ptiniic minion lo inn nmneat ii. .i r
for cimh. In I' H. k"IiI coin, to n.itmfy
mini SMe.anient. the inter"- ineipon. un
the coats sin) of mile s
aforesaid, snd tho si rnnng coat..
bated at Astoria, orcein, Ihe 17th day
nr iNovemner. iv.m.
K. HAMm'K,
Chief of Police of Aa:orln. orison
Notice la hereby irlvrn that bv virtue
or a wurrsnt for the collei iion of a tin
I. iuu-xmii-M for ihci fnpi'o 'eiiinnl
in tne city of Aatoria. Oreunn. town
Hind street, from forty-second to Forty
fifth street, ilulv la.und bv the Miwt'ior
ana police JuilKn of suld city, by dlrrc
tioti or tne common council or . im city
suld warrant belna- tlate.1 the 17th duv of
October, 18U8, lo me dlriv-led, mnl Ihe
ameaament on whk h upoclneil ainountliiK
to wnn interrat inorton at tne rate
of 8 tier cent ner annum from Ihs Slut dav
of March, MM, nnd being BKiilnst the
loiiowing ruimeq porsona, town:
R. Marlon and II. McCnrmuck,
owner of tho following ' described real
uroonny. town: ol li. li oca . ss ano
divbled In the I'ort of I Inner Aatorln
as laid out and recorded nv John
ti tin uiho aguinst stud ileHiTllx'l iro).riy
anil which wnrrnnt command, me to
make levy uixiti and 'nlo of anld dt-
acrlnei property, In order to satlnf" stud
warrant nnd said n.m-ioitncnt nml to.
gether with thn Intorost thiireon ami the
coats anil expenses of said sale, nnd
purauant to suld wnrrnnt anl Ibe com
nmnds therein rontnlned, I did, on the
17th day of November, liS, duly levy
upon the above dcacrlbed real nronnrty.
and I will, on the lth day of December,
ai ine nour or 11 o ciock in tne
forenoon of snld dny, at the court liouxe
door, towlt: the entrance of said court
:vr vaow awmx&rmiimmvMmim
T(sa."r.xr i' c' ti.w w-awwwsm
',4V in in n, over y j-cr nr tlx loiter. .1 tli Mofm.
cnr4 II, e w to cn In ol.l inl y-Atujt atl.ln. hoi. tlUcI
,tii we i. i .. Corn. Ln Minhooa. li.
II charge. Stops Ner
a rnt,uln('if mnl iv-mnrr to
0 I r C . to lit m.ill. tJ tJiti A eillln .utri,AO. incur.
ei.hoo lemedv OA,, 9nn eranoloco Oak
ror sale by cnanes Rogers,
iror cwan, in i.. i goiii coin, lo satisfy
I seld aaeesamenl. Ihe int.real there-wi. ana
I the coela and rspenaee of sale es
I aforesaid, and 'he a crutng roala.
Dated at Aslorta. oreenn. the Kth dsv
jg I of November. ikM.
houae on fJtghth street la the Clly ot
liaimip, ntai. i
real nruneriy
II 40 I IS II III lie" I Ulilu'T
for ceali In ll. eolii eiiln. In iV
iid aaaeaanisiil, Ihslntnrest inorstMl, and
llie ihwIs nilil vaiieiinee ul anle as
aforeaiilil, and Ihe an'tnlng cosla.
I'ntoil at Astoria, Otpon, the llln any
of November, liu
HA l.lAlflC
Clilef of 1'olloe of Aatorla, Oregon,
Noltce Is hereby alvon ihnl by virtue
of a warrant for llie collei iion of a de
llmiUiuu , notil ior Ihe Impr ivetiienl
III llie clly of Anloi'ln, Hunt on, lowlti
lloiul street, front lin t y utul In I'orly.
I fill stlet-l, duly luumt bv llie suditor
and pullia JiiiIhii of suld city, liy direc
tion of llie com molt counotl of nil. I cliy,
"iiiil wnrruni bulng ilulml (he ITlh day of
O.'tober, ImiH, in me directed, ami Ihe
arinenl on which SHMllin, nllioiinllliH
til 1.1 111 Willi Interest llicreoit at tlln rjile
of per cent per atinuiii fro il th ll diiy
of Miiri'li, luis. nml imins- nsnliial llie
following limned puraona, lowlti '
It. Marlon and II. WContmck,
owner of the fullowluii dnecrlbe.1 real
property, towltl lot 6. block , as sub
illvlilcil lit ihe Port of I I'l'cr Aatorla,
S Inld out and recorded ly John,
and l agalnat said dearlbel proparly,
end winch warrant coiuiimmla me to
make levy uimmi and mile of aaid de
scribed properly, III ordnr to sallafy paid
warrwnl mid said ami to
gether with Ihe Inlnroei thereon and the
coela and extenaee nt said sale, and
pursuant lo .eld warrant and (he coin
liiamls therein contained, I did. on the
I'lh day of Noveiiiletr, llM, duly levy
tilxiit llie above deacrlbed reel roeriy,
and I will, on Ihe ltllh day ol lleoemb.r.
I ton, al Ihe hour of II o'clock In the
toienoon uf sulil day
ty. ai ins
sourt houae
aalil iHlUli
iliKir, luwll: the etitrnnce ot said cour
niiaa ul
un 1-Mshth etreet.
In Ihe t'lty of
Aatorla, County of l1alaoi, Mlale of
tires-on, Sell eald described real protieriy
a puiillo auction in Ihs h!tiea( bl,,lr
for resit, In U, M. aold coin, to satisfy
aid aearaaiiient, Ihs lnlere.1 hereNi, snd
Ihe owls and esimnaea of sale ea
aforeMiil. and the accruing coau.
I 'ate, I at Astoria, oron, llie Kth day
of Novemlier, 1KM.
B. HAt.UH'K.
Chief f police ef Astoria, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant for Ihe collection of a de
jin l-lent a..Mmenl for ihe mprovet-oil
iu the city of Aatorla, itreaoii, towll;
llond street, from Forty -second lo Forty,
fifth (rent, duly iaeued by the auditor
and police )ude of said clly. uy dlree
lion of the common council of said city,
said warrant be, ng dated ihs i;ih day oi
Octohtr, lane, in me direiUd. end the
eaeewement on whU h .-.edited amounting
to Ul) with Interest thereon al Ihe rate
of I per cent pr annum from Ihe Hal day
of March, IKM, and being against ths
following named persona, tow It;
R Marlon and II. MoOortnark.
owner ot the fwiowlng described real
property, towll: lot . block I, ss sub
divide, In the INirt of tipper Aston,
sa laid out and recorded by John AiUlr,
and rnimo against said described property,
and which warrant commands me lo
make levy upon and sale of said de-em-
property. In order lo satisfy said
w.rrent and eald easeaament and to
gether with the Interest I hereon end the
ovale and eaiiehaea of said sale, and
pursuant to said warrant end ihe Com
mando therein con t-lied, I did, on the
Kth day o, Novwnbor. Um. July l.vy
UHn tha above described reel proerly,
and I will, on the th day ot December,
WM. at ihe hour of II o'cU k In Ihe
forenoon irf ex. I1 day, at Ih. court hoii..
door, towif ihe entrance of said court
houae oa Ktghth eree. In the t'lty of
Aatorta. iHiunly of (lataop, dial, of
Oregon, aell aaid real properly
at publlo aUi'Uon to Ilia hlsheat bldilrr
fur e.h. In IT. 8 sold coin, to satisfy
aaid saaaomenl. Ihe Intereal Ihnreon, sno
ma ii. aim or sale as
aforeaald. and (he eicrultig roal.
Date.1 at Aatorla. Oregon. Ihe Hlh day
ot November, 1M.
M B. IIAI.ixh'K.
Cnlef of Police of Aatorla, orrgon.
Notice la hereby given lhal by virtue
of a warrant for the collection of a de-bn-iuent
ai.eeamrnt tor Ihe Imnr vamnt
In Ihe clly of Aatorla. Oregon, -town,
flood etraM, from Fort y .iwond lo Frty.
llfTh air. duty laeue.1 by Ihe auditor
end police Judge of eald clly. by direc
tion of Ihe common council of eejil city
.aid warrant being deled ihe Hlh day nf
IMotier, lS. to me dir trd. ami the
Mnitl on which specified amounting
to Itll with Intereal I hereon ai Ihe rale
of I per wait pnr annum from the Hat day
', March. 14, and lelng asuln.t the
following named persona, towlt:
II. Marlon and II. MoCornwuk.
owner ot the following dcrtbed real
ttroi-rty towlt; h . l,h-a , aa sun
dtvtile.1 In Ihe port of I'pper Aalnru.
as KU'I out and rcMt1el by Juhn Adair,
an.1 also agalnet said neacrlbeil properly,
and which warrant commands me lo
make levy Un and sale ol eaxl de
eiTlbed properly. In order to satuiv said
warrnnt and eald and to.
gether with Ihe intern! I hereon and the
iete and eateiuiee ot said aala, and
pursuant lo .aid warrant ami tbe com
mands therein rnnta-ned, I did. nn Ih.
17! h day of November. IK, duly levy
upon Ihe above de.rrlbefl real urotwrt
and I will, on the lath day of liecemher
na. at Ihe hour of 11 o'clora in th.
forenoon of said day. al Ibe court hnti.e
door, luwif the entrance of court
houiw on Klshih street In the t'lty (,f
Aalitrls, County of ilataop. Htate of
Oregon, aell eel.l ilnw-ribe.1 real proiM-rly
at publlo auction to the hlgheal bl.Mer
for raah. In V. H. golil com. lo sallafy
mi hi aeaeeameiit. the Interest iheteon and
"in ooats snd exien.ea of aula aa
aforesaid, and the a.iTul mat..
Dated at Astoria. Oregon, ihe Hlh day
of November, IS.
R ItAt.tJil'W
Chief of Police ot Aalorla. Oregon.
Notice la hereby glen that by virtue
of a warrant for the collection nf a de.
1. 11 inni j.anarinrnt ror ine ItnpMvir. rn
In Ihe city of Aalorla, Oregon, towll
n"iwi .ireei, mm r orty.aei on,l to Forty
n.n street, .liny l..on, l,y ,(, guiMor
Yi J r ml" ny ny dlrre
llo.i of lha coin.nofl coiim-H f ,, ,.),
auld warrant oelng dale, I7t ts day ol
octolM-r. lw, io me dire, t, an,
, wn ' n "'ine.i amounting
lo tlj) with Interest th.reon al the r.i.
"I '.?r ,'",, ,"'r annum frm the 31. t day
of March. HO, and lieing ngalnat (he
fo.lowlne named p.raon, towlt.
It. Marlon and il. M.l'urmsrk.
, mn loiiowins urinrllir.l reti
',. .'7'. ''I ",l . bliN-u a. na sub-
dlv In lhe fort nf f,M.r A.torta
ns laid out anil pionle.l hy jhn Adair
...... u.n., i.Kuill.I .mi) lleairlliiil properly
make levy nnon iin.l .,i ,.r
arrlbed properly. In order to .atiafy and'
warrant mnl sain naai,meiii 1U,,I to.
seiner wntii tne intereet (h-r.-on and Ihe
.-- ...i ri.n oi sail) aale. nnd
piirauaiii in ani. warmnt nntl tlio com-
Miiiiio. inerein cnnin tied, I i.l, nn the
inn o.tjr in novenioer, iKlh, Only lnvv
llt.llll IM bUu. .i..u...,,.. . ' ' '
' , . J., """"' i loeo rmu proiierty.
and I will, on Iho 10th nay nf December
si ins n iir or 11 o'clock n ths
forenoon of snld day, at t. tollrt ,10UM
tliMir, towlt: the entrance of said court
linuae oil Mghlh street In th iMtu ,.f
t'ounty of I'lntami, Hints of
fiated at Aatorln. (Irrmin il.. n.v j.-
of November. IM18. '
Chief of Police of Aatorln, Oregon
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
uf n wnrrnnt for thn collm-tlmi i,f n de-
ii.... i.i ioi,j.niii )ni ior tno improvement
... i nrioriu. (iregoll, towll
llond s tree I. from li i
linn l rent .duly IhhiiihI by Ih.. ntiil.(r
Hon of the common council of .aid cliv
snld wnrrnnt being dated tho n,h dny nf
Ocloher, IKiH, lo mo tlirivteil, nnd Ihe
,im ., i,i,,i, a JiliIKO oi sain city, ny illreo
porsona, towlt:
It. Marlon and II. McCormack,
ownee or tne roiiowing described renl
pruporty. towlt: lot 7, block , ns niib
tl1vl''f;d In tho Port of Upper Astorln,
ss luld out and rworded by John Adnlr
Slid U.IHO ttlfultlKt sold ..icnliiit ,.r,...r,.,'
and which wnrrunt commiiinls me io
scribed property, In order lo anllnfy snld
liinnn ii; j umiu unii mi nt fir atuiii tfi,.
et1inr with the thoroon and the
costs and expeiiMns of snii, sale, nnd
purHiltllit to snld wnrrnnt and il,.
Tf III I HI1L V1I1U stlllll II HniafVH Tllllll I II lid
mtinilM therein cnnlnlned. I mo it..
17lh day of Novomher. lh:i duly levy
upon the above described renl property
and I will, on the Kith dnv of ilni,J.'
Wn, at tho hour of 11 o'clock In the
forenoon of snld day, nt the court house
door, towlt: the "trance of snld cohrf
house on K irhlh airem in n... h... '1
Aatorla, Omnty of (n'nlsop, gtnte of
Oregon, sell snld described renl properly
rne'i.n0 UJ(rt'"a 10 'i1!8 bidder
for ensh. in U. H. gold coin, to satisfy
mm ami.-iiimii., ma iiucreHi tnoreon, and
nouae on rngnin street in
Astoria, tNniiity of llalmi
(non. sell sold described I
nt public auollon to Ills III
. , , " ' "e.i-rinen rein properly
nt publlo auction to I hi. highest bidder
for cash. In If. H. gold coin, m satisfy
lid assessment. Ihe Intereal llinreoii. .nil
thn cost, snd expeliaea of sain na
aforeaiilil. ami Ihe aeee
.nni-""iii"iii un which IW Is IlltlOlin lis
to M.21) with Interest tl.erw.n at Iho rnt!
of nor rent per annum from thn Hint day
of March, I KM. and being ngi "he
following ruined poraunx. towlt;
Ihe onalg and sgpsnaee of sale ag
aforeaald, and tha aiiriilng costs,
Dated at Astoria, Oicguii, tho Hlh One)
nf Noveniber, IkPt,
K. HALIM'w;,
Chief of 1'olloe of Aalorla, Oregon,
ciuriF or police halu.
Nollcs it h.r.hy given that by vlruia
nf a wsrrant for Hie coilt-Hien ,if n ,,
linijunni H.a".eiuiMll ior ine mpniveuienl
III the clly of Aalona, tltmioii, towui
llond from Korly-svcoiul to Forty.
llflU street duly Uatied by lite aiii,,f
and police Juilse of said cllv. by ilno.
I loll of Ihe iHiiinimn council of aiilil elt
...1.1 ..,.! I...U,. .I,.l ,U I., I. ',."'!
warianl belli a duleil thn inn .1.. ..I
October, Iki, iii me illro. imf, aim i,i mi wlili li simi iimj aiiiouiillua
to 11 40 with Inleteet lliermut al Ihe "a!
of I iwr cent ier eiiiitlm riout the l ii
tit tfiivell thlul mi,. I lu.l,. ,...l.. :Vr
following named peraona, towll i
II. Marlon and II, McCnrmark,
ovtmr nf the fullowlug described real
properly, toe Hi lo Is, nines, a, aa sub. In Hie I'ort uf (ipiwr Asloiia,
ss laid mil end tei-ordnl by John Aualr
an. I aUo asultial anbl de.crlbe.1 plonaitv'
am) winch warrant vomiiiainle me lo
make levy uixni and sale of an rt
acrilied propel ly, In order 10 sallafy said
Witl'iaiit and sold Saaeaaliivlil an, . , X
gether with Ihs Itiienet ihnreon and the
i-oals snd sapciiaes of said sele, and
ptiraimiil In .aid wanwnl and t
ton tula (herein cimtalned, I Jul on Ilia
lilll day of November, iMif, Only .VT
upon Ihe above diacrlbml real Hoii.riJ
and 1 will, oil the ltllh day uf liMWinbw
IKM, at Ihe hour of It o'clock In ihe
fiM.hoon of euld day, al tlis court houae
door lowit: lha entrance of said court
In uae oil Klgluli etreet, In llie t'lty f
Aalorla, County ot Cialsop, Htate uf
trvui. sell eald Ui-ecrllieu real ptuiertv
at publlo auction i to ihe hlgbir blblir
for oeah. In V. li gold coin, to aallafr
eald aaee.aiii.iil, the Intereal Ihereoii and
Ihe coals slid iienaee ot sale aa
sforeaald, and Ihs suruiug cosla.
Dated at Astoria, oregou, tie Hib gs
of November, 1MH
Chl.f of Police eAJi'orlaOTegoa.
Notice is hereby given lhal by virtue
of a warrant for the oollnaioa of a te
ll luileiu aa.eeamelil for the,. .ai
in ihe city of A.t.Hla. Oreei.a. lowH:
fifth street, from Forly-ee. onJ la Forty,
nith etreet, duly U.ue. by Us. asiUtur
and polite Juilxe of eakl clly by Ulree
lion uf ihe common ouuncil of eaM oily
aaid warrant being data,! the 11 in Oa. bt
otober. lurf, io nie ilire. te.f, aad the
ssaeaamelil on whb b Sie'll1e, amounllha
lo U W with .ntereet titer teat at the rale
of per cent wr annum Iri-u the ii. day
of ilarrh IBM. and balng aeninet the
following named persona, towlli
IL Marion and H. MoCorhuuik,
ow.ier of Ihe following described real
property, tuwllj lot u. po.s t, ee sub.
divided In Ihe port of upper Aetorat.
aa laid out and revorded by J oh a Aikalt
ml a.o ag.Mial eald Ues. rilie.1 orotawi.'
and which warrant CMimiande me K
make levy upon and sale ol anal rV-..-rlbed
properly, In order le satiety said
Warrant snd said and lo.
gold - with ihe interest Ihereua and Ike
tuets and expenses of aahl saTa, aivZ
nursuaiil to said warrnnt and the aunv
mands there! ti conta-ned, f did. oa tae
Kth day of Noveinler, 1MI duty lav.
uHa uie aoove Ur.orloeil real proiiany
and 1 will, on ihe lath day of llewembar'
IfA. at the hour of II o'clock la ike
forenoon of sold day. ai the court house
door, luwll: Ihe entrance of said court
houae on Kighih street, In llie City af
Aalorla, lliunly of Clatsop, giata at
IKegon, sell aaid deecribed real u ninety
at publlu au.-tjon lo Ihe hlglieel bl,ui.r
for c.h. In U. SL gold com, lo satisfy
aaid seai.ain.iii h. Inlereat thereon, ajwl
in. dels and eapeiiaee uf sale aa
sforeaald. and Ihe a.crnlng roata.
Daiml al Aalorla. Oleguu, Ihe lite
of November, Its.
thief of Police ot AitiHIa. Oregon.
Notice la hsrrl.y glen lhal by etnue
of a wartaril for Ihe wile, torn of de.
Illli4i.rnl a.waiiu-itt ,'er Ihe mpro -mumii
In Ihe city of A.wna. orngna, town
llond street, from f ort r e tid to Forty,
fifth .tree, duty Uaued by the ateaUxr
and piake Judge of said city by dlree
lion tf Ihe coinmon lounrll of said eity
aid wsrrant twlng dalnl (h. :n, ,1a. it
October, ltlal. to me dtrW, aad Mke
UH..HHH un wh. h aiwinnl am-einting
li i0 with intereal heeeai at the rale
of ixr cent -r annum from ine tt.t tey
of March. I'M. and being agaJnet gie
following named peraona, luatl:
It. Marion and H. M.tVmnac
owner of Ihe following dWriberi teal
proparly. lea it: M H. bbwa I as ub.
dlvide.1 In Ihe purl of I nuer Aetorkt,
aa laid out and recorded by ohn Ailakr,
an.1 al eg a hum eald dem-rttaal arosaarty.
and wtkch warrwnl mmmaiuie me W
make levy Uwn arwl sale of Mid aV
a.rlld property. In iJr lo satialf satd
Wsrrant and said aaa.aamani a.ut
emher with ths liueresl llieiMi and the
oats and saiMhwa of eaal eaTa, and
purauant to .aid warrant and lite eom-
Ina tide therein oonta.iwM. I did on the
iilh day of November. IkM duly Uvy
Upon. Ihe ilr.rrll.e. ral pruparty,
and I will on the Km day of Deostutwr.
ai tne n"ur ut u orloa In the
fiMrtioon of Bold day. al Uie court house
doir, towiv the enlruae of aaid euurt
huuM on Klchth street. In the Cp of
Astoria, County of Clatsop, Mt.ta oi
Oregon, aell said deacri.ieO real broiaarty
at public auction u h. hlghear Uibler
for ca.h. In I'. H gold com, lo
aaid sesea.mrhl. Ihs ih.reiai. asd
the imets and of sale ee and the airruing roala
Dated ai Aatorla. laegon, the 11th
ot November, lava.
. . .. .. f" "ALIam K.
I hlef of Police of Astoria, orrgrm.
Notice . hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant ar he coile. Hon of a da.
-hnueiit arwa-incnt fo- tlit linrrv-veniat
In th. city of Astons. Oregon, lowlti
llond street, fnam Forty. second lo Forty,
fifth street, duly l.un,! ,h.
ami p. Hi. Jiidg. of ,.(,t rlly u airmt.
I. on of lha common) rounrll uf anld city
aaid warrant Iwliig dated ihe Ulh day it
October. IMSt, in me dire, t.d and ths
?!!!r""1."" ,,,,h specified emminting
to I40 with Interest there,, at the rale
or I ter ce-u ter annum from the list dog
Jf March. Itt and l-'ng amtnst the
follow nur name.1 -ersona. towlt:
11. Marion and 11. McCormack.
owner of the following described real
proiMir y loan, lot llbh. h . a. sob
divide, ,h. l'r, of I'pper Astoria,
aa laid out aim recorded by John Adair,
end also against said di-criUil priHrly,
nuke levy ,: a ,.i V"
"arraiii roiiimanoa ma la
siT.bed properly, In onbr in satisfy said
,,l,,-VL.!,l",,1 "'""lent Slid I.e.
gether with ihn Intereet Ih.Hron and lbs
r,l"!"", of said sale, and
pursuant to said wnrrunt slid ihe com
nnnila therein coiiliiihrd, I did. on the
in .n.r oi nuvnihiHr. iks
lilly levy Iho elaive dr.cin,e,1 re.i proirly.
bw, at (he hour of 11 o'clock m the
fori iio.ui of snld day, at the courl house
..".r. i"w,i: ,i,e rnimiico of ..,,1 ,-ourt
house on KUthth strset. In Ihe City of
osiorln, County of i latsop. Htate of, sell sold de.cril.e.1 r,,l property
at publ o suction i to the hlwhea bidder
for caah. In II, H. soul com, t sallafy
aaid, Ihalnleres. ihnreon. and
Iho costs and expenses of sale ss
aforesaid, and the accruing coats.
Dated at Aalorla, Oregon tha Kth
of November. 1M: ' ,n' ' m
Chief of Police ofil'.!aVorcg(y.
Mff' ' hArsJiW sela.s.M si... a a... ..i
if a warrant for llu, rollivilon ,'i a lie.
lrI'A,h.BtP?iT".?r1,,anl. ,0,r ",0 ""ITv-Vimienl
in l ie clly of Astoria, Oregon lowlf
jiond street, from 'or.y:.,ul,V fiZ$m
In,' ,r,iT'io!"y by the auditor
Slid police Jll.luo nf said cllv hi; ,n,M,.
lion of ihaWmon , ,. " ,b,yMuM'
aid wnrrniil belnir ,1.1.1 n... '.' .'1
iicober. 1ku, lo me illre.,V,d and lite
ksj? 'Vi!ho?rhl' v r."","l,,u -'"" 2
to I2.ttl vvllli Intereal th,.r.,n , .i.. ..."
of . cent pt,r ui,i1Um fnun the a "t d,i5
of March. and beg,",,J ',, 1
loiiowing ruiiuca pnrsoii, lowit,
M. Mtirum ami H. M.'Cormnclr
wner of the following deacrlbo.1 real
as laid out nnd re,-or,ld by' J .hA inlr"
and sin.) ..gninai uUi UiwrrlWl rnpwly.
and which wnrrnnt comminuls T no to
nuite levy uik,,, ,,nd sale f Vld "
scribed pliprty. In m.l.,r m I ,.i", ... ".?.,
wu'iit and, snld nasessnien , id to
eolher with thn liUae... ........ .. .V..
coals and expensna of sal, sale nnd
pursuant to snld wirrant a d h ooi. .
tmitiUs thi.ri.ln eni.ii. .....V1 i "m
17th day of Novoti.lier. j8M. duly lot?
.Pnni tifftb0Vn. ll""rr"' rwl prXperty,
forenis.n of .. id ,i,. ,.V .X '".."
house r'V.J"''"' "' -'.
Oregon soli ml de.eeV. r.'.'A'.. , D. '
tores'!. tn"iWal" V!" "'"h"
ror wish, In U, fl, voU coin, to sntlsfr
K.4'rZ.'ln."SJI' """'"""t tnoreon ano
aforeanld. and the ticcrulng ra-l,
Cnlaf ot Police oTeWwiiOreW