TlltC DAILY ASTORIAN, TUESDAY MOKMNU, DKCKMRKIt 18, IHM gaily stotiaus JOHN T. UailTEH. Editor. Telephone No. ft term or subscription. PAILY, Pent by mull, per year nt by mall, par month Served by carrier, per month. It 00 M 0 8KM1-WKEKLT. Bi lit by null, per year, in ilvn-e...p.00 Vomng$ fres to luoacriber. All communications intended for pubtl est Inn should ba directed to (ha editor Hualneai communication! of all kind and remittance muat ba addressed to Tbs Astorbm." The Aatorlan guarantee to Its adver tlaera the lanreat clrculauon of any newspaper publlahed on the Columbia rlvar. Advertising ratr can ba bid on appll gallon to tha business manager. A 8PEAKIN0 FACT. The order to extend tn A. A C R. R. Ca'a Astoria warehouse over 1 feet la length so as to make It 109 foot deep by U9t feot wide la moat aicnlflcant fact It falls the- whole story. It la the ua nilstaebl avldenc that Astoria la to b made tha ax port l ex point for tha four traneccnUnsntal railroad. It now transpires that Instruction sent from New Tork. In tha first lrutanea, to build tha warehouse of thla full length, Tha offlcara bare, however, vera ao aura that tha main warehouse for grain ahould be at flarel that they let a contract for only JO feet Word was then teat to New Tork that that waa enough for tha Soow Bay location and aa effort waa mad to abow tha men behind the acanea thai Flavel waa tha pi re for tha wheat ex porting warehouse. It seems they did not agree fully with theea views. Bene tha order for extension. No one, though, can doubt that tha fullness of time will ahow tha great warehouses at Flevei. The present great ' dock la only for Immediate pressing needs. It la only a beginning, though It equala Portland', lauded dock In alia. It evidences tha fact that tha promoters of th A- C. R. R. contemplate gigantic movement! of wheat from this port They vldeatly think aU tha wheat of thla basis la to bo shipped from Astoria, ba for very long, and ao eoon as tha Ameri can roada can adjuat themselves. It shed light on "Jim" HlU's Telegram interview which said thai In sis months events would ahow ha and Pierpont Morgan were not at war. Tha extension of tha Astoria. ft Columbia River railroad's Scow Bay warehouse is a, speaking fact FRESH WATER FOR NAVAL VESSELS. Tacoma Ledger: Already a great many veesels have been placed in tha naval reserve at League Isand, Pennsylvania. It Is the policy of all governments with large na val establishments to keep the majority f their men-of-war In reserve during Peace. The vessHs retain their batterice. stores, and a limited number of men on board to keep them In condition to ba fully commissioned a-ithln a few days at the declaration of war. The introduction of steel foi ihlpbulld Ing has made It necessary to tey up the naval reserve vessela In frets water, to preserve their bottom! from the very ra pid deterioration In salt water. Our gov ernment at great expense has dug a ba. aln at League Island which will accom modate a limited number of our vessels when placed in reserve. Unfortunately, the tides bring some salt water even that far up the Delaware, and the Ice Is injurious In the winter. So It Is not an Ideal place, but the best that can be found on the Atlantic coast. Another argument In favor of a large navy yard on Puget sound, which Com modore Endlcott overlooked, Ii the prox. imlty of Lake Washington. When the government canal is completed the bat tleships can have their bottoms cleaned at Port Orchard and can, then be placed In reserve at Lake Washington. There Is perfect protection, no salt water, no loo, plenty of room for storehouses, orn grounds, etc., near a large city, and the VMsela' bottoms will be perfectly pre served. While a navy yard might not ba located on tbe lake, on account of tha possible treacherous destruction of tha canal locks In war times, and lt in accessibility for injured vessels for re pairs, It Is the Ideal place for veesels of the naval reserve. As the larger half of the navy must hereafter remain on the Paclflo side. Lake Washington be comes invaluable to the navy as an ad junct of thj Puget sound navy yard at Pert Orchard. Now, California has no fresh water lake for the naval rererve, and it would be a great mistake for the government to build navy yards so far from a fresh water harbor, and all naval material, notwithstanding Commodore Endleott's advice. OAHTOniA. Bsutth I1" KM Haw tiwayt fonl fiignatu of 0 1 ' Judges chew PiperHeidsieck Plug Tobacco not only because they are'eompetent to Judge to quality, but because they know that the unconscious muscular movement of chewing helps concen- f) trate thought. Try it and prove this SS for yourself. CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR. MANHOOD RESTORED - - - ' am wgMnu TTmt-m gwaraatrcd Mr' aU aervou diseases, tosh aa Weak Memory Loaa It - - - i'liuur Ami. cos. NcrtooaarH, aU draiaa, lot of power ta Ccserativ Orgaaa of ettber to, caaard by o r-ei ertioe, yoothfal errors, enaria mm of tabaceo, optam or sumalaala. which trad to Infirrattv. CeaeamDttoo or C!j.77 KOTk.takiiooh. TugUt.dmntiodugagxaU. Thud sad YaabiU bu.. roniaMt ur. Hal by F9TrS-CPNN PRCO CO Ghent, la Belgium, la built on twenty six Islands, which are connected by eighty bridges The drummer h tries to talk a sserchant into pmrcbaatng bill of goods may be handi capped by a lace ren dered ansightly by pi ta le! ana Motcnes ana a foal breath. Some men imagine that bad health does not handi cap them in boitnem. A bigger mistake waa sever made, Tbe alighteet disorder may be the biggest kind of a detriment to a business sun. Aa ansightly skin is earned by imparities of the blood. A foal breath means a weak stomach, aa Impaired digestion and aa inactive liver. A aweet breath means that the stomach is sweet, the digestion good, the liver active and the bowels regular. It is so indication of s thoroughly roaititctional sweetness. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomsch, facilitates the Sow of digestive juices, gives edge to the sppetite, makes digestion and assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purines and enriches tbe blood. It is the great blood-maker and flesh builder. It is the great blood purifier. It makes the rye brighter, the skin clearer, the breath sweet er and the step more elastic. It imparts both mental and bodily activity. It cares all diieasca resalung from imparities ia the blood. Found at all medicine stores. "I wis a coaipfete wreck: sppetnegooe. acre oaf tyrm wpaitrd. ewld Dot .Icep. aad was so wak thai I eouM mat iu.d oa my fret Ua Biinttta." writes Mia Kits Bartlrv. of Mo. sijH South Gnat Ave. Cofoabus. Ohio. "I onlv weighed 95 paaads. Dr Pierce I Golden Med ical Discovery cared aw aad bow I have aa rx ceuenl appetite, ilcep soundly and my fricads asy they oevrr saw me fo well." rA man or woman who neglects conitipation suffers from slow poi-ontng Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure conitipation. One little " Pellet " ia a gentle laxa tive, and two a mild cathartic All medicine dealers sell them. No other pills are "iost as good." Seven hundrfil ami twenty tin. nt jrd. board are uJ every year In the shape of postcards. PaJna in the cheat when a person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent tha threatened attack of pneumonia. Thil same treatment will cure lame back in I few hours. For aals by Charles Rogers, druggist In Lozere, France, there are herds of goats and cows which seldom drink. Tet they produce the milk from which Roche fort cheese Is made. Bean th ) Ito Kind You Han Altars Bought cirattiri f of Danish Hchthouneu are supplied with oil to pump on the waves during a storm. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and eaie to take. Sold by Charles Rogers, druggist Canada lacks only 237,000 square miles of lining a lange as the whole continent of Europe; It Is nearly thirty times as large as Great Britain and Ireland, and is M.0OO square miles larger than tba United States. Mr. Hardin Norrls, clerk of tha drug store of R. Shoemaker, Perry. Ill-, says: "A man came into our store the other day and said, 1 want a bottle of that stuff that saves children's lives. I read in tbe News about It The children may get sick when we can not get tbe doctor quick enough. It's the medlolne you sell for croup.' " He alluded to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be fore he left the store, for saJ by Chas. Rogers, druggist. U 19 P H EI 1 by try atari jr Ur. . Ifllea Servo HIU. Women, according to Sir Erasmus Wtl llama. have as a rule coarser hair than men. Luxuriant hair, ot uniform cator, la a beaatlAil bead covering for either sx, and may ba secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hatr Renswer. There la a breed of dogs In Russia which are said to b naturally quits un able to bark. Acker's English Remedy will atop a tear at any time, and will cure tha worst cold la twelve hours, or money re funded. and M cents, rot aai by Estse-Coaa Lrug Co. In the eighteenth century Polish ladles obllgrd their daughters to wear little bells In order to proclaim where they were all the time. That the Mood should perform Its vital j functions. It is absolutely neceaasury It 'ahould not only be pure but rtch In life- giving elements. These results are beat effected by the use of that wstl-known standard blood purifier, Avers' gtrsapa rllla It has been calculated that the actual amount of salt contained in tha ocean would caver an area of S.KO.OOO square I miles with a layer one mils thick. Mokl Tea positively cares sick headache. Indigestion and constipation, a dellghtrol herb drink. Remove all eruptlona of tha skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded, tt and SO cents. For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. Temperance advocates will be pleaaed to learn that one man In six In the Brit- j ish navy Is a tetotaller. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cur heartburn, rlslnjr of food, distress after sating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. X and (0 cents. For sal? by Eates-Conn Drug Co. Twenty years' study has led scientist to believe that diphtheria, upoplexy and other diseases are due to a deficiency of alt In the system. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tabtete. All urugglsts refund the money if It falls to cure. S cents. The genuine has L. 13. (j. on each tablet It Is said that the amended penal code for Japan doe not contain any reference to the death penalty, which means that capital punishment Is to be abolished at tha same time as ex-terrltorlallty. BUCKLEN'B ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE In tha world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorer. Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever sores. I Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price cents per box. Tw sale by stes-Conn Drag Co. TWO POINTED QUESTIONS AN SWERED. What Is the use of making a better ar ticle tliar your competitor if you cannot get a better pries for It? Ans. As there is no difference In the price tbe public will buy only tha better, go thiit while our profit may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your mate is the best? If both articles are brought prominently before tht public both are certain to be tried and tbe public will very quickly pass judgment upon them and use only the better otut. This explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Cowrh Remedy. The people have been usiog It for years and hava found that it an always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the on remedy that they know to be reliable, and for cough, colds and croup there la nothing equal to Cnamberialn' Cough Remedy. For sale br Charles Rogers, druggist NOTICE OF F1L1NO A88BMMBNT ROLL AND MKKTINO OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice Is hereby given to alt persons whomsoever that trier has bove) reported to the Common ivum-ll of the city of Astoria, Oregon, by the Hoard of Asses, sor of said city, specially conaiuuted for tha purpose hi'lnaftvr eMie!rd, a etpcolal Assrwsment for lb Improve ment in said city known as ths Klvvonth 8trea Sewnr Improvement, and which aierssment Is shown on (lie special as rmitit roll for said sMMMinoiit, whl. h has bvon nirtl in (lis oitloo of th under. s!KM. ta opc-n tor Itmpot'tton and wilt o roniu n until Tuesday, Dcvrmtwr 11 1XU, at 10 o'clock a. in., at which time tlio Board of Kuullt.tiiou for mM as- umiKMit, cotmtstlt; ot the Afuieaald Hoard ot Awt'snors mnl the t'ommlttc oil t i root a nd 1'uUUo Wnyi ot (lie iVimnon Council of mid city will m.-vt lit the Council Chambers ot the CHy Hall ot eld city, to rtivtow and equalise said aswsament All objections to said anseemiielit must bo filed with the undersigned on or be for th time of said meeting. By ordor ot the said Common Council lasted at Astoria. Orvgon, November tt. IS 11. K. NKLMON. Auditor and Police Judge City of Astoria, Oregon, CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice I herbv given ttat by virtu of a warrant for the rollvtion of a de linquent !cta"unl (or the tnipruven ent In th city of Antoi. (.iroeait, town: Hd street, front Forty-sevond to Forty, mfla atreot, duly liwued b th auditor and police Judge ot id city. tv direc tion of the common council of M,il .iiy. said warrant bolii- dated the l.lh day ot Ototvr, lMd, to me directed, and th aaseeitment oa auk-h specified amounting to ttal with intereet thereon at th rte of I per cent pe Aoiurn fsoji th Slat day of March, L and being araluat th fallowing named persons, town; R. Marion and 11. McCormeuk. owner of the following deecrlbed real property, low It, lot 1'. Wm k (, a ub divttled In th Port of l'p"r Astoria, aa laid out and recorded ov John AiUur in nuo aaeutM eaia ueecrirKM iwrrtr, and which warrant cvminaiul m to nuke law uiwn ami ssla ul aaul do scribed property, in order to Mtlaiy said warrant and said aaaraamont and to gthr with th lutereat thoreon and tn oiaia and expense of aakl sal, ami pursuajit to said warrant and th com mands therein contained. I did. on th 17th day of NovNKtx, duly levy upon tn abov Uoorltl real property, and I will, on the Kth ciar of Iiecwtutwr U. at th hour ot II o'clock In th forenoon of ald dav. at th court nous door, lowlt: th entrance ox ald court house on EtKhth a(ret. In ths tltv Astoria, County of Clatsop, Stat ot Oregon, sell aald deecrlbeu real property at publla auotion to th highest bidder ror casn. in U. tL gold coin, to sat wry said aaaeeament th intereat ,aron, and tha coats and expen of sal as aforoaald. and th a rem ins coats. Uated at Astoria. Oregon. ID 17th gay or Aovetucer, iws. E. IiAUaM K, Chief of rollc ot Aatorta. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice la herobv aiven that bv wrtu ot a warrant ror in co action ' a oa- ll'MUnl asavaament tor tn Improvement In ilia rur of Astoria, uroaon. town: Ho d street, frtmi Fort v-rcoiul to rtv- Hfth strent. duly lnauni by the aud.tor and police Judge of Mid city, bv llrec tun f K ... . ...... n . , f ..l.l .It. aald warrant betao" datad the 17th day of Uotober. lia, to me directed, ant th aaaraament ua which apeclllad amounting to txa with Interret theraon at th ratu of I per cent or annum from th lint day of March, UM. and being agwlnat th toilo-vina named persons, twwtt: It Marion and II. Uciormack. owner of th following described real property, towlt lot U. bl-x'k 1 as sub divided In the fort of I'pper Astoria. aa laid out and recorded by John, and alao against said drerritml iwrnnerty. and which warrant command m to nvtka levy upon and aai-of aaiu-de- ciioe4 property. In order to atlary aald Warrant and aaid saa. anient and to gether with th lnlart tharson and lb coat and essenae of aaM sale, and purauaiK to aald warrant and tha aim- thrin rnntained. I did. en tn Hih day of Novambar, ICS, duly levy upon the abov deeeribed radpavparty, and I will, on th ltth day of Decaenbvr ISM. at th hour of U o'clock in th forenoon of aald dav at th court house door, towlt: th entrance of aald court house on Eighth street. In the City of Astoria. County of Clatsop. Stat of Oregon, sell aald daecrtbed real property at public auotion to th highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said aasrssment the Intrraat thereon, and th coals and expense of eel aforesaid, and th accruing coata. Dated at A or. Oregon, th 17th day of November, im. E. If ALLOC K, Chief of Police ot Astoria. Oregon. Th merhanli al power of th blow from th tall of a l:irg Greenland whal ha been found to be equivalent to lit horse power. A whal csn move through the water at lh rut of eight or ten knot. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, ot which Mr. tohn Oliver, of Philadelphia, was th subject, la nxrraled by him as follows: "I was la a moat dreadful condition. My skin wss almost yellow, my eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually In back and sides, ao sppetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had riven me up. Fortunately, a friend advliied trying 'Electric Bitters; and to my great Joy and surprise, tbe flrst bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed (he grave of another victim." No one hould fall to try them. Only W cents per bottle at Estes-Conn Drug Co. There Is nothing a won-an worker n-vli-a no much as the privilege of her more fortunate sister lo stay at home when he feels 111. REMARKABLE. RKSCCE. Mrs. Mlcha.l Curtain. I'lalnfield, III , makes this ataterm-nt. that "lie aught cold, which settled on her lungs; she wus treated for a month by her family pny. clan, but grew worse. lie told her she waa a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist anggested Dr. i New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her deltorht found herself benefitted from first doae. She con tinued Its use and after taking six bot tle! found hemelf sound and well; now does her own housework and Is as well as she ever waa. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Entes-conn Drug Co. Large bottles 60 cents and tl.OO. William D. Howclls prefers champagne as a beverage. beer to PLAYED OUT. Dull headache, pains In various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stom ach loss of appetite, feverlihnes, pimples or ores are all positive evidence of Im pure blood. No matter how It became so It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Ellxer ha never frill"- to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi son", or any other blood dlneanes. It la certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. MANHOOD RESTORED Brrnor aa arrm all Oi borroraof Impnleney. 4 IIPIIt:ajKelcaueUieUviir, Uw Lrunl S"0 ktdneysand theiirliiaryorKaiinolallluipuriUca Siaraamirw. .tranlrthenaand rMUireaamall weak firirana. The reaaun aufferera are not eiiren by lioclnra la hwrnae ninety per rent ar tronhlad with ProeCalltla, CUflliKNE ll Ilia only known rented vbi cure wlilmul an operation. MKHi'Mlmnrd. !. A written guarantee given slid money relumed If tlx boxe fine not eilool a permanent vure 'XlOahox.alx for f ',.01, by innll. Hend for raaartrenlnr and teailmoiilliU, Addrea DAVOli JfKDItlSf IS CO P. O. Kox 2174, flan Pranclaro, On Far Halt y CIIARLE0 ROGERS. V Commercial 8t CHIEF Or POLICE SALW, Notice Is herrhy glvn that by virtue of a warrant fur thn rollactlon of a da linqilnt nroam'iil for III liiirovt.f ant In the It v of ( i irt, Oriiiti, tnwiu Hond troot, from I'm t -o. ond to Folly. Ilfih alreot, duly Ii.hii.h1 bv ilia auditor and police Jililiin nf itd dly. by dllro lion of th cmnnhMi cnii.i'll of .l.l clly. aiiil wartunl being date! tha 17th tuy of Ootottvr, Ivf. to mo dirtied, nnd th aaoaniant oil which a'wllled amounting to Mai with lniiiii tlicronn at Dm rm of nor cant ivr annum Iimiii the nut duv of Miirch, INW. ami doing nln( h following iuuiuhI poraniia towlt: H Marion and II. McCnrnmclt. owiiff of tha following docrk'o ran) property, towl', lot la, block I. a ul illvlilcil In (tut I'urt of I'lH'cr Amnriii, a luld out and tvoordo.1 by .nliti Adulr, and iiiiitHiKl uld diocnlxsl in ii ioi t , nnd wheh warrant command in to in.i tin levy iipnii nnd biiIh nf ii dn i propoity. In oilier to 4llrv nld wiirinut nn.l n.'.iuont nn.t In. liiiliir with th lnlnnai theroou ami Ilia coat and niciim of .ild al nnd iniraiiaiil to md wnrrwnt ami ilia coin nmmla thaivlti ouila iiod, I did, on th I .'ill ilny of NiivemiM'r. Ikki, only vy up.'il Ilia ntHivo draortbad rani nroperty, ami I will, on ilia Itiih day nf Ioi.mlH'r, isis. at tl.n riour of II o'clock In th furomain of sold dav at Hi court linuaa d.xr, towlt: t ho pntiiinc of anhl hmtaK on t-Mtihih aiieot. In tha t d court Cliv of lata of Astoria. tuntv of t alaon. HI Oivgon, soil aolil dcacribatl rani prooarty t pulillo and Inn t,) in hiahasi li.,,.r for i-ah. In l'. t sold Colli, to (allafy autd aaaaainanl. tha inlerrat thariMi. and th coat and v&poiuc of sal a aforoaald. ami tha nccrtilng mat. liated at Aatnria, Orrgnn, 111 l.'ih, day of Novvniber, liKe. E. HAMitVK. Chief of Polio ot Aatorl. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE 8 A LI?. Nolle la her.hy tlv ai that by virtu of a warrant tr th rollrctinn of a de luiqiiant aama it for tha mprov i ik iiI In th city of Aatorl. itraon, town: Bond trot, from Forty. aaiond to Forty, n.'ih trcvl, duly laaue.1 liy tha auditor and polue Jinlsn of ei.l cltv. bv drr. tlen of th common council of tld city, anid warrant twlng dated th lTth day of O-'tv-her, ilea, to ma and tha aenint mi whh atwinaj amounting to 1130 wllh Intaroat tiiaraon at thn rat of I ir cant Nr annum from th Hat day of March, and being aaalnal h f.tilowlng named Hron. towlt: It Marlon and II McWnivack. owner of th following eecrlbed real property, towlt lot It. block I a aub- divided in th Port of Coper Aatorl OS laid out and reoordnd by John A.lair, and aleo again! aald tleaiTltXHl property, and which warrant iummuuli m to make levy uHn and aale of aald Hn. crilied propoity. In artivr to aatiafy ald warrant and aald aaaeaamanl and to. rether with tha Interval thereon and In coat and vxpenan ot salvl tela, and puraiiont to laid warrant ami th cn mond therein contained, I did. on th Kth day of November. 1KM. duly law Upon th abov dracrtbad real property, ' ana i win, on tn mm oay or oeoerooar, tvn. at th hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of sold day. at th court nous door, lowlt: the anlrwnc of said court hone on Klfihth street. In ih City of Astikria. Cuntv of Clatsop. State of Oregon, tell anld deacrtbad r-al protrty at publla auotion to the high! bidder for cash. In I', ft gold coin, lo tatiafy oahl aaaeaamant. th lnl'rt tnrm. nd th cot and ipena of aal as aforesaid, and th a.-cnilng coata. latd at Aatorl. oron, th 11th day ot .Noviiibr, ISM. E. IIAI.1CK. Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Nolle I hereby given that by lrtu ef a warrant for th collection of a de linquent aaeeru-ni for tha lnprvvar.ini In th city of A.iori. or.m. town: liorkl street, rrom rorty-eacon.l to Forty fifth street, duly laaued by the auditor ami police ju.ig ot mu! city, by Ul no tion of tha com mm council of aald city aid warrant boiry ,lt the 7ih day of Octohor. Ii. to me dire. ted. and th Oaaeavanient on w hah neineo am. Minima lo illo wtth tntsrt thereon at th rei or per cent r-er annum rrom th liat Jay f March, ISM, and being ao-alnat th following named persons towlt: R. Marlon and II. Mctack, owner of th fnilowlu described real property, towlt. lot U. bha k I. as aub dlvide In th I'urt of Uir Aaiorta. aa hud out and rwonlait by John A.Uir. and also aa-aUiai said ileaerUmi nriataariv. and which warrant command me to mag levy upon ami aal of aald de aaevood pruoertv tn order to aatlaXy aald warrant and ajUi aaaeaamanl an. l.- gethar wilh the inlareat thareun and th coat sod arMnae ot aald lala. anil purainvnt to said warrant and lb com mand therein contaned. I did. oa th Tha day of Novemta-r HM. duly levy Upon ta abov dearrtbed reel property, and I will, on th 1Mb day of iMcerntwr, tu. at th hour of 11 o'clock in th forenoon of mid day. at Ih court houa door, towlt! the entrance of aald court houa oa Ktehih tret. In the City of Aatorl. County nf Cleleop. gtal of Orvgnn. ei auid dracribaal real pTonerty at publlo auction n the hut heal bidder for cash. In U. fl gold coin, to i'ry nl aaeeaament. th intret tharaoo. ami h cawt and einenae of aala as aforeaald. and 'he a.eraing rol. Dated al Astoria. Cireaun. tha 17th da of Novvntber. ItM. E II A t.LTW'K Chief of Police of Aalorla. oregm. CHIEF OF POIJCE SALE. Nolle I hereby eivan lhal bv virtue of a warrant for th colrtloo of a de. I nqu int naaexmrnt for the improvement n tn c:iy or At rm Oresnn. ..-: Bond at reel, from Korty-serond lo Forty . fifth air ret. duly laaued bv lha ao.l t,.r an I police Judge of oJd -lf by direc tion of the common council of aald r;y said warrant twin datn.1 th 17th dav nf October. lhM. I m direa-trd, and th S4eament on wn: h pea-ltled amounting to J3 with Inter rat thereon at th rata of I te c.i. pr annum from th list day of March, 1CM, and being agnlnat Ih following named perions, towlt: It Marlon and II. MoOrroack. owner of tha following described real property, towlt, ! It block I. aa sub divided ki tha port nt Liiimt Aalorla, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, ami alao ngalnat aald it- cribou priperty, and wh rh warrant corrmaiwla mo to mi. lew Utmil and ill. ,,f aa..l d... scribed property. In orlr to aatlafy said warrant and anl, aaaraamMnl and to. gather with the Ininrnat thnreun and the oat and expe'iao of anld sal, and pursuant to suld warrant nnd the com mand therein rontu neJ. I did. nn lha 17th day of Novemlier. I'J. duly levy iiHin in above d.-crtbd ril nropa-rly, and 1 will, on ih Mth dy ol la-remrx-r. IhW. at the h' ur of It o'clock In the forenoon of la.ld d,iv. nt the court houa door, lowll: the rntrunr of a.nd court hnuae kn Klk-hui a roet. In the i.'lly nf Aatorlii. Countv of fiateop. Hiate of Oregon, sell suld deHrrlbe real property at public uu. Him In the hlaheat bl.fder for mah. In II H. itoid coin, tn a.illafv n.ild aaaeaitmeiit. the jnt r-- thereon, nnd tha fNiat and .-xnenae of wile aa aroraaaia. and tnv a.cruing reft a. Inilnd at Aaloriii. liregon, Ih 17 h day rii .novcmuer, iwj, E. IIALIJii'K. Chlrf of Police of Aalorla. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE BALK. Notice I hereby glecn that by virtue or a warrant for the toll-.-ilon of a de l liqiienl Hssvskiti'mt for iho mprn 'einenl in tne city or Ant-iria. Oregon, town H ind treet. from Vorty-second to Krty fifth street, duly laaued by the nud.tor nnd police Judge of suld city, by dlrec tlo:i of the common council of anld cliv aald wiirrnnt being dal'xl tho 17lh day nf Oeiober, lk98. to mo directed, and the anHment on which siioolfbvl nmountlng lo $3 ar j with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 31st dny of March, WM. nnd firing ugalnut tho pillowing named persons, towlt: R. Marlon and II. MoCormack, owner of tho following described real property, towlt: lot 11, block 8, as sul. divided in the Port of Upper Aatorin, us laid out and recorded nv John Ad ilr, and alao nalniit Mold deHcrlli' d in'opvriy, nnd which warrant command)! tun to make levy upon and auln of cniil dn- scrliieil property. In order to siUIhIv mini warrant and wild iiiwiixnif nt and to gether with hn Interest thereon and the null am expetiHes of said nam. no pursuant to wild wnrnint and the corn mauds therein contained, I did, on the 17th dnV of November, lh!l8. duly levy upon tno atiovn aescntieq ru property, nnd I will, on the 10th day of December W.M, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of anld day, nt the court hoime aoor. town: tne antrancj oi aiu court ,C0PIDENE,, Thin rreat Vesntalda VIULllE,(r.ll,nnriMu.rl.i. lion of a laroiMia t rench pityairlati,wlll quickly oureynu of all n.-r-vous or dwoaie of tbe generative nrituna, such as Lust Manhood, Iimomiila, I'alniln lbIinck.Hinlnal Kiuiaalona, Nervom iieWllly, Pimples, tiifltneaii to Marry, KiliautUnic Jiraltis. Vnrleneln aid Couallimtlnn. J t Ui all low liydur or oIkIiL I'revenia njnick ntfwof dierliarse. wlilcb If not cheeked lemta t.HermMtnrrlio.uaiifl hou on HMshth street, lit ilie CHy of Aalorla, tNiiinly of Clateop, Dial of Oiegon. soil wild deaoiiliml real Idonerly at publlu a notion to III liliiheal bidder for oaah. In V, H, gold coin in -iv anld aaaeaainanl. thnlnleraal lliernoll, ml thw iHial ami cnwiiax of aal S arornaabl, ami Ih Rirrtilng cost lirtie.l at Aatorl, Dimmi, til Hlh day nf Nuvombar, Im. W. UAI.Ieb'K Chief of Ho Ho of Aatoilo, Oregon. C1IIWF OF POL1CIS HA1.1C. Nolle Is her. 'by lvn that by vlrlue of a warrant for Hi collection nf a do I . 1 1 1 1 1 , It I aaacaa.uont ior tha lmr ivei.ieiil III 111 cliv of Aalorlit, tlroiton, towlt: lloli.l alrm'l, from Hoi'tv-aecoml lo Koity I fill ell oot, duly laauod by I lie nu.lHor ami poll. Ju.lito of aald city, by illroo Hon of Hi common conn Ml of anld cliv, aald wariant being d.ii.vl tlm 7th day of (lober, K'!t, In inn ill re, led, and Ilia iiwil on whirli iiocin anionnlliiM 10 M l wllh llll.ireat tfieivou at the liila of per cent wr annum fron lln Hat it.iy of March, I Sill, and living ax.ilnat ilia following mimed penona, towli: It. Marlon and It. MotVriiiack, owner of th following deaorllie.1 real property, towlt: lot I. block . " dlvldrd In the lNw-1 f tipper Aalorln, a luld out ami recorded by John, ami alao against aald ileeorlbod proirty, and which warrant command m to liiak levy upon ami aula of aald de aerlbed propeiiy. In order to aotlafy (aid werntnl and aald aaaraainvnt and to gether with tha 1 1 lane I thereon and the .oat a and lltellse of ntd malm, uild puraimnl to said warrant and th cum. "'"""a tharein conlamed. I did, on Hi Hih day of November, im, duly levy Uiaift Ih abov cleaerlbed rent property, and I will on th UII day l lcemler, ltM. at Hi hour of II o'clock In Hi r.ireiiian of nld dav. at Hi ourt liuiia il.H.r, lowlt: the rnl ranee of said court hna on riighth airt, In the CHy of Aalorla, tuuly tf tlatsop, Htal of Oregon, sell am l.l ilracribml real property M publlo auotion to ih hlshaal bidder for raah, In U. . sold cm. lo aaliafy anld aaaeaainent. hlulrat iBr.m, and Ih ooat nd rainae of aal afnraaal.l, and Ih a.vrulng coal. 1'aie.i at Atoria. Oregon, Hi lllh day of November, is ,.i. . . .. ,. P- "AI.Iam'K. thief of Polio ot Aalorla, Oregon, CHIEF OF POLICE HALE. Nolle I hereby given that by virtu of a w.irrant for Hie eolle. lion of a de- oill inni aa.ea.ment for lha iiipruve4-nl m Ih ctty nf Aalorla. town: liond atreot, from Korti-cecom) lo Forty. IUih .reel, duly laaueil by th auditor ami rmuce ;uii or aald clly. ov dlrec Don of lha common ,r ui.i sakl wwrranl be.n dte, th Ulh day of i.,., r, io nt uirw iea, ana in aojeeament on wliU h a-wlDe,! nntinllng to uii wttn I lit arret thi-reon at Ih ral of I par cent par annum from Ih Hat day of March, lie, and being agalnal th iuiiuwuic naiiieu pevnon. tow it R Marlon and II. MoCiarmark. owner of th following deacrlbed real property, towtl; lot . blo,a I, aa sub-,! in th lirt of llpiwr Astoria, 0 laid out and recorded by John A.Ulr, n,l alao against aald described prtnwrly. ami wrtich warrant rommaiul me io mas ivy utxin and i of anld d at-ri' properly. In order lo aatlafy id warrant and aald aaaeaamanl and In. gather with lha Interval Ihereun and Ih ."al and meneea of said !, nS purauojn io aald warrant and th com. matida therein contained, I did. on th 17th day ot November IK'SI. duly lvy up-m th atniva dracrtbed real proerty, mi win. on in ism nay pt pvceniber I'M. at th hour of II o'clock In Ih foteiKein ft said day. at the court bona d.r. lowll: the eolmnc of aald court noiiae un r.intn iret, in th CHy of Aatorl, ouunty of llataop, Hiata of on'in, eil aal, uew'rltieil real properly at publlo auction to Ih hlgheal bidder fur raah. In V. It ol, whii to aaliafy i, i aM,, ina iniereai inereoti, no lb oMita n. eiponaae of aal aforeaald. and Ih a.vniing roata Haled Aatorl. Oregon, Ih 17 1 h day of Noventber, ISM. E. HAI.uOCK. Chief of Polio of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POUCK BALK. Notice Is hereby glvn lhal by virtu of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent aiianirnl for lha Imor JVemnit In tha clly of Astoria, tireaton. towlt; iiond lrl. from Kony-aecond to Forty. nfb atre, duly laaueil by Ih auditor and pollc Jud nf aald rlly. by direc tion of the nminun council of aid city, aid warrant tmlng dateii lha 7th day of October, ISel. tn nv dire ted. ami Ih aaoeaemanl on whh h Ipecined amuiintlng to tl wllh Inlareat thereon at the rat. of I par rami per annum from th Hat day of March. ItM. and being aaalnel th following nam d person, towlt: H. Marlon and II. MiCornatrk. owner of the following deauTlbed read property towtt: bt , htm-k K a ut dlvlde.t In the J-uri of I'ppi.r a raid out and recorded by John AiValr, anal alao agalnal a(, oeacrtlied pnnerty, arul wrtich warrant rommaml m lo make levy upon ami aala ol aaul de scribed properly. In order lo eatiaiv aald warrant and aaUl aaaraament and to gether with lha I rH arret theraian and Ih i-i and expense of said al. and p.irauajit to said warrant and Ih com mand therein coo tain ad, I did. nn In 17th day of Novemoer, KM, duly levy upon lha ilmvt deaertbeit real proierly, and 1 will, on th Mth day of iMoembvr, lii. al ih hour of II o'clock In th r.rrrrusin of anld day. al Ih court hnua d.aar. lowit: the ent ranee of said court houa on Klghih trt. In th Clly of Aaiorta. Cuunly of liaison. Btal of oregiin, ej sold dea. rlt.a.1 real protierty et publlo auotion lo th hlaheak bidder for ceah. In U. A. gold coin, to aatlafy a., Id aeaeaamanl. Ih Interest (hereon and ia onata and axnanaea nt aala . . aforeawitd. and th a.-rniing rod. Iali-d at Aatnna ornrun tba. HiK Aw of Novenabar, IKlt K lial.iir'ir Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKF OF POLICE 8AI.K. ollce la nareltv al en thai l.v Mirio or a warrant for tho collection of de. nn.tietii aaeeaamenl for the Improver' en In th city uf Aatorl. (ireaon t,,it Itorul atreel. from Hortv-ae.-oml in Vi.nv fifth street, duly laaueil by th Mltd toi and Moli.'M l.iiltfa, ,,r b.,i,i ii i,u .11. UM lln.i of th common council of" aald clly mim irarm 11 oeina faaien ma I7tn flaw iictolier. IHiat. lo me direc ted, and Ih awaament on wh 1 h sperlfletl amniintln to U JI with I nter eat t hereon at th rat nr iwr emit twr annum from the llt dn or Marrh, lKat. and bf.ltig aaulnat th i.iiiowiiir nnmru peraoll, town. II. Marlon and II. M.Cormack. owner tn tne following described ran pnf-ny, town: lot t, block . aa aub dlvd d In the port of !pprr Aaiorta 111 luld out and rorordod by john Adnlr, urn, man iiKuinst aald deaerlbil property ami wo on wriirnint cuniniiiiuis ma I make levy upon anil mile of en' , a. rliied proirrty, in order lo aatlafy an I wtrrunt and alu nawaament nnd tn gether with the Inlnrcet tlinreon and III .... umi viprnae or ;un sain, 11 ni puraiiaiit to snl.I wnrnint nnd thn com tnnmla therein rontii ned, I did. nn lb 1. 111 uny or .Noveinner, iv.ih, duly levy iii.ii inn uieive ueaerinen rem primrrty and 1 will. 011 tho pith ony nf December i-JK, at l lie nour of 11 o'c ock In tha forenoon uf anld dny, nt th court houa uoor. iowii: rne rniriiiice or nld court noiise on Kigntn ircet, in thn CHy n Aatorin, t.-ounty of Cliitaop, Htnf of ifrngon, sen oiipi tieacriiied rem property tit public auction to tho hlkheai bidder ior ciian, in 11. n. goia roin, to sutlafy anld aaseaamertl, the lnteret thereon, and thn txjffts nnd expenae of aula ul Hfnreaiild. and thn in criilna enat. fmted at Astorln, Oregon, ih 17ih day ui .vwfwiiniwii two, n. IIAMX)CK. Chief of Police of Aatorlii, Oregon CIIIKF OF POLICK BALK. Notice Is hereby given thnt by virtue 01 11 wiiriuni inr inn coiieelion or a no linipirt.t na. Mi"iit for the improvement In tho clly of Alorln. Oreiron. town. Ilond street, from l-'orty-aeiond lo Forty! nun ene.'t, oniy innueii ny inn tiuil.lor unit pniiif) jiuiKo in an !il chv. by dlrec Hon of tho common council of anld cliv anld wtirrnnt being dated thn I7lh dny nf October, 1M, to mo illreeted, mid tha HUNiwHinent on wnu n apecined iitnoimllnir 10 9,i.o won iiiuiicni inereon ni inn rule thereon nt thn rule 01 n tier coin per annum rrom inn Hint dny of Miirch, IW.ti, nnd being iiguliiNt the lonowing rtinieu iwrsons, town: R, Marion and II. McCormuck owner of tho following described real property, town: iui I, block , im sub. divided In tho I'ort of llnner Aalorln 11 luld out and recorded bv John Adnie' nnd uIho iigalnat anld .-erllied property) uun which wmrum comnilllius ItlQ to iniike levy upon and kiiIo of aol.i A,.. scribed property. In order to sntlnfy said warrant nnd said ubwumuiioii 1.0.1 i.. -"'her with the I til ore I tlinreon ami tli i-oma unit expenses in suiu an e. nnd pumuaut to suld warrant nnd thn emu. ninntls therein contained. I niu. on ih liih dny of November, 1KH duly levy upon tho atmvn deacrlbed rtwil property and I will, on tho lilth day of December 1KM. at the hour of 11 n'elnek In it..' forenoon of mild dav. nt thn enuet houa door, towlt: the -trnnce of aald ennrf nmme on J';iirnt n sircet, In tho City of Aalorla, County of (.'latMOn. fltnia of Oregon, sell anld fjescrlbod real properly a t publlo Hin t Ion to tho highest bidder for cash, In U, B. gold coin, to satisfy .mid aaaossment, the Interest thereon, and Ih noaU and pne of snl aa aforaanld, and th a'inilug cosl. Haled at Aalorla, Oregon, til 17 1 b dag nf Novmbr, lKMI, IB. IIAI.UM'IC, Chief of rolle of Aalorla, Oregot, CHiriF' OF POLICE HA 1,10, Nolle l hereby given that by virtu nf a warrant for thn onllncllon of a de linuuoiil upa" for ilia nipniveiuenl III Ilia ell y of AMoiln, ilreuoii, owi lion.i at reel, from icorlyseimiid lo Forty. Ilfili airu.'l, duly laaiiml by ilia Kiid lor ami police Jii.Iho of eai.l oil v. by dlreo I Imi of III coiniuoii iHiiincll of n.l elty alii wnrnint being dated th lllh day ot tictohor. ls:H, In m dlr. diI, mii.I Ih aaai'aamehl oil W lib ll ao.M'Uleo Mtnoillllilig In IJ ill wllh Inlnreai t hereon at lb rat nf i ixr cent tr annum rtoiu Ilia Ulai d..v of March, IM'il. and iMMng imullial Ih following liained peraons, lowll I II, Marlon and II. MeConiiack, ovtier nf Hi following dracilbad real piopuily. (owlli lof Ik, bloek I, ub. I.vided III Ilia l ot I nf tipper Aslurls, a luld mil and inconlcil bv John Aualr, and alao iiKillnat anld diwiei MhiI properly, and wheh wnnaiil command m to imika levy iinn and sale of ' de a rllied propeiiy, In order to aatlafy sold warrant and en Id neaonnnl and lo geihor wllh Ih Intorval lliiirmui and Ih teal and ieiiaea of aald aal, and piiraiiaul In said and the ooiii. iimiuI llieieln innlalnnd, I did on III I. ill day of November, Imm, duly levy upon Ilia above deaeilbed teal pioperly, and I will, on th lot It day uf I incumber, IMil, at tho hour of 11 oilu.k In lha forenoon of said day, al lha court house II 3 door lowlt: Hie eulcuiue of aald rour houa mi Klt III Ii at rent, In III Clly viiona, nun i y ol t laiaop, oiaia Oregon, sell id described real properly at publlu ail.'ilon to the hlkheal W.ldar for iHiali. In II, H gold coin, lo aallefy aaul aarainniit. hlntera tnron, and h iHiat and peiiae uf aal aa aforeaald. ami the a.enniig coaia. Hatrnl t Astoria, oreguu, th llik day ot November. I MM. 10. IIAI.Iii'K. Chief of Pollc of Aalorla, Oregos. CIIHCF OF POidCIC llAldC. N.iil.e It hereby nlven lhal by Virtu uf a warrant for Ilia eolle. Uun uf a d ll 'yuiiiit aaaeaanieiit for Ilia impn-viHi nt In III city of Aalorla. Oregon, lawlli nfth tret, from r'orty ae. un.l to Forty, fltih aireot, duly laaued by Hie aa.Uior and poll, a nf aJd i lly by direc tion of lha win moo council of aald rlly. said war run I twtng datnl th 7th day of Octolier, Im. Io III dire. led. and th aaaeaamanl on will, h a innd amounting to UU with intereei theraim al tbe rat uf I uer cent per annum fr ll th 4la day of ,farch imi. and Imlng aaul net the lllowlllg named ruiia, tuwlu 1U Morion and II. McCvrmaoa, ow.ier of th following deeeribed root property, lowll: lot 1, bl.xk I, a sou. divided In Ih Port of piar Aalorux, S! laid out and recorded by John Adair, and alao uautel eald dea. rilM-1 pri.eriy, and which warrant roiumanit ma ro make levy uim.ii ami aale ol aakl d acrltHHl proparty, In order lo eatlaty said warrant and aald aeacaament n. to geth - with Ih intareei ihron and lbs coats and xpiumi of aaia, and nurauant to atd wwrranl ami Ih eota mend iharviu ronta.nd, I did. on the I7ih day of November, IM duly levy Uon Ih abov decorthad real proparty, and I will, on Ih lllh day of lece tuber, ires t Ih hour of 11 o'clock In IS forenoon of on Id day, at th court bouae door, lowlt: tha iitrnr of aaid! court nuua un Mnth irel. In the City 3 naiurua, wuniy or v laiaop, mat Oregon, sell aald decrlhd real property al publlo auoflon to th hlsliral U.blar for caalt. In Ll. M. gold coin, to allfy aald aaaainnl, ha Iniareai thereon, and lha eoa'a and iienae of aal a aforeaald. and tha a.-rniing roata liatrd at Aalorla. tiregmi, tit i.'ih gay Of November. UM. . . K. HAI.IK'K. thief of I'ullr of Aatorl. orrgoo. CIIIKF OF POI-CK bAlJC. Notlea i harrbr gn lhal bv vlrlue of a for th rotation of a da. Iiniii.ent afmoruani for lha mum ' In Hi city of Aalorla. ora ,n. town: Ilond at rent, f ron Fortv-aecutul in r.iriw. Wlh lrawl, duly laaued by th au-Ulor lid poile Judge of aald rlly. by direc tion of tha nimimm lamnrll of Said city, laid Warrant beiliat dala.1 Ilia nil. ,la or October, IB. o nia dtreciad. ami id aaetieet un whk h (im-ifled m.ainllng to tZ k Wllh Inter aa Iharan a.1 lha I. of lr lent per annum from lha Hal d-V of March. IK. and lieing agwliurt th following naiiiod peraolia. tow III It Marion and II. M. Conned owner of th f.Jlowing described real pruparty, towit: lot j, block I. oa aub dlvi.le. In tha Port of I'npar Aaiorta, laid OUI Slid raa-amlaJ h J,n and alao agalnat Mid daawrUwal ro"orty,' and whaph warrant mmmaini ma fo make lew and i. ,u ,i.i a.. . rilaed protiariy, n ,der to aallaiy i4 warrant and said aaaeaamanl and o eethar wrltb Ih Interval ihereun and i coal and (Xlienae ol aald aala l pursuoiil In ald warrant and th own. inanda ihareln tjniajnra), did. on the lilh day of N'uvaatiber. xm duly vy Upon tbe above deaelilied raal nr,M, and I will, on th iUh day uf lierwitber' lw. at the hour ot II o'clock In th forenoon ,f anld day al Ik. .,,rt h... do.r. towl" th eiiU-un of aaid court houae on Klhth at reel. In tbe t'Mv af Aalorla, County Cat eon. fltaia id Oregon, aell aald described ml nrooarte al publla auction o Ilia hlaheal U.Ulrr fur raah. In I). H. gold ruin, lo aatlafy aald aaarasmeiil, tha Iniereai lher.i, a ad th mat nd aspenae of aal aforeaald. and ih a.rruiiui coal. IMted l Aatorla. (emoi. ih. 17.1. 01 Novmir, ikva. . a. .. F A LI ' K . Chief of Pollc of Anuria, Orrnn. CHI1S.F OF POLICK HAIJi. Vl..l 1 w . . . . . . . . ia nerruy given inl py virtu of a warrant for th colli, tmn uf a fie. oiuio-tii naaia.ment ro- tba lint rv rrial lit lha rlty of Astoria. Orron, lowo Mond irra.l, from Forty.e.orid lo Forty, fifth street, duly leaned by lha auditor and p;.Hc judae of aald city. y dlree. Con jf t common roun.HI ..I ni .i.u aid warrant being dale.) th 17th day or October, licit, tu m dire, ted, and Ih aaareameril on a-h'a h pecine. amount I na te xiej wllh Intareal Ihereun al th rata i i r L" 11 Pr annum from the ,Uy fir U.rnh IkW ....I . oewtnal Ih oiiowina named erion. towlt: It. Marion and II. MoCormack. owner of the following daoenbrd real proper y lowll; lot J. bl.a k .. TV divided In th Port of fpia-r Astoria as laid out ami recorded by John Adair' and alao ngalnal a.ild deai rtlnM promirty' ir l wheh warrant m to! m-iii 11 1111 Bit m i.r uai.i warnunt nmt anld naa,. gether with the Interral llinr.n.n and Ih .osta and expeuaei ,,f ,,,1,1 sale, and puriuani to laid wtirrnnt and ? rm. nailda Ihorelll 1 contained. I did. on th 17lh liny of November, ik'.ix. duly levy upon the . ebova deacrlbe.1 reel property '.r1 'h onn.'.h" ih,j ' ,ot 'iK: lH, at the hur of ll o'clock In lha forenoon of snl.I day. nt the cn.irt houae door .towlt: the entrance nf ,a,d " urt ho l.e 011 hbthlh alreet, In l, niy ! istorla, Cuunly of ciuta.m Hiai- .J of NoViui.l..,e 1MUI ' ,lun Chief of Tollre of Astoria,'' Oregon. CIIIKF OF POMCIS BALK, Natlco ' hereby given thm bo wnrra 1: lit fur thn coll,, 1 1,, , a li.'l lent anaeiiann.nt for thn li-iprivnuient In t in city of Aalorla, Oregon, , ! Hoiul slrw-t, from Forly-an uud I, .orty. ...... . ,,jr iFnui'lt ny ,p,. tmOl,..- klld bo Hon III. Inn of a.ild ,'.n. ... u.' ,lor Hon of tho common council ( ,,,1.1 ' aid wnrnint bi-lng dated thn 171I1 day oi tic.ober. 1M., to inn illli le, a. nsfsmmil on will. It .;,oc,ic, iitnouniiili to 13.411 Wllh llllereat l,erM. ? 1, rn 3 of 8 iMr cent per annum from th 3 day nf March, iwiil. and being nifiiinit following mimed peraon, towlt, 0 ...,.,, jt, rttri onnack wnnr of tho following dom-rlbed' real ronnrly, towlt: lot a, block 11 ni 'i','.".1 '!!, ,.!'.n. ,.'"r' '.'f . '. r a!io, It. Marlon and II. MeConniuk vwner Pro (11 ni laid out and roinrded by jo,n lllld UlHO IIKIllnat alll.l lleerll.,.l ?...lil.r nnd which warrant coinimimla .n. .A mikn levy upon nnd mil,. ,.t ,., , aerlbed property, In order lo atiy . ,1(i wnrratit nnd mild 11-.noMp.moht and iV. "other with the Itileriwt (bar...... J. t coal and expenae nf id unln nrnl ptirsimnt to suld wiirnint nnd tlu cm. niniid thnroln cnnliilned 1 .11,1 L ..." 17th day of Novomber, 18!i, diily Invw upon thn alKive deiirrlbed rcuil proiuirtv and I will, oil the ltitli day of Doccmlinr' IS'W. at the hour of 11 n'..i,'i, " 1r.' foreniKin of suld tlav. al tint court hniiaa oor, town in 1 eninincs of suld court OIIHO on KlKlith at reel. In ll. ro .; .1 Aalorln. Oiunty of tnalann m..1 "1 Oregon, loll nnjd dncrihe real pruneriv nt publlo auction to he highest 1, d.b.e for 01111. In U. H. pold colli to ? said aHMeaHmnnt, the Intereat thoreon anil tlio (yinlB and exnenana i,t ...J afureaiLld. nnd the iieerolno. nn.i. Dated nt Aatnrla Orogon, the lth dae of November. 18Wt. ' " ,,in Chlat of Pollc of Atorlu,'fOre,on. . . ,', . ' rii.eti real properly for'cJ'Jn0 'l'e!"l ""a1"!" ,"',""' for cHh, In H. H. gnld rum, to latlafy anld aeaeaanieul, the interea. thereon anS tho coata nd expenae or sal aa aforeenli . and lha iicerom. ....... 10 Hated at Astoria, firev..,, i.. c.,L ...