TUtt DAILY ASTORIA N, SUNDAY MOKMNQ, DECEMBEK II, IMS JaUtt SVotorimt. JOHN T. LiaHTErt. Editor. Telephone fn. et TERMS Of BUIiBCItimON. DAILY. Sun I by mall, par year .....WOO 0nl by mail, par month U erved by carrier, par month W BEMI-WEKKLT. Benl by mall, par year, in dvnc.,.ll,0(l j'o.i(t fie lo lUdicritxra. All oitimiinti n.1 lona intended fur publl- cation a)oull b directed to the editor, Huimas communication of all klndi an J remittance must bo adjrted (o "Th Asiorlan." Tba Atu:lan guarantee to III adver- tla.'rs tha latgrst clrcuUuon of any ncwspspr puollshed on tha Columbia river. Advertising ratu ran ba had on appll ration to tha business manager. It tva been suggested that a special meeting of tha city council ahould ba called to Invito tha attention of tha pro- duoer and t radon of lha Columbia baaln to Astoria' pamphlet, Tha' 0.port problem of tha Pacific Northtreat" Oa tha earn vnlng a pclal nwtlnf of ear chamber of commerc and of tha Profraaalva Association abould ba bald for tha aama purpo. A llllla judlcloua action on tha part of our pcopla ran uUl- Ua to IU fullest valua thla pamphlet. which, without doubt, la tha ablest and moat convincing presentation of our eaaa yt made. Srattla and Tacoroa ar bow ending out tona of documents bear ing upon tba praaant and futura proa. pacta of theaa cities, and they ara produc ing fruit In tha t nt Icemen t to tha Bound of larg majority of new Immlgrattoa amd capital bow coming to tba North waat. It la tbia now blood, mora thaji any Other, perhap, that wa waat to attract thla way. Tha Joint and eon. cextad action of our city council and com mercial organization In tha circulation of thla pamphlet will bring Astoria and Ita Incomparable opportunltlea for Investment to tha front at thla critical time mora quickly and effectively than any other that could ba employed. Another atraw appeara showing great activity U bualneaa, and la thla Instance K la a pretty larg one Tba total trans act! oca la railroad and miscellaneous bonis en tha New York 8tock Exchange during tha month of November was Iiot,. sSXSt. which waa tba largeat total on raoord. Tha gala la tr inactions for tha gear aodlng Not. JO, as compared with 1B1 mm taiaRTia nw. ... only ahow great activity la bualneaa, but that thla activity la benefiting tha cor porations which Issue tha bonds pur- It tt atated from Washington that with tha signing of tha peaca treaty tba gov ernment will begin to aava from KAOOQ to 00,000 a month la wagea alone paid to soldier. Tha government la now paying to regulars and volunteer combined about 8.(00,000 per month. Tha pay of a prtvat la war time la $15.00 a month, and til month In time of peace. A first sergeant's pay la 130 In war time, and S3 In peace, and the pay of other "non coma are la th same proportion. Half a million a month la not ba aneeied at It would only take a little over three yenra, to be exact, three year and fonr months, to pay for tha Philippine-CO, 000JJ00 being tha price. A woman 'a hair l. her glory. Like her comnlex- tir$v'&& it'beaSty de TYiiri r-rZ,. pends upon her general health. Nine time in Urn a woman's (fornix health is dependent upon her local health in a womanly way. It is an im possibility for a woman to be pretty or at tractive who suffers from reneral ill- lealth. The skin, the teeth. the eyes, the hair and the carriage will tell the story when a woman is ailing. It is impossible for a woman to be in good gen eral health when some local trouble t con tinually nagging at her nerves and disar ranging the natural functions of every organ of the body. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre acription is the best of all medicines for women who suffer from local weakness and disease peculiar to their sex. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous and elastic. It a!las in flammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain, tones and builds up the nerves and ban ishes the usual discomforts of the expec tant months. It makes baby's advent easy and a'.most painless. It enables ever? organ of the body to perform its natural functions without unnatural interference from a pain-tortured nervous system, (t corrects all irregularities. A woman who is made well in this way will recover her natural beauty of form and feature and her natural amiability of character and trtnper. Thousands of women have testified to its merits. An honest dealer will not urge a substitute for a little extra profit. Mrs. Rachel Clsrk. of Houlton, tit Croix Co.. Wis., writes: "I am in (rood health since I have taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. 1 gave birth to s uH pound toy last Juue . He is sis months old now and weighs 30 pounds." How to preserve health and beauty are told in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi cal Adviser. It is free. For a puper-cov-ered copy send 21 one-cent stats ps, locovtt mailt nc; only; cloth binding, ji stamps. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y Iff.' Varidorbllt spent over 0,000 on hex bathroom. Acker'a English remedy win stop a cough at any time, and will curt the worat cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cents and CO cent. For tal by Estea-Conn Drug Co. 1 -il SJII c aw - . - ' t- Tie Kind You Have Always l.oujrht, ami which lm. Wen la mo for over 30 years, ha borne the tdutmture. f f -mi.! ha boon mnde umlvr hi Mr j . fttul MiprrvUlon since It Infancy, &AJ'&tcA4S& AUow no one (o deceive jiu In this. All Counterfeits Imitation ami Substitutes aro but VoHnicnts that trlilo with ami ciiwanjrer the health of Infants and CliiUlrcn-rxpcrlcnco naliist Y. mt Intent. What is CASTOR I A Ca.vtorli 1 R K'.ibstUuto for Cavtor Oil, iVrv-orl;, Iron and SMthlnjr Syrwn. It In liannlc.. and ricasttnt. It ct)ntaln neither Opium, 3Iorjhlne vor vthor Narcotic ttbtance. It ajro Is It j:rantce. It destroy Worm and allays Feverlshne, It cures Dlarrho-a and AVlud Colic. It relieves Teething Trtb!e. eurcs Const iputlou and Flatulency. It assimilate the Foot!, rtirulates tha Stomach and lloncls r1 Itr healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Pauacca-Tho ?Iother Frieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, I MM) . T IfflHOODRESTORED" nsaiatfe4 to car an ai disease, awahaa Weak Kiwi, Lomd lnua rower, Ucaaachc, "VafcehtlawM, Lost Maabood, Mahily mis- awiM, mniwniw.su araiaa, ansa ct povtr la GeacraU Orta of tuhtr sct. caased by ovtf-esei lie, yeathfal error, ocean as of ofaacra. opium or stiaaalaala, whkh W4 so lafimtty. Cnsamptioa or lMMy. Cms carried tmm podm. sM bok.4 fcr KVysua ZTIzStL1??-0 "Vanni rskfark;takontaer. lHC4iHnblttta, ThirtaaYaahmeu..rorUs cw. Woe Ruia by rTrS-CNN PRtTQ CO Caar Nicholas eldom drtnka anythlnj but rhacapacna or coffe. Ha detest ber and claret Pears' Pears' soap is noth ing but soap. Pure soap is as gen tle as oil to the living skin Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Dt- arrfcoaa Remedy can alway b depeadrd opoa and la plaaaaat and aaf to take. Sold ty Chart Rocr. druariat. Th Duka of Cambridge la the only member of tha royal family Who mploya a woman cook. Luunaat hair, of uniform caior. la a beautiful head coTeHnf for atthar aaat, nd may be secured by oatns Hall' Vaaw- labl eictllaa Hair Renewr. William D. Howell prefer beer to champagn as a berera a. CASTOniA. Baaitta Kfftatai f Tl. . j u ii . i as u Drlvlnc 1 a favorite nastlme of the Dushea of Flfa, Acker' Dyspepsia Tablet ar sold on a pcsltl toaranie. Cur heart bum. raisins; of food, distress ater eating, any farm of dyspepsia. On little tablet five Immediate raUef. S and W cent. For sal by Estee-Conn Drue Co. Some of the wonderful sable cape we see and envy are not sable at all, but only dyed fox. That the tklfwvl BhouM Tuvfurm Ita vttej functions If la ahanlllfJv nNMlMrv It should not only be pur but rich In Ufe glving eirmenis. Thes result ar beat effected by the us of that well-known siunuara Di'Xj punncr. Ayers sarsapa rllla If we could bnf as hard for ourselves aa w can fur charity, how suddenly rich we would become. Blck headach absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tra. A plea ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S and 60 cents. For sal by Estes-Conn Drug Co. A wonderful memory is really not to be envied, as It makes us think of things we would like to forget. PaJns In the cheat when a ncrann hn a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A nlfcCe of flannel riamrianl with Chamberlain' Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over th seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevenl the threatened attack ct nncumnnli tm. same treatment will cure lame back in a few houra. For sale b Charle Koger. drugglat Some small boys grieve because they are tanned by the father, while their big sisters are tanned by the sun. CA8TOIIIA. Bauith Bignattu cf Wive are often blamed for telling their liusbttiida all the secrets repored In them, but there would be much more ! matrl. monlal ditflcultlc If there were mor suoh confidence. Mr. Hardin Norri, clerk of th drug store of K. Shoemaker, Perry, 111., gay: "A man came Into our etore th other day and said, 'I want a bottle of that atuff that saves children' live. I read in th New about it. The children may get sick when we can not get he doctor quick enough. It' the medioine you cell for croup.' " Ho alluded to Chamberlain' Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be fore be left the store. For aaie by Chas. Rogers, druggist. m Signature of 1 allow Xorvw anua. This wocrtol mf A woman can never b very bad after ah learns that her llttl child measure It Idea of Ood by bar. TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAT. Tak Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tablet All druggist refund th money If it falls to cur. S cents. Th genuine ba U B. Q. oa ach tabJsL When a man chaae hla hat down th street before a lot of people ha alway trie to amlle )ust a if h enjoyed IL HOW TO aoog OOOD. Oood look ar really mor than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all th vital organ, if th Uvr la tnactlv jou hav a bHlotw look; If your atoasack a dtaordsred. 701 hav a dywpoptlo look; If your kidney ar affected, row hav a plaeaad look. 00 ear good health, and rod will urly hav good look. "Cloctrte Bitter" I a good Alterative and Toole. Aot directly oa tba tomach, Uvr aad kidney, puri fies th blood, cur pimp lea, blotch and bolls, -and glvt a good oomplsxlon. Evrr bottl guaranteed. Bold at Estea Conn Drug Co, H oenta per bottl. In 197 In th threw Florida counties of Lee, Do Soto and HUlsboro. U.T00 alliga tor skin were taken and 214 hunter were engaged in tho business. AN ENTER PR I81KQ DRVOGIST. There ar few men more wide awake and enterprising than Eatea-Conn Drug Co.. who spar no pain to secure th beat of everything In their Una for their many customers. They hav now th valuable agency for Dr. Klog'a New Dla covery for Consumption. Cough and Oolda. Thla la th wondrful remedy that I producing auch a furor all over th country by It many aurtllng cure. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoaraeneaa an all affection of th Throat, Cheat and Lung. Cull at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular lx for M cent and II. CO Guar, anteed to cur or price refunded. No one realize what un uKy simile It Is to say that anyone Is born with a sil ver spoon In in their mouths until a per son of atrocious table manners Is ob. served In the act of eating soup. BUCKLENS ARN'ICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE in th world for Cut. Bruise. Borer Ulcer. Halt Kueum, Fever sores, I Tetter, Chapped Hun'Ie, Chilblains, Corn and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Pile, or no pay re quired. It i guaranteed to giv perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prlc cent rvr ox- Ttt ale by Cstes-C'ottn urug c. TObh FA '. Show the state of your feeling and tn state of your health aa well. Impure blood make Itself apparent In a pale and allow complexion, pimple and skin erup tion. If you are feeling weak and worn oat and do not have a healthy appear anc you ahould try Acker Blood Elixir. It cure all blood disease where cheap araapartlla and so-caiied fiurlflws fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sole by Estes Conn Drug Co. Ttose Was he on his knees when he proposed? Mary No; but 1 was. Phila delphia Bulletin. TWO POINTED QUESTIONS AN BWEP.ED. What is the use of making a better ar ticle thar your competitor If you cannot get a better price for It? Ann Aa there is no difference In th price the public will buy only the better, so thai while our profits may be smaller on a sioxle sale they will be much greater In the aggregate. How in you get the public to know your ma Ha is the best? Tf both article are brought nromlnentlv before the- public both are certain to be tried and :be public will very quickly pass JuugmAni upon mem ana use only the better ot". This exnlai3s the large sale on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have beer: usi3 It for years and have found that it n always be defended upon. They may occasionally take up with some fahlo.able novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the oo remedy that they know to be rename, ana ror cougns. nntda and crouo there Is nothing equal to Cnairtbertoln' Cough Remedy. For aale br Charles Rogers, drugewt. NOTICS OF TILINO ASrtneWMBNT ROLL AND MKh.TING OF BOARD Or EQUALIZATION. Notlc I hereby given to all person Whomsoever that ttter h been reported to th Common CwuucU of th city of Aatorla, Crvtrcn, by th Board of A or of akl city, specially constituted for th piirpon hvlnaftrr expressed, a BpedaJ Assessment for th Improve omit In ald city known a th hllevwHh 8tri Benvor Improvement, and whli'lt assessment I etiown on th sixt'lal seeainent roll for said aasowMiiwit. will haa been nled In th otllo of th under, signed. I oien for titepectlon and will so remain until Turwlny, Doivmli.-r 13, Is, at li) o'clock a. m., at which dm tli ltoa.nl pf Kimllt.iiUin fMr ti I tt n sivsmeiit, rtHiBiKtitinr of the afo reiiil !rd of AKters and tho 'iiiiiiitit- on Strwts ami Public Way of the Common Council of Mid city win nicci In llio Council tliamhor of tho I'tty Hull of xild city, to tvvlow mid vnuolito mKI Mlllx'lUllllVllt. All objivtloiis to said aKsmninclit mut bo UNsI wall the uiKlorslKiicd on or l fore the time of KiUI meotlivg. By order of the iwl.t IVmnion Council Dated at Astoria, trvoii, Novombcr . lSUi. II. IC N1CI.SON. Auditor and roll.' Ju0k City of Astoria. Own, CHIEF OF POLlCfcl tt.Vl.K. Nolle Is herbv lven tl at y virtu of a warrant for tlte collation of a liiwuoiit afve'U4iit for the Iimitvvii ent in in l'Ojid n'T ana I in tn city or asioii. oreiion, town: ,id street, from Korty-eHMul to Forty- street, duly laaueo 0) in autMor lion uf the common eounoll of aa.il "i:v. sai'l vrarnint Mtt Oetol the ITlh day 01 tiittvr, is1, to m dlrea-ted. and the aasreament on wnWh siecined amounting to U) tih Interest thereon at the rate of I per cent re anuara fson the sut day of March, lM, and being asmlnet th following named persona, tuwii: It Marlon and H. UcCurroatk. owner of tho following described real property, tow It. lot 11. block I. aa sub divided in th Port of l'per Atoru. aa Uld out and recorded ov John Adair and aleo against eaid deacrtlini rir and which warrant command me 10 make levy upon and sale ot earn d scribed property, la order to eatlaiy said warrant and sstkl aimament and to gether with th Interest thereon and th out and xpnea of sahl sal, and pursuant to aid warrant and th com mand therein (vmtalned, I did. on th Kth day of November. UM. duly levy upon th above described real property, and I will, on tho lsth day of December, la), at th hour of U o'clock la th forenoon of seld dav, at th court nous door, towlt: th nrLno of said court house on KXghth sireel. In th city of Astoria. County of Clatsop. Stat of Oregon, eel I (aid deacrtbed real property at publlo auction to th highest bidder for cash, tn U. 8. gold 0011, to saliefY sold aaeeasnient. th tntereat "erson. and th cost and expeneea Of aal a aforesaid, and th ai-crulruf costs. Dated at Astorte, Oregon, th Kth day of November, laXL B. HALLOCK. Chief of Polio M Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the collection -' a de 11 njuent aaseaament for tn Improvement In th city -of Astoria, tjregon, town: Bold street, from Forty-eerond 10 Forty fifth street, duly laeued by the auditor and pllc Judge of said city, bv direc tion of th routnon council of said city, said warrant being dated tha 17th day of October Ifid. to m dir-'.ed, an t the asamumerit on whlt h aperlrled amounting lo US) with Interest thereon at th rat of t per cent nr annum from th .t day of March, U4M. and being against th follo-ving named patwona. towlt: R. Marlon and H. Mcoormack. owner of th folio wing described real property, towlt, lot U. block 1 aa aub divided In the s-ort of fpper Astoria, aa htld out and recorded by John 1 .air, and also agalnat aUd deacrfcml nrnnerty, and which warrant commands m to mke levy upon and sJ of saiu de scribed property, in order to satisfy bid warrant and awid a issreent and to gether with th interest thereon and th costs and expense of aatd aal. and pursuant to aald warrant and th com mand therein rneuanad. I did., on uh rTth day of November, UQa. - duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will. 00 tho loth day of Deoeinher. uoi. at th hour of U o'clock la th forenoon of said dav at th court house door, towlt: the entrance of aald court bouso on Eighth street, in in city of Astoria. County of Clataoo. Stata of Oregon, sell aald described real property at puouc auction to tn nignest ouMrr iui vmmw. . w 0. a ' u v u , . u h . . . s.ild assessment, the tntereat thereon, (nd th cost snd expense of sal a aforesaid, and tha accruing coats. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, th l?lb day of November, lift. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Pollc of Astoria. Oregon. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. Tba Kind Yoo Hare Always Bought Bean tha Signature of William') Kidney PHO Has do equal 'u d!canes of the Kiiin7!taiAl Lriaary Ortrutuv, Ila.o von neifKrctc! your rulncvb? Iluv: yot ovcnvorliod your nervous ays- f 'ox ntxl causrd troulilo with your W kidney and lll.uliU r? Have yoaT T pair.n in t):e loins, mt, bn k.pniiib hn'- "i.-idiU-r? Have y.mi:a'''iv nr- pc.irnnce of the luce, ehpcciull.yt -irt waiiriiioy Villlim's KWnv y l 'ills will inipurt rit;v lif to tlin din-1 as'.l or mns, tf no up I'.j nyhtfin, i ami malti a new tnun of you. lly ,, 1 mail 60 cents pi-c hr.x. a' WiLUAim Mrri.C'o.,trnpa., Cleveland, O. VVV' eVWW For sal by EBTEH-CONN DRUO CO WHITE COLLAR LINE Colum.)' Blcr and Pogei Bound Na gatlon Company. Telethon leave Astoria dally, eicel" Sunday. t 1 p. m. leaves Portland dally aaceDt Bundat at 1 a. na. White Collar line ticket lntn hangesbb on Telephone. T. J. Potter and It. H Tlionpson for Astoria and all way point, FUvel. tlaaco, beavlew, Long ileacn, a no Nahcolta. C. W. BTONB. O B. SCOTT, Astoria Agent. vrMnr Telanhona N tt. Astoria Public Library HEADING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every ay from I o clock to S:3fl and 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. Subscription rate S3 per annum. Vet Cor. Eleventh and Duan Streets. Moimo i 1.1, lopir 9-111 s cnurrn 11 ui.. 1 ot Mil-aim, the i, j't.m .ty ric st. of ci potenc in sac Dllltj Ity, Hendncl.a Onlltnoa toarry,a os o TTZJ'J noiron, vsjrinocaiaj t On lpni!Ji top Quickn- o Tlo frYIJ phargo, atop stor" iy funuwa. Ixnr sot o.:,..ii,T iu, a cult ll al Ii .ail, l3;in K-i"-m tinnll, imilnelntyd or 1 we, ui strav. Slaialte Ihe brua aod n.r,a Milan, l.w, Si awaairnuuiaaa, vllh Ibue. CUcuUn Iraa. AddroCS cmicr or poi.ich balk. Notice I hereby lvn thit by vlrlu of a warrant for the collection of a oe liminl rviiniit Mr the liiiirove:ent In llie Ktv of W r', ilreuoii, town: Mund treet, from Koriv-sei'iiiM to Korlv Hfill lrel, Only lams liv die eii'litor and nol ice JlhUe of said city, by direc tion of Ihl coiiuiuni 1 o, tf nd I'll u warrenl ttelng date I the 171 h day of OctoW, Iktul, to 111 dlreted, end th aasoaantenl imi tslil. li snn-lilnl anioiintlii tn M J with Intorcot tliotoon at llie mie of I per ent .r siiniini Iimiii the slut dny of Mitrch, isy. ami lnlng nunlimt tlm following namoit tersoim loelli P Marion and II. McOommi'k ownra of (he following dor.ii renl uviirty. toel. lot lj. block , a sub divided In Ihv Port of I I'l"'!' Asior.ii as Inld out and riiilnl iy olin Adiilr, and i'i imiilmt mM ilc.'rill ii'rl', nnd wh eh wrrntit coiniiimuls in 10 itiMMn levy lii and nl of onul it." ciiitrd iiMiciiy, In oiiinr 10 uiify suid w a rra n 1 mid snivi n,'niht un.l to, Hoilinr villi llir Itileical tliorcon and III? ,oi iid ciriirii cf snlil siite suit imi 1 ( 11 a 11 1 to e.i il wnritini sun the rmu IKiin.U ttli'lcln coiits 11 rd, I did, on th l.ili il.iv of Noviniii'r. IVH. only levy upon 1I10 nlhive deacilbed rem "loperty, iiiitl I mil. on iha imirilny of eieiiiler, tvK, M 11. hour at II o'clock In the l.ucnooii of imI.i ihv lit the court bona doer, town: Hie inliiitice of aiiul id court t'ltv of licuiA oil I'.klilll aileel III llie A(. Mia. Ouilitv of I'lnlson, d oi'Kit, sell Mid Oeacnlusl rent properly nl ihiI'Uc miction to Die Mn Ileal tn.i , r for oiiali. In I', ft sol ) isnn. lo satisfy a ild asai'ssment. llm neet ilirreoii ami I lie iat nd rspeliaee 01 a.lle nfureatld. and lb criilng cost Dited t Aaloriii, Oregon, III liltt day of November, Ivm. K. HALUVi'K, Chief of lSftce ot Astoria. Or.g.m. CIIHCr' OK POI.IOR BALM. Nolle I hareby lv tUnt by virtu of a warr.int for llie collpvilon of a de 1 1 no lent aenie t for the nipmv 1 nvnt In the city of Aa.n. ttreson, town; Hivnd street, fnmi Kortv-s.voii.l 10 Forty fl 'ih sirtet. duly aiiel by th and tor and polio Jule of eiul cllv, bv direc tion of th common council of sill city, aald warrant being dated the Kth day of tv-tober. Iu4, to me dire, led, and th aaaeeanient on eli ch pe4'ir)ed ainotintlng to UK with Interval thereon at tha rale of I per cent ier annum from th list dny of March, IK1, and being against th following named eroiM, toe II; R. Marion and It. McCVwvnack. owner of the fol rowing .eecrtbsd real Jrui-arty. toe It. lot U. bio. k I aa sub ivl.led In the Port of Ulnar Astoria aa laid out and rcvtrdeal by John Adnlr, alal also ageUiat aald ueacribed rotierty, and which warrant comitiande ma to make levy upon and sale of said de-svrtr-ed property. In order to satisfy said warrant snd said saaesament and to gether with th interest ihereoa and In ivata and oenaaa of sent sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com manda therein ronta-ned, I did. on tha I7lh day of Np ember, lay, duly levy upon tha above deacrtbed real property, and I will, an the 14th day of December, iui, at the hour of 11 o'clock in th forenoon of wild day. at th court bona dour, towlt: the entrance of Mid court houe oa FAghth afreet. In th City of Astoria. (Vuntv of Clatsop. Stata of Oregon, ell wild described ral property at publlo auction to th highest bidder for cash, la U. ft. gold coin, lo satisfy eld aaeeeaoient. the Inter. t thereon, and the costs snd eipenae of asie aa aforesaid, and the accruing coat. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, tha 17th day 01 November. IkV. K HAI.laOCK. Chief of Pollc of Astoria. Oregon. CHIRK OF POLIOK BALE. Notice la hereby given that by lrtu nf a aarrant for th collection of a le ImqueM assessment for the In prvver.t nl In the city of Al ri, Or won, lowit; Hond street. frm Fony-seiorMl to lorty n.'ih street, duly iastied by the auditor and police) Judge of said city, by dlreo tion of th common council of said 1 lly, aeid warrant beinat deled the 17th day f tH-tohr. 1MM. to me dire. -ted, and th aeaeeament on hh speclfl.! amounting to US with Inlereet thereon at the rate of I per cent per annum front th list day f March. ItM. and being s-lnt ths following named persons tuwlt: R. Marlon and II. MoCwraack. owner of th f.tllowlnr deacrtbed real property, towlt, 1. I), bha k I. a suta divided In the Piart of Upper AalorU. ss hud out snd rer-in1e,l by John Adair, and aiso agalnat auld deecritaau property, ami which wsrntnt commAjnls m to maa levy upon and sale of an id de cnoed pruoeriv In taller to satisfy said warrant and aald assessment an . to gerher e-lLh tha inr arret tiiereoo and the coala and esneneea of said sals, snd pursuant to saul e-arranl und ths oora- ouuius uiarem conta-ned. I did. on in ITlh day of November IsM. duly levy upon tb above deeorlbed real property, and 1 will, on th 14th day of December. UJM. at th hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of said dsy. at th court houa door, towlt: the entrance of said court houa 00 iahth street In thl City of Astoria. County of Clatsop. Htale of Oregon, sell said derrthed real prueierly at publlo auction 10 ths highest bidder for twah. In 1' B. gol.l coin, to sallefy said aseeasmenl, the .mareat iherean. and th coeta and eaienae .of sal a aforesaid, and 'ha accruing coats Dated at Astoria, oregun. th 17lh day of November. liM. R HALLnt'K Chief of Pollc ot Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OP POLICE BALK. Notlc I hereby given that by virtu of a warrant for th collection of a de linquent asarsaruent for the uiprovement In the c:iy of Astt-ia. Oregon, n.wt: Hold street, from 0 orty-second to Forty fifth street, duly taeued by the sud tor anl police Judxe of said ell- by direc tion of the common council of s.tld eliy said wsrrnnt being datei! the 17th day of October. la). tn m direi'ted, and th aaeaament on wnh sparined amounting In p JO with lutereet thereon at th rale of I t r rn: per annum from tha list day of March, V, and being against the lonowing named (eTsona, towlt: IX Marlon snd II. McCormack. owner of th following described real proiieriy. town, I'll li. oioca I, as suu divided ki the Port 01 llmx-r Aatcrin as Uld out and re-orded by John Adnlr, snd alao uaumal suld ) itiIxm nronertv und wh rh wurritnl cominamla me u maa levy Ux,n and a.ile of aa d de arr.bed properly. In order to satisfy aald warrant and anln naaeaamelit an 1 t" Rether with lh Iniereei ther.tn sod the oais snd expenae cf a.ild sal, and mirauanl to said warmnt .nd the com mands, therein conta nel, I did on the ITlh day of November. duly levy upon me anove leacnhen reel properly and I will, on the tilth day of December kj. at the hour of II 0YI01 k In lha foteniain of s.ilil 1l.1v. .it the court noun Hour, towlt: the entranre of a.ild rourl honae on Klshui eireet, In llie t'Hy of Aaiorln. "oiini of t'lmsop. Hist of Oregon, sell sld deacrlbel ren property t public sui 'lon to th hlrheat bl'f''er lor nali, In II n. gold roln. to aiimfy c.ild anea.iinent lh im. -e ihereon ami lha eoat nnd axnena-a of aula aa aforesaid, and the cruiri costs. 1 m led at Aslorin. or.-Kii, lha 17ih day ... V...... ,L.rfl ' E. HALfiCK. Chief of Police of As.-orln. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice I hereby r!v n thnt by virtu ot a warrait ror me collection i,r a lie- I iiguent Maa-Shtn nt for iho mtiro 'iur,.nl In th city of Astoria, Oregon, town: ll mil street, from Vortv-aecond to Vurlv. fifth street, duly hailed by the nud lor and ponce juuge or ami) city, ny direc tion of th common council of aiilil city, aald WHrrnnt being dalivl llie 17th ilnv nl October. lKlrH. to mo diro led. und the usvanment ofl whl h snecllled nmuiinllng Ii $3.20 with Interest thereon st the rale of 8 per cent per annum from tha 31st dny of March, lVHi, nnd being iiirulnst the following named persons, towlt; R. Marlon and H. Mi-Cormiick, owner of the following described real property, towlt: lot 11. block 8, as sub il'vl'led n itio Port of 1,'oiier Aaturiii. hs lnlil out and roconleil ov John Ad.ilr, lino ihho Hirainsi sum neKcriiieii ,rnnriy and which warrant romiiiiindn me ti miik" levy upon nnd anlo of enld de a. Tlni d propel ty, In order lo satlM" art .u warrant nnd sold iisMesainent nnl to. Kother with tho Iniorest thereon und the iohIh nnd expenses or saiu sale, nnd nursuant to suld warrant and the com mnnda therein contained, I did. nn the 17th dav of November, lfWK, duly levy upon the above. deBcrlbed ronl properly, and I will, on the Kith day of December, WW, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of mild (lay, at the court houa door, towlt: the ontroncj of said court j ' 1. . "' ; it Hie r.i -. . .j A v At- r nt,intt hum tttneU rr4inn'ir Pusi tot MinhOOd. Im 1 1 i I. . . It i.w I. wflnea ruinnlra. Incurs """" S"rneaT Co., t n franolsoOf Call ror aal by Charle Rogers. hnns on Mlghth trt. In ih City of AslM'la, County of flataop, Mist of Oregon, sell an , dvecrllieil real properly at pulillo aucllmi to tli lilnliesl blililwr for cash, In tl, B. gold coin, lo -.v aald aaaeasineiit, Ilia inlareat ihereon, and inn coala and vspvliae uf skI aforeanlit, ami tha sicruliig coala, Dated at Asloila, oieguii, til 17lh dy ui ouveimieri inns. R. UAI.UM'K, Chief pf Polio 0 f Astoria a, OregiHt, CIIIRIT OK POUCH HALM. Nolle Is hereby given tliat by vlrlu Of a variant fur lha eiilla,'llon if a de. llliieiu aaai'Saaionl nir llie Itnpr iViMiienl Jll III elly of Aaloi lit. Oreuuil, lowll! Hond street, from 'urtv-ecoiid to Forty I (til Slrer, duly laalleil by llie audilor and pollc Jinlao of an Id illy, by dlreo lion of Ilia I'oiiiiii.ui cmni 'll of suld eiv aald WHrrant being iUtil III 17th day tit 0,'tolier, l.vm. to inn illieilml. nnd the aa..-.. n, nn n i, aoeciiiisl anoMinlliiK to 1.1 M wllh lutereal llieieou at I lie ml of t imrcent mr suiiuiu fro.11 th lia day of March, Iv.'rt, and being mialnai iho tollowlug lui toed peraona, low 111 It. Marlon and II. M"Crinnck, owner of the following doacrllieil real propel ly lowit: lot t. block , hs suit, divided In Ihn Port of I'pper Aalotla, as laid out ami recorded by John Adilr, ami ulo aguliiet said diwrlbed property, and eh i ll warrant coiiiinainU me lo make levy iihhi and alio of aeld de acillied properlv. In order In autmly nli iiiruiil ami sold saeeaaineiit and I" aether with Ihe Inleivet Ihoieon and lh .at a and aspenae of said sale, ami pursuant lo said earrwnt and the com mauds therein continued, I did, on Ih ITih dny of NovnuilMT, sm, duly levy upon th bIniv deaeilbed renl property, snd I will, on Ih Kill day ol December, INH. at the hour of Ik o'clock In the foiemain of snld day, at ths toiirt houa door, towlt' Hie entrance of said court houe un K1lith street. In III I'Hy of Anuria, viiuniy ot tiaiaop, male of Oregon, soli snld described renl iitoorriv at nulilln auction lo Ihe hlahaal bl.l.tar for cah. In II. B. old coin, lo satisfy snld asaeaaiueiil, lhalnlereal 'VereNi, and the ooet and aipenaee of sal a aforeeald. and lha a. -cm lug cost. Datnl at Aatorla, Oregon, lii I7lh day of NovenUiec, Imsj, . . HAI.IeH'K. Chief of Polio of Astoria, Ore, on. CHIEF Or POLICE BAI.IC Nolle I hereby lvn that by vlrlu nf a warrant for th collection nf a de lin iuent aaaeeainent for th iiiprovei-anl In th city of Astoria, oreaon, towlt: llond treel, from Forty-ewcond to Forty nf t h 1 rent, duly iaaurd by th auditor and pailla' judg of seld city, uv direc tion of the common council of said eiiy said warrant be. tig dateal th 17th day of Oatnbar, Hod. la m dire, ted, and th aaeeauainent on whU h a-aea-lfled amounting to U wllh Interest thereon at the rat of I tr cent per annum from th Hat day of Maroh, H, and being sgalnst ths fullow lug nanisd persona, toe Hi R Marlon and II. McONrmark. owner of th following described real property, tuwlt; lot (. Tilocs I. ss sub divided In th Port of tipper Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John AdaUr, anal also agaUiat said described property, and which warrant commanals ma lo mak levy upon end sal of said de an property. In order to satisfy said warrant and aald saeeaamenl and to. gether with Ihe Interest thereon and th t and stenae of seal sale, and pursuant to said warrant snd ths com mands therein contained, I did. on th Kth dsy ot November. 1M. duly levy upon the above deaortned real property, and I will, on the 11 h day o leeeniler, l.vj. at th hour of 11 o'clock In th foreliaain of uld dev. at the court house doar. town: the entrance of said rourf house on Ktghth iret. tn th City of Aalorla. (Vunty of llataop. Blsle of Oregiin, Salt seld beecrlbeal real taoperiy at publlo aUoUoo to Ihe his Ileal bidder for caah. In ll. B. sold coin 10 satiety aald aeeaasment. ths Inlereal thereon, ano Ih cwi and eapensesi of sal aforen.vltl, and th a rming roala Dated at Astoria, Oregon, Ih 17th day ot Novesnber. isvt. , R. irAl.ux'K. Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKF OF POIJi'K BALK. Nolle I hereby given thai by virtu nf a warrant for the raillr.-llon of a de linquent aiaesanient for th Imnr JVema.nl In the elly cf Aaparia. tireson, loan; liond elrent, fram Forty-eea-amd to F"rty Bfth aireet. duly leaned y the and tor and polu-e Judge of aald city by direc tion of th t'imra v raiunell of avid elty said warrant taring deleal the ITlh day of IKiober, lSt. to me dire. led. snd th see re anient on whirh staaa-irieat smounllng It UK with Interest thereon at the rate of I per rani par annum fr-ain the Hat day of Maraih. !, and being against the following named persona, towlt: It. Marion and II. McvVrmaik. owner of th fallowing daiibe real provriy towit: i.k t.ha k a, a sut dmdeal In the "urt of t'p-r Astoria, aa laid out and rvrordeal by John Adair, anal alao agalnat aald ueea-rMmi ,ratrrly. anal which warrant commaiule m to make levy Umn anal sale ol aaial de WTIIel property, In aarder to sattsiv said warrant snd suld saersamrnt and lo. gariher with Ihe Interest thereon and the aii and tipenaea nf aald ssl. snd piirauant to said warrant and the com mand therein contained, I did. nn th 17th day of Novemoer, liesi, duly levy up. in th above dracrlleal real priiivrrlv. and I will, on Ih Kih day ol lieoember, IK, at th hour of ll o'clock In Ihe forenoon of said dsy, al ths court houa disir. lowll: th romance of said court house on Klghih street. In tha t'lty of Astoria. County of llataop, Btata of Oregon, sell seld described real properly al publlo auction to Ihe highest bidder for cash. In U. B. gold coin to satisfy seld eaaa.-eanient. the Inlereal ihareavi and coeta snd siienaes of sals ss afiiressid. and lha accruing coat a. Dated at Aalorla. Oregon, th 17th day of November, 113. R. HALLOCK. Chief of Pollc of Aalorls. Oregon, chief or police bale. Notice Is hereby glen that by Vlrlu hi a earrani lor ine conea iion or tie I n pient esaawanirnl for the Improvrren In th elly of Astoria. Orearun Inell Pond alrret. from Korty-ar. nml m .-,riv flfih street, duly Issued by the and. tor ami -uuice juug or said city, hy dlrrc Hon i,f llie eiiiti.non rriiinell it ..1,1 ..liw sjiiiI warrant oelng dated the 17th day of October. In me dire, led, and 111 aase.amrnt on wh h suerirlaaal amounting lo 11 M with Interest thereon al Die rate of I tier cent per annum from the Hat day of March. ISM. and being agalnat lha ro.lowine nnmeal iMraoii, lowit. It. Marlon and II. McCormack, owner of the folbiwlng deacrllird real iroH.riy. towlt: lot I. block I. as sole dlvi ' In Ihe port of I'linrr Aalor.s a laid out and racordml by jotin Adnlr, an . ulso iixalnst an IO OcacrilMil nroparlv ind wh ctl warrant commnnds ma to make levy iiHin and aale of n de acrllied property. In order lo satisfy said warrant nnd sniu ssaa-asmeiil and to. ge;hr with Iho Inieirest Ihnn-on snd Ih osia and expenses or said sale, and pursuant lo sail warrant and llie corn- iiinii.ls therein contiiined, I uld, on Ih inn dny or Miveiniier, imh, only levy upun ine aiuvn nescrineii real property nuil f will, on tho Kth nay nt December I at Ihe hour of 11 o'clock In ihe firrchisiii of said ilav, nt the court houa uoor, inwit: llie en trailer or said court house on Eighth sireet In Ihe t'lty of Astoria, ounly of rial sop, Hint of Oregon, sell sold descrllieal real property lit public ailcllon tn tho highest bidder for cash. In II. H. gold coin, tn satisfy Oil assessment, the Interest ihereon, und Ihe costs and expense of sals us aforesaid, and Ihn accruing cosis. fiated at Astoria, Oregon, th 17th day oa aiuveiiMier, am. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE HALE. Notlr Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the collection f (l ,1,,. liimtitt.t aHa ssmdil for Iho Improvement in me cuy or Aniona, Oregon, luwit Hotiti street, from I'm t v-aecond to Korlv 11 fill street, duly Issued liv t ll it nud.iiir anil ponco Jililgn or said city liy illuc tlon of the common council of aald eliv said wiirranl being listed ihn ITili dny uf ai'iuuer, inyn, to inn oire. iea, lino the iiHseHsinntit on which specified iimounl lis lo 13.211 with Interest Ihereon at Ihe raid or s nor cent per annum from tha tiai dim of March, 1WW, and being against the loiiuwuig raincu persons, lowit: R. Marlon and II. McCormack, own" of ihn following described real property, towlt: lot 7, block H, us sub- inv'"eii in ine i-ort ni upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded hy John Adair, ami also ngulimt said "cnIhmI nrooeriv and which warrant command me la in ak pivy upon nnd sulo ol' snld de scribed property, In order lo satisfy said warrant und said assessment ami tn. "e'her with Ihe Inlnreet Ihereon nnd the coats and expenses of sain sals, nnd pursuant io said warrant ana tho com mands therein contained. I oiu, on lha l(th day of Novomln-r. Ih:i1 dulv levi upon the above described real property, and I will, nn Ihe lilth day of December, Ih'.w. at the hour of 11 o'clock In i lie foinnoon of suld day, at the court house door, towlt: the -trance of snld cnniT house on rcigtitn street, in tho t.'lly of Astoria. County of flalson. fllnle nf Oregon, sail said described renl property nt public, h net Ion to the highest bidder or ciiHn, in u. n. gold coin, to sntlsry ki Id assessment, h Interest thoreon, and III post and xpnnae nf gala ui aforesaid, nd Ih aii'inlng cnsls, linlad at Aalorla, oregun, III I7lh day nf NoveinW. 1MH. ,., ll. MS 'lA" IV, Chief of Pollc of Aalorla, Oregon. CIIII'iF OF POI.ICIfl HA 1. 10, Nolle is hereby given tlial by virtu of a warrant for tliij roilm lion of a ils llligueiil iiaauaaiuiinl for Wis mpruvoment In III city nf Astoria, Oroaoti, lowlli liond street, from j',orly-ci,oiuj to 'orly 11 flji street, duly Issued by ill auditor Mini police Judge of said cllv. by dlreo- .ii'i .M j.iiiM-- ''a -, ., Hon of Ihe common ooiiiicll of snld elty, aald warrant being dated Ihn ITlh alny of Ocloher, IK'iM, lo ins dlrnH'lad, ninl tha aaaesaiunlil o Id JJ 40 Wllh uf B jar cenl of March, Kt aaaesaiunlil on which siica'lllcal allioiinlliig J 10 wnn inlereal inarataui si in rsi Per annum rioui Ilia Slat ii.iy 'H. ami being ngnliiat h (ollowliig lininetl pet sous, lowlli It. Marlon and II. MeCoimack, 0 Viler of Ih following deacrlbeal real property, towlt: o IK, block K, ss sub diVldiHl In lha I'oit of I'pper Astoria, as laid out and locoiiled hy John Auslr, and also ngalual snld iloacillM-d properly, and eh ch warrant coiuinaiuis lus 10 Innkil levy llsm nud a.ilg of o de ai i II. I'd piiipeiiy, In outer lo aallafy Said earranl and said naaiaainetil Mild to gether wllh Ihe Interval ihmnoii and Ih mala and xieliava of suld sale, Mild Pliiaimul lo aaid wnnuiit aainl Ihe "I0 iiniiiala therein loiilnlneil. I did on Ih I. ill day ot Novcinl.or, K, duly ovy upon Ihe ulmv di'ai'illieal renl pioperiy, and 1 will, on Ih puli dny of I lorember, I iu. at the hcur of II u'aloik In th foieiiaMiii of aui I.I day, al III court houa door lowll: the entrance of said court In uao on i:tghih alivel, In Ilia City of Astoria, iNiuuiy of Clalaup, Htals of Otegoti, sell eald U"crHel leal (Moperty i pulillil ailcllon t tha hlgheai t.Ul.ler for i-eatl. In tf, B, gold ihiIii, lo sallafy aeu) aaaeaaiuenl, Ih Inlereal Ihereon, and Ih caists and espniiaa of sal aforesaid, snd the accruing rosla. Da leal at Astoria, Oregon, ths li'lh dag of November, 1M1 R. IIAI.Uh K', Chief of Pollc of Astoria. Oregon. cinur or pouch bams. Noilr I hereby ,tlvn thai by vlrlu of a warrant for th lle. tion uf s e II lajilenl aaaesaiutni for the liuprva. ol In Ih city of Aa(iri. Oreaun, tnwln nfth st reel, from Korly-sea'ond lo Forty filth street, duly lesueal by tha aMtor snd pulue judge of said itly by dlnas Hon of the romimiu cam ml I of sslal elly. sal warrvant being daleal lbs I7lh day of Octolier. Ira. o m dirwled, aad th asseeamni on whlah sian iried aiiumallng to U W with ntareait thareaan at Ih ml of I ier emu per annum fnu th list day Of ifarah IKr. and lMang agalsM eta following namd parsons, uwli; It Marlon and 11. MiH.'ormacak, ow.ier of ths following desorlbed Mai property, tuwll: u( u,ldo. a I, aa ut. divided In ih IWt of apper Astorsx, a laid out and recorded by John AOalr, and also ugemel eald dawrllaa-d (tropertf, and wMolt warrant rumimand m fa make vy Uam and sale ot said de ecrtlieal properly, In urdaar lo sallafy id Warrant and aald saeeeament snd t gain with Ih Inlareat lharega and U coal and exixneee of sahl al. and nursuant I said warrant and ths aura maiiala therein contained. I did, on lav 17th day of Novetnlrer, U4 duly law upon Ih abov deecrlbed real prtsiiasrty, and I will, on lha lain day of liecesnber, l"v. at the hour of ll pioch la la foremain of suld day. at the court houe daxsr. town: lhei entrano uf aald eoajrt house on r-tghih sirei In ihe City of Aslorla. County of flaleop. Blsla of Oregon, sell aald deacrtbed real ixoiaoarly st publlo suction to th hlgbeel li.l.Wr for rash. In 11. M. gold nan. to iif said seeeesnient, th Inlareai (hereon, aad th txei nd ainse of Ml a aforeeald, and th a.x-ruing roeia Daleal t Aaa.iria, Oregon, th ill da of Novenilier. IsM. .... ..... R IIALUx'K. t hlaf of Pollc of Aslaerl. Orrgon. CHIEF OF 1-OUCR hAIJC Noil. I hsrebv glren thai hy Virtu of warrant for tlte ra.iloaiion of a da. inii.eht aawaeanirni for lha mprv e.uanl In Ih elly of Aalorla, Oregon, lowll: liond ireat, fnmi r'a-rty-aea-oi,,) i0 Forty, nfih airewa. duly Uaued by Ola aixUUar nd paalla- judge of eaJ.I all. by dlrrao lion of Ihe aanuimrn rsrum, ,J aal, city aald warrant eing dall ihe I7lh day of Oa-tarbrr. IO. I., me d Ira. lad. and th aa.ana-ii am whu h siwined ani'"iniiii to 1N with interewt theream at the rat lr cesit mt annum from Ihe jit dwy of March. IsM, and bring era I oat rh, pillowing named person, low It: It. Manon and II. Mct'urmara ownrr of Ih following dnarribeal real property, lowll: lot v. blaaa I as soh dlvi.le.1 In Ihe port of i eir Aatorla. as laid out and regarded by john A. lair, are) alao agaiiiM eaid deaa-rvlMj proaart),, and wha-t warrant enrnmaiHrs me lo make levy Uin aiwl sale of said de. sa-rllaed pnaperly. In oder lo aauiary saM warrant snu said saweaamenl snd ta eether with the Inlemtt Ihereun and the coela and expense of said sala, aand pursuant lo said warrant aod lb com mand therein mniained. I did. on Uhe) llh day of Novaamtter. laiei duly levy upan Ihe above drarrlbed real nroiaerty. and 1 will, on the lath day ot (-emter, lw. al ihe hour of ll o'cioak m tha f.sraliuain of wild day al the murt kooe loir, towr.' the itlr-tn uf eel.) rourt house on r.1hlh siraet. In ths t'lty of Aslorls, t 'ounly of (.'lalop, Rials of Oregun. sell seld drscri-ed real proiert at puhllai auellim to Ihe highest bUlaler for reah. In ll, ft gold coin, lu aatiefy said ssaeaBiiieut. henlereet I bar eon. nnd the oral and raprnae of sal wa afiirreald, and Ih seaming roats Dated at AstorM, twrgon, th 17th df 01 November, lkaa. ... . . . K. HALUm K, hlrf of Pollc of Aatorla. Orrgrsn. ClllfuF OF JHH.ICK BALR. Noilce la hereby given that by virtu of a warrant for the rullr. n.m of a de. liiiiuent iir-mini fo- tin Imi rvy ai.iwt In Ihe rity of Aatorli, oregun, mwiti Hoiul sireel, from Forty. second lo Forty. nfth street. ,ly aa,,M l,y ,n auditor and pill.e judge of said city, ov Olree. lion jf Ihe oniiiion council of said rlly. smd warrant being iUir.1 the 7lh day of Ortidaer, IM. to ma directed, and tha ssarMMnient imi e h Ii snea'ine, amounting lo 1W wllh Inlereet theream at th rat of ljr ce-il H-r aiinum frann Hie mat dny "f March, lusl and beoig ar-ninal th Pillowing named -eraone, towlt: It. Marlon and II. McCormack, oaner of Ihn following described real pn.oerly lowll: .t n, hl.sk s. as aiMr dlvliled In iho Port of I'pprr Astoria, ss laid out urn, recorded by John Adair, sn alao against suld di acritical property, led wh.ch warrant rnmmaiwa in io make levy upon and aale of em, I de scribed property, In older lo satisfy said warnini and sold assca.inciu Mll( (K geihnr wllh the lnlrra-et lheraon and tha coals and rxpritar of aald sain, and pursuant to said wurrwiit ami I lie com mands therein untu ned, I did. on th Llh day of NovemlH'r, lh94. dnly levy upon Ihn nbove deacrllMMl renl pionerty nod I will, on ihe pith, duy of Di-amliea-iKin. at the hour of 11 o'clock In Ih fora huon of s.il.l day, al Ihe rourl houa door, town: the ei'ir.inco of sa.al court house on KUfhih street. In Ihe City of rastorln, County of t lalaop Btate of Oregon, sell wild drsrribed real property at public auction .i Ihe Ii Ik heal bidder for rush. In It. B. gol( com, to sallafy said aseeasmeiii. ih Inl. rea, therron and the aMiala and aviuni... ' . : aforesaid, and Ihn sn-ruliig rosla Dated at Aetorla, Oregon, Ih li h dal Of November. lm, " 0" r.K. . a r, .. R- MA LMM'K, thief of Pollen of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKF OF POLICK BALK. Nitleo g hereby given Ihnl by Mriiiu of a warranl for th collection oi u dn il.'iueiit ass.'ssinctil for lpi Ipipr.ivoiiient In Ho elly of Astoria. Oregon, town: llond striaa-l, from l''orly-se "iml o rorivl Hri. street, duly Issued by tlin uudltor Slid mil ce lu. u nt anl. I ..li,. i... (Ion of the common council said cllv said warmnt lining dale.l the. 7u, ,,4y ,, Or. olier, 1K1IH, In mo dire led, and the assessment on will, h s'locitlnd nmoiintliur to I2.trt with Interest thernon nl llie rai of 8 nor com per iiniium from thn aist dny f March. ISM, ami being iikiiIiisI n, loiiuwuig naincii person, lowit, n. Marlon and H, McCormack. Dwner of thn following dew r I bail real pro-erly, lowit: lot aa. Idock 8, na sub divided In Iho port of Upper Aslorm as lad nut and recorded lv i,.i,., a.....' and also agaliml snld descriliiil properly and which warrant couiiiiiiikI nio io' m utt lvy UHin and snln nf said ale scrllii'd property, In order to sutlsly said warranl ami mid aesessinent nnd to. "oihnr with tho Intoned Ihnreon i, mi ,. costs and expense of snld snio, and pursuant to said warrant and ih. ... iiuinils Ihuroln conla lied I did, on ihe 17th day of Nuvomher. 1MIH, duly vy upon tha above described real prupertv and 1 will, on the lilth duy of Doc-emlter IS'is, at ihn hour f n o'clock In the forenoon of sold dav nt Ine n i,,,,,.I door, towlt: Ihe mitnuic of snld court uiin am j'.iaa.iiii p.ioci, m ino t tty of Aslorla, County of Clatsop, Btata of Oregon, soli wild described renl lo.meri. at publlo auction lo tho highest bidder for cash In 17. fl. cold coin, to satisfy suld assessment, the Interest thAi-mm ...Jt thn cost nnd expenses of salo aa afnresnld. nnd Ihn nccriilna- cnal. Haled at Astoria Oregon, tha nth dn of November, lbW. r-hief of Pollc of Atorl,'00rcajon.