TllK DAILY ASTOIUAN, SATUl'DAY MOKMNU, PKCEMKKIl IMS JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Tlphon No. tt terms or muhbcription. DAILY. n' r mall, per year Sent by mull, par month Served by carrier, par month, .. t&OO l' BKMl-WKKKLY. a. nl by mutl, per .year, in advance. ..Hit) t'ostag ire to suoser.ncrs. All communications Intended for puhll callnn should be. tlliv. ted to the oll'.or, Huliifa communications of kit kit). (nit rcniltlnncel must b addressed to "The Antorliin." The Astorlan guarantees lo Ha adver tlaers the lnrft'flt clrcuUt.on of sny newspaper published on ths Columb. rlvtr. Advertising rsts ran b had on appll eatlon to th business manager. THE SEAPORT PROULSM. Th letter of our Portland corwpori nt ar now In pamphlet form. VT Ai tori an has Juat Issued 10.000 copies of the pamphlet, which la entitled "Th Seaport problem of the PacWo Northwest ThtMt mill b distributed chiefly in Port land, u suggested by our correspondent In on of th letter. It U believed they will go far toward convincing Portland peopl of two facta, via.: (1) that Aitoria to the Inevitable, seaport, and (D that tt la to Portland's highest Interest that It ahould such. This aertea of letter presents fact nerr before, printed In this conneotloo. They are all undisputed facts, however, known t all men to be such. That la the strength of the pamphlet. It argue Itself. It Is no mere assertion or opinio of the writer or mar other man. It (roup with masterly logic physical facts and figure which cannot be disputed but which do on has heretofore applied In this way to this treat seaport problem. The style In which the pamphlet Is writ- tea Is easy and graceful and as charming as a novel. It rivets attention. It holds It without effort Tho terseness, sim plicity and directness of these letters; their lack of useless words; their com plete avoidance of needless issues; their frank conceesloa of all the reasonable claims of the opposite side; their spirit of fairness towards all and of earnest cooclHatlon towards Portland all go to mark them as of matchless value to As toria's cause. If anything can change the Portland people from enemies to friends of our city, this pamphlet is that agency. It covers the entire problem of seaport supremacy in the Pacific northwest In fact letter VL touches on the greater problem of seaport supremacy for the Pa cific coast, But lis development of the value of Astoria to the farmers and trad ers of the Columbia baala as the seaport Js laUni table. It should be read and dled by aU the farmers, merchants and manufacturer from one end of this basin to the other. The As:or!a chamber of commerce should order the edition in creased to VltjM coptc. I: j fruitful re turns would soon be ass safest la the at tention immediately atmated to our city, and by our soba-aa-isl gravis, and increased truie. Ciea sbno'd siso be sent to the daaa-aVer yC cocaarrce aod newspapers of th saves, else t every congressman and aexator- Tim paspali would be tie most sowerTa arrxsKBt that could be made f-r a naval station at Astoria as th central yJtaX and only fresh water harbor of the west. Our peo ple should show their appreciation of .he value of fh-rse letters dot-ated ro them by their Portland friend by g-virig them the widest circulation possible. kM h I What nobler, better ambition can a youni ttuple have than to live loving, helpful lives, and then, in a green old aire, look back over a life tbst has been mutually elf-sacrificing, uvful and succewful ? The one great stumbling-block tlist Hands be tween most married couples and this ideal married career is ill-health. If both bus band and wife would take proper care of their health, there would oe more bak, hearty ami nappy old people in the world. If, when a man suScrt from the little ills of life, be will resort to Dr. Pierce'i Golden Medical Discovrry, the cbanrrs are that be will avoid the big and fatal illnesses. Thi great medicine gives a mail s healthy hunger facilitates the flow of digestive juices, invigorates the livtr, purifies and enriches the blood and builds firm, muscu lar, healthy flesh tissue. It is an old saying that women are hard to kill. There is some truth in this, as far as the majority of illnesses are concerned. There is one class of disorders, however, that quickly undermine any woman's gen eral health. No woman can r tain her strength who suffers from weakness and disease of the delicate and important or gans that make wifehood and motherhood possible. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is an unfailing cure for all disorders of this deacription. It acts directly on the - sensitive organs concerned, in a natural, soothing way. It makes them strong, healthy snd vigorous. It prepares them to bear the burdens of maternity. It if the greatest of nerve tonics. The woman who uses it will bear healthy, happy child ren, and live to s ripe old age. , Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate snd invigorate the stomach, liver and bi- wels. By all medicine dealers. ft f , . r "Jj 1 rV ' : W MTaistfMinJidkoM,Dkk. H tmoUni Seal ol North Carofifia, and w want all hrs t of tt." The quality of Seal of North Carolina has been held up to the highest standard ever known in smoking tobacco. The name wherever you hear it carries with it the guarantee of a "good smoke' T he Original Always the Mild and The best currents always com from an electric plant Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and la pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Charles Rogers, druggist A wise old saw Is one that has cut Its wisdom teeth. Luxuriant bslr. ot uniform color, to a beautiful head covering for either sea. snd may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. . European countries hsve to pay a roy alty for most everything. OABTOnZA. A soft anawvr turneth away wrath, but for tramps a bulldog la better. Acksr Dyspec Tablets are sold on posltlvs guarantee. Cures heart bum. raiting of food, distress a tor eating, any form of dyspepsia. On little tablet gives Immediate relief. 8 snd H cent a For sal by )stes-Conn Drug Co. A man says just about what he thinks when he speaks without thinking. That the blood should perform Its vttal functions. It Is absolutely necesssary It should not only be pur but rich In life giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard bluod purifier. Aers irsap rilla In politics one of the most popular of the primary colors Is the long green. Sick headache absolutely and perms nently cured by using Mokl Ten. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation snd Indicestlon. makes you est. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S snd SO cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Some of the best grounds to secure di vorces on are as yet uufenced In North Dakota. Pains in the chest alien a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to ine cheat over the aeat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevenl ' the threatened attack of pneumonia. Thic same treatment will cur lame back in few hours. For sale by Charles Rogers, drugget The man who would tell a little child that fairlt-s are not wouid torture dumb animalH. The Kind Yon Ha Aiwm Bct It Is a bit strange, and yet few people In a lifetime find as many articles as they have lest. Arkor'a KrwlUh remedy will stop a couKh at sny time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 23 cents and 50 cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. "Wedded bliss"- and "single blessed ness" were each Invented by a man who had the other. Mr. Hardin Norrls. clerk of the drug store of R. Shoemaker, Perry, III., says: A man came Into our store the other day and said, 'I want a bottle of that stuff that saves children's lives. I read in the News about It The children may get sick when we can not get the doctor quick enough. It's the medicine you soil for croup.' " He alluded to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be fore he left the stors. For sale by CDas. Rogers, druggist. A man should never discuss war que, tionj wUh Ms wife; better be a pcace-at-any-pilie crank at home. BUCKLEN'B ARKICA SALVB THE BEST SALVE In the worM for Cuts. Bruises, Sorer. Ulcer. Salt Rimum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Com and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to glv perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price cents Nr Vox. Tor sale by stes-C'onn Drug Co. Beanth t Plug Cut- same- Cool. s A woman can never be very bad after she learns that her little child measure Its Ideas of God by her. TO CURE A COLD IN OXE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. cents. The geaulns has L. B y. on each tablet When a man chase hi hat down the street before a lot of peopi bs always tries to smile Just as If be enjoyed It. HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good look ar really more than akin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital orgasa. If the liver I Inactive .yea hav a bllfcsm look; If your stomach to disordered, yea have a dyspeptic look; If your kldawy ar affsct you have a pinched look. Se cure good health, and you will surely hav good looks. "Electric Bitters" I a good Alterative aa4 Tonic Act darectly on the (teeoach, kvsv and kidney, pu ri fle th blood, cure pimple, blotches and boll, aad give a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at Eaiee Conn Drug Co. H cent per bottle. In 197 In the three Florida counties of Lee. De Soto snd HllUboro. H.700 alliga tor skin were taken and fit hunters were engaged In th business AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There are few men more wide swake and enterprising than Estes-Conn Drug Co.. who spare no pains to secure the best of everything In their line for their many customers. They have now the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Jolds. This Is the wonderful remedy that is producing sack a furor all over the country by Its many startling cures, n absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness sa all affections of ta Throat, Chest snd Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular slxe for SO cents and $1.00 Guar anteed to cure or price refunded. Some womea, aays tb crabbed com mentator, think that when a man leave home It ought to make him curl up aad suffer ss much as an oyster does. TOLh F 1 Shows the state of your feelings ana tne state ot your health as well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimples snd skin erup tions. If you sre feeling weak snd worn out and do not have a heajthy appear ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir l. c'Jres sll blood diseases where cheap Asrsapanllas and so-caned purifiers full; knowing this we sell every bottle on s positive guarantee. For sale by Estes Conn Drug Co. Rose Win he on his knws when he proposed? Mary No; but 1 was. Phila delphia Bulletin. TWO POINTED QUESTIONS AN SWERED. What Is the use of making a better ar ticle thai' your competitor If you cannot get a better price for It? Ans. As there Is no dlfferenco In the price the public will buy only the better, so tbtU while our profits may be small, r on a sitKle sale they will be much greater In the segregate. How can you get the public to know your mana Is the beat? If both snides are brought prominently before thr public both are certain be tried and '.be public will very quickly pass judgment upon them and use only the bettor oj. This explaia the large sale on Cham berlain's Cou;h Remedy. The people have been usiog It for years and have found that it on always be depended upon. They msv occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put f'rth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and Tor coughs, colds and croup there s nothing equal to Cnamberlaln's Cough Remedy. For sale Uv Charles Rogers, druzglst. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of NOTICE! , OF FILING ASSEtWMBNT ROLL AND MFJItTlNa OF HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. ' Notice It hereby glvan to U persoiui whixnsoever that the re ha been report! to th Common Council of th lly of Astoria. Oreaon, by th Roard ot Asses sor of said city, specially constituted for the purnoe helnafler expressed, a Bpeolal Assessment for lbs Improve nient In said city known th Eleventh lr Sewer Improvement, and which assvssmrnt Is shown on the special as seMinent roll for said iMumit, whli tt hs been (111 In the otlloe of the under. iiiiiihI, Is oi InspevlUm snd will o roiuA.n until Tuesday, IHvnuli'r 1J, US. at li oVIih-W . in., at which tlnio r,j Uikird ot EtiiulikHiKn for s.iUl ns suu'iit, cim Uivt of Iho itfoiixiutt 1). .iid o( ,ourn iiiul the OimnlH.n on tMiv.'is and l'limio ,i of tint Common Council of MM c'ty will meet In ttt 1'outifll I'liiitul'iVs of lln tii v Hull of I eity, to rv-vhnv snd fijunllso sulJ ii -no.lil. XX olijoolUms to slid sssi'.'smrnt mut W lllod with the iiiidvrslKiit'd o or be fore the time of suUI tm'llng. Hy order ot lh Mid Common Council Puled nt Astoria. Ontin, November St, JSM. . U. F NICIUN. Auditor and Police Judys City of Astoria. Orvgoii. ClIIklF OF roLKE SAUC. Net Ice Is hrbv glvon iat by virtus) of a warrant for Hie eollm lion of a tle l.ngurul . rvi-iit tor III J Improven nl In the city of Ati.s. Orooi, lowit: Hold street, from Forty-socoml to Forty Mill Slrt duly Issued b) 111 auditor sill police Judge of said city, ov dlr lloii of the common council of sl el:y, sal I warntttt tH'Ing otel the ITlh dsy ot (i -totvr, 1k4. to me dlr tvd, snd the tiyfiueiil on icinKl amounting to US) with Interest Uierevn at tl rate nt I per cut ne Annum IW n h list day of March, is and N-mg aswlnst the following named person, town; R. Marlon and H. MoCormack. owner of th following described real roprty, towll, lot i;. Mock I. ss sub divided In the Port of l'p-er Astoria, as luld out and rwonleil ov John A .War smt aiso agslniM sold deserlittl protwry, and which warrant evmman.1 ma to make levy uion nl i scribed property. In order to satixy said warrant and smIU sewssment snd to gether with th Inter' thereon and the t-oets and sxpensea of said sal, and pursuaut to said warrent snd the coin niande therein enntained. I did. on the 17ih day of November. 1S4. duly levy upon tb above described rl property, and I will, on the lh .Uy of Deorolwr. iiel. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said dav, at the court bouse door, towlt: th entrance of eaid court house on KHhih sireet. In the lUy of Astoria, Ounty of Clatsop. Stats of Oregon, sell said describe! real prooerty at publlo auction to the hlsbrst bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satstfy sold siwessoient, the Interest ereon. snd the costs and expenses Of sale a aforesaid, and ths accruing costs. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, the l'lb day of November. US. ,fALUt,K Chief of Police ot Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice I hereby given that by virtu of a warrant for the collection ' 1. II Miuenl assessment for toe Improvement in the city of Attoria, iireson. town: Hovl street, from Forty-second to Forty nf'b strevt. duly Issued by the au.l tor and polu-e Jud of aaid city, bv direc tion of the conmon council of said city, said warrant bring dated the ITlh day of October lf. to me directed. an- the assessment on which snerinxd amounting to with Inlereet thereen at Ihs rate of I pr cent r annum fross the .ul day of March, im. snd bmng ssrslnat the follo-vtng named person, tewlt; R. Marlon and H. Mivwrnsu-k. owners of th following deiartbed real property, loisnt, M 1. block k est sub divided In th tart of rppT Astetia,. as laid out and recorded by Jokst .mr. and also asaiBM said 0.itS1 nnnerly. and which warrant commands me to r4lr levy wpon asd sale of eaiu de scribed property, la order to satisfy SkiO rarnint snd said s fssment aad to get her with th Interest thereon a4 the costs and exrwnses of eekl sale, an) puiwuaot to said wmrwsnt and the eotn- nia t4m ihrin narmiaad. I did. OD ttM ITthr day of Nossmtmr. 1M. duly IWey upon th above described read property, snd I will, on the ism oay of Doesnbr. lv. at the hour ef 11 o'clock la th foreneon at said dee t tb court bouse door, lowit: the ewrrsncs of said court house on Elgntn eirem in in t-nr or Astoria. County oe Clatsop. Btsle oe Oregon, sell said desert bee! real properly at pubhe suction to- th highest bidder for cash. I U. 8. gtd rn. to satisfy said sssessmsnt. the Interest thereon, and the costs snd expensee ef sal as sforeesld. snd ths seeming eoels. Dated et Astoria, Oregon, the 17th dsy of Nove-b.r. IS Chief ef Police of -Astoria. Oregon. LfwnUr Winlntnilnii.B rw, E !i l iiliiix.l ell! cr-e n ie-.. r "tileroissr sod In.. ois' IvPlKa 1. kkueiaiilelunir -ausys the iwbinK si o.i-. acs AS S Dituilii S. Sites I..MSMI :irf. Or. Vil lame luilian Pih- O at Bent ! nnipereil fnr ie-. an,l lu r Ing nt the pneam parts Ksrrr hot e-arrsated. H dnu tre'la. hy aisil oh re- seipt ot pn- reote sn.l KtllLlffi iiSHFICIUSilS CO.. Prop, ;. tU. mm PEHSYROML PIUS TU f wfw i ail.. ;.iii ftllli tlllsll ' htAlk I.l ltV(li. M ,. IU II M ll r f avtr " f .f tUrlrttt H-hAsJt. gti'.ltJei d" stsitM ftt ACrfataf n1 Irtinaa rvimd f.r . ...! i tt - lheitt. ''' -it if 1 v '',,,i,r1 ,i""t' l r-r v -6?V5,.l- H ir.hll. ..l ' rtr .- For M.t by ESTES-CONN PHUO CO. Beware of Imitations US OrVa S orccsTcr$hiresf) AHM DuaUUfS Sons, AaSaTS, SIW V0SK. Astoria Public Library READINO ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every ay from t o clock to B:S0 and 6:30 to 1:80 p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. Went Cor. Eleventh and Dunn Streets. iatewnetwx'A.iLTSnii.4si' u at; UM'AJaBt OA-ira ist iiauaiMiw'--:.M ..( wtt?&' ' xrf.' n tti-.tir-e.t TI: CVirdt tJ ti,.. i ... i',,u -iy itix .ct, .f Boinndt. Ln-rt Siwwr. n Uack, S ll Dealrea, nemlnil bllity. HenUnche Onlltnesa to or t oi tsnuth vr-ry furw. furu iioti. fjour mt di. -.urful nt. rfMe mmulatot th t-TaiO fttid ai trntrr. ra-. ,-, i mauij fiuosic4, hviib Lmju. Cucuiu. bv, Addr, CHIEF OF POI.ICK IAKK. Notice la hereby slvtn that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a ile liito,il"lil am ospiiii'III lor ine iinprovtt.eeut III (he tllv or st rls, lireuon, lowit: lloml atreol, from Forty second to Forty, firth street, duly Insued bv the aildllor and police 'initio of stilil oily, by ,'llico tlon of lh coinniou con.iMl of t,t dir. I'd wnrmnt being dittol th 17th day of (Vlober, Is, to me dlreoled, end the soiueiit on which s-MM'ttln.! smountlng to J XI with inioreut thereon nt Dm rai of I per coin imi1 eniiiim (rum the ll dny of March, IMM. and bolng snlnsl lbs following naiurst persons tolli l Marion snd II. M-Cnrnmcl ownre of Die following descritttti res property. tol", lot U block g, sole divided III tb Port of I'npei' Aslorm, us luld out mid recorded by ohit Adulr, mid -it'o suniii'l :ild ilixorilieil (tioporly, and is hcli wiutuiiI coiiiiiiiiiuIs ins 10 muse levy upon mid nle of eSM do- isiiilicd propeity, In milcr to atlry siul ;iiii4lit snd mi lil NMcsKluettl snd to. I'c.hor wltli Ibo Inteii-el tliorcoll and the coffin flint exiniieos or S'lld site snd uiiniii lo i d anrrnni ano ih coin m in, Is tlii'ioin l onin tied, I did, on Ihs ;ih il it of Noveninrr. IMH, iluly levy iiion the nltove tli'sorlbril rem oroperly, mill I Mill on i 'i pull Uy of Dei'mnlicr, IMS, at tl." of II o'clock In ihe l,o, o, -'n ot nil i. ititv ill tho court lion diior. towif itio cnlinnco of uld court mi I It hill en rol In the I'll v of 'Astoria. Count of t'Ulmip, Hint of nieii in, soli i.l ilencrihod re tl property nt inihl'tv miction to Ihe IiIhIiikI iii,V r for ouitii. in I', rf. nid com, lo satisfy leuld seecssinont. the neeei (hoieoii mid the iMel and eipoitaoe u( "lis as afire, and Iho n.cru nf cost. fined at Atorl, Oregon, ths lith dsy ot November. U. K. HAl.UiCK. Chief of Tollc ol Astoria, oreg m, CII1KF OF PHI.1CK BALK. Notice Is horeby slv t'.isl by virtus of a warrant for ths collection of a lis ling win ninieii for th mprov t imii In the oil jr of Anions, oreaon, town: Pond etreel, frtm Korty-socond to) Forty, tl'ih strtel, duly leaned by the and tor ana ponce junsn or .viii oitv, ov itirro- I i itii ci me couim'Hi c"oiici ti ptm ciiy. ' snld warrant bring dated the 17th day of ti-tober. 1.SM. to m dirt ted, end ths ' assessment on ahich. siie.-inil amounting to HJO wlih Intereel tliereon at tne raie of I par rent per annum from the list day of March, 'Mi. and being mrnlnel ihs following named ersona, ton It: R. Marlon and It. McCormack, owner ot the following i ecrlbel real ttrotwtrty. tolt, lot 14, block I. as sub divided In the Port of Umtsr Astoria s laid out ami ntrdel by iohn A.l.ilr, ami also sssinet enld ileeorlbetl rce;rty, and wh'.ch warrant rommsiMle me to make levy uihiii and sale of enld de scribed property. In order 10 satisfy said warrant snd said aseresmsnt and to aether with the Interest thereon and th oii and xjtense of asld sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com inande therein contained, I did,' on the 17th day of November. t$M. duly levy upon the above drecrtbed real property, and I will, on the Uth day of Ieoember, pot, at the hour of 11 o'clock In Ihe fore noun of sold day. at ths court house door, towlt: the entrance of said court house on Ftghth etreel In the City ef Astoria. tountv of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said described r-l proiieriy at publlo suction to ths highest bidder for cash, la U. ft. gold coin, lo satisfy snki asaeesmsnt. ths lnirrt thereon, end the ooele snd eipen.- of sal ss aforesaid, and ths seeming costs. listed at Astoria, orsgon, tb 17th day ot November, 1J4. K. IfALlaTOK. Chief of rolle of Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POI.ICE SALE. Notice I hereby given that by virtus of a warrant for th collection of a da llnt'ieM asseesment for Ihe In prrver.ttit In the city ef Atlnria. OrMon. town: Hond etre1, from Forty-eond to Forty, nfth strent. duly luue.1 by lh auditor and police Judge of eaid city by dlree tloa of Ihe common council of said city eakl warrant lK4n dated the 17th day of m-lober, UM. Iii inn dlr-ied, and the osamtnment on th' h siwinenl amounting to U with Interest thereon si the rat of I per real per annum from the list AViy ef Starch. IV and being jrmnt the fullewtnaT nemed per eons towlt: a hfaiien and It. MoCormack. owner of the followlnr derrlbel real proixrty. toU. m U bin k (. as i6 divided in the Port of I -Piter AsinrM. as hud out snd recurved by John A.Wxr. sml also against Mid dee.-ritteai -iierl)'. and wtrch warrant command me to mas levy up snd sale uf enld de. eirtued prvnertv In itraer lo eatlafy said srarrant and aaiil ss ssmeot an t geiher with the iniermi thermal and the coete ants sxneraeaa ot said sal, and pursuant is saul warraat snd the com mamls thwrein coata ned. I did. on the ITlh day ef November tM. duly levy ptn th abnvn deita rl 04 real property, and I end. sn th IHth day of Dvrerober, Ist. at th hour of II o'clock In the foreneon uf suld day nt tb court bout dour, loan ihe entrance et said court bouse on (Mthth eirse-t. la th 1'lty of Astoria. Cimnty of Clatsop. Slate of Orsgon. sell euld i'. men hed real proneriy at public nunton to the hlabrsl bidder for cash. In 17. X. gold role, to satisfy said sseeasinenl. the .nfereet thaream. snU the costs sial exiteaee of sale ss aforeeaid snd 'ha nceraing costs. tinted st Asterla. Oregon, the 17th day of November, lava. K. HAI.Uh'K Chief of Ponce of Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SAI.K. totlr Is hereby glvsn that by virtu of a warrsnt for the cefiertlon of a de. 1 ns'i ml Bsaesmmmt for Ihnt nihr tveniriil In ihs e iy of Aatt-i. lreiiii. ,f f Hold street, from ort y - on.l lo Forty fifth street, duly Inatied by the and tor snJ police JudK" f said rlt- hy direc tion of iho common rmnril of s.ild eliy said warrant belli; dated Ihe 7lh dny of October. 1M. lo ma dire-led. and (he nsteeamenl on wnu h sperlrVM smountlng to gl ? wlih Interest thereon at the rale of I isr cso: tier snnum from the Hat dny of March, l.t. and being against the following named persons, towlt; R. Msrlon end Ff. MrOtrmnck. owner of th fallowing ilenrrloed real prniwrty. towlt, bet IZ blink I. ss sub divided ai the- port i roper Aster,, im laid out snd reverded by J"hn Ad.ilr, ;t iwt iiiao iitfalnat aild d --crttMii pr'tperty, and ahrh warrant ! mn tt msse levy upttn soil s.ile of d de serted property. In order to sstufy said warrsnt snd salo sku ainrnl and to Keiher Win the iniert-al tben-itn and the '-nms nnd eipt-nnoa nf n.ild sale, and mirsuant to said wirrnnt und the corn nitimla llirreln runlu red. I Old. ou Ilia ITlh day of Novemler. lft!H. ou!y levy upon tne alif'Ve d.erllt'l real property, it ml I will on the iMh dny n( tioi-emlier, at the h'Mir of II o'clmk III Ihn j fiiii-iiiin of sold il iv. in the coiirl hou-o i diK.r. lowit: the entranre of s.ilil court i rieiixe on KkIiui t. rei'1 In ihe I'y of I Ail'ir .t, f'uunte of C'.aisop, Stale nf ; Ori-K'iti, sell wild di scriheti reul properly j n imlil!: Hoeiiiio tn the hlirhrat hiiMiT ' lur ensh. In If H. sold coin, to'sfy ild saai-ssiiifni. ihe ntr-- iheieon. and ; t. ii, nnd 'xn-ne of mile ss ' aforesaid, snd the aernitng costs, i liiiit-d at An'.orni. i jr-K"ti, the 17 h day I of November, ISliK. K. IIAI.In K. Chief of Police nf Aspirin. On son. CHIKF OF POMCU BALK. Notice Is herebv glvrn that by virtue of a wnrratt for the mile, tlon ' f a de liiuiuenl iisjsnii- nt fur itn min'o 'oim iiI in tne eliy or Ait inn Oregon. tow:t H ind street, from l-'orty-st i nnl to K'diy fifth street, duly lamicd by tha nnd tor nnd pnl lea JildKe or su.d my. ny nine tlon of th cnmni'in council of snld elly. s-ild wnrmnt being da l ml the 17th day nf October. IW8, t" mo dirwleil. nnd the nsseetitnent on will' h siiecllld nmoiinilnit tl 13.20 whh Interest ttiert-oii at the rate of 8 per cent pr annum from lha Slat day of March, IICSI, nnd being niriiliiHt tho rniiowing nuniKU persons, town: R. Mnrlon nnd II. McCormack, owner of tho following described renl property, towlt: lot ll. block . a suit divided In ihe 1'itrt of Ultlier Aslorm as laid out and recorded v John Adulr, and men niculiiHt snld ili'srriio'd trnt'riy, nnd wli.i'h warrant commundN mn to make levy titon nnd nl of anld de scrlned property, In order to satlnO' said warrant nnd snld usHi-ssment nnd to gethor with Iho livlorwit tlicn-on and thy. i osta and expense of said sain, nnd pursiiiint lo suld wnrrant nnd the com mands therein conta ned, I did, on the 17lh dav of November, ltfJS. uuiy nvy upon the above descrlltea roni properly, Htwl T will on lha llll h dltv of Docemlier Win, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of snld day, nt the court house door, towlt: the antrancs of suld court a . . X' v.vrwi lave ltv. ill k a. f-fl yt tr. I l'"J I' ..(Wt ol 'he Mi,rmaS irei ti.-t w el r. ...- In Mi. I y iu. nrlslntr Imn tffecU cl.'.r:ti tlllO .1 i . Qjfl Lett Mnnhoodi lm hoeu tnsooinln, Vulns ni itsict, Kervou Ds mir-tit-Loaaes. norrr latc'i fcmlsatoin, tnrne r""7i J'v ol I, Varlcocels, e ui iiu- Cure 6 f r il V i-7 nAll. A wnnoi. (.'-Tnigr, -inhoo Hmmi Co., Mnn rranoltoo. For talc by Charieg uogeri. house on PMirhth street, In the Oily of Aslorl. County of Clslsop, Hlat J'f tirNon, soil wild deaorlbed real properly at piibllu suction to III lilahest bidder tor tmsli, In II. M, gold coin. 1 - v Mid ,-. siiiont, thelnieresl thereon, aim Hi oosis snil sxpeiises of snls a afnreasld, and th accruing coals I in led at Aslorie, oiegou, th llih dav ofNovtfnW. tm. nM I.K Chief of Polio of Astoria. Oregon, CHIICF OF P01.ICH SALW. Nolle Is hereby given lhn by vtrlus of a warrant for the collection of de. iiiiiient sses.iinnl mr lint Imprivei I In th eliy of Aelorlii, Oroiion, lowit: lloliil slrnol, from l''ort,v-srconil In Kony. ( fill street, duly by III" UdHor snd police jililMo of sold city, by dliev t lil of the common oouii'll of sold cliv, sitld wurrnnl being ilmiil Ihe ITlh dny of o .'loiter, iwt, lo me dire, led, and the sssi'itKinelil oil which sini'llied alitmitillng to 1.1 M vlih luteresl lliervuii nl the rill of nor cent ier annum fn II III llt d 'Y of Miireh, isim, nnd being nsiilnul ihe fiillowlng tintiiml persons, loell; It. Million and II, McCormnck. owner of Ihn followlmr donorlbed renl property, lowit: lot t hi'" k a, lis sub divided In the I'oit of I pper Aelnrln. us luld out nnd rveoi'drd by John Ad. ill, nnd Hlsn itMiiluet said desi'rllte.1 properly, nnd vth.cli wnrranl commmids me to Inake levy llii nnd mile of eald di" scrlieVl propoi ly. In older to satlstv said wnrrnnl nnd sold niiiunl and l geilinr Willi Ihn Inlnrcet llieroiMi and the -oat nnd emeiinee of said sale, mid pursuant to said warrant nnd the coin Inaiiils Ihoteln coiilniued, I did. oil Ihs lith dsy of November. In:, duly levy upon Ihe above described renl properly, and 1 will, on ths lulli dsy ol liscember, lt, at His hour ot 11 o'clock In th fotelitain of sold day. si the snort hone riiMtr, towlt: the entrance of said coun houee on i:tlilh street. In the Cl'y of Aalorla. County of Clatsop, Hts t or t,ieCiin, sell snd (lesel rrilied real pmreriy ed real n at pithllo nuotlun to it th a hls'lieat bidder for cash. Ill I). H. gold coin, to satisfy aild saai'saineut th Interest 'heriHi, nnd the wal and xphse of sal ss sforeaald. Slid lh a.-cnilng rnsta. Itated at Astoria, Oregon, th lilb day uf .Noventlier, ItH. H. UAI.U'.'K. Chief of rollo e( Astoria, Oregon. CHIICF OF POI.ICK SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtus of a warrant for the collection of a de I n I lent an-i-a.nient for Ihe mpruversiil In the city if Anton, oreaon. towlt: Hon.1 atrevt, front Fort ) -seroud lo Forty fifth "(rent, duly laaunt by Ihe sudilor and police Jinlsn nf said city oy direc tion of the commun council of said fit r, saM warrant ttetng dated Ihe 17th dsy ot Ot toUr. I", lo m dire, led, and Ihe aaseemuenl on whk h ecilie.l amounting lo ft) with Interest thereon at Ihe rate of I iter cant per annum fruin the list day of March. 1MM, and being against ths fiillowliig named trone, twwlt: R Marlon and 11. MotVrmark. owner of the kllowlng described real property, towlt: lot I, block I, ub divide.) In th l-ort of I'pper Aalori. aa laid out and rtattrded bv John AiUlr, and also ngnUit mid desi-rilteil property, and which warrant command me to mak levy uion ami sals of said de eon proerty. In onler to satlafy said wnrrant and said assessment snd to gether with the Interval thereon snd the iwele and entenaea ot said sat, snd pursuant lo said warrant snd ths com mand therein contained, I did. on the 17th dsy oi Novwnber, lust, duly Isvy Upon th sbov deacrlbed real profterty, and I will, on ths lth dsy ot liecemlter, at the hour ot 11 o'clock In the forriuain of said day. at Ihe court house town: th entrance of said court hnuae on Ftshth street, in the city of Astoria. INtunty of ilaiaop. Slat of Oregon, sail said i.eerrilied real properly at puhilo aucUon to ihs hlgheal bidder for raeh. la V. R. roid coin, lo satisfy axld saeeesment. Ihs Intereat thereitn, sno Ihe poets snd espenaes nf sals ss aforeaald. ami the a.-crntiig cost paled st AstnHa. Oregon, the 17lh day ef November, txxs. K. irA1.utMK. Chief of Poll of Astoria, orrgon. CHIKF OF POLICE SALE. Notice I hereby given that by virtu of a warrant fne th culie. turn of a de Pmiuent ataeaamaal far the Imorjven ent In Ihe elly ot Aaiorie, Oregon, lowit. Hond streatt, frttm Ferty-eeeood to airly firh strent. duly teeued by the sod ..r and polu-e Judse ef enld city, by direfl lUtn of the comm-MS eunncll uf said city. aai.1 warrant ttring dated the 17th dsy ot Ort'ttier. lira, to me illrocted, ami the aaatnement on whU l ennrined amounting at 119 with Inlereet llereen at the rale 4 I ner rent Jtr anauas trim the Hal day ef March, 1MM, and being ssralunt the ftsUowlsg named psrsewe. tvwlt: R. hUrion and H. McOjewiack. oataer ef th following dnarrlbe.1 real prepeny tvwlt: I.K . I.l". k a, sub rtvwte.1 in th I "on of I'pper Aston. a hild out and rmttrdeit by John AiUlr. and aio ngaltuM enld iieeevttied priejierty. ami wheh warrant rmeanl me to niahe levy Uin and nai ol said de e i iWil properly. In order I Mtlaiv snld warrant and said see ! t aad to gteihwr with the liwareai thereon and the iuau and eiprneea nf said sals, snd pursuant lo said wnrrant sd Ihs Com ments therein ronta-ned, I did. on tb 17th Say of Noveimtw. 1M. duly levy opin the sbov deacrlbed real property, and I will on th lt h dsy et lieoember, tvm, at Ihe hour of II o'clock In Ihe fitTrmain of suld dsy. st that court house dmir. town: the entrance ot said court hnuae ea Klshlh etreel In the City of Aatocie. County of CHlsep. Niele of I tregim. sell nnlil desrrllied real properly at pieblln auction to ths hi beat dddder for caeh In V. gold cole to satisfy aald sjatriinnient, th Interest thnretif anil ratals snd xMnaee ef sal ss afi.reenid. and the a. cnntig rnala lulled at Aalorla. Oregon, tb 17th day of November, Id . F.. UAtaxx'K Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. CHIKF OF pul.H K BALK. Nutlet la hereby kI rn that by virtu of warrant for the in"w lion t,f n de I n.iienl asseaement for the Imrir-tvi r ent In the rlty nf Astoria, Oregon, towlt: lloml street, from Kurt y. second to Forty fifth street, duly leaned by the mid lor ninl vtllco Judse nf nnld cllv by dl-rc tl'tn of Ihe com nun council of said elly, sa'd warrant oeln dated the lith dny of Oi-t,ibrr. I "-. lo mn dire. led. "lid the iinvtmnient on sli t h snncifid amounting to II 9) with Interest thereon at the rata of a per cent l r annum from the Hist day of rfarh, snd beliig scaliml the fu.lowlii- namrd person, town. It. Marlon and II. McCnrnmrk. onnrr of the following deacrlbed real I'riMM-rt), low.t: lot I, Mmk H. na suit It v t ' In the l'.rl nf I'piH-r Aatnria. as laid out and nt-orded by j"hn Adulr, an-, also against suld ileum hod prittu-rly, and wheh wnrmnt cuininunds me In make levy upon snd sale or de acrlhed property. In order lo ssilufy snld wnrrant and sain sswaainenl and tu oi her wlih the Inten-at thereon nnd tb i mii nnd espouses ot s.ild sale, nnd pursuant to said wnrmnt nnd Ihe com mands therein contained, I old. on th 17 ts dav of NovcuiImt, IS'.IH, duly Utvy upon the above drscrlbed rml prrf)terty, and I will, on Iho pith osy of pecember. pi'.il. at the hour ot II o'clock In thn fitii'iiiHin of m. lit day, nt thn court house i,Hir, town: ihe ntitrnm of nnld court house on Might h street. In Iho City of Aatorln, t'ounly of I'lnlsop, Hint ot Oregon, sell nnld drscrllietl reul property at pulilln nilclloii to ths hlglii'St bidder for ciihIi, In I. S. gold coin, tn satisfy "tin nasi'ssineni, me ini"rest inoreon, nnd Ihn coals mid expruses of sale ss iiforeaiild, nnd thn germing ensla. fluted at Aatorln. Oregon, the 17ih da oi .noveiuoer, inea, R. HAMir'K Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE BALK. Nolle Is hereby given that by virtue or a wnrrant ror tno coiiei imii or a iln 1 iKpni.t ii t hum -n t for thn In (he elly of Aalorla. On-iton. fowl: Hond Mireet, from Fiiriy-seroud lo porly. Ilflh streot, duly Isr.ilcd by I hit mid. tor lind pollen judge or snld elly liy dliec tlon of the common council of snld rliv said wnrmnt being dated thn l'lb day of inrioiicr, nets, io me nirw ion, nnd the iiasoflsment on which Hiit'cliiini iimountlng to $3.2D wlih Interest llienioii nt Ihn rate of 8 tier cent per annum from the 31st, day of March, 1KM, nnd being iikmIiisi the following rumca pornons, towlt: R, Marlon ond II. MnCormuck, one" of thn following described real properly, towlt: lot 7. block s, us suli- (liv1"''!! in tno j'ort. or upper Asinrln, ns luld out nnd recorded by John Adulr, nun also Hguliiat snld "crllied iiropurty, nnd wh'.ch wurrnnl cominuiuls mo to inakn levy upon und sulo of sul.l de scribed property, In order to satisfy snld wnrrant nnd snld iisHossmenl ninl to. 'her with the Intorent thoreon and thn ronts nnd expeiiHim nf sniu sain, nnd pursuant to said wnrmnt nnd the com mands therein contained. I uiu nn the llh day of November, In ilulv levy upon Ihn above deacrlbed niil property, and I will, on the Ulth day of Docemlier iwl, at the hour of 11 o'clock In th foreniHin of mi III day. nt thn court hnuae door, lowit: the -trnnco of nnld ciihi tioiiHe on Kigntn sireet, in the City of Astorln. t'ounly of t.'lnlnon. Hlntn nf Oregon, sell nnld described real properly nt public auction to tho lilglii'si bidder for cash, In U, H. gold coin, to satisfy Him airnuniiiGiii, iinei eni lllltre'tn, snd Ihs oosls and expense of sal u aforeaald. ami lb aia-mlng I'oal. . Iniled st Astoria, lltegon, h 7lh daf of NovemW. IW A,,,((.,f, Chief of 1'ullo of Astoria, Oregon. CIlltlF OF POI.ICW HALM. Nolle is hereby given that by virtue of wnrrnnl for Ilia colle. turn of a de. Iinonnni ssatssmini for the iiiproveitieiit In lh city of Aaloiis. oroMoii, lowiti lloml si reel, from Forly seotind lo rorly. Ilflh street, duly leaned by III nii'l'lur ami pollc Jinlae nf said cllv. by dlree. lion of Hi ooinm'Ui council nf snld rliy said wnrranl being da led Ihn lllli day nf ocioher, IWil, lo in dii'i"d, mm lh naaeeemolil oil which sin leu allliiuulllig In II W Willi lllleieel llinrenii SI III ml of i per ceul fur aniiuni from In slat day of March, lW, and l"'lng annlnat III following baliied pelsona, lowlll It. Marion snd II, McCorniack, 0 vner of Ihn following described real propi'ily, I, i II; lot , bloik , as suit il.vhli'd III Ilia put I of llppcr Aalorla, as laid out and reconlcd by John Aonlr, nnd la,i nnaiuai sold iliwcilin d pntpeily, and wht'll sarraul coiuniaiula in (O in.ika levy upmi and sala of a de. scrll'i'd propel ty. Ill oiibr In satlafy Said wan am anil snld aei anient and to gether Willi III" llllnrcat llleli'i'h Slid 111 1 nals Mud vtpeliaes of said sale, and puiaiianl to snld win mill and lim com mands thi'iitln itnitiiliieil, I dd on Ihe l.ih day of November, s:i, duly levy upon Ihe nhovn deacilheil teal HOierty, nod I will, ull the lulli day of lecmbar. IMil, at the ll or of II o'clock III th roieiiooii of sold day. at in court noiiae door low II the eiillMliio ol said coun 3 In use ull t : ll It t tt elirel in Ills 1 Ity Astoria. Cuu n If ol Clnlsoti. Mtate lirvgon, Sell an Id described teal M utterly ul puuilo sikiioii to ins maneai iininer for en.h. In I'. . gold com lu satisfy eald anrssiiisiil. lb Inleresl iheiemi. Slid Ihe coala and rspense vf sal ss sforeaald. and ths s cnimg cosl. Itsleil at Astoria, Utsguu, th l.'lh dy of Novmber. la. , IC HAI.I.111K, Thief of Pollc of Asloiia, Oregon. CHIEF OF I'OulCIC U MM. , Nnilr Is hereby itlvsn lhal br virtu of a aarrant for Ilia culm lion of a de ll 'UK "lit aaaesanielil for tba liitiuurtii nil in ins ciiy of Astoria, oreaon, Awil: lifih street, from Kony-eeoonJ to Forty fifth street, duly Issued by lh asdltuT nnd puma Judse of said illy by dlree lion of lite common nnimll of said oily, saul warrant bmit- dated the llih day of Octntter. Ist. lo me dire. ie.1. sad Ike saaessmenl vn whk h specified smountlng to U W with intereat there)! at the rale ot I per rent r annum Inii the ill day of March IKi. snd being aralnel Ul followlita? named perauns. tuwlti 11. Marlon and II. MtfCunnack, ow.ier of Ihe following described real property, towlt: lot 11. block 1. na sub divide.! In th lurt uf wpper Asioru, aa laid out snd recorded by John Adair, nitd nlao ae:niuet eahl deei rilmil pr'terty, nnd whu'li warrant command nie tv make levy Uatn and sal ul ld d crllted properly. In order lo 4la(y said warrant and said saeeaanient and lo. (lh - with Ihe interval I hereon end lb cueis and sspensee ot seal sale, ana niirsusnt lo said warrant snd ths coca msnds therein rontailied, I did, on lh i:f h day of November, Uj duly levy upon the above dcirrtbed teal property, and I will, on Ihe Isth dsy of ieomber. Ires tt Ihe hour of II o'clock la the forenoon of said dsy. al Ihe court noue door, towlt: (he entrance uf asld court houae un Ktghih street In lh City of Astoria. Cxiuniy of Clatsop, Htate or Oregon, sell eald described real property at publlo aucllofi l..r ,w.k 1. 11 a I to the hlsheat bidder H. gold ruin, lo satisfy hlsht eald SMeeaiuent, Ihs Interval lhateiei, and lh diets and eipenae uf eale a eforeeaid, nnd lh ceiling costs luted et Aalorla. Oregun, lh llih day ot November, 1M, E IIAt.laH'K. Chief of Police of Aalutl. Oregon. ClllEf OF PiKetCK bAlX N 01 Ice is hereby gln thai by virtue of a warianl for the cuilr, nun of a de lingi.rnv iniiu (or lha mprw eonl In the elly uf Aal'O.a, oresmi. i..wit: lliutd slreet, friifn Port y-second to Forty, nftll street, du.y laatied by Use auctitor aad potue Judie of sajd city by dlree I lull of th C'HitituKt city itc ll of eatd elly aald warrant ttnlitg dlel lha 1,'lb day of October, Itlt. In me lllrei lad. ami lh eaeettr-l un Wha h Sltea Ideal aaoainting t stW wllb inlereet thereun et Ike rat f 1 iter cewt per annum front the lia dny ef March, IXA. slid being ailiil the fi'lkiwlng ntltlnl nriis. lowp: R Marten and II MciNiraiaw. owner of Ilia following dcribe.1 real property, towlt: hrt H. bi'ak 1. ae sult dlvlde.1 In Ihe port of 1 Miter Astoria. Laid out end retailed by nhn Adair, let aJeu aaalaal msid deecratrd property, ud ahifti werraitl mmmami ma to. mak levy upon ami eale or eaid crllied property. In order to ealkaly eaid wsrrwsu o said aaereamrtit snd to. e he with the Interval thereon and Ihe coele and ssiwnaen ot ukl sale, end pursuant lo said warrant and tne euta mande Iherela contained. I did o tne Kth day of Netoaiitter. it duly levy uiton la above dcerrltied real pTMperty, nd I will, on the Kth day ul I tecoiaver, lai. al the hour of II o'clock In tb forenoon of said day. al Hie court kuuae do jr. tuwiv live enlnia e uf eald eoisrt h"use on Ktshili eireel. In the CMy uf Astoria. Coualy of Clatsop. Miale of Orrgon. sell said desrn.tnl real Wopefiy at puhilo aucikm to th huheet bi.Ulrr for caah. In V. H. gold txtiii to satisfy Mid saeeaemsnt. thsnterea therein, and the totate and expense of Kile ea foreeald, and the erruing cos I a Italed st Aslortn, Oregon, ths I7lh day 01 Novemtte. IsM. E. IIAI.Un K. Chief of Police ef Astoria. orgun. ClllrJ OFPOI.ICK SA I.K. Notice Is oerrby given lhal by virtus of a warrant for the code, mm of a de. Iiriiiirnt .it no ni fo- iln i;ni rov-ii.aat III the elly of Aalorla itreicm, 'own; Hond alrnwt. from Kurty-arcinid tu purty. tifih street, duly laauod by the sudltor and ptlli-e Jediin of auhl illy y ,re. lion if thn common council of nald rlty said wnrrant belli- dalnl ihe I7ih day of Oi'tolter, lwt to mn dire ted, and th aaieno'iinnl on ahih i,ecl!ld ain'tiintlna lo 2 40 with Inlereet thorn) at tit rat of 1 ier ctrit IN.y annum from Ihe il. Uy of Miroh, tf snd be'itg aenui.t tBt follow Ina- aauied -eraona. lowit: It, Marion and II. McCornmoh. owner of the followlus- dcacnu.d real property towlt: mi al. bh-k . as suit, divided la th Port of I',mt Aiorin. a laid out aim rocoriled by John Adair and also niuiiutt mild dracrilM-al properly! tel wh-ch warrant corniunikm me tu make levy vi 1 ri mid sulo of Mn, ,e. ai rbed proieriy, In r.h r lo satlafy said wnrmnt and wild aaaeaaim-nt nnd lm geiher wlih Ihn Inlnreel thereon and the costs and espcusi's of said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and lha com ninmla therein cnliln lie,, I d. erl lh I7lh day nf Novomlii-r, IKH, duly levy upon the above dr-crllv riil pntnerty and I will, ull tb I'll h day of l.-einher IV. st the hour of II o'clock In ths foieniMtit of an Id 1l.1v, in ,n court hnu. door, towlt: the enirnneii ( aai ,-nurt hnusn un Kbtbth street. In the City of .atfiel IN.iinlu o....' 1 Oregon, sell sold descrii.ed real properly Ml I,, ,1,11.. ft,,, ,11.... .. .1.- 1.1 ... I .'...' 7 '" ",n "'Kiteai ill, Ider for rash. In II. H. goul com, to sitlafy anld aasessiiieiil, Ihn Inlerea, ihnrrnti and Ihe coals and expenses of sulci sa uforeaitid, nnd Iho nn-nilng costs lulled nt Astoria, Oregon, ,, of Novemlter, 1MW. - a .. . 11 "ALIe'M'K, Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE BALE. Notice s hereby klven i lint by virtu of a wurranl for llm colle, n,,n oi n de. iri'iueni aasessun'rii for thn li'ipr.ivoment III tin illy nf Aalnrlii. Oregnn, towit; llond street, from l'"u,h . i,riy. si roe t, duly IhsiicI by , Slid pollen JiiiIko of snl, i-V. by ulree. lion of the coliiiui.n council if nulil ellv suld wiitniiit beliiK ilutixi iho I7ih day of oe. oher, IMIS, lo tnu illre. nnd lha asreaainetit on who Ii s-iecillnu iimounihu, lo 12.40 wlih Inleresl Ihnritoii nl thn rilla of 8 imr com per milium from tho :imt day nf March. lMitl, nnd iikuIiisI in. fullowtlig mimed pnlsoii, towlt, It. Marlon nnd II. McCoriiuick. wnnr (if the. follnwlng dnacrlbi'it ' real hronor y towlt: ot U block , aa sub. dlvldiil In iho purl of l'iM,,.r Ailorln as luld out and reninled by John Adulr liml itlso HKiiliist suld diiHcrlliisi property nnd which warrant cnimuunda mn to nurtn lovy main nnd sulo f mUt ,. aerllied propiirty, In order lo miliary sold warniiit nnd wild nssessmeiit mid to--ollinr with tha Interns! t hereon und th I'M I nnd enen,.a ,f ...i.i ' . pursiisnt to snld warnini nnd lh' com- hill II. I at t t i f .11 '." V.h ,i..i ,,f nZ " ...J"! uiifin thn nliiivn .l..jr ..... i . . 7 Vi'i? 1 r".1!' ""i "'" m.ix ,luy.,'f ""'em'bnr; for 'tm- n nf ' .,.' , , . . ' CK- lnr " litutif II "V. '. ,".,'"".r ,:,'.., ' "' e oi unin ruurt hoiiso on hlghlh street, In ),a tMty of Aatorln, County of cimaop, Hinto of Oregon, soil wild desenhml renl properly Hit piibl o Allot on i to thn hlithenl 1, dder for (imh. In If. H. wild ruin, to satiety snld nsseHMinent. thn lnd r.-Mt llmrnmi, unci lilt atlilt a II fill w ... Kin i a irnni'n (jr nlft usa Hforosjild, a tul Iho arcniliiK roHta I Hi tod nl Atnrlu tie,.,..,.. ji. of Novcmberr iwi: " " ,no lnn a,i' r.v.i , u i, F'. "ALLflCK. Chief of Police of Astorlu, Orugoo. v,