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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1898)
TIIK PAILY AKTOMAN, THUK9DAY MOKMNU, DECEMBER 8, '18H5. iriFOHTANT We ira Informed that certain parties ire purrtasin;; omc of the old Jensen Can-filling Ilacliincs, with a view to ropalrins them by supplying any mlssin;, worn or broken parts, and again puttin; them to usfl fur packing salmon. A recent lal decision of hlfih authority has been rendered to U.e fCect that to supply one or all of the above cannot be lawfully done with out consent of the patent owner. We are the sole owner by purchase of the Jensen Talent for these machines, and public notice sons who undertake to so repair prosecuted to the full extent of the the lands of our attorney, John II. peremptory Instructions to take all IlfinlS ID IDC JirCIHlM'S. TODAY'S WIATHEB. AROUND TOWN. Tit oslyw coal. Elmor. Sanbori C. Deputy Sheriff Btuart It In Portland on efneial busin. Found afloat. kilt, In yood condition. Inquir at AitorUu offlc. Best U-caat ml. Rising Sua restaur, ui, CI Commercial street. Tt British ship Balaaor wil twd up to INrtland yesterday. ifr. Frank Patton returned lt nlgnt from a abort visit la Portland. Mr, c. W. etone, who has been visiting In rortland, returned home yesterday. W. O. Oosalla and lira. Ool! wr puMnnri down on last night's train. Urn J. E. Hifglna lean this vnlnf for Halifax. N. 8.. whsr sh will 1slt relative. Wanted-Two or lhi nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply at As- tortus offlc. Best California win. rent Pr gal. Ion. Alex Gilbert, sol agent tor Aston. Tlerhoa D lST-ed dog; weight about 45 pound. Finder will b suitably rewarded by rt turnlng to Urry Cribb. Wallnd coal and cok la th beat for domaatie purpoa. for sal by th AstorlaGa Light Co. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert, accompanied by their daughter. Mis Martha, returned last night from Portland. Charles E. Hunyon, of this city, was granted a divorce from hla wife by Judge McSrids at HUlsboro Tuesday. The steamer Signal finished unloading M tons of coal at the coal bunkers yea. terday and left up tor Portland. EJgar J. Daly, a well knows Portland traveling mas, was among th passeng ers down on last atghft train. Georw H. Georg. a C Puhoa end Oeorg W. Sanborn left yesterday for f puMaf of a day at Clatsop plains. The ease of John Doe. arrested on a charge of drunk and disorderly, was con tinued In the polk court yesterday. The "W. C. T. U. will hold Its reguUr mtetln this afternoon st X o'clock s Rescue HalL 6traiigrs sr w jkcaie. In the county court yesterday Joseph Claconl and Nicholas Cosden. natives of Austria, were admitted to citlsenship. The tug Traveler, which arrived In yes terday from Gray's harbor, will take the stern-wheeler Hattle Bell around today. Th British ship Falls of Afton cleared at the customs bouse yesterday, carry ing 108.S7 bushels of wheat valued at ICTJM. T. R. Davis has been suffering from sn attack of typhoid fever for some time past, but his condition is now gTiatly Im proved. For Sale. 100 tons ot Rosym coal; the finest bouse and steam cool ever brought 1g Astoria. Elmore, Bantam Co- Tele phone. tl- , - Tou can buy tooth brushes at Rogers' Drug Store from 5 cents to SO cents, a nail brush 5 cents to l7i, oath brushes from 40 cents to S2 each. Water consumers should bear in mind the penalty of t cents which must be added to (be regular rates on dues de linquent after the 10th Instant. ! It Is reported that C. W. Stone, form al, local arent of the White Collar IJnSi M take charge of the Vrkl s manager on the first of the year. . Th tuneral of STInfant . Mrs. C. A. Truesdale, which died tr j was held yesterday, the Inter- SVf tent-Nlclr tw' , heat and electric light. 'jiua)!e for on or two ccupanU-wi J 0r without toard. inquire at C9 Eriohang street pbyslclans at the fri of the fam jjTi Harper VTtlsXjf Is the friend of tne physicians. A most valuable assistant and one that can be trusted. Sold by Voard sV Btokes Company, Astoria, Ore. Do not forget the sale of fancy articles In the basement of the Congregational church Saturday evening. The children's table and a table laden with home-made fruit cakee and mince meat will b spe cial attractions. . The black buoy off the Coos bay Jetty has gone adrift Captain Gregory, of the lighthouse tender Manzanlta, received the information yesterday. Orders will prob ably be received here by one of the tend ers to replace the missing buoy. The popularity or the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Na tional Is growing drily, and many busi ness men can be found there every day for tholr midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the finest in the city, a Try W. A. Gaines' private stock whisky. This Is an old standard liquor, especially recommended for family and medicinal ns and Its purity and quality Is guaran teed. For sal In any quantity by John Zi, Carlson, sol agent Twelfth street, near Bond. The Ladles Aia Society of the M. B. church will give their annual bazar in the new Bhanahan building on Thursday, December t The basar will open for the al of articles at i p. m., and supper will b served, commencing at I p. m. All ar Invited. NOTICE I Is hereby given that any and all per or U30 these old mactiines will be law. The matter has been placed in Miller, Ksq.,of San Francisco, with necessary leal steps to protect our Ai-wu.i Miuunu a.vvu.iuw, The Portland chamber or commerce ha addressed a "memorUr to eongreea calling attention to th need of aa open rtxer eome time within th next IN yeara Captain McVlcar Is reported to ha sold halt his Interest In the pilot boat Pulitser to Cspulo. Ounderson, who was granted a tloens a few day ago by th Or Agon commission Th funeral of th late Ales Hanson, who was drowned In East Astoria Tues day evening, will tak plac today. Th Interment will be at Ocean View ceme tery and th services will be privat. Th windlass on the British ship 8lroff. a wss found to b broken when an tempt was tnad to tak th vessel to sea yesterday. Th repairs will not cu much delay and the vessel will b ready to start on her homeward voyag today. Th present dry. cold weather la very agreeabl of course to som peopl eastern tenderfeet. for exsmpie; but old manor-born Astortans ar cast'.ng long lug eye for that little spevk "no bigger than a man's hand" on th southwestern horizon. w. & Uahan. engineer, and Harry Burkthol J r. male, of th steamer W nona, which was recently purchased by the port ot Portland commission to as- s'st In river improvements, have resigned their position on account ot a reduction is wage, and hav returned (a Astor.a. Frits Johtnsen, of the Chinook Lumber Company, was in th city yesterday, on bis wsy up th river to buy a raft of logs. Mr. Johsnsen states that his firm has secured th contract to supply th lumber tor th Aberdeen Packing Com pany's new cannery to be erected at II waco. Chief Stockton, ot th fire department. early this morning made a tour through Chinatown and examined the chimney of the several shack to guard against the possibility ot a fir. Th chief ssys h found many of the chimneys in better condition thaa tho of a number et resi dence In th city. There was much speculation yesterday In town as to th reason why Senator Simon couldn't find Oregon's chair on the republican side of the senate chamber. The general conclusion was that ex-Senator John H. Mitchell bad ouletlv ab stracted it during the healed discussion on Corbett s admission and brought It back to Oregon with him. Senator Simon wtu hav to get a new seat, and tha pre t&Ung opinion Is that he will know how to keep It after he get it The festive itj, wko u ,lwtyi u trouble, r1 f t,n the B0tlUty ffrOpl residing on the pliteau. Nature, It appears, has failed to provide sufficient frost for good sleHgb riding, snd the boys have employed artificial propagation to bring about the desired slippery condi tion of th sidewalks. Almost every night thiy "borrow" a gar Jen hoe from some neighbor and sprinkie the walks, snd Ice forms very quickly, making It difficult for pedestrians to climb the hills. It Is stated that the steamer Astorlan will shortly be placed on the Astoria Portland run. The Axtorian h i b.-n tied up for the past two years at Smith's Point, undrr an agreement entered Into by the companies operating it earners btwen here and the metropolis. All the lines went Into a combine and the owners ot the Aitorlan were paid tM monthly to keep their boat out of service. It Is re ported that a company will be formed and the Astorlan ngain placed on the run, the agreement having expired. Among the attractive features at the bazar which will be given by the Ladles' Aid Society of the Methodist church this evening Is beautiful life-sixe painting, the work of Mrs. L. A. Blckell. The painting is after the famous French mas ter, F. Andreot'J. and represents a she herd wooing his sweetheart Th pV Is one of the best ever palniJ ture Astorlan, and critics have prttS' t,y n drawing and colorlna t' junced the paintlns; will be on tbr .uliless. The ing, and will doubt' .oitlon this even attractive fe;ui" .bs prove the most . of the bazar. Astor V htkl .odge No. , Knights of Pythias, oV its annual election of officers lost 1 rht The attendance was quite large and considerable Interest was manifested in the election, the result of which fol lows: C. C. Albert Kelson; V, C, William Fitzgerald; prelate, D. T. Gcrdes; M. of E., J. G. Ross; M of F., Autc ust Danldson; K. of R. and 8., D. R. Blount; M. of W., J. II. Hansen; M. at A., Nate Jones; J. O., L. Anderson; O. O., C. H. Orkwitz. J. C. Clinton was elected trustee for throe years, and Dr. O. E. Esu-s medical examiner. The hall com mittee Is composed of August Danlelson and William C. A PohL The first and second A 7. C. bowling teams will meet this evening for four tames. The object ot the match is to give the llrst team a lltr.e much needed prac tice before lbs game with the Irving Club Saturday evening. The team of the latter club has also been practicing with a second team, and the men are getting in form for the contest. The A. F. C. second team is captained by Frank Wood- fleld, and there Is but little difference In the averages of the men on It and those on the llrst team. Tho latter would not be at all surprised If they were to be defeated. Th second team Is made up of WoodileM, Allen, Fungc, Uoodell, Strauss and Crosby. Spruce logs are still scarce, despite the extensive operations of several large log ging concerns near this city. All the spruce that Is taken out finds a ready market, at a high figure, and outside buyers nnd It difficult to get sufficient quantities to supply the demand. The Borenaon Lumber Company Is very ex tensively engaged at Seaslfn, and has re cently purchased an improved louglrg en gine. All th logs taken out by this company are sold Immediately, and there Is good demand for twice as much as csn be taken out by all the camps In C lats.p county. Bpruce Is In great demand for box manufacturing purposes, and Port- land bos fautnrles are unable to obtain rnttufcti la viiy the trade, Opmce Is now hiher than ever before and loggors ar reaping a harvest. The demand for American lumber h grouty Increased .since Hie duty w ilrcd on Canadian Ion, and the rise In the price here U 1ti In a great meature to the exoltinlon ot the imilth Columbia article, r .r Is also source, but the demand for It I not as reat that for spruce. The victory of Mysterious Pllly Smith over J Vctltt, the colored champion, at Now York, Tuesday night, was the subject of much discussion among local sports yeetcrday, Bmlth, who formerly was a rattled.rtnel tighter, given to foul tactics When things did not ottt his way, haa fought well of late, and has learned that he could not right unfairly with any degre of success, Wolcott was th favortt among bettor, th reason being Mnilth's showing against Tommy West some time ego. It wa no match however, for hla hammer and long op ponent, w ho had h'm all but out several time. U la the general opinion locally that LavUtnes defeat of Wolooti ended th brilliant career of th colored fighter. It I a mystery to msny people why Chinese venders persist In carrying their wares shut up In bamboo sacks when It would be much mor convenient to curry them otherwise. An oyster peddler, who serves a regular route In this city, was seen th other day. In answering some customer" call, to carefully unroll hla sack and ptvduc a neat covered granite, ware pall containing th oyster. There wa a handle to th pail by which It could very conveniently hav been carried, but th Chinaman, for som unknown reason, preferred carrying his bucket wrapped up in th sack. If he Is a fair sample of the average. Chinese, It Is little wonder U Hung Chang and his progres sive Ideas have been quashed In th Flowery Kingdom. Th regular IVccmber term of th county court convened yesterday morn, ing. A petition for a counly road from the resident of th Nrhalem wu the ltrt business) to come before th court. Th People ot those districts, seem ngiy. do not alwnya vtew county Improvements through th same gUss t, snd this In stance waa no exception to the rule. The petition was for a road from th gunner section poet of th south boundary line of section Jt township -T. south to tho mouth of George's creek, thence din the NeJialem river to a point near the corner of th southwest quarter of section lit, township 4-7. Th petition was signed bv John Larsvn, Thomas Cor bet t an J others. Accompanying th petition was a remon strance signed by nuninrous residents of th district. 8ome of tho sutlers were present and expressed their Views as to in necersity ot tne road. The court decided the road was not requirrd and disallowed th petition. 3lr. A. M. Simpson, a prominent lum berman of San Francisco, arrived In tho city yesterday from Oray'a harbor on the tug Traveler. Mr. Simpson has msny lum ber mill along th roast as well as in San Francisco, and say hi lln of busi. la flourishing, though coast trad ust now Is a little dull. In speaking of th Oray'a harbor country Mr. Simpson aye all the towns there are humming with buainees. the result of the presen. brisk trade. Of the six mills at Gray's harbor each haa a capacity of 100. 000 feet a day. and they are alt running full time. The three mills at Aberdeen and two at Hogulam are equally as large and have all they can do to keep up with orders. Mr. Simpson's mill Is located at Hoqulm. and WW!" there Is a slisrht decrease In the horn !h? '"crease in fore'gn hlnn- mors ttttB offsets the dome Jtlc falllnr oft Loggers are busy supplying the demand for logs, which are bought at 14.50 and t a thousand. Many Improve ments are under construction, at IIoqo.!1!Rar Troops am alone six new buildings bcir a course of erection, and lb other towns on the hsrbor era enjoying an era of prosperity Vjnequalled anywhere else In the northwest. Mr. Simpson leave on th tuv Tlunt.r ti. for Cnai hav. wher- . ha la also Interested In the lumber btJtl ness. . , . TWO WAYS. THE SEATTLE WAY. Tou cannot blame us If we bout That ours Is the best town on the coast. We have the finest streets and docks; Our merchants carry handsome stocks. When outside agents come to town, We treat them well, we show them roun Hut orders? Never on your life! We trade at home; so does our wlf If you would learn the trick to - j. Send little out bring plenty f "In, THE ASTORIA, " J Ours Is the queerest to- WAY. I would not buy a V 'non earth; At home. If I 00 jnny's worth Some things, ' uld do without If we'll Yes; I'm In doubt Our mere ever smount to much. W v .nants keep no decent thing; Krr jnd away for everything, .d any freak with things to sell We meet with open arms. It's well. How very scarce the money Is In this would-be metropolis! THE MERCHANTS' PLAINT. With taxes and Insurance high, Money sent out of town to buy Each and every blessed thing. From a spool of thread to a diamond ring, How In the world can we ever grow, If we don't give our town a show. We'll never learn the trick to win When much goes out and little comes In. -HERMAN WISE. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. F. Sale to A. II. Sale Interest In the estate of A. W. Bale 1500 C. R. Hlffgin to O. Alopaeus Lot 3, block t, lot 2, block 12, lot IS. block IX lot U, block IS, lot U, block IS, lot C block U, lot i, block 14. lot 6, block U, lot 4, block 17, lot 15. block H, lot I, block 1, Astoria addition to Warrenton; 1 W. L. Loomls to Margaret Longdon Ten acrea In Clatsop Plains C50 Margaret Longdon to Alfred Long don South half of block i, Clatsop Gard'on 100 Greenwood Cemetary Association to Rudolph Basel, lot 1, block U, section B 60 There Is nothing that makes a woman so provoked as to have a man break sn engagement with her. Should she be the offender she expects forgliumegj, but when the shoe Is on the other foot things are different. FIVE MILES UP IN THE AIR. Two daring London aeronauts ascended five miles above the earth In a balloon and nearly frozen to death. The tempera, ture at that height was 61 degrees below sero. The men went In the Interest of science, and while the actual benefit of their trip to humanity at large was con siderable. It will not begin to equal the great good accomplished by the medical scientist who gave the world Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Nothing to equal this remedy has ever been discovered for ail ments of th stomach, liver, bowls and kidney. Th Bitter ar th best rem. dy for Indigestion, biliousness, coated tongue, bad breath, sleeplessness and nervousness. They strengthen the brain, the body, the nerve. Tny brao up th despondent and ehsr tb invalid. m irt on THE EICHLINCE OF SNIP OF IKS is lue not only to the orlirlnallty and Implicit y of tlio ctmiMnutlon, but alt to tha care mul sKlll with which it Is Bianufaclurvsl ly kclcntillo prvxH'aacs known to tho CuroKm l iu Svm r Co. oiiljr, ami wo ihlt to Imprvsa upon all the Impoi'tauco of nr iisliijr the true and original rvnuHl.v. At the ffenuiu Syrup of Flrs la munufactuttHl bjr the CAUroitsu Ktu 8rm?r Co, only, knowlcsltfo of that fact will asiat one In aruMlng- the worthless imitations tun mi fact uml bv other par tic. The hlch statt.lln of the Cau fomtiA Fio Stmit Co. with the wchII cal profouUm. ami the satisfaction Which the ci iiuino Syrup of I'ltf has flwn to tuilHou of faiullics, makes the ttaiuo of the Company guaranty of tho excellcttvo of Its remedy, It la far to advanco ot all other laxatives, a It acta on the) Lldneya, liver and bowels without irritaMujr or weaken tug- them, nnd it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to pet its beneficial effects, pleas rvMiicmber the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ax ruvM'ix'a.r-.L LaruTituc Kr. kkw tokk, n. t. THE REVOLUTION IN 8AI,VArM?n 13 ffNl'EP. President ll.vgal.ido Iu-s a Message Pro. claiming IVace and Severing the Ties Between Honduras and Salvador. XKW TOItK. Dec. T.-A dispatch to th Ilersld from Panama ssys: Advices confirm all the details of the Salvador revolution. The country la now completely pacific. On assuming the presidency. Senor Uegalado sent the following message to the president of Nicaragua, which !so puiunes ms policy or nis government: He says: "A revolutionary movement has been peacefully effected, and has th support of the general public. I have made my self chief of this republic. My first act. In accordance with publlo opinion, baa been to sever th tlee of th union which th republic of Honduras snd Nicaragua effected by th treaty or Amalpa, a th union haa not received th sanction of the peopl of Salvador and It Interfered with their moat vital Interests. I shall, notwithstanding, join th union of th Central American Republlo when It suits th Interests of and la desired by th people. In the meantime It shall be my constant aim to maintain th moat friendly relations with our s.ster repub lics and to follow the principle of non. Intervention In the International affairs of such country and I expect reciprocity. TOMASO REG ALA DO." MANILA VOLUNTEERS TO BE RETVRNEP Will Relieve n I'hiitp- pin Garrison and ifls Oregon Hoys v 1 r Lnnr DE VTX. Pec. t Tti n..... i . fy, ,..'.. .k. . . fountain ii imiuwini n Secretary Alger, gram from dated W' cembcr : ahlnglon. De- "It Is proposed to men Is to relieve the lust as soon send regular regl voluntrers In M.iniU arranged Th. transportation can be to the Cnlter volunteers will be returned they left" j Slates In the order In which Thl folio- wl" hrlner th troops back In the r WiK order: i-'lrst California. First Oregon, First Colorado. Tenth Pennsylvania, anil the Utah battery. MINERS LEAVING INTERIOR. VICTORIA. R. C. Dec. 7.-The steamer Rosalie, which has Just srrlved from the towns on the I.ynn canal, reports that a thousand men from Dawson were making their way to the coast. A contingent of northwest mounted police were to set out from Bkagway on December 1 for Tagish to establish headquarters. They were deprived through death of stl but nine of their Labrador dogs, which they brought with them from Quebec. The dogs, while In Vancouver, got hold of some strychnine, which killed forty of them. THE FARRAOUTfl SPEED. 8AN FRANCISCO. Pec. T.-The offlclal time of the torpedo boat destroyer Farra- gut has been computed and her record Is 30.6 knots an hour, with 42 revolutions of the screw. This will be the return made to the navy department by the trial board. The Farragut Is the fastest ves sel flying the American fin;. POSTOFFICE ROBRED. FRESNO, Cal., Dec. T.-The postofflc at Clifton, a station on the San Joaquin Valley Railroad, 20 miles south of here, was rotbed lost night by two masked men, who held up A. T. Wilkinson, the nostmaster, and secured everything of value in the place. The robbers made their escape. The amount ot their booty Is not believed to be large. INDIANS ALLOWED TO GO. PARK RAPIDS. Minn., Dec. 7.-The United States deputy marshals on their return here from the Indian Territory found a dispatch from State Game War den Fullerton ordering them to discon tinue their attempt to arrest the Indians who had been killing game off the reser vation. This was done to avert tho cor. talnty of bloodshed. THE MODEkN MOTHER. Has found that ber little one ar Im proved more by th pleas mt Syrup of Figs, when In need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy It and It benefit them. Th true remedy, Byrup of Figs, Is manu. factured by the California Fig Byrup Co. only. BANK NOTICE. The thirteenth annual meeting; of the stockholder of the First National Bank of Astoria, for the election of directors and transaction of other business, will be bald at the banking offlc, Tuesday, Jan. uar 10th, 18M, at 4 p. m. a 0. GORDON, Cash! sr. Dcmbr 7 th, ISM. DOLLS for lc, Sc. 60, 10c, 16c, S5o to 32.50. BOOKS for lc, 3c, 60, 10c, 16c, 25c to 60c. DRUMS for 65c, 60c, 76c, 31.00 to 32.00. WAGONS for, 10c, 25c, 60c to 31.00. GUNS for 6c, 10c, 25o, 50c, 31.00 to 31.60. SHANAHAN BROTHERS TO CURB A CUL 0N DAT Tak Laxative Rrorao Qulnll Tablet. All druggists rsfur.d th money n fait to cure. Bo, Th geouln haa L 0. Q. on each tablet, for aal by Cbarlse Roger. N0TICB. Bid will be received by th eoualy eoupt of Clataop county. Oregoo. until rrlday. December I. IS, at U s, as. for furnishing plans and specification tn for building a "Balance Draw BrM(SM across th John Day rtvwr at lh pre set ferry site. Back bridge to b conatruoted aero rd Ing to aaJd plana and pc4noatlon and In a good aad workmauvllk snaaasr, For further particulars toqulr at tk court boos. Th rtgtit to reject any or all bids U hereby rsssrisd. PAT. Astorta, NoTsmber K 1M. ty Jadga ore Bracker TTnolesal and Retail Dealer In QlGftltS flHO tobaccoQ 5mokcrs Supplies Of All Kinds. Commorclnt Bt, Shoes for Early Fall. Anrhr Life In Bho Do yon know that two-third of yoor Uf Is psssed wi your ft noased In leather! Worth thought Why not bar then eeenfort ableT W hav tb kind that ar pleat- ant. Thy ar gratrul to th fU T prtc is not high. Petersen & Brown. L. LEBECK Cnrpcntcp nnd Uulltlcr General Contractor HOUSE RAI5IN0 AND HOVIN (i SPECIALTY WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Rrver and Puget found Navi gation Company. Telephone leave Astoria dally, accept Bunaay, at 1 p. m. Leaves Fortl iland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. Whit Collar line ticket Interchange! on Telephone, T. 3. Potter and K. B. Thompson for Astoria and all wsy points, Flavel, Ilwsco, Beavlew, Long Beach, and Nabootta, U. B. SCOTT, Astoria Agsnt PrsstdMt TwhoM Mo. U. 0fr9a frf I 01 It S Kvsry child heart In town will best qulcasr at lh mere announcement. Are you too staid to enjoy the llvslln, or even th noU of Christina tlmsT Oh, be young agalnl II human and happy. Toy land Is bigger, brighter, bellr than vr. Almost half an acr of th Innumerable noihlngs, with which to equip old Santa Clsu. awaits you, Thar are dull and engine snd patrol wagon, and -but com and see. The olhsr holiday siook ar ready, too, with grealer as sortments and mor .ntlolng prloe-advaiitsgv than ever before. We have everything In th wsy of holiday present for young and old. In fact thonly place In Astoria that carries a eomplst Una of holiday present. fisses Felt jlats... 50 cents each. Albert Dunbar, Cor. Calumet Baking Powder Ouftraulctnl High Gredo mid rtisfactory, ami only 25 Il, Kor Bloater Herrings. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Holiday Goods AT THE BEE HIVE. A grout varUty of Holiday Cioods now on diwplay. Thin includes all ntylcs of Christmas Novelties AND A Big Lflne of Toys. Tha good wsr bought at tb lowwst prices) and ar martd accordingly, an4 must be sold within tb naxt few day. Tb rood ar ehapr than yon buy them la Portland. Com early whit our stock la nnbroksa and you oaa saak selections. Holiday Goods Arriving Every Day, at Portland Pricos. Chairs, Rugs and Medallion Pictures C. HEILBORN & SON. 1 J. A. Pastabend, ?, S GEtlEfllt GOflTHflGTOH Ap feUILDEfl 1 i Estimates Cfrvon on All Kinds of Work. Post Office Box No. 401, The Palace Cafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention the Preparation of Banquets. x Th Only IMnce to Get Km run In. Oth and Commercial StrwU. Cream of Maize and Grape Nut BreolcfttHt. Houso-Moving Tools for Kent. Astoria, Oregon.