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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1898)
THE DAILY A8T0IUAN, TIIURHDAV MORNING. DECEMBER 8, ' llt'JS. TUB TWIDLFTIf CWNRtm WILL HOON Mi TAK1CN Th Hill to b Urmiglit llefor Cniigraa Will J'rovldi That Uiiilt Will lit Known In Two Yr, VYAIIIIINdTON, t)o. T.-A soon a Illreiiitlv llopklna I alii to find oommltt room, h will call a mealing of in census ootmnlite to draft a bill lirovirtlii; a bill for tin lakltax of tli gwirtn census. Th soup of III nmt censm will ta not 10 axtuiialva a th Initt (inn, anil It n in intention or the lllliiola iimtiibt. to tram bill wlil h will iirovlil that tli result nf id work of cenausiakor will l In Hi liana ,f id iulliii wltlilii two year iiru.r th gathering of Hi In formation lint lieim cuiiciudml, and no liny Hi ri'Mirl laatied every six tiionlha or for irrlui of oik tit or tn yoai a liaa born ilia i-an In III liiial. Tli t olliM tor will nut 10 lulu ua ninny dry statistic Ima lieretufor Imnn tho a l !,. Ilov.'d Dm n lt la coveted ly Hi bureau uf alullatlra of tli livuaury dimrtiiint. Much of dm work which performed dy tli In at renau Ukr tied lxii supplicated by tlmt bureau, litt It waa uaettea Waal of Ulxir and public money ri be avoided In the fulur, Th inraaor which will l framed hy Ih roiiimltlv will. In all p r lu I'l III y, iirovldv fur ft permanent iviiaoa Uurrau. YOUNO UOUI.II II AM NOW lUGAl'IIJCI) IIIH MAJOUITY )l lionira On of lh ICiaculora and Truatae of th Kaiata, According to IHi Father' Will. NKW VortK. Nv, C-Now that Frank J. Uuuht, Hi yuun-tai aon of Jay Uould, bat reached hi majority, thereby under (h term of hi father' will becoming n of Ih executor anil roatra of Hi tal. II I itMitd that ha will alio oon t dueled lo niembtrihlp In th varluu Mould properties. Ill IhriM older brothir am on thoa board a. but rh ha aomi lutertat to which h davule III special attention, iiiorg J. Uould la nowUlly active In th ruanaooieiit of th Mleaourt 1'acirlo yaixn. Kdwm louka after a big match company, and Howard, who wa rbci.J lo niMiUxralilu in th Nw York Hiork w Ktchang on February 14. IMJ, It I aald, will go Into Wall airwt on hi return rum III wedding trip. Vrank J. Uould la. lia hi brothir Oeurge, an Xpert telegrapher, and ha Iwaya taken particular tutorial In (h Wairn Union Tsli-grapli Company, nd It I believed that h will turn hi attention chiefly lo Ih affair of that fur. pore I Ion. II la alio laid lo (really interested In lha International and Ureal Northern Itallruad Company, on of th 4lould road in Tea. NATIONAL, (lUAIlU MAY MOON UK ItKoltOANI.KI). Colonel Mareh, of (he Comtnlllr on Mill I la. to tnirodux a Hill Which Avoid ny Futur Mlalake. WAHIIINUTON, Ih-c. 1-foloBi-l Marah. .'halinian of Ih loniinlllee uil uillllla. la determined lo look afirr the Inlerrete of lh National (luor.l. mid will In the Dear future rllber lake up a which ho lntto.turel at th aeealon for th rcuranl(allun of the National Hoard or Jraf( a new on h. i will ((inform with Ih rhan 10 Ix mad In the formation uf !h rtaular army. lie aa llml ihla bill meet all lha ll(Fiit'le of Ih orraalon but In-(on taking any anion hi prefera to wall until lha meeting on mh imlir IS at Mllwauke uf Ihua who an InlvrMted In Ih wel far of lh National lluard l I'arn If Ihry have any auggrallona lo make, and Uo lo await until rotigrea haa provided for an im-reaa in th rruUr army. t'ohmel Marah la a firm bellrver In the theory thai th mllitl ahould be organ lied on tha aaine b la aa th army, io a to avoid In the futur any mlUae nd drawuai'ka whlih wen met with lurlng Ih war Jual enoV.I. TlfBT.HVAU'lNi, Hlld. I'AKtfKD. WAMIIINcmiN. I'ro. 7.-The houee to ly paaaed the aniMlcJiet arallng bill by vol of II lo o Thla action la lha culmination of a lo yrar trugle on the part of th rallroada in put an end lo Ih Limine of ticket acalplng. Tha Inter tale coinmrria cominlaaion flral called attention lo the aohjrrt In tta report of IM. and II hiu Ih-cii hrforv rongreaa ever aim In on form or another. lha tuat .'lon ealenalve hearlnga were given Loth io rrprreantatlvra of the rnllmada nd n aliera. and Hherman, of New York, cured 14 ploilgra for the meiiaur. It vu. however, Inadvlanhl to bring (ho mniaura forwurd II nl II the preaenl aca Ion. Till", I.AKAYKTTK MONt'MKNT t'llli'AtK). I)ie. 7.-Th 1'nrla expoalilnn I'umiiilaalon hn recelveil a letter from the HYem-h nltli'iula. convey ng the In. fiirnimlon that thn I-ifnyeito memorial monument would, In nil protmhlllty, ! etlveii a alto In Ihn Karden uf the Tull lorlea. I'remlrr llupuy la an Id to favor thla alle. A meeting of thu t'oinmlaalon luia hern railed at Wnahlnglon for next Tuiodiiy, when tha pinna of tha monu ment will be divided upon. An Incloaura from the atiite nf WnahitiKlon . for IlilOO, tha contribution of the acbol children of (hat Hlule, wua ncelvrd totiuy. riTIIAN TAItlPr". KINOrtTON. Jamncla, Deo. 7. I'nlted Htnlca i.'iiatnma ('omtnlaaliiner Itobort T, I'orle-r arrived hera from Cuba yealerday tnd anllcd for home today. Mr. Porter Ima framed ft Cuban tariff which will bo promulitated on hi arrival home. It open tho ( 'il mn market to all nntlona on rauul torma. i'ommlaaloncr I'orti'r conaliler the t'uhana pt-rfootly nt for aelf-novern-rnont. MAl'fWH IHCATII MIOMOIIIX.KO. 8ANTIA0O OK CfllA,, Dee. 7.-Today la Ihn nnnlvoraary of the denlh of Oen vrnl Antnnln Mm-eo, and II hna been Pel i lira led hiiioiir t'uhiin In fliiiHIiiKo. The menmrliil aet vlco waa held till mornlnlg nt thr. cnthedriil, which waa erowid, l.eaa than two yenra uko tho anme cnthe lral wltneaacd the Te Poum aung hy tho Maine choir In celebration of .Maceo'a Oenth. Then tho cathedrnl wn draped with 8ninleh color. Today the edlllce waa In black, InteraperHed with a few 'uliiin emblem. WM0CT1ON CONTKST. t'AHSON, Ncv Pec. 7. Wllllnm Mc Mlllnn, the defeated republican nominee for irovernor, will conical tho election of nolnhold udlor, fiilnnlnt. TIIOOI'8 AlirtlVK AT MANILA. MANILA, Dec. 7.-Tho X'nltnl Statoa trnnaport Newport, bearing; CJonorol Mill er and atnff. nnd tho Flrat butlallon of the Twentieth Knnana roglment, and the Wyoming lltcht battery, which loft San Frunclaco Novembor 8, nrrtved today. lira nnn at m anqelei, m AHcmt.VlH, Via, T.-Tlit rarrlnai hanilllng of ft lighted match by an am. ploy of th Utanilard Oil Company catiaad ft fir till afternoon In Ih com pany't work, located on th rivr bank In JCaat la Angnloi, which oomplaUly dalroyd th tiompany'g properly, r ultltig In ft I" of about floo,u, with no Inaiiram'. Hhorlly after loading hi wagon from tank nf IimhIii IIi driver lit Id pip and nareleaaly llirxw a llghlid match on th ground, An eiploalon Immidlatdly fol lowed, Hi wngoa raught fir and Ih frlhliid liorara daahad from th plan, not, liowover, until Ih flume had ban t'limmiinlcated to a I.WiO.OiKi galliiri lank, Tim wlinl bullillng win aoon ablaao, tho aiicreaelim of exploaloni ijiili'kly aprradlng Ihn tluiiHi ovr th whol work. Th lira wan (iiiiillnwl to Ih properly of th oil I'liiiipuny, whar It burnod Itaelf out. ItACK.H t'NIHOH rilYHICIANH' KYICH, NIOW YOUK, Doo. T,-The bourd of lieiilth doiilor wer oloao olainrviiri of lb alx-day blcyrl rar all day and tnnda many eaamlnallona frequently, cautioning lha men to tnodral llnlr par. At l:H p. m. they ifimluded that Oroaa had riiough and ho wn ordered from Ih track. Illlvrn, who hud bean ordind off Die truck at II o'clock Ihla morning, waa ativen a further rianilnallon by lha doc. tore, but waa found unfit to contlnu and waa ordered out of tha conoteat. Victor Rost, Klevinlh HI., nut lo l'oell Trlrglapb Offlc. WATCHMAKER KmkIImIi nntl MwImh All repairing don by mylf. BatlefaoUuQ guarantead. hiOHE-HADE Taffies, Caramels. Bons fresh eyery day, at THE C. Jf. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage. nsurance and Shipping NO SHAM SALE! Havinjr determined to move our business back to the city of Portland we hereby offer our entire stock of Ladies' and Gents' underwear, Em broderies, Lace, Notions, Toys and Oriental Fancy Goods, everything, to be sold below cost. Chas, Kan & Co. 367 Commercial St. THE Seventh and Astor SHASTA MINERAL WATCK, I'CI'I'CK, NOHLE, KICKOKY AM) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHEK LIQl'OKS, WINES, KEEK AND CIGAHS Sorvocl Doy ond Nlaht. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Manager Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Salmon Vegetable Fruit Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write U for Prices KlW HUM at IlOAT, NIOW YORK, Deo, 7.Th Unltad HI ate aurvey (tiamar I'atlulndar wag launched from th Nlion ahlpyard In Kllaaboth, N. J today, Th Vathflndar I Intended for arvl tbout th Aleutian laland IlOllWm WI1L CO TO MANILA, NKW YOHK, Dm. TNavftl Conatruo- tor Ilolaion will go to Manila to lupnrln land th railing of th aunken war va- aela. II pct to lav about th 20th. Standard Shape, Plain Hcmi-Porcdain, Vegetable JHah, Salad Sets, Tea Coffee, A.J). Coffee Cups Qrram Pitchers, Ilfuslard Pota. Given away free with American's Debt Teas, Coffees, Spices Crest American Importing Tea Co. 171 Commercial atreat. Wo nlno noil China, Crockery, (iluNawwrc ('lioiijicMt Tricon in America. Writ for Catalocu. AND JEWELER Wntche n Hpeclolty. Mualo Iloie ronalraeL Matin CbronomUr IUtd aad RipJrd Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABSOLUELY PURE Th North Paoifio Brewery, of wbiob MrJobo Kopp U proprietor, make bee' (or domea'uj bdJ eipori IraJe. littlel beer (or family nae, or keg beer aapplieJ at any time, delivery io Iba city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Chocolates and Bon- SPA. Cuatom lioMaie Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON, Agent W. F. A, Co, and Pactn Kiprrei Co'l. Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices Something New W.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street LOUVRE Streets, Astoria. Metal Works spice and Syrup Tin a Specialty. Falrhaven, Wash. OTICfO OF A OBNBRAL KLKC ton of th. City of Aetorl, to b held In Mid city on th aacond Wed. ndy In D.camber, W. towlt, on th Hlh day of ld month nd year, Notlc I harotjy given that thr will bo a gineral city lcllon hald In Ih City of Aatorla on th tacond Wadneaday In Durembar, m, towlt, on th. 14th day of laid month and year, for th. purpo. of electing th officer, of Mid city hr Inaftor dcilgnated, between rh hour, of I o'clock a. m, and I o'clock p. m, of aid day, at th polling place. nrlnafter daigntud. orriCEita to be elected. On. councilman for th. Klrirt ward of Mid city, for a prkd or trm of thrt- Kar, from th flrt Monday In January, Usui. On. councilman for th. Third ward of .old city, for a period or term of thn year, from th dab lat forald. On councilman for th Be ond ward of .aid city for a period, or term of thr year from th date laat aforcMld. On Huperlnlendetit of 8(rt of old city for the term of on year, from th date but named aforneaii. On oounc Iman for th flee ond ward of mid city for a period or term of on year from th dat Uat aforeawld. I'OLLINO I'LACKfl AND J U DO KB AND CLICKK8 or ELECTION. That tha polling place and th Judge. and clerk, of election for laid tlenioil r hereby designated nd appointed a. follow: Wrt Ward-Polling plao No. J-At brick flre-wigln houa on ih. corner of Aator and Fourth l recti, aald city, JudgM f. H. Kargiiaon, Thomaa M'Kk and D. M. Htuart Clerki-Eber 0. Park er and Olaf Anderaon. rolling plac No. -At engine houae No. 1 In caty hall building, corner of Com- merclaj and Eleventh street. Mid city. Judge-P. J. Ooodman, William Edgar. Thotruui Dalgity. Clerki-Orant Trull. Inger and A. 0, Dalgity. Hecond Ward Polling Plae. No. t th Welch block, No. tU Commercial t root. Mid city. JudKM Jane W. Welch, ltkhard Davla and C. K. Thorn. on. Clerk Harry Gray and J. E. Oratk. Polling Plac No. 4-At Columbia angin. houa No. I. on Exchange etrMt, mI4 city. Judgee-Ludwla; Laron, Ou lloent- gen and Olaf Peterson. Clerk Adolph Johnaoo and T. V. Letnenwaber. Third Ward-Polling Place No. (-At th old school houa next to tb Adair school hous In that part of Mid dty called tha Port of Upper Aatorla aa laid out and recorded by John Adair. Judxra John Enberg, H. II. Anderson, 01 B. 01n. Clerks-0. T. XI on on, Fred Wright Th several polling placM and th poll therein located, shall be open from I 'clock a. m. to and until I o'clock p. m. Thl notlc I. published by order of th Common Council of said city, duly mad by resolution of amid body, paeaed Thurs day. November 17lh U9S. Darted at Aatorla Oregon, November 8, lOt H. E. NELSON Auditor and Police Judge, City of Astoria. CHII.T OF POLICE SALE. Notlc la herobv riven that, bv virtu of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent aaaeaainent for the lmnrovmnt in ths city of Astoria. Orejron, towlt: inirty-nim aireet, rrotn rranailn avenue n I man. .Ip.l Hulu l.a.... t.u Ik. i ..At tor and Police Judire of .Ud city, by di rection of th common council of cald city, enli! warrant being dated the 2. day of November, IK, to me directed, and the aaaeemcnt In which epeo (led mounting to I JO. witn intorrat thereon t tha rate of t orr rent rer annum from ho (th day of Hvntember. IK95. and btdnr aKalnat the following named person, to it: I,atira M. halley. owner of the fol lowing aeacrtneo real property, to wIL: tot 4. in block is, in tne I'ort or upper Aatorla. aa Inld oul and recorded by John AdaJr. and also axalnat aald above de- acrihed property, and which warrant oom- manda me to make levy upon and aula of aald described real property, in order o aatlary aald warrant and said aeaea- ment. and tog-ether with the Interest thereon and the coat and expenaea of laid aale, and pursuant to said wnrrant. and the commands therein contained, I el. on the J'l flay ff DeceinOer. pro. duly levy Uon the abova deacrlbed real prop, erty, and I will, on the M day of January, IKe). at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of ald day, at th court houa door, towlt. ths entrance of ald court houae on Ninth street In the city of As toria, county of Clateop, Stat of Oregon, aell aald deacrlbed real property at pub lic auction to in naxhest oianrr ror casn. n United State guld coin, to satisfy said aaacaamenL the Interest thereon, and the coat and expenae of aale aa aforesaid, and the accruing coat. Pate at Aatorla. Oregon, tne M day or December, 1.-38. is. . ntu.ot.K, Chief of Pollr of Astoria. Oregon. CIIIEK OF POLICE SALE. Notice I hereby arlven that, bjr virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de. linqticnt aaaeaament for the Improvement 'n the city of Aatorla, Oregon, towlt.: Tenth elreet, from Commercial atrcet to KxrhonK atrcet.duly laeued tiy the Auditor and ollce Junpe of aald city, tv direction of the common council of aald Hty, aald warrant hnlna dated the M day of November. 1S9S, to me directed, and the aaaeaament In which eiec!tted itmoiintliia: to IlKVSTi, with Intereet thereon at the rat of 8 per cent per annum from the 5th day of September, 1SS5, and twin aK'ilnat the following named prraon, to wlt :V. W. larker. ownr of the follow loir deacrtlMol real property, towlt : eouth W feet of lot 8. In block 44. In McClur' Aatorla. and aleo airalnat aald above de aorlNHt property, and which warrant com. ninnda me to make levy upon and aale of anld dcaorlhed real property. In order to antlafy eald warrant and said aaaeaa ment. together with the Interest thereon and the con I a and expenaea of said sale, and pursuant to said wnrrant and the comnvanda thereHn contained, I d:d, on the Sd day of IVcemher. 1H8. duly levy upon the above, deecrlbcd real property and I will, on the 2d day of January, 1S99. at the hour of II o'clock In the forenoon of suit! day. at the court houae door, to wlt: the entrance to anld court house on Ninth etreet. In the city of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, aell aald described reJ property at public auction to the hlirheat bdder for wish, In I'nlted State K"ld coin, to aatlsfy aild aaacaainent. the Interest thereon, and the coats and expenaea of salo as aforesaid, and the accruing: costs. listed at Aatorla, Oregon, th Sd day of December. 18L R HALLOrK- Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. t'HlKr OV POLICH SALE. Notice la hereby Rlveii""that. by virtue of ii warrant for the collection of a de linquent afsesaniont for tha Improve ment In the. city of Astoria, Oregon, to. wit : Aileyway rmintnfr throuKh blo'ks 2, 3, 4 and 6. from the west line of Thirty eighth street to the cast lino of Korty seiMiid trtet, duly Ixsiied hy tha Audi tor nnd INillce Jml.-o of anld city, by direc tion of th" common council of said city, and warrant belnir dnted tho Sd tiny of November, ISl'S, to me directed, ami tho nnscssnient In which specUled anioiinilnit to J72.2.. with liiteret thereon nt h rnto of s wr ctnt per itnnuin from the Pih tiny of September, 1S95. and belnn -inalnst tho f illowliiK nnmetl person, towlt.: Ru dolph Unrth, owner of the followlntr de scribed real property, towlt : Lot 1. block 2. In the Port of Upper Astoria as laid out and recorded by John Adair, nnd also nualtiHt aalil ubove described property, and which warnint commands nie to make levy upon nnd sale of said dworlbed real nronertv. In order to satisfy snld wnrrant and snld assessment and together with tho lntcrc!i inereon anil mo costs and expense of snld sale, and pursuant to snltl warrant and the commands there in contulnetl, 1 did, on the 3d day of December, lsW. duly levy upon the ijiovo diacr btst rvnl property, nnd 1 will, on the 2d dav of January. at the hour of U o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, at he court house tloor. towlt i the en trance of said court house on Ninth street, In the city of Astorlu, county of Clatsop, state of on'iron. soli said di sorlbetl real property at publlo nut Hon to llio highest bidder, for cosh, In United States poltl coin, to sat'sfy said assess ment, (lie Interest thereon, nnd the cost and expenses of said ule as aforesaid, antl the nccrulnir costs. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, the 3d day of December. 18. R HALLOCK, Chief of Tollce of Astoria, Oregon. CHUT fiF por.fK ftAT,K. Njtlc I hereby Rlvfl that by virtu of a warrant for the collection of a da- llrioiinnt eiii'nt for tin Imnrovemr nt In th ciiv Aatorla. Oreeon. Kwit Horid atrexit. from Kortv-aeco-id lo Fortv fifih ?i-rt, ihily leaiiKl by tne and tor mi police jikik or ai'l city, ny dlrw 'on f the common ouncll of aqld cliv laid warrant 'bHng d.ilrt Ih 17th day of uctttiMir, iwn, to me oirwieo, ano the aaaxainent tm whu-h arclftl am'Mintlng to 12 40 with Intereat thrrm at tha rate of I imr cut mt annum from Ina S)t dny of Miircb, IK"-., nnd iH'Ing a;ilnt the following named peraon town; It. Marlon and II. Mdrmack, owner of the followlrj decrlbd real nr)i,rly. to ' It J lot it. block a. a aiiti. illvlrled In t;,e I'orl of llorie.r Aatorla a laid out nnd reyrdcd bv John Adair, knd alao bkuIiiM aut.l ilwrrtcl proixTty and wh'ch warrant command m lo tnxke lew nixiri and aale o wild 1" I'Tloed propei ty, In orn-r to llfy ld warnint and aald en" rncnt and to rihce with the Inlejn-eit thereon and the ' Oata and xp ne of aaUl al. and pursuit nt to aald warrant and the corn- ma no tnerwn onta rwm, i oio. on in l'li day of NovewlT. lw. ouly levy noon Inn ntiov Oftrr'fH reel pnporty, if 'I 1 will. .,n the l'h day of Tiecemlmr, l the h'ur of 11 o'clock )n th forenoon of enld d;ir. at th court hoo dor, lowlt; the entrance of aald court houa on l.'k'hth atrer, in tha City of A'lorla, f'oiitity of '.'lataori Hlat of tneiron, aell raid dcacntwd real property at jiii..!c auction to th hlKhrat bidder for iah. In 11. H. ro)d com. to aatlafy an id a Hineni. t lie iiii'rai tnere'.n, ami the (vmt and expenae of aale a. rormatil. anil I he acrnlng roata. laii-d at Aatorla, Oregon, the 17th day or jsovrnirier. inn. E. IIAI,I)CK, Chief if I'ollc of AtrK Oregon, CHIEF OK POLICE BALE, Notice la hereby &lven that by virlu of a warr'int for l'ie co'l llon of a de linquent iraa4Ti.'nt for the Imiir'cment In the city of Aet'fla. (reon. town; liond street, frrrm Korty-ro.vl to Forty fif h street, duly laaund by the and, tor ana police )uok or aa.o city. Dy airc lli'n t.9 Oi mini Minr nf eul1 llv aald warnint dat'-d the 17th day of (cir.twr. iwt. to me dlrted. and the aaenenmerit on wh h apHflnd amounting to 12. fi with Intereat tntreoa at the rat or a por omit nor ej.num from tne llat flay f M irch, IV. and bcng aalnt the following iuirnl peraone, 1ru; K. Marlon and H. MoCortnack, owner of the following daacrlbed real property, towlt; lot U. block t. a aub- t v-'1 In thn 1'ort of I'ppAr Aatorla, aa laid o'rt and rAcnrded bv Jooti Adair. and a)o axalnaa: aald dnnrrvmi property, and whici warrant "mand me to make levy upon and mle of anld de- criiea proporty, orcer to irv sato warnint and anld aaement and to- rmher with the Intermt thereon and th coat i and expen.- or aiiM sale, and nurauant to aald wnrrant and th com mand therein ront!unej, did. on the l'nh day of Novenoer. laft.. duly, levy Ufton the above deacrlbM reel property, and I will, on the 10th day of December, at the hour of 11 o'clock In th foienon of ald day, at the court houae door, tow t: the entrance of aalfl court houae on KW?hth atrrM. in the City of Aatorla, 0nnty of llateop. Btate of Oreifon. ell Mild OPHcrtliod real property at public auction to the hlicheet bidder Tor cuan. in V. . gooi coin, io aatiary wild aweatnent. the Intcreat thereon, and the poet end expenee of aula k aforeauld. and the a-crulng coat a. mtJ at Aetnno, Oregon, 1h 17th day of November, ISO. B. HALIrK. Chief of Police of Aatorla. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. NoUco 1 he . by irlvon that by virtue of a warrant for the collwtlon of 6 I 1'iuont dajame-it fo; the .mprovetnent In the city nf Aitorto, Orecon. towlt: Hor.d etrent. from Kny -second to Korty flfih atreiH. duly Iwuid by the urt tor nd police )wIk of aald city by dlreo lion of Hie xmmon council t anld city, said warrant Kiting dutr'l the 17th day of riclb.-r. to me dirwtaj, and the aaamnt on whlrh apoclfld amountln; lo 12.40 with ln;.rt thereon at the rat of 8 txsr cnt p-r annum from tho 31at diy of March, and blng mnlnat the followlnr named persona, towli: R. Marlon and H. McCormack, owner of the following deacrlbed real property, towit: lot Z. block t. as ud 1lvli1l In the Port of T'PPT Astoria, aa lul.l out and recorded bv John Alalr. aiK also auiiuH aald daacrtbl Toperty, and wh:cb warrant eommande me to nnun levy upon and sale or snld d-"-scr.bed property, tn order to satisfy aid warrant and aald assessment and to seiher with the Iritem' thereon and the costs and expense of aald tale, and pursuant to auld warrant and the com mands therein contained. I uirt. on the 17th day of Novtsmbor. 1H. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will on the lth day of December, im. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day. at tb court houa ox, towlt: the entrance or saia court house on EShth af.reet. In the City of r.r.rT sell .elo teacrlhed real nrooertv at t,uh 'c auction to th highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy an id amessment. th Intereet tnereon, ana the cost and expense of sal a aforesaid, and tha accruing1 eoata. Iatnd at Astortn. Oregon, th 17th day of November, 189S. B. HALLOCK. Chief nf Folic of Astoria. Oregon. riflEr- OP rOUCH SALE Notice rs heby given that by vtrtu of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent aseeasmtnt for th Improvement In the city of Astor,, Orecon, towlt: Pond street, from Forty-second to Forty ftftn siree duly lseued by th auditor and polk Judg of sold cit- dlreo- ton of th rtmmxi counell of said city, said warrant being dated the ltlh day ot October. 1898. to me dlree-ted. and th asactounent on whch srecifled amounting to 32.49 with Intereet thereon at th rat of 8 per ouit per annum from the Slst day of Morrb. li, and being airainst th following named person, towit: R. Marie -i and H. MeCormack, owner of the foHowIng described real property, towit: lot 26, o.ock 8, as sub divided In he Port of Upper Astoria, as raid out and "recorded by John Adair, and also against said deecrtiied property, aad which wnrrant command m to make levy iiinin and sale of said de cri""d property, tn order to satisfy said warrant and snld assessment and to gether with the Intereet thereon and the costs aiid expense of said sale, antl pursuant to said wnrwnt and the com mands therein contained, 1 old. on the 17th day of November. 1S08. duly lovy upon the above described reel property, and I will, on the lrtth day of December, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at the court house door, towlt: the entrance of said court house on EiKhth street in the City ot Astoria, County of Clataop. State of Oregon, sell said described real property at publlo auction to tho hlirnest bidder for cash. In U. F. go,d coin, to satisfy sa.u assessment, t lie Interest thoreon and tho (swts and expense oi sale aa aforesaid, and the aicroing costs. Dntcd m Aster"!. Oregon, th 17th day of November, 1S3S. K. HAI.LiOCK, Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. CHIKF OV POLICE. SALE. Notice Is hereby elven that bv virtue of e warrant for the eolle-tion of a de liuqtieni assessment for ihe lmprjvemcnt in tne ctty tu Astoria, oreuon, town: liond street, from Knrtv-secoptt to Forty fifih stiect. t'ulv Issued by tha nud.tor and pollen u,lge of ssld city, iy ur-c-Hon of tho common council of said city, Haul warrant t'cing ttaieii tne l t rt tray ot tvtober. lVS. to me 0 rooted, anu the assessment on which sprcilled amounting to wiiti mtorcet tnereon nt tne rate of 8 per CtMit per rtiimtm fi-om the Slst tl ty of March, jSiHt. nnd bciui? tignlnsl the following ttanotl persons, tow It : R. Mat ion and H. 'JtcCorrr ' o.vner of th foiiov.'ir.K described real property, lotvit; lot "i. b.o k 8, as sub divided in tho I'ort of Tuper Astor.a. us laid u'.U and roenrtled bv John Adulr, and tiiso nutiiiist sunt flescripni property, and wh'ch warrant eommamla me to maku lvv upon ami sale of said dtv scr.bed pvoperty. In order to satisfy snld war. ant nntl sxtiu uasessnient ana to gether with the Intoi-vMt thereon and the costs n,nd expenses of said salo, nnd to said w-arnmt and the com mands therein cotita.tied, I Ulu, on the 171 h dav of November. lf.ys. duly levy upon the above descriued real property, and I will, on the 16th day of December. lSSst, at the hour of 11 o'clock In tho forenoon of anld day. nt the court house door, towlt: the entrance of said couif house on rwtn street, in tne citv or Astoria, County of Clatsop. Slnte of Oregon, soil said dvlhed real property for cash, In U. S. KOid coin, to satisfy snld assessment, tho Interest thoreon, and costs and expense of said sale, and aforesntd, and the accruing costs. 1 Dntcd at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day of Novober. 18 Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIKF OF rOlACS SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent aaseetncn for the Improvement Hmid a'rft. frm Kuriv-a..o,! nfih strH.t, duly I'iuk-I by the and. tor aruj ioiii h junav ot city, by uirwi tfm tif the r.u.mrm ,,.i;n.-il ,.r v .!.! ald inirro r, t Iwlr.jr (ttv (he 17: h rl fiy of imiwr, i oire.tfi, en'i Tile Manrriient on which Sfuv-utml amounting in 12.40 with Inlweee thwrwm at the raie of per coot ft annum Iroin the 3lMt lty of M -i'h, iKHi. and li'n; acnlnal th knowing nuniwi peraona, R.. Marlon and IL MtOrmnrk, owner of tha following dtwcrlbed real property towlt: lot . block , a auu- Otvitlei in th l'trrt of ,pner Astoria, a hi id out and recorded by John Arbilr, anl lo m(iiiMt run dewril. l irirrty, and which warrant comoiaiwla me to make levv uoon-arxl aale ol '- d a r,A property, lit onlcr to aatlafy ald warrant and a.tld .iiient nml t,. geiher with the Inlereet tii"retn nd the tmi and iimnae. nt aM aal. and pursuant to a.ud wnrrant and the com in a in) a therein ofit,i. nod, I did, on tha i7.h day of NoveinUT, Id't, tiuly levy noon th atTOve di cnid rwel property, and I wlil. on th i.!h nay of Deoeintier, M, at the h'Mir of U o'clock l,i th forenoon of aald day, at the court hou tlir, towlt: the entrante of aald ourt houwj on KiKhih a'rect. In the t.liv of Aatorla, t'ounly of Claiatp, Htal nf OrcKnri. evil an I 'I descrl'ietl real pmperty mi puck) ut:iMn to tn nnfiieat Mddcr for casti. In V, H. ro!d coin, to aitiafy anld aainent, the interest thereon, and in ciia and exoenite or ail afnreaii. anif th acvrulng cot. iiKi at Aatorla, Oregon, tb day oi roveooer, jeva. E. HALLCK'K. Chlof of Pollc of Aatorla, Oregon, CHIEF OF POMCg SALE. Notice la hereby alven that by virtu oi a warrant pr tn rnaoiion or a fle l n'i"-nl n':nt for ubi mrr (vcinont In the city of Astoria, Oregon, t"wit: Hond a i root, fntm 'trty-i)'iwl to rty fl.Ut trest. duly itu.I by the u! tor and police Judge of eaid city, by dlrrc tlm of the common ciuncll or ailld city, said warrant being fail the 17th day of Otrtober. A. to mm "e-ted. and th aaaemrnent on which peelnel amounting to iz.40 witn inter eat uieraun at th rat of l twr cent tmr annum from th list dr of M.trch, VM. and IwUng aalnal ilia following named person, towlt: R. Marton and IL MoCormack, owner of th following described real prmierty. tuwtt. lot 2b. bloik I. tuO- dltri-ted in the Port ol i,pper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John AUair, and 4o against said deeerrfied prtnerty, and wbidi warrant commnrul me to dak levy uoon and aaia of mid de scribed properly, In order to aatlafy ald warrant ana salt amessment ami to "einer with the Intereet thereon and ths cost and cxpertae of said sale, and pursuant to aaid wnrrant and Ui com mand therein contained, I did. on th 17th day of November liM. duly levy upon the above described real property, Mia i win. on tne imn aay oi December, lti, at the hour of 11 o'clock tn tb forenoon of said dav. at tha court houa d'wr. towit: the entrhnc ot aaiu court boua on Ctghih street, in the City of Aatorla, County of Clataup. State of Oregon, sell said described real property at public auction to the htghel bidder fur cash. In U. S. gold coin, lo aatlafy said Asaeasment, th interest thereon, ana the cost and expenae of aal a aforwtai.l. and th "cruing cost. latel at Atora. Oregun, th 17th day of November. UA E. HA..UOCK, Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIE? OF" POLICE BALK. Nctlc la herabv riven that hr virtue of a warrant for the collection of a tle l.njuf nt aaaeasirent for the Improv. nr.ei.t In th city of Astoria. Oreo.i, towit: Pond treet. from Forty-econd to F"orty llfli aireet. duly Issued by th aud tor and police Ju.iite of said city, by direc tion of the common council of said city aid warrant being dated the 17th day of OnSbw, li&8. to me directed, and th Mv-wm- on whU-n Hwlfles. amounting to 12.40 with Interest thereim at the rate of 8 per cent per annum tria th llat day of March. lfi. and being against the following named persons, tvwu: R. Marlon and IL McCormack, owner of tb following deacrlbed real property, towit: lot 3u. block a. sub- divided In the Port of Upper Astoria. s laid out and recorded bv John Aoair. and also agauiet said described property. and wrrrii warrant command m to make levy upo- and aale of ee.u de- ecruwd property. In ordor to aatlsfy aia warrant and aatd assessment and to gether with the Intereet thereon ae- the coals and expense of saai sal, and pursuant to aid warrant and th com mands therein conta ngo. I au. on tn 17th day of November. Is, duly levy upon the above described reel property, and I will, on the lth day of December. Kt. ct 'he hour ot 11 o'clock In th forenoon of said day. at th court house door, towlt: the entrance of said court house on EWrhth street. In the City of Astoria. County of Clatsop. Stat of Oregon, aell aald deacrlbed real property at publlo auction to tha highest WJJer for cash. In U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon, and the cost and expense of sale as aforeeald. and rh accruing coats. Dated at Aatorla. Oregon, th 17th dav Of November. IX. B. HALLOCK. Chief of Pollc of Aatorla, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE BiLE. Notice I hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for tha collection of a de linquent ae. ,-u-nt for 'he iirprovemcnt la the city of Astoria. Oregon, towlt: Bond street, from For-second to Forty flfth street, duly Issued by the aud. tor and police Judro of said city, by direc tion of the common council of said city, old warrant being dated the 17th day of October, 1& to me directed, and th aseeewment on which rrlfleu amounting to H.4 with Intereet thereon at the rate of 8 per eeot per annum from the 31st day of March. IRfS. and being against the following named persons, towit: R. Marlon and H. MeCormack. owner of th following described real property, towit: lot SL block 8. un divided In th Port of Upper Astoria, a laid out and recorded by Jchn Adair, and also against said descrioed property, and wheh warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said de scribed property. In order to satisfy said warrant and aald assessment and to ge;ner with the Intereet thereon and ;h- costs and expense of said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mand therein contained, I did, on the 17th day of November, 1598. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on the 16th nv of December, K'ft, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the foiMnoon of snld day at the court house door, towit: the entrance ot said court house on tMghth atreet. In uie City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell snld descrioed real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, In U. S. goid coin, to satisfy sahl assessment, thainterest tnereon, and the costs and expenses of sale aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, the 17th day of November, 1S98. E. " LOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria, Ortgon. CHIEF OF TOLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue of a wnrrant for the collection of a de liniuent asjesaitent for ihe Imoroventent in the city of Astoria, Oregon, towit: Hend street, from Forty-second to Forty fifth street, duly Issued by the auditor and police judse of said city bv direc tion of the common council of said city, said warrant being dated the 17th day of October. 18S8. to me directed, and the assessment on snocitled amounting to $2.40 with lntrest thereon nt the rate of 8 per cent per tinnum from the 31st d ly of March, ISM, and being against the following named persons, towlt: II. Marlon and K. MeCormack, owner of the following described real nroperty, towlt: lot 32. block 8, as sub divided In the Port of Upier Aatorla. as I'M out and recorded ov John Adair and also against said uescrlbed property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said do ncd property, tn order to satisfy Bald warrant ai.d snld assessment utul to gether with the 'nteretit theruon and the regis and exp"--- of said sale, nnd pursuant to said wtirront and the com mands therein contained. T did, on the 17th day ot November, IMS duly levy upon tha above described real property, and I will. or. the ltith day of December, m. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of sulci day. nt the court house door, towit: ihe entrance of said court house on Etshth street,. In the City of Astoria, Countv of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said descrioed real property at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cosh. In U. S. gold coin, to satisfy r:ild assessment, the Interest ttiereon, and the costs and expense oii sale a aioresald, and '. accruing costs. Dnted at Astoria, Oregon, the lith day of November, 1898. E. HALLOCK. Chief of rollc of Abtorla, Oregon. CHIEF OF TOLTCF SALE. Notice Is heth . p-iven that b7 vlrtuo ot a warrant for the collection of . de linquent assesHiucnt for tha imnrovcuient In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towit: Hond street, from Forty-second to Fcrty flftih street, duly Issued -y th auditor and police Judge of sold city, by dtre- Ic'ii ui lue utniiinti Memcti est t,l env warmth i ni; natoi ir-.n Kin rv , I t.lOi'MKT, J...H, lo . t e fl t ll nniv titiul t.iii.i,i!. a. AitMeinto.t Oil With to Wto w.tii itiiwtet tnerw"m rc K;a rt Of tii.r cM.t m., atwtuiti Innti Ine iiint 0 if M t rcfi, I S iu.,1 L. loiiowing niiuieq jwranii, towit, R. Marlon and It. MoCurmark. owner of lha following described f4 town: lot w. til a . aa sun. divided In thn I'ort of tipper Aalmia. aa uid oul and romrd.-d by John A.t'r, and which warrant convmamls m to rnske levy uixia and sale oi m de- rliwl property, In wdr to antlafy Mid Warrant and said na,-aaiiient and to gether with the Inlnrtwt therotan and th coeta nd expense of said sala, and pursuant to attid wrrnnt and the oc.-u-ntaniht therein contained, I tilil. on tn Lth day of November. Ut. duly levy upon th abov deacrlbed roil property, and I will, on '.ha 1'ith day in Docem!,.,,. U. t Mi hour o' U o'clock In th forHtiot' (,f auf at th court bnua door, towlt: il,e cntrnnc of aald court houa on Kbrhih atreet. In the City of Astoria, County of Clalaon. Mtole nt Dated at Aatorla. Otegun, in 17th day C Ptuvan.ber, leir. P! ttlf.tV'll- Chief T Pollc of Astoria. Oregon. CUIEr OP POLICE SALE. Ko.'1''h la hereby irlvjirt (Ii v.. . of a warrant for the collection of a de. i- ViT B""' "'n' t tor me ini rovemanC .? c"y of Astoria, Oregon, twit: Itond street, rem h,ne..M...t . tlfth etreet, duly Imiixd bv ,.ie uud t,,r od pollc judtr of said city, by dlreo tlor or th common council or anld city saUl warrant belnr iliM th. n.t. . .. Octtrter. PCiS. to m dire- twl, and th '.'"IHL"" whw h T1""'! amwintlng to 1140 with Interest thereon at th rat ' . " Jnt rr annum from th li tt day of March, IKlaJ and llng ae-a.nat th following named person towit: K. Mrn and IL McCormack. Owner Of th followlnr deacrlheA e.t Jff.l!"!?5' towlt; lot U. block . a auo. divided In th Port of Upper Astoria, and aiao aaint aald deacrtbed property! and which warrant commano m to "'e levy uptn and aale ot aaid d. cnt-d property. In order to satisfy (aid warrant and anld assessment and to riher witn th intereet thereon . nri ihe cost and xpene of aki sale, and vunuanc io sauj warrant and tb com mands therein contained. I ini .i .k. 17th day of November, p duly levy upon the above deacrlbed real property, and I will, on th lath day of December IK, at On hour of 11 o'clock in th fin-enoon of aald dav at the rnnet h.i,.. door, towlt: the entrance of aald court house on Klghth tret. In tb City of Astoria. County of Clatop, Btat of (Oregon, sell said described real property at publlo auction to th h!het bidder tor cash. In U. 8. goid com. to satisfy anld ajwessment. the Interest tnereon. anj the oosta and himium nt -u i . aforesaid, and th accruing cot.a. Dated at Aatorla. Oregon, th 17th day of November, 1&8. Chief of Pollc of Aatorla, Oregon. CHIEF OF POU.'.I! SALE. Notice I hereby riven lh hw r.n- of a warrant for the collection of a d. I nqurm aa"wa-nent for the imorjvemant n th "lt of Af vrla Clrtnn in,. Duane street, from Thirtv-nrih in Thyl seventh street duiy Issued by th audit. " puncw juog oi aaKi cuy by tllreo tln of the common council or attid city, aid warrant being dated th 17hl day or October. to me dlrted. and rh aaseesment on which peel fled amounting to with interest thereon at th rat of 8 per cent per annum from th a,at day of March, im. ami brtng against rh loiivwiog nameg person, towit. Mary Adair Jordan, owner of tha following deacrlbed real property, towlt: lot 1 block K In th Port of Tinner AalnrlA as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and aiao against aald deseribJ property, and which warrant commun.hi me to make levy upon and sal of said de scribed property. In order to satisfy said warrant and aald assessment and to gether with the intereet thereon and th costs and expense ot said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and tb com mand therein contained. I old. on th 1-th day of November. liSS. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on th 16th day of Dejttnber, km. at the hour ot 11 o'clock In th forenoon of said day. at th court houa house on Eighth street. In the City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, Stat of Oregon, leU said described real property at public auction to the htrhest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to eatlafy said assessment, th interest thereon, and th cost and expense of sale aa aforesaid, and the accruing costa. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, tb 17th day of November ISM. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Pollc ot Astoria, Oregon. CHIF-F. OF POLICE SALE. , Notice i herebv glvm that by vtrtu ot a warrant for the collection of a de linquent assessment fo the mprvement In the city of Astoria. Oregon, towlt: Duane street, from Thirtv-flfth ta Thirty. seventh street, duly Issued by th audlto and police judge of aid city, by direc tion of the common council of said city, saij warrant being dated th 17th day ol October. 1I&8, to me dire. ted. and th assessment on wairn apectned amounting to 1135. with Intereet thereon at tha rata ot I per cent tier annum irom iu 81st day of March. VSi, and being a-mlnst th following named persona, towlt: Beetle Brenham and Laura J, Brenham, owners of tha following described real property,, towtt: lot T. block K In th Port of Upper Aatorla,. as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also against said described property, ' and which warrant command me to mae levy upon and sale ot said de--"Hhed property, In order to satisfy aald warrant and said assessment and to getc-r with the interest thereon and th cost and expense of aaid sale and. pursuant to aald warrant and tb com mands therein contained, I did. on th lith day of November. 1838. duly levy upon the above described reel property, and I will, on the 16th day of December, 1Ss8. at the hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of said day. at th court hous house on Elrhth street. In the City ot Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said described real property at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash, tn U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the interest thereon, and the cost and expenses of sal aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dnted at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day ot November, 1898. E. HALLOCK, Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby glve.i that by v.rtua of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent assessment for the Improvement In tha city of Astoria, Oregon, towit: " Duane street, from Thirty-fifth to Th!rty eventh street, uuly Issued by tha auditor and police Judge of aaid city, bv direc tion of ths common council of said city, said warrant being dated the 17ht day of October. lSWi. to m directed, and the assessment on which specified amounting to ia), with Interest thereon at the rat of 8 per cent per annum from e 31st day of March, and being against the following named person, towlt, Katy Adair Welcher, owner of the following described real pioperty, towlt lot 6, block W, In the Port of Upper Aatorla, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also against said dencrlbed properly, and which warrant commands ma to make levy upon and sale of said de served property. In order to ntisfy said warrant nnd said assessment and to gether with the Interest thereon and the t-ests and expenses of said gale, and pursuant to sa.d warrant and the com mands therein contained, I did. on th 17ih dny of November. 1. duiy levy upon the above described reel property, nnd I will, on the 16th day of December, lS, at the hour of 11 o'clock in th foienoon of said dav. at the court houne house on Eighth street. In the city of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said described real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satlafy said assessment, tho interest tnereon, and the cost arid expense -of gai as aforesaid, and the accruing costs. ' Dated at Astoria, Oregon, th 17th day of November. 1ft HAUjOCK Chief of Pollc of Astoria. Oregon. ."! Dig A la Don-ennmnnnt remedy fur (joum-rli'ita, Oleui. Spermatorrhea, Wliltea. Dnaataral die "iJCBKaX 1 'la I u !'. VI Quran w?4 ts f.'KC, r ey itvt-r M .l.n l.plt.ll... n . ..I... B4 t MrUtara. lion, Irrltatloa or Ulcere EPnraau mufloa. tloa nt ni u o o o nr'oi rnrPwiaOniyiH!f!(l branes. Koa-aatringul mi. ; t of " ' Plain Mr, X V I hr axpraaa. ao-paij, ff i.oo, or i Donna, .'.7.1. irculur aunt s reutwal. ''""" i eniu uescrineu rent property at publlo i(nm to th highest bitltlee for cah, In U. 8. gold coin, to satlef ld aaacasDieiit. the internal inroii, ard the cost and expenae of aula u aforWHl,l and ih. ., ..,