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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1898)
THtC DAILY A8T0R1AN. THURSDAY ' MOKMNG, DECEMKKK , IBM JOHN T. MnTITttT. Fdltnr, Telephone No. M. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DA1LT. ent by mail, pr yar ent by mall, per month Served by carrier, per month .w.00 .. M SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by nail, per year, In advance.. .Hot! Postage free to moac-rlber. All rommunlcatlona Intended (or publi cation ehould be directed to the editor. Business communication of all kind and remittance muat be addressed to I "The Aslorlan." The Aslorlan guarantees to It adver tiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rtt can be bad on appli cation to the business manager. Immigration la pouring Into Orogon anJ tht enlire Northwest at an unprece dented rat. but none of It aver reaches Astoria, On the other hand. there U scarcely a dsy that some rood cltlten does not pack bla goods and leevs the citjr forced to go else here to make a Urine, or attracted by outside opportunity to better his condition. The question of tba hour la not so much what we can do for progression, but rather what shall I be dona to atop tba retrogression setting itroncly against us day by day. Some secret Influence) baa procured the press of tba entire Faclflo Northwest to Ignore ur city. Portland, Tacom and Seattle nr potemnly discussing their respective rivalries (or seaport and commercial su premacy without the silshtest reference to Astoria as a (sctor In the problem. Tbey units In agreeing that only one of tbess cities Is to be the chief: Astoria la not allowed a sat at the table among the weighty factors In the problem. The studied policy on all aides Is to sit down apoa Astoria and utterly ignore its claims. They treat Aitorla as If It had no existence. The Spokane papers are being tuned up on tho same string. No doubt lbs Important press of the Columbia baaln will soon be tutored oa the same lines. Tuesday's Oregonlaa had a long article on the ques tion of seaport and commercial su premacy In the Northwest, entitled, 8om Remarks About Portland. Tacoma ul Seattle.' It la a review of an ar ticle In a fSpokan paper discussing the claims of these three cHJea and Ignor ing Astoria. The Oregonlan derides our city for this treatment at the hands of tbs Spokaae paper and chuckles over It. It take a hand, too, la praising the Sound cities. All this Is evidently a part of the play-e concerted design on the part of the great Interests antagonistic to the development of Astoria. Can no meana be found to shame the Oregonlan into a better course? Can -no mesne be found to place Aitoria's matchless ad vantages before the Immigrants now coming to the Northwest? Is there no manhood In Astoria? no spirit which will resent this combined attempt to deprive us of our natural rights, and a small share, at least. In the growth of popula tion and prosperity now coming to the Northwest? Cannot our cltiaens be aroused to at least one more desperate effort to do something for their city and themselves? A horse in :be lead pulls in vain when the wheel horse ly back in the breeching. A man's body is a good deal like a team of bone, and must work harmoniously. The bead may want to work, and tnve ever to bard to work, but if the body is balky and sick the bead will make no progress. The man who is out of condition physical ly may aa well give up trying to work men tally. He will nut be able to do good work, or satisfactory work, and in the endeavor to do to will only do himself further barm. The reason that men have nervous exhaus tion and prostration is that the y try to work the brain when the body is balky. The right thing for a man to do when be finds be is out of aorta physically is to give the mind a little rest, and promptly resort to the right remedy for bis physical ailments. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DtBcovery is the best of all medicine for a balky body. When the head aches, the appetite is poor, the sleep is restless, the nerves sre snaky and both body and brain suffer from dull ness snd lassitude, it is time to resort to this great remedy. It restore the Hppetite, corrects all disorders of the digestion, makes assimilation perfect, invigorates the' liver and purifies and nourishes the blood. It is the great blood maker and flesh builder. It is the best of nerve tonics and restoratives. It makes both body and brain alert and active. Medicine dealers have nothing "just a good." "I suffered five year with an ulcer and the doctor here could not do me any good." writes Mr. John Jenkins, of Haywood. Madison Co.. Va. "1 took twelve bottles of Itr. Fierce Golden Medical Discovery and I am well. I would have lieen In my grave if it bad not bees for your medicine." For constipation and indigestion, Dr. Pierce' Pleusunt Pellets are the most nat ural and perfect cure ever devised. They act gently but surely, and effect a perma nent cure. Lillian Russell la home, and I to have a new opera. It appears she d'd not ac cumulate a new husband this trip. Washington Pott. Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cure constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and 60 cent. Tor sale by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Turfmen chew Piper Heidsieck Plug Tobacco when waiting for a successful "start" or watching a pounding 44 finish." It has always set the pace for highest quality chewing tobacco and has never been "headed "Back h" once with 10c (buy the 10c piece to-day) and try it for yourself. CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR. The person with creaky shoes Is always the most active one In the sick mom. Bears lb y 1M IU IM HI KWTH qa aV Is. la Hi twin . a. a .. m u CJpataa of As soon as you get Into the habit of go ing to bed early you feel as though ou had elevated your moral tone. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea, Remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant and aafe to take. Sold by Charles Rogers, druggtot The little things In life ere the ones that wear us out a tootnacne is more exasperating than a broken leg. Acker's Dyspepsia. Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures neart out n. raising of food, distress ster eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relet S and M cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. How very few of us dream of the many times that the happiest appearing women cry themselves to sleep. aMaaM.M.Mna. That the blood should perform Ita vital functions. It la absolutely neceassary It should not only be pure but rich In life giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier. Avers Strsa pa rtus There is no more certain revelation of a woman' age than to hear her hum a tune that was popular IS years ago. Pains In the chest when a person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound oa to the cbeit over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. ThU sama treatment will cure lame back in a few hours. For sal by Charles Rogers, druggist. How few of us use the word telephone !n Its entirety. Shortened to 'phone It uns more the American love ef abbre viation. TO Cl'P.E A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It fall to cure. H cents. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet And now the aony of Chr stmas buying Is pressing hard upon us. and the SDirlt ot peace and goodwill Is cruahed fcv that I other one which calculates on how big a return a twenty-five tent present will bring. HOW TO LOOK OOOD. Good look are really mora than skin deep, depending entirely on healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver Is have a bilious look; If your atomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a plnehed look. Se cure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters' Is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acta directly on the atomacb, liver and kidneys, puri nes tba blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Estes Conn Drug Co. GO cents per bottle. The kind of ihva that .-.uti..., ,v. etry and sentiment and thrive amid the prosaic is tno real Bort, and there is very little of It. OABToIlIA. Bean th j Ine K'!id You Hiw Hlwaw Bougfil Signature S ffi , Jtj of We all know the adage conwrnlrur the bird who can rnv. and won't, but there Is a truer one a,lout th? woman who can sew and won't. Acker' English remedy will stop cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cent and M cent. For aale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Fancy a hat pin costing one thousand dollars-you might fancy it, but would not care to buy It, as It would certainly slide out with the same ease that the penny affairs would. Luxuriant hair, ot uniform color, U a beautiful bead covering for either sex, and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table 81clllan Hair Renewer. -' 3 Some of the new bracelets are so heavy that were they not In the jewelry class women would regard them as handcuff. Mr. Hardin Norrts, clerk of th drug tore ot R. 8hoemaker, Perry, III., says: "A man cam Into our store the other day and said, 'I want a bottle of that tuff that naves children's lives. I read in the News about It. Th children may get elck when w can not get th doctor quick enough. It's the medicine you sell for croup.' ' He alluded to Cfcamberlaln'a Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be fore he left th atore. For aai by Chaa. Rogers, druggist. Christmas I near enough at hand to make a man wear his old (Uppers with contentment. Cincinnati Commerclal Tribune. AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Eates-Conn Drug Co., who spar no pains to secure the best of everything In their line for their many customers. They have now the valuable agency for Dr. King New Dis covery for Consumption. Cough and ijolda. This Is th wonderful remedy that la producing such a furor all over th country by Its msny startling cures. It absolutely cure Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness an all affections of th Throat, Chest snd Lung. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular six for M cents snd $1.00 Guar, anteed to cure or price refunded. Secretary Kerr figures out that a change of 304 vote would have given the democrats control of the next congress. But a mis la s good a a mile. Man Chester Union. TWO POINTED QUESTIONS AN' 8WEP.ED. What la the us of making a better ar ticle) than your competitor If you cannot get better price for It? Ass. As there Is no difference In tne price the public will buy only the better, so tbU while our profits may be smaller on a single sal they will be much greater In the segregate. How can you get the public to know your macs Is the beat? If both ar'lele ar brought prominently befor th public both are certain to be tried and die public will very quickly pass judgment upon them and use only the better oa. ThI explaias the large sule on Cham berlain's Co urn Remedy. The people have beer, usiac It for years and hav found that It n always be depended upon. They my occasionally take up with some fachloosble novelty put forth wvtb exaggerated claims, but are certalr. to return to the ua remedy that they know to be reliable and tor coughs, cold and croup there1 U nothing equal to 'jnairiberUiln's Cough Remedy. For sale im Charles Rogers, druggist. Leutgert is now working In the chair factory at Jollet. This reminds of the fact that his wife hasn't come to life a single time since ue was sentenced. Cleveland Leader. BUCKLEN'S ABVICA SALVE THE BEST 8ALVB In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores.l Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, snd positively cures Pile, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price a cents nr ox- rir aaie ny vsiea-t.onn Urug Co. It Is sa'.d that a well known London banking house will "convert" the Vene. zuelan debt. A converted debt Is not v ry apt to backslide sufttsequently. Itoston Olobe. TOUR FA i Shows the state of your feeling and the state of your health as well. Impure blood make Itself apparent In a pale and allow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. -If you are feeling weak and wont out and do not have a neajthy appear ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap iarsaparllla and so-caned purifiers fall; knowing this we sen every Dottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Estes Conn Drug Co. Unnv of thA new coats were evidently Inspired by the grasshopper' figure. OA0TOHIA. B M 1)3,1 Kmi NOTICR or riLSNO A83RHSMBNT ROLL AND MKKT1NU OF HOARD OF EQUALIZATION, Notice la hereby given to ail persona wtkoroaoevtM' that tiler has been reported to th Common Cuuncll of the cHy of AstorM. Oregon, by th Hoard of Asses, tors of said oily, specially constituted fur tho purpose helnaiter expiested. a Special Aiiessment for th Improve ment In said city known aa th K!levrth 8tr. Sewer Improvement, and which assessment Is shown on the special seaament roll for said aiiwnt, whlv baa been filed In th office of th under, signed. It open for liwpectlon and will o rensain until Tuesday, December 11, at li o'clock a. in,, a which time the Hoard of Kquallaatkm fur ld as smsmetit, constating of the aforesaid ll.xtrd of Assessors and the CiMiiiulttv on Strvvt and public Way of the Conmnm Council of smKI city will uuel In the Council Chamber of tho I'M)- Hall of aid city, to ruvlpw and equalise said itaavMmotit. All objmlUui to said assessment must K tiled with the utulersliinrit on or be fore the time tf s-UJ ntevtlng. iy order of the said ivmmon C"Uttcll luted at Astoria, Oiv,on. November Ta, lSfi II. K. NKWOS, Auditor and Police Judge City of Astoria. Orvgvm. CIUKF OF 1MI.KIC SMX. Notice I hrbv given tlat by virtue of a warrant (r th colleiion of a tie Imqueiit . kys-iwiii for the iinptvvwn eiit In th city of Ati', Oreti.m, town: lio.vl street, from Korty-eecond to Forty fifth street, duly Isnued t ih aud.lor and police Juds of said city, ov dlieo IWU ot the common council of s.t .-l y, Mkl warrant being unled th Ulh day nt O-ttttH-r. hf. to m directed, and th asMwmneitt on uu h specified amounting to Usu with tniereat thcrvon at Ui no of I per ceat rw' annum fso n the list day of March. 1H. and being aa-iUusl lb following named persons, tou: R. Marlon and H. alcCormack. owner ot the following described real property tow It, KX II. block I, ub divided In the Port of l; ( r Astoria, as hud out and recorded oy John Aiktlr and aJo against said deacruwu irHTy. and which warrant commanda me to make levy upon and sal ul miu de scribed properly, lit order to satiety said warrant and said aaseaaniervt and to gether with th Interest thereon and the oust and xpeiuue of M sale, and pursuant to said warrant and lb com mands therein enntained, I did. on the 17th day of November, ISNf. duly levy upon th above described real property, and I will, on the Uth day of Deoember, is, at the hour ot 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said dav, si the court house door, town: the entrance of eald court house on KWhih (r( In tb Vl'y of Astoria. County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said describe! real property at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. B. gold coin, to satisfy sold aeeament. th interest 'Hereon, and th rvet and expenses Of sals SS aforesaid, and the accruing costs. I'sted at Astorta, Oregon, the 17th day of November, X. KALLOCK. Chief of Police ot Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF Or POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue ot a warrant fur the collection a de ll iquent ssjesamenl for tne Improvemant in tne city or Astoria, ttreaon, town: Hovl street, from Fony-second lo F"rty lirh street, duly Issued by Ihe auditor and police Judg of said city, bv direc tion of the conmon council of Mid cHy, SAld varrant tielrtar dated the 17th dav ot October lset, to me directed, and th asaensmenl on which specified amounting to US with Interval tnereon at th rat of I per rent oer annua from th (.at dajr ot March, lMsi, and being agalnat the lullo-ving named persona, towlt: R. Marlon and H. Mcvvtrmstck. owners of th following described real property, town, lot 11, block 1 a sub divided In th fort ot I'pper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John r .air. and also ajraaist Mid drcrtfM nnnerty. and when warrant command m to mk levy upon and s-tle of mtu de scribed property. In order to satlafy warrant and Mid aswrssment and lo- ,. ha, arlth th IntA-Mil IhMM .n.l IK. coat and expenses of ukl sale, and ' pursuant to s-tld warrant and the cm- ( tnanda therein rranta.'ned. I did. on the 17th day of November, ISM. duly levy upon th above described rMl property, and I will, on th leth day of December, Isn. at lb hour ot U o'clock In th forenoon of said dav al tb court hous door, town: the entrance of seJd court hous on Klahth street In th City of ! Astoria, voumy ot liaison, ritai oi Oregon, sell Mid deecrloed real property public auction to Ihe highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy Mid assessment, th Intereat thereon. And the costs snd expenses of sale as sforesatd. and the accruing coats. bated at AstorM. Orearon. th 17th dr of November, It&L E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria. Orrgon. Women have alwsys been considered just a wee bit lower than the angels, and now they are catching up as fast a pn. Ibc, th wing sprouting forth fr-n every hat worn ly the follower of fashion. V-t, William's Kidney Pills S Has no muni In dWaara of the sf IRit ' Kidneys af.a I rinory Oriruns. Hat e k von neirloctcd your Vltlnrys? Usee fyov overworked your Tifrvous syVj em and cauwl tnuilile with your f Kidneys and liloutlcr? Have you1 pales In tho luiiiv siilc, buck, pruifih, ufl.l eiuJder? Have you m Sub'.y sp pcantDce of tlio fiMtt. ehpeciallyl ' - r n M . 1 uittit--. w.e rycur i tio irequeiw iic iro paw uritm' William's Kitlticy . ('ills will linpurt new lifo to tlic (ll-i- 'a.ifd oraiiH, tone up 12; a ityittcm 'anil make a lieu' rnna of you. J!v mail 60 cents tier brx. i ' n iluiams h ro. i o i-ropa., Ueveuod V,VV'''l,WV For sal by E8TEH-CONN DRfO Co. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave I Astoria (Dully) " Arrive a.m p.m.' Portland and A-tl'irlit'p m n m Kxpresa train ) Knappit. filfion. West port. Clatskunle. Oobie: tonnection at floble for the bast and Puget Hound points. 12:40 5:11 Astoria, flcnslle and 4:20 7 10 New Astoria Passengeri Itralns, via Warrenton land Flavel. I 8:J0I Hunday Hunters' spec-l JlalAstorla to Beasld J. C. MAYO. 0. F. A P. A. TICK.KTS fJjtPOlHTS EAST Through palac and tourist alee pars lining and library obrvatlon car ELEOANT VESTIBULE! TRAINS No. 4 Limited leaves Portland at I M p. m. No. I Limited arrives Portland at :li a. m. For rates, ete rail or address fl. -f. LOUNHBERRy, Agent O. B. A N Astoria. A. B. C. DENNI8TON, C. P. ft T. A., Portland. Or. win,-"7sTtjmi!V".v v.' tr- :rmm tTtw WW Mormon I-lsr; liV llli atie-h . J w.. I ... I.. l'a, .,, i o ttlfalww. iltiuttw, ttf.n. ot ct. otjincr, Lfiet S""," MjBnt-toe. Ho.irmutorrhuoa Insomnia, Pains i B.-tck, B tl Pnal .r.x, otf'rtr.l t.ntlnsic I ttni .".ct, Karvou tie- Illtv HMadaeh IJritltntt vo vou TwUchfn't of Cvnl'cJ'V. mv furaTiiieri. lh.,.r mi iLu.,Urfiil. i.i . aV toiaiei oolii tiul nt,. umm n -t. -.-aawiuisi-a Utculmii-fc Addros cmcr or poucn salb. Nolle I hereby lv (hat by virtu of a warrant for the oolltvtl.m of 1- rnqueni niv"iuiti iu Itm.iw il)l'ov.vail m in my or Astif!, tr. stifle, Oregon, town: Forty-StM'on.l lo k'onv. i'iiiw (ireet, rrmi fifth street, duly Issued bv die auditor and police Ju.l of said oily, by direc tion of thi common rou.t'll of ssld city, tid warrant teln dale-l the I7lh dav kt iMotier. INM, to me directed, and th eeameat on which s'wliied amounting to UJO with liitorvot there.Ht si (he ri of I lr cent per annum from I h Hat day of March, m. and being aantnal the fol lusting named persona towlti It Marlon and II. MoCormack. ownsr of th following rieecriweu real property, towtt, Im 16. block , as biiIh dtvliltHl In the Port of I'pper Astoria, as laid out and rei'orttmt by .ohtl Ad.air, ami la,i aataliixt said deocrltxtd lronn iy, and which warrnnl coiiiuianda me to niakA levy upon ami sals of said do crlbed properly, In order to satlafy nld Warraiat anil Mid aaaeasmeitt sad to. geiher with the intercut thereon and the coela and espensea of said sain, and pursuant to ud wnrrent ami the coin maiiils therein coma tied, I did. on the I. in mi oi Novemncr, uuly levy upon (he above iloacrlhod real iroperty, and 1 will, on the Itiitt day of lecemtHr, I, at tl.e hur of ll o'clock in the foivnoon of i, dav at the court house door, town: the entrance of eiild court houae oil KUthlh eirvel. In the 't of Aatorl. tVuntv f Clataop, Htat of I i,.. 'ii. soil wild d"criled retl proeriy At pulilio to the blaliel I.m.Vt for (Mali, III I', H, sold (Mm to satlafy old aai-eaillillt the nt'fe.t thereoti. ami the coela and miM-na.-a ot sale a Af.irM,l. and iho a.criilug costa. Imtrd a( Aslotta, t,lle(in, th ITl rt day of Not ember, IK1 V. IfAI.UH'K. Chief of Voile ot Astoria. Orrgon. CIIIF.r Or Plt.ICR 8AI.R. Notice I hnrrhy tv n t'lat by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de. luiq ieni aasisamett for tha tiiiMV In the city of Astoria, tarea.m, town: Hond atreel, front Fortv-second to Forty, rt'th striet, duly loeued by th a alitor and police Jude of 4ld cllv. bv dire, lien of the common coon. -II or said city satld warrant being dated the ITlh day of IK-totTr, W4. to me direa ted. and th aaaeasment ti which aiecQod amounting to 110 with Interest Uiereott at the rwt of I per cent per annum from th list day ot March, ;s and telug aswltisl the k!lowlllsT named peraooe, tow It: R. Marion and II. MoCorntack. owner of Ihe flowing . eai-rlbe,! real property, tow It, lot H, bio. a S. aa sub- dlvl.Vrd In the lct ,tf UlHwr Astoria aa htld out and rNrdel by John Ad.tJr, ami aiao aarauiai mU tleirtted trttMrty, aitd which warrant rammauds me to make levy upon and Ml of Mid de scribed property. In order to satlafy said warrant and Mid assessment and to gether with the Inierval thereon and the ctaat and eapenxw of sat. I sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mand therein contained. I did. on the 17th dav of November. lKat. duly lew upon the above decrtlel reel property ' arto i win. en tne ism oay ot LMoemoer, lin, at th hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of Mid day. at the court houae door, town; the entrance of Mid court houM on KUhth s'reet. In (he City of Astoria, County of t'lalaop. State of Uregun, sell suld deacrlleil reel protierty at publlo auction to th blarheat bidder tor cash. In I', t. gold colo. lo satisfy mM aessnient. ihelntecat tnereon. and the cuale and eipena-e of sale a aforesaid, and th a.crulng cost. latrd at Aatorta. Oregon, th 17th day ol November. IS. K. irL.lA.K"K Chief of Police of As tor la la, Oregon. chief tr police sale. Notice la hereby glvin lhat by Mrtti of a warrant for the collection of a de-lin-iueM aaaeumrni for th In prcvar.tni in tne city or Atria. ttrtn. town; HtUid street, front Fort-Moiid lo Forty tl.'th Street, duly lutie.) by the and tir and polk-e ju.ise or Mid city ny dlr5 Hon of tha ctnimitlt cou.t.-ll of aaJ,l cltir aald warrant bring dated the ITlh day of October. I vat to me directed, aud th ajiaeesinent on whj h siHa'trlau m"untlng to UV wlih intereat thereon at the rwt of per cent per annum from tha Hat day of March, tc and being asalnat tha following rtanml persons towlt: R. Marlon and 11. Mrmack. owner of the followlne dea,-rlbel reaj property, tow it. ..t U bh k I. sub divide.! In Ihe I'tat of t.'IMwr Aaturla. as laid out and recorded by John Adair, ami also agalnet suid tteacnUt irotert), and which warrant commaioU me lo maaa levy ut-in and aaie .r Mid d-- sen immI proriertv In trder to eatulr said warrant ami said seaeaant.nt sn I sether with th- intereet ther-un and (he coai a and eicnaee or .41,1 aa.e. and pursuant la earn warrant and the com mand therein contaned, I did. on th 171 h day of November IKel. du.y levy upn th atxive ,e.crite, rul tvoperly, and I will on the iMh tlay of December, st the h"ur of 11 o'clotk In th forenoon of St. id day. at Ihe court houae dour, town: the eitranre of aald court huue on l-.l-hih aireet. In the t'lly Astoria, t'ounly of Clalsoo. Dial Oregon, sell Mid described real protrty at public auction to th hlsjheal bidder fur cuah In t. ft gold coin, to satlafy Mid aaecasment. the ,ntere. thereon, and Ihe coals and rxpensea of S4l s aforeMld. an. I th a. cruing coats. Iatrd at Aaloria. Oregon, th 17th day of Notensber. life. E II Af.LfX'K Chief of Police of Astoria. Orrgm. CIIIKF OF POIJi'E 8AI.K. Notice Is hereby given thai by virtue Of a warrant for lha collection of a de. I as.e.antrni for ih niitr ivemeiii In the cly of Aat-J ia. oreon, 'i.e-t: Pond street, from t orty-aecund lo Forty. fifth street, duly Issued by Ihe aud lor an I polit e Judge of aa:d !! by direc tion of tha common council of s-ill ety saltl warrant being dale.) (he ITlh day of October. M. to me dire, ted. and th aeamnit on wn.t h spec in ml amounting lo US wl:h Intereat thereon at tha rate of I terren. per annum from the a day nt March, I'M. and being against the following named persons, towlt: R. Marion and II. MeOrmark. owner of the following described real properly, tow n, lot li bt.i k s. a sub divided hi the port ot riir Asi' ria, aa laid out ami recorded by Juhn Adair, and alao Kuiiit s.ibl tl itiI-h property, and when warrant cimimnrd nie to maae levy uf'il and aale of .nil tl--senbed properly, In order to eatlafy said warmnt and solo aiMenatiif tit an I t' neiher with the inren-e; iierin and the i oat and expenses of a.tld sa e, and liursuant to said warmnt ami ihe com mands therein cum i tied. I dl.i on the 1 1 1 n utiy or Taoveinlier. IsM. tliliy levy tipttn inn uitote tieacritted rtml fituperty lino i win on :ne 1'ilri tiny of fieceinl I'lrt. at the h"nr of 11 n t ih It in tb foirlliein ttf aj'.ld d iv, til the l curt h'1'o.e 'lour, town: Ihe enlrjine of a.tld court h'tuae on h'yhi.i reel. In ihe t'liy of Astoria. Count" of i'!;iop. tttste of Oregon, sell rntbl described real groper' at public iniftion pi Iho hliflieat bl.f.le for cnah. In V 8. K"'l coin, to sttisfv .thi astt'SaiiiciiT the lnfer. thereon nn Ihe coals it ml 'itenMi of a.iln a aforesaid, and th a cruing costs. lntfd at Aatoii i. uregun, the 17ih day t'l iiovrnitjer, jvi. K. IfAl.Iu'lC. Chief of Police of A vol la. Oregon, CHIEF OF POLICE HALE. Notice Is hereby glvt n by virtue oi a warrant for tnu m: lion ul a tie I nqiieni iiss-Shin nt for ihi :niii.i 'tur.fn In the city of AhI tnu. ornuun. loWil Hind street, from Furtv-si-eufnl lo Koriv fifth street, duly lesiied by the aud tor linn ponce jutiire or salt clly hy illric lion ot me cuinmnn council of said clly pain wiirrtim oeitlMT tl.lletl I nit 1,111 fllty n October, PCiH, to me diredi-d. nml Ihe nsiiHisment on whlth sitet inetl iimouiitlng lo H2n wlih Interest tltereon it the nil of 8 per cent per annum from the 31st day of March, IWetl. and being iivnlnst the "Mowing nami-u pursoiis, towlt: R. Marlon and II. McCormatk, owner of ihn following described real property, lowlt: lot n. block 8. as sub- ii'vi'teii in tno roit or ijimer Asiorin it Inld out and rwortletl nv John Aduir anti niHo itguinat H.iiii iIi-mitiIiciI iin.perly una wnicn warrant I'luiiinunds mo to iitiiRo invy iiwtii lino ui le or mid dtt scrliied property. In order to sutlMfv sittd wnrrant nml said nHmaKntetn ,i ,u K'tt'hor With the Intormt thereon mid Ihe t ost and expetiHea of a.ild an In. nnrl itiiraiiiini 10 sititi wiirnmi and tho com mands thm-eln roniitined, I did. on lha 17th driv of November, IBM, duly levy and I will, on the. pith day of December! uie.ii inn mrtjvn tieaeriiie., mill ttrimiiriv num. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the loienunn oi sititi o'tv. hi inn rniirr iinn.M ooor. town: uit) eiiirunct of suld court VlW'.WTTtef! ptrtwtxrv w th -e- " t u i mi is . .n -fee lu u.. m,i t,.t I., u, .uo unit. Mutnuat rr, U , . , l , , . , v., ,,n ,,,, etnetm- i (. ril-t Loat Mlnhnnil. tfrrr aa tnf "fiin. vrtnocelei tiinias, atop str ll it .M .itor lill.l 1,'Atniy to lMtn,c imall, .iti.kifliMa imnt.i, a - new In st h.,tiil s I f v. In mad. aieeVS A .rllt.n iru-atilM. tn civs -e" f.. c "ten rrsnolsco, For sals by Charles Roger. Ijoum on Wghth itrtnl. In th City of Aalorla, tVunly (f Ost.op, dials of itregon. el Mid drsorlbstl real liluiierly M pulillu auotlon to lha ttlghpsl bidder fur msh, In II, H. gold poltt. lit s rV Mid asaeaaitient. thelnterest thereon, and the owl and expf'tise of sal a aforMald, and the accruing costs. lated at Astoria, Oregon, th ITlh day ot Novemlier, lw. Chief of Polio ofKA"orli!'(OrHii. cuihir or tolicb salio. Notice I hereby given lhat by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de litililnhi asavsa.iiinil ior tlin Itnprivei.ienl lit the city of Aatoiln, Oretton, lowlli Hond street, from Forty-swoiul tit Forty I fill street, duly Mue by the auditor and m, Jiiilitn of aald clly. by dlieo tlon of th voinmon coun.-ll ot snld cllv, said warrant being dale.) ths ITlh day of I) Molier. x, to ma directed, and lha aa.e.ment n which sne. liio,l amoiiutlng 1 J11 " Inlereal thereon at lha rate of i ier cent ir annum tin list tiny of March, ISiHi, and lelng astilust the following ttaiiied ixsrsona, towns It, Marlon and II. MoOormack, owner ot lha following described real property lowll: lot . block I, as stilt, divided In ihe ',Ml of llpper Aalot'U. as laid out and recorded lv John Adair, and also agnlnat aald deaorilMHl properly, and which warrant command in to malt levy tioii and anln of said de i'rlle,l properly. In order lit sullsfv said warrant and Mid naw.aamrnt mid t. gelher Willi the lutnrcal llieicon and (h ala and ellirusea of aald sal, nml pursuant to aald warrant and the com. mamla therein contained, I did. on the li'iti day of NovniiilMr, ImhI, duly levy upon the above deacilheit real property, and I will, oil th liilh day ot liecemher. IMH. st the hour of 11 o'clock lit the foieiioun of Mid day, at the eourt house door, lowlt! the entrains of aald court bouse on Ktglith streer In the Clly of et, ll ri al a nly (regoii. sell m sen mm Ursrrtiied rea Hied real property h hlgheal bidder st publlo auction to III ror caait, in I'. H. gold coin, lo satlafy wild sxeasmeut, he Intereat ereti, and the con I and cxpvinr of sal as aforeauld, and th g'-crulng coats. IHtinl at Astoria, Oregon, th IJlrj day of Noteiitlier, IsM. Chief of Police of"" AstorSal Oregon, ft. gold coin CHIEF OF IMI.ICK BALK, Notice I hereby given thai by virtu of a warrant for Ihe collection of a tie I tt l-iont asaea.menl for lha niprovermt In th ciiy of Aaloria, ttreson, town: Ibuut treel. from Forty-aecond Id 'rty. Bfih .tree!, duly Imunl by Ilia auditor and poll'1 Judgw of Mid city, uy dlree. Ibn or (ha rtuunum .huhOI i.l iim Mkl warrant tttsng dated the ITlh day of Octolwr, iswt, to me dlrecled. ami the aaane.iueni on whW h e-eined anioiintlng lo JiTW wlih Interest thereon at Ih rat of liajf rent per annum from Ih Hat day of March, IS and being agalnat the following named persona, towll: R Marlon and II. MiAM-mark. owner ot tha following described real property towlt: ,.i . blKk l. ss sub divide. In the lrt of tipper Astoria, as Iwld out and recorded by John Adolr, and aiao agaUial Mid dMcrilml property, and which warrant coinniande me lo Make levy UKn and sal of Mid de sert property, In order to Mllafy eald warrant and Mid aaweasnient and to gether with Ih inlareel thereon and th latala and eiiten.ea of said sale, ana pursuant to said warrant and th com mand therein contained, I did. on Ih Uth day ot November. IBM. duly levy upon Ih above drecrlhed real properly, and I wilt, on th lth day ot leceuiber. Ivta, si ih hour ot 11 o'clock In th fretkn of Mid dav. al Ihe lourt houae door, lowll: the entrance of aald court houae on Eighth street. In th City of Astoria. Count of liaison. Hist of Oregon, sell Mid t.eacrile real protierty at publlo aucuon lo the his tie. i bidder for ctt.h. In I , 8 sold coin to saiiafy M Me.amenl. Ih Inter.! thereon, ano th roels and of aale e af.ireaoid. snd th a.vnntig costs Itated al Astoria. Oregon, Ihs 17th day of Novensber. 1KSJ. M. IfAl.uOt'K. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKF OF POI.Ii'K 8AI.E. Netb-e ut hereby given lhat by virtu of a warrant for the collet lion of de. I n ptent a.'a.mrnt for the Imor vomnt In the clly of Aaloria. uraon, towil. Hond (ree, from Forty-sei-otul lo Forty fifth slreol. duly ImiiwI py the and lor and Indue Judge of staid city by dlrec Unit tf the mm cumu li of sal ) city, a 1.1 warrant liig de, the ITlh day of itctotu.r. 11. lo nie illr tod. and th aaeeeament on which ape. in e. I amounting to 11 V wlih lulereat tiirreun al Ihe rats of 1 tier cent per annum frxn Ih Hat day 'f March, I -ex. and teiiig aailn.t the following named persona lowll: It. Marlon end II. MiWrtnatk. owner of Ih following deacrlbed real property towil: ph . lihi a a aa sub dlvliled In the IVirl of I'piM-r Aalnria. aa laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also againet Mid oeerrWicl profterty, ami wh'ch warrant r.nmnan.1. nut to make levy upon .txl aale ol Mai de acrltMtd property. In order to sstisiv aald warrant and Mbl aawa.mrnl and lt gether wtth Ihe Iniarmt thereon and the ol and ienaea of said sal, and pursuant to said warrant and Ih Com mand therein contemned, I did. on th 17th day of Nov.mir, (MM, duly levy iipon the iIhiv. dr.cnbed real property, snd I will on Ih 16th day of Iiecemlter, I est. at tha hour of II o'cluck In lha forenoon of Mid day, al th court house d.tor. lowlt: the entrance of aald court h"UM on Eighth street In the t'lly of Astiula. t'ounly of Clatsop, Htala of Oregon, sell Mid described real property at publlo auction lo the highest bidder for cash. In V. 8, gold coin, lo sstlsfv Mid axeeasirleiif. the Intereat thereon and tie cost and expenses of sale as aforeaatd. and the a cruing roalu luted at Astoria. Oreeon. tha 17th dav of November. UESJ. K. HAI.Utfk' Chlef of Police of Astoria. Oregon CHIEF OF POLICE BALK. Notice Is hereby glen lhat by virtus it a warrant mr tne in ' t im t.r . ti. Im.tient asaearment for Ihe linprovrp rnt In tha clly of Astoria. Oregon, towtl: liond street, from Forty-setonil lo Kt.rtv- in t n sirrei, tuny laaueti ny tun atid.tnr and ttillia Judge of said city, by direc tion of the mm, nun council of suld illy, aa;d warrant oelns tlatn.1 the 171h dav nf OctolxT. Inm, lo m dire ted, iiinl the a.Hea.meut on wh h sneclneil anioiinl nat lo $J S wlih Intereat thereon st the rate or I per cant tier annum from the XI. t tin of M irch. Km, nsd being agulnal th ro, towui" niimrti person, town. It. Marlon and II. MtCormack. owner of the following dearrlhed real lntitM-r: y. town: lot 8. block 8. as sul d'vV ' In Ihe port of :pper Asltiria. as l.ud out it lid rrrotditl by jolin Atlnir, lint, alao HKalust sold iltutcrlbeil properly, and wh cli warmnt commands ma lo make levy upon and sale of ' de scribed properly, In order lo satisfy unit! warrant aim sun asacssineiit ami in. geihrr wlih the I ill err I thereon nml lb , nata mid rspensea of s ild aale, nnd pursuant to suld wurrnnt and the roin tiiiintls therein cniituitintl, I did, on Ih 17 1 la day of November. ih'A, duly levy upon thn above deacrlbed rent property, ami I will, on tho Ullti nay nf Iiecemlter, Kit, st thn hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of snld day, at ths court hous door, towlt: iln durante of suld court liniise on Eliihlh sireet In the t'lly of Aslorln, County nf t'lalaop. Btate of Oregon, sell sold descrlltetl reul property ul publlo suction to the hlKliesl bidder for en ah. In U. fl. gold coin, to satisfy tld assessment, th Interest Ihernon, and the mints nnd expenses of aala aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. rm ted at Antorln. Oregon, the 17th day of November, 1KW. rc. HAi.iOrK. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE 8 ALU. Noilco Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant fur the rtillei tloii of it lie linuut f.t iis.;ssm 'til for the impnvement In Ihe clly of Astoria, Oregon, towlt: Hond street, from 1' orly-sccnnti to Forty. fifth alrect. duly IkhiiciI by lllo iiuil.inr it ml police JiiiIkh of snld clly, by tllrec. t ion or tne common council or sum niy said warm nt being dated thn 171 h tiny of Oclobir, IWiH, to m dlro'tetl, nnd thn ii.sesHinerit on which snetdlletl ninoiintlnu to M.20 wlih Interest thereon at the rule of 8 tier cent per annum from thn Slttt tl iy of March, 1S!W, and being ngiiliiat the followliig ranieu porsons, town: It. Marlon and II. McCormrick, owne of tho following described renl proporty, towlt: lot 7, iiKxk H, nn sub. rtlvi-'ed In the Port of Upper Astoria, us luld out and recordnd by John Aduir, ami also ngulnst snld -crllil nropcrly, and wh:ch wnrrant commiindn me to timka levy upon nnd nnlo of mild .de acrlbed property. In order lo satisfy salil warrant ind said Hsscanmnnt ami to "'hor with Ihe Inloroet thnruon nnd the costs and expenses of nnlo sale, nnd niiisiiant to said warrant nnd the com- mund therein contained, 1 am. on ihe 17th day of November, duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, nn the Kith day of December IWiH, H tho hour of 11 o'clock In thn forenoon of wild dny, nt the court house oor, town: tnn trnnce ot an in podit niise on Eighth -treet. In the City of A.fnrln. ("Olinlv nf (TtfLtnOn. Hlnla nt Oregon, noil Mid descrlbexl real properly nt publlo auction to the lilKhost bldiler for ensh, In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy .told aesoNsmeiu, tne interest tnereon, and lb coat and sxpenae of sal afornaald, and th aifrtilng cost. 1'sled at Aaloria, Oreguti, th lllh 6m nt Nuveiitbor, lWi, ... . JO. IIALIXM'K, Chief of Tollo of Aatorlit, Oregon. cuirir or pomcb balw, Node i hereby given that by virtu of a warmnt for tht colli unit f a ds. Illilllaiit asaeesiuellt for (tie lupruvemeilt In the city of Astoria,, towll) lintid streel, from l-Vrly-tectuid to Forty, nfijt tie, duly ImiimI by the auditor snd police Jiulit of said cllv. by dlrev I Ion of the t'oiiimiMt council of sulci city, said warrant fcelng dalcl tha 17lh day of October, ISDs. u nie direct tl, and the aai.aiiM,nt willed smvllleti alllollllUng lo 1140 with Intereet IheretMi at th rVtaj "1 1)1, J1".' 'H,r annum from the ila day V' Mr,'h' IWil, and Iwlng aaalusl ill following lutmod Itorauiia, towll: tt. Mnrluit and II. MoCormaok, o vner of th followliig deacribeil real Property, tow it o U, block 1, as suit d.vl.lwj In the port of tipper Astoria, aa laid out ami recorded by John A.ialr, and also naalnat an Id deecillM.I properly, and which warrant coiniiiiiiula m to limlta levy ihhii, and .ulu of an de. s rlbed prelum y, In i,ir t ai,,fy a warrant and Mid a..r. anient ami to sei her Willi lha lulnnt thereon and the .Hiala and capeiiaea of auid sale, and pursuant warnini and I tin oii. namla Iheteln contained, I d'd on Ihe 1 1 ui day of November imis ,iniv i lipell Iho. above dcei'i lliod real uroiinrtv. snd will on lha Ullli day of llocemuar! h", at the liciir of 11 u'tlock In ,.-,.....'. ,., pfiin liny, ai Ilia c.tllft linti.A nor lowll: llie eiiltrtiice ,,f said court I'-'alilli SUCH. In lb Clly of istorla, County ot Clalsop, Hiata of Uiogoil. sell Mid deacrlbml teal properly at publlo auction lo Ilia (Unheal bl.lder for i-a.h, In l 8 l,i tH ,0 M,fy Mid ae.e. anient, th inlereal Ihorvoil, and to coeia aim en.Bn.aa ..i a ..... ..., mm mo ai'crtiing costs. Paled al Aaloria. Oregon, th ITlh day Of November, Im. ' Chlf of police As'oiiaV Oregon. chick or i-oucia oalk. , Notice la hereby dlveii lhat by virtu of s warrant for tit collection if ad. a..M.iii.nt lor ilia inii.ti.yn,, , t lit the city f Aaloria, oreg ,n. lowlt! nfl I sireet, from Forty-secoiJ to Forty, nu t streoi, duly iMuii by ibm a. "2? and p.dli. Judge of Mid HtyTby dlree ll..n of the tHMiimon cuuitcll ui Mid ollv s.mI wwrmia Uatig, Ui 17 day o OololK.r. IsM. io nie dire. led. h T.'Sr."-..!.'" Thkh i s-in-a stituuntiiig to Uo with .merest lliereun at Die rate ,l."u!" ? following named persons, towll; It. Marlon and 11. MoCormaek. ow.ter of Ihe following deacrlbed real a Ultl out and re. orded by John Adair! i,Kr.f""l?'"a,:, '- i-rtn-rty'. aM tM. IINI Ul aillltsBr AsSl..-laa lid Which warrant commands ma ia litasa levy UfMii and aaie ui Mill de- ur.nuon of Mid day. al Ih court house oor. town; the entrance of sabj court hum on Eighth, In the Clly of isiorle. t.unty of ctataop. 8lale of " " OeecrioeO real properly I pub 1 10 auction to iha hi.,. I .J . . L at publlo auction lo fur caah. In II. M for ta.h. In U. N. gold coin to ZMtl ui.t ..... .L. 7 : .... . -itietit. me inter.! thoratm. ..j in oeia and eansea of mIs ul sforeaaid. and tb a. cruing costs iNiled al Aatorla. Oregon, the IUU day of Nwvelittter. Isisi !- .... , F. IIAI.UWK. thief of Police ot Astoria, Org,n. CHIEF OF Ifl.'oCK hAL:. N.ltlf la hereby gn thai bv virtu l( a warrant for ilia mil. n.n - Jinui.etit a.ejneni for tha mpro Mn.nt In the city of Aaloria. n.,n Hond street, from Kurt , , .. nfllt slreot. dit.y i.aued by the auditor u jiiit. u avuvikl city tiy duc lion of tin. iiotitiMHi i-iiiiu l of .old city said warrant Uatig datd iha ITlh day of Octooer. Ism. to ma dira t.d. and the ?".Tir wh.h s.wirte, amooniitig to 3W with intern.! thereon at the rale "5 S'" I"" '' from th- aui ikay f March. 14, and l-ing agulnal th followliig named persona, load: IL Marlon and II. XlcCurmad owner of the following deacrlbed real properly, lowll: brt i. bi.K k I aa aub dHuled In Ihe pori ,f i ,i(Hir Astoria, as laid out and recorded by .ohtt A lair. an.1 also against ml! deecrtlml iroterty, and wh.clt warrant e.nniaiui n.a to make levy uim ami sal of mi. I d. wru.1 profierly. In order lo Mllaty said warrant a no aald aaecMineni and to rn her wlih Ih lutnrnet thereon and lha coal and apensee ot Mbl sale, and pur.uatil lo aald warrant ami lha cm man. I. therein cuniained. I did. on Ih lilh day of Novonilier. laaa jtiiy levy Upon the above bed real protxirty. and I will, on the IMh .lay of liecnmlier, l. al ihe hour of II o'clock In th rsr.noon of Mid day. al Ihe court houae doir. towtf thai atilraiico trf aald court h'tuae nn Klttbth airret, In th Cgy of Astoria. It.unty of CUtsop. Htala of Oregon, sell Mid described real tfTopeny at publlo auction to (he hlgheal bidder for caah. In U. 8. gold cum, lo satlafy Mid saaeasmeiii. theliitrre.t thereon and Ih cost and eipvn.M of Mis a af.treeald. and Ih a. -cruing roata. listed at Astoria, Oregon, the I7lh d oi November, Ikm. E. IIALLot'K. (hlef of Police of Aslotla. Oregon. CIIII--F OF POLICE iALK. N.ttlce la hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for tba mil. turn ,.t . .t lintiiirni utMs-mt nt fo- ibt linct.viTt nt in ih city of Astoria. imt(..ii. town linhd slreol, from Foriy-secoiid In Fnrtyl dfih sirel. duly Miiet by th auditor ami (....;. Jmlge of aald clly. ov .11 re, tloij jf the iiimiiina rtnincll of Mb rlty saltl warrant being dale) the 17th day of Octolwr. IMrt. in nie directed, and the sssewnneiit on wh h siwiflml ainotintlns to Bio with Intereet theram at the rate . lmr ,'''" )mr annum from the Hat tUy of March. IM and Ite'ng afttin.t the f'lllowlng litmetl 'erson. towtt: It. Marion and 11. McCormat k. oanrr of thn following deacribed real properly towlt: lot j. ,Hh k s a sub divided In Ih Port of I'pper Astoria as laid out nun ren.rdcd by John Adair and alao ngalnat tlr.crtlHal properly, ted wh t h warrant conunanoa nie lo make levy iik., ,uld aale of en id de. st rdied properly, In onlcr lo satlefy itaid warrant nnd Mbl nsaessmeiu nnd to. gelher with Iho I more. I thereon and the ios(s ulid espeuara of said ante, and puraiianl to aald w-nrennt ami the com miiiuls therein coniu, ned, I did. on Ih I7ih day of November, lnwt, duly levy up"n Iho above deacilbeil real properly 'il I will, on Ihe ltiih dtty of Ibvi-mber lv, at thn hour of U o'clock In the forenoon of acid dny, ut Ihn court house door, lowlt! the ciitriince of aaid court hoiiee on Klstblh slrrct, In the City of MStorla. t'ountv of ilaiaon Hi.ia Orrgon, soil Mild described real properly at publlo minion lo thn Millies! bldiler for cash. In V. . goul colic to satisfy snld asesiiient, tha Interna. I hereon, anil the cosls nml rxnrnaea nt aula foresaid, ami Ihe nt criilng cosls I'ttteo ai laiortti, tvegon, th 17in flsj if Noveuilior, 1HWI, Clilnf of Police of AstorlitOrrgon. CHIEF OF POLICE BALE. Nlllcn 'a herelilf irlven lltnt l,u ..I-...- if (i ill-rant for tho colloctlon m n de. iit'iunnt it itMcMKiii.-nt for tlpi li'ipr tvioneiit 111 the cllv of Attlorlft. iimuini t,.u.t.. llond street, from Kory-n 'uinl id rorty fl.-l'i sirm-t, duly Insiietl by Ihn liudllor kml pollen JildKn of saltl illy by tr. lion of Ihn common council of mild oil y snld wnrrutii being dated Urn i7ih ,ny of tic.ober. IMlS. to mo dlroi lntl. and lha BsseaHineiit on which nnnnllinl nmoiinlliig to 12.41) with Inlorest thernttn nt th. ..i! of 8 imr cent per annum from thn aiitt day of March. I wik, nml lining ittritltiai inn loiiowuiK luiilit u person, town, it. Marlon and It. McCormack, tiwner of the following described real prijierty, towlt: lot 22, block 8, us sub divided In I Im I 'or I of I'ppnr Aaloria a luld out mid rocorded by John Adnlr nnd also iiKiilust mild dcst-rllicd itrnpeny, nnd which wnrrant coiiimumln me to mi Kit levy upon itnd so lit of anltl tle scrlbfd properly, In order 10 sntlMfy aaltl wnrnuif. nml mild nssesHtiicnt and to fotlinr with th Intereet thoreon and the (OmIs and expenses of snld snlo, nml ptirsiiiint to suld wit mint nnd the com iiiiiiids I herein ronlrtlncd. I did, on i he 171 ll day of November, 1S!, duly ll)Vy upon Hi a above described roul proimrty snd I will, on tho lillh day of Ilocombnr lvts, in the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of snld itnv nt tnn cunri hmi.. door, towlt: the nn trance of said court housci on KlKhth ntreet, in tho City of Astoria. County of (Tuition. Hinta nt Ornifon. anil wild described renl t.ronei-iu ait publlo auction to the highest bldiler for ensh. In tl. H. fold coin, to satisfy suld assessment, the lnterest thereon, and the cosls and expense of salo aa aforesaid, anil the uccrulng costs. IJntnd at Astoria Oregon, the l'tih day f Novombor, lblis, VI. HALLOCK. r:hif of Police of Astorlu, Oregon. ..nir.. .-i u"",, ,0 fy id warrant and Mid aa-eaameni and le gal . - wtia Ih inter-el Iheran ad K coal and spen. or saW eaisV ami Mir.iiaail lo said warrant and "h. Com tttand therein runta.nd. 1 did. on the Uth day of Novwtnoer. Ut duty l.v U,"!',i"',. d.ecrtbad rMl protMirt. aitd I will on ihe Uth day of iWrnbir II o elora In lha d