The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 07, 1898, Image 2

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JOHN T. MOHTm, Fdltnr.
Telephone No. N.
Bunt by mall, pr year W-00
Sent br mall, per month. M
Served by carrier, per month W
Brut ly mall, per year, In advance. ..JIOO
roetnge free to suoacr.oers.
All communications Intended for piibll-1
cation ahould ba directed to the editor.
Hunlncss communications of all kinds I
and remittance must be addressed to I
'The Aslorlnn."
The Aalorlnn guarantees to tti adver
tisers Inrfctst clrcutauon cf any
m wspaper puuilshed on lb Columbia
Advertising rati ran be had on applM
cation to the business manager.
The grestest truth of the seaport prob
lem la that of heavy ocean tonnage. It
Is getting heavier every day In order to I
further cheapen ocean freights. The
sheer folly of Portland's daln to retain
the seaport supremacy of the Columbia
heals, with only a KVfoot channel, la
made most glaring by the following from
recent Issue of the Philadelphia Time:
Modem steamships continue to Increase I
la bim and carrylnc capacity, and this
means that deeper water la required In
harbors and channels to float them. Thee I
two very plain and Important Tacts make
It absolutely atsentlal that if Philadel
phia Is to retain Its present commerce
and lncreas It commercial Importance
Its commercial Interesta must sea to It
that the capacity of the harbor and rtrer
channel keep pac with the growing de
mands upon both. The modem wharves
that are being constructed now may ba
Inadequate for ins needs of the next half
etntury, but the existing twenty -alx-
foot channel will soon be too shallow to
float the treat modern steamships that
will do the bulk of the carrying trad
aero the Atlantic.
Philadelphia with 24-foot channel and
a tidal ri of nearly flv feet sec It
cannot do even Its present small shipping
so soon as the rapid Increase In aixe and
carrying capacity of ocean ships ret
beyond her class. Blind Portland should
quickly see th foUy of her effort and
alo realii the grandeur of her future
to com from joining hands with Astoria
M the peerleea seaport of th west.
A bore pitiful sight than a mother and
her child, both captives and shackled in a
dnogron, could not well be imagined.
There arc thousands of m others and their
babes who lie shackled by difcase in the
doneoo of death.
Withoot knowtnf it, or having the bint
cat compTcbenftion of it, the fan It lies with
the mother. Too many women enter apon
the responsibilities of wifehood and moth
erhood while suffering from weakness and
disease of the delicate and important or
gans that make wifehood and motherhood
possible. A woman who suffers in this way
cannot be a capable wife and a competent
mother. Before entering apon the duties
and responsibilities of these positions, she
should sec to it that ber health, both gen
eral and local, is thoroughly restored. Dr.
Pierce's Fsvorite Prescription is the best
of all medicines for this purpose. It acta
directly on the sensitive organs concerned,
making them strong, healthy and vigorous.
It promotes regularity of the functions,
allays irritation and inflammation, heals
ulceration, checks nnnatural and exhaust
ing drains and soothes pain. It tones and
builds np the shattered nerves. It turns
the dangers and paina of maternity into
aafety and case. It is a medicine that ia
intended for this one purpose only and ia
good for no other. Dealers sell it and no
honest dealer will suggest a substitute.
"Df Pierce s Fsvonte Prncnptioa did me so
anch good thai UxUjr I am well again sad
stronger than I have been for yean.'' writes
Mn. Alex. Lockie. of Wise. Imbella Co . Mich.
"J have s baby one year old sod as 1st and
healthy as one could winh to Me. I tuuk two
bottles of ' Favorite Prescription.' I keep br
ilrree's Pleaunt Pellets in the home all the
jat My lamily take do other kind ol pill."
The shortest and happiest days are the
busy onea.
Bsantbs J fa Haw alwfi fogtt
It would be difficult to Imagine more
extraordinary digestive powers than
those of th byena. One of these bea.ats
Has Deen known to swallow tlx large
tone without crushing them.
Acuer s EnsTtisn remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cur the
worst cold In twelve hours, or money re-
funded. 25 cents and SO cents. For aale
by Estes-Coun Drug Co.
The deserts of Arabia are specially re
markable for their deserts of sand, which
are raised by whirlwinds, and have a very
close resemblance In their appearance to
Luxuriant hair, ot uniform color, is a
beautiful head covering for either sex,
and may be secured by using Hall's Vegt.'
table Sicilian Hair Renewer.
Jerusalem la now nothing but a shadow
of the magnificent city of ancient times
It Is about three miles In circumference!
and 4s situated on a rocky mountain.
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and
sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup
tions. If you ar feeling weak and worn
out and do not have a beajthy appear,
anc you should try Acker's Blood Elixir.
It cures all blood diseases where cheap
sarsaparillas and so-called purifiers fall;
knowing this we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. For sale by Estes
Conn Drug Co.
a.v Vv v w
i 5rvi
Tbo Klnl You Hart Always lionet, and MliloU ltn.1 been
in !o for over 30 your, u borne tlio klgntttiiro of
"ml hus been imule tuuter 111 H"t
jejtstTs o;il MinenMoui ttluow lit Infancy,
WffVJ; '.CU.( xox tu oho (o tleeelvc jwti itt this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations r.twl Substitutes ore tint l'v
tterlmcitt Hint trido Mllh ami oiulanT the health of
Itf;tnts and CWldrcn-txiH'rleueo s;.Unst r.xi,ierlmeut.
CaslorU U A substitute for Cantor tV, rore;;orie, lns
und Soothttiff S.vrt'i's. It is llntv.t: s r.u.l l!o;snnt. It
contain neither Ojiuni, Morphine nr other 'iireotlJ
pub-stanee. Its aire Is Its iTitnrnutec It destroys Worms
nud Hlhiys Fevorlsliness. It tun s l:qrrlm u und AVlnd ,
Colie, It reliovo.s IVt'tltlujr TroubU-s, kmuva Const limtioit
and riittnletiey. It ntmll;Wes tho 1hh1, reuulates tho
Stomneh and ltonels, civitijr lioaltlijr and natural stern,
Tho Children's rrtti:ief:i-TJt Mother's Frlcud.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
c Mav, n
. "
m m n u miirvwi rtm r..
tout V. ifcuifcBUaa
Doe any real Ut woman ever look Ilk
the flirurea In th fashion plateaT
Soap not only for toil
et and bath but for
shaving. Pears was
the inventor of shav
ing stick soap.
Judtinc by th treat demand tor lock
eta. women ar giowln- decidedly more
Bsantfc aim In nns km lag
There la a rosary In tb British mu
seum made of the vertebrae of a snake's
backbone. Another Is composed of rat's
That the blood should perform Its vital
function. It is absolutely neceassary It
should not only b pur but rich la life-
giving elements. Thes results ar Met
effected by the use of that well-known
sundjrd blood purifler. Ayers' Si. r pa
In the hotels built In China for the use
of foreigners the h'ghest stories are th
most expensive because they are th
Pains In the chest wuen a person has a
cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain' Pain Balm and bound on
to the chest over tb seat of pain will
promptly relieve the pain and prevent
the threatened attsck of pneumonia. Thli
same treatment will cure lame back in a
few hours. For sale by Charles Rogers,
When a ctamelon Is blindfolded it loses
all power of changing Its color, and Its
entire body remains of a uniform tint
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Taoleta.
All Druggists refund the money If It falls
to cure. cents. The genuine bas L. B.
Q. on each tablet
Have you noticed that the lorgnette It
no longer essentially correct? The read
ing glass la supplanting It, and every
woman who considers herself au fait
wears one on the long gold chain that
hangs around her neck.
Good look ar really mora than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organ. If th
liver la Inactive .you have a bilious look;
If your stomach la disordered, you have
a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are
affected, you have a plntbed look. Se
cure good health, and you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Hitters" la
a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly
on the stomach, liver and kidneys, puri-
ti the blood, cures pimples, blotches
and bolls, and gives a good complexion.
Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Estes
Conn Drug Co. SO cents per bottle.
Women have always been considered
just, a wee bit lower than the angels, and
now they are catching up as fast as pos
sible, the wings ("proutlng forth from
every hit worn by the followers of
i ng sing ma nam mm twujjjii
Orris powder, bought In quantities, Is
used In satcbets to scent gowns, wraps
and handkerchiefs, sometimes K being
sewed In the lining. It Is a ctieap way
to obtain the exact fragrance of the
Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Mokl Tea, A pleas
ant herb drink. Cures constipation and
Indigestion, makes you eat, slep. work
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. 25 and (0 cents. For
sale by Estes-Conn Prug Co.
r'nt di
Signature of
e mm. nnH err.
tuarmatecd toen ail Mmu dneaara, each a Weak Memory LomZ
hraia Kweer. Heaoacne, W.ktlulnem, Lu ataaboud. huhily gZZ
oerr,.U drains, loas of power ia 0mraUl Or,aa. ci
"7" -w". nrora, ttctmn ate of
j . .
- cata, Ttur4 aad YamhiH t:a . roitli.l or
we St br rTFS-rSV PRI'd CO
Ia th United State SW.OOO cuho feet
of pin are annually used In miking
Acker's Dysrepe'a Tablets ar sold on
a poslttv guarantr. Cures heart bum.
raining of fioJ, distress ater eating, any
form of dyspepsia. On llitl tablet give
Immediate reUef. S and M cents. For
sal by Estes-Coon. Drug Co.
Th swell woman ba evidently taken
th veil, for she wears It on every poasl
bl occasion, and even In the evening at
the theater doe not think It necessary
to discard It
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy can always b depended
upon and la pleasant and sai to take.
Sold by Charles Roarer, drwgguit
Th ckrysanthrmarfl Is n looajer th
correct bwutonnler for a weU-dressed
man. Gardenia and violets ar th
air. Hardin Norri. clerk of thta drug
st or of R- Shoemaker, Perry. IIL. says:
"A man cam Into our store th other
day and said. 'I want a bottl of that
stuff th4 saves children's Uvea. I read
in the News about It The chlldrea may
get sick when w can not get tb doctur
quick enough. It's the medlotne you sell
for croup.' " He alluded to Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be
fore B ft ( Here. For saie by Chas.
Rogers, druggist
Tell your cook that a drop of vanilla
will greatly Improve the cup of chocolate
that she serves lo your evening visitors.
There sre few men more wide aw.ike
and enterprising than Estes-Conn Drug
Co.. who epera no pains to secure the
best of everything In tjielr line for their
rony customers. They have now the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Coughs iii.
kild. This Is the wonderful remedy that
Is producing u h a furor all over the
country by Its many startling cure. It
absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis.
Hoarseness an all affections of the
Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above
drug store and get a trial bottle free or
a regular slxe for SO cents and 11.00 Guar
anteed to cure or price refunded.
Some of the arrangements In wheat and
ribbon for Christmas festivities are ex
ceedingly .attractive.
What is the use of making a better ar
ticle than your competitor If you cannot
get a better price for It T
Ana As there Is no difference In the
price h public will buy only the belter,
so thuX while our profits may be smaller
on a single sale they will be much greater
In the aggregate.
How i-an you get the public to know
your ma a is the best?
If both articles are brought prominently
before th public both are certain to be
tried and die public will very quickly
pass judgment upon them and use only
the better oeva.
This explaiaa the large sale on Cham
berlain's Courh Remedy. The people
have been using it for year and have
found that It an always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take up
with some fashluoable novelty put forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the oo remedy that they
know to be reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there ' nothing equal to
''narnber!aln's Cough Remedy. For sale
bv Charles Rogers, druggist.
THE BEST SALVE In the world for
Cuta, Bruises, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever soree.l Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns snd sll Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price S
cents per eox. Tvr sale by Vstes-Conn
Drug Co.
Many of the new coats were evidently
Inspired by the grasshopper's figure.
For Infant and Children.
Tfca Kind You Kara Alwajs Bought
Bears tbn
Clgnktrire of
Nottca Is hereby given to' all 'persona
whomsoever that ttisr has bm reported
to th Common CVmncll of the city of
AstorHt, Oregon, by th Board of Aasee.
sort of said city, specially constituted
for th purpow helnafter expressed,
a Spent Assessment for th Improve
ment In said city known as the Klsverrth
Btrtv Eknver Improvement, and whlchi
assessment I shown on th special as
seaament roll for said t-moit, whti-h
has been flliM In th otllo of the under,
signed, is opon for Inspection ami will
so remain until Tuesday, lv-uiN'r
lx, at 10 o'Wtt'k a. m , at which time
the Hoard of h.'itillsutlon for said as-
S)ment, consisting; of the afoie.nU!
Itiwrvl ot Ai'aor and the Commit!' Oil
Htnvt ami I'uMIc Va)' it the Common
IViitivll of said oily will Inn-1 lit th
Council Chamber vf tli Cay IUII of
m!i city, to rvvlow and egmllts suM
Ur turnout.
A, I ohjottlon to s-tlj (!tmi nt niimt
bo tiled with the tiiuli'iKlKtitvl on or bo
Ore the tunc of s.'ild morllug.
ly order of the t.iM Cttniuon Council
lUlol at As.urirt. Onou, Nov.mlcr
Auditor and llo Juls
City of Astort, Oregon,
Nctlee la herbv Ktven tlt by virtue
of a warrant (or ilia eollm tion of a de
linquent Y n nt for tli tmi'rovon ent
lit th city of Ati., vkrestin, tiwit:
liol street, frnn Forty-second to F'rty
tltth strw. duly liwued b (he auditor
eiU polio Juils of said cltv. oy ulrvo
lion of the common council of d i-liy,
sail warrant twiia Uatisl the ITth day nl
Ototvr, IS4, to me dlrwted. and the
asaoument on wnU h spooned aniountliiaj
to flJO wtth tnterret tlierson at th rat
of I per ceut pe' annum fsoji the llt day
of March, li. and ttwinsr against the
follow ma named persone, tuwlt:
a ktarion and H. UoConmuk,
owner of th following described real
xrooarty, towit, lot 11, blot k a, as sub
divided In the Port of l'P'r Asterui.
aa laid out and recorded oy John Adair
ami also agauwl eald dosiTilmi property,
and wiwch sntrrwix commaiula me to
make levy upon and sale o( aHi de
scribed property, In order to satlsiy said
warrant and said asaessntent and to
gather wlibj the Interest thereon and the
coala and etpense of eakl sal, and
pursuant to said warrant ami th com
mande therein contained, 1 did. on the
ITth day of Novwatx. UcM. duly levy
Utwn the above described real property,
and I will, on the Uh day of liecembvr,
ltL at the hour of 11 o'clock In the
forenoon ot said dav. at the court bouse
door, towit: the entrance of eald court
house on i-JUrmh street In th il'y of
Astoria. Cuunly ot Clatsop, State of
ttregon. sell en Id deecrllxHi real property
at publlo auction to the Mahoat blMT
for cash. In U. fl. gold coin, to sattefy
uld iMeunint, the Internet 'hereon, and
the route and exiwnsee of sale es
afiireeald. and the a online" cost.
1MJ at Astoria. (Jrecun. the 1, in any
or ov ember, UMk
E. mALIX" K.
Chief of Police o Aston. Ortgon.
Nolle Is hereby lvn that by vinue
nf a warrant for tho coile. lion ' n 1e
11 njuont jteawent for tnn improvement
in tile city of At.r.a.s i tri m, toait
Hold stret. from to K"rty
fif-h :re. t. ilmy l-au.-l by il emi t
and polirit Jmltfe of Haul cltv, bv llrec
i..M ,1, ...... ....... ...... .....I ..f ail.l I'W
said warrant being dated the I7lh day of
lk-tiN.r 1N. to me dire. ted. ami the
immeni on whu b stwirled amounting
to Hi with inlercat thereon at the rate
of I per cent iwr annmn from the .nt day
of March. I'M, and being aaalnet the
fullo'ving named persona, tuwlt:
R. Marion snd H. Mcwrmack.
owners of the following described real
property, town, lot Is. bl k s. aa sub
divided In the fort of I'pper Astoeta
as laid out and recorded by John , lr.
ami alao acalnat eiild deserrlmt onvwrtr
and which warrant commands me to
m.k levy unon ami sale of mix 1e
scribed property, In order lo eatlafy Skid
warmer and said sswesamrnt and to
gether with lh liMarewt thereon and the
costs and expense of said sale, ana
pursues! to eald warrant and the com
ma ml therein rnnraiaed, I did. on the
17th day of NovemSwr. lb, duly levy
upon tb above deaertbed real property,
ana i win. on tne lain oar ot eciior
not. at the hour ef u o'clock In the
forenooa of Said dav at Ihe court houae
door, tavwlt: the entrance of eald court
bouse on Eighth street in the Cltv or
Astoria. County of Clatsop. Stale ot
Oregon, sell said deecribed real property
at public auction to the hlgheet bidder
or rastt. in u. . sroid coin, to sansiy
said SMveament Ihe Interval thereon, and
he cueu and expeneee ot aale as
aforesaid and the accralns roeta.
Dated art Aatorla. Oregen. the lilh dsy
or .NOVswsOer, Hi.
Chief ef Iollce of Astoria. Oregon.
son's rasYJL Rtif
T'l ' .....
mrtlt k l t Vlt M-1 e,4t II,
& .4 i -tN ' .r. ,,t ltia(.ie
srtevw as wor'SS st'm
. l.-t-m rtt . fn h i N
ne,l rwfttrtiV f f n. e.i, ''i '
I I Vrwt tl.t F-af'S lift '
. .1 et ...w4..f" JB t r'v H "
eji.ll wUtik rlrmi'l-"
W f f V , e
Of W htiuti.
'i ,.tuit)..t w:
tl i
'A ,ll;eyll and lu..,ii
9 aiU)a ti.e luuinif at oi . ;i-'
auiaa a piiuiilre. yivi luilant
l:ef. Dr. U I laaK'lmiiin IMcO.r.1.
ment lanrepaml for I'l'naml im
ln nf the private porta hverr bet ,
rirranteo. armrri-u. ny man on re
vlpt ot rnr M (run ,Bil Sl.oo. WltLIJX'
Ml'IfACTUnlRS CO.. ITen.. 'Wrlai....
Leave-1 Astoria (Dslly) ' Arrive Portland and Astoria'p.m a.m.
l:i: Vi F.x press trains vls ii:i;ii;l
Knxppa, l lirton, West
nort. Clalsknnle. (toble:
ronneotion at Ooble fori
the East and i'uget
Hound points.
12:20 S:00j
Astoria, Seaside anil ' '
New Astoria I'assengerl
trains, vn Warrentonl
land Havel.
1:301 Sunday Hunters' spec-l
llalAstona to Seaslde
All trains sxceptlng the Sundsy hunt
ers' special, leaving Astoria going to Sea
side snd returning from Seaside, run on
the Flavel Branch.
O. F. at P. A.
Through palacs and tourist steeper
dining and library observation cars.
No. 4 Limited leaves Portlsnd at !:)
p. m.
No. I Limited arrives Portlsnd at 1:U
a. m.
For rates, etc cell or address
Agent O. R. eV N Asioria.
C. P. eV T. A., Portland. Or.
srrnsr irrrs all lliehorrnraof Impotency. 4 IIPlr.NKclauHiSUiullvr, Un
an evr i-n kldneyasndthnrinsrroraiirfallimpurtUs,
realnWi atMwiefhena mnti imIim, small aiaalf nrtfana.
Ths resoon sufferer ars not cureii by Hoetnr I beenua ninety per rent ar tmnbled wllh
Ptwtll. t'l'PI liKN e; la lliemijr known remeti cure wlihoutau operation. Wwna'lmonl.
sit. A written guarantee gives anil money returned If all bole rt.-a not etfevl a prpjauuliluf
eiO)abos,slilur.V0u,by mall. Hand for msadrcular snd lesilmonlila
Address PA Vol, MCDICM B CO P. 0, Dos 1078, Ban Preittlacn, Cat, frHnlrh')
CHARLES ROGERS. 46 Commercial St.
Nolle Is hereby lvn that by vlrlue
of a wan ant for (lie colretlon of a lie
I'nyti'-ni sr'iiteiil fur Hie IniiitMve.' enl
In the tllv of t)r!, Oreuoii, tnwlu
Hnnd street, fi-irnt Kiirly-seeond to Frty
fifth simt, duly lusiml bv the auilllor
and pjllee Jiiilse t( stld city, by itheo
Hon of lh common eii,t 'il nf nld oily,
sild warrant being dated th Ulh day ol
tH'totnir, IMHI, in me tlirneteii, ami th
annin on whVi h sneciiled amounllng
to I1K with Inlorent thermit at I tin rale
of I tr cent p.h annum Irom the II. t dny
of Mitreh, Slid being naMital tlw
fvttltiwltig tiMitted person tollt
R Marion and II. MoCnrmack.
owner of the following ilnacriuwi real
liiwrty. too It, lot lii, bine k I, aa siiu
itt vlv1o In th 1'iH't of I'nper Astiirm,
aa laid out and risonlisl liy ihn Adulr,
and nlo ngMlii't snlil ilpnerllHtl irn-rty,
and mheli warranl coinmatida tu to
make levy liMin ami sal of snl.l i,.
rlled proprrlv, In order to mlUfv snld
muit and sold aanenatnent end to
Keillor Willi the IntfMvet tlnron ami lli
loots and sirusa nf eald stln. ami
I'uiKiinnl to 4id wnVrnnt ami tlia com
iiiiiiiiIs t hoi ol ti ronl liml, I did. nn the
l.'th ility of NoviMiiiHT, ly't, duly lovy
iiil Ilia iiImiv denerllied I c 1 1 moperty,
.i'mI I mi:, un th Itiilt ilny of peoeiulier.
Mi. ', ll.ii hmir of U o'cloek In the
(.m,ih'M i( said duv nl Hie court limine
..k. tuikit: the entntnre of snlil
I court
Cltv of
late of
lioti Hrt ini l luh ill pirext. In the t
Aatorla, I 'mini r of I lalaop. HI
Hi'k' mi, ell wil.l ilenoriliiHl real properly
at puiiliit aneiinn to the lilHheat lim.Vr
for cmkIi, In V, It siiiil coin to Sdllafy
mild ai aaiiienl. the jntere.t thnreon. ami
the coals add rapriisea of sitle as
itfiirraiilil, ami the iteertUng enata.
Iiatrd at Aatorla, Otegoti, the 1 ( h day
ot November, IfX.
K li t t.litv hT.
Chief of Police ol Astoria, oreg.m.
i i
Nolle Is hereby slv i I'ml by virtue
of a warrant fur the rolliH tlon of a da-
limj tent ermi'it forth mirviivni
in the city of Atr. ttreanii. town:
llond street, from Kortv-aetuml to Frly-
n.'th strvet, duly ImiikO by the ami lor
and police Jmlse ut Ald cltv, bv dure
lion of the rominon cHinell of stld ellv.
nJd warrant twins dated the 17th day of
iVMotwr. lKt, lo me dire td, and Ihe
aaaMMnienl on ahw h speclnad ammintlua
to UJU wllh Intereet tiianton at the rate
of I per rent per annum frum Hie list day
of March, ;k and being aa-aluat h
follow In named person, tuwlt:
R. Marion end II. McCvrmark,
owner of Ihe throwing eecrlbe.1 real
proiwerty. toe It, I.H H, olnck i, aaub
divided In the 1'ort of l)ptr Astoria
as laid out and recorded by John A.Uir.
anl aUo mttinai said unaiTltml properly,
and which warrajit commaixl m to
make levy upon and aale of said de
scribed oropertv. In order lo satiety said
warrant and ald a --ra ant and tiw
gather with the intertwi thereon and the
coale and e.pene of aakl sale, and
pursuant to eald warrant ami the coin-
nmnue therein conla-rMHl. I did. on uie day of Noveinb-r. IMS. duly levy
upon the alMive deaenbed rent properly, '
and I will, on the Kin day ot Uewailwr,
lut, at th hour of 11 o'clock In. the
forenoon of sold day. st the court bnuae
door, towit: Ihe entrance of said court
hua on lOUhth sireet In the CHy of
Astoria. Countv of Clatsop, Stale of
liregon, sell snld desrrttwd real ufoiieriy
at pul'llo suction tu Ih hlsbrat blilder
for cash. In II. A. gold oxn. lo satisfy
o.ild aaaeasnient. the Inters) iheren, and
III ixMita and eiiena of eale as
afrid. and the aicrulng coats.
Dated 31 Astoria. (, the 11th day
oi Novelniier, K"S.
Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon.
ciiii:f if iilick SALK.
No. he la hereby lvn that by Urtin
of a warrant fur the io!l. loa of rfe
I ii'i'i'M a.s'iirni fur lha la pivvet'.aai
In t!i ciiy of Astoria. tr -jin. town. street, from Furtv-a-.oiid i Frly
(t?t h ai'eel, duly lmue lif l It" an.l.tur
and polir JinlS" nf a.d illy, by dlrve
lion of tha com m n i-ou.n il or ld iliy
aid warmnt Iwinj iUll thn ITib 'lay of
(ii tolK-r, K4. to me diroird, as.l the
,i4oenient on hx h i in, amoinllng
to HII wl h Inlemt thereon al tke rata
of I per ceut per annum from Ihe Jtat d iy
of kfareh, end tlng aaalnat lha
following Sami parsons towit:
It. Marlon and II. M'l.Vrntack.
owner of the folloeln deacrtbetl ralj
prrty, toeil. lK U bl k I. as su
dlvnle, In tk Port of l'Pir Aatuna.
as raid out and rvvuecled by John Adair,
ami alao asauwt sold deserilml n"riy.
and which warnnr cummands m lo
Sjaae levy usort and i uf aaid de.
xriued pronnrir la nrdar to satisfy said
warrant snd said aaereemant en- t
Serher with Ihe In'errwl Ihernin and the
eoeta and eanena of said sa.a. an
pursuant to sa.a warrant end the Com
mands therein mntaned. 1 did. on the
17th dey of Novaaibrr 1AM. duly lvy
upon the above deaenbed real property,
and I will, on th lath day ot December,
1L. st lh kur of II o'clock In ihe
forenoon of snld dav. al Ihe court houae
door, low It r the entrance of aald court
huus on Kiahin aret In the CHy
Aatorla. County mt Clatsop. Stale
lrsn. sell aanl drrihi real nrorwrty
at publlo aiii'iion to th hlicbeet bidder
for rash, la I . H 'ld coin, lo aatisfy
aald aaoeasaieat. th interest thereon, snd
the im:i snd rtnenaee of sale SS
sforeaaul. and 'he nTumf costs.
listed at Aria. uregnn. the 17th day
of November. IMS..
Chief of Police of Aatorla. Oregon.
Notie la hereby alven that by virtue
of a warrant fee the cuietlon of a de-
Itmii'iit n"arnent :or the inpr jvement
In th - ly of Aa: i.ia. ureiioii, t.
Hold street, from korty-aeciiid id Forty-
llfth si reel, duly laaued by the nul lr
nnl ixdl'-e pills of a.i d i ll liy direc
tion of the common eounell of ani l rl'y.
ss:d warrant being dated the 17' h Hay nf
(letolier, IVX. to me dire, ted, and lha
aaioamment on wan h poirte. smountlng
lo Hi) wiih Inlerrat thereon at the rat
of II rer ceo? Per annum (pirn the llt d iy
of March, 154. arul teing ag.ilnat the
following ruimel peraons. towit:
R. Marlon and II. MCrmark.
owner of the following dearrtbwd real
proparty, town, lot 1 blmk I. aa sub
divided ki the Port ot irniwr Aatortn.
a laid out and rtorditl by John Adnlr,
and also ugalnat jld i' rn'x-ti nroPurty,
and which warrtnt tommmwla me t.
mas levy upon und aaie of sad de
scribed property. In order to satisfy said
warrant and snlo aoa'-aament an' to-
Kniher wllh tha interest ther-on and the
oela and etH-tiaea of said sa.e. and
nuiauant to rnt'd warmnt atiH ilie rum
niimila therein conta red. I illu on th;
171 ri day of November. W- 'lu'y levy
Drem in almve ili.-nll.e rii nruperty
and 1 will on the Pith day of December
1M1, at the liMir of II o run K in trie
finenoon of snld ilnv ni the roiirl hou
lour, lowll: Hie entrime of slid rourl
houae on KIkIiui a reet In the t'lly of
Aalorla. ("ounie of t latson. Hiate
'iregon, sell snld il.arrllied renl properly
at nil i c nun '.in -to the Ii sheet m l 'e
for ciish. In II H. Ko'id coin, lo aullsfv
"iild aitesiiient. the Inn r thereon, and
ih coats and exnenae of sule as
aforesaid, snd the arennnr coals,
uui.ii at Aaioiiii. oresmi. Ihe Win nay
nf November. INI.
Chief of Police of Asiorlo. Oregon.
Notice Is hereliv given that by virtue
of a warrant for thn colie. turn of a de-
I nquent nss?s,iipnt (or ilm rtini'i 'eir.nnt
in tne c tv or Astoria. ur'in. town
Hind street, from Forty-second lo Forty
fifth street, duly lnjed by Ihe and lor
and police Judge of said rlty, by dlreo
lloti of the common council of an Id illy
snld wmrrant belli dated thn 17th dny of
Octolier, 1WH, to me directed, and Ih
aaonimrnt on wrili h inw: lil u m'Min line
to 13.20 wllh Interest thereon at the rnte
of s per cent oer annum from the 31st dny
of March, IM, nnd being auiiliint the
Mllowiiig nuined persona, town:
R. Mnrlun and II. MoCorrnnrk,
owner of Ihe following described rem
properly, towit: lot 11. block a. ss sub In the I'ort of lltiner Aalnr.n,
as laid out and recorded nv John Adulr,
and dlso iiKuliit snld deHcrHted property
and which wnrrnnl eoniniunila mn to
make lew tiixin nnd an e of snlil
scrloed properly. In order to sttlMfo siiul
warnint nnd aulil aaaeuament ltn.1 to-
Kerhor with ihe Iniircet tltereon and the
cunts and exneimeis of snld sniu, nnu
pursunnt to said wurmnt and the com
mands therein rontainnd, I did. on the
17th dav of November, 1S. duly levy
upon the above described renl property,
and I will, on the Kith dny of Dncetnber,
lHUH, at the hour of 11 o'clock in tne
foremain nf aulil dnv. lit the court house
door, towit: the entranc3 of sum court
tion of a (mou r'renrh physician, will qulokly ours you of all ner
vous or dlaeaae of th feoerauve orxans, stub M LolMaiili'xl,
InaomnUt, I'ulnsln Uis iiiu.k,Umliial Kniluluna, Nervous lel,llty.
Pimple, UnlllnM to Murry, fcxlisuatlns Urnliis, Varicocele sod
Coiullimll'.n. It sUip sll loose hy Oar or nlfht p.evenia qiil' k.
ni of diselisnie, wlilcli If notcherkeil to Huerinatnrrlinta and
Botiae on pighih street. In ih City of
Astoria, Cuunly
or V laiaop, state or
wrvron, sen wi. (iMorilietl ral nlopet
t puniid amnion to th hliheal ltdiir
tip iii In I M ... ...
aid aeaneamvnt, theliilsreat llieteoii, and
Hie nnats ami estieiisn ut anle as
af.irimiiW, and the a.-et-nlng eosla.
K Astoria, Oregon, the llih day
I"" w-nrw-fi . 4MPSJ,
Chief of Polio of Astoria, Oregon,
chief of roi.icm balk.
Nollea Is hereby slwn I hat by vliiu
of a warrant fur Hie oollw turn nf a tie
imiM'Hi saaeaa.iietit lor ill Impr ivei.imit
In l ie illy nf A.lnrliV, Orranil, towit i
imml trel, from Koi'ty-rem to Forty
I rill slieet, duly lsiiml ly lm atlditnr
and inille Jinls. nf s.ihl elty. liy illreo
lion nf Hin eoiiiiuoit emiti Ml of snlil eliv.
said warrant being daliM tlm ;ih ly of
(Molwr, IKK, In me diiix led, ami the
naueiiinieiil on whli li stn'ilio, amminlliiH
til 1.1 wllh Inlerral
of iwr ini mr sun
of March, INM, ami
rvat inereoti at tne rut
nuiti fro n I lie Hat duv
lilt tltllll MMIllltMl iIim
miuwina iwiiiim persona, lll:
It. Marlon and II. MoCurmack,
ownur of tlm fullowliiit lerllie.l real
proparty tow It; Im 1,1m k , aa .nl-
uiviiiei m inn fort if tipper Ainrltt,
Itilil out ami rrcordtxl lv Ji'hti Ail.iir,
ami lo aaninat said dnaorllxM propvrly,
ami a neii warrant cniiunumla me to
liiiike luvy upon ami aale of ll de
aelilied iniii.y. In order to BitlIV said
nni ami eiiiii .iiipm mil t.
auir wiin inn int-reet tlion-on and Hie
eie and eaneiisae nf Od sale, ami
i.ur.iinin io .aid wnrrnnl and t he com
mauds Htireln coutit liutl, I did. on tits
Kill dav of NovimiiW. ix. duly levy
upon the alwve ilrerili1 ronl properly,
-im i win, un me nun nay ol lieceinoxr,
I:, at tile hour of It n'eloik In I Ik
tuieiii.m of enld day, at til sourt houae
iloor. iwlt: the eiitmnre of aani court
luni.e on KHluh eireet. In the CHy nf
Aatorla, Count y of Clataop. Mlata of
orvaoii, swi aniii (iemrinii real nroiieriy
at piihlio auoilon to the Mhel
for cnah. In II. H. gold coin, in satisfy
Id awraaitieiit. the Intrreat -Voiaoii, nd
Ihe coat and vxiienao of sal a
afureeald, and lh a.cniing costs.
Pateil at Astoria, Oregon, th Kin. day
Chief of Polios of Astoria, Oregon
Notice Is heroby given that by virtu
ii f a warrant for I lie rollx'tlon of a de-
nn tiieni aamant fur Hie niprover snl
In the city of Aaloria, urntoii. town:
lioivl street, from Forty-encond to Forty,
nfih trwxt. duly iaunl by the emtitor
mi poiu' june ot said rlty. Ky dlreo
lion or Hie romnmn council ut said eliy
aakl warrant twMg dalnl ihe Kilt day ol
(.Klobtr. lust. In me direiHed, and the
I aoamitt un whh h a-wk-irta.! amoumtn
to flV with Intwreel therwon at th rate
Pr oetit hoc annum from lh list day
of starch, Isx. and blug against th
! iwiowing named pereotta, towllt
n Uarloa and II. UiOmnuk
owner of the following deacrlbed real
property, tuwlt; lot 1 block I, aa sub
divided In Ihe iNwt of l'Ptr Astoria.
aa Inld out and rwordel by John AduJr.
and alao aealnot aald deaerttMal uruonrlv
! and which warrant commands me to
niaae levy uion ami sa e of said de
n' properly, In onlr lo aaltafy said
warrani ami sntii aaaesamant and lo
geiher with lha Interval t hereon and lha
i o.i a and eapenva or aald sale. sn!
PUfsuant lo said warrant and lh com
mands therein roirta ned, I did, on lh
i.iti uy ot Mov.iiiiier ikm. duly levy
Un lha above deaerl. row I pli'Wfty,
and 1 will, on the Kth day IVneniber,
lu. at the hour of II u'ciork In Ihe
foretnain "f l. day. nl the court houae
door, lowlf in ml run re of said eourf
I miu on r.icma eiraei. in tile t iy of
"MMp v, i-ii-i', eiaia ii
Hresiin. sell wild urn-riiiHi real properly
at puhlle au. y.m to (ha bthel I.I.I. Irr
(or coiti In I' V eo.d coin lo aaiiafy
o. i.r.aiueiil. laa I ut Tea I thnreoo. ani
lh mats and rienae of a4la as
af.irneald. and lh a.Trtnng enala
late,l al Aaton. Ore. .ii, h 171 b day
et Novembor, lt
Chief of Police f Aalorlrt. tlrrgon.
Notice Is hereby alven that by virtu
of a warrant for the roll, lion of a le
Im liieiu aoesamrnt fee ih lmrvmnl
In the illy of Atr. oreKun, town:
llond atroot, frim Forty. aoroti.l to F"rly
lif'h streoi, duly laauiw by Ihe aad.ior
ana polli of snld city, by dlrr
!!' of the t-omm in rtamell oi safe! rlty.
aa.rl warrant betiiat dated Ihe 171 b day of
m-totmr, I vt. to tne dirw t., ami th
aa-imani on whlrh sneeirtatl amoiinllng
10 U. wllh Inter! thaeaww at Ihe rate
of I per cent pr annum frucn Ik Hal day
of March. and being agalnal the
tWiowliuf named peraona. tuwlt;
It Marion and II. MtOmiavrb,
wnr nf the following dowcribed real
roriy tuwlt: lot I. blwh s, aa sub
divide.! In th I"i rl of lper Astoria,
a raid out and rwordod by John Adnlr,
aal alao agalnat eald ueaertltnl priteriy,
sbo) which warrant command mo to
make levy upon and eal ol aau de-s-'rited
proerty. In order Ira eetiaiv Bald
warrwnt and aald aaaesamesx snd to
S" her with Ihe latoweei thareun snd lh
loax and espenaw of aald ', and
purairanl lo said warrant aad Ihe Mm
mwnda therein ronlajned, I did. on th
I7ib day of NovemiH-r. IHM. duly levy
upon th above dearrltied reel property,
an! 1 will, on the J.ih day of Dncomber,
h'j. at tha hour of II o'clock In Ihe
foremn of sold day. at the ceart houae
11 N,r. towit: the entrance of aai4 rourl
houae nn Klshth airevt In th City ef
Aototia, iunty of llalaop, Sitala of
ilrwgon, sell said deacrllml real properly
at publlo auction to the hlstW bidder
(or raah. In 11. A. gold coin. I saliafy
aid ' aamenl. the Inlereat thareo-i and
' coals and expvnae nf oals aa
af.irvMiiiid, and Ihe accruing reels.
luted at Astoria, tlrrgon, tbe I7lh day
of November. IKH.
Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon
Notlie Is he-eby gl ;en that by virtu
of m warrant for Ihe io"e. tion of il
I n iiteiit aaoeanrnent for the Imnnrvrpenl
in tne city or Astoria, rrregun, towit
llond alreel, from Koriy-secuntl In Forty
flflh street, duly laue by tha end tol
and -'.llre Jinl. of aald illy, by illrr0
lion nf the common council af pn, ,iy
Bi n warrnni oein uaie.i m nay n
iiriorMT, imm. to nie nirre-ien, anil in
aawanieiil on h h asorllled uiinniiitln
lo 119) with Interest thereon at lh rnt
et s tier cent per annum imm lite 3lt ih
i ti
f March. 1W1, snd being ngulnt
followln1- nnmed person, towit
R, Marlon snd II. Mi Cormmk.
owner of Ihe following tleacrllied reii
protn'rly, tow t: lot k. block . as sub-
d'v v ' in ihe I'orl or iMnier Atorln
a I ji til uut and recorded by jolm Adnlr,
an.. aao ugainet sniu ueai riinaj proierty
an. i wncn warrant communua me
make levy utwin and sain of ae' de
scribed property. In order to satisfy snld
warrant and aalu s.inenl uiul t.
gather with the Intercel Ihon-ou snd Ihe
lata nn.i esprnae nf said sale, nnd
iiiiraiinut to sui.i warrant ana the com
mittids llioreln con la nrd, I did, nn Ihe
I7tn uny ot woveinoor, iw, only levy
upon tne aoove ucerniiwi rem property,
and I will, on iho I'lth usy of December
IM. st the bmir of II o'clock In the
forenoon of snld dny, st the court house
il.Hir. lowit: tne entrance or snlil court
house on riignin street, in tne ( liy o
Aatorln, utility of Clatsop. Hints of
Oregon, soil snld described renl properly
nt puhlla auction to th highest bidder
for rnh, In U. ft. gold coin to satisfy
i saaesanieni, me inireai irmrrou, arm
thn costs nnd etpenses of sale as
aforeanld, and the ucrnilng coal,
fluted st Aatorla, Oregon, the 17th day
r. f Mnv,nilui, IW'lS
Ti. HALIX)riC.
Chief of Police of At"rln, Orcgnn.
Notice Is hereby given t hit t by virtue
nr a warrant mr inn coiiei iion or a tie
litiiin:r.t iiit for tho imprrvement
In tne city or Asmriu. tireuon. town
llond street, frum Forty-secnml (o Kurtv
nnh alreot. duly Waned bv the mul inr
nnd ponce junge or snui city, ny iiiiic
tion nf the common council of snld uliv
snld witrriint being dated the 17th day i.C
tictoncr, limn, to ma oire tea, nnu me
iiuNomenl oil which sneclfleil nmoiinilou
ti!3.W with IntercHt thereon t Ihn rnte
or s nor cent per annum inun inn i t d iv
of Murch, Will, snd being ilkhIiibI the
roliowing rumeu pursunn, town;
R, Marlon and II. McCnrmnck,
property, towit: lot 7. block 8, ns sub
iMvMed In the I'ort of (Inner Aslnrin
us Inld out snd recorded ny John Adnlr,
snd also iigulnst snld errhiil iiropurty,
and which wnrriini comniuniis ma to
nmlca lew llrxin und sulu nf aulil A.
scritied properly, In order to satisfy unid
wnrrunt end stild nsscssmant mul to.
e'hor wllh the Intnrcet thereon und the
costs end expenses of sniu sule, nnd
pursuant to suld wnrrunt and the com
mnnds therein contained. I aiu. nn lha
lilh dny of November, IwS duly levy
Upon tho above described ronl property,
and I Will, on the Pith day of December
lwiH, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the
forenoon of snld dny. ut the court Imuse
door, towit: the trance of snld robrf
houae on Klirhth street. In ihe City of
Aatorlrt, County of Clalsop, Slate of
, .. ...... A V...I ..., .
oiuh'iii. uu pi.u .Mini idiii ifii'iiuriy
at pulillo auction to the highest bidder
lor cusn, in u. n. kuiu coin, to sitllsry
wld assessment, ins interest thereon, and
lha ooals snd expense of sals t
roreeald, and Ih arulnv coala,
Dnt.d at Aalorla, Olegou, lbs lllh da
nf Nnvetnlier, 1101
ci., . ..... J0..HAI.UCI.
chief of Pollti of Astoria, Oregon.
Nolle is hereby glvon that by virtus
of a warrant for ihe col I mt I on of a d.
iniilenl aaaeaanient fur ill IlipruVelnant
In Ih city of Astoria, urouoti, mwili
Hnnd strenl, from 1'Sirly-secoiiiI lo Forty
lUtli si reel, illlly laaiiml by the smlllor
and police judge of snld rllv, iiy dlreo
Unit of III iHiininori couni'll of aulil i-liy,
:"' .warrant lioing iiate.1 the 171 N flay of
Ooiuher, Inn, to ma dlr tad, ami Ihe
na-i .-mriii on wlUcli sph iio,i amounting
! 11.40 wild Inlereat thereon at llie rale
1 lJwr f'"1 "r aiiiHim front the mat day
of March, Hod, and being uunlnat lis
following named HMaoii. towit
It, Marion and II, MiCnrnmck,
pvner of lha r.iilowing deacrlued real
Piolinrty luwllt l U.ldoi h I, sub
divided It, ,,0 1'urt of tipper Astoria,
as luld put and Iwoid.d ly John Aoalr,
and Stint iiMillnal aulil deaoiilied properly,
and wli.cli wnirmit coiiiiiiiunla in lo
niaae levy uimii und of on d
sullied liropeity, In ,,i,,.r ,4,ry said
wn ant and wild aaavaattmnt aim lo
Sotlmr wllh lha liiioi,.,! lien. on and lh
Kiaia and eapeuaea of said sale, end
pursuant lo anil warrant and Illu uni
It m ltd Ihernlii .oill. lined, I did oil til
I. ill day of Nov.. nil. er, ww, duly ley
lipott tlm aliovn ih -ai'iihud lonl piopeity,
end 1 will on ilia Huh day of l.Heinl,or,
l"i, at ilia It.ur of o'liiirk In lh
foiviioon of ai Id day, at III court Houae
door lowit; thn eiilcuiK of said court
he us mi iJtiliili .ii eel, n th t'lly of
Aatorla, Comiiy of clnieop. Slala of
tMegiiji sell wild deacrllml leal IMOlierly
at pulillo auilloti to the liUliest bidder
for cash. In II. H, gold mm to sallafy
SMld aaaeaaitient, th ntere llmroon, and
th oimts and eipanao of sal sS
'"I""", sun in it'ruiii costs.
Dated st Aaloint. Oregon, Ih Uth day
f November, im.
Chief of Polio of Astoria, Oregon,
Noil.e Is hereby nlven that by vlnua
of a warrant for the co!l lion of a de
li lyilant aaaeeameiti for til llul"V.'li . ol
In the city of Aatoria, Oreaun, towltl
nnh si ri, from Forly-eecond to Forty
nfih eirawl, duly lsaul by the aedltor
and i,Mli juila nf saiit illy, by dliw
lion of th oomnKku taauncll of eald city,
saul warrant tng daie.1 Hi 17lh day of
Ociolieo-, liws. i m lir ted. and the
aaeeaament un WhUh at. mod aiuounllng
to Mil wllh .ntarvol tharan at ihe rale
5 . V ml 'HM" "'inum fru. u lite Hat dey
of ,r.h. taae. and lowng acwlnat Itie
following named persona, So will
It. Marlon and II. MoCormack. of the following deecribed real
divided In ihe Port of ,,.r Aatoria,
aa laid out and recorded Ly John Adair,
ami !o against mil. I umutiImI oxrty,
and wh'olt warrant roininanda 'me lo
make levy upon end aal u aald d
ecrllted property, In order lo aatlaly said
warrant and said aooesament and to
g.ili - wttn th. miareei hereon end tke
cuels and npnuM of said eale, and
nurauanl to aaid warrant and th com
mand therein contained, 1 did. un the uay of NuvojnlH-r. UM duly levy
upon III ; abov deecribed fall proparty,
J"!1 1 I on th lath day uf Iiec.mltor
. si ihe hour of It o'clock In Iks
forinoun uf i.r.i.v
r eald day
I: Ihe enl
Kialuh an
our. town: Ihe aiiiranea ..i.l .1
h"uo Ijialiih iret In tb CHy of
Aatorla. County of lialaop. Hial of
tiregon sell said deecrllioj teal pr.orty
at publlo auction to tlis hlahe.t l..,.r
(or caah. In I). . gold coin, lo sallafr
ald aa.i.aillelll Die internal tlej.,.n. nd
e.uimu, mi a-cruiiig coala
lai., Aatntit, liregon, the lllh day
if .Nuvvnibor. IXM.
Chief of Pullre of ' Alo'a,y tregun.
Notle la hffrrl.v m t en tl.i t.
of a warraat fur llie rniile. tiuo of ,m.
Imui.etit awaaiuciit ,'or tha ni. M
In tho my t.f At"ria, tir,,n, towit;
'""1 irii, ironi r or. y.e,-un o ftrty
nfih alreot, uu.y laaued by th audits
slid poll. )u.lso of said ,n ,v ,ro
lion of thi. ituiu'il of said rlty
aa:d warrant Wing dated th ITth day of
ti.iol-r, lass, in me d ro led, and th
. ' "' S'wtneu amotintii.g
lO 13 W Wllh laltfTMl lharan m ah. . '
of I per .n p,r annum from ih slat dy
of March. Ixal, and lvin( aaalnst the
i .mowing naniM crain. lowll.
n. Mane, and II. Mitrtnecl-
owner of the following dnu'riuaat r.l
nr..prly, lowll: ,k j. bloc. I. ae ul
dlvi.le.1 la ihe Full of rnwr Aalorla.
aa laid out aad revorded by john Adair,
ami alao aataiiud au.,1 ,iaa,.eiii ..r..,.
and whtcti warrant ev.mman.rn n lo
make levy upon and eel ut aald
. rltied property, la order to ewtlaty said
warrant a no std aeMamni and lo
ewther with IB lularol thar,n ae.l in.
rul and eiprtia.. of aaM . mnA
purauant to aaid warrant and ih cum
mand therein contain!, did. on tho)
lilh day of Noviler. uo duly lavy
Ulain tha sImiv deacrihw.1 rewl proiierty.
and 1 wilt, on th Uth day of Deoomoer.
I:. at the hour of II o'clorfc n the
furenn of snld dav al lha e.oiet k..,u
dor, towl" Hi sitlrtiw of aald court
houae on Klshth eireet, In tha Cky of
Astoria. (Nmnly of Clalaop, Htata of
in-egon. sell said dcr...e.l real proparty
at puldlo auction to tha flintiest b. liter
for raah. In U. H golj .-utn, i antiafy
aald aaoraaiuatil, I ha Inlereat and
lha cats snd rH-nae of sale as
4f,.rep.iiii. and the a. rnnng cost.
Dat.-d at Aaton.1. tweguti. the lilh d"
01 November, IMS.
........ B IIAI.lAn U,
t blef of police of Aatoria. Oregon.
.N'oll.e Is heraby given that by vlrlue
uf a warrant fur Dm coll lion of a de.
'ii.ioeni iifs-iiiini fo" tin Inn r.-v i'tint
In Ihe ell y of Aatorli. tlic.m. lowit;
llond slr.oi, fr.m Korty .ion. u porty.
(Ifiji street, duly luuxl by His and. tor
and p.illc Judgo of said i lly uv illree
llon jf lh common toumil or snld rlty
aulil warrant ewng ddlnl th 17th day of
tK'lober. im, lo me dlrwied. and the
asieoinnt it wh rh sne.ifle, amMintin
to 12 40 with Inlereat ihnreun at the rat
of Jer cent -r annum from the Hat ,y
nf March, 1S and l'iig nj-nlnal ,
following Mniid -rauna. tuwlt:
R. Marlon and H. McCormack.
owner of ih following deacnlx-d real
properly tuwlt, lot j. ,l a a. aa sub
divided in th I'ort of Cpprr Astoria,
as laid uut ami recorded by John Adair
ami also nttalnat sold di acrtlxHl iaroiertyl
" I w lm-h warrant conimnn.. m lo
make levy upon and sale of saiit de.
arr.tied prupeity, In order lo aaiiafy said
Wurranl and sold uaaeaamenl nnd to
geiher with Ihe Inlerrel thereon slid Ih
coals and etpenses of said sale, snd
pursuant to snld wnrrunt nnd tbe corn
innnila therein t'nnta.iied, I did. on tha
171 Ii dny of NuvmlT, IKW, duly levy
iiixm tbe above described rcul properly.
A'i'1 I will, on the 141 Ii duy of December.
Imm. al the hour of 11 o'clock In lha
forenoon of snld dny. al the court house
door, town: the entrance of said court
house on KUthth street, In the Clly of
natniia, County ot uinteop Stale of
Oregon, aell wild dvsrrtl'e.1 renl properly
at publlo miction to (he hlKhenl bidder
for caah. In U. H. gold coin, to satisfy
suld assessment, the interes. I h or eon, nnd
the costs and expenses of sale ss
aforeauld, and the accruing costs.
pitted at Aatorin, Oregon, the 17ih dai
of November. 1KH.
i 10. IIAMXK'K.
Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon.
Notice 's hereby alven that bv vlrm.
nf a warrant for tho collodion oi a tin.
Iih'liivnt nsaeaamcnt for Iho li'it'Cvoiiieiit
In Iho rlty of Astoria, Oregon, lowlf
llond street, from Fort. v-se und to I'orty.
firt'i stroot, duly Issued by tho auditor
Slid pul Ice jtiilifn of snld city, by ulreo
linn of th common rounoil or ni.l aiiu
snld wnrrunt tielng diile.1 th 17th day ol
i ic .olier. IMS, to me directed, und the
assessment on which s'liwilled iititotintlng
to 12.10 wllh Intnrnat Ihormm nt the rate
of 8 tier eont tier annum from thn nut duy
nf vfiirch, IKiil. nnd lieliur iiiruint m
following mimed person, towit,
It, Marlon and II, McCormnck,
ewncr of thn following described real
'IU"'-lir, llnrii, nil M,, uiocn B, US SIIU-
dlvlilixl In thn I'ort of I ' i.i,c r Ahioh.i
s lalil out nnd recorded bv John ai,.i.
nnd ulso UKalnnt suld descrlilM.I oropurty,
nnd which wurrnnt coinuiiiiiila nie lo
in iKe lovy upon untl snlo of mid de
scribed properly, In order lo sutlnfv snid
wnrrunt and enld assessment nnd to
gether with the I nl on t t hereon atid the
costs and expenses of suld sniu, nnd
pursuant to suld wurrwnt and the com
iniiiiiln therein contained. I did. on iha
17th dny of Novombor. lWrt, duly lnVy
upon the alMVn described rmtl properly,
and I will, on ths lillh dny of pnecmbnr,
Ih'iH, nt I fin hour of 11 o'clock In the
forenoon of snld dnv. ut the court hnn
dour, towit: the titrnce of said court
house on EUrlilh street. In the City of
Astoria. County of Liaison. Bint r.
Oregon, sell suld described renl property
nt publlo auction to the highest bidder
for ciish. In U. H. rold coin, to satisfy
snld BHHi'Ssment, the Interest thereon, and
tho oosts nnd expanses of aula aa
aforesaid, and the accruing costs.
Dated at Astoria Oregon, iha 1ih An
of November, lm.
Chief of Polios of Astoria, Oregon.