The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 06, 1898, Image 2

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Oailu &toriau.
Tlinoii. No. U.
Inl ti mall nae var .......
atvni uy until. I'Ui ivmn.t.ttt
etorved by carrier, per Month,.
pent' by niall, per year, In advance.. ..e
Postage fre to suuscr.oera.
All communications Intended for pubil'
mlton should be tilre. ted to the editor,
P,umIiics toinniunUatlona of nil hinds
ml remit laneaa must be addressed to
Astoria n."
Tha Autumn guaratiteea to lis adver
tln't th. largisl circulation of any
tn-,.irt,r juu.uhcj on In. Colum!)
Advertising rati can be hsd on appll
ration to the business manager.
In Sunday's Oregoniaa gsnlreroan, or
m alleged gen tleman, over th. elgnetur
Of "J. R It," attempt t answer letter
III of "A Portland Buslneaa Man." H
Migentlemanly manner of discussing hla
great problem, 'tocher with Its abua.
and vituperation, suggests the author lo
b. th. mm who la "building a castle for
tha itorag. of vanishing wheat," aa our
Portland correspond set phrase It, and
who has uddl7 realised th. folly of
hi aniarprlse.
B concede, that th. problem la one of
cheap charters artalng from heavy ocean
tonnage But he Intimate that tie hear
feat ahlpa of ocean commerce can go up
to Portland. 11 fives our Portland cor
respondent the Us as to his statement
that the Atlantic liners rang, from X to
V feet of draught. He says:
This Is sn egregious error. None of
the liners have a draft of S feet, or
even 27 few. I crowed on two of the
largest Hamburg steamers the Columbia
and the Augusts, Victoria, They are .
tons each. I asked the captain of the
former steamer what draft ehe bad then.
He said. 'It feet and with a full cargo
S feet.'
But In fact the four steamers of the
Hamburg line, the Columbia, Normanla.
Augusta Victoria and Furst Bismarck,
are each of "X feet draught, loaded."
and have a "gross tonnage of l. to I.SW
tons" aa stated in a paper prepared
January I 1SS5. for the Society of Rail
road Engineers, by Archibald A. fkhenck,
principal assistant engineer of the New
Tork Central. Most likely "J. B. M."
was so full or his prospective meeting
with Baron Rothschild. Lord 'Fiddlesticks
and Lady Random that he misunderstood
the captain. If our correspondent had
been mistaken the Oregonlaa would have
pounced upon that vital error In a mo
total. It Is do wonder tb editor hid
-J. B, M-'a" letter on an out-of-the-way
page. "J. B. U.'m" letter, by making an
on tenable Issue, has conceded the sound
ness of our Portland correspondent's ar
gument Will the Oregonlan Itself now
undertake to refute that argument?
Luxuriant hair, of uniform color. Is a
beautiful head covering for either aex,
and may be aecured by using Hall'i Vege
table HI: Ulan Hair Reoewer.
Many of the new roata were evidently
Inspired by the grashopper'a figure.
Acker's English remedy will stop a
eoufch at any time, and wl'.l cure the
worat co'.d In twe:ve hours, or money re
funded. S cents and SO cents. For sale
by Eates-Conn Drug Co.
A soldier slwsys remembers bia iweet
heart when there is call to arms.
Bearttie Tbal fcmd HiB atwars ES3ga
Good wives make good huabands. The
bad husbands are all self made.
That the blood ahould perform Its vital
functions. It Is absolutely necesssary It
should not only be pure but rich In llfe
glvlng elements. These reeults are best
effected by the Use of that well-known
standard blood purifier, Ayers' Sirsapa
rilla A waiter who Is expecting a tip can
find more to do with th. salt and pepper
than the cook who seasoned the meal.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet ar. sold on
a positive guarantee. Curea boart bum.
raising of food, distress ater eating, any
form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives
Immediate relief. S and 60 cents. For
sal by Ertes-Conn Drug Co.
A woman will never confess that she
feels cold If she only thinks that she looks
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy can always be depended
upon and Is pleasant and safe to take.
Sold by Charles Rogers, druggist
The- dre.w novelty of the season is of
black velvet, with gulmpe, and sleeves of
61 ok headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by unlng Mokl Tea. A pleas
ant herb drink. Cures constipation and
indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. 8 and 60 cents. For
sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
When the late Mr. Gladstone was In
Naples, an Iron gray hair from his head
was sold by an enterprising press repre
sentative to an Italian deputy of high
position for Ave franca.
Mr. ilardln Norrla, clerk of the drug
store of R. Shoemaker, Perry, m., iay,:
"A man came Into our store the other
day and said. 'I want a bottle of that
tuff that saves chlldren'a Uvea. I read
Jn th. News about It. The children may
get sick when we can not get tha doctor
Quick enough. It's the medicine you aell
for croup.' " H. alluded to Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be
fore be left tha store. For sal. by Chas.
Rogers, druggist.
1.1 if-imi-f olKi!.NrVI i
i j
Til dui b srackin' Sul d
All sorts and conditions of men
Seal of North Carolina
in their pipes. The rich and the poor
the lawyer and the laborer all
like it buy it and enjoy it. It has
a remarkable record of excellence
and esteem won fairly by its
unvarying good quality.
he Original Plug Cut
Always the same
Mild and
Women are not th. only persona who
tudy and query over a letter, wondering
t.j it csulJ have come from. Inetrad of
opening It and deciding the matter at
It is sad and disap
pointing for a father
to rear a sob. spend
hard earned money
for hta education,
work to in ore him
aa advantageous start
in life, and baild cas
tles in the air about
the (tor's fntsre. only
lo have him killed off faa the early years
of manbffiwl by the dread disease cuo
Until recest rears coesampuoa was con
sidered aa incurable discs-ie. Now it is
known to tens of tboosands that Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures
oi per cent, of all cases if taken in the early
staxe of the disraae. It also cwrea brnn.
chitia. Urvngitis, throat and nasal troubles
and all allied ditrases of the air-pasairrs.
It is the best blood maker and flesh-builder.
the best general tonic and nerve restora
tive. It gives a keen ede to the appe
tite, corrects the impaired digestion, pro
motes the flow of directive juices, facili
tates the production of chyle in the lower
stomach, or intestines, invigorates the liver
and purifies and enriches the blood. It
tesra down old and inert ti.ur and builds
up new. firm, tiurs of health.
It strengthens the heart's action, promotes
the circulation of the blood to every Prt
of the body and deepn the bvaihinj;,
thus supplying the blood with vitalizing
oxygen. Thousands have testified to it
merits. The dealer who offers something
else as "just as good " is dishonest.
"I nererwas very strong sn! then I hsd Is
Grippe." writes Maa Gracie Cm. Smith of 4
ih . Mlem. tMrroo. 1 had a crrarh sod
fclt tired all t!ie time. I took three ttle of
Dr. Pierce s Fsrhte PrrnrhtKm ao! Iwn of
Colden Medical Disoormr' and two vials of
'PteaMtit llteta' I have brttrr beallb now
than for many years."
Twenty one one-cent stamps cover the
mailing of a paper-covered copy of Doctor
Pierce s Common Sense Medical Adviser.
Clnth-botind. ji stamps. Send to Dr. E. V.
Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
The prince of Wales is reported to pos
sess the flnf-st collection of tobuco pipes
in the world.
Tains In the chest wnen a person hss a
cold indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on
to the chest over the seat of pain will
promptly relieve the pain and prevent
the threatened attack of pneumonia. Thli
same treatment will cur. lame back in
few hours. For sale by Charles Rogers,
Mrs. Humphrey Ward received 170.000
for her latest novel, "Helbeck of Barns
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Taolets.
All druggists refund the money If It falls
to cure. JS cents. The genuine has L. B.
Q. on each tablet
Th. Chinese have devoted themselves
for nearly 4,000 years to the artificial
propagation of fishes, shellfishes, fowls,
pearls and sponge. Philadelphia Inquir
Good looks ar. really mors than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all th. vital organs. If the
liver Is have a bilious look;
If your stomach Is disordered, you have
a dyapeptlo look; If your kidneys ar.
affected, you have a plnehed look. Se
cure good health, and you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Bitters' 1
a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly
on the stomach, liver and kidneys, puri
fies the blood, cures pimples, blotches
and bolls, and gives a good complexion.
Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Estes
Conn Drug Co. to cents per bottle.
Sir Edward Rnssel Tina mihllahait an In.
tervlew with Rudyard Kipling. In which
ne describes th. author as having a prac
tical spruce, athletic, well groomed little
figure. The author is not pleased.
Bean th. j It Kind You Han Always Bought
North Caro&fia same at mrstlf I '
Cool. '
The queen haa a great fancy for pow.
drred e nnamon, a large bowl of which
she always keeps beside her on the UWe.
Bean tha y9 I1 ' Hi H.yrw ffcS
Ex-Queen Natalie of Srrvtn Is said to
have the most beautiful terth of any
royal personage In th world.
THE BEST SALVgJ in th. world for
Cats, BroisM, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt
fever tonsj Tatter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Coras and all 6kln Emptloas.
and positvety cvm pitsa, or no psy rw
qulrwd. It b) g-oarantd to give prfct
aatlafacrJoa or snooey rwfuaded. Price
cents per box. T aal. by Cstes-Conn
Unag Co.
A ssd looking man went Into a drug
store. Can you g.v. me?" he asked,
"something thst will drive from my mind
the thought of sorrow and bitter recol
lection?" And the druggist nodded, and
put him up a little dose of quinine and
wormwood, and rhubarb, and rpaom satis,
snd a dash of castor oil, and gave It to
him. And for sis months the man could
not think of anything In the world ex
cept new scheme to get the taste out
of h s mouth. .
SWERED. What la th. use of making a better ar
ticle than your competitor If you cannot
get a better price for It?
Ans. As there Is no difference tn the
price tb. public will buy only th. tetter,
so that while our profits may be smaller
on a single sale they will be much greater
In the aggregate.
How can you get the pubic to know
your make Is the beat?
If both articles are brought prominently
before the publlo both are certain to be
tried and the public will very quickly
pass judgment upon them and use only
the better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Cough. Remedy. The poople
have been using It for years and have
found that It can always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take up
with some fashionable novelty put forth
writb exaggerated claims, but are cert. i It.
to return to the one remedy that they
know to be reliable, and for roughs,
colds and croup there la nothing equal to
'.namberlaln's Cough Remedy. For sale
Lu Charles Rogers, druggist
The blind devotion with which an old
man servant did h's duty was Illustrated
on one occasion when his muster had a
dinner party. During the dinner Henry
was very nervous and made two or three
blunders. His master showed his annoy
anc and cast many angry glances at his
servant, but the poor man could not set
tie quietly to his work. At last, when the
dessert had been placed quietly on the ta
ble, he stole timidly behind his master's
chair snd said: "Please, air. you can
spare me now. My house. has been on
fire for the last hour and a half."
For Infant and Children.
Tlia Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Bears tbo
Signature of
Her. la a recommendation which a
Lincolnshire farmer gave an Incompetent
man who had worked for him. "This
man has worked for me a day and I am
TOUR FA i :?
Ehows the state of your feelings and tne
stat. of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale and
sallow complexion, pimple and skin erup
tions. If yoii are feeling weak and worn
out and do not have a heajthy appear
ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir
It cures all blood diseases where cheap
sarsaparlllss and so-caned purifiers fall;
knowing this w. sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. For sate by Enies
Conn Drug Co.
Velvet house gowns are picturesque.
Millinery Is being blue-penciled.
Notlca la hereby give to all persona
whomsoever that rhr has bee reported
to the Common CVuncll of the rtty of
Astoria, Oregun, by th. Board of Aasea.
M-a of saiJ city, spwlally ooualltuled
for the purpoa helivafter eipreaaed,
a Ppecfel Aaaessmant fur the Improve
mnt la said city known as tha eleventh
Birev BsAver ISHroventont, and srhlrh
aaseaeneil la shown on the special as
sesMneitt roll frr saKl HMMnnxtil, which
has been lllisl In the office of the under.
igno.1, omm fur livoiwllon sitd will
a miiMitt until TuveOay, Divonawr IX
K'J, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which lime
I ho Hoard vf KuoallautUm r euUl as-
KwHin.Mit. conr.eiliie! f tne afotiwaitl
Il.wrd of Aaeeamira anil the IVinmlltv on i
titrwts ami TuMlo Va of tlia liimun
i.imoll .f .M ouy will m.vt In the '
Viuimll Chtmtr 'f the City Hull cf
ki. I city, to review iid ruimlne said
Ail ohJwIKun to said aoniinl mul ;
Iv fiUM with iho imiiIii on or lu-
,. ., . -
lore the l.m of sold mealing.
l:y oidrr of the snlil Cmm'n Council
lvtsl at Astoria. '.-iiiii. Novmnbcr
P. 1.M 11. K. Ni:i.!U.N,
Auditor ami I'cllco Ju,Ue
City of Astoria, t'resron.
ClllKK OP ruLKb! SAI.K.
Nolle Is har-liv ilven (tat by virtu
of a warrant for tna coilivtimi of a la
I njuent ,in.T ii-'iit for th litiproven enl
In th. oliy of Aui'a, itrvaon. lowiti
llo td strsl, f ren Korty-se'Oiid to Forty,
tilth strrot. duly lasuad t th. audi tor
an J pwllce Ju.lsa of said cltv. ov dilu
tion of th. common council of a-nt "iv.
sal 1 warrant twin lisml tha l'th day at
OMotvr. to ni. Uir ted. and th
aaacwinwii oil wnU h poinad aniountlivg
to UJU with InlaiTwt theraoti at th. rat
of j per cul P annum fso.n th Jlsi day
of March, 1NM. and bMng anlust the
following named penon. tvwKi
It Marlon and 11. MoCvrwark,
owner of th. following described rol
orvpwrty, towrt, kx 11. block a. aa aub
divided In lb. lNrt of Cp-wr Astoria,
as raid out and recorded iy John A .War
ami Uao against aald da-rKwU pnperiy.
and which warrant commands m. to
make levy upon and ul aaul d';
acrfbed prwpejny. In order to satisfy said
warrant and awld aamamenl and to
gal her with th. Interest tharwon and tn.
iv.1 and xtenss of aanl aalsv and
pursuant to aald wwrrant and lb. com
ma nils therein remained. 1 did. ca the
17th day of Novwworr. ls. duly lavy
upon th above dr.ccila.l rtl proparty.
and I will, on th. Kth day of lvmbar.
U, at th hour of II o'clock In th.
forenoon of sold dav. at th. court bous.
d.Kr. towlt: th entrance of said court
house on rchth sireai In th KUr of
Astorta, tXMinty of Clatsop, Slat, of
Oregon. Sell an id deacrilKHI real rrfoiiarty
at public aucxion (o th. hlsheat bl'ldrr
for cash. In V. H. gold ctWn, to satisfy
ail l aeSBinl, th Inl'reat 'iaron, and
th. owls and expense Of sal aa
aforeaald. and th a.cnung coata.
lated at Astona. Oregon, th l?!h day
of November. lKM.
E. irAt.Uw'K.
Chief of I'ollc. o Asurla. Oregm.
Noilcff I hereby lilven ty vlrfie
iM'nW.: N-- her..t,y alv.n th,, by virtu,
ill I lie uy '.f A-tor.v. ..r,,.n. I..w,t:'"f a warrant (or lh.oi.MW of a da
It,, ul stree . from Forty..-coi,d lo F-rty-I H"i;"M yr'"'ib.VV'X'!''-l!.t
llfh sire.1. duiy lue,l by the suitor in t eily of A.lona. "."" ''
an. imiIii ludk-e of Mid city bv .ll-ec- i'ond atri, from r uMy. oud to l-orty.
SAid warrant U-lng date.1 tha lTih day of 1 d Pllca Jod, uf s!. rlty by dlrec
Ootoller Kt. to m. dire, ted. and h. I'-n of th. com,,,..r, . ld cliy
aasUameiit on which ape.lnM amounting aaul warrant tin4 dll tha day ..f
Me-nieiil uil aiiiin ..i.-m . "u a
I to
wlih Intereat thereon al tn. rata ,
j of I per cent oer annum from th J. it day
of XUrch. lM. snd being mralnst th
fullo-vtng named persona, town;
R. Marlon and It. Mixormark.
owners of th. following described real
proparty. towit. lot K. blink l as sub
divided In lha r"ort of I'pper Astoria,
aa laid out and recorded by John r. .Jr,
and also agamat paid daeenbed wfir.
and wbch warrant commands m. lo
mak levy upon and aal of aaiu de
scribed property. In order io satisfy (aid
warrant and aald asaesament and to
gether with th. Interest (hereon and the
coat and .xpews. of aald aala. and
pursuant to said warrant and tha com
mand therein contained. I did. on rh
17ib day of November. IIS, duly levy
upon th above described real property,
and 1 will, on the 14th day of Dacarober.
Kty at the hour ot U o'clock la th.
forenoon of said dav al tb. court bouse
ooor. town: the entrance of said court
house on Eighth stri. In th Cltv of
Astoria, County of Clatsop. Stat, ot
Oregon, sell auld described real property
at publlo auction to the highest bidder
for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy
said sssesament. the intereat (hereon, snd
(he costs snd expense, of sale ss
afoeeaaid. and th. accruing coats.
lu(ed at Astoria, Oregon, (h. liih day
of November. Ik ALU)CK
Chief of Folic, of Astoria. Oregon.
W!liiam' Kidney P:i9
of tbef'
KiJnc.v si u Lriuarylhyufw. ilut
yon rn'Kicctcil your I ularvv ll'-i:
vu iiviTWurlti-il your ncrvou, sis-
etc ami ca'.iio! trmililc with Jorr
KWncvs, nnJ Hu.lil r? Have j.iu'i
pains in t'o loins i1', Ihi. k.K'''"!'"
oi.kI.Ii'i? Have von a lV y ajv
rai'irnnii uf th fici. i'MaciullV t ip erea? fno Je-iL (!'- 3
n.U. ryes r :" JIJ"J " i
,iru paM urfiii ' William's K!t!iii''
I'll la u-ill irnimrl now lif.i fo tlio (lis-
iaa!l organs btn up yil'"i
and mak a new nmn of you. By
mail 50 conta per b-x. w
WILUAMI Mro. Co.. Props., Oeveuud. O. k
For sals by E3TEH-CONN DRUO Cli.
Leave T "Astoria Dally)" Arrive
a m p.m.' Portland snd Astorta'p.m.n.m.
8:no Fxpresa trnlna vIh.IMMI.IO
IKnappa, Cllfion, Weat-I
iport. Ciatahmle. Oobie;l
lionneet on at Oobla for1
the least and Pugetl
Hound points.
12.30 5:00' Astoria. Pessid anl: pan
INew Astoria passenger)
Itralns. via Warrentonl
land Havel.
8:30 flunilav Hunters' apecl
llaiAaioria to Beasiaei
All trains excepting the Sunday hunt
era' special, leaving Aatoria going lo 8ea
side and returning from Seaside, run on
th. Flavel Branch.
O. F. & P. A.
.VnrrfHEf '
to all
Through palace and tourist sleepers
dining and library observation csra.
No. 4 Limited leave. Portland at I
p. m.
No. I Limited arrives Portland at 11:11
a. m.
For rates, etc., rail or address
Agent O. K. A N.. Astoria.
C. P. T. A.. Portland. Or.
i in ir-nT-irnigfisirngwimtrrrn I r"' '
Mormon aishom Pills !'
Chwch a.mI b,..' l,..i.i.. i'.,u...y
U Mit-'iAUC, il.lioll , i-ua ui, or
or .
every nin. noo. ix,nr .it tin ..nri
BUataUM Una aa aery, uuian. a Its,
Baaeynlaaika, alia t Uuaa. Ciicalin Ilea. Addr.O'
potency. Lost Power. Wlr"-Loeas, oamtorrriO(.B insomnia
In Back. II C.Miri.a uitilnol kmlaalr.aa. Lama :.0. eaerrnu. war-
Hanrtn ;ha Un.Wnaa-. to nrry. uii n r-y.-si Semen, Vrirloooi
Nolle, la hereby Dlvit that by virtue
ft a warrant fur the cvlliHiloit of a 1
lmiilnt anemi,Mt fiir ltiVeTtit
In the i lt of rla, Oregon, lnwtt;
iind alreoll, fimi Knrtv-arcoml to Forty,
firth itrenl, ilily Imiiml bv the aitdltur
ami folic Jiiils of mIiI city, by dlreo
tln of thi common nm.i'Ml f . I t city,
etui warrxnt txMas itatl the l?th Uy nt
tMtitr, In), to nia itirinl, iul the
aaaraaineiit on which n.ind ainminlln f
to MM wlih IniiMvot therMi at th rat
H ( )"r t liiiiiim troni ihe slat day
f March, ISM ami bln asnlnat the
fo4lcwlng nanietl eraona tuwlti
It Marlon and It. MoCommch.
ownrf of the fvtllowlng ileecrivml real
lvi-rty. toMlt, lot 16, bl'vk I, aa aul
itlvl.lisl In the I'iMt of I ' iirr Aelorin,
as lulil out niul n-nll bv "h Ailnlr,
mi, I til., i HtialiiKt lil iliMorllnil uiirty,
and which wnrrant conimunile me to
man livy iiim ami ale uf aniil il
criliit iroi",nv. In oiili-r In ntfy paiit
iirtniit ainl mlo aMrmmirnl anil In.
Ki'ihcr will) Inn Inlnrval llinriHin anil In
..n, Kn, .tiiriiai of aM sale ami
'pursuant to suiil warrant ami tha com.
' "'"'Vl "V. ' rv" '..J V
mum Ui'b nU.vo ilocrltinit real nrnrwrty.
;i'l I will nn tha lull tlay of IWnmln'r,
'ii, at tl.'i hmir of tl o'clock In ths
i.ut, town: die ptiinuu of Mltl cinirt
'li""n on 111111 uni m tne t uv or
lml. iSiiintr of Clatsop, Hlata of
Ui.,.,ii. ...II -.ii.l ,l,.ir.l.,l r..l iruixrt
,,i t . , 1 1 1 1 o aucilitn tu tha hlaheat tu r
f.r ini.ii, in r, n '"ii coin in satiary
il, . minciil (h Inter! ihoreiHi ainl
Ilia coat iiii'l rnnaea of ail aa
uf"ri'iiil and tha . . ruing cosla.
I nie.l at Astoria, oiegttit, th lllh day
of Notombvr, Ivvi.
Chief of IVlli. ot At.rl. Ongoei,
Nolle I hereby lv lUal by virtu
of a warrant for tha ollciiin of a it
imj lent umii.iii. H for ilia iiiprov nvnt
In th city of Anri,, town;
Itond strait fnmi Kortv-ao ond lo Forty.
n.'lh sir.el, iluly laauad by th auditor
and police judaa of .od cltv, hv direc
tion of th. c.unuion council of sld illy,
sulii warrant being dated c lie l'th day of
IMolier. IMi. tit m dirt led, and (h
aseeaament on whk h snat'inad anoHintlng
to li with Intereat Uiereon at tha rate
of I par cant per annum fnxn th Slat day
of March, l and biiig aa-ainst ih.
fuiluwmar named iraoiia, town:
It htarion and II. MoOirmack.
owner of th fallowing oat'rtbl real
proiKWty. towlt, l.4 It. blink I sa aut
dlvliWd In th ISart of I'ltpar Astoria
as ntld out and rrdxl by john A.lalr.
ami aiso asamat aald ilnairtbnl prnKrty,
and which w a mini comniaiale) m. lo
make Ivvy uihiii and aal of aald da-av-nhad
property In unlar to aatlafy said
warrant and aald aaaweamvnt and ti
gather with tha Intartvt iharvon and th.
coats and xwnn of aaM aala, ami
pursuant to said warrant and lha em
mands tharaln containaxl. I did, oei the
Kih dav of November. ItM. duly lavy
upon th above deaciitia.t real porrty, J
and I will, on the itn ilay ot louDr.
ivjt, at th hour of II o'clork In th.
forenoon of sold day, at Ih court hnua.
door, towlt' lha elilratice of sail) court
houas on rMshth a'reel In lha City of
Aatiirta. (Vuntv of Clalaop, glala of
uroffon, soli aald deacrltiaal rl ttroiiarty
at puhllo auciion to th hlsrheal bidder
for rash. In V. K told ciMii. to aatlafy
aald eesuient. the lniern iHaeaoo, and
(ha roet and ewn-- of aal. aa
af.'reenld. ami tha accruing roata
I '.vied t Aatoria. Oregon, Ih ITtb day
oi November, licj.
It Iftt.UX'K.
Chief of folic of Astoria. Oregon.
- - ......
r" T
to U3) wl'.h Intereat (hereon t tha rata
of par cam per annum frum th list d iy
ii.i y
of March, and being asAlnai
following liame.1 pvrson towlt
R. Marlon and II. M 0rmack,
owner of tha f.illowina' dnacrtbed real
property, tuwit, ! U, bh k I, as aub
dm.le.1 In tha Port of t'PI-r Aat-iri.
as raid out and recorded by John A.Uir.
ami also atcainai and daacrtiieu prupnrty.
and which warrant iomruaii.1 m (o
null levy upon ami aa.e of ai. de.
anual prooeriv In order to aatlafy aald
warrant and said aaaeeatnent an to
gether wrlth (he luierent (harcon and (ha
ioa(s and exnensea of aald aala. anil
pursuant to aa.d warrant and lha com
mand therein ronta,na, I did, on the
i;ih day of November 1M. duly levy
upon the above deacflbad real prormrty.
and I will, on th tsth day of txcamber,
I Lei, at the hur of 11 o'clock In the
forenoon of sold day. al tha court house
door, town the entrance of said court
hmisa on Evshrh airewt. in th City of
Astoria. County of Clalaop. fltale of
Oregon, sell soil deecriltaxt real pronarty
al publlo auction to (ha hlsheat bidder
for caah. In I'. !. g''ld xu. to aatlafy
aald aaaeasment. (ha .n(erat Ihitreoti, and
lha oas alii riene of sal. as
f..reanl. and h accruing costs.
Dated at Astoria. Oregon, th l'th day
of November. It-.
Chief of P)llc of Ast'irla. Oregon.
ClllKK OP I'Ol.IfK 8AI.E.
Notice Is hereby alven thst by virtu
of a warrant for tha ro. don of a da
I 'lit aaaeiemrnt ?or the nipr ivcni.'lit
In the r'ly of Asti.'ia. uresoii. (:
li.nd street, from -mid (o Krty
tlflh I'lnl, d'lly luaili'd by the au.l tor
an I police Ju.lKe nf and c: by direc
tion f tha cninn. on rounc'i of cl.v
siid warrant being (he K'h day nf
ixtotM-r, IMl. lo ma dir (e.l, and the
asrrnen( on w nl h apaclfle.1 smoiintlng
lo 13 9) with Intereat thereon at the rata
1 sierce.i: ier .miuin me Jin u..,
t rrfsreh. Ia and being .lnl (he
following runnel peranna. (onu:
It. Marlon snd II. M.Curmack.
owner of lha fn'l.iw'ns desfrllied reil
iroerty. lowit. lot 11 lil.xk s, aa aub-dlvldi-d
Si the port or t 'ni r Asu ria.
aa luld out and recorded by John Ailnlr.
and alo ngunai aiM d crilwi proliert),
and wh ch aarmrt rnrr.m.ii''la mo lo
muse levy nni and of il de
scribed proneriy. In order lo aullafy said
wnrrsnt and snbl aa,a:niiit and to
gether with the Iti'nreet (hereon and the
.Dais and em.enaes of sild sale, snd
niiruari( to and wurnmt und the font
niamla therein corit.i ned I dM on the
ITih day of NovemlnT, ln. auly levy
uton Ine above ilen'riiie.i ri property
anil 1 will on :he Kill i'aV nf Deremlier
lK. st the h"iir of II o'i loch In ih
foremain of ''l l ! u t the court house
door. I.iwil: il...- riiirinre of aald court
house on K:kIii. t a reel In the Cliy of
Astoria, Cininiw of Clatsop. Hlata of
Oregon, sell sold di' profieriy
a.t iiulilli: an. 'Mod to tha hUhe-t lii.f.W
for ensh. in i; M. gold coin, in siuisry
auld Kio'Hsmrnt. (be iil"" the: eon, and
the coati niul rxiM-naea of sale as
aforesaid, and ihj a.-cruing rusts.
jnieU at Aai'.r.i. oiegoii, ill Ulh day
nf November. Iv'l
E. IfAI.IiM'K,
Chief of Police of Asiorla. Oregon.
Notice I hereby given I hut by virtue
of a warrant for the colle, turn of a de
linquent uaa-.-sem mt for in :nnrii 'eir.rint
In the cliy of Aslirui. Orngoii. lowit:
Hind strwt, fnm Korty-second to Forty-
fifth street, duly Issued by Ilia nun lor
anil ponce juuga of suiil city, uy uirro
tlo'i .if tha common council of sill'l rlty
auld warrant lieliiK diilail llin 17th (lay ill
October. IMiS, to me directed, nnd the
as-n-asment on which stiecllli-d aipoiintlng
t'i 13.211 with Interest tlicrron at, Iho rate
of tier cent per annum from ths 31st dny
of March, Wii, nnd Imlrig agiiluat the
ronowing luinieu persons, lowu;
R. Marlon snd II. McOirmnck,
owner of thn following doacrlbed renl
properly, towlt: lot ll, bl k 8, as sub
divided in the Port of i'pper Astoria,
hs laid out and recorded iv John Ad.ilr.
;ind iilso hkiiIiiM sul. I iliMcritx'd property,
nnd which wiirrant commands mo to
make, levy UHin and aaln of aald de
scribed property. In order to sullaf" said
warrant and said assessment nnd to
iroilinp wlih i hi. Iniareat (hereon and the
costs nnd expenses of said sale, nnd
piirsiiiint (o said warrant ann me com
mand therein cotila.ned, I did, on the
17ih iluv of Nnvionlior. ISM. duly levy
upon llie above desoritied riil property,
and I will, on the 11th day of December,
IHfrH. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the
r,,r,.n,-in i,t ai.ld ilflV nt (he court hous
door, towlt: the antrancs of said court
Ijuii Is u mi v, yen 0y lh Is.ular, il Hit Moono.
c.rci tl.t e. a.n la ;i4 r aonr ail.lnir him aflactt
Oij'.i t.oat. Mtnnooo. irn-
l, rarna
tl il.itlil
A wrlitaa rmlu, lo curs
pnrnmf-r.. Bajn rranfllSCOi Oak
For sal. by Charles Rogers.
n, k M.M la M I. Ml W 7 r I . N.'I'Vff. .ai.1l. wir".'!-. -
hmia on Ihth iret, in th City of
Aalivrla, tVttnty f i1lP. "tla of
OrHn. sail anld deaorlha. real property
M, puullu auollim tn tha hlahasl hinder
fur iush, In II, g. aulil com. lo a .i
sjiIJ saauasiiiant tlianiera( hrill, and
Ih. male and axpoiiaea ui tala as
aforesaid, and tha a.iunmg cnala,
nu:1 or-""'iU-lin
r.t. ..... JO., IiAUM'K.
Chief of i'ollo. ot Aatoria, Oregon.
Nolle. Is hereby a I van that by virtus
of a warrant for th isillrH tlon of a da
liiiiiiiu (or tha litipr ivnt.imtt
In th oliy of Astoria, Orivmi, luwili
Jiotid atrmil, from Korty-sacond to Forty
I fih siteei, duly by lii a ainlnor
and pollc Jii.Imo of sold city, by dlieo
lion of Ilia common i-oun 'II ot said cliy,
aald warrant lining daml li Ulh day o
Ototier, ISM, to nia dlraa-led, uiul lha
aaucaament on which snmMinsl amniiiitliig
lit UM Willi Inlereal llieroon at Ilia rule
"f I'ar cant wr aniiuiu fro.n lha Hal dy
of March, iMMi, ami lining aiilut Ilia
folliiwlng iwinrtt iwrsoiia, toall;
It M.irlon and II. M.H'ornmck,
owner of Dm foilowluir doacrilKil real
iroporty (owltl lot I. block s. na atilf
divided In lha l'.u( of l'iicr Asloriii,
aa laid out niul ni onlnit lir Juliu Ad ill,
ami alMi adiiliial aald deaorllwil iiMiny,
ami which warrant ma In
liuika levy IliH.ii nnd aiilo of aalil it."
ai-rllieil pintietiy, In toiler in sittlalv said
wiirrwiit and auld mil to
gnlhar with lha llllotvet llioieoil ami Ilia
.iia and esiienaea of said sale, ami
puisiiniii tu aald warrant and tha com
muiitl therein cnntaiiiml, I did, on III
li'ih day of Niivnmlior. Idim, duly levy
iiimhi th sUiva deaorlliiHl row I propertr,
and I will, on lha lot It day ot I lacoinlier,
Imi. al tha hour ot II o'clock In the
foremaiii of sold day, at tlia court hone
d.Mir, towlt: I lio entrance of salii eouii
noua on eHiliih aireet. In tha Cliy of
Aatoria, founly of llataop. Dial of
Oreson, sail aald diacril.e.1 real i.tooeriy
at pulillo auction lo lha hlahssl blddar
for caah, In V, M. sold colli, lu satisfy
a. i Id aaaeaamanl, the Inlereal 'Vron, and
tha i-ia and vxpenaea of sal. aa
afurnaaij, and Ih a.cmlng cosla,
lated at Aatoria, uregun, th. I7lh day
uf MuvmiiImm-, Is.
Chlaf of polio ot Aatoria, Or agon.
Nolle, la hereby given that by virtu
of a warrant for th collm-d.m of a ila
lin i ieni aaaeaanient for Ih. nuirovM-tnt
In tit cliy of Astoria, larnson, towlt!
1 1 ond at real, from Korty-ae.'oiid lo Forty,
fifth UeH, duly laaunl by ill aiidllor
and ailli uda of aald city, oy direc
tion of (ha common council of said cliy,
aald warrant bring ilate.) (ha 17th day nf
(.Kiolair, laial, to ma dlraxlaif, and th.
aaaenament or) which e-e irlal amounting
lo Ufa) wlih lirtaraat thereon at the rat.
nf I tiar s)it por annum fruin ths list day
of March, IMai and balng aalna( (ha
fullowlng baiiiod paraona, tuwlli
It Marlon auul II. MotVrniark.
ownar of (ha blowing doaM-rllMd real
property, towlt; lot i. bfoch I. as sub
iliv(.lel In Ih. Port nf l'Pwr Astoria,
as raid out and recorded by John A.Ulr,
and alao agalnat said Uaairllod luoiwriy,
and which warrant nut to
mah. lavy uion ami sal of said da.
errl ' properly. In tutar to aatlafy said
warrant and aald aawsameni and (o
g.char with lha I nl are. I (harmin and tn
iaal and silienae. of sab! sale, and
pursuant to aald amrrant and Ih com
mand (hnrairt contained, I did. on tha
l'th day oi Nov.mher IK, duly levy
upon Ih above dca.-rll.ed real noerly,
and I will on ih lath day ot tMeiiiber,
lv(. at (h hour of II o'clock In Ih
f.neiuain of nld day. al Ih. court hnua.
d.N.r, (oK (ha eiilrnnc. of Bald court
hoiia. on Etgbth .'reel. In the Cliy nf
Aatoria, County of Claieop. HiaU of
(lreMli, sell au I una rllml real prooarly
al pulillo au.Uon lo th higheel bidder
for eweh. In I . M sold roln to satisfy
vlld aaaeaaniellt. halnerea( (llnr.iMl, a,i
(ha nail and eiieiiae of sal a
aforeaald, and (ha a.cnung roaia
iMted at Aa(.irlt. Olegnn, (ha Kth day
ot November, IW.
Chief uf Pollc of Aatoria, tirrgon.
Notlie la hereby given that by virtue
uf a warrant for thn colli lion of a ile
lin uen( a 'aanien( for (ha Imnr rv.menl
In (ha cliy of Aatoria, i.iwil
li.nid tra(. from For(y-ae'ond (o Forty-nf-h
alraa. duly leaned bv lha ami. lor
and police Ju.1e of said rtty by direc
tion of the corn m hi council of said rlly
said warrant being daie.1 ih. i;th day of
October. Uat. lo ma dir led. and (ha
aaaeaaniarK on whb h H'ine, aniounllng
to f)V with Intereat (hereon at (h. rat.
of l (Mar miii per annum frin (h. Hat day
of March, lNs. and being aalnl (ha
following named parsons, towil;
It Marlon wivd II, MiCVrmack,
owner of tha following deacrlbnl real
prnr(y towlt: lo( bhak , aa sub
divide.! In lh INirt of I'piver Astoria,
as raid out and recorded by John Adair,
arel alao asalnat aald ueacrttanl properly,
and third warrant command ma (o
mah. levy upon and aal. ot aaul da
rrtlied pniperty. In order to eatiaiv said
warrant and laid aeaeaarnent and to
gether with (ha Inlereel h.reai and tha
i-oala and eipenaea nf aald aala, and
pursuant lo said warrant and Ih com
mand (herein contained, I did. on tha
ITih day uf Novemoer, 1KM, duly levy
upon tha alaiv dearrlba reail properly,
and I will, on the lull day of Iterember,
l4el, at lha hour of 11 o'cl.oh In lha
f.erenuon of sold day, st th. court hnua
door, town: the entrance of aaul court
house on Eighth 're-t In the Cliy of
Astoria, County of Clalaop, Htala of
Oregon, sail said describe) renl nr.iierly
at puldlo auction to tha hlsheal bidder
for caah. In I,', ft. gold coin, in aatlafy
auld aaaeaanienl. the Intereat thorro'i and
in ooale and exiienati of aula na
aforeaald. and th a.cnilng coals
Imird at Astoria, liregon, th 17 1 h day
nf November, lull
Chief of Pollc. nf Aatoria. Oregon
N.ulca la hereby si. -en that by virtus
of a w.irrant for (ha ra'ie (ion of a de.
I n pieiil aaaeasment for the Impnivari ent
in the my of Aamria. ureaon. tow t
Pond alre.d, from porty-second lo K'.ny
fl f i h s'reel, duly iaaueil by (hn and I.. I
...! ...,ii.. ,.r ...i,i ,iiu hu .11...
II, in i.r rt. , twill eonnell j,r mi.1,1 ,..w
s.i d warmnl uelng dul.'d the 17 III day oi
('lotier. Isiel. In ma ill re. led, and (he
na-ssmant on wh . h eimclflod amoiinilns
to ll JI wlih Interest thereon at Ihn rat
of per cent per annum from the Jlt d
of Miri'h. fM, and being against (ha
ro:iowin nomeu person, iowk.
It, Mannri and II. MoCormark,
owner of lha following doacrlbed real
proHTiy, iow.i: lot , bimh s, us sub.
d:v'i' in the Purl nf I'Pber Astor.a
na lind out and r onleil by juhn Ailnlr,
an., i io auiilnal auld di'Srrilied nroucrty,
and w h ch wnrrnnt commands in to
ma ha levy upon and sale of an iitt
sitIImM properly. In order lo aatlafy aald
warrant nnd ao'o ossissinenl iind to
gether with the Interval tlien-on and ths
.oats nnd expenses of said sale, and
niiraiinut to sul! warrant nnd thn com therein cnntaJned. I did, on Ihe
17th day of November, 1H"H, duiy levy
upon inn aiaiva ncarriumi roni priperiy
and I will, on tho Mth nay of December
lv'M. st the hour of 11 o'clock In th
forenoon of auld dny, at Ihn court houas
door, town: the rntmnce or auld court
house on Eighth slreel. In the t'llv nf
Aatoria. Ounly of (In I sop, Hlatn of
Oregon, aell wild described real properly
M publlo aili'lloli (o (ho highest bidder
Tor chsii, in u. n. aoin coin, io sails!)
ild aaaessmsnt, tha Interest I hereon, ami
lha ousts and expense of nolo as
aforesaid, and tna n. cnilng costs.
fniid at Aatorln, Oregon, tha 17th day
or jvivemoer, iKia.
Chief of Pollco of Astoria, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that hv virtue
of a warrant for thn collection nf a da-
!!niin r.t nsi .-ssm-uit for thn improvement
in III city or Aatoria, Oregon, inwK
llond street, from Knrty-Bccoiid (n Koriv
llfih slreel. duly lMHiied bv Ihn niid.tor
nnd iiollca Jinigii or suld city, by dlicc
tlon of (ha common council of suld cliv
said warrant being dated thn 17th dav of
OiTtoiirr, ishs, io nin uinv ieii, iiiki uif
iiaaossinnnt nn wrin ri siwiiiimi amounting
to 13.21) wlih Intnreat thereon at Iho rnte
nf i nr cent iht annum from tha Slat do v
nf March, IKhI, and being agiilust the
following rumeu porsona, town;
R, Marlon and II. McCorniack,
owner of tho following described real
property, towlt: lot 7, UlncK H, lis miiIi
dlvb'ed In thn Port of Upper Astoria,
us inia oui aim rworuou oy jonn Aanir,
atul also uiulimt auld -.crllx-il nromtrtv.
ami which wnrrnnt communds ma m
ouikn low unon und salii of suld At-
scribed property, in orner to antmry Hald
warrant nnd wild assoasmont und tn.
tm.hnr wrilh (ha Intnrost ttlnroon ami lha
coats and expenses of an in sain, and
pursuant to said warrant nnd the com
mands therein contained, I uiu. on the
Kth day of November, Inns duly levy
Upon tho above dcHcrtbed rul properly,
and I will, on the ldlh day of December,
iwm, at tho hour of 11 o'clock In Ih
forenoon of said day, nt the court house
door, towlt: thn "(ranee of said eofiif
house: on Klghth street. In 'the City of
Astoria, County of Clatsop, Rlnin of
Oregon, sell said described rnat propnrty
a t publlo allot Ion to the highest bidder
for cash. In U. B. gold coin, to satisfy
.mid assessment, the Interest thoreon, and,
Ih. coal and axpenae of aa). at
afnreanld, and th scorulng rnat.
Dated at Astoria, Oragon. til 171 h daaj
of Nuvejiibsr, 1HU. .
19. It ALIam.K,
, Chief of I'ollot pf Aatoria, Oregon,
ciiiriF or l'oLicio balm.
Nolle la hareliy given Hint by virtu,
of a warrant for Ilia collodion of a ilex
llllgileiii aaauaainelll fur ill lliiruvllillt
III th cliy of Aaloila. Oreuoii, towlti
Pond at reel, from l'Vrty-iacoiul to Forty,
flfib si i eet, duly laauaal by ilia auditor
and pollc Judge or wild cltv. by direc
tion ot Hi innint'11 of auld cliy.
suiil warrant 'being ilaleit lha Ulh day of
(iiitober. I Mm, to in. (Ili''ii, and Ih.
aaaiaainollt oil Which Sliwlllni alllolllltlllg
to IJ.W with Intaraat llieroou at Oi. rat.
of lr cent iH.r wiinuiii from tha Dial dy
of March, Imiil, and lielng nn.ilnat th.
following named person, (owltl
K, Marlon' and II. McCormack,
ovner of Ilia following (Inscribed renl
luopelly, (owltl n , block I, a sub
divide! In (ha Port nf Cppcr Astoria,
aa luld out and laconlcd by John Aoalr,
and also UHiillial auld iI.mi.tIIm. I propeily,
niul wlni'li wurrunl iiMuiiiuiiila in. to
in.iko vy i . m nnd a.ile uf So de
a.'ril.... lunpoi ly, In outer In satisfy said
Wan mil nnd aald Haacaainulil and lo
golhur vrllh lha Intniiwt I hoi mm and tha
mala and vkpeiiana ut aald aala, and
piiieiiant In aaul waritml and lha em
liKinda Ihnieln inilalued. I did oil Ih.
liill day of Novtlnlier, Ihi'S, duly lavy
upon Hi. above described ril pioperly,
and I will, oil tha llHIi day uf llpcnmliar,
hw. at dm In iir of II ii'clinh In lb
forenoon of auld day. a( (It court liooee
door town; ih. imirwnc of anlii court
li. use mi KImIiiIi all cel. In III Cliy of
Aal. ii la, Coon I y of Clatsop, Htala of
Oregon, sell said deacrlbml real iiioiiarly
al pulillo auction to Ihn hill Ileal bidder
for in sli, In II. M. gold coin, tu satisfy
sold aa.aiiialil. tlia Inlrreal lli.on, and
III ooal and etinuiaea uf aal. as
aforeaald, and Ih a.i'rinng costs.
Dated al Aatoria. Oiegoii, (ha 17th dy
of November, 1m.
10. IIAI.Un K,
thlaf of i'ollo. ot Astoria, Oregon.
Not lea I hereby glveil thai by Vlrtua
of a warrant for (he tatlln Uon of a d
l iqilnut aa.oaaoialK fur tha llliiir-vwi.. nl
III (h. Pity of AalOfia, tlragon, (OWIK
nfili strwat, from 'orty-sxoiiJ to For(y
flllh etreaK, duly laauaal by Ui aadllot
and polu Judg of aald cliy, by dlro
(loo of (h iHiuiMm ouumill of aald elty,
said warrant tanlng ilaMo.1 (h. ijt day of
(K'litM.r, lual, io ma dir.. led, asu Ik.
eaaeeainii( on whk h siwt lllaU ajnouallng
to U si) with intarwst thaeaun at (ti. rat
of per ceil por annum frn th lut day
- Hsn-n ivi .nil iminif aa-wiiust
luiivwinei nautaxi parauias, sow It i
H. Marlon and II. MoCorukBok,
ow.iar of (ha following damiibaHl rwai
prutrly. tuwil; o( u. lilo'k I. as aotx
divided In th. urt of t.ppar Aaloria,
aa wul out and ra.or.lod by j.thit A.Uir
ami alao agelliat aaiid dnaM iilml r.r.erty,
ami wttioh. warrant command me to
Ilia ha lavy upon ami aal ul Mid do-ai-rlb
protwity. In order to Mtlafy Bald
warrant and said aeeaeamsnt and (o
g.m with (he Inter.! (hereon and (ha
.owls and ipelie ot aald aale, and
muuaii( to aald warrant and lb oum
niand ihar.ln coniairwd, did, on ia
lllh day of Novonl.r. las duly levy
upon (b sbov. doacrlbed ral property,
and I will, un th. pl'.h day ot fc.ntbr,
Iv., at the hour of 11 o'clock in lb.
fore ii.a. n of Bald day, al Ih court houee
dour, (own: (h. .nirant'e of sal. court
turns, un IMshih street. In th. Cliy ot
Aatoria. I Vainly of Clalaop, glal. of
(Heguu. sail aald deairitid (Ml uroi.riy
a( pulilln a.i.' 10 (h. hliheal bidder
for cuah. In U. It. gold ouin, to aaliafy
auld aaaraauialK, h (hwaai, and
Ih. i.ala and cxpeiiae. of aula SS
aforoaald. and lha a crull.g c.ala
liatixl at Aal. .ik iiregou, lha l.'ih day
nf November. 1X
t K IUUk'K.
Chief of Police of Aatoria, urvg.iu.
CIIIEr te" ro:-CK HM.H
Nolle la hereby gl.n llitl bv virtu
of a wariant for the mil.- ii.m of a da-IHii-ent
,ie.,meiu ,'or lha iniri nii n (
In Ih. city of Aatoria ure,,n, i,,wi(:
pond s(re(, ond to Pony
Ofth aireoi, do.y laam.l by th. au.llli.r
and p.ilo. Judga of auld cliy b dlree.
Hon of t'i. common nnnwll of aald rlly.
sanl warrant tielng dae.l ilia Kill day of
llclolwr. la, lo ma dir led. and Ih.
iinM on whu It sum inn am.aintii.g
u ti with iniortNrt ( at lha rai.
of a iir i-i( per annum from (he Hat day
uf March, ivu. and tiring agolnat Ih.
following named persona, oi.
IL MartoQ and II. M.Cormaor
owner of Ih. following deacrtlml rwal
im..erty, lowit; M Jj. lilm h I. . ut
dlvl.le.) In lha Port of I'npar Aalorla,
aa laid out and recorded by aohn Adair,
a rut alao against awld Ueacnlwal roaar(y,
and wh-h warrant ommaiwie ma (O
mah ovy uim ami aal. of aald A"
wniMxt pMiaa-iy. In rder to raUlaJy Bald
warrwnl and said aaweeameiK and (
ehor with Ih. Intarwai (hareun and Ih.
coal and vxpensea of aahl aalai, and to aald warrwnl awl Ih Burn
niamla therein ix.niaibeO. I did. on Ih.
mh day of NuveaittM-r. Iv duly levy
Uain tb. above drerrtbied real prorty,
and I will, on Ih. putt day of liwaamlwr,
l. at lha hour uf 11 o'clock In Ih.
foreman! of Bold day. al th court houa.
doir, toil' 1 lha enlrtiH'. of sold court
house on Klahth si reel. In tha Cay of
Aatoria, County of Clatsop, dial of
Oregon, sell aald real pruporiy
al public auction o tha hlglira( bidder
for caah. In I.'. M. gold ruin, to sadafv
aald aaaraameiK. (ha inlrreal (hereon, and
(he oats and rsiienae. nf .al. as
af..reaaid. and (h a. truing cosla
Imird ( Aalori.i, tnegi.n, (ha 17th day
oi November, iva.
Chief of Pollc of Astoria, or.gon,
Notice la nenby given (hat by virtu,
of a warrant for the rolle, lion of a da.
l iii(iient ... -ii,, m fo - tb, iini rv ii.i nt
In Ih. cliy of Aalorlt, iires.iii, town:
lii.nd street, from Porty.s.cond (o Pony.
flfih siree(. duly i.siie.1 by lha ail. 1.1. .r
and pillc. pldge of aald illy v dlrec
lion ,.f Ih common council of anl ! cliy.
said wnrrnnt being dated (ha Kill day ot
OiIoImt, io, (o rhi dlrlrd. and Ih.
ass.-.oienl un hh soeine,l amounting
to 2I0 wlih Intereat Ihernai at th rat
of S tmr ct-i( (H-r annum from the 11. t dny
nf M.irch, IW and lie-ng aj-nlnsl th
follow lug miiinl -erauna, tuwil:
11. Marlon and 11. McCormack,
owner of din following described real
property tpwlt: lot 21, li'.h as sub
divided In tho Port nf I'pper Astoria,
aa laid oik mm recorded by John Adair,
snd also nguinal descrkUil property,
let wh.di warrant cominanoa In a to
ni.lke levy iiNin nnd sale of anl.) d"
scr.bed prniMTty, In order (n sailnfy said
wnrniiK am! awld saarsainetd and l.
gather with the Inton-at thereon and th.
mate and expenses of said sain, and
pursuant to said wiii-rani ami the com llioreln coniiuned, I did. on Ih.
I7lh day of November, IK'.'al. duly levy
Umn Ihn above dearrlbe.l riail property,
and I will, un thn imh day of I i.-ccniher.
!'.', at the hour of n o'clock In th.
forenoon of Willi! dny, at tha court hous.
door, towlt: the enininro of saul court
huiian on ElKhlh street. In tho City of
vstorik, County uf Clatsop. Hist of
Oregon, soil auld deai.' n-nl irrnpnrty
al pulillo auction to th. highest bidder
for cash, In U, H. giid onin, to s.itlafy
sold aaaesainnnt, thn Inlerea. I hereon, anil
(Ii mats and sxnenaes nf aal. as
aforesaid, and Ihe accruing cosla
Dated at Aetoreu, Oregon, the 17ihde
of November, IWs.
R, HAI.Uii'K.
Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon.
V...I.. 1 ........ I .1.-. , i
.tino a neri'iiy Hivn llini uy virtu.
of a wurranl for thn collHctiou oi n de.
lui'liieul assnsaincnt for tho linpr.ivnment
In the cliy of Astoria, Ori'iimi, tnwlt:
llond slroel, from Piiriy-sejund lo lorty.
tlroi si roet, duly Issued by llui auditor
... .W.ll... I.,. I,... t.t ,.l... I... ..,
i",.i. v j,,..., ... n...i illy, uy Ollt-O-
tlon of Ihn common council of said cliy,
said warmnl lining dated Din Kill day of
ocolicr. lh'.'S. to mo illroi'tcd, and thn
ssseNsnieiit on which snociilmi amounting
tn ID 40 with In I cl cat thei'mm nl Die m.
nf i ritir cent por annum from tho Hint day
nf Slur cli, IMiil, and being aaaliiat ma
following luuniu person, towlt,
It, Marlon and 11. McCormack,
iwnnr of thn following described real
pro'irty, towlt: lot block 8, as suh
(llvl.liil In tho Port of I'mier Akinnn
aa luld out and recorded by John Adair
and also lltflllmtt snbl iIchitIImmI nroni.riv
and whloh warrant rommiitulM me tu
m ihn levy Uniii and snlo of mild ,n.
scribed properly. In order In sutlafy sAlil
warrant and wild aasi'Hnmeiit nnd to.
"oilier with the Internet I hereon and ih
coal and expenses of said an In, nnd
piirstiant to said wnrrnnt nnd Ilia com
mand i herein contained I did nn .h.
17th day of NovnnihiT, H!IS, duly vy
upon the abovo ilcHirllied rnal iropnrty
and I will, on the imh day of iM'
ivw, at thn hmir of 11 o'clock In lha
forenoon of suld dav. at tne court Imn..
door, towlt: thn entrance of said court
nousn on r.iK'itn aireei, in inn city of
Aatorln. County of Clalson. Uim nt
Oregon, soli wild described real nromiriu
ait pulillo auction to the highest bidder
fur ensh. In U. fl. "old coin, to satisfy 1
said assessment, the Interest ihnreon, and
thn ousts nnd exnnnsrva of ant .m
afornsnld, and tha accruing costs.
ijntea at A.tona urcgon, trie lah day
f Nov.mb.r, lhWt.
chief of Polio, of Astoria, Oregon.