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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1898)
THK DAILY AST0R1 AN, SUNDAY MOKMNO, DKCEMHKR 4, 1838. MS P. J TEE nCEXLEN'CC OF STKCP OF HGS 1 !lue not only to the originality and aimpllclty of the combination, but also to tho caro anl skill with which it ia BanufacturrJ by aclmtiflo processes, known to the California Fio Svri p Co, only, and w wish to impress upon ail the Importance of purchaaing the true and original remedy. Aa the genuine Syrup of Ftjjs ia manufactured by the Cauronm Fw Svbci Ov. only, a knowledge of that fact w ill Mist one ia arolding the worthies Imltattona manufactured by other par ties. The hlfrh standing- of the CiXt roam Fia Svhit Co. with th medi cal profession, and the aaliafaction which the jjvnuine Pymp of Tigs ha given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of it remedy. It U far in advance of all other laxatives, wit acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken log them, and it does not jrripe nor Muset. In order to pt iu beneficial effects, please rf member the name of tbe Company "tSRXIA FIG SYRUP Ca sax rsasciac. rat. LerxiTUu. Kr. sew Tens. . r. TODAT8 WKATTIER. Rain. AROUND TOWN. 4JSJBSSBBSS.. Tjt fcoslym coal, EI mora. Sanbora Ce. J. O. Spencer, of the Clifton cannery. It In lbs city. FouEd-An embrella. Commercial street. Inquire at 49 Beet U-cent meal. Rising Sua restaur, ant. til Commercial street. Cfcriatensen Co. opened their new Store oa Commercial street yesterday. Dean Blaachard. the Rainier capitalist, is in the city, a gueet at the Occident The British ship Stroma, wheat laden, arrived is tow trom rortlaad yesterday. The Samson, with a rock barge la tow. for Cray's harbor, crossed out jes.terd.iy. 1L 3. Kinney returned last night from Portland, a her be bad been on business. 6. Benson, an extocsire logger on the middle Columbia, la In tbe city on busi ness. The steamship Monmouthshire, with a general cargo for the Onent, crossed out yesterday. Wanted-Twe or three ntcely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Appiy at As toriut ooe, . Beet California wine. SB cen'i per gal. Ion. Alex Gilbert, sole agent for Astona. Telephone C The schooners Una and Luiy, lumber laden for San Francisco, were towed to aea yesterday. In tbe county clerk's office yesterday Hans Christiansen msde final proof on his homestead entry. Wallsend coal an) coke Is the best for domestic purposes. For sale by the Astoria Gas Llgnt Co. Judge J. M. Hugbes Is in the metropolis on a short visit with trends, lie will return home tomorrow. Last night's weather forecast an nounced rain along the coast and snow In tbe mountains for Sunday. The South Portland, with freight and passengers for San Francisco and way ports, crossed out yesterday. James Pye; manager for the Nordyke St Mormon Co., Hour mill builders of Minneapolis, Minn., is In tho city. The British ships Crown of Scotland and Glendoon, and tbe British brk LyJ gaie, wera towed to sea yesterday. J. B. Delliuger, who Is behind tiie Times, of Portland, will return to the metropolis tonight, alter a visit of cevcral day in the city. In tho probate court yeaterday Mrs. H. E. AU-rcrorr.bie was a'UKj.n'.ed aiimlnis trato ot the estate of John AliercromWe, deceased. At a recent meeting of the Alaska Fish ermen's Packing Company, G. 0. Moen was elecied president and J. Nordstrum secretary. Pure whisky, Harper; perfect whisky, Harper; every bottle guaranteed Harper. Sold by Foard & Stokes Company, As toria, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Secretary of Stato-tlect K. L JJunbur and Mrs. Dun bar, left San Francisco jtsterday on the overland train. For Bale. 100 tons ot Rosym coal, the finest house and steam coal ever brought to Astoria. Elmore, Sanborn Co., Tele phone, Main (-1. Wonted A he&ncy laboring man to treat patient one hour each night and one extra hour each week to give bath. Ad dress M, ABtor'.an offlce. Pleasant furnished roomd. Including bath, with first class board, for gentle men only, can be had at 830 Boventeenth street. References exchanges. Physicians are the friends of the fam ily. Harper Whisky Is the friend of the physicians. A most valuable assistant and one that can be trusted. Sold by Foard & Stokes Company, Astoria, Ore. The popularity or th merchant's lunch served by Mr, George Bartley at the Na tional is growing dally, and mahy busi ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley ara the finest In the city. Try W. A. Gaines' private stock whisky. This Is an old standard liquor, -especially recommended for family and medicinal use and Its purity and quality is guaran teed. For sale In any quantity by John Ik Carlson, sole acent Twelfth street, nearBooO. luJea A. A Cleveland, wno ucnvereu an oration at lb banquet given by the Kn'Ehts of Pythias of Bllverton. returns home last night. Wanted Information concerning the Aeiorla quarantine station, for which an nnmiu-lailon as recent'.y made. Ad dress, I'retty Nearly Anybody. The condlthw of C. 8, Wright, of the Occident, who was taken slok Thuitday nlht with oetarrah of the elomseh, was somewhat Improved yesteroay. mm n. ira.l. who hss been In the elte the naat three dars, representing tha hardware house of Charles llcgrle & Co, returns to lvrtland lodajr. Our headache tablets work like magic Neat time you are suterlng from an at tack try them. I will return money a they don't cure you. Charles Rogers. Fw rent-Nicely furnished room; fur nace heat and electric light; suitable for ot, or two occupants; wim or wunom board. Innuire at O Exchange street. At Grace churxh today, morning prayer and service will be held at U o clock. Sunday school U ; evening prayer at T.JO; services at Holy nnoonta- at as usual The steamer Signal arrived In yeater day with M tons of coal from Departure bay. 2M tons of walch will be d sc-bargcd at tbe coal bunkers and the remainder taken to Portland. Auditor and 1'otlce Judge Nelson yes terday posted a copy of the cvrtlitcates of eieotton to his office of the four re publican councltmrn and superintendent of streets nominated for the offices, to fulull th requirements of the law. Great rrwoarttlW were being made yesterday In decorating Odd Fellows' ball for tbe memorial exercises to be held tonUbt by the local order ct Elks, Tbe decorations were lavUh throughout and the hall presented a beautiful appear- anc. The Ladic' Guild of Grace church will hold their annual tale and dinner. In the building next Ekstrom'e store, on Tuesday, December 1 Serving of dinner at s39 P- m.; price IS cent a. Ladles who are contributors are requested to leave the same at said place. There were more country people In town yesterday than for a long time past Nearly all the small ateamers plying be tween Astoria and the tewna In this neighborhood brought crowds of farmers to the city, and their purchases made a considerable Item oa the accounts of local merchanta. The river steamers Staghound and Gamecock, which started for the Yukon last summer and were disabled shortly after leaving Astoria, were sold by United S'.stea Marshal Houser at Portland yrs terday. Hale A Kern were the purchas ers, and the vessels were sold for a very low figure fS,XO. Swedbh Iuthern church Communion service at 10 a. m. and reception of mem bers; Sunday school at 12.11. At "M p. m. the (4tor will preach a sermon In English on Savonarola, the reformer of, who was burned at the stake M years ago Last May. The youne; peo ple are es;eciai!y Invited. Tonland buJIn:4 men are working hard to (urm plans for securing a l;ne Of steamshir between that city and the rhli'-PPtnes. A nseetlns of the Philippine trade committer has been colli d for next Tuesday, at which It Is expected some definite action will be taken, which will aid Portland In getting her share of the traJo from the new territory. I The police founo three hoboes on the cars last night, two of whom were takon Into custody, the other escaping. Th men are from Portland, but boarded the A. & C. R. train at Coble, making th s city oo the break-beams. When they arrived berg they were half froxen. but the One who escaped, a youth of I), man. ssred to stretch his f rosea limbs suffi ciently to elude the officers. The men arrested gave the names of Frank 8m!th and John Milier. The secretary of the linrary ser.ds the following to the Antortan: The gross re. colpts from the military bazar for the benefit of the library and reudlng room were Ili-.C The total expends were fX.Vi. leaving a balance of livLSH for the library. It being lmpos bio to thank personally all those who so kindly assist ed In making the bazar successful, we take this means of thanking them and hope that each one who donated any thing whether little or much, will understand how gre.-uly it Is appreciated by those In terested. After a wek of conjecture on the part of AairUtm, It can be positively stated that there will be no oppoii;on to the republican ticket In the con;lng election. S'on after the republican convention I wis held It was stated by well known j demuc-rats that a citizens' ticket would I be put in the field. The time for such I action expired last n ght, however, and there Is now so po;ltln manner In which catidldt.tes m'gut t-e n;uncd. The council, therefore, will stand as now eieven re publicans and two democrats, with a democratic mayor. This gives tbe re publicans absolute control, which they have enjoyed for sumo time past. Captain Randall, of the tug Relief, called at the Astorlan office last night and denied the statements made In Fri day's Astorlan In regard to exorbitant charges and unnecetnary work In pulling tbe Eulomene off the beach at Smith's point a few nights ago. The statement that JT'W was charged for the tug's ser vices Captain Randall admits to be correct, but strenuously denies that It was an unreasonable price. Captain Ellis, of the Eulomene, was also present and explained that the situation of bis ship was perilous and the amount paid the tug was justified by the circumstances of the case. TWINE MANUFACTURERS HAVJJ FORMED A TRUST. All But On Firm Have Gone Into the Combine, and the Price Has Been Forced Up 13 Cents. Thg announcement was made here yes terday that, with the exception, of the manufacturers of the Dunbarton twine, all the houses which manufacture twine used by Columbia river fishermen have formed a trust for the purpose of forcing up the price. The news Is of the utmost importance to fishermen, ss, If Its-operation la successful, there will be a big Increase In the price of twine. By the organization of the trust all local agents of twine manufacturing firms have been dispensed with, and hereafter all the business will be done from tbe headquartera of the combine, which Is not known. Incidentally the pripe ytil go up about lg cents a pound on an aver age, or proportionate to the quality of the twine. The difference will be a ma terial one to fishermen, who were not doing any too well as matters formerly stood. Among tbe leading brands heretofore ued In Astoria werw Rhrt Htewart'a Marahall'a and purhmir'a. A Scotch firm of Stewart alaa sold twine here, All theee f.iur Itrms ar In Ihe trust, leaving out only th manufacturers of Puulur ton's twine. The price formerly ald by Qxhermen for twin has ragged fnm II to M cents. The Increase In the price will make the minimum Itgure tl OS. lteaMee tho Increase of 1st cents, the manufactur ers In th cumhlne will save also the agents' ronimlsHlons which formerly were I l.l. The deal means about a year lo the manufacturers. Fishermen w ill be seriously handicapped by the forming of the I rum. aa th In created prollta of the nwnufaclurtn must coma out of them. Ordinnrly a net U worth about $.W0, but the cost hereafter will be over Hid. When ll Is considered that there are about IUV Rlllncli on the tower Cuiumbla, not to nienllon other gear employed. It will be seen what effect the trust will have, Fishermen will be compelled to pay about trvtuv hor for nets. They bave contended that the price of twine wsa too high in past soaaons, as the price of salmon haa deereaaed. and the result of th formation of the trust will be either to greatly reduce th manu. fai lure of new gear, or to bring about the almoei exclusive use uf ltunbartou's. MEMORIAL SERVICES TO BR 1IEIJ) TONIGHT. Elks Will Honor Their Departed Brothers at Odd Fellows' Hall-Excellent Program. The Elks annual memorial service will be held at Odd Fellows' hall tonight. The exercises this year promise to be the most Interesting ever given, aa the program which has been prepared In most elabor- ate. The public Is most cordially Invited 19 attend. Among the numbers On the program r tome Of the greatest works and com positions of religious masters. "0 Plvlne Redeemer" is particularly touching and tts rendition promises to b one ot the beet of the evening. The program, com plete, follows. TART L Intermexso Symphonic Mag.igln Orchestra. Opening ceremonies of the lodge, Anthem, "Hark! My Soul....ltowe-8!ielly Octette Choir. Soprano Miss Ileba liobson, Mrs. Stone. Altos Mrs. J. T. Ross, Miss A. Lemon Tenors Mr. W. Beichcr, 11. Thompson Basso Mr. J. Garner, Prof. Thornton. Opening; Ode. "Great Ruler of the Uni verse." Air, "Auld Lang Syne." Audience requested to join. Great Ruler of th Universe, All swing and benign. Louk down upon and hlesa our work. And be all glory Thine. Oh! hear our prayers for th honored dead. While bearing In our minds. The memories gratrn on each heart. For Auid Lang tue. Prayer liro. A. J. Megler, chaplain Ending with chant, "The Lord's l"ray. r." Solo'The City Beautiful" Rodney Miss Rcba llobson. Cello Ot:iRato lr'f. Fredricloion. Anthem. "'Draw Nigh t Me,"... .Lassen Octette Choir. PART II. Address Hon. C. W. FuMon Contralto Swlo, "Thy Will be lne " Marton Mrs. J. T. Ross. Reading "Thanuupis" Bryant Bro. J. E. Young. Largo lUendcl Orche-Jira. Closing ceremonies of thr ! "Ke. Trio. "Foun:.i!n of Love Eternal" Campari a. Miss Rcba llotn. lira. Roes Mr. Belcher Clo:ng Prayer liro. A. J. MegVr. Anthem. "O IUvine Redeemer,". .iluuimd Octette Chuir aid Orchestra Doxology. FIVE Mll.ES UP IN THE AIR. I Two daring London aeronaut ascended Ave miles above the ear n In a balloon and nearly frosen to death. The tempera, ture at that height was t dtgrec below aero. The men went In the mterewt of science, and while the actual bene lit of , thelr trip to humanity at largo was con- aiderabie, It will not begin to equal the great good accomplished by the scientist who gave the world Hosteller's Stomach Litters. Nothing to this remedy has ever been d scovered for ail ments of the stomach, Uver, bowls uid kidneys. The Hitters sre tho best rem edy fur indigestion, billuusneas, coated tongue, bad breath. sleeplesiness and nervousness. They atrengtnen the brain, tbe body, the nerves. They brace up the despondent and cheer the Invalid. Whll in Hawaii her father, Mis i Ouna Berry, of Newport. Ky.. received as a gift from Irteid--nt Dole the royal llatf which was lowered when Queen LH luokallanl was dethroned. The thronelens queen now wants Mins Iicrry to return the Hug. but the Kentucky girl refuse, tu grant the re'uet,(althoub'h I.Hlunkalanl pleatls mat me nag was ner own private property. TO CURE A COiw IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bsomo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. Sc. The genuine has L. D. Q. on each tablet For sale by Charles Rogers. Cocktail, that distinctively Amert'-a.n tipple. Is really from Mexico. There, pulque, a kind of liquor obtained from the cactus, Is the national tipple. The Aztec word for pulque Is pronounced "octel," and tbe American army which, under General Scott, Invaded Mexico some M years ago. corrupted tbe word Into "cock tail" and carried It back to tbe United States. NOTICE. Bids will be received by tbe county court of Clatsop county, Oregon, until Friday, December , MSA, at 11 a. m. for furnishing plans and specifications and for building a "Balance Draw Bridge" across the John Day river at the present ferry site. Suob bridge to be constructed according to said plans and specifications and in a good and workmanlike manner. For further particulars Inquire at the court house. The rteht to reject any it all bids Is hereby reserved, J. XL D. GRAY, County Judge. Astoria, November 28, 1S98. Dainty Bohemian China Maroon and gold borders with wild rose decorations Specimens in ,Tea, Cake and Bread Plates Comb, Pen and Pin Trays and everything that's attractive. Effective prices Great flmerlean Importing Tea Co. 171 Commercial street Write for Catalogue. REPORT IS BELIEVED. (Continued from Bret sage.) and, above all. we expect her assistance on the day. which Is qm k ly approaching, when China conies up fxr settlement." AS VIKWKD IN HOMK. (Correspondence of the Ass.vlntid Prewa) LONDON. lo. l-WIlam T. Ulead, writing from Rome under dale of No vember il, says: "An answer to he question, What does the old world think of the new world, has nr been made with greater einpha. sis than lit the Eternal city. The oldest old world regards the nwet new world with feelings of anger, illrus and alarm almom loo great for word. The senti ment of Indignation differs In Intensity, but It la universal. There a M sympathy for the United Slates ell her among the whites or blacks, in fact the dislike of American selsure of the Philippines and the conviction that the humane enthusi asm which mad war possible was a mere mask of cant, assumed In order lo factil. tale the ronquoat, are almost the only sentiments shared In common by the rival camps of the quirlnal and of the Vatican." ORIIMANS NOT SATISFIED. (Copyrighted IsW by Associated Press KKItUN. IV,'. lMialn'a acceptance of the terms of tha I'nlt.l Hii.. t, ntrresird the German government and the prwa Aex-ordlnsT lo Its policy, con sistently followed throughout, the gov ernment has uttered no opinion, either In interviews or through the medium of the semi-official piYs. but the nemaira generally admit that the United 8latea must be seriously reckoned with lit Euro pean peace and politics, nj 44 a colonial power, the purpose of which may Inter, fere Uh the ambitious of other powers. The German paper, therefore, predict frequent political complications for tho United Slates. HOTEL ARRIVALS. CVcldenl-W. C. Nlles, James Walls, Portland; 8. ienon. link Point; II. L. Itothchlld. San Francisco: J. it. Bprncer. Clifton; A. Olson. !enn lUmuh.ird, Rai nier; M. P. Callctidrr. Knappton. Parker House-l. v. len. Hkipanon; Junes Pye, Minneapolis. Minn.: Jcae Imbler. Moo.1 R.vrr; Marry Willi. 11 Altwworttt and wtf ll ipklnvllle; r. 1U. dan. Hammond: I- II. 1'evlJ.iii, C. C Klnne.r. Fort Cnnby. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. llrcenauod Cemetery Asna'liitlon to A. Young, lots J and I. block M. tireenaood cemetery $ J dm II. Smith and wlf, to ttamuej Elmore, lots It and IT. block i, lots from I to S, both Inclu ve. block 1. lots I? and IS, block i. and lot l to 8. both Inclusive, b:vck I, aio por t'.ors of lot J. Mock J. and lot . bio.k . New Astoria, with whirf- CO ao and water frnt riuht. ... 0 I nlti-,1 States t George latnders, southwest (juarter. section t. town, ship i norlh. range I west .patent A PECULIAR REMEDY. Snrnttliinij Unit the c IiiMocn Tlie Rev. F. I. Li-ll. a h.ghly esteemed ; minister residing in Wec.:ixrt. C.iug jvA).. N. Y., In a recent letter writee as ; (follow: "Ttiore haa never be. n any.' thl: that I have t.iken that ha relieved ' : th dypef.l from which I h.i suffered ! j for ten years except tho nr r -medyl ; called Stuart's L jpejula T.ibieis. S.ucq ! ; taking til. in I i.iv hail no dis'.ros at all j ;ai:cr eauiig. an.t again after long year ;can sleep well. luv. F. I. Ile',1. Weeds 'orl, N, Y, foriuvrly llu.a, Colo." Btunrt s Dysrersa Tablet is a remark aide remedy, not only Lecuuve It 1 a c-r- tain cure for all form of Indigestion. but because It seo:n to net a thoroughly In old chronic cicvs of dppU as w;l as In mild attacks of lnolg'SUon or bil- ilounea. A person ha dysp-psu slnu ply becauso tha stoma- h Is overworki d. all It wants Is a harnlrji, vegetable rem- jedy to d gi-st the food, and thus jrlvo It the much-needed rest. This Is the seerel of the success of this peculiar remedy. No ma;tir how weak or hvW much disordered tha digestion may be. ri'.uart's Dyspepsia Tablets will d. gikt tho fuod. whether the stomach works or not. New life and energy Is given, not only to tha stomach, hut lo every organ and nerve In tha body. A trial of tlna !l-nd.d medicine w.ll con vince the most skeptical that dyspepsia and all stomach troubles can be, cured. The table! are prepared by tho F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich , but so pop ular has the remedy become that HtU'trt's Dyspepsia TaMcts can now bu olKalned at any drug store at W Cents per p-u k-a-e. ti. nd for b"k on stumacti disease free. A sure sign that the war Is over Is that KpntiHh. names sro reappearing, and do not arue. even tho small boy to disgust and destruction. Spanish dlshen are nowr seen in restaurants In all their hotness, and reeelvij no nioro abuse than ice cri-um. "Ia l'aloma" l heard from the ater orchestras arid fandangos ar again uaneod on tho Mage, Even tho much maligned Hpantth mackerel baa resumed Its plucu on thii menu. THE MODLKN MOTHER. Has found that her little ones are Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy It and it benefits them. Th true remedy, Gyrup of Figs, Is manu. factured by rtm California Fig Byrup Co. only. SI'ANIHfi TROOI'8 8AIU HAVANA, Dec. S.-Th Spanish trans port Oran Antllla sailed today for Spain with 1MT Hpanlah troops; the Fulda will sail Monday and the Werra, San Ignaclo and Juan Forgnh Tuesday. The Spanish commission wus advised today that by Monday next tho evacuation of Iiatabano and tho entire Una of San Felipe will be finished. This will complete the evacua tion of tho entlro Island west of these points. A deed of gale of the Tacon theater to un Arnerlcnn syndlcala for $310,000 was signed yesterday. The Tncon Is the eighth largcnt opera house in the world. MADE AMERICAN CITIES. HAVANA, Deo. 8 At noon today the American forces, having previously taken charge of Sunctl Splrltus and Trinidad, In Santa Clara province, the stars and stripes were officially and with Impres sive ceremonies hoisted over the city hall and the military igovernment and other publlo buildings In those cities. When the flags were unfurled, the bands played "The Star-Spangled Banner," and the soldiers and crowds of cltisens cheered enthusiastically. MORE TROUBLE WITH REDSKINS. PARK RAPIDS,(Mlnn., Dec, !. A posse has started to arrest the 14 Indians who resisted arrest yesterday, A fight is ex pected, as ths Indians are well armed with Winchesters and are ugly. DOLLS for lc, 2c, 60, 10c, 160, 25c to $2.50. BOOKS for lc, 3c, 60, 10c, 16c, 26c to 60c. DEUMS for 55o, 60c, 76c, 1.00 to 2.00. WAGONS for, 10c, 25c, 6O0 to 31.00. GUNS for 6c, 10c, 25c, 80c, 1.00 to 1.50. SHANAHAN BROTHERS JOHN T. M'KANR RELIEVED OF CM A RUES AilAINST III M Indictment Hanging Over ths PoillU I lion Have lieen lMmlae, at the R al ; qui at of Attorney Hheppard. NEW YOKE. lec. I -John Y. McKa former political ruler of tlraveeend. has been ben relievl of any further ae j cutinuhlltty to tha law for the offenses i which, It I aUeged, he committed during tho few Weeks of IVM. nd for one of which h was tr ed. convicted and sent ' encrd to state prison for six year. In all there wers II Indictments found i 'against McKane In connection with the) i election of that year, and the other 10 ' I havo Iwn hanging over him ever lnee. j Judge William J. flsylor haa signed an order dtam'sslng lhe ludtclments. lis 1 , did so at the request of Edward II. Ph, n- pard. f 'rnier deputy attorney general. ' who took a Very active part In tha prose. , rtillnn of McKena COINS' EL W. J. IlItYAN MAKES A SILENT BPEIVII. I He li a Soldier and Cannot Eireg Illm ; . lf (H-sly, but He days Oliver I Not Dead. I j MONTGOMERY, Ala . Dec. 3 -Colonel i W. J., of the Third Nebraska, was j received today by the houses of tha gen I era! aemb:y. He was Introduced by tha i president of the senate, and declined to dlcli. public questions, "Heing a soldier. I cannot speak to you with the freedom ot a civilian, I would speak. If I spoke at all, under limitations that would be unpleasant to me. What I would dei re to say to you as a cltlsen I could not say aa a soldier. I cannot now discuss those things that at present rng:igo the attention of tha entire nation. "Neither would I care to discuss the things we discussed two years ago, but which are not yet laid away to eternal rest. Neither could I dlscu those mat ters which have, as a result of the late wur, a broad field for speculation." I'.EI'I'IiMCANH SEATED. FRANK FORT. Ky., Dec. S.-Th statu election irinimlttefl this af'.rnoon decided the contost over the certificate of election In the Ninth congressional district In favor of Congressman l'ugh, the repub lican congressman-elect, llorelng, rcpub. llcan, was awarded a certificate In the 110th district Theodore Bracker Wholesale and Retail Dealer in QlGARS AND TOBRCCOO Smokers Supplies Of All Kinds. Commercial St, Shoes for Early Fall. JU . - . An'ther IJf9 In 6hoes-Xo jrou that two-tWrds of your life la passod wltJt your feet encased In leatberT Worth thought Why not have them comfort able? We bave the kind that sue plea4V ant They are grateful to the feet. Tse price is not high. Petersen & Brown. J- V a 1.' lev . Vlaf - OPENS Rvery chlhl heart In town will neat quicker nt tha mere w.tit S t i I a. .- .a. ,m .0 P,a,u , snjoy ,n. tiveiine.s, or even the noise of ll.H.inm. time? 0h, he young again! lis human and happy. Toy m 1. t.lstr. brighter, bett.r than ever. Almost hair an acre of the Innumerable nothings, with which to equip old Santa Claus. awalta you. There are dolls and engines and patrol wagons, and -but com, and see, The other holiday slocks are ready, too, with greater as sortments and more enticing prloe-adva Mages than ever before. We have everything In the way ot holiday presents for young ami old. In fact the only place In Astoria that carries a cumpletn line of holiday prnta Remember ... We Give You P Than Any One Else In the City Albert Dunbar, Ctr. Calumet Baking Powder (iiiaranttM.l llii-li (iniilo and Snti-l'ai turv, nixl oiilv 'J.V lit ' e Cream of Maize and Grape Nut Kor HrcnUffvst. Bloater Herrings. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Holiday AT THE BEE HIVE. A great variety of oil display. This Christmas Novelties AND A Big Line of Toys. Thena goods wore bought at the lowest prlcoe and are marked accordingly, and must be sold within the next few days. These goods are cheaper than you east buy them In I'ortland, Come early while our stock is. unbroken and you can make selections. Vfc$l lS C. HEILB0RN & SON. J. A. Pastabertd, I? li u 6 i; GElERALGOflTRflGTOH BUILDEH KstimatoH OK-cn on All KindH of Work. Post Office Dox No. 491, The Palace Cafe W. W." Whipple, Prop. !! Finest fleals in the City Special Attention Giren to tho Preparation of Banquets. TODAY. announcement. Are Tin? Only IMrtc I lit run Ins. More for 25c In a !Hh ami (oiiiincrriul Strict-. Goods Holiday (ioods now IS t S as iricluili'S all styles ol Brass and Iron -V r r-T 4" aesx ae- -rl stTT From $3.75 to I12.G0. II Houso-Moving Tools for' Ron t. Astoria, Oregon. B