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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1898)
T11K DAILY AST0R1AK, TM'RSDAY MORMNU, DECEMBER I, 18 JO. r : xvav. VATXitn. A!;OU.?D TOWN. Trf tttwlyn omil. El more. Banoorn C. OspUIn jAmmi T. Orsy. of rrtlnd, I Lit Ui city. H. O. Norton returned lnt M.'ht from tt short business trip to Portland. Mrs. W, 8. Kinney, who has been vilt lng In Portland, returned homo last even ing. Tim British ship nutshlr left Bp f 1-ortland tn tow of th Harvest yueen yesttrUay. Dr. A. A. Pinch returned last tliffM from a tsro-iwks' tueitics trip to 6 Francisco. Wanted Two or three nicely furnished room for housekeeping. Apply t At- torUa ofllo. J. N. Svendweth. ho ha been In Alaska for torn tint past, returned to the dt Ut evening. nt California Win. M ' P gl- Ion. Ale Gilbert. oi agent for Aitot. Telephone n Timbreil rtTrti and recovered. . Charle Orksrtt. corner Tnth and Iuan atreet. Wallsend coal ul eok U th est tor dottiest purpoM. Tor 1 tT th Astoria Cm Light Co. R. C. IT. Aitbury. who hu been viol in at hit Elk creek ranch for tb past month. U xpected bom today. Andrew Birch yesterday completed th Coo tract for th opening of 8eveath suxs between Grand and Joromo avenue. Tha r-rved eal sal for tb "Iii aler" orwratlo faro comedy open at fjriffln Reed' at o'clock thla worn tag. Tha es of T. O. Trulltnger, aorused I assault mE U Redden, was tried to tba Justice court yesterday aod tha chare dismissed. Tor Sal. ICO tona of Rosytn coal; th finest hous and steam coal vtr brooch: to Astoria. El mora. Sanborn (X, Tele phone, Main 1-1. The atoamahtp Monmouthshire, with a general cargo for tha Orient, arrived from Vortland yesterday and docked at Pavel to tak on W No of coal "'t'Taaaant furnished" rooms, including bath, with Cmt daa board, for gentle man only, can b had at XSO Seventeenth trex. Reference execang Charies Ounderemi ha teei granted a pilot' Uceni by th board of pilot cotn IntaMonm. Pilot Gunderson formerly held a license Iud by th Washington board. Th steamer O K has been engaged to drag for th anchor and chain last by th 6tar of Russia during squall Tuesday Hlght Tb chain is believed to bavs parted by reason of a defective link. Vis Cllne, of CorralHs, president of the Bobekah assembly, who was to har paid aa official visit to Gateway kxl last evening, was unable to be In th city, owing to the lllneas of her mother. Physicians ar th friend of th fam By. Harper Whisky ht th friend of tn physicians. A most valuable assistant and on that can b trusted. Sold by Foard ft Stokea Company, Astoria, Ore. Tb popularity of th merchant's lunch served by Ur. George BarUey at th Na tional is frowlna dally, and many busi ness men can b found ther every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by If r. BarUey ar th finest In th city. Try W. A. Oalnes private stock whisky. ' This Is aa old standard liquor, especially recommended for family and medicinal M and Its purity and quality I guaran teed. For sal la any quantity by John U Carlson, soi agent. Twelfth street. The regular meetlog of the city council Will be held tonight It promises to be one of more than ordinary Interest. The charges against Oty Surveyor Hellunan will be dipoeed of, and the claim of former City Attorney Curtis will also ovme Up. Th Astoria Football Club has arranged for a game with the Fort Stevens team on Christmas day. The challenge of the Rambler Club, of Portland, for a Sunday next has been declined, for the reason that the home team does not play football on Sundays. The report of the committee recom mending the removal of City Surveyor Belkman will cof.e up before the council meeting tonight The report Is signed by the full committee, and, unless some new evidence shows up In favor of rhe city surveyor, will likely be adopted. i. W. Conn and Dr. O. B. EsU. accom panied by their attorneys, G. C. Fulton and A. M. Smith, left for Portland yes terday to present before Judge HoBride the attachment suit of the BlUinuuer Frank Co. vs. the Kstes-Conn Drug Com. pany for the purpose of appointing a receiver. The man found by the police on the blhid baggage Tuesday night was given his freedom yesterday, and he started out to look for work. He gives the name of Drumm and Is a laborer. The police have treated him very kindly, and he wll! be given lodgings at the city Jail mull he succeeds in finding work. The cold storage now under oonirtruc tlun for, Srhmldt Bros., In this city, will be ono of tho finest and best equipped plants tn the northwest The foundation will be Unshed In a fc?w days, when work on the main building will commence. The diniciiiloas of the liuildln? are 2?Gr7i) f..t 'wo story, with whurtlng facilities of 21CxT0 feet The military buaar for the benefit of the Astoria Publli; Ltbrarv win h. .mi, Thursday evening, December t In the Vacant etore adjoining EkstronVs. The Mil ar. 1 tt frillilnra. 1.,.AJ J .. . V4l. V .CMC .Wi.WTTO. CttU HI1U DU L' tT, 5 c-ntB; coffee, 6 cents; salad, 5 cents; cake, 5 cents; baked hians, 5 cmts. Hard tack and pickles wtll be served with all orders. Doors open and tulo begins at 1 o'clock. Qulnlan lodge. B. P. O. 13., has dedl. cated next Sunday as the day on which memorial cervices- wiil he held for de parted brothers. The services will bo hold in Odd Fellows hall, which will be oren to the families and frieud of mcm hers of the order, as 'well aa vUiiting Ellts who may be in tho city. An elabor ate and Interesting program lias been pre pared for the occasion. Portland pppenrs to to In a terrible sweat of late about the holdingr of fairs In fact, It would seem there Is a verit able fair boom In the Inland metropolis. Not content with the prospect of wrest ing the state fair from 6alem, the people J I have )v.n revolved 10 ili.afn soliJ back hair tirujrtirc, also tf clothes brunhra lirl rrm th n. rtr snd jelHnf thrtm st bott MYi fi-W m nj tximine, H'irors, Drurgif -J The ro'rria lftij-" sewlr ,vl-tv of Hhania church ' t hav an suction tn the t)Hin-iit of tTie Korwegiaa Luthern church at L't'rton, December 1. at T.M p. m. Everybody Is Welcome. of Portland hv nthula!lcilly taken up Ihe holding of a mammoth Irish fair on December IS. and will have on hand collectloa of all the historical and prismatic relics for whl.h the Emerald Inla Is noted. Th down train was about two hours late last night. The delay was caused t y the handling of a train of coal cars. The regular express brought down six, while Another train of cars came throuKh tnrlior m the evenvng. The coj is for th bunkers at FlavL and part of U will be loaded on th Oriental liner Mon mouthshire. Th sevond dance to be given by the Ivy Lef SotUl Club lok pwr at Fish er's last nght Th attendance was quite large, there being about ii couples re ent Th dance was very successfully condm-ted and all present enjt yej pleas ant evening. The Ivy Leaf Club Is faxt growing In popularity and the attendance Increases at each ucceJlrig dunce. The grand march last Bight was conducted by Professor J. X. Bopus, There appear to be a steady demand for Oregon products la the Orient and range of merchandise regularly await th steamers of the O. R s N. Oriental steamship line on their arrival at Port land. Their cargoes consist of almost every article raised or manufactured in Oregon for export Flour Is alwsys th principal Item on th manifests, but the varieties of export Include th simplest articles of household ase. although these ar. as yet, only shipped In small quan tities The steamship ilonmouthxhlr was given quirk dispatch on her present trip her. It belr.g but tax oay sine th Monroouthahir left for Fortland until her arrival her yesterday. Her cargo consists of S.S3 "barrels of flour. Valued at IM.Zlf; 50flOO pounds of paper, 3u boxes of apples. 00 doxea beer, 1J packages of household Roods and a quantity of dried fruit The steamship Mogul wtios charter expired on her last trip from here, la said to be reengaged again from the Orient There has been considerable speculation of late a to whether or cot th cltisens ill nominate a ticket for the coming December election. AVell known non partisans have repeatedly assured aa As torlaa man that a ticket would b placed in th field, bat the belief is gaining groved that the republicans will have ;t U contended - many B r - . - c - .. that th cWnJ r willing to allow the republicans to have control of th municipality. Th time for fillnC petitions of Independent nominations has passed. so If any other candidate for coundlmen and superintendent of streets are to be named they must be mad by aa assem bly. T1 election law of the state pro vide that independent sxtml nations must be died 15 days prior to th dat of elec tion, which la th present Instance ex pired at midnight Tuesday. Nominations by assembly must be filed with the audi tor and pollc Judge within 10 days of tha day oo which the ejection Is kL If th citizens ar to place candidates In the field, they must act before Saturday t I o'clock. DEATH OF A 1L BALE, SR., AN OREGON PIONEER. Passing Away on Toung River of On of the Oldest and Best Known Men la Clatsop County. A H. Sale, on of the oldest pioneer residing In Clatsop county, died at his Young's river home at 1:39 Tuesday night Mr. Sale had been falling for tha last six yean, and for some time paat was almost helpless. During a coughing spell Tuesday night a chang for th won set In, and th old gentleman passed away. Deceased was over TO year of age, and had lived tn Oregon for X years. He was born in Estell county.. Ky., April 13, liCS. In 1&2 he came to Oregon with other sturdy pioneers and had resided In the state ever since. Soon after hi arrival here the Indians went on the warpath and Mr. Sale was one of the first of th young men to shoulder a gun and fight for his home. The trouble occurred In ISS-I6 during which time he was a menv bir of the Oregon volunteers, serving in the campaigns In the Walla Walla, Pa louse and Yakima valleys. During the fighting he went through many thrilling experiences, sod to the day of his death bore scars of Injuries received In the war. In 1870 Mr. Saie came to ClMsop county with his family. He selected a piece of land on Toung's river, and made his home there, where he had since resided. He was one of the first men in Oregon to organise a Masonic lodge, the society being formed at Salem. He held a com mission as captain of the Indian war vet erans, having won the rank by gallantry in the Indian wars. Mr. Sal was well known In Astoria and Clatsop county, and was regarded as one of the most enterprising residents of this section of the state. He is survived by his wife and seven children M. c. Sale, the eldest son; Mrs. h. B. Turley, of Lewis and Clarke; Mrs. R, M. Blake, of Portland; J. F. Sale, uf Astoria; Anderson H. Bale, W. W. Sale, and R. 11. Sale, of Lewis and Clarke. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the home on Toung's river, and the Interment will be held In the Toung's river cemetery. The steamer Electric Wifl leave the Telephone dock at 10:30 a. m. The Pioueer and Historical Society will attend In a body. EXCELLENT EHOWINO OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Receipts Thl Year Will Be Five Times As Great as Thone of Last Tear From Fines. The police record for the pant year show an lnterettlrg condition of the c.ty's llr.unces In this must important depart ment, and rt-fltct great credit on the officials In charge. TU receipts In the po.lce court for the present month amounted to IM-grcater than in any corresponding month for many years pout This excellent Knowing Is due to the opLtiirnr up of many Chinese gambling gjinu-g. At the ctoao of the fall fishing season every year nearly nil the Chinese residing in Astoria are thrown out of employment for the balance of tho year and until the spring season opens. Dur ing the time between October V) and April 1 the Chinese gambling games thrive. The prlncpal amusement In tills line for the Mongolians is the lotteries, which are mado to pay the city for the priv ilege of operating. The opening of these and other Chinese games has greatly In creased the city's receipts. On tho November record 48 names gp P.r. Of this nuniW 21 were arrested for gambling, -while 10 were worthies characters whom the police ghlpped out of tho city. The others were takn mt custody for minir offenseR ,i,.h . fighting and "druilk and disorderly." For the II months of th present ysar tn receipts m the pollc dcpartuieut hve exceeded th estimates mad by th council nearly ffcw l ywr , , aiiomw w run a "closed" loan, th re. mipts wr wily about IIWO and th f"unoll estimated, a hen It came time to make up the levy, that th receipt this year would b about th same. The mount derived thus far the present year .i'-'a. with another nxmlh's receipt yet to b added. Tit money received during December will probably bring the totat up to 7W-roo above eetlmate. This excellent showing Is due, In a great measura, to the action of th police com. mlsslonera. Police Judge Nelson and Chief or folic Hlloi-k In working In harmony, It 1 agreed by all fair-minded persons thst to run a "closed" town Is well-nigh imoioi. na the bollc department has endeavored to equalise conditions so as to maks matter as easy as for th gamblers, and yet deriv a muh revenue as possible for the city. Either t Met Hallock. Judge Nelson, or th com mlssioner could make It ImpoaMot for gsmwer to do business her, but they hav co-operated in this erstwhile per. iRoxliig question, and th city gets all th money that U could expect -end about five time a much as th council esti mated. Th monthly salaries f the members of th polio fore aggregate fcoi. In ddental expense amount to about 110 a month. Thua far th present year the receipts have aggregated fcCO, so Is plain to be seen that th department out side of Us usefulness In guarding the1 city. Is a good financial Investment The receipt for the 11 months of this vear follow: f"uT f 3M M roruary , t 5,; y lreh sc ,.i April Luiu Mv in i m June vain Ju'V mew A"t .-jkiW ember t m (.H-lober t.U IM November & Total $. aMaHsmavsMsBwassa HOTEL ARRIVALS. OccMent-J. V. Howerton. CI. R. Push. Eugene F. Samuel, J. W. Cook, a It Morse. A. L. Pease, Portland; C. C. Dat- ton. Seattle; P. Avery. Oystervtlle; M Annie Henderson. C. C. 'March. H. 8. McUowan, Chinook: L. Jones, gan Fran cisco; 3. II. Bell, South Ilend; Captain and Mrs. J. D. Ellis. Eulomene. Parker IToue 6. B. West. Olympla; O. D. Burnette. V. a Cooeland. A. Hehntng. Portland; H. Nelson. South Bend; W. F. Fountain. St. Joseph; J. C. Ryan and wife, Denver; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Andrews, Oystcrvllla REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to L Anderson, south. J'1 h A0 '!IV' W Varrttl west ql'artef, section 11, township north, rang I west patent 6herift to Astoria Savings Bank, lot B. block 13. McClure's ..KM W. J. Harmed and wlf to Clatsop County, trip of land (0 feet wlJa across loutaweat quartvr of north west quarter, section tl. township I north, range wettt 1 J, ft Ollstrmp to A a McOrew. lot I. block t, Astoria addition to Warran to 13 J. E. Hies iris aod wife to S. O. Cur rell. lots 1 and X. block 1 Bay View.. tuO J. E. Hlgglns to Lewis R. Van Winkle, lot XL block t. Bay View ISO J. R. King and wlf to Q. A R. Mc Orew. lot . block J. Bay View.: IS J. R. KUgor to J. R. GUstrap. lot I. ' block t Bay View US C. M. Pierce et el to J. R. GUstrap, lot 1 block X Bay View IS J. E. Hlgglns and wtf to U U Lewi, lots 1 and t block 1, Bay View 300 THE MODERN MOTHElt Ha found that her little one ar Im proved mor by th pleasant Syrup of Fig, when tn need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy It and It benefits them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs. Is manu factured by th California Fig Syrup Co. only. NOTICE TO PIONEERS. The members of the Plnoneer and His torical Society are requested to meet st the Occident hotel at 10 o'clock Friday morning for the purpose of attending the funeral of th late A H. Sale. The steamer leave the Telephone dock at 10:10. A. F. AND A M. Th members of Temple Lodge No. 7, A IF. and A. M. and all sojourning Mas ter Masons In good standing ar particu larly requested to convene at Masonic hall at t o'clock a. m. on Friday, Decern ber 1, to assist m the Masonic burial of our deceased brother, A. H. Sales. The steamer Electric will convey the hrothern to the place of Interment on Young' river. By order of O. W. LOUNSBERT, E. C. HOLDEN, W. M. Secretary. rrana A. vanaernp, assistant secre tary of tho treasury, began life as an apprentice In a machine shop, giving his spare moments to the study of sten ography, having mastered which he be came a reporter and later a financial ed itor. OUR NEW TROPICAL POSSESSIONS. When th now order of things Is estab lished In the Philippine Islands, there is likely to be a great rush to Uncle Sam's latest possession. There will be a scram ble for wealth similar to that which oc curred when the Klondike goldfields were discovered. No matter what business a man is engaged in, he thinks mora of his purse than of his health, but wealth is worthless without good health to enjoy it. Hostetter' Stomach Bitters Is needed by newly everybody, men and poor are cu.ed by it of constipation, dyspepsia, general debility and malarial fevers. Women who are nervous, men who are overworked, people whose nights are sleepless, should take these world-famoua Bitters If they wlirh to be cured. A man pleads his not being married as an excuse for spending much of his tlmo at tho club. Let him marry and ho de clare that matrimony Is responsible for his devotion to his club. In fact, any way you look at It he is clubable. Emperor William uses the largest visit ing cards of any member of Europe's royal families. They are of heavy card, six Inches long and four inches wide. On the upper line la the single word, Wllhelm," and on the second lino are tho words "Doutscher Kaiser und Koenlg von Preussen." TO CURB A COL IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggist refund the money If it fall to cure, 23c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet For sale by Charles Rogers. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. All percni ar nereby notified that there hi 00 hunting nor shooting allowed on my premise in Columbia county, Or. JAMES QUINN, Owner. MUST PAT TUB WAR TAX. 8T. 1X1119. Nov. 3u.-Mr. William R. Corwine, of the Merchant Association of New York, who la In th city attending the Merchants Antl-Hcalplng Conference, In an Interview tells of th crusad being made tn Now York to compel th express companies to pay th war stamp tax Im posed by th present revenue Uws, "In addition to Ih taking of th ques tion kilo the courts." Mr. Corwin said: "Th Association propose to Inlroduc a bill In th legislature this winter and (o fight It to a finish to plac the xprrss companies under th control of th rail road conunlsehvi of Now York stat and retrulat thr charge. Thla fight will b a very bitter on. Th Merchant Association proposes to obtain the co operation of vry manufacturer and every merchant In the tate of New York, ml through ihem, to appeal to Ihe mem ber of th aenat and assembly through their respective districts to support this movement. Efforts ar betitg made to organise simi lar movements In other slates. 1 TARDY WILL UK KNIUHTKD. TORONTO. Nov, J.-Arthur Hardy, leader of th federal parly In Ontario, who bas been premier of the f, rovlnce since Sir Oliver Mowat resigned th po sition In June, is, bus been given to understand that he ran b mad a knight at the coming New Year when the queen generally bestows hnors on a number of home and colonial statesmen, and otttor o distinction. Mr. Hardy Is a native of Canada. (0 year old. and a lawyer of repute. He favor a Canadian policy uf retaliation against Ihe I'nlied States, and has through legislation preventing rhe manu facturers In Ontario of Uws cut In th province fwra employing American labor. II I also strongly m favor of a prefer. entlal tariff with Great Britain. TUB WYANDOTTE CONDEMNED. WASni-NOTON. Nov. S0.-It has been decided by the board of construction and repair to dlspoe of th Wyandotte, which has been In ttte navy since 13. as It has outlived Us usefulness and Is now In an unsea worthy coodtUm at the League navy yard. Th ship has been appraised at tTAW and will he sold at public auction In the near future. The Wyandotte was built by MI'es Greenwood of Cincinnati during tb civil war and U only 22 feet long, ho a a breadth of feet, a mean draft of JS feet displacement of S1W tons and ltd horse power. It engines are of the single screw grasshop per type, and the monitor Is capable of making only six knots an hour. The hull nd machinery of the Wyandotte cost MURDERER CONFESSES. LOS A Nil ELKS. Nov. 30. -John Han cock, who has Just been takekn to San Qtlrntln to serve a ten years' sentence for burglary, has confoaacd that he ami Wlnrred Myers murdered Dr. Engelkke and Pete Edmlston on a desert In south ern Nevada over a year ago. Hancock says the crime was planned by the woman with the object of securing the horse attached to th wagon belonging- to thetr victims. In ordr that they might continue their Journey to Salt Lake, their own horse being fagged out. Mis Myers, now Mr. Grow, recently made a statement accusing Hancock of both murder, and asserting her own Inno cence. VOLCANO AT ATLIN CITY. VICTORIA. B. C, Nov. 30,-Dr. W. B. Klnalows and T. H. Jam. Denver min ing men who, with Colonel Hughe of Rossland, hav Just returned from Alas, ka, report that a volcano Is In active eruption about fifty mile from Atlln City. No name ha yet been given to the volcano, but the officials of Atlln ar preparing for a trip of Inspection and will christen It. It Is said to be the sec ond In a string of four mountain lying fifty mile due south or Lake Gladys, all of which are more than 14.000 feet high. EDWARD O'BRIEN CHARTERED. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. JO.-The Amer lean hto Edward O'Brien will be the first ship of the sugar fleet to be put on between Honolulu and New York. She ha been chartered to go to Puget sound and load coal for the Island, and then take a cargo of sugar around the Horn to the factories of th trust. DIES FROM FRIOHT. BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. .-John Orady. a well known employe of the Baldwin hotel. Is Indirectly another victim of the fire. Grady became greatly excited on the night of the big blase and his heart being weak he has been weak from heart attacks ever since. He died this mom Wig. He came here from New York, wher hi had many relatives. NOTICE. uius wui d received by the county court or Clatsop county. Orea-on. until Friday, December t, 1838, it 11 1. m. for rurnlshlng plana and pewlflcatlons and for building a "Balano Draw Bridge" across th John Day river at th present ferry site. Such bridge to be constructed according to said plans and specifications and In a good and workmanlike manner. or runner particular Inquire at th court house. Th right to reject any or ail bid is hereby reserved. 3. H. D. GRAY. Astoria, November . WSS. CUn"r ,Ud,,e' N OTICE OF A GENERAL ELEC tlon of the City of Astoria, to b held In said city on tho second Wed. nesday In December, 198. towlt. on tha 14th day of said month and year. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a general city ejection held In the City of Astoria on the sooond Wednesday in uocemoer, IMS, towlt, on the 14th day of said month and year, for the purpose of electing the officers of said city here inafter dcnlgnatod, between the hours of t o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the polling places hereinafter designated. OFFICERS TO HE ELECTED. One councilman for the First ward of said city, for a period or term of three years, from the first Monday In January, 1859. One councilman for the Third ward of said city, for a period or term of three years from the date last aforesaid. One councilman for the Second ward of said city for a period or term of three years from tho date last aforesaid. One Sunerlntendent of Hliw.t nt mM city for tho term of, one year, from the date last named aforesaid. One councilman for the Second ward of hali city for a period or term of on year from the date lost aforesaid. POLLING PLACES AND JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION. That the polling places and the Judge and clerks of election for sold eleciiou are hereby designated and appointed as follows: ;' First Ward Polling place No. 1 At brick fire-engine house on the corner of Aator and Fourth streets, said city, T. L "uac"--'gallery, JudgesH. B. Fervuaon, Thomas Mooka 1 Our Stock of Holiday Goods Is Now Com plete at the Lowest Prices. India Silk For fancy work In hundreds of rvort Jusi what vryo want for making holiday prnU; prte Ho yard. Ladle' tlk Initial. Ttfo. Oent' ailk Initial, Bo. Ladle fancy emhrlodered oornara and lao edging; prlc to and lOo aoa. Ladles Aprons Ladle larg i 1 lawn apron with wtd Inserting and llumburg edging; prlc Mo Fascinators Our fascinator stock la now oompiat with all th newest novnttle mad, at lie, B, Wc, 75o and tl each. Heavy crochCtd Shetland shawls; wt hav them in all colors, from too up. SHANAHAN BROTHERS and D. M. Stuart Clrk-Eber D. Park er and Olaf Anderson. Polling plac No. At engine bouae NO. In rky hall building, corner of Com mercial and Eleventh streets, said city. Judgee-P. J. Ooodman. William Edgar, Thomas Dalglty. Clerks Ur ant Trun in ger and A O. DalUy. Second Ward-Tolling" Tlac No, I Ih Welch block. No. CI Commercial street, said city. Judge Jam W. Welch, Richard Darts and C. R. Thorn. l Clerks-llsrry Gray and J. B. Gratk. rolling Plac No. 4 At Columbia ng1n bouse No. t, on Exchang street, said city. Judge Ludwig Larson, Ou roent gen and Olaf Pet arson. Clerks Adolph Johnson and F. P. Lslnenwaber. Third WsnJ-PolUng Plac No. t-At Ih old school house next lo th Adair school bous In that part of said city called tb Port of Upper Astoria aa Wld out and recorded by John Adair. Judge -John Enberg, II. II. Andarson, 01 B. Olaen. Clerka-O. F. Mortso, Fred Wright Th Mveral potllng plac and th poll therein located, shall b open from I o'clock a. m. to and until I o'clock p. m. Thl notir I published by order of th Common Council of said city, duly mad by revolution of said body, pasd Thurs day. November 11th 1KM. Dated at Astoria Oregon, November tt, 139. II. E. NELSON Auditor and Polio Judge, City of Astoria. Shoes for Early Fall. 4'W L T-aA' -aVrw ar Another Llf In 6hoe-Do yon know that two-thirds of your Uf la passed with your feet encased tn leatherf Worth thought Why not hav them comfort abler W hav th kind that ar pleas ant They are grateful to th feet. Tn price 1 not high. Petersen & Brown. L. E. 8ELIO. Leasee and Manager. Friday, Dec, 2, 1898. Cosgroye j Grant's Comedians In the Operatlo Farce-Comedy THE JEW DAZZIiER In It ninth year and riore Dazzling Than Ever A Great Cast. , .' .. ComctllonH, Singers, Dof-iceres SECOND ACT IN LONDON FIRST ACT IN NEW YOHK THIRD ACT IN PARIS ADMISBION-ReserVAd snats. It. eenls! 60 centa Seat sale open. Thur- day morning at Qrlllln & Reed's, Fishers Opera we jAA!s!lfl HOLIDAY SI'ECMLTIES Victoria Lawns llutiilkerdiief Linen Art Linens AU kind of Stnnipotl Goods Kwl'roiJcry Silk Tllblo Liilulltf Nujikiim Tublo Covers Troy Cloth. Rnby-Silk liomiets ChiMrons Wool Hoods CliiMroiift (VmtH Fen tli or I tons Silk Kilibons W hav vrylhlng In th way of holl day good. Don't Overlook Our 25c Boy's Cap. Albert Dunbar, Cor. 9th and Commercial BtrwU. Calumet Baking Powder tiuarautootl High (Jrada and SatiHfartury, and only 25o lb, Cream of Maize and Grape Nut For Bloater Herrings. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO THE BEE HIVE. Great Bargains in Cotton Comforters 45x70 inches, $ .40 66x74 inches, $ .76 64x72 66x72 .60 .60 Tho above arc big bargains. Boys Cotton Sweaters, good grade, 48c. Misses Two-Clasp Eid Gloves, 85c. Special Sale, this week only, of Ladies' Wrappers. Ladies Oloth Capes, $1.50; Beaded and braid ed Cloth Cape, $2.00; Long, Braided Cloth Cape, $8.00. C.HE1LB0RN& SON. GEJiERflLGOflTHflCTOH flflD BlilltDER ti 9 i:! KstiinateH Grvcn on All Kinds of Work. Hj Pott Office Dox No. 491 bZSSM23sLna2 Victor Rost, Elovonth fit,, next to Postal Teleglapb Oflloo, WATCHMAKER Bnglltth and Swlaa All repairing don by myself. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dress Goods U Inch wld. xtr heavy wtd EngUsk Storm mi-, t r lolly alt woul, ooler blvk gad navy blusi K yard, 44 Inch wld, two-ton oorart cKHa, Id hand scan array of color, prio Hr suit. MM. 44 Inch wld black mokalr curl prolt In baaaaom deatgnsj t. per yard. Ladies Skirts Full width heavy figured llkt skirt, afl taffeta ined. velveteen bound; HU oaok, Ladle neavy Storm tart iklrU, lining, trimmed with narrow Un rib bon, colon black and ftavyj tlM aaoh, Th) Only IMaco to Oct Ilttrtfaln. Break faBt. 70x72 70x74 1.00 1.20 Brass and Iron Bedsteads From $3.75 to $120. House-Moving Tools for Kent. m Astoria, Oregon, s HI AND JEWELER WfatcHos n Specialty. Muslo Boze repaired. Marin Chronometer Rated aid Repaired