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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1898)
TUB DAILY AHTOlilAN. TflllMDAY, MORNING. DECEMBEU I, 18D8. THE EXCatENCE OP SYKUP OF FIGS U 2ud not only U tlm originality ami Impllclty of tin o'liiililiintiuii, but also to tlia cure mil (.1.11! with which It In Ditiiuftiainrcil ly nc lcnillln iri't)f known tt Hid (.'Ai iroiiNU Fi'i Hymt Co. only, mul w Uh to Impi r upon ill tlio iiioi'ltttli: of IMirrliimliiK Ilia trug nml orliflnul rrmcily, A llio )uuliia Hyrtip of l-lir U niiinufiicturoil by thn Camkoknu i'to Hxnvv Co. only, ii know Ultra of that fuct will waist ono In avoiding tho worthies imitation iiiunti fact tirnl liyothnr par tie. Tho Mli kUinllnif of th Cam roHNU I'Kt Mria'i- Co. with the mioll 01 profusion, ami tho satisfaction which th jri'fiuliin Hyrop of Kltfn lint given to million of families, inakra tht nam of tha Company a guaranty of the Moellmien of lU rriiisdy. It U far In advanco of nit other laxative, m It acta on tha klilnryt, llvrr and bowel without Irritating or weaken ing them, ami It ilott not grljHj nor nauseate, In order to (ret lU beneficial ffovU, please Mine in her tht Dam of tht Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tit nUNPIatHt, Cat iiumic ut. rntw i amc . r. KCOND NICARAGUA) nUNCIItflB MADE rtTUMC remission Granted ibi Or Hyndlcat to Organise Oceania Canal Co. Afir Card.nacM.tiocel Uranl Expiree. NEW YOUK. Nov. .-Thre haa been much curiosity In ftiianrUI circle about tha ttrmt of the recent rant of tht gov rnmn of Mmniut 10 th Wllllatn IL Orca syndic! of a secondary fran. oltla to construct a canal through that country fruu tld water to lid water. Through the courtMy of William It. jr tha tprma of tha treaty aro now tnaJ public. Aflrr stating In th preamble that the Nbwraguaii government regards an Inter ceanlu roiial through Ilia Ultimo to b nareaaary, article una reads: , 'Tha gitvatnmani of IIm alat of Nicar agua permits Hmn. Edward Eyre and Edward K. Craain to enter into negotia tion arith tha Marttlma tVnel ('umany of Nicaragua for Ilia puro of obtain ing tha immediate retctaslon of tha con. Irani (or, constructing an Inlerocmnlo canal knuan aa tha t'arOr-nc-itfn. l contract, rialt.l Artt St. J7, whl. Ii ron (nut ahall tvrnilnate (olutrr . IM" In eunaMralln of llu grant ih grantrr agrta to frtn within alt month aftar Mratr. Kyra anj Cragln "notify tha government of Nicaragua that tha Can1n.a Menorat contract ha bran r aolnJwl, or within all momh following tha day upun whliili aald euntrat ahall riava emtni from any rauaa anva thai of raavlalon to organlia tha lnltr.ocanlc canal tomfany." Throughout tha grant lha aifiraa tlp Ulatlun la maJ by Ih Nkaraguan gov mmoiit rlial rha light un.l or Uta frn. rhla iwnn araitl until alr It ha brrn aalalillahat that tha Canlenae aMofiiaal rontrarl ha axplrvd. INJJt'luiKNT HKH.M.AIM9 lit MHK1.K KXKCCTIVK. Oenornl Hualito Aaaumaa Control of Balvailor, rri-vnttiif tha Formation of tha Urxalaf lt-inrfip. HAN HtANt'liX. Nov. .-leivrl Tm Hegiilndu, hen. I of thn rpvotull'm. ary nHivoomnt In Halvdr, ha unurvd Ih iirratilrm-y and proclaimed hlmai If chlf e(-oullva of Hi republic. Huch I tha arnaallonal Infonimtlon tciIvm! In thla city. Thn nc w eonvoynl In a prlvaln cttiher ral'li-grnm received by a trmln-nt tMinkrr hrrn who h eatenalva Inialiua Interval In Central Amerlra. Tha ataienicnt la addrd that the affair of the government are now In the hind tit th lnatirr tlonll. The new la of tha utmoat lmt"rtance for reaaoii that lha auceea of tha revo lutionary forere prevrnta Ih formation of the llrcaUT ttepubllo of Central Amcr toa. A rotation of thren tnti had tnen tlcmiitnl. Halvador. Nicaragua and Hon tlura having agreed to untl under one government, COALITION IS OFF. MAN AOl'A. Nov. Ji.-The attempt to affet a efMillllon tietween the fltuu of Nlmrngim. Ilonduraa, and Palvador, to b ronlu'tM under a romiiHin admlnl. tratlon, and known a the t'nlted Btntr of Central America, hn failed completely. Tha collupae I dim In th failure of the troop of Ilonduraa to aupprea lha out treuk in Hulvndor aKuluat tho propoaed fedcrnllon and 1 forco 8lvndor Into tho union. SNOW HTOHM IN C0I,OKAl)O. llENVEU, Colo., Nov. 90. Advice re. celved hero uro to the effwt that tho atorm aoulh and wet nf Denver I thn womt known In year. At IVmo th anow I between two and threo feet deep, and hetweiii Cnmo und Lendvllle fur aa (tuunlaou, ten feet of mow him fal len. Tho Houth I'ark nmd I tied up and trnln on Itio Denver A lllo Orando aro greatly dulnyed. 8now illde aro reported on all road. Tinware 0J every description, best quality Tea and Coffee Pots, Crumb Tray and Brush, Pie, Cah Dairy, Milk Pans, Cwpi ihrcs, Qannisters, Fry, Drip, Muffin Paw. Given away free with AMERICAN'S -BEST Teas, Coffees, Spices Great Amantean ImpottInq Tea Co. Wo nlso soli China, Crockery, Glassware Clienpost Trices in America. 171 Commercial itreet. Wrlta for Catalotru. NINU WBHM DIIOWNBO ON KOOTJONAI I.AKB, UUaatar Ovortook tha 0tmor Alnawnrth ' ami Hht flunk Nr I'lhH Uy- ' , Ut ot pruwnad, I NICfilON, II, C. Nov. W.-Tht Aim worth, a ainull atnamnr plying Itctwoen Nalion anil Hunuir' ferry, wa wrmkml liut night during a alonn on Kouteniil laka, all of hr craw ai thrra puaiwn gar heir.g drownnd. 'Pha Alnworitl left Nolion lt vniiig on hnr regular trip, Whan ahuut lx inllea aouih of I'llot buy nit about two and a half mil from hora, ilwrtng a hnavy , alia waa alrui k by a iitl and vorninnnced luklng In walrr, 'ilia captain liiaibMl hi-r for Ih ahora, hut ah rlw1 ovrr on hr alda, nillug linmmimtaly. 11m iiiiiignr drowned war Churlc Canttxll, a iiixrchanl of Kimkanuok, and two ludlnii of Kunkanook. fai'liilu Icn, Klrt lCiiainr Kan and Imnrinlly, a diH.khnnd, rvachail ahor In a pfflxtat. Tha bln of tha crow, wlioaa nuine ara aa follow, were drowned: I'l-rry, mat. Jainr McNulll, flrcmwi. Julia Uufln, pwr.l. Juai-ph ImvI, datkhaud. '. Ilumo, cook. Itia aeond aiurlnM'r, whoaa nunui can nol ta learned at III prnl, waa alao at. Th Alnworth waa owned by lira dun Kroa., of I'llot bay mltcr, NKW I'llKHlDKNT. HUATriJC, Nov. JOITraiik Tlnrrepolnl llravoa. lata nrnildafit of lha urilvcmllv of Wyoming, waa formally lnaugurald aa prealdnnl of lha unlvrlty of Waah- Ington today. TIIK HTKAMEIt l(ltTL.ANU 1jHT vrV CAl'B COD. Carried Over On Hundred i'rioni, Non of Whom Kacaprd leath-tilxten XJodle Uncovered. I'HOVINfBTOWN, Ma., Nov. I.-Th Itwinahlp l'orlland, plying Ixtwiwn Iloa ton and Portland waa wIIowhI up by th a during laal Hunday'a atorm off High Head. Of all lha ihlp'a company of over IU) tout, nol una urvlvd, and th atory of lha dlaatr will naver ba told, tfllleen bdle have coma aahore, and It I not likely that many inor will be rcvrd. nciiooNtni lxT. I'UOVINCICTOWN. Mai., Nov. VO-Tha achuoii.r King 1'hlllp. of Kali lUver, ha Imn totally wrw krd on lha cap. Tho crvw, probably numbering 10 men, ha t .r en uU tloNK 1KVN Willi THIItTKEN ON IIOAIlD Piece of llambuu lick! I'p In lha Hurf Tvll lha Hlory of ilia of th M.hoonrr Whit Wini;. ri.Y5tUl.TII. Ma.. Nov. .-A phce f baiulxMj pi, ked up In th urf here today brought a iory of death and the loa of III choonrr Whit W.nga. of Oloui ealrr, In Hie re exit atorm. It con tained III following innaagei "We will l lal thirlreu of ua. Ill the inhiit iihoomr win in wing, from ! (lliiucealrr. Have no bottle lit put It In; everything la gone. W at about la go on a raft. Henry Wllller and Frank Haaklng ar dead. If 1 could only my wife and darling child again. M.gm4 "Albert Mlmmoni." A body wa found yesterday morning on th oulalde beach near Powder I'ulnl brnlg by lha Ournel .Hfraavlng crew, clad In ollakln. marked "Haley," and I thought to be that of one of th four Nurwell men reported miaaiug from their hooting bu near Ih' mouih of North river. TIIK L'.NIU.N PACIFIC rCttlllNO TO A8T0KIA. Humored on Ih New York Stock Ki rhang That It Hoa Acquired Con. trol of th O. It. N. NBW YOUK. Nov. I0.-Th eff.-cl of th l.ghlenlng money market abroad today waa to throw a burden of liquida tion on th local atock market; Interna tional atocki, of rourae, ahowtng the greatv! weakneaa. In View of the large Ovrman holding of Northern I'acJIIc, It wa. pprhaii, natural thai the hock should be moat acutely felt, tiut there remnlna torn feeling of appri-henalon (till of th relation between the Northern I'aiitlc and It comiH-tltor. The atory reported to account for the irMvtli of the I'nlon Pacllto I that of th formation of a plan for the ex change of Oregon Hltort Line atock for I'nlon Pacific common dock. Thli only confirm th rumored aggrcialva ilrengiliriiliig nf Ha uaourcca, rather than Ita realgnatlon to an accomplished agreement, aa the Oregon tiliori Lino owm a majority of the common Hock of the Oregon Navigation, and thui In- ure an outlet for tho Union Pucirtc to the Northwest coast. Thn Inter strength In tho market radi ated from Iho I'nlon raclllc. NKW YOltK. Nov. M-riuna are re liorted to be making for (lie exchange lino lha I'nlon lSuatlo rullrond common sunk of the outstanding share of the Oregon Hiillroml A Navig.ilhm C'oinany. Till operation, aa prevloualy oontem- pluted, would assure the I'nlon Pncino IHTpotunl control of the Oregon Bhort Line, and more direct guidance of Ita aflnlr. Tho Oregon Bhort Line Com. pany owm the key of the Oregon Navi gation Connelly' common stock. liiMiir Ing an outlet for tho I'nlon l'nclllc rail road to the northwest const. The ex chiniKo may '! put through In a short tlmo. The Kvenlng Post' Ixndon llimudul cublivfum suys: Northern IMclllc was eKcliilly sold today, It being reported that tnnolliitlona had 1eeii broken ofT with tho Or;on Navlgntlon t'onifaiiy. succeeds Dit. imiuaa. NEW YOUK, Nov. 30.-fiev. Thomaa Hull will li" t aucueed his father, the Into Itev. Dr. John Hall, m pastor ot the Fifth ftvenue Preehyteriiin church, for ho tin accepted tho chulr of the Chrlitlun Ktlilc In' the Union Thoologlcal Sem inary which wai vacated by the Rov. Clmrlos A. Orlgg. When the Urlgga wntfoversy wua at It height, Dr. Thoa. Hall wm prominent among tho support ers of Dr, IlrlgK. In many germoni, aa well a In writing to tho religious press, Dr. Hall defended Dr. llilBB' exposition of doctrine. Dr. Htill'l lucvuasion to the pulpit of tho Klfih avenue church waa suggested Immediately nttor tha death of his hither, tiut slron" opposition devel oped because of his doctrinal record and tho subject wua dropped. Dr. Hall grud uutod from Princeton Unlvqralty . tn the class of 1S70. lie matriculated In Union Seminary, and eventually became t,h pai tor ot acverul churcheg In Chicago. ' OrtDERED TO VALPAHISO. , WASIUNQTON. Nov. 30,-The Oregon and Iowa have been ordered to proceed from Montevldo to Vulparlso, whore further order will await them. imAMKN'M WAI1 flEWCED. AN k'llAXOIekXi, Nov. aO.-Tha tihlp owner Airfx'latlon, which control ooast-wlaa ahrpplna;, today d' lured a raduotlim of K a nvmlh In wag for all nlniei af isaman. Tha nw r:hdula fol low! On nnl ship, 25; on veaael to Honolulu IX; to MeiUan porta, IK on lundNir vesaeli, 2U, Tha presanc ut o many unnrnfiloyml nllor In port I ;lvn by swunen aa lha cans of th reduction, and It Ik antlotpatd thai tha Jailors' Union will tad antl'm In the matter, Tha prseit scale Is the lowest ever paid Mune-n on th coast. MNMEEO OIL COMIIINATION. NEW YOUK, Nov, .-The Journal and Advertiser y that It. C. Eddy, a lawyer from Chicago, who hi been In Mils oUy for two days, haa pr,(l(illy silrceedod In gelling a eornblnall'in of th llnsead nil Interest of th country, stock of th prominent linseed oil Inter ! In ft i United Slate having been (changed for stock In Ih new organlia tlon. It la anld th capital of lha new combination will b fixed at t,(W,W, DEHKCHATION OF THE FLAO. '1IK'A00. Nov. 30-Tha flag commit tee of th Hon of th American Revolu tion and Hoclrly of Colonial War, In Illinois, and th American Flag A"Ha lUm of (Irealtir New York mailed todav tM0 pamphlet entitled "Iaorrar1on of th American Flag and Prohibitive Igls, lalli.n " in ail n.rla of lha United Hlalea. A cojiy waa alau -nt lo each member of th Firty-nnn and the newly rinded rnmlra of th Fifty-sixth congres. MEIICEDK0 WILL UK ItAIBKD. NOnFUl.D, Va.. Nov. JO.-Tb Merrltt Wre king Company reireantatlve her ay that a contract haa been entered Into with lha government lo rale tha Relna Mwedea, auiik In Ih mouth of Bantlago harbor, and TorlrieT her to Norfolk. A0U1NALDO WANTB MONEY. MADRID, Nov. .-Tha government haa rlve4 an Imt'iiant dlapatch from th Philippine, In which It la stated that AgutnaMo, th Insurgent leader, demand tl.hD.otD for tha relaaa of lha imprisoned friar. THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel McRlcr 6c Wright, Props. Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINEKAL KATCK, I'KI'l'E kTxOISLE. KICK0KY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LiyiOKS, KIXES, UEEK AND CIGARS Bervetl Dny nnd Nlfftit. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Manager HOflE-flADE Taffies, Caramels, Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. THE RUSSELL : : : Compound Automatic Engine ; 1 3 iTff v'"'' Strong mul Economical. Write us for particulars. A. II. A ERII.L, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. . ' Portland, Oregon, NO SHAM SALE! Having: determined to move our business back to the city of Portland ' we hereby offer our entire stock of t Ladies' aiid Gents'; underwear, Em-. broderies, Lace, Notions, Toys and Oriental Fancy Goods, everything, to i be. sold below cost , , , . ;: Chas. Kaii S Co. ... 367 Commercial St. L. LEBECK BCnrpotitvr'! and Hulldr 1 f . , CJenil Contractor : MOUSB RAI5IN0 AND novia a upkcialtv ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. liave P. Xiorla (Dally) TArriViT a m p.m. I Portland and Aitorta'p m.a.m. f .nu I ;W'rcpree train via H.ibH.lV Knappa, i iinnn, wi- oort. ClalskHnla. Oolil: connection at Ootlo for lha Ksst and fuaei Houna point. M M l-M Astoria. Seaside and : 7:E New Astoria rsasenger trains, via warrcnion lnd Flavel. 1. 301 Hundav Hunters' pao- Hal Astoria to umaidai All train excepting tha Sunday hunt er' apedal, leaving Astoria going to Sea side and returning from Beaalde, run on tha Klava. Branch. MAYO, a. r. p. a- PnrAT TICKETS if ijTHE' 'o - ll0pLVPOlHTS EAST Through jpalaot and tourlat alaapara, dining and library observation ear. ELEOANT VESTIBULE TRAIN. No. 4 Limited leave Portland at l No. I Limited arrtvaa Portland at 11:11 a. m. For rataa, ate, call or addie -4 ar t AttuuLilmiV KM, FT , AJ UlOOOilrt X . Agent O. R. K Aatorla. or B. C. DENNI8TOI. u. r. T. A.. Portland. Or. a- LOUVRE Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... andABSOLUELY PURE The North Paeiflo Brewerr, of wbicl Mr.JeliO Kopp ia proprietor, make for )iuieaio and export truda. B-ittlil tier for fhmil uae, or txer an plirl al any time, delivery in Hie city fre. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Chocolates and Bon- t' wBffrr.TiT; mji I is I 'II li li fcn, l. a. .. , l-A V r ciiiEr or roucE sale. NjIIp l hefl.y kSv.ii tiut ty vS.-f.i.1 of a;,t f r tt.i roM 1 ''-t "' i " fingueiit aasosinu nt for thi Improv.rrrr nt In th elty of A"rl. 'rrfn. ni: Hind trt, tnm Kortjf-Mioi4 to F'orty treH, rt'.ly JsnnM y h s-i t ami t)''ll'" J'''1: "f ii'1 Htr, .v llri ifn trf tha riir,rii', finnrll f tt.HA cliv )! warrant t1na liel tha 17m najr of Ootztiee, 18'A to m a)lr'll, and tha nm.eninit an whU-h sn-int arn'mniln lo II .44 With Intaraat Ihere'm s.l tha rata of I be- nt t tr annum from tia Jut ! y of Yureh, IM, and lelna: eunlmt Hie fylWwIna ntwiiMl perawn towlt: K, Marlon and H. MnCVrmack, owner of tha followln derllet rnj lrortV, lowtt: lot 2a. blx-h I, aa suli rtlvI'M In tha l'rt of V.T Astori.i, a laid out and rwTded b John i!ir. and also naraltiM aatd uaTVled protu rty, and whlh warrant wimihiuIj tti to make levy nim ami sale 01 mi1 a'Tllied profierty. In orner to llfy snid warrant and aald ""'nM and lo rdlier with the tn(eirt th-reon and tna coai and esf'nsea of ul'l aula, snd pursuant to aald warrant and the cdin rnatnla therein eonta.ned, I did. on th 171 h dV of NOV"tnMT. l-'A duly levy upon the above diserlhe'l ri property, and I will, on the 16th Any ot Ieinl,er, at the hour of 11 o'clo'k '.n th f'rrenoon of ld day, at the court hoime door, towlt: the etitranre of slid rotirt hoiiM on Klethth street, In the City of Astoria, County of (,tlcm Stale of OreK'm, ell Bld d-orl!d real property at public aiir-tlorn to the hlKheet bidder (or eash. In U. B. oid eofn. to satisfy said fciweanient, the trin reat thoreon, nd tha exieta and ezpensea of 'ii aa aforesaid, and tba a.-rniln eosta. Dnted at Astoria, Ore(n, th 17th day or X,ovet.r. R HA 1.tYK, Chief of Tolic of Asfrrla, ciiiep or roucE sale. Notlea la hereby lven that by virtue of a warrant for the eolle lion of a de linquent aasoasTi.'nt for the Impr'cment In tha elty of Ast'rla, Orn, towtt: liond atrel, frrm lo Forty- nf'.n iret, miiy iaU"H py tna aun tor and poll' JudK of aald eltv. by direc tion fit tha common ernjncil of said city, ntd warrant O-trie; dMed lha 17th day of October, lw. to me directed, and tha mmt on whk-n aTirind amounting to U.M with Inter eat thereai at tha rata of i per cent per annum from tha list iny or Mren, li. ano oanf aapunei ui followln; named persona, twwlt: R. Marlon and II. McCormack, owner of tha follo!na daacrlbed real property, towlt; lot U. bloek I, iul rtiMt In lha Port of t'nDar Astoria. aa laid out and reoordad bv Adair, and aiso !net aald ttmrrVmi properly, and whVb warrant enmand me to make levy upon and aale of aald de- orlte propea-iy, orcer 10 aeaisrv mui and anld semM and to- rieiher with tha Internet thereon and th eneta and expense cf aald aate. and pursuant to aald warrant and lha com ma nua tnerisn eonta:nea, uin. on ina l?ih day of November, duly levy Upon the above deeertoed real property, and I will, on th Win day of December. at the hour of 11 o'cloek In tha f.nenoon of aald day. at th court bouse done, towlt: the entrance of aald eourt boua on Ftahth tre-t. In the City of Astoria, Cvunty of Clatsop, Stale of Oreaon. sell sld oeacrtlwd real property a,t public aurth-rti to the hlKheat bidder for nib. In V. 8. aoid coin. 10 satisfy aald aweaament. the Interest thereon, and the coat ana ezpensea 01 saie as ar,,rnHtd. and tha ;cnilnr costs. r;ntwl at Aetona. Orecun, lb 17: h day of November, urn. R AtxorK Chief of Police of Astoria, Orcein. CHIEr OP POLICE BALE. NoUa Is he .-by rriven that by vlrtoe of a warrant for the collection of - de- lin-jupnt asoa.t for tne .mptovetneni In the elty or Astora. treon. town Hond street, from Fort y -second to Forty fifth street, duly Itwu-vl bv the aud tor and polle Judite of said city by direc tion t.l tha common council c said city. said ararmnt tx-lna: dated ihe 17:h day of October. 1. lo me dir te.J, anil the aaewnmnnt on whWh neoltld amountlna: to 1140 with Interest thereon at the rate of 1 per cnt per annum trom tho 31st d iy of &farch, HO, anil being ncalnst the followlnr namexi persona, town: IL Marlon and H. McCormack. owner of the followlnr decrtbed real property, towtt: lot Zi, Dioca a. a uo divided In the Port nf I'pper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded bv John Adair, and also aaainat eild described property, and wh'rh warrant commanda me t$ miSe levy upon and aale ot aald J eVritwd property. In order to satisfy aald warrant and said assessment and to gether with the Interee' 'hereon and the tosia and expense of aald sale, and pursuant to said warrant and th com munes merein coniatneo, 1 ui. on me 17th day of November, taw. duly levy up.n the above described real property, and I will on th 16th day of December, life, ai tht hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day. at tha eourt house door, towlt: the entrance or sal a coun house on rTntn rreet. in me cur o Aatorla- Oountv of Osteon. State o Oreimn. aeii aald described real property at public auctkm to th hlubeat bidder for cash. In U. 8. ro!d coin, to tlfy mid araseaamcnt th Interest tnereon. and the roerts and expense or eaia aa aforesaid, and tha accruing costs. Dated at Aatorla, Oregon, th 17th day Of ,ovnar. R HALLOCK Chief of Polio of Aatori. Oregoa. ClilEr OF POUCH SALE Kotlew la herety given that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of At linqueint aseseeenient for the Improreinent In the etty of Astoria, Oregon, towlt: Hond tret, from Forty-erond to Fortv Bftn irit duly Isaued by th aud tor and nol- Judge ot aJd clt- dli-ec-ton of the cemmm council of said eltv. aaJd warrant b?ln dated th lfth day of October. IS, to ma dlrened. and th awemment on Which anacifled amounting to with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the Slst day of March. IKS, and bng aaralnet th following named person, towlt: R. Marlon and IL McCormack. owner of the following described real property, towit: lot 84, u.ock 8, aa sub oivided tn tha Port of I'pper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also aeiainst eaia described property, and wh'rh warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said de-cre-d property, In order to satis'" said warrant and aald assessment and to Rorher with the Interest thereon and the costs and expenses of said sale, ana pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein contained, I old. on the 17th day of November. 1S. duly levy upon the above described r-wl property, and I will on the lth day of December, 1S9S, at the hour ot 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said dsy. at the court house door, towit: the entrance of aald court house on Ktarhth street. In the City of Astoria, County of Clatsop. State of Oregon, sell ald described real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. In V. 8. go,d coin, to satisfy sniu assessment, the Interest thoreon. and the cost and expenses 01 sale aa aforesaid, and th accruing costs. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, tha 17th day of November. 1SS8. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLIC3 SALE. Nntlr Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the colle-tion of a de linquent assesdinent for the improvement In the city of Astoria. Oregon, towit: Itond street, from Forty-second to Forty fifth street, dulv Issued by the aud. tor and police luJsre of saJd city, oy dirtt tlon of the common council of sul'l city onid warrant being dated the IT'.h day of October. 1S18. to mo directed, ami the assessment on which specified amounting to tl'.ltf with interest thereon at the rate of 8 wr cent tier annum from the 51st il-ty of March. iS. and bolng npilnst the following mimed persons, towlt: R. Marion and II. McCorm owner of tho following described real proiwrty, towlt: lot 27. block S. hs sub divided In the Port of I'pper Astoria, as Itild out and recordod by John Adtilr, and also ngulnst id described proiwrty, nnd which wurrant commands me to miike levy upon nnd sale of said d scr.bed property, In order to satisfy suld warrjint and said assessment and to gether with the IntBiwt thereon and the i-osta and expenses of said sale, and pursuant to sa.d wrrnt and the coin nmtids theroln oontained, I did. on the 17th dav of November, im. duly levy upon the bove desortoed real property, and I will, on he 16th dny ot Decemoer. lsia, at the hour of U o'clock in the forenoon of id day, at the court house door, towlt: the entrance of aald court house on EtRhth street, In the City of Astoria, County of . Clatsop. State of Oregon, ell nid describe.1 real property for cash, ,ln U. S. gold coin, to satisfy anld assessment, the interest thereon, anil costs and expenses of said sale, and aforesaid, and tha accruing costs. l)ted at Astotfa, oregfn. the litn day of November. )m HA,0CKi Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice la hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent asesjient for the Improvement .r'a. fir"t:n. ,n v m. - ii ,1 to " wit ; 1., 1 v- OfHin'tl rt eld c(lv, n-i itirt n h dv or ' iltr--.c,t it.l fiie ...-. Ml.-I rtfi..,,intiitf 'le.twuri t tha rai J tr'Mil me jut (1 'Y s-ih; UM'nneL loti frf e.rri. al. following tuimtei ,.ina. ti II It. Marlon and U. MuCorinack, owner of lha following described real proeiriy, toit: tot 1 tilm a , aa uu (llfldid in lha l'orl of Upper Aa'ora, aa liiid out and recortlc.1 by J'lha A ! . t r, and aieo u(,iiiit (i-crii-i irti'p.ity, nrid wit "-h wurrant corornanoa nie t.t nmMo lew upon and sule 01 n ' lc si rded property, in order to satify said wurrunt aiiti aui'l hhw asment wl t'i K"ilir srltti tha in'nr'Tt tnern nnd the t'i nnd x"-ni" of raid sle, slid lurmiiM.t to aald warrant and tha cm nixnii therein coni.i md, I did. on ihe li.ti .lay of Novuuoer. lKel, Only levy up'.n tim alova d'Hi riixvl nml property, and i will, on the day of December, l-M, at ihe hour of 11 o'clock In tha forenoon of said dr. at th court house door, towit: the viitruniio of said court Ii'i'jm on Klghth aireet, In th City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, Oiale of Oregon, soli sold discrUl r.-l property l punitc auctiim to the hUhest bidder for cash. In V. H. gold coin, lo aatlefy Said ssaesstiient, th Interest thereon, and the coals and t-'ipKimes ot sale as afurmoiiii, and tha a'cnjing costs. Dated a Aa'oria, Oregon, th 17th day of November, E. HALLOCK. Chief of Folic of Astoria, Ongon. CH1EV Or POUCK SALE. Nolk Is hr"by given that by virtu of a warrant for the coiiauilon of a de linquent n ,nt for th mprivomonl In the city of Astoria, Oron, town: Hold street, from Forty-second to Fotiy ft th street, duly iaud hy the aud tor and polico Jtidifa of aaad city, by dlrec tlon of th ooinm'jn oainctl of aald city, said warrant being dated the 17m day ot Ootobor, WM. to me t"e ted, and 1h aaaeMrne.nt on which stwclfle.1 amounting to 12.44 with Interest therMm at th rate of I per cent pr annum from the list day of March, K4. and blng atfalnsl ih follow Itig named persons, to mi: R, Marlon and H. McCormack, owner of the following described real proparty, towtt, lot tt. tdok . aa un divided n h4 tir of vpjier Aioria, a laid out and rorded by John Adair, and a.o sjcamM aald derwed property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said de arritd property. In order to satisfy said warrant and said assessment and to eameir with tha Interest thereon and th eoata and expense of aald aale, and pursuant to aud warrant and tha com mand therein contained, I did. on the 17th day of Kovanu- WW. uuly levy upon the abo described real property, and I will, on th bub. day of Decemter. h. at the hour of 11 o'clock tn th forenoon of anld day. at th court boua door, to wit: th entrance 01 aiu court bouse on LI nth street. In the City of Astona, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said dtacrtbed real property ut pui.lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, in U. 8. gold com, to sat. sty said a-taestment, the interest thereon, and the ooeta and expenses of sale a aforettaid. and tha accruing costs. Ltl at Astoria. Oregon, th 17th day of November, IWa. E. HAoiaK.'K. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Nctlce Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the co.le. uon of a de l.njuen; aiaousment for tbe Intprov. w.eut In too rliy of Astoria, Oregon, towst: Homl street, from tony-second to Forty lifii s:rt, ouly IsaueV by tne aud. tor and police Jude of said city, by direc tion of the common council of raid city, said warrant being dated the 17m day of OnU-r, lxS. to me directed, and the aftrere on wh'.cn ecjiie- amotintlng to 1144 with interest thereon at the rate of I per cent per annum fra the list day of March. Mri. and being against lb following named persons, town: R. Marlon and IL McCormack, owner of the following described real proi-Tty, towit: lot 3u. block . as suo uiviiled In the Port of Lpper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded bv John Adair, and also against aald described property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upo- and sale of am de crttied property. In order to satisfy si3 warrant and said assessment and to gether with the interest thereon an- the coats and expense of saul sale, and pursuant to said warrant and tbe com mands therein conta-ned, I did. on th 17th day of November. lfoS. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on tbe 16th day of December, lvt. at 'he hour of U o'clock In tha forenoon of said day. at th court house door, towit: the entrance of aald court house on Eighth street. In the City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, Stat of Oregon, ell said described real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment the interest thereon, and the coats and expense of sale aa aforesaid, and the accruing coats. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, the 17lh day of November. 1 R jj.alLOCK. Chief of Polle of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. N'jtli I hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the oo.lectlon of a de linquent asseaa nent for 'he Improvement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towlt: Hond street, from Fori-second to Forty fifth street, duly Issued by lbs aud. tor and police Judiro of said city, by direc tion of the common council of said city, said warrant teng dated the 17th day of October, 1&4. to me directed, and th assessment on which sr-lfleu amounting to 1144 with Interest thereon at the rat of I per cent per annum !rom the Slst day of March, ISA. and being against th following named persona, towlt: R. Marlon and H. McCormack, owner of the following- described real property, 1011: lot il oiock a. ss sub divided In the Port of Upper Astor.a, aa laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also against aald described property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said de scribed property. In order to satisfy sa:d war-nt and said assessment and to- retfter with the Interest thereon and the coats and expenses of said aale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein -ontained. I did. on the 17th day of November, 1S98, duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on the 16th rlav of December, K. at the hour ot 11 o'clock In tha forenoon of said dav at the court house door, towlt: the entrance of said court house on Kigntn street, in ure citv or Astoria. Oountv of Clatsop. State of Oregon, sell said descr.oed real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. goid coin, to aatlsfv said assessment, the Interest thereon, and the cost and expenses of sale aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, tn iTtn aay of November, liSSS. E. LiOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby irlven that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent asseaa'nent for the Improvement in tne city or. Astoria, uregon, town: Bend street, from Forty-second to Forty- fifth street, duly Issued bv the auditor and police Judge of said city bv direc tion of the common council of said city, said warrant being dated the 17th day of October. ISA to me directed, and the assessment on wnion snecineu amounting tn 12.40 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 31st day of March, 1SW. and being ajralnst the following namea persons, town: R. Marlon and H. McCormack, owner of the following described real property, towit: lot 32. nlock 8, a sub divided In the Port of Upper Astoria, as iM out and recorded ov John Adair and also Hgalnst said uescrlbed property, and which warrant commands me to make lew upon and sale of said de- '-ed property. In order to satisfy said warrant and suld assessment und to gether with the 'ntereet thereon and the costs and expr""" of said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein contained. I did. on the 17th day of November, ls!8 duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will. or. the 16th day of December, 1S.W. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at the court house door, towit: the entrance of said court house on Eighth street. In the City ot Astoria, Countv of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said descnoed real property at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon, and the ooeta and expenses ot sale a aaoresald, and v accruing costs. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day of Novembor. 1838. a. HAL.UJCK. Chief of Police of Aatorla, Oregon, CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Kotiee Is herhv advei that br virtue of a warrant for tha co!!octlon of a is lifjuent aasosament for '.hs imoravement in the city of Astoria. Otegon, towlt: Bond street, from Forty-second to Fcrty flfth atreot dulv Issued v the auditor and police Jufiga of said city, by dlrec- . ... In lh i I y of A (li. r, t, fr m -'i f..''1. r" ' '- ,r;.ir"'t,;',i it t'm tf thn cois" a ud w-Arrtitil October, l.-.-'L 5 t' 12 4.) with mil of II per emit per I , of V 1 il i Wa t I.,.. H ' I .1 , ., .. . . , -, f tit 40 nn i.,ii,. t.,..,t-.a Pf K Ilr fr;r r. r wfir.i: ii Horn ir , M .r. ri. , Mm, .. ,.,u . fa! l.'!.r twin.:,; ;u r: ui. t.,'.v;i. It. Marl. 10 niut H. iVi-'i 'i'j,m.-ii rtwe.e ef 1 1". Z..'M. ....... A -..... r-.. tiroi.-rty. fair.' M 5i. td- u . in :: divided In Oil Pint f t it r AViin.., a laid out and jici .l d i;tr J,,f,n Am. ic. Blel ill -rt IKJ.1,,,1 e.i-l tir-, , . .. 1 1 (....(..lly, arid when wurrunt i-oiniiriiida ma l liuika levy iipoii and ,ue 01 iic ii. wniied propei ty. tn order to wliaiy a ,, 4 warrant and ohl ar netm ut and t ge;rmr attn tne intnreHt th.-rrnn snd II1 Suld d ! 1 aiiant to said wsirmnt and ih' emu una (unrein eunta ur, 1 ui t, on Hie 1 day of Noveinl.xr, Im. duly l. vy m tllS al.-OV deacrlhed ri-i plitperty, I I will, on the lot h dny of D'i mt.-.. in, il me tiour oi II n cite K In th forenoon ( sm.i duv. at ilia court h'"i 1 1 loerii, lue riii.tiuca 01 saiu r'Htfl is on Mirhth iri. In the llltv ,f . x....n,-,, ..n III twegun, oll sold disr'rllieil real pruperty at pulillo auction to tha hlnlicl bidder tor caan. lit u. n, gri.ti coin, to Satiar nld aaseasinenl, the lnicre( matron, arid the ar,,r , ,-'.-. iM-i..-,.'n ui aitie a reaalil. and the a.cni ng cosla. hi led at Aatorla, Oregon, th 17th day November, loA E. IU T.LOr?, Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Orignn. On Ot CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Is hereby given that by vlrtua of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent ssaeaaiiii'iH lor tha Irnj loyement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, lowit; Pond slreef, from Forty-seeond to Forty, flf'h street, duly laucd by .ae and t,.r and police Judge of aald eltv. by direc tion of tha common council of suld city said warrant being dated th 17lh dny of. Oct'wr. IVej, (o me dire I'd, and tha oav-anient on wh!h ptwified anpninting to 2K) with Interest thernon at the rate of I tier cent pr annum from th Siai day of March, l'lM, and twlng y,net tha following named personal towlt: R. Marlon and H. McCormack, . owner of the following described real property, towlt; lot U. bloc , a ut. divided In the Port of Upper Aatorla, as laid out and re-orr!ed by joun A.iair, and also against aald described property, and which warrant commands oie to Dinks levy upon and sale ot said de a rirfd property. In order to satisfy said warrant and said assessment and to riher wltn th Interest (hereon and th coats and xpenea of sain sale, end pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein contained, I did, on tli 17th day of November, K. duly levy upon the above deaerlbed real property, and I will, on the pith dy of December, M. at tin hour of U o'clock In th forenoon nf Mild day at th court boua door, towlt: the entrance of said eourt house on Ktahth street, in tbe City of Astoria, County of Clatsop. State of Oregon, Sell said desenned real property at puhlio auction to tho highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. goid coin, to satisfy said a-wssmen r the Interest thereon, and the ousts and expense of Sal aa aforesaid, and the seeming costs. Dated at Aatorla. Oregon, th 17th day of November, li'A E. HALlAJCK, Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF rOLUI SALE. Notice I hereby given that by vlrtna of a warrant for the wllm-lion of a de I nqiicnL aai?ssiient for tin lmprvement In Ihe rtty of Aitiria, Oregon, towit: Duane street, from Thlrty-nrth to Th rty. seventh street, duly Issued by the audlto and police Judg of said city by direc tion of the common council of said city, said warrant being dated the 17ht day of October, ls'el. to m dire, ted, ami rha assessment on which specified amounting to flii. with interest thereon at th rat of t Per cent per annum from the list day of Mirch. Pi. and boing against the following named person, towlt. ' Mary Adah Jordan, owner of the following described real property, towlt; lot t, block M, In th Port of Upper Astona, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also against said described property, and which warrant commands me tu make levy upon and sale of said do scribed property. In order to satisfy said warrant and said a.-a.ment and to gether with the Interest thereon and tha cost and expenses of said sale, and pursuant to aald warrant and the com manda therein oontained. I aid. on the day of November. 189. Ouly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on th 16th day of Dejnnber, lviiK, at tbe hour of U o'clock in tha forenoon of snid day. at tha court housa house on Eighth street, in the City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said described real property at public auction to the hirhesc bddr for eash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, tha Interest thereon, ana th cost and expense of sale aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, tha 17th day of November E. HALLOCK. Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIFJT OF POLICE SALE. Notice is herebv glvm that by vlrtua of a warrant for the collection of a de-liny-ient assessment for the mprovement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towit: Duane street, from Thirty-fifth to Thirty, seventh street, duly issued by the audlto and police Judge of said eltv, bv nlteo tlcn of the common' council of said city, said warrant toeing dated the 17th day or October. 1W8. to me directed, and th aaseesment on which specified amounting to S135. with Interest tnereon at the rat of 8 per cent per annum irons k..e Slst day of March. 1SS& and being aalnat th following named persona, towlt: Bertie Brenham and Laura J. Brenham, owners of tbe following described real property, towlt; lot 7. block M, In the Port of Vpner Astoria. aa laid out and recorded by John Adair, anu aiso againsi shiu oesrnueo property, and which warrant commands me to maae levy upon and sale of said de rilled property, In order to satisfy said warrant and aald assessment and to getnr with the interest thereon and th costa and expenses ot aald sale and pursuant to said warrant and the com. mends therein conta.ned, I did, on th lith day of November. 1SS8, duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on the 16th day of December, lt!ft. at the hour of 11 o'clock in tha forenoon of sold day. at tha court house house on Elerhth street, in the City ot Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said described real property at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash. In V. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon, and tha cost and expenses of sal aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, tha 17th day of November, im. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE 'SALE. Notice la hereby glve.t that by v.rtsa of n warrant for the collection of a de linquent assessment for the Improvement In the city of Astoria, Oreiron, towlt: Duane street, from Thirty-fifth to Th rty seventh street, uuly Issued by the auditor and police Judge of said city, by direc tion of tha common council of said city, said warrant being dated the ITht day of October, 18U8. to ma directed, and the assessment on which specified amounting to ti'M. with Interertt thereon at the rata of 8 per cet.t per annum from e Slst day of March, W6. and bolntf against the following named person, towlt, Katy Adair Welcher, owner of the following described real property, towlt lot t. block 4, In the Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also against said described property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said de-jr-'Vd property, In order to itlsfy said warrant and said assessment and to gether with the Interest thereon and the costa and expenses of said sale, and pursuant to sa,d warrant and the com mands therein contained, I did. on th 17th day of November. I. duly levy upon the above descrlhed real pronerly, and I will, on the ltith day of December, . 1818. at the hour of U o'clock in tha foienoon of mild dav. nt the court house house on Eighth street, tn the city of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, aelt sold described real property at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash. In V. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the interest thoreon, and the cost arid expanse- 'of saie aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at ABtorta, Oregon, tha 17th 0"y of November. UN. HALL0CK Clitef of Pollco of AstorU. Oregon. The Choicest Table Wines... Carlson's FamilyLIqaor Store