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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1898)
TliK DAILY ASTORIA N, THVttiWAY MOKMN DECEMUKH I, lltUS JOHN T. Editor. Telephone No. M. TEnwa or sunscnipnoN. DAILY. Bent by mud, per year Bent by nill. pr month Served by curler, per month..... SKMI-WKKKLY. ,.tw .. .50 Sent by null, per year, la edvane....i0 Postag free to All communications Intended for publi cation should be 01 rode J to the editor. Uuslnes communications ot all and remittance must be addressed to "Tin Aitorian.'' Th Atorlaa guarantee to tta adver tiser tha largest circulation ot any newspaper published on tb Colunib-a rlvar. Advertising rate can b had on appli cation to tha buslne manager. Tha opening ot tha new year will wit- nes tha introduction ot a novel and la toreetlng plan which la to ba tried by tha United State poatal department It uooeaaful It wtU fee of dlroct benefit to real 1 ants ot rural sections, but all wh us th nails rap advantage from very enlargement of tho rvtc. Tha extension whlctt la soon to bo Introduced la called traveling post office and con lata of a wagon and horse, or feorsea, with t driver wto reootvee and deliver 1st tars, supplies postag stamp, register letters, and sells nosey orders. Whan bustc pas is brisk two men will run tha wagon, one to drtv. and tha other to At tend to tha post office. It Is tha Idea to keep these wagon gonig la rural oi trlcts removed from poatal centers, sad thereby offer complete facilities to real dents at their very doors. Thus Journeys to the post office and wide awake Ameri cans must hare their tnaH every day .11 be made unnecessary, and the receipt and delivery of lettera will be nor prompt and reliable thaa at present. Be sides being ot advantage to rural resi dents, mervhants In large cities, who do a great deal of business by correspond ence, will undoubtedly find that the mall wagons will greatly facilitate this de partment of their trade. But the most important consideration In connection with this Innovation Is the treat Impetus that It win unquestionably five to the it correspondence of residents of the rural districts, and the consequent increase In government receipts which It will moke. Every Improvement Introduced by tha postal department In the past has been followed by aa enlargement of Its busi ness, and If the traveling post turns out as rood as It looks. Important rains will certainly be secured. rnless the proper precau tions art taken, death will lurk in every home. It dor the foot steps of taos band, wile and child'en alike. If the hatband is an ambitious man, the IrT. ,1...... 'ih thst be will Lt H-il'i V i L v J rS overwork and 1 ovprsnnr .rtrl ' take inut5- cient time to I I rest, eat and -i - . . Via nt-w ( j. 1 but tnilir? ill J effects from hit inducrction. I Then he will suffer from headaches, loss of appetite. ovs f sleep, lassitude iu the morning, d:oi ncss during the day and a general "out of sorts " feeling. If these conditions are neglected, almost any serious malady may be the result Frequently it is some nerv ous disorder or dread consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine for hard-working men. It gives edge to the appetite, makes digestion snd assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies snd enriches the blood. It is the great blood maker and flesh builder. It cures 98 per cent of all cases of chronic or lingeriag, bronchial, throat and lung affections. All too frequently, death dogs the foot steps of the wife, in the guise of weakness ana disease of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of wifehood snd maternity. There is an unfailing cure for disordera of this nature. It is n. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It sets di rectly on the sensitive organs concerned, making them strong, hesitby snd vigorous. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. They are sold at all medicine atores. During early childhood death lurks in every corner for these fragile innocents. The motner can only protect her babes by acquiring some practical medical knowl edge. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser imparts this knowledge. For a paper -covered copy send 21 one -cent stamps, lo cover cos! of mailing only, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Clotu )inding 31 stamps. Acker s Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cure heartburn, rlslna- of food, distress after eating, toy form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. and CO cents. For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. Women after marriage, says the Natural Enemy, are a thing of beauty and a jaw forever. OABTOniA, Bears ths IH M Yon Havt Always Co-gfit The will of George A. Ward, ot Ablng. ton, III., contained a bequest of his filre Jeeth to the Congregational church. The ctidrvi with rare good senKe, accepted the legacyarjd sold the teeth for 127. Mr. Hardin Slorrli, clerk of the drug store of H. Shoemaker, Perry, III., says: 'A man came Into our atore the other .day and'sald, 'I want a bottle of that tuff that saves children's lives. I read In the News about It The children may get sick when we can not get the doctor quick enonph. It's the medicine you sell for croup.' " He alluded to Ctiamberkln't Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be fore he left tha store. For sale by Chas. Rogers, druggist I& t rsM t 4 i 4 ii M I 1 awl tlA it i 5" "Gimm my SH, Jim, quick 1 caal stop thJi trip." One will go a long way out of the way to get Seal of North Carolina smoking tobaccoo The old settlers and ranchmen know its good points and that nothing has ever been made that makes a better smoke. Tho Original Plug Cut Always the same Mild and Cool. Emperor William's Tislt to ralest'.ne. perhapa. was just to see what portion of Turkey he preferred. Acker's English Remedy will stop courS at any time, and will cure the worst cold la twelve hours, or money re run Jed. S and H cents. For sale by Estes-Cona Drue Co. The scjueese in ribs at Chicago Indicates that the bulls are somewhat boisterous in embracing their opportunity. OABTOniA Ti. k -j u.. ,1 . .1 . tk. 1, Biiatars f Tha latest sensation of Paris Louie de Rougemont'a real name has been proved to tha sails faction of his unbe lievers to be Grin. So the best be can do now la to Grin and bear L Luurtant hair, ot uniform color, la beautiful head covering for either aex. and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table 8lclUsn Hair Renewer. e The New York Times, having accused President McKlnley of "wobbling" In his English. Is brought up with a round turn hv the Boston Herald. "So does the Times." It says. People don't wobble" In English. They wabble. OABTOIIIA Betrstae 131 1.1 rjnjrarj dkj l tsl Ya Haw Lirars Bigaatua of When Mr. Chamberlain arrived at Liv erpool, on his return from his recent visit to this country, he was met by a num ber of n-porters who desired to get his views. "No. not on this side." said the colonial minister, with a smile. "I only grant Interviews on the other side." Moki Tea pos tlvely curee sick heada Indigestion and constipation. A dellsht.'ul beru drink. P.emovea all eruptions or the skin, producing a perfect compleslon. or moner refunded. 25 and 50 cents. For a: by Eates-Conn Drug Co. The Rev. Frank Crsne: Many th.ngs In the Bible are not for me, just as many things In the drusr store I have no use for. but others need them: The question. therefore. Is not what all the Bible means to everyone, but what Is Its particular message and medicine to me. Pains In the chest when a person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A pice of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound 00 to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly r!leve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will cure lame back In a fow hour. Kor sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. The Maria Teresa. It appears, has held en to her course due downward, to Join the rest of the Spanish fleet. TO CX.-P.E A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ml drugplsts refund the money If It falls to cure. 2S cents. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. ' The fin d slecla young man does not want to leave footprints cm the sands of time, but carriage ruts. BDCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE BE3T SALVE tn the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores,! Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all 8 kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. .Price S cents rxr Voa. Tw sale by stes-Conn urug Co There are more theaters In proportion to Its population la Italy than elsewhere In the world. PLATED OUT, Dull headache, pains In various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of tha stom ach loss of appetite, feverishnes, pimples or sores ere all positive evidence of Im pure blood. No matter bow It became so It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Ellzer baa never falle to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi sons or any other blood disease. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and w sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sal by Estea-Conn Drug Co. M J,..u -4 I m TiiW r 1 Urlght red spevtavles acvompanled by Internal dose of calomel form a new (.TrrnianTsiwcirio against seanleknes. It is deduced from Epstein's ltivtlKatlons on the tafluenc of color on the blool vessels In the brain. 8easlrkness is du to a la. k or blood In the brain, whMe red sends blxl to the brain wlih arus h. I!y looking at one point for some time the patient Is cured radleally. That the blood should perform Its vital functions, it la sbsoluiely necessairy It should not only be pure but rich In life giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standsrd blood purifier. Avers' Sarsspa tilla A girl serving a life sentence in the Anamosa. Ia., penitentiary, recently com mitted suicide by eating spider. A bag of spider was found in the cell after her death, and a post mortem examination revealed the Insect In her stomach. There is no acountlng for some women's taste. Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and la pleasant and aafe to take. Sold by Charles Rogers, druggist. Sir John Voce Moore, the new lord mayor of London, Is one of England's great tea merchants. He Is 71 years old and has been In public service since 1S70. when he became a menwer of the com mon council. He was sheriff m ISM snd was knighted In that year at the opening of the Tower bridge. YELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every mean possible for Its relief. It I with pleasure ws puplish ths follow ing: "Tbla la to certify that I waa a ter rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by som of the best physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitter; and after taking two bottle. I was entirely cared. I now take great pleasure In recommend ing them to any person suffering from tbls terrible malady. I am gratefully your. M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." iiold by Estea-Conn Drug Co The late Prince Hlsmarck stopped one day at an Inn hi the Black Forest and called for a cup of chicory. The aston ished landlord brought him about a gill. "That's all I have In the house," he snid. "Are you sure?" asked Bismarck. "Vis, roeln Herr." "Very well," said the prince, throwing the stuff away, "now make me some coffee." DISCOVERED BY A W';MAN. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady In tbla country. "Disease fastened It clutches upon her and for seven years ah withstood Its severest tests, but ber vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent For three month ah coughed Incessant ly, and could not sleep. ESh finally dis covered a way to recovery, by purchas ing of a bottle of Dr. Xing' New Dis covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that ha slept all night; and with two bottle, baa been absolutely cured. Her name Is Mr. Luther Luti. Thu write W. C. Hamnlck Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottl free at Estea-Conn Drug Co. Regular ! Mc and tlOO. Every bottle guaranteed. Tho Rev. Elmer Yocum, who died at Kllbourne, Wis., last week, was the only surviving member of the general Metho dist conference, which, before the cml war,' tried and suspended a bishop for marrying a woman slave owner, a dc. cla-lon that led to the separation or Methodism, North and South. illott's Nerverine Pills The grw remedy for nervous pro- (ration ana IT ah nervoui V.- lidueastiof the 4, '-if- ..It... .f itMS r.iau wt- i'tfouitaKD AKiut lsinu. pans of either ex. such as Nervous Prostration. Failine 0 &5t itlanhood, Impotency, NigiUiy Emis. lions, Youthful Errors, Menial Worry, ex- ciulvt tut ol 1 obacco or tfpiam, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $f.0C xt box by mads 6 boxes tor )m WTTS CHEMIWl CO.. Proc'i. C!land. fihi For sal by ESTES-CONN DRUG CO. itUL 1 j'.Vl ' NOTICR OF TlMNO A9H)rWJBNT noi.t, and micktino or muitn OP EQUALIZATION. , Notice Is herty (Ivm to all persona whtHnswer that thnrw has beeet n-ported lo the Cutnmon vurHil ot the city of Astoria. Orrston, 'by lit Uoerd ot Aase sors ot a.Kl city, siwlally coivstltutsd fir the purHws hlnattr eaiirsssed, a HiKxinl Assessment tss the Improve mnt In said city known as the Klevmrth MtreV Suwivr Improvement, and which assessment Is shown on the sivM as seasniMtt roll for saKI asiMtmsit, whU-h has been filed In the ottlce ot the under signed. Is oHn fvr InsiKVllon and Will so remain until Tuesday, Drvrmber IS, lsvi. at 10 o'clock a. m.. s hlch time (he llou-d ot Kqiiallsatlon for said as ssmeiit, constslltet of (he aforesaid llmM of Assessor and the Conimlltee oil Strwis and I'lihlio Ways of the timnon Couia-ll of said otly ilt meet In the VouiHll ttiaiiibers of lli I'My 1111 ot said city, to review and rqunllse said Assi-esment. All objivtlona to said assessment must bo lllid with the undersigned on or be fure the time ot suld meeting. lly order of tho said Common Council Dated at AMrU. lUvgim. November . IS 11. K. MCI.HON. Auditor and I'ulloe Judge City of Astoria, Own, ClltKP OP 1H.UCK BALK. Notice Is herbv given tUt by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a ile I njunit Af svs-n-,nt for th Improvement In the city of Astora, Dreaon, town: Hold street, from Korty-eeooiid to Forty nrtlt street, duly Issued by the auditor and police Judsre of sid city. ty direc tion of the common oouiuil of sa.d -nv, saJ-1 warnint telii dated the 17th dsy of OHolH-r, liiM. to me dire.-d. and ths aasrwnmenl on lvh specified amounting to U) with Interest thereon at the rate of I per ceut pee anaum fso.a tha list dsy of March, 1SN. and being aewinsl the following named persons, town; R. Marion and U. aloConnack, owner of the followtnaj described real nrooorty, lowlt, Kt 17. bio. a I, as sub divided In the rirt of Ui-er Astoria, aa laid out and recorded ly John Ailatr and also MalruM sld desiflb. pnn'eny. and which warrant commaiula me to make levy upon ami sale ol earn d"; scrtted protwty. In order to satiety said warrant and ld aseeswnent and ! goiher with the Interest thereon and the ieta and expenses of sM sale, ami pursuant to said warrant snd the com mands therein eontained. 1 did. on the Kih dsy of November. lM. du.y levy uon the above described real property, and I will, on the lth ly of Deceuioer, bet. at the hour ot U 0 clock In the forenoon of said dv. st the court house door, lowlt: the entrance of said court house on KiKhth street. In the t tly of t.inrii uniy ot riatsot). Stele of Oregon, sell snli deacrlteu real iroiieriy t dud o suoi on to ins inkne-i hl.l.ler for csh. in U. S. gold coin, 10 saiufy an Id siwessment. theinlorest hereon, snd the com and expense of sale ss aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Onted at Astoria, Oregon, the IT ih dny of November, Is E. HAI.UH'K. Chief of Police 04 AstorU. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE tAl.E. Is hereby given that by viruie of u warrant tor the collet lion l II io,u,iit ajw-SHincnt for tne Improvement In the fit y i'f Atr:u. lreK-.n, lowlt: liold street, frim Forty-second lo K"riy (It'll sirtot. limy Issued by llio sud.tor and police Jutlge of sutid city, bv -llreo-tlon of the lonninn council of sa.I cliy, said warmnt being diUed tho 17ih ilsy of October 1M. lo ma dire. led. n l the assessment on which specified umoiinllng to K.M wt'.h Interest thereon at tlio rate of i per cent tx-r .tnnum (roll! the J.nt dny of March. 1. and being axMnst the folloving named person, tuwlt: R. Marlon and II. Mevvrmack. owners of the following described real property, tow-tt. lot W. block . as sub divided In the -ort of t'pper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John . .air, and also aguinst said described nrcmrty. and warrant commands ma to Bisk levy upon and sale of mix de stirtned property, in order 10 satisfy tald warrant snd suld sem-ssmenl snd to gether with the Interest thereon snd ths costs and eiperuM of said sals, ami Dursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein eontaned, I did. on the Kia day of November, ID, duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on the Mtb dsy of December, laA at the hour of 11 o'clock la the forenoon of said dav at ths court house door, lowlt: the entrsnce of said court house on Eighth street In the Cltv of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said described real proieriy at public suction to the highest blUiter for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said smessment. ths Interest thereon, ami the costs and expenses of sale ss aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated st Astoria. Oregon, ths 17lh dsy ot Noventbar, ISM. E. HALLOCK. Chief ot Police of Astoria. Oregon. A clergyman In Alabama severely re bilked a your: woman who brought a "well Judged" man before him and asked the minister to marry them. Perhaps It wasn't the poor girl's fault snd that It is the only way she could gt-t hltn. TWO ItilNTED QUESTION! AN SWERED. What Is the use of making a better ar ticle than your competitor If you cannot get a better price for It? Ans. As there Is no difference In Ihe price the public will buy only tho better, so that while our profits may lie smulb-r on a single sale they will be much grciter In the aggregate. How can you get the puol c lo know your make Is the best? If both articles are brought prominently before the public both are certain to he tried and the public will very quickly pass Judgment upon them nnd use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Oough Remedy. The people have been using It for yenrs and have found that It can always be depended unon. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth exaggerated claims, but arc certalt. to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coughs. colds and croup there Is nothing equal to tnamberlttln's Cough Remedy. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. i-i- ft 19 Bnn,-! reoifti f.,r (ioiiiu 1 hu I'.i-ei, Hsereiaiorrfio 1 WiHim, unnsliirsl ili. I chaw. r,r sur lufUnim lion, Irrltstitio ur ulttr tloo of bun eons mutt IrHitMSjOMlS'rilCA brsnes. Noa-aitrlDiHil wn in piain wrappt-r, i ff), ur a troti)-.. Circular mu! od rttuiwfjt WHITE COLLAR LINE ColumDta River and Puget Sound Navi gation Company. Telephone leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. . Leaves Portland dally sxcept Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets Interchange"1'! on Telephone, T. J. Poller and it. it. Thompson for Astoria snd all way points, Flavt-I, livtaco, oeaview, ing jiuucn, snu ( Nahcotta, C. W. STONE, ' TJ, B. SCOTT, Astoria Agent. ' President Tc'enhone No. 11. IQ1Q1 Mormon BlKnoDtt' Plt( Cbtirrh ut..f i4owos J'rtb.i of Klf'SiNM, liK.ipalum, tUJt k, M iIk M sMtsynaiwb, wUk t Imm. CbuSm Urn. '"-yisiMirs.J 4f Ossruue) B e ttot iu ttmisTs. s frntnu si-mlss. V X A 1 v.: -A N-r5.ei t Kim potanoy, tost Power, Nlght-Lofses. r)ermaormoa insomr rnli.r-lira II Stamlnal iijl mlllss. lllSI t1R t. N blllty, Hadncha unritnass to "snrry, oii or rjri rjmen, 7'"'""-'-f i?.'tA!Z: liliP ?i S.tSTni. I cm s U hfri im.ll, n.le..loel CHIEF OF POtJCIO HALM. Notice Is hereby glvm thM by virtue of a warrant for the coIIm lion of a tls liliqiieiU nsrosonieltl for Ills linplMCe.rsnl III ths illy of .st Ma. Oreaon, lowlt! liortd alrtwil, from Forty-second lit Forty, ftflh street, duly (aimed bv the auditor and police Jmlge of said oily, by direc tion of th common tmi.i Ml of i cliy snd warrant being dated th lTlh day nt (Mober, lKtMl. lo ni illietle.f, and ths aaseannmnt on which snnclitod amounting lo II with luloreiit tlivretiii at the rats of I jwr rent p.M'nimm I nun ths list dsy of March, IkH and being agnliisl h Mlvwliig luiiiiett ixirsons towlti It Mariim and II. MtVornmck, owner of the ftOlowltig dnacri weu real prvtperiy. lolt, lot lb, linvk , aa suit divided In (lis 1'iM-t of I'ltper Asloriu, as laid out and nvonlinl by olin Adulr, ami l aashist suld diorilnM properly, and which warrant command me 10 make lovy iiihiii and suln of sulil de scrllietl properly, In older to satisfy said warrant and said amsNiimnt and to gniher with the luloivet thereon and lh cosla and sspt'iises ot s. sale, snd pursuant to ssitl warrant sntl the com mauds therein coniainett, I did, on ths 1 7 1 Is day of Novemner. lull, July levy upon the above descrllied real woperty, and I will, 011 the IU day of Pet-eml'er, 1MH, at tin hur of II o'clock In the forenoon ot sold dav. l III court house door, lowll: the eiiirnnce of said court house on Kitinin sirsei, in tne tliv of Astoria, tVunty of t'lalsop, Hisl of oivtoii, soil sold descrihetl real properly at puhllo Slicllon o tile hlslieal I.1.1 ..-r for cash. In U. H. sold coin, to satisfy enld sesinent. Disinterest ihnretxi. ami Ilia totals snd expense of sale as aforeaiiul. and Ihe accruing coals. I'ntrd at Astoria, .Hegon, (he llttt day of November. IsM. E. HAt.tX'K. Chief of Police ol Astoria. Oregon. C1UF-F OF POLICE SALW. Notice la hereby alye that by virtu of a warrant for the collm-ilon of a d jini lent arstsamenl tor Ih niiMViivnl In ths city of Astoria, Oregon, lowll: Hond strt, from Forty-secoiul to Forty ll.'ih sirtet, duly Issued by the nitttitiM and police Jutls of said cltv, bv dlreo tln of the roimtioit rouni'lt of said illy, snid warrant bslug dalrd the Kth day of CV-tober, l.v. to m dim led, and ths asement on which sclrt amiintlng Id Ui with Interest thereon at th rat of I per ceut per annum trnn th list day ot March, IS and being rlnt th following named persona, tvwtt; R. Marlon and H. MoCurntack, owner of th following ecrlbd real nropse-ty. towlt, .K H. bl'M'k I ss sub dlvUWvl In the Port f Upimw Astoria OS hUd out snd nvordeat by John Adair, and aioo aaatuat suld ilet-ritsl prttporty, ami which warrant comniaixls me lo rtwkk levy uiHin and sal of said dn. siTlld pnterty. In order to ssllafy said warrant and said assessment snd to gether with tha Inlanwt thereon snd Ins coats and expenses nt said sal, and pursuant to said warrant ami th com mand therein contained. I did. on tha i;th day of Novwnoer. last, duly Vy upon th abov Jox-rlhed real properly, and I will, on th liith day of December, isri, at ths hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of snid day. st the court house door, lowlt: the emranr of said court house on Klahih street. In ths City of Astoria. tVuntv of t'lalsop, Ulsle of lre-on, sell snid decriiel real property at public suction to th highest bidder for cash. In U. & gold coin, to satisfy wild smeasiiienl, thlnleres ihroi, and th extols and expense ot sale as aforesaid, snd th accruing costs. 1'st.M at Astoria. Oregon, th 17th day 01 .November, 11 E. H.W.UVK. Chief of Police ot Astoria, Oregon. CIIIF.F OF PiiLICE SALE. I Notice Is her.-by slvin that by vlrlu ; of a warrant for Ihe code, lion of a d , t.n-pieM sf"sm-ni for the In pn-vei i M (In the ciiy of Ailoria. ortiin, 1011; I Itond street, from 1'oriy-sr, on, I u 1'orty ' ttfth S'ree, Jul) lu-, ty the ainl'lor 1 and police JuJue of s.nd ilty, by illrec ' lion of thn coiuiti iii con, u'll of il l city. said warruit l.finrf dalr-i th 17th day of , lictoltor, POti. 10 m tlirn. tett, and th ui-esmeiil un wh:h snecllleii smoiinllng to W 30 with Int-trest thereon at th rat of k per rent per annum from th list dny of March. lMi. slid Mug aaaliist th following uinied persons town; R. Marlon and II. M xnnark. owner of th followlnr decrlbel real , property, towlt, lot 11. bhu-k t, as sut 1 divliletl In th Port of I'pper Astoria, ss rsld out Slid re,-.rd,l by John Adair, snd also saint sil.l jesi-rileti proin-rly, snd which warrant commands m to nisst levy Un sntl ne of said d--serioed proneriv Irt order to satisfy said warrant and said aaorssmenl an to grhT with III In'erea' there,ui and th coals and expenses uf said sal, anil , pursuant to said warrant and th com mands therein rontsned. I did. on ths 17th dsy of NovemtM-r lsl. duly levy . upon th abov desentel real property, and I will, on th 14th Jay of Iembr, at th hour of II o'clock in th forenoon of suld day. at the court house door, towif ihe entrance of id court hous on IC-shm street, in th City of I Astoria, County of Clatsop. Dial of 1 Oregon, sell sold dt-rrihd real pronerty I at public suction to lh hi Ileal bt 1 ler j for cash. In V, 8 gold coin, lo satisfy said assessment, the interest thnrson, sntl . th xts and expense af sale as I aforesaid, and 'h s criung costs. listed st Astoria. Oregon, ths 17th day of November. Uv E HALLO 'K Chief of Tollc of Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF I'OLk'E SALE. I Notice Is herehy given that by virtu of a warrant fir (ha collection of a d 1 nii 'nt iiss'-ssmeit Tor the inprovniieiit j In the c ty uf Asti'ij, Oregon, 'nvt. I Hold street, from Forty-seeond to Forty I fifth street, duly ln.tur.l liy the aud t r mil poller JihIki' of sil.l ill l.y illrec tiuil of the totiiitio'i rou in" I of s.ild el;y. 1 s nd w irnint being date.) the 17th day of j 1 let olier, Ivl. to m .lire-ted, snd th I ssifSKmi-nt on a nii h specified smuntlng 10 1.19) with Interest thereon at thn rat of 8 1 er ce.v per snuuiii from th lint d ty uf Nl irch, rM. and teng agilnst the folio hilt nanietl iiersons, tonrll; j R. Marlon and II. Met'ormack. owner of thn fu'lowing described reil property, luw.t, lot IJ. blntk , a sul divided In lite I'nrt in I'nper Asiorui, ! us laid out ami r- onl.xl bv John Allr, ' 11ml ul-i nttalnst suld il rrilxn iiroperty, .and wh'h w coiiiiti.ii'. Is inn in I inase levy i:;ion and salt, of M l !' I siT.hcd property. In order to satisfy said 1 warrant ami .iln assessment an 1 to. gethrr with the ititeres' thereon and the iiosis and exiieiise nf slid sale, snd pursuant (0 s.i.d warrant and the coin ! tnanils Ihi-reili rotit.i r.eil, I ill.l nn the 1 ITih day of Njveiiiler. Inri. only levy I upon 1 no iiiinve it. itiTiiieo rem property I and 1 wid. on the l'ith day of Iloceinber Ixm, at the h'mr uf II u't'.uck In the fiitfiiiem uf unlit ur lint fiiiirt hriiiit ilitur. luw t the entrunte of s.i 1 court lioui-e on KIkIii.i s:nei. In ihe rliy of Astnrln. Count" ,f I'lutsop. Htai of Oregon. S"U stit, ill rrihel real property nt public tiiti to tho highest biiMr (or i-.ish. In C H sold com. lo satisfy aid luti Ksnient the mit-r-- llieteon. nnU ili i-o.ts nnd "xnen-es of sulo as aforesaid, and 1 uecnilng coats. iMieii nt asioii.i. .iregoii, the 17th dny or rtoverntier. nn, E. ItALIi' K, Chief of Police of AslorU. Oreaon. CHIEF OF POLICE 8AI.K. Notice Is hereby tilvi n lhal by virtue or a warrant for the rn .m lion of a le I iniuenl iish 'Smii -111 for ih i nipio 'eiMitit in me city or Astona. Oregon, town Hind strem. from Kortv-sei'und lo Forty llfth street, duly l-suei by the and lor and police Judge of said city, by direc tion or tne common council 01 siii'i rny, said warrant being ilaiitl thn 17th day ot October. 1K. to nm dir' i,.(. and Ihe nsiosiiini-iit on wh'.h t'lfh-l amounting It to.V) with Interest thereon nt tho rale of 8 per cent per annum from the 31st any of March, Ihii'i. and being ngiilnst thn following named porsnns, towlt: R. Marlon and II. MoCormack, owner of thn following described real property, town: lot 11, bincg , as suu divided In the l'ort of L'liner Asloriu n laid out and r's'orded nv John Adulr, nnd also iiKnlnst h:iIi iiescrl'i-l pnmerty, nnd which warrant cnnimarula mn to make lew 1111011 nnd mile of anld de Hcrloed properly, In order lo satisfy said warrant nnd sold iissessnivnt nnd to- gnther with thn Interest thereon and tn ohIm and exneiises nf said sale, fl til pursuant to said wiirrnnt nnd the com mand therein contained, I did, nn the mn aav or November, J's, uuiy levy unon thn jibnvn described rMil nroperty. and I will, on the llh day of liecomher, iwid, nt trio hour of 11 o ciock in me forenoon of snid day. nt the court house door, towlt: the untrtincs of said court Utf Lmh In mm over 10 yor try Uie le-wleri ol ih Mot-mat crfi MiA w i.t Cssri in 'ill ait's tmn( tihlnir from cti .riile ws-iliinir. Ouret Lost ManhOOd. mo rvoue D.e- For sal by Charles Roger. wmmmmmmmmm housa on pJtghlh irM, In th Clly of Aslorl. tVuiily of Clatsop. HI al of INiwon, sell Mld deH'rllel lal P"Mrty at mil.llo ailiJIiiii to Ilia hlgtirst bidder for his(i, In If. H. gold coin, to s cv sold aaseasiiieiil. Ihslnlerest thnrofl, snJ Ih isMits and expense of sale aforesaid, ami Ihe ai crulitg' V,",,.' t listed st Astoria, Oregon, th llth dy of-, xm. nAU((M.K. Clilnf of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKF OF TOUCH BALM. Nolle Is hereby glvm thai by vlrlu of a warrant for Ih oollncllon of a tl; llllilUnill ssscsa.iienl for III IllipriVWilelll In Ih city of Asloriu, Oregon, lowtlt lioiul street, from Koriy-seconil to F'Tiy (fill Biteut, duly Isauetl by th audilor and police Judge of said clly, by dlmi t lists of th common council of suld city, said warrant being dated llm 7lh dsy of ll'lolier, ti"t. to ma directed, ami lh aasessmnnt on which speciued amounting to 13 ) with lulret tliereiMi at the rnl of I tier oeiil ier annum fro 11 Ih list dny of Nliirch, IMW, and being snlnsl lb 6llowihg mimed Kroiut. town; It. Marlon and II, MoiVrmni k, owner of tha following described ten! property, towlt! lot blink i, ss sub divided in th Port of I'pper Astoria, ss laid out snd recorded liy John Adair, and also ngulnst said dnacrllml proily. and which warrant coiiiiiihimI me lo luak levy Umu and sale of snid de scribed property. In order in sallslv snid warrunt and suld bmh'ssiiivuI and I" gnther with Ih lulmvel tliert-oii and Ihe cttsts and saiiense of said ssl. snd pursuiint to said wo r runt and th com mand therein contained, I did. on Ih ii'ih day of November. Imul, duly levy upon hn ahflv desorlhed nil properly, and I will, oil th lilih day ol icembr, vt, wl th hour of II o'clock In ih (oirtitein of suld day, at lb court hous door, towlt: the eriirnnc of snid t out I hous on Klahih street. In the CI'V of Astoria, tVuiily uf t1also, Hlals of Oieson, Sell SMlil described rel poerly at puhllo auction to the highest bidder for cash, In V. H. gold rsmi to satisfy snid saaesstueitl. th inlerest "SH'ii. snd (be ratals and speitaea of sal SS aforesaid, and the an-rulng costs. lintn.1 st Astoria, Oregon, the 17th dsy of November, I. K. HAI.Uk'K. llilsf of Police of Astoria, Oregon. Clllicr OF IHH.1CK BALK. NoUi- la hereby glvn that by virtu of a warrant fur thn collection nf a de- Iiii-I .lent nuiimnl for III tnpruv4' 1 nl In th city of Asturi. oreson. town: It, md trwel. fnnn Fort y -second lo Frty- rlflh trent, duly lestle.1 by th Bildilitr Slid txtlle JUtlg or Mltl ells', OT Ulieo II. .. . t. - M.M,H..II l.t ..lltf sabt warrant teng dale. I th 17th dy ol thtobfr, 1UM. to ma dlro-ted. and th ssjeesment on which tt'inil anioontln to MSu with Interest thereon at th rwls or s per cent par annum rroui in list uy of March, lw. and Intng against ths fallowing natiisd (Msrsoita, tuwlli R ataxlon and It. afoCurnuuk, owner of th following dnscrloed ral Kiviiii, vwib. iui , ui-t 4 a, H u. divl.te.1 In th l'ort of Cl'lier Aslor a. as raid out snd recorded by John A'lulr, ami also against said decrttnl roperty, and which warrant coinmaiHla in lo niaka lvv Uimiii and sal uf said d sitI' property, In order to satisfy said warrant and said assessment and t' gnther with th Intnrtwl heren and thj tsal and apeiise of said sal, snd pursuant to said wmrrant and th com mand therein contained, did. nn th 17th day ot NovemtM-r. lsjt duly levy utHn thn alHjye ib m-ribed real property, and I will, on Ih Kth day 01 Intnibr, K"S. al th hour of 11 o'clock In Ih forrlnain nf Bold day. nl th court tlmisa d.Hr, lowlt' th entrunr of said court house on f.lshlh street. In the City nf Asluiia. County of Clatsop, Hist nf Oregon, sell suld ueacriltntl real pioierty at puhllo auction to tha highest bidder for rash. In I'. H sold colic tit sultsfy sold asessnient, Ih Interest tn"rin, alio thn iMats snd ripens,- uf sal ss aforesaid, and th accruing costs luted at Astern, iiregon, ths 7th day ot rioveiinier, isw. K IfAl.iM'k'. Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKF OF 1DI.ICK 8AI.K. Notice I hereby given that by virtu or a warrant for th mllm turn or a i'e liniuetii S'sesstiirnt for Ih Inior ivomenl III Ihe clly of Aslorl. (H-egon, town Hond slrent. from Forty-se ond to Friy fifth streot. duly Issued by Ih sitdilt.r and IhiIIc judgn or said clly, by dlrre I,im IK. .-.ixtn, tn .tiii.ll ..r M..I.I .-litf said warrant l-elug iUte.1 th 17th day nl octoiirr, to nv Hire, in, aim in i.inent on whk h spmidnjl ainiMintlna to SI SO with Interest thereon at th rat of I iter cent tir annum from Ih list day of March, ltet and being against lb follow lug named parsons, towlt: R. Marlon and II. MiVrrrau k. owner of thn following dnsrrlbed real property, lowlt: bK I. bh k a as sub divided In thn l"trt of I'pper Astoria, as raid out and rirdad by John Adntr. bikI also ogalrust snid uesrrttieil prtejmrty, and which warrant command mn lo mak levy Un and aal of snid de siTllei property, in order 10 satuiv said warrant snd suld assessment and to gnthnr with th Intertstt Ihermttl and lb K-at and eietita of said sals, and pursuant to said warrant and th com mand therein eonla.nsd, I did. nn th 17t h day of Novrni-er. IC-S. duly levy upon lb aixiv deseiibetl ten I properly, and I will, on th lath day of liecetiibrr, Ivts, at th hour of II o'clock In th f. -remain nf snid day, at tha court hous door, town: the nitmnc of said court house un Klghth street In th City of Astoria. iVunty nf (1st sop. Htals of Oregon, sell sold described real properly at public suction to ths highest bidder for cash. In II. ft gold coin, lo satisfy sold at-ss!iinl. h Inlerest thereon and in caHit and riprnse of sal aa aforesalil. and the accruing rusts Imtrd si Astoria, uregon, the 17th day of November, lSVl K. IIAI.I11-K. Chief of Pollc of Astoria. Oregon. CIIIF.F OF 1'OLICK BALK. Nolle Is hereby glen that by vlrlu uf a warrant for the rol'm lion of s de- I ti.o"nl .issessinent for th Improvi p enl In ih city of Astoria, Oregon, towlt; Hoii. street, from Forty-sei und to Forty- fifth Street, duly Issuetl by the slid lor and -mile Judgn ul said clly. by ill-rc tl.itt it ih. ,,iin .ton eftont'll i.f Hitl.t ,.lv said warrant pelng dsle.1 the 17th Hay of October. IK'H, to mn dire. ted. and Ihe asstosinetit on wh i h snncKle amounting lo U3t with Interest thereon st th rat of I per cent per snnum from the 3lt dny of Nlirch, lvsl, and being against h fiillowln" nainrd person, town. ft, Marlon and II. McCormnrk, owner of thn following described real property, towll: lot I, block , n sub d'v i' ' In the port of I'pper Astor.n, as laid out and recorded by john Adilr, ,111.. also iigalnat s.ild dcsi-rllied proiH rty, and wh eh warrant commands me lo make levy upon and sain of n' ile serlhed properly, In order lo satisfy said warrant and snlu nssessrnent and to gether with Ihe Intoreet thereon snd the iimls and exieiiKes of suld sale, and pursuant to said warrant and thn com mit mis therein enplaned, I ill I, nn ths 17th day of Novemlier. IHUH, duly levy UMin the above described real properly, and I will, on tho lfilh nay of December, st the hour of II o'clock In the forenoon of suld day. nl thn court house door, towlt: the entriiuce of said court house on Klghth street. In the City nf Astoria. Counly of t'lalsop, Btata of Oregon, sell wild described real properly it't publln miction to t tin highest bidder for cash. In U. H. gold coin, to satisfy ild assessment, the Interest thereon, und thn costs nnd expense of sain u aforesaid, and Ihe aecrulng costs. tinted at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day of November, 1VJ8. R. HALLOCK. Chief of Police of Asloriu, Oregon. CIIIKF OF POL1CIS HA DC. Notice Is hereby given Ihnl by virtue of a warruM for tho collccllon nf a dn l iKlticr.t as ;ssni iiit for tho improvement In Ihe city nf Astoria. Oregon, inwll: Itond street, from Forty-second to Forty- fifth street, duly Issued by Iho and. tor nnd police Jinlgo of said clly, by direc tion of the common council of suld city snid warrant being dated (hn 17th day nf Oclolwr. i, lo mo nirneicn, nnu tno nHsessnient on wntcn snm'ttnii amounting to ill Ml with interest thereon at t tin rate of 8 per cent per annum from thn Hint day of March, WW, and being ngalnst ho following rnmod porsons, towlt: R. Marlon and It. McCormnrk, ownee of the following described real property, town; lot (, uiocg n, ns sub- fllV'"en n inn l'ort or tumor ASiorin. as luld out ana recorucu uy jonn Amur, snu also nifulnst said -"terlbeil nnipcrlv. and which warrant commands me to make lovy upon and suln of snid de scribed property. In order to aatlafy said warnint and said nHsi-MHrhwit mid to Mhnr with thn Inteil'cet tlioreon and tbn costs and expenses of snlu sale, nnd pursuant to suld warrant and Iho com mands thnroln con tul nod. I uiu. on the 17th day of November, latil duly levy upon tha above described rmil property, ami I will, on the Kith day of December. IHM, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of wild day, nt the court house door, towlt: the trance of said endrf house on rngntn street, in inn Clly or Astoria, County 'of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said dcscrlbod real properly ait iubflo auction to the hlghnat bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to sntlsfy laid assessment, the interest thereon, and Ih onst and expanse of sal aforsld, and Ih sivmlng cnsl. I'nled at Aaron, oieajun, in "n uwy 0, IHMa. M Chlwf of rollot of aAattfl, Urcfijfi, -.Tri- -. - - - ciur;F or pouch maLiu. vi. ..1..- 1. It.r.i, mIusii lhal bv Virtue nf a warrant for the onilnoilun of a A liiiiiient ssssssineni ror me niirTniiiiu 11 ilia city of Astoria. Oregon, lowlli Itond str(, frosn Hiriy-iiiid lu Foriy. 11 d 1. .irti ilolv iaaiied by III aildlliir ami pollc Judge of said I'll v. by illrmf loll ir HIS COIIIHI'HI ooillicil "."""l ' suld warrant lining deled Ike 17 III day of OiHober, IsW. to m iiir iu, ami in assessment oil whlell siMvlllnn aillolllllllig IJel Wllh llltlt lllrHI l in rai 1 "r 111 following named inwsun. Iwlll 11 Marion and II. McOirmark. onr of th following deacrlbeil rerti propeiiy, lowlli I'd , bbn k a, a sub divided in th Port uf I'l'ifr Astoria, as luld out ami reeonntl ny rfunii mir, ami also uulli( snid dect Hnsl pnprly, and wbw-li warranl iixiimaii'ls in tu mak ley IImm and sal of s' ' 1 scribed propeiiy. Ill inder lo satisfy Said warrant snd anld aseessineiil ami Its gethar with Ih Htlnrvel Ihonim sod lb 1 oat a and stpeiisea uf sabl sal, snd puisuant lo said warnint and lb "ln liiniul Iheieln isMitiillied, I did on III) I. ill ilay of November, w uuiy "r upon I tin sbovn ib.erlbe.1 real piopnjly, nnd I will, oil the 11 h day "f lei'liibr, kt, at th li'ur nf It o'clock In lb fiMelioon of snid day, at Ihe cuurt house door owi: ih entrance of ni couri , . .... l.-iul..l. -1...-1 In Ilia I'llv nf 10 ii-w tin i.s'iiii .,-.-, ... ---- - Astoria. tWnly of Claiaop. Htale of nitron soil xil.l ileacrlbeal real properly n,l luiliilo suction to th lilshel tdddar for ish. Ill V, It gld eolli. to satisfy Kild SMnssiiinnl. Ihsliilere! ilinie'H. and lb cost snd sapelise uf sal a sfurld, snd Ihe anniing coal. Pnletl at Astoria, ureg"n, 111 inn uy of NovemW. IM. ..... ..o. r 1111. Irt" t, Asi.Kia, Oregon. oilier of poucie a.vix Noilc la hsreby givsii lhat bv virtue of a warrant for th wile lion of a de H wllenl asseaiiilt (ur til lllipl'V. ml In lb cliy of Astoria, Oreaon, towltt nfib si root, floin S'ortr cotlil 1111 w 9 etvr- nilh street, duly loauett by the) Ss.1l lor and Mb Juds of Baud city, by dlrt lion of ih ooiiiiiHoa iimtwil of said clly. J sirmiil Ijullut ibstatl th 17th itsy of iKSfS, to me i tria l eti, ann IB aaeiuni un whU h siMind atitouatlng lit U W with tntarewt llicrssat at lb rat of I ir rssit twr annum fro n th list do y of ilarch !. and InSng ajmlnst Uie following namd person, tvwtt; It Marlon and II. jdoOurmsuisi, ow.isr of the following d'rlbd ri proorly, towlt; lot II. blt a I, sat u. divided tn Ih Port of ..ptter Astoria, aa laid uut and rmordnd by John Adair, and also aatut anld ileat ribetl property, and whMi warrant oMiiitiatul me lo mak lvy upon ami si ot swui d-scrit-etl proimty, lit order lo atlfy Said warrant and said seineiit and to glh - with th inlnnsti thrun snd In iol and pen of said sal, and nursuojii lo said warrant and (lie Com mands therein contained. I did, on the 7ih day uf November, Uat duly levy Upon Ihe above described real property, and 1 will, on th tsth day uf Dvremb-, lire,, at ihe hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of snid day. at Ih court hous door, lowtt: th entrance uf said court Inois on Klghth sirsei In Ih City uf Astoria, tltunly of Clatsop, gtal of Oregon, sell said described ll uroitoriy al pubflu aucllun to Ih hlsheai l-i.l.Uf for i-asli. in I). M. gold coin, lu satisfy aid assi ssiiirni, th Inlere.i thoHi. and lb oust and etpeiise uf sal ea aforesaid, and lha cm. tig costs pntetl al Astoria, orvgoii, tha llth day uf November, ) K IIAl.laM'K. Chief of Pullr of Ait"ll. Orig n. CHILF OF l'o:..CK SAl.K Nolle is hereby gUen hl bv tlrtue of s wariant for (lie collection of a tl I IW. nt ssst;neni .'or )is nipro eiiunt In III city of Astoria, Oteon. (own; Itond slrent, from Forty-. I'ml to Forty nftti slrent. duty lssuo.1 by til auditor Slid pollc JlldS uf ld till It) ill lec tion uf thu common omitu'lt of Ald city. aid warrant being dael the lllti day uf Oi'ltdmr. last. In in dirts le., slid Ih r-Tiel't on wllUh soetirtml alnixinl I og lo P W with Intemat tliarotoi at Ih rale uf pr il lr annuin from Hi list day of March, KM. and being against the following rutnird erson. twli. II. Marion and II. McCurmad owner of th following itaas-rtbot rJ proparty, towlt; lot j. J.. a I sub illvidnl In Ih l'ort of i oper Astoria, s laid out and recttrded by jobn Adair, aixt also agaiiuM id dn.-rtlts proiwrly, and wha-h warrwnl ewtimaiuM re lo mak levy ui-oi ami al of asid d . lilted property. In order to tlsiy said wsrraul auu said saeamnt and ln ehr with Ih Intern! Ihereun ami lb cosla and expense nf aakl ssl. artd tn said warranl ami th com lunnd thareln ootila nr-l. I Old un 'he l.lh day uf NovejitlH-r. Inn duiy Isvy utem the alxive drscrtbetl real mittrty, and I will, on th lath day of K"emtr, lsv. at Ihn hour uf II o'clotk In the forenoon of anld day al the court house mm 3 doir, tout'.' tun enirtree of oaui mui nus nn r.ignin strt in in iity u Astoria, lituniy or Liatoop. mat u Oregon, sell aald descrieil real iM-operiy c pumiu suciion in in nisueai itioncr for cash. In V. H gold roln, lo satisfy aid assessment, th Inlerest iher Ki. and Ih ixist snd expense of sol ss aforesaid, snd Ih Biinilng coals Iiatntl at Astoria, Oregon, th Kth day ot November, IxML K IIALIan K. Chief of Police of Astoria, ur.gon. CIIIKF OF POI.ICK kaij:. Nollce Is hereby given thai by vlrlu nf a warranl for thn collet lion nf a de. I.tiijueiit ,ii s-ini nt fu - ibs lint f"V i. nt In Ihn clly of Astoria. Oregon, town: lloiwl street, from Forty -second to Forty, fifth Street, duly Isnllnl by Ihn Slid. lor and pdica Judgn uf snid clly ov tHrec tlon of Ihn ci on moo council uf said city, said warrant being dated thn 7tli day of October, Ifcrt, to in dlrn. int. ami th s,viionni on eh' h stim-med ainoiinilng lo 13 40 with Interest iherraai at Ihe rate of I I -or ceit IT annum from the ni dy nf March, PC and le'ng aj-uiuat the following named -eraona, lowll: It Marlon and II. Mct'ormack, 0ner of Ihn following dearnbed real proparty lowll: lot 21, bbn k aa sub divided In Ihe Port of t'pper Astoria, as laid out ami recorded by John Adair, and also ngalnst sold de. riixt! prin-rty, et whtii warranl roiutnaiios me to make levy uton ami suln of miM dr. scr.tied proeriy, In order to satisfy said warrant and snid assessment nnd to gether with Ihn liniuvni thnreon snd the Kisis snd expenses of said sain, and pursuant lo said wnrrnni nnd thn ruin itoinda therein contirned. I did. on the 171 Ii day of NovkimImt, Iv.iS duly levy upon thn alMivn iliscrlbed renl projierly, n'ul I will, on Ihe pith dny nf I nx'einbnr, PUN, at thn hour of II o'clock n the forenoon of sold day. at Ihn court house door, towll: the enlmnrn of smd court house on Flsthih street, in Ihn Clly nf Astoria, County uf lint sop Hist of Oregon, sell sold deacribe.1 real property at puhllo auction to the highest bidder for tush. In IT. H. gold coin, to sntlsfy aid assessment, Ihe Interns, tlmreoti, and the costs and expenses of sain u aforesaid, snd Ihe accruing costs Iinted at Asloriu, Oregon, tho 17th dai of November, lKtm. B. HAliUiCK. C'hlof of Tollce of Astoria. Oregon, CIIIKF" OF POLK'U SAI.K. Nitlcn 's hereby given that by virtue of a warranl for I ho cullociloii m a dn llb'iiieitt nHsessinclit for llpi ll'ipr.iveinent In the cltv of Astoria limim nnuit. Ilnlid atrcut, from p'urt -' -oml to luirtyl llf' ti si reel, duly Issued by the audilor Snd pollen jiiilu.ii of aald clly by illrec lion of thn common council or said clly Said warnint 'being dated thn 17lh dav i,t Oc ober, lmm, tn nm dlrm ied, ntnl lbs nssitasniiint on which annciilrnl amounting to .tt) with Interest Iherotm at iho rale of 8 per cent per milium from thn 8t day nf March, twnl. and being ngaiusi inn oiiowitig ruinicu person, towlt, 11. Marlon and II, McCormnck. wnnr of tho following (inscribed real tiro-'Tly, towlt; lot iEi, block H, na sub divided In Dm pint uf Upper Astoria, as laid out nnd recorded by John Adair nnd also ngalnnt suld descrlbiil propnrty, nnd whIHi warrant coiniiianns mn to miKe Invy iiMn nnd stile of sold de scribed propnrty, In order to satisfy said warrant nnd said nssesaiiiitnt and to "ether with Iho Interest thereon snd the costs and expenses of said sain, and pursitunt lo said warrant and the com inntids therein contained. I did, on the 17th day of November, 1N08. duly Invy upon llm ftlKivn desdibnd real property and I will, on the ltlth day of Uoemnber. pew, at lh hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said dav. at llm I'oilel linn.. I dour, towlt: Ihn entrance of said court nuusn on itiignm sirorr. in the Clly of Astoria, Counly of trlalsim, Htatn of Oregon, soli wild dcHCribixl real properly at public n tuition to the highest bidder for cash. In U, fl. eold coin, to satisfy snid assessment, ths Interest thoreon, and tho exists nnd expense of sal as aforesaid, and the accruing costs, Dated at Astoria Oregon, th 17th day Of November, 18IW. H. HALLOCK, Chief of Polio of Astoria, Oregon.