X Tills! DAILY ASTORIA N, WEPNESDAY MOUMMV NOVRMKEKW, 1BUS X 1 4UI N T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. U. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. PAlLt. r" nt by mail, per year saw ;t jiU by mall, pr month...... U f jtvd by carrier, per month.... ) F nt by mail, per yr. BEMI-WEEKLY. I Sent by inail, Pr year, in advance.. .0.00 Pottage tree to suosorlber. All communications Intended for publi cation, should, bo directed to that editor, Business communication! ot all kinds and remittances must be addressed to nt AatorUn." Th Ailorian guarantee to Its adver tiser .the largest circulation ot any newspaper published on the Columbia rtver. .Advertising rat caa be bad on appli cation to the buainece manager. Poai-Intelltgenrer: The Fortland. Ore. 'gonlan is' pleased with the letting ot the contract for tlie oonrtruoUoa ot av road- way from WaJluU. te Lewtstorv Idaho. This, It aaya, "means, ot course, that the products ot the Culumbte bln are com to Portland, Ihtlr tvuurat ut- tot.'' Tbe Oreonlan does aotrlv any iiraportavnce to the fart that the Northers FaciAo boa had railway connection with Lewlston tor several month, and la tsaahlng tu extension to Clearwater. In view ot this fact. It Is pretty certain that all ot the products of the Columbia rtver basin will not go to Portland, for , l ha Northern Pacific already on the (round pushing forward, will secure Its share. Already the products of that sec tion are turned this way, and the stream bids fair to rapidly Increase. IT W.i.L tr.XE"lT TACOMA. Tacoma Ledger: To the people of the north Pacific coaat the news of the break In the clos under-st-ndlnT of the hrce transcontinental roads will be welcome news. It means active, energetic pushing out by each company for the control of the trade of this territory, wt:h advantages to accrue to the business interests of rhls section - nnch beyond what would be secured by the combination of these great corpora tion! with a division of territory. The ' result rosy be v.istlv wo: Important thin la even imagined for the people of this city. By th encrpetlc srtion of the 'Northern Paclflc that rich wheat grow ing section of southeastern Washington and southwestern Idaho are mad trib utary to this city, and. It appears, the disagreement between the companies waa because this territory was not left to the 1': I n ri-.i- on . . ..h would tarry its products to Portland. Instead f abandoning the territory, che North-! ... era Pacific "Invasion" Is be:ng pushed : ' further. I It is possible theu before the end of the wilt the proposed Hne to the Sound will be completed, and Taooma will hear (be whistles of UnlJn Paclflc and even Burlington locomoUvea within Its lim its. There are sufficient inducements al ready to bring these roads here, let alone the matter of counter Invasions. The trade from this city is growing more rapidly than ever before, and its mag ait ude is attracting the attention of rail nay managers. As the Ledger quoted a day or two ago, capitalists do do not come wirh brass bands, but H is significant that hlph officials of the ITnlon Pacific were here "on a pleasure trip" very recently. Those terrible . dUzy pells to ., which women. , are ulject are due niue times in ten to aouie weakness or wnhralthy con dition of the ' distinctly femi- 'nine organism. I The average doctor in pen. , Soi1 nalVf .'realise 'this..'! ,, ' He prescribe- some u rial treatment for headache or .tmettt : che or dyspepsia or liver trouble without suspecting the real cause of the difficulty. , . , . A woman uaually understands whnt it the trouble but it loath to undergo the mortifying and gen. eralW oeleKS"examinationa" and - 2ix - r- art-" 1 "Kk-kI applications" on which the local practitioner ia almost sure to ineiat Uut there ia a far more sensible alternative : Any woman afflicted with a delicate weak , . ness of this nature should seek the aid of i tliat marvelous " Fsvori'e Prescription " invented by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consult ing physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. In any ca.e so obstinate as not to be promptly cured by this great "Prescrip tion" special advice for inexpensive home treatment adapted to the individual case, will be sent by Pr. Pierce to an one who will address him by mail. All letters are treated with the strictest privacy and never printed except by the writer's special request. Caws intrusted to his care are in the hands of one who haa a lifetime's ex perience and who stands among the most eminent of living specialists in this par ticular field of practice. Evry woman should possess a copy of Dr, Pierce's famous thousand-page illus trated volume, the Common Sense Medical Adviser which has had a larger sale than any .medical book, in any language, A paper-bound copy will be sent abtolulfly . . Jt4 on receiptof ai one -cent stttmyv to par He tost of mailing only.' Address ,. World's Dispensary Medical Association, ,v Buffalo, N. Y., or send y stamps for cloth, bound copy. A whole medical library ia one loco-page volume. rz- Jkfh j I r : in $ 1 " ' . i . . r , ta Biya mssifc r""' aa.ji" AVoffctiblcPrcpiratumrofAs sltniLitlnU ihcfoodandRctful;!- ling the Stomachs and IVjwlscf lr rrorolcs tK$estion.Ckerfd css and Rcsl.Conlalns ndOvT OpmtilMorpUuw iwrLxruL KOTN.UlCOTiC. )kaw cu bs rzcszr t!on. Sour 5toiv.c!v!arrricca ncss gdLO'SS Of SLEEP. ; lac Ciay'e SiC-"4'''"" of T tXACt COrY Of kHArTtH. air " The humorists of 8t. ' Tvt.Tbunr are prvparlnr to gKa a banquet in honor of Mark Twain when he vlstta that city, and soma of them hope that Mark will tell the story ot the "Jumping Frog" la Russia. The erar of Russia probably owns a a--eater quantity of china that any other person In the world. He baa the china tx;vrtnff to all the Ruwlin rulers as far hack as Catherine the Great. It Is stored In an Immense cloeet in the winter P&Uce at St. Petersburg. TO Cl'RE A COLD IN OS: DAV. Take laxative Itromo Quinine Taoleta. All druggists refund the money If It flls to cure. cents. The genuine hut U B. Q. on each tablet People who live in gl&cs bouses have a frost for their pains. Luxuriant hair, or am form color. Is a beautiful head covering for either a- x, and may ba secured by using Hall s Vega table Sicilian Hair Renewer. General Wbeeier waa the youngest maa In the confederate army to attain the rank ot lieutenant general. Ha waa X. OASVonilA.. Beantas 'IIH IU" t'aTH Bgfj Kfnatire ef " Nathan B. Moore, of Bingham, Ms.. Is the champion nlmrod of that state. and has killed over .4 moose. Acker's EnerUsh remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst coid In twelve hours, or money re funded. S cents and SO cents. For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. Governor-elect Roosevelt is imone the lecturers In the Boiton Lowell Instllte course this winter. That the blood should perform Its vital functions. It Is slisolutety necesssary It should not only be pure but rich In Ufe ?lvmjf ei-men'-s. These results are best eCecied ty the t.j of ttiat well-known standard bl-jod purifier. Ayera' b irnpa rllla Orrln H'koW. who was as great an artist In the suiky as Tod Sloan waa In the saddle. Is dying of parol) sta In Ban Francisco. Joet Chandler Harris, the author of the "Bre'r KabUt 8torics," never leaves his Atlanta (Ga.) home. "I am opposed to travel." he said the other day, "and I never go outside of my f.-nce here." In 1SS7 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh, o. Allen town. Tenn.. bad an attack of dysentery which became chronic. "I was treated by the best physicians in East Tennes see without a cure.' he says. "Finally I tried Chamberialn's Colli-. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Itemed y. After using about twelve bottles I was cured sound and well." For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. While President McKlnley's great un cle, Francis, waa fighting; under Henry J. McCrttcken, in the Irish revolution of 'bS. a grandfather of Senator Hanna waa a captain In the opposing English force Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive gurantee. Curia heart bum. raising of food, distress ater eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. and 60 tents. For sale by Entt-Conn Drug Co. There Is no more deadly poison for lov than a lie about a little thing. Bears th Signature ef rils Kir.d Y:a Haw K.m Boaght If a woman doesn't think a man Is sincere when he flatters her It Is gener ally his own fault. "Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indlgestioh, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and GO c?nts. For sale by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Admiral Dewey, It la said, Is a great collector of butterflies In addition to Spanish warships and otner bric-a-brac. BCCKLEN'B ARNICA SALVE THE PEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Borer. Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever sorea.l Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no ta? re quired.. R la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded) trice S cent per box. For tale byr Estes-Conn Drue Co. I C II l f fl I Ujt-'' ill r3AKn n 1 For Infants and Children. IjThe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SMaturo cf Kind !Ydufllave Always Bought. George A. Ward, of Ablngton. III., left his raise teh to the 0rrregaUonal church, which accepted th legacy and sold it for crn S THE BEST PLASTER. A t-ioce ot flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bunj on to the affected parts Is superior to any piaster. When troubled with pain In the chest or aide, or a lame back, give It a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It afforas. Pain Balm la also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Charles KOKers. druggist. Mrs. Annie Wojelevnowsba got rid ot her name by dying the other day at G.-een ftay. Wis., at Ue ejf of MS years. A SURE SIGN OK CROUP. Hoarsenesa In a child 'that la subject to croup la a sure Indication of the ap proach of the dlseaae. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la given aa aoon sa the child becomes hoarse, or even after the crou-y coui;h haa apteartd. it will pre vent the attack. Many mother who have croupy. children always keep this remedy at hand' and find that It sates them much trouble and worry. It can always ba depended upon and la pleaaani to take. For sal by Charles Rogers, druggist. . Tbe man who pays aa he goes seMcm iroee the pace that kills. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like It, but there Is really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has lame bark and weak kid neys malaria or nervous troubles. We mean be can cure himself rtbt away by taking Electric Bitters. This medl ine tones up the whole system, sets ss a stimulant to the liver and kidneys. Is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting p'li. sleeplessness and melancholy. It Is pure ly vegetable, a mild laxative, and rr ores the system to Its natural vigor. Try EIc trlc Hitters and be convinced that in-7 are a mlra'-le worker. Every bottle guar anteed. Only DO cents a bottle at Es: s Conn Drug Compuny. An English physician relate In the Journal f Conipur&tlve Pathology that of Duo ds to whom be admlnlsterwl chloroform, only one died, and that waa an aged, fat pug. OABTOIIIA. Bean th f M Vantmn BcJI Binator Nearly all the notd American novellfcts are confirmed smokers. Howells Is par ticularly fond of the strongest cigars, and Aldrlch Is a confirmed devotee of the ciararette. TOUR FA' r. Shows the au of your feeling and the uta nf vour health as well. IroDUre blood make itself apparent tn a pale and sallow complexion, pimple and sain erup tion. If von ar feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appear ance you should try Ackers wooa jMixir. ! c-ire all blood dlseaaea where cheap aara&oarlllas and so-caued ourlfier fail: knowing thl we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by fcstes- Conn Drug Co. Spanish Island, off the coast of Cork, li offered for sale. It contains 125 acres, and la described ai "an estate In Itself," ia a delusion of the heart MILLIONS tilVKN AWAY. It Is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern In the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors ot ur. Klne'a New Discovery for Consumpt.on, Counhs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial Dottles Of tills great mea lclne: and have the satisfaction of know Ing It has absolutely cured thousands of honeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and TuriK are surely cured y it Call at Eates-Conn Drug Co. and got i trial bottle free. Regular sire. 60 cents and XL Every bottle guaranleea or price refunded. The consumption of Russian oil I- tn mark Is decreasing rapidly, while that of American s Increasing In proportion. CASTOR IA Tor Iniauti and Children. Tha Kind You liaia Aiways EGUgM Bears tho Signature of .1 I JT hi NOTICE Of INTENTU Notice ia hereby given thwt the Ommon Council of th City of Astoria, Oregon, propose and determine to Intprov As tor street, from th weat aid ot dixit! street to th west side of Ninth street. In said city, by evading said street whert necessary to It full width, and covering asm with planking laid upon proper Umber and atrlngers, and constructing tlewalks on each side thereif. th plank ing to he tor a width of 10 fret en enrh aid of a line drawn through th center ot said Astor street throuahout Ibe afore said extent thereof, and th sidewalks to b 10 feet wide on both lde of snld street, also constructing th necessary vroasing on said Improvement. The an and nuallty ot alt th lumber to b used In lb construction of a.UJ Improvement shall b aa ulrectord by Ordinance No lU of the ordinances ot said city, entitled "An Ordinance In Relation to th Im provement ot Btraeis," approved Jniary Id. is. lit cost of said Improvement, except th coat of th crossings thereon shall b defrayed by ipeclal assessment upon, the lota, land and premise fronting upon, adjacent to and otherwise beiellled by said proposed Improvement, whl. h said lot, lands, 'and prentlat - r Included within th MAtor' street, fro-n With to Nirth street Improvement district." and lnoluOei the tollowlag teal properly, to wn: Let l.l. and 4, ta Uiotk I; lot Lit, and 4. In block 10; lota L I. . and t. 'n blouk. U; lot I, 1 T and t. In block trial . VI and 1 In block li and lou 1, 1 T, and I In block I; all in that pari ot I City ot Astoria known aa th Town ot Astoria aa laid out and recorded by John McClur,jmd unless a temonstrance algned by th "owner ot mor than one half bt th property In said atrei m ment dlitrtot thall be filed with th Aud it r and I'ollc Judg ot aid city, by the njxt regular meeting ot h Common Council of ld city followlLg Ui dat ot th expiration ot th publication ot this notU. tow It. by Thursday. Decem ber IMa. im. Th Common Council -will order th said Improvement This la published by virtu ot a reso in'lon t aald eouacU, paad at a regular meeting of said body, held Thursday, November id. id . H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Pollc Judge, City of Astoria, Oregon. Astoria. Oregon. November lith. UM. CHIEF OP POLICE SALE. Niitlr U Uer-by given tlat by virtue of a warrant for th evll-v-lion of a ile lingusnt asiwnt for the Improvon ent In th city of AtiMa. itreaon. town: Bond strwt, froro Forty-td to Kny Oftn strp(. duly liwuod by th auditor and polU- Judae of eaid city, by aiw lion of the cuutiiuio council of ' 1 1 iur.it t trtti Jted the Kth day iT Ut.-txr. l&o, to me dir ted. and th assessment oo tilt h st-ocirtoj fint'Hinllii to 1X3) with Inlerret tliervoii at the rnl of I per csul lV innum fso.n ih llt day of March. K and being aralust the fullowuig named persons. toU; R. Marlon and 11. McCormack. owner of the following described real rii-rty, town, hit 1.'. blink I, as aub tlMtl.l In the l'trt of I t"er As'. trtu. as lul.t out and rvri!r.l uy Jthn A.lair ano 1m hksiiiM eui.l ttetcrtoti iri r.y, .41.1 K c)i t&itrr).it i..tntiiiattl me 10 I iiikV levy upon ami s.iln ul mm scribed proprty. In onlcr to 4iiiy said warrnnl anJ stild as-sment sml t. gothrr with th luterest thnreun and th itxit end exttrtisee uf said '-. siul pursuimt to said wnrrunt sml the cm niniiii therein rontiv;ned. I did, on th Kth day of Novemb. Uu.y levy upon t.'ie above drcnlel rwl proixrty. and I will, on ih lth 'lay f IiecenilH-r, Imw, at the hour of II o'clock In ths forencin of eitlil div, at the court house diior. towlt: the ent rune of said court hnue on KVhth iret In the il'v of Asturta. 0unty of t'latso-p. State of Orogun, sell aniJ deacniMu real property at public auction to the hlichrst hitilr for cash. In IT. 8. gold coin, to satisfy s i i sMrssmeat. the lni'rt "reim. and the costs snd expense of sale as aforesaid, and the accruing coats. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, the l'th day of November, ISA. E. IfALLOt'K. Chief of Police Oi Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. 'Noilrts Is hereby given that by virtue of a wsrrsn: for the colla tion a ie-ll'igUt-eit aassineM for tne Improvement In lite city if Astoria, Oreaun, towlt: Itold street, frura Forty-second to F'triy fifth street, duly laauwl by the aud tor and txiiite JU'lite of said city, bv ,irec tKn of the coamon council of said city, said warrant bring dated the lTtb day of October lwt. to me diret-ted. ant the assessment on whit h apoclflod amounting to U-i) with Interest thereon at lbs rats of It per emit ner annum from the J.nt dy of March. K"t- and being airulnst (he fullo-vinir named iwrsona. tuwll: R. Marlop and II. Mciormack. owners of tho follwina' described real property. ttit, lot M. bltw-k I. aa sub dtvldrtl In the r'ort of I'Mf-r As'.nr.tt. as laid out and rrcorilwl by John . i!r. and aiso againxt soid 0-'-ribil -irte-eiiy. sml wh.ch warrant commands me to mnV levy iiikih sml snU. of sei., de scribed property. In tnl-r lo satisfy Sni warrant nnl said assessment snd to WHITE COLLAR LINE Coluras'a Rtver and Puget Sound Nuri gstlon Company. Telephone leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at T p. m. leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. tn. White tv.lr line t1ck.-t Interctianir " ble on Telephone, T.' J. Potter and R." A. Thompson fur As'oria and all Way polliia, ll.ivi'l. tlwaco, bmvlrw. Long Beach, ami Nahcotta. 0 B. SCOTT. Astoria Agent. I'mslilent. T"'""hnne No. IL T'. o-rt .-m V : . t,r. In. un UlMJ l.f,-l"lli..-iiwi lii'.rr j..i,' II n" 1 1 . f " 'fs Si. tr.V ti' jlfi il ,. tn.,.' :. :.l.iu.rf 'le v; 'p!:. ,'l f ' i.i nn I,.h:, 'i In. rt r. f.. ..t-h fi.l. tt-. hi. Iirn,.'. , .1 Iff - Iff ' ', el Jtr y iumi;, ti pfira'"". 1, i a Po ' I'et. Dr. WIl.iaiwMiiiiiimPiK'Ofr.ik ment i prepared for Plieamliuh m of the privatn pnrts. a. very l) rrntcd. By drocglsu, by msli on re- Bt ol print. uO n.'hta and I.imi. WILLI ITS iltaCTUHiflS CO.. rtor. Ci-valaiiM. iii.i-. For sal by ESTES-CONN DRUO CO. are tupenor I o Bjlsam of Corsitia, Cubebs or In jeetion nd CURE IN 48 HOURS the tamo diseases with out Jneonvon'cn". Jrtol 0! H Ol,r Wililftms' Indian flu T"5 2 R A'lmti.iaiitwlll oi'-e lliiaij I'll fl 8 B k lilei'iiiu and licli.nc ijLe ft H rWMIi s. 1' utisori's the tumors r-'K-U B ausys t:io IviliiiiK atom , Acts m VJMm a Dotilllt e. vhi a limUnt f ' t Thesn bn opuli t MANHOOD RESTORED , . " wuu'hiihi iraejf ;nsrsnteed to cire sit nervous diseases, suoh as Weak Mentor 1H nf ursin rower, jieaiiscne WsXelulnns, Lost Manhood, Nightly Kmis aions, Nervousiiess, all drains, lots of power in tietterativ Oigasa ol either sex, catmed by over-eiertlon, youthful errors excrssiv use ol tiinseTO.optiimorsifmulsnts, which lead to Infirmity, Crnimimptlon or f 1" 7vf-B,be.'?,rHed P00"- ' fr "' "r lv by mail m X.ClrCl"f r Kl;0 rirs-ita A.k for U; Uke tioother. MsniifncturM by he Pfsu MMiHne Co , p.ns. Vrsnre. t.suelsvl lft-uU...ilistrtbutiBg agents. Third aud Yambll His . Portland Or : ' vor Bale hy EHTCT-fONN prtftO fO. ""j' AiHinnn nrnmnmrx " ,c::,1 fvtinHJHIIIIII Kls I HULII. i? uinniiuuu iiLuiuuLUvii I 2S? fit tlonol a tamous 1 rsncb pli)l. Isu, will oulclilvc m llatrnsr las1 irrrR klltlm horror of Imiioni'V. i'CI'IfltiiHK eluafifuai tbaUvef Ui( JIDtrvna wenris.n J,i,)v,,n, thenrinsr'nnrusstil all impurities. .vi 1 To reason nffereni or not ailreii by DiK'iM -i wwwdn Wi wtrwim tiiwnw biiw ri'morn iiian PreaielltU. C'UI 1'llir.iNs.ii ranleeglvsi CIS tlieomr known ' sin. A wrilten susranlee glvsn and iminey returned II six boxes dis s,nijt tlJecl a ptrciuioiuiuur. 11.00 box, sis r lAuo. uy mull, benii tor rasaclrcular and K niiiuoiiiuls. . Address IAVWtHEUICINiS CO., P.O. gether with th Inlareat lheriHn and th pursuant to aald warrant and Ih r"m- nmntl tnnrelit eomainea, i uo , me lith day f November, IkhI. duly levy iion the above ilesorlbetl rel liperl), and I wtll. on h milt day of I iwowml.fr, I Kit, at th hour of 11 o'clock In th (tMenooii of ssl. I ilsv at Ih luiirt hnus d.ior, towll: th eotranc of aald court holla oil IJUtnin sireei. in ui t ht oi Asiikria. tMiniy of I'lalaop. Slate of itreRun, sell pnld dt orllHl renl properly at puhllo auoiion to H nianwn intnicr 6r cwsh. in I'. H. gold com l.i smisfy wild asei'saiiieut. the Inlorea) ilietetm, Ami the cisia and Paponse or sale as aforesaid, ami tn a.fruiiig t ' lti.l ai Aalorla. Hicsmii. Ih lilh day of 'NovmiW, IS. .... n. iiAMAit i , Chief ot Pullc of Asiorbi, Ortaon. CIIIKF OF POUCH SALK. Notice Is hereby lvn thnt by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a tie-liliou-nt nrofieiit lor in nnprovovent In the H v of tl ri. ttrotum, lowit; llond at root, fiont Korty.secon.l t. FHy. tlflh slrret, iblly Issued lv thi aiiilitor and police Jinl. of xl city. bV dire. lion or mi ii'ii'iin'ii m i .i '- ; 7, snd wariwnt being dalitl tho lilh dsy of IK-t, iler, tviS. to me tlliocled. ainl I he Assonsment on whuh s ieclilntl aHit'iintlng to 1.11 wlih tniorit tlittceoii l t"n ri of percent permnnum Irani the 3lt ly of Unrch. lfit.t i,d being ;Iiim thn folUalng natiiMl ron towlt; 1 Jaaiioit and 11. Mti'ormn. V iba r.vlUiwIntf tlr-cr.-tii real proiterty, towlt, lot li. bl'th a. as auU iHvliliM In tha Port of t'l.per Asioria. aa laid out and iwoiMod by -ojin Atlelr. siM wlso sua iii l stil.1 ilit, riint iiioprlty, and which wairimi coiniiuiula it to l..v oikin ami tsle of snltl de- scrtlxid property, lit order 10 tlfy tald warrant and aaiUt aaavssnient sn.l ii gnihnr with tha Inleiwt tlmreon and the coal and eapwlise of said sale, and pursuant to said wnrrwnt iol the com man.la Ihnreln eolllained. I did. on the Ilih dar of NovemiMT. uu'v levy UHn th above described real moperly ,..i I Mil n iha litih day of December )t. at tl.e ht'ur of II o'clock In th f r a.ii.1 d.iv si III court house Jw,: towlt: IH' Witrwmw of ul court on ,iblh street. In the Cllv of Astrla. Oiunty fiaiaop. H'.t of Orntfon. sell ut Ufscriomi rni it..t.y at publlo auclion lu th hlhest bi il.-r for caah. In I'. ! goltl cwn. o satisfy aid aaai-aainelil h ner theretxi ainl h iwel and sxpense of sl as afnrwaid. ami ih accruing coals lieil at Asiorta. ttiiii, th l.th d.iy cr hov.mb.r. ua E A,.U.K. Chief of Police ot Astoria. On g i ClllEr Of t'OI.ICK SALK. Node Is hereby glv fiat by virtue of a warrant for the cullm-tion of a de- linyusnt srsmrmcii for in mpiwv nvin in 111 Clly l Asioria. orwim. mwn. Ilond treel, frt.m Ktrt-.t..m. tt Kriy. It'ih iriW. duly lasued by th auditor and police Jutlae of eald cllv. bv direc tion of the coinnion council of aald city, said warrant being tUlrd th Kth day of l-titor, 1MJ. to Kin ilirtd. and th assensniMit on whutt speclllod ano'tintlna lo IJ with Intern! iherroii at Ihn rat of i pr cent ;K-r annum frmn th list dy of March, IKWi, and twlng aanlnst Ih fttllowmg named person, towlt: R. ' Morton and H. Mc.rmack. owrutr of the following tecrlbl real proeerty, towlt, I. It. bio. a I a ". divl.lr.1 in the I'ort f I'inwr Astoria as raid out and ntMrtl.il by john A.luir, ml ais.i aaauisi snld ilTtUil iroM-rly. and sh.i'h warrant coiniiuinl ma to make levy iitn anil ! of Mid de. si-rllteil prtrrtv In ,.rir to aatt.fr amd warrant ami aald aswsaniant snd l tf hi-r with Ihn uumi-wi thnrron and the i-imIh and eMt-n'S of S4lil sa.e. slut pursuant lo r.int wornint ami 'be com. ninrid therein cont'kitWHl. 1 did. en the Kill lav of November. IVsi. uuly levy Ulf'n the atiova ircrttt. riill proiiertv, an.l 1 will on ih lt r ilay ot I hwtBiher, Ivl. at the hour of 11 o'ciot k In th forenoon of Mil 4v. at th court ho is j.kir. lowit' t'li- eiilrnnce of .tlil ctlurt house ou Ki.htti sireet In the i'lty of Astoria. County of Clatsop. Hlal of oreson. sell axl.l di-avribnl rl lto(irty sx public ail -t. on to tha hlslieal bbblrr for cash. In 1'. '"l com. i sniafy said saassinent. the Infi-'t lhareMi, and the owl and ripen-" of ale a aforesaid, ami the accruing costs Dat.d at As'oru. nrriiii, the ITi h day nl November. I'A r.. muvK, Chief of Police of Asl'Tl. urtgon. CI1IKK OK PiiMCE BALK. Notlr I hereby tlv Ihut by tlrtu of a warrant for the ro.ieviion of a tie I ii'juif.t a.-:iKni fur tha in pn-vei-.( i.t In th city of Attori. iir.m. town; lion.! stroot. fnn Kurty-wnud to K rty. fifth trrH, duly Miir. by ih- and tor and polic Judgs of aald ily. by direc tion of th cuiiun m council of snld rliy said warrant tM-tn- ilafl lha iTih day of thloher. I'l. In dm dim-tnt. ami th ssuteamenl on which aimt-itWi amoiinllng In S-l S with interoal tlierm at th rat of t per cent per annum from the 31st day of March. I&. and Iteliig ajr.Onsl th following named person towlt: R. Marlrni and II. MiOrmark. owner of the followtn dnacrlbl retl pnier:y. towlt. lot U. bh k . siil d'Vub'd In the Port of t'ptier As erm. as laid out and rreordml by John Advir, and bIho os. i I li t s-Jld ilescrnHl t'Perty. and wh i h warr.in! commands in to niafc levy upon and sile of sild d" si-nneil prodertv In order to satisfy said wurrunt -and sil l aaa-rsanienl an lo irnher with Ihs imerrs' ltisri-on and the it-sis and exnnses of Slid Sale, and pursu.tnt lo imu wurrmi and Ibe cum iimtids therein cunta.ned, I did. on lb ll:h day of November ltw. duiy levy ma n til" ab-tv ilescrilied rtil irotrty, ami I will on the 1Mb day of December, K1. al the h"ur of 1) o'clock In Ih fun noon of aald d.iv nl the 10'lrt hous riiMir, towil: Hit' eliimnce of said court h iu on Klirluh s rc,-i In tlo' i'1'y of Asiorui. t'oiiniy of t'ia'.sop. Stat of Oregon, sell sold d'scnheil reil pronerty st publiiy auriion lo tho Mitbest bidder f.,r iiish. Ill V. M. t' ! coin, to sat sfy stild sssi-ssmeiit, tl .nii'ri'St ihorsm. slid tlm cost nnd rx-nses of s.tlu sS afuri'SHid. ami aicru ng costs. Dated at Astoria, uregon, th ITth dy of November. I".". E HAt.LOt ' Chief of I'ollc of Asl-iiU. Orrgnn. CI I IKK OK POLICE SALE. Notke Is hereby ten tin t by vir'iie of a warrant for thn coIecllon of a il I li'l'l oil nrs-sr iii.-n .'or lbs inpr.iveiiic:il in the ly of A'' in nr-i,on, .' i Hold tri"-t. from rori -i i mill lo Korty- llfth stri i't. dii.y issued by tin mi I I .r and polite I ii, if.- of sad il' bv illec tlun of tho con, (lion rouu-.l of s tbl cl t Slid warrant belr.u iliiil ihe K.h dav of liclolM r. litl'M. to me I re tid, mid lbs aseiriiitnl on wnh s'leclilml .ini'i'intlnir to l.i.3i wl.'h Interest tiiercori ill Ih" rale oi II ler cent iH-r amium from the Jlt d iy of M.irch, lV'i'. an I In ir.it sk iIiis! ibe foilowliis; r.lli.ii) persons, towlt: II. Marlon and It. MrCurmack. owner of the fo'lnwliur described ril property, towil. lot 1J. block . a Sub divided In ;he I'o.t oi I'ntiiT As'orM. ns laid out and recorded bv J din-Adair, and also Hitalnsl sild i' . r.tnii property and which warrant i inniiaiiils run t i Iroiso levy iiin and sine of so d de scribed property, in order to satisfy said warrant and h.iIh assessment nnd to gether with the Interest thereon ami the t osts and txpeiim-a of said sale, And Pursuant to sultl warrant nnd the com mands th untlii coiiia ned. I did. on tha 17'h day of November. IM. duly levy upon tne above dincrlbed rml properly, nnd I will, on thn luih day of December, lull, at tho hour uf 11 o'clock In I In' forenoon of tinbl day. at Ihn court bans door, J " w 1 1 : the entrance of said court hoijHe on I'ilttbid ssreet. In Hie Clly of Aslorln, t'ounlv of Clatsop, State of Oregon, soil snld ilescnbwl real projierly at publlo uuctlori to I hi) hluliest bbtilur for cash. In U. fl. Kobl coin, lo satisfy Hild assessment, the lnli-re' thereon, and the costs nnd expenses nf sale us a foresaid, and thn accruing mats. Dated Ht Aslorln, Oregon, the 17ih day nf November, l(OS, E. HALLO) 'K. Chief of Police ot Astoria, Oregon, y natatif nr.Tfa ! Yellow Nerval fill. isai'sat aifl CUPI0ENE This srsat VeieUlil Vllallutr.UieDriiscrlii- PtllSlciMI.Wlll Ulllcklvitlirasminf all n,.r. vous urumwiiii wie si-iiiiruovn lirKUm, men as Hist Manll'ssl, Irnomi.ia, I'slnslu UivKiick.Humiiiul Kuilailnns, Nervous iJebillty, flinnli'i. liutluisss Lo Alarrv. KzliaiiMihiu iisr.1,.- v,..i..,...i n..4 C'ohsiljiatlon. 1 1 stops all bnisei hr ilny or nlulit, prevenla i)ti-k-' net of discharge, wiilch If not chicked lends u, hnerniainrrhuia and wwinn oikviih. - stsbecaiias mrlely psreust are IrntfliM wllb remedy locum wiiliuuiun oin ruiion f lili-nilmonl. lloxa078,Hun FraisMiico.fsl J ,) :,' CHARLE8 HOQERS. Uv Commercial Bt. cniicif op poucw sauo, Nolle I hereby given that by virtue if a warrant for Ihn collection nf a da. Ilmjiir.nl HsafSMictni for ill :iipim 'toiihik In Ih eliy of Astoria. OreMoll. towili Il md street, fnm I' nri y .seenml to icorly II fill aireol. till I v Issumt itv llin ultdilor and polic linlxw of ald cllv. by illieit. Hull of Ih common council of said clly. snld wmrraut being da led thn nth day of mdober, IsM, to inn till ruled, and Ih assessment ml wlilcli sinvitlwl iiinoiiulliig lo IJ.K0 With Inteieat lliereon at thn ral of I per ttfliit pur .iiimini from th Hist day of March, WM, ami Imlng uMUlust )lu following luiiued pren, towlti II. Mnrltm iid 11. MoCvrin.ck, owner of tlm following described real plopitity. towlt; lot II. bin. s t, ss sub. divided In Hi Poii ot I'pper Astoria, us laid nut and roconliM uv John A. lull', snd nlo nualiiMi snld ioccUm piopcrly, and which warrant cooiniaiula nm to tlinli levy llKin and sale uf an id ilo scrloed propel ty, In irilnr lo aallsiv amd wariwnt and Mid assessment nnd to author with th ininnwt itinremt and thj iosl and eapetise nf said sain, nnd tnusiiaiit to aald warrant mid Ihn com mands therein contained, I did, on th Kill ilsv of November. NW, duly levy liimn Hie alaive di'scrlbetl rent property, and I will, on thn pith ilay ol lieceinlirr, is, at the hour of 11 uulorit In Hie ftiieiiistn of sold itiiv, at Ihn court lions door, town: ihn riili-uiico of said court ll.uiNn on Eighth, slleel In the t'Hv of Astoria, tninly of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell an Id tli erlbml real properly at publlo aticiioii to lha hluhesl bidder tor cen, in c, w. gold coin in s.ild aaaxssuietit, llin Interest ilmreOil, and in ooei ailtl fxiHiiiaiia of sale as aforesaid, ainl th sinilng coal. Dalid at Aaloiln, Oregon, til JJih day vt( itwi votver, i.-ui, K. HALUii'K. Chief of Polic of Astoria. Oregon CIIIEr or POLICE SALIC Notice I hereby given thai by virtu Of a warrant fur the rolln-tlon of a d- lll.lletlt assvsa.llcnl for th lllipr IVCI.lellt iii ine cur or Astoria, uretroii, town lioiitt strtM-l, frmn r'uriiNsecoiiiV lo Korly t fili sit net, duly lasu.tl by thn eudilor ana ponce Ju.l.i ot wold ,ly. by iliiwt lion of Ilia iumiH.ui eiim ill .-l.l i w ikl warrnnt uctna' daie-l th I'i'ih dav uf litiolier, Isiat, in me directed, end th asseaatuniii on Willi II siim-llieu anitaiiilln tn U30 with Intnrvet iliermni at lb rata ot wr vent txr annum fro n the (1st day of March, l.tiK. and tseliig against lbs following tunned Krona, towll; It. Marlon and IL MoCunnock, owner of the fullowlntf daacrlbed real proiwrty, towll: lot t block , sub- dlvttled In th PtKt or Lpucr Astoria, aa hild (inl and rv-ttr.trl bv Jobn A.l.ilr ami alM aatuinat said dnetfibed proixrly, and wtMrlt warrant coninantl me to make levr unon ami aula of aaltl de acrllied propeily. lu order to stllsly paid warrant and Mid aaoeaamenl and t gel her wlta th Iniareel ItaereuO and th wnii and alwtied or ealtl ale. and I pursuant tot aald warrant and th com- I Iii4iii.la therein contained. I did. on III llJih day or Noveiiler. UM, uuly lvy Ulton ma aoovn Orsorllie.1 lw pro.erty ml 1 will, uii th Pith day 01 Docninlwr lvts. at ih hour uf II o'clock In ihn fturoaon ot aultl day. l lb eourt hnus door, town; the rnlrwuc of aald court house on Eighth elret. In the City of Asliirta. IVunly of tnaisop, Stale of IKegon. sell add di'Mtrlbnl real property ai publlo euoiion to the highest bidder for cash. In l. H. gold colli, lo satisfy aild awasiiietit, th iuti rest 'hnrixi, ami tha in wis and eiiteiiaea of sal as foresaid, and In a.vruliif coals. liaiett at Astoria, lreou, th Kth day ul (voivnioer, ivai. K HAI.Iak'IC. Chief of Pullc vf Aalotia, Oregon ClllEK or Pul-ICE BALE. N'titlce Is hereby glien that by virtue of a warrant for lha collodion of a d" I n I lent asra. inrnl for thn niprtu nr i nl In Ibe eliy of Astoria, i m, inwit: li.ttut slroet, rront horty.se.iind to folly Dftll 'irrel, duly ltlr.l l.y ihn ml, lor ami polle Judgn of ll (ly or dine llolt of the common cmim-il of stld ' v said warrant tra-.ng dated lha ITI rt day of chtoUr. l:". tn m diretid. ami the asiewnmem on whit h iflM atiiooniiiig In t!5 with lnlre hrvoti at lha rale of I iter cent pec wn sum from the Jlt day f if art h, lwa, aud tswMig ug ilut the follow ing rMiued srraoiui. towll: It Morton end II. McOromik. owner of the fitjl.iwllig deecrlbed real prMirty, ti'wlt: lot S. blm k . as sub divided In ihn Purl of I'pper Asinra. a luld out and recorded by John A'luJr. anil also agalnal snld dnatrllM pr niter I), and whrh warrant rommamla ma lo Inak levy Um and sale nf anld de iwti ' proterty. In urdrr 10 sillsfy paid warrant and aald aaweeameni and l gerlier with th inlntval thereon and Ihn taia and exttenses of ld sale, nnd pursuajit to aald warrant and lha com mands therein ennta ned. I did. on tha 17th day oi November lava, duly levy upon lha alaive described real property, and I will, on the pith day oi lierember, Ki, t the hour ot II o'clock In the fmeiiuon Sold d-v. at the court hous d'r, town: the entrance of aald court house n lahth sir rot in the City of Astoria, County uf iTataop, 8'ala of Orrg in. sell anld wewrilte.) real proierly M publlo auction lo h highest bidder for cash. In I'. H. void coin, lo satisfy snld Measinent. th Inlerest thereon, ano he ooel and extwnse uf sil ea foresaid, and Ih ai-vming costs liaud at Astoria, Oregon, Ih 17th day of November, ln. K. HAI.IAM'K. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIEK olf I'OIJi'H BALE. No:!ce I hereby guen that by virtue of warrant for tlm cul'e inm i f a tle I niueni a's'issmriil for thn liiiurvinnt In ihe eliy of Anions, Oregon, town: Hond slreni, from J-'orly-se. om tn K'rty tif'h a:rnt, duly lsiiel by Hi and lor and pullc udgn uf Mid rlly, by dine lion of the cninin in eonncll of snld city slid warrant being dte. the 7ih ilny of I ict. ilt. r. Km. i -i me ilir-n d, and the assneaineiit on wha h snreltleil amounting to M with Interest tbrresm at Ihe rale uf i per cent per annum frill! the list day of March, l"l. nnd being against the following nnmod person, towll : II, Marlon end II. Mcormark, owner of Ihn following (Inscribe! real propaity, towlt: lot v, block k, us sun divided in ibe. Vt.rt of I'pper As'nri. na laid out nnd rordcil by John Adair, lino also iiitarns' e.tl l necnbeil piopi ity, and wh ch wiimmi command run to mas lew unon and snln ul - aitul do serllsml properly, In rotb r to s.ituiv s ild wsriMul mid nlld . lis samstll .and lo- ire her wllh the hiinresi llieriMin and thn (mis and exiMiisi-a uf said ssls, and in - a ii ii n t In said warrant and Ih cum ninnds therein ronla tied. I did, on Ihe I7ih day nf Novitmm-r, M duly levy unon Ihe abive di-crllieii real property ii til I will on thn liith day of liecemlier. IMH. at thn hour nf 11 o'cloi k In llin fMininiii of mild ilny. ul Ihe court house door, town: the pnlrmicn nf said court hoiini on Klubih sinet In Ihe CHy of Astoria, County of Clatsop, fllate nf I Megan, sell snld described real property at public auction to ihn hluhesl bidder for lash. In I'. H. gold coin, in satisfy mill ussesstneni, llin inn rest iiti.reon ami i coals nnd vipense of s ilo a aforesaid, and the ic ornlnif costs. Ii'itid si Astoria, Oregon, the lilh ilny of ovcnlller, K. HALUX'IC. Chief of Police of Astoria, Ori'Kon. CHIEF OK POLICE BALE. Notice Is hereby glcii lhat by virtue of s warrant for Ih" rn'Vt lion of de lin iiient assessment for thn lin;irv p cut In ih clly of Aslorln, Oregon, towll; Hond street, from f oriy-seeond to .orty llf'h sirei t, duly Issiiiki iy inn and lor and tnllre. Judge nf said city, by tlln-c tlon of Ihn Summon council of said rltv said warrant tieluir dated the 17ir day of riclnher, Hfi'S, Hi itm oiriv ieii, ano Uio assessment on whb h siiix-llled iimouiillng In in.l wllh ItitereHt thereon nt the rain of per cent per annum from the illst day of March, IK' "I, and being "gainst tha following nuuii'd iMirson, towll, II. Marlon and II. MrCormnck, owner of the follnr.'lng described real property, towili lot H, blin k N, a sub divided In the Port of llppur Antnru, na laid nut nnd recorded by jnhll Adair. Hno iiImo HKiilnnl said downhill properly, ii ml which warrant comma nits mo to make lovy upon nnd sale of se1'1 scribed pnipcrly, III order to satisfy snld warrant nnd ealn nsKessinciit nml la goihor with tho Intnreet t)i or con nnd the . ohIs and expenses of snld anln, nnd pursuant to snld warrant nnd Iho coin mands therein cotita ned, I did, on Ih Kill day of November , 1K1R, duly levy liinin thn above dcsorlbod real properly, nnd I will, on tho 10lh nay of Deoembor, ISM, at the hour or 11 o'clock In the forenoon of snld day. nt the court house door; towlt: the ontnince of snld court lwiuss on Eighth street, in the. City of Aslorln t.Diinty or triaraop, ninie' or Oregon, sell sultl described rein properly at publlo auction to the highest bidder fur cash, in u. n. goiu coni, u siuisiy 'Id SHsesstnclit. the Interest thereon, mill the ooslg and expense or sale as aforesaid, and tho accruing coats. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th dny of November. KM. UAhXjQrK Chief of Polloo of Aatorln. Oregon. roues SALE. '''' ( f glvon that by virtue the collection nf a de- CHIECOF Notlc U horoby nt u warrant, for t limiucwt s:itsmiint for th Improvement In th City OI Astoria, vrugun, lowu; llolid I rent, from Korty-secoiiil Ii) Forly ft Tl It Slleel, duly Inainul by I lie Ulld.lor nml police Jlldgu of said idly, by Oil no lion nr III i'oiiiiiioii council or sain city, said wai'l'aiit being dalml llin Kill day of Ot'lohcr. b'.'H, o me dlrn led, ami III Hsanssiiinnl nil Willi li SpncUliM aiti'HItlllhg In is an wlih Interest iliensin at llin ml nf i imr rent imr antilliil fi-oui III Blsl day of March, I Kim, and being ngiilusl h follow Ing rained porsuiia, towll: 11. Marlmt and II, McCormnck, owner n( the following dnacrlbnil rM piiiiHO'ty, lowit: lot t, block a, n sub divided 111 llin Port of tipper Astoria, na laid out and recorded by John Adnir, aim i o against said -criiittl moperty, ami winch warrant riiliimniida ine 10 lunkn levy unon and naln ot snld tin- crilied proprrty, In unlcr lo snllsfy snld warrant ami sum uaacesiiwiu nml to 'eilmr wllh Ih Inlnriwt Ihnreoil nlld th ikisIs m en primes of asm sale, and putsuiiiit lit said wurrunt and Ihe com itiamln I heroin eoiuained, I (tin. on th Kill dnv nf Novniiibnr, duly levy upon lb above ilescrlbeit real p'oporly, nml 1 w ill, mi th 1st It ilay ef t'loceiubiir, hits, at the bniir of II o'clock In tha fonnoon of bo Id day, at the court hnus door, towll; Hie "trnnc uf said inlilf hoiisn tin I'llglilll slleel In Dm Clly nl Aslorln, IVninly nf Clatsop, Htale of Oii'ifon, sell wild described rent iiroperiy nt loibllo auciimi to ilia highest bidder for cash, In It, H. gold coin, lo satisfy wld anscssiiiniil, Ihn Inieresl llinrenii, and lha cos Is and expense of sale i iifori'sald. and thn iit-ceiilng costs. alml at Aslorln, Oregon, lha lilh day bf November, IWM, K. UAl.licK. Clilnf of Police of Aslorln, Oregon, CIUKK Olf POLICE BALE. Nolle la hereby given thai by virtu uf a warrant for the collocilou of n da liiiituent assuasiuiini for yiii uiprovomrnt In ihn clly of Asloiln. . iircuoii, inwii: pond eirnwt, man hi iy-oiiit lu Koriy II rib si reel, duly Issued by th auditor ami polic Jlldgn uf said cllv by dlrrit tlon of ih euiuiiioik uuumill of sold elv. said wmrraut 'being deled llin Klh day uf October, IkW. in m dlmoled, nml the eaoaatitollt olV wlavll SMliia nllloulltlng Ui LLW wllh llitofctat tlierwMl al the ral of I pee cent per anniiiu front IB" Ulat day of March, J. wnl lielng ngalii! (b hdloaiug i hhhuhI proii, tvwli; H. Marlon and II. McCormack. UVIirr uf th following itnarrlbed rs.J prirly. towll: o It. block a. sub divbleit in the Port of I'pper Astoria, as In Id out and rooorded by John Aoalr, and also agalnal snld dead lt(! rtnriy, ml wliiili warrant command in tu make lovy upon ml al of sn' ' (tn crltied pnnriy. In order tn satisfy aald warrant and sold aamsament ami to gnther with h Inlervel I her ih m and the oat and excuse of aald sale, and pursiiajit lo said warrant and lha om mnmt thorWn ismiaturd, I did no lh Ilih d4y of November. Iws. duly lvy tiMin the biiva descrllMNl real' proffriy, ml 1 Will, on lh Ittth ilay of I iweinber, Km. at Ih ro'ur uf II o'clock In lh forenoon ot anld day. ai th court hous door lowit: hn eiiirwnc of said court hi il an un Eighth lroel. In the Clly of Astoria, I'ooniy of Clatsop, Hlal nf Oregon, sail anld dracrllxal real property at public s lift Ion to III hlgheal Wilder for caah. In V, B. gold coin, lu satisfy aid aaa(tBtiin(. lh iiileroat iWson, and lh itoal and espouse of sale afornaaid, and lh accruing costs. Iiat.nl Aaloria, oreitli, th Klh day of Novnber. iKWj. E. IIALUh'K. Chief uf Pullc of Aslorlo, Oregon. CI I IKK OK I Pull's 3.LK. N Ai Ice Is hereby ,HVsn that bv virtu of warrant for tlm colli lion of a liMjtintit aseaanirn (or tbn Impit.vi i t ui III llin clly of Asloria. Oregon, towlt: nfih streni. from Koriy-second in Korty Pith sired, duly laauwl by -that auditor and polo n I'ltlgo uf said clly by illm" Imu uf lha loinmon i.ailu II of said clly. (,.! wariwnt tuning iblil ihn Kill t!ay or iicl.oVr. K". to tun dirr-l-U. and Ih sxallinl oil will. It simllled atlioUntllig i II M with nloltwl liter.! al Ibe rata of per i nut lf a on un i fmn lb 31st day of f-irrh ltit and txi.ug agalnal lb following luiinrtl -rsons, towll: It. Marion nd II. McCormack. ns.lor of lha following dnatcrlbed real prufert). toWI; lot In. bio, a I. aa sub divide. I III Ihn Purl nf ., plter Aston, a Wltl out and rnoCilml by John Adair, alttl at". I ilgallisl Mid ile.crot.-il pnteriy, ami whi-li warrsnl i-wmii null inn to moke levy Ulmll and sai oi aalu de si rilie.1 ir"teity. In order to satisfy said Warrant ami snld n.i nmr 111 and lo-geit- - Willi thn Inlntval I hereon snd th iihiI nnd shpeiisea of aald sal. nd "iirsuai.t tu said warrant and th com mands therein rente. nsd. I did. on th Kill day of Nuvnmiter. bua duly levy upon the almve drxrlbnd f'! pi'perty, ami I will, un the lih day uf lcemliar, b'e,, t the lu.ur of II o'clm k In lh forriiiaui of sold day, ai lh court hous basr, tow.f Ilia siiirenc of said court bouse un Eighth suvet In the Clly of Asloria, tVniniy of I'lsiaop, Miale of Oregon, sell aald described real i,ioieny I publlo suction tu the highest bidder for cash. In I'. B gold coin, lo satisfy mild aasesamvni. th Internal ihnin. nil Ihn ivaia and exane of sale aforesaid, snd lh accruing costs Imted at Aaturia, Oregon, lh Klh day nf Nominlter. It, E IIAI.UM'K, Chief of Polic of Afloila. Oregon. CIIIEK OK P01.CK hALE. Notice la hereby iilm thai bv vlrlu of warrant for thn cu.ln. tlon of a de I. ii i. nil ais"ai,niriil for thi inpro rnnnl In ihn clly of Astoria. Oregon, town: llnnd street, from Kortysm unit lo forty, llf'h strert, (I in y IsbiimI by Um auditor and pollen Judiln of sal.t illy b dure tlon of thi. (omnioii council of said clly said warrant being ilale.1 I lie Kth day of October. iMil. to inn dire le.l, ami th assi on wh h s'lm iiltl (nmuiin to 1140 with interest thnrnmi st rbo rata uf I per cenl per annum from Ihn flat day nf March, I-CS4. nnd Item against th ftlllowing named persons, towll; It. Marion and II. McCurnw owner of the following doner I lied rsal pn.pnrty, towll; lot Ju. llo, k ss sui illvidel In Iho port of i ipttr Astoria, s laid out snd recorded bv -ohn A lair, and also against said drscrlMed proierty, and wh.eli warrant r..itiiiianns ue to make levy Uton ami sain ot aald (!-seriu-d property. In order lo satisfy said warrant ami Mid newrMineiit and lo eeiher wllh the Inter ret llieieou and Mm (itsis and expenses of anld ssl. and pursuant. io said war runt and the com mands thorein ixininnexl, 1 did. un ilia nth dnv of. NiivmnlMT.' K duly levy usm thn above described i property, nml I will. uf ihn lath day of Iieoemlo-r. iwet, at the hour of II o'clock In lh forenoon of enbl ilny. nt thn court house dor, towlt' thn cntrincn of sold court huiis.t on Klgbth sircet. In the Cky of Astoria, County of Clatsop. Hlaln of Oregon, sell Mild ilescn.ie.1 real properly ul public auction in th dullest bidder for cash, lu II. B. K"ld ''"In. to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon, and Ihn nosl and cxiwiisna of silo us aforesaid,' nnd the accruing costs, tinted nt Asturin, liregon, the 17 1 h day oi Novemher. 1W. E. HALIam ii. Chief of Police of Aslorln. Oregon. CII(Ij,K OK POLICE BALE. Nolle is hereby given that by virtu uf ii warrant for Ihn cmleiilon uf a iln l.iuineiit niso-iiiciil fot tin Inn rt v rr.t.nt In the clly of Astoria. Oregon. Inwlts Pond street, from Korly-sccund lo Korly. tlflh si reel, duly Issued bv Ihn nil. I tor nnd pillco Jlldgn of said city, ov direc tion .if the common, council or said city said warrant la-lug d.ilitl Ihn Kill day of October, ISiiH, to mo dlrnied, nnd the nssesmitnt on ii'h'iii siii'llled amniinlliig to (2.10 with Interest llntrnon nt the rate of s tmr co-it Mtr anniiiu trout tne illst day nr. ninrrn, vm nml lining lU'lilnst tha following . tunned persons, towlt; II. Marlon and IL McCormack, owner of thn following described real property towlt: lot Ul, blink s, ns sub divided In tho Port of Upper Astoria, aa laid out mm recorded by John Adair, mid also iigultiMt said described property, nnd which warrant rommaii.is nio to make levy iiin nnd sain uf snld iln ncrdied pnipcrly, In order tn satisfy sunt warm nt nnd anld uimunnment nml to. gniliar Vtilli th liilori-st thon-on and tha cost nnd expenses nf snld snln, and pursuant to said warrant and dm com miinds thnrnln con tn.1 nod, I did. on lh 17th day of Novmubor, lhim. duly lovy upon the lalsovo deserllind risil property, and I will, on thn l'llli ilny of Dncembnr, IsiiM, at thn hmir nf 11 o'clock In Ih forenoon of anld day. nt thn court hnune door, town: inn eniranco or said court house on i;irntn street, in tho City asloria. louniy oi liaison, state Oregon, sell sold described renl pronerty at publlo nuotlon to tho highest bidder for ennh. in U. H. gold coin, to euilafv Mil I1 assessment, the Interns, thereon, and ths. cieits and expenses of aula aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. I in led nt Astoria, Oregon, tha Klh rial ' of November, 18S8. 15. II A I, LOCK, Chief of Tollce ot Astoria, Oregon. Ills Il non-pntsnnnn rsniwly fur liuiiiirrlio-a, (ilitni, Hparnaturrliu-a, Whiles, unnatural ills-shsrK'-s, nr any liiflaninin linn, Irrllallou ur ulcrra r(JUIIRS iluldoi. Osirisiil l m Mt ltr. IPrtnsla Mslafla, IrHtEvtNC OHFHtnat (la. branns. Non-Mlrlnmnt (ion in muoons mem I AlMfflaairar r loi ny WraggUU. V ... Sl iS., u.i In -I.U . j --- ... ti. OT,i.r. afv'Vl IT xprnss. pr-pald, fill II Jin, or I Isittlm, fi.V: V at Circular stiul uu rsuuusU " Gianni" t'