T11K DAILY ASTORIA N, SUNDAY MOHMXG, NOVEMBKH 20, im aiis Notorial, JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Tclephont No. 61 TERMS OF BUB8CUIPTION. PAILT. ient by mall, par year tW Bent by mail, pr month so erred by wrier, per month BEM.-WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per year, In advance. Fostags free to suoscrlbers. .1100 All communication! Intended for pubtl nation should ba directed to the editor, pustnst communications ot all kind ul remittance muet be addressed to "The. Aatorlan.- The. Astorlaa guarantees to IU adver- ttaera the lanxeat clrculauon of any swspeper published on the Columbia rivet. Advertising ratea can be bad on applt cation to the builneee manager. THE PEACE PROTOCOL. Tha elata department baa huety made pubMo tha fuel text of tha protocol be tsseen tha United State) and ftrwln for tha preliminary eettlement of tha war Tna copy heretofore published In this country waa a translation cabled from France, but (ho secretary of state baa bx up to tbla time. permitted, tha official form to bo rtrea out. In view ot the oontroTorstca) between tha American and Bfanlah corrtrrJesiori turning on the ques tion of construing tha tanug of this Important document Hi aual form Just, now of special Interest. Tha proto col la m faJlanrs: Protocol of Mreewat between the United State and Spain, esnbodying the terms, o a basis for the establishment of a treaty of peace between ttie two countries. PROTOCOL. WUlhun R. Day. S--Tttry of State of tha United Snuea. and his excellency Julea Cs-njtxm, ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the re public of Franca at Washington, respec tively posseesins; for this purpose full authority from the government of the United StsJea and tha government of Spain, ha-a concluded and sinned the foilowtng artlcl-s. embodying the terms upon which tha two gorernmenta hare acreed in respect to tha matters herein. afur sot forth, having fn view the estab- llahment at peace between the two coun tries, chat la to aay: Article I Spain wlH relinquish all claim of sovereignty over the title to Cuba. Article II-paln will cede to tha United Bute e Island ot Porto Rico and other Inlands now under Spanish sovereignty In b) West Indies, and also an Island In tha Lad rones to be selected by the UnUed State. Artie!; IIl-The Untied State will oc- ry and hold the city, bay and harbor of Manila pending tha conclusion or a treaty ot peace which shall determine the control, dleioeitlon and government of the Philippine. Article IV-Spaln will Immediately evacuate Cuba, Porto Rico and other Is lands under 8panlh sovereignty In the West Indies: and to this er.d each govern tnent wnl. within tea days after the sign ing of this protocol, appoint commission- era, and tha commissioners so appointed sht within thlrtv days after the sign ing of this protocol, meet at Havana for the purpose of arranging and carrying out details of the aforesaid evacua tion of Cuba and the adjacent Spanish Is kinds, and each government will with in ten days after the signing of the proto col appoint other commissioners, who shall. wKhln thirty days after tha sign ing of this protocol, meet at Snx Juan, In Porto Rico, for the purpose of ar- ranging--and carrying out the details of the aforesaid evacuation of Porto Rico and other Mauds now under Spanish sov ereignty In the West Indies. Artless V The United State and Spain aril eacb appoint not mure than five commissioners to treat of peace, and the commissioner so appointed shall meet at Part not later tJurn October 1. 1898, nd proceed to the negotiation and con clusion of treaty of peace, which treaty shall be subject o ratification according to the respective constitutional forms of the two countries. Article VI Upon the conclusion and signing, of this protocol hostilities be tween the two countries shall be sus pended, and notice to that effect shall be given as soon as posMnle by each gov ernment to the commanders of Its mili tary and naval forces. Done at Washington In duplicate. In English and In French, by the under signed, who have hereunto set their hands and seals, the 12th day of August, 1898. WILLIAM R 1MV. JULES CAMBON. OASTOniA. Bsantk ) Tf Kurf Yw Haw llwrs Bocflt B!fBts Of Oovernor-eleot Roosevelt la among the lecturers In the Boston Lowell Instltte course this winter. Luxuriant balr. ot uniform color, Is a beautiful bead covering for either sex, and may ba secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. Naftheji B. Moore, of Bingham, Me., Is the champion nlmrod of that state, and ha killed over 300 moose. Acker' English Remedy will stop a eourV at any time, and will cure the worst Mid -In twelve hour, or money re funded. tS and CO centa. For sale by Istes-Conn Lrug Co. ' General Wheeler was the youngest man in the confederate army to attain the rank of lieutenant general. He waa 26. If old Tea positively cure sick headache, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Remove all eruptions of the ikin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. People who live In glass houses have a frbet for their pains. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money If It falls to cur. cent. The genuine has L. B. Q. on eu?h tablet. V ,. . . y, .... ., .... ,-'-j ; .- . :t r ' tin ,1 A n t'Vi.V.W Tho Kind You llnv Alwnj- nought, nntl Mhlch htw Im'CH In uso for over SO yearn, luw iMtrno tlio ulitnitturo of - nntl liw bocn nimlv tuttlor hist ,Mr sJJj?-f-fi wMinl HUNrvlsloii ulnoe Itilnfanoy. WiafxVZcAli AUow no one to dmlvo you In this All CountcrtVIK Imllallon mul Substitute ro but Kx IMTlimutts that trlllo vltli nntl rntlunRcr tlitf hvnlth of Infants aiul Ctilhlrcn-Kxoerlenoo ngulust lixiHTlmcnt. What is CASTORIA Castorli 1 ft pubstltnto lor Castor Oil, l!rojrorlo, l)rts ami Sootltiujr Syri!is. It Is llitnttvs nntl IMoaMtnt. It ctntaltiH neither Opium, Morphine other Xnreotlo puhstanee. II nj;e I It guarantee. It tlestrojs 'Worms nnl allays Fever Wuiosh. It cure lHarrluvi and 'XVlud Colie. It relieves Teelltlnir Trouhhvt, eurti Cotillatkn and Flatuleney. It niinllate thp FannI, reffntntcs tho Stomneh nnd ItoMtN. Blvlnjr healthy ami natttrul let?p The Children's raiuivtM -Tho Mother' Frleud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Tie Kind You Ha?e Always Bmt In Use For Over 30 Years. The man ho pays as ho t;li m goes tho pnoe thAt kills. TVtoutB'.v h cattily girl IiumU ui r i n b s p p v w i f t h.4 nj cu pjble ttu'.iicra-joj A new Ii r j leu pruuerv ;irevent uusv iirl Ironi sming thins that they tht to know ftelore ttiev the duties ui mat ii:E,.mT and mtteraity Athletics aluce will nut mke a vouv.c womtn tbot ov.ihly h-raitiir The siue roatioe'.s o: a j oJ tuothei or some elder woraas art indiiptOMate The best and noblest mis siun of a aromAO is to bear and rear bealthv. intellitent coildrrn. I ord -r to du tbis. bc mu be braithv and strunjr in a wonunly way. Both the intcW lectnl and phrtu-jl future of her chikltra deDend Urnlr uduo '.ne mutner. vr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tae brst of all medicines for maids, wives ana raotb era It is intended to do but one thinf end does that one thin thoroughly. It acta directly on the delicate and important or, fans concerned u wifehood and ssiKhrr hood and nukes thm strone. bealthv. virile, vigorous and elistic. taken dur ing the time of p reparians, it baoisbcs (be trial snd danrern of maternity, it insures the well being of the mot'ar and the robust bcslth of the child. It w toe rrearest ot nerve tonics snd nerve builders. Thou sand of women nsve told the storv of its marvelous accomplishment. Good medl cine dealers sell it and will not advise I substitute in place of it. Is a letter to Dr. Pierce. Mr C. a. UcDocsld. of No. uj N. CheMnol Street. Los aasjoea, OsL. n "At Jaoclion City I became lepiMotsa with W. C Ixe. St. D . aa oM fnaVaotx. He said he wss college chum of yosts, bqttast yam went to Europe to the best hospitals, who k commenced practice : that far thirty yn yem were coaodervd oae of the kesdiaf' tmyssrhmi in New York Stale, sad he cuusnlsiul year nm nhn Iwtlrr than all other, a&l urescnbcd thai dailv m his practice On the srnnrta of this coauaendatwn 1 tried yonr ' Psvoris Ptsauts Uoo ' and the Pellets." The Pswnte Pracrtp. Uoo ' has acted like msjric ia cases of tfTeaeJar sod painful moothly penoda. s few diaes only beinf prctmry to restore Im sacaral lanaloa. Tbe ' Pellets ' lure prorcn sa issillihle curt kx sick saa btuou Headache. In paper covers, 31 one -cent sumps .cloth binding, ten cvnts extra Dr. Pierce s Com- moo Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dl SL V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. While the falling off of jo per cent In the. sale of tandem bicycles the past year may be held sa evldenre of a growing desire of people to go tt alone, ina num ber of rruuTgm bos greatly increased. Pears' No soap in the world is so cheap. No soap in the world is so lasting. Joel Chandler Harris, the author of the Bre r Kabblt StorUs." never leaves his Atlunta (Ga.) home. "I am oppemed to travel." he raid the other (Jay, "and I never go outside of my fence here." That the blood should Derform Its vital functions. It Is absolutely necesssarv it should not only be pure but rich in Ufa- Klving elements. These results nr. heat effected by the use of that well-known tundard blood purifier, Ayers' Sarsapo- rllla Orrln Hickok. who was as great an artist In the suiky as Tod SIjon was in the saddle. Is dying of paralysis In San Frandsco. In 1887 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh, m Allen- town. Tenn.. had an attack of dysentery which became chronic. "I waa treated by the best physicians In East Tennes see without a cure,' ho says. "Finally I tried Chamberlain's f'ollrv rhnl..r and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using about twelve bottles I was cured sound arid well." For sale bv Charlc-a offer drugglBt. James Itoblnxon, once the famous bare back rider of the world, in recovering from a svrlous illness a Deiavan, Wis. PLATED OUT. Dull headache, calns In various narts of the body, sinking at tha nit of th. .ttm. ach loss of appetite, fevertshnes, pimples or sores are all positive evidencea of Im pure blood. No matter hoi l a it must be purified In order to obtain good reaitn. Acker's Blood Ellxer has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi sons or any other blood dlaaaasa if i. certainly a wonderful remedy and w .n every bottle on a . positive guarantee. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Oo. i "v.3ir t A-Sr I F' ,i ou Iffil J Siguaturo ot It ruis been calcuhited that the loss .rum llltv-ss avemares S.0u).Otl weeks of work In a yar. or 24 per cent of the work dona ty th whole populml.m be tween IS and 6 years of acs. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets srs sold on a positive guarantee. Cure heartburn, r.slnsr of food, d Is trass after eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet g'.v.s Immediate relief. and SO cents. For sale by Eatea-conn Drug Co. Mr. Annie Wojcievhownha gi rl.l of her rame by dylrur the oher day at G.ven llay. Wis., at Uie arv of lo years. OASTOniAi Baintha lia ait. tJl Hlit UmB txfl in Very often, said the womanrhater. the tH'ter half uf a mail's life comes before he Is married. THE 11K3T 1-l.ASTKR. A piece of flannrl dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound on to the affected parts la superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain in the chest or side, or a lame back, give It trial. You are pertain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It afforus. Pain Balm la also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. An English physlcUui relates In the Journal ot Comparative petruiiogy that of 300 dogs to whom he administered chloroform, only one died, and chat was an aged, fut pug. BL'CKLEN'8 ARNICA 8ALVE THE BEST SALVE in tbe world for Cuts. Bruises. Borer. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores J Tatter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns and all 8kln Eruptions. and positively cure Piles, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to gtva perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price B cents rer box. For sale by Estes-Conn Urug Co. Admiral Dewey. U Is said. Is a great collector of butterflies In addition to Spanish warships and otner brlc-a-brac, A SURE SIGN OF CROUP. Hoarseness In a child thai Is subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach o the disease. If Chamberls n i Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the crou-y cough has appeared. It will pre vent the attack. Many mothers who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that It saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. For sale by Charles Rogers druggist. If a woman donen't think a man Is sincere when he flatters her It Is gennr ally his own fault. While President MuKlnley's great un cle, Francis, was flgfttlng und.-r Henry J. McC'racken. In the Irish revolution of 'Ss, a grandfather of Senator limna waj a citpUln ui the opposing Er.Kllsh force FREE FILLS. Serv" your name to II. E. BU'kl.n Sc Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Kr. King's New Life IMIIs. A trial will convince you of their murlts. These pills are easy In action and are parti ularly effective In tho cure of conxtlpatlon and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved lnvalu able. They are guaranteed to be pe.-fectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving ton to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular slzs 25 cents per box. Sold by Estts-Conn Drug Ce. There Is no more didly poison for love than a lie about a little thing. , BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysvllle, Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been mode In the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from con sumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. He declares that gold Is of little value In comparison with this mar velous cure: would have It, even If it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, bron chitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles free at Estes-Conn Drug Co. Regular size SO centa and IL0O. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. I - M saJ""'aaaWaWSJslsaW,", NOTICE 01' INTENT'! Ntli' Is horvbv slvii ttist ths Common Council of the Oily of Astrla. Oregon, proposes snd dotrrniliu'a to Improve Ali tor street, from the west able of SUIh street to the went of Ninth street, In said city, by tttiillng mU tirret whois nevosnary to Its full width, and covering same with pbtnking In id upon proper timbers and snlntiiTa, ami I'otmtrui'tlng si lewslk on ench nl! there if, Ilia plunk ing to be for a width of !t feet on rNi'h Ui of a line dnwn tlirmiKli tho center ot said Amor street tlirmiiitunit tho afore said silent t!,i!i'of, and III stdowalks to ba 10 feet widn on both lilos of pnld street, also coiHtnicting the nrorsanry crossings on said Improvement. The sits and ntiallly of all the liiuiln'r to be Used In the construction of mid linprovemi'iit aliall le as dluvt.vd by Hrd!niu'e No ii ot tho ordlunncrs ot snld oily, entitled "An Ordinance In Itelatlon to the Im provement ot dtr.els." approved Jsmary id. isw. Ths cost of saKI linnrovvMiieiit, ricept the cost of I Im cioKHlnii thorron shall be defrayed by spccUl aeament UHn ths Iota, lands and prcmsca fronting upon, ad)acenl to a.ul otherwise bir(Utd by said piiHsed Inipiovv'iiu'tit, w hi. h snld lot, lands, and promises are Included within th "Aalor sirvot, fro-n Klilh to Nirth strret litiproveinent district." and Include! the following re.il property, to Wlti Lots 1. I. u:nl 4. Ill HkH'k f; lots t 1 H snd 4. In block li; lots 1. I. S. snd 4. n bliKk 11: lots i, s, 7 snd I. In blvk ; lots 4. . 7 and 1 In bl.vk l: and lots 6, , T, and I tu block S; all in th.it part of t-e City ot Astoria known as ths Town ot Asiona as laid out and recorded by John McCluie, end nine a ii'tiintrnc signed by ths owners of more than one- half of the property In said street aets nisnt district shall be tiled with the Aud it r and To. Ice Jude f .i.d city, by ths noxl r:uiar mrel'iig of th Common Council of said rity follow ng the duts of the expiration of the publication of this notice, low tt. by Thursday. Decern' ber ISih. lJvfi The Common Council will order th said Improvement. This Is publ.shcd by virtus ot a reso- lu'lon of nl J council, passed st a regular meeting of said body, held Thursday November Jd. Is 11. E. NK WON. Auditor and I'ollc Judge, City ot Astoria, Utcgoa. Astoria. Ore.ton. November li;h. Is". CII1K1-' I'l' I'i'I.IOK SAI.I". N'cllce Is hiT-bv gi-n il.it by virtue of a warrant for n r.ol-. ti n of u de- I nciuriil .i.-s-! -i nt for 111.' iiniirovfii enl In tile city of ..,!.i ,i dr.'ii'ii. ti wit lto:id utrix t. from Knt -!-. vn.l to Forty llt'.h street. illl.V K-illol t'V tlio Slid tor and police JiMkm of -iM it nv du llo:i of the common council of s.u 1 ' a il I Wiirnint t.. i:i dated the l.'lli day t titr. lv. to nio dlrn-'ted nd th iui--mt'nt on wu., h Piiot-iiiiM auioiinllug to fJ i with iiitormt tin -rtti t tne rat of S per ce.it IV i.vum fro n 111" tlt day of M irch, and b.-mg i-alnt 111 following' named 'roii. t"lt: H. Marlon and II M.i'oriiiuck. owner of tlio folio Hit don ribr.l real ro.Tty. to it. lot i;. I.l.nk s, as sub divided In the I'ort f I i-r Alorui as hild out and P- orded ov John Adutr ami w!ho aain.-. ii. !.", m umi irv-ier,y and lah.eh n irririf .-otimt.tiuN me to make l.'V v uin aid 4iie ot .n.i 1 cr bel proiwrty. In ord -r to atl!-ty iiaid arrant and aald a. i-iiniit and to gether wt'.h the umrcn thereon and th ion! and exoeiiitea of aul aa.e. and Dursuant to said warrant unit the com nmnd therein font. ned, I did. on th 17th dav of NoveiiilM-r. 1. dUiy levy Ui-in the almve decnle.l real proiierty. and I will, on the pith Iny of lwinlr, lv at tl.e hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of sold d iv ut the court lioim d.xir tolt: the I'liinuiif of said court house ull Ktghlh street 111 I tie t lV uf Astoria. Oiuiity of t'l.it nop. State of Oregon, sell sold dewTltw.1 real rfo-rly at public auction to the hlKltevt bidder lur in. in l . f. oiu i-oin. to antiary sild assessiiienl. tho liit rei -eren, and the ivda and exm'nsiit of sale as aforeaid. and the u, t ruing coals. tinted at Astoria, nregon. tho llth day or Noveniber. Iaml E. IfAI.IsM'K. Chief of Police oi Astoria, Orvg.jn CHIEF 1F POUCrl SA LB. Notice Is hereby glvn that by virtue nf a warran; for the itIU tmn ' n de-ll-Mumt aas-wamenl for tne Imiinnemenl in Hie i lly of Astoria. I Teiijn. town: Itovl stre-t. frm Forty-swoinl to Forty Ilfih street, duiy lasueal by the auditor snd police Judge of cltv nv direc tion of the ronmnn council of mild city said warrant being dati-d the Kill day ol CictitM-r luel. to mo dlrm-ted. and th assessment on whu h stiecitlnil amounting to is.M witn interest tnerwn at ine rat of i tier cent iT annum (nm the imt day of March, lKxi. and being agnlnst th follo-tlnjr iiainesl iiersons. towil: R. Marlon and H. Mo.wma k. owners of the following described real property. tott. lot W. blKk I, as sub divided in the r"ort of I nner Astoris as laid out and recorded by John A nilr, ani u.so against said iirs,Ti'l nneierly and which warrant commands me to mike levy Ubon and sale of snin l scribed property, In order to sutlsfy dnid warrunt and Kild ussessmeni snd to- WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Bound Nan gatlon Company. Telephone leaves Astoria dally, except sunasy, si i p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday si i s. m. White Collar Un tickets Inten-hangeabte on Telenhon. T. J. Potter snd R. R. Thompson for Astoria snd all way points, FUvel, Ilwaco. Hsuvlew, Long Ueacn, and .vancotts, C. W. STONE. U B. SCOTT. Astoris Agent. President. Telephone No. lL CASTORIA For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of illott's Nerverine Pills The grti' remedy iut nervota pro-, t ration anc 1i Ct'" f 1 Vf V2 oixasrs ot uie - 4Vi.i Eenerative or- lUOKK iN'D Alli.ll LV.1M1. gjn, 0( e;lntr es, such ai Nervous Prottration. FaUinp o. must Manhood, Impotency. Nightli Emn lions, Youthful Error, Mental worry, ex cessive use ol 1 obacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 per box by mail; 6 boxes for $5.00. For sale by ESTES-CONN DRUO CO. MANHOOD RESTORED gusranteed tocue all nervous diseases, suoh sa week Memory to. V : ' "cmiBcs vuai siaDnooa, nigntiy Xmis- ions, Kervoutness, sll drains, loss of power iu Generative Orgsas of either sex, caused by overexertion, youthful errors, excestiv use ol Jn'0?!11'- 'rhlcl'"0 o Infirmity, Conaumption or l-7ViCtnib'5"rT,'2 'PaT Vket- ""P hoi;6 for Vy msll tjeistid Clrraljr Free. Bold by all druggists. Ask for It; tskenoother. Manufactured by the Peas Medldne cV. Paha. Hrance l"u-7)nls Urug U..diitrUiuUnf iitnts. Third and V.mklli 8U . PortUni T Or "or Bale by BBTB8-CONN DRUO CO. MANHOOD RESTORED JJJ g tl'incl s lamoui frencb pliyaklun.wlll quickly 1 17. V Strrong i AFTER f" tliehorrornntlmpotancy. 4 i;Fin:NKclisuasUiUviir, UM IBirUni SND Sir I CM .l,lnl,..na Ihsilrlnarvnrifansnf sll lm.,.ol.. i SITBsffnKNR atransthnsand rsNtrsaamall Th yason sufTerers are not enred by ins-inrs Preslslllls. CUi'IliKN'KIa thn only known reined to cur sriiliouiau operation. tuuotisitlmnnU la A wrlltso guarantes given and money returned If six hole doe not eileut a psruiauauloura 1140 a box, six for J.UU, by inuu. Hend fur rass circular and leailmonlila, Address DAWI JSKDICIHE CO., P. O. rsiW with ths Intarset thron and the coals and sspelises of said sal, snd piiraiianl to said wrinl Slid ths com iiinuds thiuelii I'.iiitiuiusl, I did, .on the I .'III day of Novemlier, WW, duly levy upon (he sIhivs deserlbeil real property, and I will, on ths llli day of )Htmber, Ivw at ilia hour of 11 o'clock lu the forenoon of said day at the court housa mm 3 ilnor, lowlt: Hi" entrance oc asm isiur house mi Wlahtn atreet, in ine t:nv A.iorla iinlv of Clslson. Htsl iirouon. aeii aald dccrliel real tuiuisrtv at (HI III 10 aiiotlmi to the highest liidder for cash. In If. H, gold com. to satisfy aid assessment, the lull-rest thoreon, Snd the costs snd eipense of sal si aforesaid, and the seeming costs, Us l id at Astoihi, Oivgoti, tha 17th day of Novwiilier, ISS. ' ...... B. HAI.U1CK. Chief of 1'ollca oi Aatoila, Oregon, flllKr tK rolJCK 8AI.W. Notice Is hereby glvm thai by virtu r a a arrant for the collection of a lv liiiuu-ni arcmnt for (lie ImpiMV e.- eut In the It v of A at iris, tireaon, towll: Hood street, frm Koriv-ooiiil to Korly. Ilfill street, duly Issued bv llm auditor and police Judse of said city, by direc tum of th coniiiioii cou.iMI of ild city, snd wnriunt being datint the I7lh day of tVtotier. INikt, to nie dlrivied. and the aaomeiil on hU ti s-iecllled anioimtlng to S.IW tth Intereet thenwn M th rate of i tier cent pernnum trout the Slat day of March. Ik1, and being asralnst the folk in- named Mrsnns. towlt; It Aloxum nd H MiH'ortiHM k owner of ths following dwcrieu real property, lowlt. lot IS, ldck S, as sup ,lildM In the I'ort f I pper Astor a. as hild out and recorded. Iiy ,olin Adair, and iilo aiiainst snUI descrilHUl rf..-rty. mid wli.tli ii r rant ivumnanda me to make levy upon and sale of snid de crlled property, In iwder to sutlsfy said a mint snd said sesiniiu snd to geihwr with the Interest llinriHHi and the i-osla and iirnee of said sale, and puisiiaiit to said wnnwnl ami Hi com mand therein ciwletned. 1 did, on the l.'th dsv of Noveuioer. Ikw. uuly levy U(ei the above described real nropurly, and 1 will, on th Uttl day of liecemlwr, 1. at tie hour of 11 o'clock In th foiviusiti - sold day si Ills court house door, tow it' the eiitriune of said court lioiinn on r.'ighth street. In the Cltv of Astoria. tVuntv l'lalop, ritats of urea-oil. soil suld deM-rilxsl real property at public auction to th htgheat bidAr for -h. In l f. g"ld Mln. to satisfy sold sssoaauivllt. ths interest tllersi aim the costs snd sapeiisM of sals ss aforesaid, and th a, cmlng coats listed st Astoria. Otegon, the 17th day of November, IS. K- IfAI.UM'K. t'hlrf of Police ol Astoria. Orrgori. ClllKr OK IH'l.lt'E WALK. Not' Is hereby lv ( Hist by virtue of a arrant for the collection of a de I n. i lent ami m it for th niprov nunt In th city f Astoria, iM-esoa. town; Hon.1 street. frm Kort)-sond to Krty tl ih striet. duly Isaueil by the and: I or and police Judge of ald cltv, bv dlrre lum of ihe loimmm council of aald clly, Mild warrant being dated th 17th day of u toN r. s.'i. to me dins led, sod the assessment mi whu h apecinoil amounting lo V15 wlih Interest thereon at the rate of it per cnt isr annum from the Hat day of March, l"-. and le'lng aanlnst the following ruitursl l-erson. nwll; It. Marlon end II. MoCVsniiai k, owner of the following -escribed real property, towll. 1,H II. block S. n sub dilUl In the port f t'ltr Astoria as laid out and re-rdiM by lohn Adair, and uiso agauist suld descrlUst iroK'rly, nml til rh warrunt command mn to make levy tiliti aiul sale of aald de scribed property In iwder tu satisfy said warrant and sold asaessnirnl and to it oilier with th Interest there-Mi and th omit and rliwnsr of said sale, and pursuant to ahl wnreunt and -fie coin tiiind therein conliunml. I did. on the l.'th day of November. Ia. duly levy ni-Ti the atsive describnt mil proH-rty. and I sill on the 161 h Uy of I ecemter, I vm. t the hour uf 11 o'clock In th fori-rssni of said day. t the court house d.Kir. towlt' Ihe entrance of said edurt house on K'lghih strret In the i lly of Ast.uia. O'Ulitv uf l'latuti, Htsl of llreKoli. si-ll sold ilrsi rtbed r-al prierly at nubile auction to in nigneit blilde: for cuah. In V. ! gold coin, to satisfy s.iid Assesstut'tit. ttie intiT-Mtf thertam, nntl the ls and eiiieli- of sale a aforesaid, and th accruing costs liated at Astoria, urnfoh, Ihe 17th day it .Nmemts-r, ivsi. K. IfAI.UM'K. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKK t'P PtI.U'K HAI.K. Notice I hen-hy given that by virtue of a warrant for the sile tiuti or a d lirvtu-Nt asseoanient for the In pn vei t.t In the city of Aitoria. IM-..ii, towlt It.irul street, from Korty-secund to Korty II .'th strc-t. duly linsi iy in- audit ....I ..11.. I...l ..f k..i.I .-11 l.w .llrv tlon of the coimniHi ciiu.ifll uf said tiiy saul wurmnt Ix-ua date.1 tlm 17th day of liclols-r. I VI. to iimi directed, and Ihe assjvsnieiit un whu h stH-iliisi anioutillna M Sl'Ju wlih Interest tlierrsm at thn rat of h twr rent x-r annum frum the list da of March. iKsi. and being against ill Pillowing named poraon towlt: It. Marlon and II. Mrma k. owner of the follow Inr dcswrlbe.! real pruis-rty, towlt, lot 11. bhs k S. am aul divblnl In th Port of t'uoer Asl.irta as laid out snd recorded by John Ailulr ami also again! suld decrilrsi iirotsriy and which warrant command me to make levy utsin aiul sale of wild de 'tiiied prooertr. In order to sutlsfy Said warrunt and ssld sswrsatneiit an., to gether with the Interwet I her, an ami the costs and eaoensra of said sale, ana nursunnt to said warrant ami ths cum nisnds therein rontajnad, I did, on the 171 tl day of November. li, duly l"vy upm tne aiioye di srrtlied renl property, and I wtll. on ihs 11th day of lieceniber 1hj-i. at the hour ot 11 o'ciok In th foreiwsm of suld day, st ths court hous door, lowit: the entrance of ald court hous on Klis-hlh street, In .th t.'lty of Astoria, t'ounty of llalop, Hlat of Oregon, sell said described real property at publla suction lo th highest bidder r,.r man. in t;. n. gotii coin, to sansry suld asseasmrnt. the interest thereon, snd the costs and expenses of sale as aforesaid, and ths accruing costs. Imted at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day of novenuier. isui K. HALUK'K Chief of Police of Astoria, On gon, CHIK.r Of POUCB SALE. Notlre Is hereby iclvn that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a d lingu tnt asa-sstuent for the improvement in tne c ty of Astviu. Oregon. ' I Ito-vl strwt. from Kurty-seeond to K"rty llfth atreot. duly Issued by the and lor an i ponce judge or said clt- by illrec ,.. .i... n ..M..o ..a ..i.u ii"ii ol ion luiniiiwii i,Fiio. ii iji mii'i 1117, suld warrunt Ixdiig dutisl the 17th day of October. IhWI, lo me dlrmied, and the asK-ssment on wnk h spesilled amounting to 13 20 wlih Interi-el thereon at thn rate of 8 I er cent Per annum from the list day of if arch, 1W, and b'lng against tlie following nam til persons, towlt: It. Marlon and II. MrOrrmnik, owner of the following deecrltxsl real property, town, lot 12. bock S. as sou divided In the Port of tinner Astoria, as laid out and rworded by John Ailiilr, ami aiso Huaitist nam !- 'i-ritssi tiropcriy, and which warrant commands me to fnaae lew utsin anil ante of Mild ne scribed property, In order to satisfy said warrant and sulu assessment and to gether with the InKsreet thnreon and thn nonts and expenses of Bald sale, and pursuant to suld wurmnt and the com nuinds tnnreln contained. I did. on thn 17th day of November, MM, duly lnvy upon the ubovn described reul property, ana t win. on ine imn day or ijeeatnner, WM. at thn hour of 11 o'clock In Ihn forenoon of wild duv. nt the court house door, towlt; the entrance of said court house on Ktghtn strent. In the City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell Wild described real property Hit public auction to the highest titiMer f,K nmh in IT Q vr.l.l ,.1,. n ...ll.A, .v. ..n... ... w. -.vol. IU RniiBlf sum assessment, me interesi tneretn. anu the costs and expense of sale us afornsalil, and the accruing costs. Duted at Astoria. Ori-son. tha 17th dav oi iMovernoer, id'js. K. irALIXJCK, Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon, my tislaar Dr. Pew, fellow Nerve fills. This miniUHiil 4 (OUPIDENCN Thlsi-rsatVesntabls rVllailsar.thDrserlD- I Ptiyilk'lun. Will anlf-lclvmir vmi nf &II nh vous or dlw-sss ol the generauv orifaiia, such as tost Manbfiorl, Inaomrila, I'almln the iiacli.Hi-niliial Kuilasinna, Kervmi tleblilty, Piiuplrs, UnfitnMS to Marry, Kzlianstlng Drslm, Vsrleorel snd Countlnutlon. Ilttops sll lusses bydar or night Prsysiita qiiW k nM of dlacbaris. Wtik;h If not nhselrsil lsarls tt HnermslurrlUMs and wsk orvatia. Is became ninety per cent BPS trrmWfil wttr) Box 207S, Bon Fraiiclaco, fal. TbrBalt bf CHARLES ROGERS. 46 Commercial 8t citucH" or roi.ii'rc balk. Notice is hereby lllviu that by vlnne nf a warrant for the colic in t " ," IlilUilenl hss ishiii 'III for 1 1. i I' I ' '' " III the clly of ,sl na. nioilon. limit; It Hid street, from I'oi li -sc. ond lo li'ottv flfih strent, duly Issued In I lie and lor and police JiiiIho of saul cltv, b dine t toil ,if tlm common coiini ll or said i lly said wnriiml tieliig dalisl ilio l.'lh day ol tieliiber, I Mil, In inn dire, led, nml the assessment oil which spi"ill"-l aliioiiiilluii In 1:11 with I ii I ores I lliiTioii nt llm lain of per cent per annum from III" HIM day of March, Iviil. nml ln'liix uaaliist the following luilncd peisolis, towll; H. Marlon and II. MiH'onnai k, owner ot tho following di-si-nhid roil properly. towt; lot II. lilm W h, as sub. dlvidi'd III llm port of 1 Pi'iT Asinrm. ss laid out nnd recotilml uv j,,m Ad ill. and iilsn iiaalnxt aald d -wi il d m t ri , and nil, cli waiiniit couiuiamls inn to InaKii levy iisiii nml ..iio ol sold d" scrlned property, In oidir lo sallni' anal warrant nod sold iisn'ssiinnl und to gether Willi the InliMoet tlii'iioil nml Ui" coal nnd etpeuaes of said sale, ami piirsiiani u said annul and the com tunnds therein coiila in-il, I d, I on t lie L'th dav of Novoinlii-r, Ivis, duly levy Upon tlm mIniv dcscrllied reil pioperly, Snd I will, on I lie pit )t dav ot I leecmhi I', iMtt. el the hour of tl o'clock In the fori'iiisiii of .id day. nt the court house d.sir, towlt; I tlx outran, i, ol said eonii houso oil IMithlh el i eel III I tin I'll)' nf Astoria. Oninty nf t'lalsop, Hlale of meson, soil niid di'scrilasl re il pioioi'lv at piildlo auction to the IiIkIics) bidder for cash, in li, H. gold coin, m - '. aald sssessiunnl, the ni ret thoreon, mid the oos I and eit-enn.'S of sale us aforeaald. and Ihe meriiliig costs I Mini at Aslolla, tliegon, (he l.ltl day of Noveinber. Ims. H. IIVMn ii Chief of I'ollc of Aaloilii. tltrgoii. . n 1 1: ! tr I'ni.iri: hai.k. Notice Is hereby itlveii that liv virtue or n aristU for the coll.v lion or a de, bnitiieul asse, ,. H,. nt mr lint linpr ne:. n nt In the city of Atoila, Hrotoii. I lloml strst, fiom t'oro oud In l' "it -I'fih sireot, duly Isu.-d bi ilio mi, Id, r and police JiiiIko of sill eil In dilu tion of the common coun -II of salt II said warrant being diii-l tho Will ilai m tl'lolH'r. IMK, lo nie dlle. t.d. and Hie assrssiuniit uu win. h sins iihsI aitioiiiilliiit In tt 30 Willi Interest 1 lo t. on .tt mi ot S per I -el It s r atlllUIlt f in II III ' .ll.t d i) of March, Immi. sod being ,ic ilimt the following limned poisons, lowlt It. Marlon and II M'H"onn.n k owner of Ihe following iloi rlbr t real prowrty, towlt; lot i lilo. k V as stili- dlvbb'd In thn I'.Mt of I ,,,. r ,si, rla aa hild out nnd in or. I, -.1 In John ,l,,,i aisl lsti aMlllnnt aald ilrai rllssl pl-l"lt and aliti'li warrant itiuiui.tnds me to make levy tnni ami s.ilo u( sold l aerilied property. In nrdw in -i.iliiv said warrant nnd suld as..-iiniit an) to gether with the llltortv.1 tllor.oil and tllr ei and rspensr of siil silo, an pursuant tu said war mm and the com mauds tlu-relii contained. I did. on t lie l.th day or NovctutM-r. tav duly - ! nis'ii tbe nlsive described rool propeii and I will, on the IMh day ot I member I MX. at III" hour of II ociock in Ihe foirmatft t.f sold ilav. al the court house door, lowlt' tile i-llllullie of S lid i ollli ll'lUSt. oil llllhth sllerl In the I I v of Astoria. tNiunly of i".atoi. Htale of Hregoll, Sell SMld ibscriNe.1 l. ll t M'ctt) at pill, lie auction to the liltlirM Id, 1,1 for cnsll. Ill I H gold coin to satisfy 'lld assi'samriit. t he lull I enl -'ore"!!, and III i-osta and Kpcnvra of n le aa aforesaid, and the a, cnntig .oil liit.il at Astoria, liienoii, tho l,ii day of .'Vin-iiil'cr. in;, i: iim.i,. , ic Chief of I'ollcn of A ( 1 1 1 . OrcHou ClllUr Ol' Pol.li 11 HII.K Notice la hen hi klieil thtt l' llllne of a warrant for the t lion i.f a de lin l-leiit ase. ntcnl for tin- m. c'i'i 11,1 In the ilty of AMr:a. im-',oi. i,,wit lloiid street, from I'ort v con, I lo 1' ity II f' Ii iio-t, duly ln,.l h the , u I t and poll, e JmlK" of s.nd .III ,v , Hi ec tiori if the i, 011111011 loiin, il ,.f sill . 1 said warrant la .ng ilat.sl the i;ili ,Uy of IHInUr. lei. to 1110 illln l,,l. and the as.esniettl ori ah. Ii --e.'itte.l anioimtlng In 11 Jl with liitwi-st thin-on at Ihe late of ts-r .wit r nnuiiiii (null the tint day of March, Ks, ami In-mg against lb' following luillisil persons lowlt. II Marlon und II ,, "rtiio. owner of the following nl-l r.-il prnNrl'. tiiwil. lot b. ban v am sub divided In tin- I -net of I purr Aslor a as hild out and ns nbil by John A, loir, atet uls.i against sold dcai-ril-! pt"iH'My, aud wlilt h warrant 1 oiniuaiul me 11 make levy Upon and s.ilo of anal de scrl property, In ifii r to attstt a.ii. a mint nnd suld aswssineiit ami I,, aether with Ihe Intnrvet heretll and the ita and eftiietise of said sale, an pursuant lo said wurmnt mid Ihe com nniml therein coiilii-neil, I did. tin ttie Kill day 01 Novninber K duly levy llei Ihe alnivn ilfscrllw-l fn property, ami I will on the p'dli day 01 liecrmlx-r. I vis, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the ft'tcitisiti of said day at ttie 1 otirt house door, towll the efitmnie of said court housn mi l.'lli lit h nirrrt rt Oi I'lly of Astoria, O'Uiity of llatsop. Htatn of Oregon, sell anlil .ietT!lx-d ri-ll property at public auction to the highest bidder for insh. In I'. H. sold coin, 10 satisfy sahl assessment, the Interest tni-reHi, ana the cota am) rxiieiisrsi of aal mm afnresahl, and ihn accruing coats listed at Astoria. Oiegun, Ilia Klh day of Novriiibcr, ism. K. I'Al.ooi-K. Itilef of Pollen of Astoria. Oregon. CIIIKF OK I'QI.Ii'K HAI.K. Notice la hereby glicn that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de lui juenl a's-'Ssmcnt for Ihe Imnr ivemenl In Ihe city of Astoria, iiregoti. town, lloml lree, from Korty-Secmnl In Korly fifth street, duly Issiml by ihn oii,l.t,,r and police Judge of said clly by dine lion of the ii'iiiiii ui council of said clly, suld warrant ta-trig datml (lie lih day ol October. Icrt, to nwi dire, led, and the nsai-sauietii on wh h spsitli-l ntiiouiitlng to .l'Jl with lnlnr-t lliereuii nt the rale of iier i-enl per annum frnn the 3 day of .March, MS. nlld liclllg ugalllsl tlie following mini. si persona, lowlt; II. Marlon ami II. McOrnuirk. owner of tho following docrltl real liropuriy. towlt: lot s, hbs k a, in "un divided in the Port f I pper As'nrni. aa hild out snd ns ordi-d by John Aileir, ami iilso ngiilnsl said ilr-scrllx-l prop' Tty. ami whicli warrunt commaiid mn to make levy 11 1 . ri and sale ol said do wTlbeil property, In order id satlstv said warrunt nnd mild assessment und to gether with the luinnwt thereon nml tbe coal a and eipetiae of aald sale, and pursuant to said warniut und thn com mand therein contained, 1 did, on thn liih day of Novemix-r, IW. duly levy upon the ntmvo described reel property, und I will, on the pith day of Iieceuiber, IHVH, at thn hour of 11 o'clock In Ihn forenoon of sold day, lit the court house door, towlt: Ihe euinincn nf said court house ull Klglllll street III the lily of Astoria, fount V of Clatsop. HI sis of Oregon, sell wild described real properly at public auction to thn highest bidder for cash, III U. H. gold coin, to satisfy on Id assessment, thn Interest ihorenn anil inn cost nnd expetisi-s of snin lis aforesaid, and tho accruing cost. Iialed st Astortii, Oregon, tho i,in day of November, 1HKS. I',. Ilnl.lHK, Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF Olc POLICE HAI.K. Notice Is hereby glmi that by virtue of a warrant for thn colli-- Hon of n de 1 1 n. lie n t .issnOtinent for thn Improver-enl In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towlt: lloml street, from roriy-seronii to r-oriy- llfth street, duly Issued by thn iimlitor and nollco Judge of said city, by direc tion of tho common council of suld city suld warrant uelng dated thn 17th day of Oc;tolMr. lklM, to mo dlrmied, utnl Ihn assessment on which snmilbsl ain'Minllng to MHO wlih Interest then-on at thn rate of & per cent imt annum from the .list day of March, 1KM, and being ngulnst the following iktunen M-rson, town. It. Marlon and II. McCormack, owner of tho following described renl , scribed properly, In order to sutlafy aald pmiwrty, towtt: lot 8, lilock 8, iin sub- I wiirnint nnd suld assessment nnd to diylde.l In the Port of Upper Astoria, I Knlhnr with the Inlnrisii tlum-on and the aa laid out and rocorded by john Adair. : osts und sxpenseM nf suld aale. nml arm also against said dencrllatl properly, purmni.nl to suld wuriwint and ihn com nnd wlUch warrant commands 1110 lu I jnnnun Ihureln conlaliied, I did, up the make levy ukiii nnd salo of sn'-i de- j Lih tiny of Novemla.r, IbliH. duly lnvy scrllnvl properly, In order lo satisfy snid tho lalKivn described r.xil nropertv. warrant end solu Hsseenmeut ami lo. . gertior with the Intormt tlmn-on and thn costs nnd expenses or said stilo, nnd pursuant to said wurmnt nnd the com- mantis therein contained, I did. on Ihe 1 17th day of November. 1K1I8, duly levy I i.urin the nlinvn fleserlbeul real nroYierlv. ' and I will, on tho llh uny of Ducninher, 1 1SVH, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the of sold day, lit tho court house ' forenoon or stild day, lit trio court house f door, towlt: the entrance of suld court ' nousn on riguin niroin, in 'inn i ny nr Astoria. County of Clatsop. State of Oregon, soli said described real property nit pulillo miction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy wild assessment, tho Interest thoreon, and the oosts and expenses of sale us aforesaid, and the accruing' costs, Dated at Astoria. Oregon, the 17lh dav of November, 18U8. K. IIAIjIiOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. chief of roucis balr. Notice Is hereby given that bv virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent BS4'sm'..nt for tho Improvement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towlt: Uniid sirset, from l''oriy.ssrniid to Krty. II r 1 ti slii'i'i, duly Issued by the tiililllor ami pollen JihIhh ' f said clly. by dlieo II, u of llm I'limitioii i'oiitii'1 of said clly. said wall, ml being uaun nio inn uny 111 ncioiiii. IMis, 10 mn directed, nml Ilia nasiLsnouil nil Willi II spniillisl llllioillllllig 10 1:1 ,n wlih Inleii'd tlieieou at Ihn rati of i tier 1 enl per Minium from the list day or March, i-". nun iii'iits e'"i 111 fiillimliitf iiiiiii'il poraiuis, lowlti It, Mniioit snd II. Mi'iiiritiBik, .. . t. , .l.....l I.S ...I llWUl'i- Of till! lOIIOWUIB uwciiifiMi ifM I ipeli) , low It I lot Ii nii'i s . sun- llvi I in Hi" I'o'l I'l'l'jr Aslorla, is l.il.l out and rei'iinled by John Adatr. aim also nunilisl said erUnil property, 111, 1 illicit w ill I mil eoiiimaiiiin in 10 make lew upon and sain nr an hi tie- cr bed properly, III timer 10 iisir ssni waitaul nml sold nssi-ssineni nriii in. ei her With Ihe llilenet inereiHi nnu ins mis mid eicliae of sali. Ba.ls. Slid pin. mini to said wartuni Sim to rom. uiiimla Ihi'ielil conlnined, I dbj oil Ihe Kill day of November. Iv duly lvy upon lint nlsivo descilhe.1 reol iropsrly, and I will on Ihe Hitli day of llncemher, vii, al Ihn Inuir uf 11 o clock In Ihs roicmsiu or sold day. l Ihn ciiiirl house door, towil: II iratice of said colirf bullae nil Klghlll sir HI 'ne "y 't i.i.tHii i-oioiiv of I Mat son, Hlale of Oregon." sell said described renl I""""'''')' al public million to the hlnhcsl didder for cash, lu I'. H. g''ld coin. i aiuiair -aid assessment, the IllU'iesI t)nl'MI, ami thn isisls and espelisi- nf sills as .1 foresaid, nnd ihn accruing '"sts. 1 1,1 1, .1 al Aatmia. uregiill, ths lit H dlf of Novcnilier. im. K UM,.Ki Chief of I'nlli'a of Aalorlil, tirvgon, t llll.K nK I'Ql.lt'K. HAI.K. Nolle., ia hereby given (hat by virtue of n wan mil for Ihe coll. .11.111 of a de bmiiieiil ass'sainelil for ihn iiipniVeilienl In ihe illy of Aatmia, Oregon, lowlt; Ii, ,11, 1 strocl. friMii Korly se.-.iml to Korly. Ilfih slte-t. duly l.siie.1 by tin sud'lor and police il, in., nf sold die. by direr. lion of the common council of said eliy said wairnnt being dalcd Ihn l.th day of October, tv. lo me dlro-'l-d, nnl ths , --111.111 on WIU, h sim Hint siiKHiHtliiaT In V ww It la InleieM lliereuii nl ths rata of a m-r cent m f annum fnin the list day of March, l'sl and l''ng illlsl ths following nmiii-d jietsons. towll; It M irioti and II Mii'ormsch, uviier of the following described real piopeity, towll; lt m. bio. k t. sub d.vbii in ihn I'mi uf I'piier Astoria, aa laid out mid ret.H-d.it by John Aoalr, and also amiliiat s.ud desciils.l prmierty. and wlicd wnrraiil commands ni to inaae ley) iisn mid s.ila of n' de scribe. I pnpiiy. In order In satisfy said w a 11 ant and aald sssessmeiil slid to Keillor Willi Ihn Mitnllwl lllefeiMI slid OlS oat mid rspeitse uf ald alo, Slid piirniiaiil tu said wariulil and the om 11, 11.l1 (hei.'ln iiHilaliietl. I did im Ihe Kill day uf November. If, duly levy upon Ih" above ilcselllml real ptoirly, and I Will oh ilio 10h liny of le.elber, h'-s al Ihe hi 11 r of II o'clut'U III the r,.i. n,,i of sa. Id tiny, al Ihe lourl hous ,,i,.r low II: the eiilliime of said court in 100. en S . Im ti 1 tt reei In the t'liy of A.toiia. i.iiniy of t'lalsop, Hlale uf 1 iu g. ui. sell said d. s. rllie.1 real ipfoperty it im ltl ,' auction to th hlglH'st bidder f,.r insh. In t'. H gold ruin In aallafy s.id as.cssuteiil. Iheinleresl thnreon. anj llo, oats and rtpeiise of sal as if. ,ie., .nl. mul Ihn S'i ruing rul I'll,.) at Astoria, tiieg.ui, th l.'th dwy of N'otnulirr, liaa. K. IIAI.I.im'K. t hief of I'ollcn of Asloll. Otegon. i'IIIKK oK POi.li'K it.VI.K. No. Ice Is hereby ,tinn that by virtue of a warrant for the coll.. tloll of a de. . .jueiit as.e.smriil tor the impi'-tr, 1 ut hi 1 he illy of A.loria, CHcfon, towll; tirih sirm-i, fiom i'ort y. arc 11 ud to Kid-ty-11 1 1 ii .in... .1 ii. y lssiie.1 by 4lw auditor .nd poll, e deign uf a.u.1 clly by dlrisn lion of the ioiiiuiimi isriimil nf said city. ..11, 1 s iiiuiil taing .Uilil the Klh dy of n. i,.l- r IV to mo due. ted. and th assessment on wbl.li siN-.illel aiuoiinlihg In I.' to with .nieiMt tliertat t th rsts f ir .out -r eniium frui the list ily I dr. h Ksl and leing ilnat the following named petanti. lowlt It. Marbm and II McCormack. ow.icr uf Ihn following described real prMert) . lowlt lot 1 libs k I. s sul dlild'd in the port of . piier Astoria, us laid out and r. urdud liy John Adair, in,i as,, naaltl.l said descrrf-cd ifoterty, and wlyiii warrant eominaiul nie to ttiakf- levy ills. 11 ami aale ul SI d- rll,"i I'lopclty, In iH-iler In satisfy said warrunt an.) said assessment and tie K.'ti with Ihn lnlor.l there.nl and Ih ..si umt wtH-iiso uf said aale, arid Milan mt in sal. I wvtreanl and lb com- tl'HII, la tllelelll eontOilleil, I did. un til 1,'tlt .lay of Nuvniilanr It duly levy iiloii the alsive descrllMMl real protM-rty, ami I will on llm uih day of lie. c ml .or, h'n, t ihe dour of II o'clock m th fori 11. sui of sold day al Ih court hous .,r. lowlt lln. not ranee uf aald court h"iise mi KKhih si reel In the ttly of Aat.iria. I "mint y isf lials-ip. Hlale of Oregon, Bell sold deserllusl real proerty at poldlc auctlim In thn highest bidder for c.i.li 111 I'. H. gold coin, lu aallafy .ild asseaameiil. Ih interval Iharemi, anil thn i.ast u. etHno of sal as aforraald. and th ,s ruing costs Oalcl at Astoria, otegon, Ih Klh day uf .November. IK. K MAI.Ixk'K, I'hlef of Police of Aston. On-gon. CI I IKK OK Polil'K SAI.I-:. N.itl-n I hereby gl.eii that by Virtu of 11 wariant for tha i-ollrw lion of a 0 IUiii,eiit ni.-J unriit for tha niprn 'Mm nt in the city of Astoria. Oregon, town; It .tid treoi, fnm Korly se. oral 1.1 Korly llfth alreast. duly Issue. I by Din sudllor and police Juilgn nf aald ell) by dlroe. Il.ui of ttie common council of aald clly, said warrunt being date.1 the Kill day of 1 let, ila r, IVW, lii mn dire. ted. and the nne"e-t un w hu h aue.illl sin. Minting to 12 10 with Inlereet thnnssri at thn rain of t t-r cent r annum Inun th .list ilny nf Ulari'h. lo. nnd Ising ngalnsl th following ruiiunil ieroiis, towlt: It. Marlon snd II. M.Oormacv owner of thn following deM-rlbed real property, lowlt; l.rt )i, hlmk S. as aul.. illvid.-d III llm I'ort nf I nHir Asiorla. as laid out und re.-or'l.. by john Adair, ami also ng a I list suid desiTttsal pfoierly, and wh;.-li warrant cmnianos ni lu make b-vy umih atnl sain of anld d si rllied properly, In .H-d.-r lo sntlsly aald warrant ami said sestnen( t,, nether with Ihn I III ore i tlinr.s.n snd Ihe costs and rxpenaes of said sale, and pursuant lo said warrunt ami thn com mands therein coiitn:tiiil, I did. un the I, III day of NovesiilM-r, lv duly levy Un the aliovn ilesrrlbml real properly, und I will, on Ihe IHIh day of lieeemlier, ivia. at Ihe hmir uf II o'clock In Ihn foretiism of an Id day nl Ihe court house dnir, towl" the niilrUBe of s.Ud court Iniiisn on Klghlh Btrrel, In the I'gy of Astoria. Omnly of tlulaop, Hlaln nf Oregon, sell anld deacrmeil real property at public auction lo Ihn highest bidder for insh. In II, H. gold ruin to satisfy aald assessment, th Interest iharns'i, ami Ih ousts nml expense of sale es aforesaid, And Ihn wrrulug costs, Imted at Astoria, Oregon, the 17lh day 01 November, Hrrg, K. HAI.UM"K. Chief of I'ollro of Astoria. Oregon. CIIIM'' 01' POUCH BALK. Notice la iimrhy given that by vlrtua uf a warrunt for the collia lion of a de Hiuiiient Misis-nieiit fo- ihs lmprov.i-ni.nt In Ihn city of Astoria, Oregon, lowlt: lloml street, from Koriy-secoin to Knriy. Ilfih alreot, duly lsul by thn auditor ll'lil p illcn jinlge uf said elty uv direc tion if thn cominoa council of aal, I ,.1... aald warrant being dul.sl ihn Kill day 11 f October, lh'.ill, to mn dlrml(, nml the iiasessnietit on win II siinclllinl liiiiounling to 1210 With llltnrest I hereon al in. r.iV. of H ta-r coil is-r nullum from I lie .Hat day nf March, 1Mb! and lining lUHItiHt thn following n.'imvd -orsuiis, lowlt; It. Marlon and II. MoCormuek, owner of the following described real property towll; lot ill. bl.s k n, as sub divided In tho Port of tipper Asluria, us laid out tinu recorded by John Adair aim nisn imainsi sum uesertiHii properly, nnd which warrant ciunmiiii.m mo tu i.i.ifu' icvy uiioii ami ail 111 or wi . ,1.. J'id t will, on tlio Kit ti day of I)iemhnr WlH. t tho hour of 11 o'clock In the irenooii or suid uny, at l0 court house "oor, towll; the eiilrnncn of said court house 011 Klsthlh street, In tho Clly of intorlii, County of clalsirp, Hints of tlregon. Htlll SUI 111 dcacrilifvjl rmil riri...a... J' nubile iiucllon 10 thn hlgheat bidder for wish. In U. H. gold ruin, to satisfy H;'ld usMeHKiniuit, the Interns, thoreon. n, "" ansessmnni, tna interns, thoreon. ami nio oust a and expenses of stile us lifnroHiild. and Ihs Dtitl nt Astoria, Oregon, the 17lh da! of Novemhor, 1HU8. n(B Chief of Tollce of Aslorli'i.Orp'gon. niR la A AAfl tMaWltlMt raiuadr fr lim.nrrlnea. bl;"a Bpsnnsiorrloe Wli .. unHiino .n.; I ehargns, or any Inllanuna. .."a, irruaiiiin or ulisra- lien if s. n n.n h.mh. IrHEtvisaCilluinji flri brsn., Nun-Mirliisnt aaaw a. r yiuBKavi laluMin.XI fat 'm"r.. r j swiia r iranists, j rnr ssnl In plain wrappsr, V J PT ""Prees, prspal.l, fn( a Qltaillr amnt tin ramual