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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIA N, SUNDAY MOHMNU, KOVKMKKR 18, 18i8. TODAY'S WT5ATHWH, rtr. AROUND TOWN. Try ftostyn coal. Elmor. Bsnborn Co. A. K. rWtcy, of Pnrtlsnd Is In the city U. A. Soabotw went to Portland last 3, O. Hanihorn u paawngw f"r Portland last evening. Jf. B. Pollln:r. of tha Portland Ttmr, arrived down hist nlicht. MlM Kathlren BrhulU wa a paafnirr down on laat night's train. Pater Grant caroa down from Portland Friday evening and returned laat nignt. Countr Commissioner TToweU twli wal a paaarnjear up on laat nllfhfa train. Pha nrtttfti hh Atietrallan left tin for Portland raaterday In tow of tna Oofcis Tha British shin Nlvelle. wheat laden. i.r Portland yesterday tn tow of tho Thorn paon. u TaKb Hahn relnrned laat nUthl from Portland, where aha ha been vlsil Inf friends. Beat California win. eenta per 1 Ion. Ale Ollbert. solo affent for AatoV Telephone n Th Oerman whip Slam, wheat laden, ar rived from Portland yeetenlar In tw oi tha Orklohama. B. B. Undon. who ttas been In the i lty en a. ahort business trip, returned to Tort land laat evenlnr. Wallaend eoal and coka la tha beat for domeatle ourpoaea. Tor aal by tha jUtorta Oaa Light Co. Orant Trullinirer. wtio recentlv returned from Alaska. h been appointed rostoms Inspector by Collector Tx. The Brittfh ahlp Galena. Captain Wa r. 17 dars from fcn rranrtseo. In baltt. arrived In yeaterday erenlnr. Annlea. applea. apnlea. rry rholco and ywt cheat). Two hundred boxea muat ba old at one. Boaa. Htgglna Co. -A ahlp waa alirhted off tha rlrer yeater dar erelcg. anopoaed to be the Prltlxh ahlp Talla of Afton. from 8n Franaco. The Prit!5h bark tydgate. wheat laden. ! on th way down tho river In tow of tha Queen, hartng left Portland Fri day. A marrlayga llccna waa granted In tha county derk a offlco yeaterday to Emory H. Beardale and Atwuata Kin dred. Call and aea a naw dreaa rult. tha Try Htett confined to tha McAllen A Mts Donnell dry rood! houao. Commercial treet Hon. Ba twng made tha high aeora at tha A. T C, alleya yeaterday. He bowled 55. which atood for the day'a racorl pf tr Fardel, a nt!v of France, de clared hla Intention to become an Amer ican cltlaen tn the county clerk a ffl-e yaaterday. WH1 Cooper, an employe of the Moore It Valentine printing houae. of Portland, came down on laat night' train. ITe will .return tonight. For Sale. 100 tona of Roaytn coal: tha finest boa so ana steam cooj ever oniosm to Astorta. Elmore. Sanborn Co.. Tele phone. Main S-L A. B. Hammond arrived down from Portland yeaterday. It waa hla Intention to return last night, but ho waa de tained by business. fVhool Superintendent Leo. who has been In the dtr for the part few days Conducting the teachers' examination, re turned home last night. Pleasant furnished rooms. Including bath, with first claas board, for gentle men only, can bo bad at S30 Seventeenth tret. Reference exchangeu. -For rent Tho entire upper floor of tho Badollet building over Albert Dun bar's store. For particulars Inquire of W. O. Howell, en Exchange street. The Rev. T. A. Hyland will hold service and preah In Grace Episcopal church thla morning at 11 o'clock. There will bo Do evening sen-Ice. Sunday school at Mr. Frank Roger, who ha been In the employ of Herman Wise for over four years, has restrmed his position to ac cept one with a logging company at Oak Point. The Wonder Drill, an Indispensable tool to all tnadtilnJsts. plumbers, or workers In Iron, brass, or other metals. Call and sos It. C. H. Orkwlts. agent corner of Tenth and Duane streets. Sundar at the Baptist church-Subject of tho morning sermon, by the paator, "Christian Characteristic." The evening service will be conducted by Brother R. L. Knapp. All other services ai usual. Presbyterian church Services as usual today. Theme of the morning ser mon, "The Lifted Veil;" evening theme "Book and Reading " A very conlirU Invitation is extended to all. ? First M. E. Church Morning sirrr.on, 11 a. m.; subject, "The Human Agency In Salvation:" evening sermon. 7:20 p. m.; subject, "What Is a Chrlptinn?" Sunday school at 12:20 p. m.; Epworth Ltatue at :30 p. m. The popularity of the merchant's lun h sei-vod by Mr. George Bartley ut the Na tional I growing dally, and many hus'. neha ineu can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches t-et by Mr. Hartley are the finest in the !ty Congregational church The day wlil lie devoted to the interests of missions. Tlc morning theme will be "The i-e-avrn of the World." An Interesting and prr.fh ablo evening program will he remkrr-d by the Woman's Auxiliary. AH .ire most cordially invited. Try W. A. Gaines' private stock whVky. Tbls Is an old standard liquor, especially recommended for family and medicinal use and Ita purity and quality Is guaran teed. For sale In any quantity by Juhn L. Carlson, sole agent. Twelfth street, near Bond. HARPER ttHISKEY! ia rapidly be coming tho national beverage. It's the ouo thing all parties agree upon, repub licans, democrats, populists. Even the "know-nothing" party knows one thing; th mertU of Harper Whiskey. Sold by Foard ft Stokes Co.. Astoria, Oregon, Ttia (Ira department waa called out shortly af'er o'Hork lat nluM to ex- ttninilsh a bias In tho chimney or one rhin.,u rookerlrs near JV'tld street. Tho "Terrible 8wli" ant lno the Mia i... .... ik ..I.I chart nl ti.i i ih. n.H. esmrt. He will he kept In Jail r"""" ,hn or,,,T of street auperlnlenlenl, Mr n. W. Mcintosh. a hnol euperla teit.irnt-ele.'t of Wahkiakum county, la In ih. riiv nn hla r to tlray Her from Cathlamet. where he twxt Pern tha learners' examination. The Orlenlnl liner Mnu.h.w and the rtriti.h .hlo Pilherhrn, the former with general merchandise for the Orient and tho latter hent l.1-n tor yurenatown for ordera. put to sea j-rstetMnr. Wamted-A brirht. honcof hoy. between the aga of H an,t 1 yrn, "' learn btialneaa. Write In your own han.l- writing, statin age ami eamry w.irtn tth. A.l.lress , care of Pwlly Aalorlan, About 5 m wither of the local tribe of Bed Men left yeaterday evening to In tltut a trthe at Chlno-'k. Tho atcamer Fleitrlc waa chartcrct and lft Foard A Ptokea" illp at T o'do. k with all bent on having a good time. Manr country pc'P'o wera In the city yeaterday. punaalng nip',llr. and mer- rhanta reported a buay S.ittmUy. Tha arrival of aeveral vcasela alo awlated trade, aa each captain made Mrge pur cna after hla long trip. Martella "8-uth Before th War Com pany' ami the "raamon ry. prw duced In moving pt.-turra. will tx at Flaher'a opera houw next S.HuriUy for nvxihiee and evening prcformanow. The a.lvertlement will ppwr In Tue..iy morning'a iue. to Wk out fr It. The BrltUh rb'n Oromartyahlre. which collided with and unk the Fren'-ti liner I- ftourg.gne. has been arljeii at Phll- lelphla by a deputy t'nlted State mar- ha! on U!el flle.1 by th company oper ating the B.nirtticne. for C 5v.Xi. The Cromartyahira t well known here, bar ing ma le several trma to the CiJumW. M-a. Julia I-awton. of Uncoln Cfirfl'-Id corpa. Portland, d.partment tnre.-tor. will be In Astoria Momtar. November 14. for the purpo' of lnc;tng Cuhlnir Re relief corpa No. I Fvery member I earneatty rrqu-!el to he prent. At the cloee of Inapectlon a camp fire will bo enjoved by all. the po-"t being Invited to attend. Father Black. oretrr to Archhl.hop flroea. haa received word from Baltimore that Hla Grace la rapidly recovertng. and fh he will aoon recover from hla Ittneas. The archblnhop waa dangerously 111 for aeveral dara and for a time hla life waa deepaJred of. but a change for tho better et In and he la now well oa tha road to recovery. Will R. Wallace, formerly wleh tho Pal ace. Is now In Brooklyn. New Tork. Ho wrttea hla frlenda here that barbertnf In Greater New Tork 'a not tha anap that It f In tho west, aa good ahoca are forced to compete with J-eent and S cent eatab liihmecU. ilr. Wallace la employed In the national metropolis. whre he Intends remaining this winter. Hon. Sidney Pell Is still confined at hla hotel but Is Improvlr and hope to be out In a few days. Mr. Pell ha been suffering frm an attack of intemittment fever.and at one time his temperature ran up to the d.mger point. I'nder Dr. Tut tle"a skillful attention he ha been Im proving mpldiy for some day s past, but Is att III too weak to leave his bed. The d!patche this morn ng annfunre that tho A. Booth Pakir.g Company. , ft()fk of FJW The article rw,-lfy that the eornr-any will errae In the catching and canning of flh. Th com pany has a salmon rv king establish ment here, and It ; rw.iVe that It in tends Increasing its properties. Work is prorr;ng rapidly on the Toung's bav held'. The piling for the north approach I being driven, that for the south approach being completed, and planking I blng laid. As soon a the draw arrives It can be placed In oosltlon, ready for use within 30 days. Five turn outs will be p'aced on the bridge for the convenience of pedestrians or animals that are parsing over It. The etreet committee held a meeting yesterday for the further consideration of th ordinance irrantlng the street rail way franchise. Several other necessary changes were rr.ade before the commit tee adjourned. The ordinance will be newlv drawn at a future meeting, at which time the street committee will compile a report for the meeting of the council Thursday next. There Is a rumor In clrcuiaton In Port land railroad circles that a change Is Im pending In the management of the A. at C. railroad, but Mr. Hammond will not retire from the ;,rsid.-nry. In this same conreetlon. it la also reported that the absorption of the Short Line and O. R. & N. Company will be completed before the close of the Vfm-rn month. There Is reason to believe -br reports are authentic v.rA ran be Mled on a facts. An Omaha dlspat' h convey.? the grati fying Intelligence that O'ey .n raptured the greatest n;:rr.oer of me lals for ex hibits at the T.-ans-Mijslfs'ppi txnosItl"n. For agrlcultunl displays th state re ceived 15 m-' mining and mlneraa, 27 me-lals: e!u' at!or,.il. :,; h'.r.l- ulturat, y: li-hery, 2; f.,re-ry . s. ven other awards were .: :nide f ,r u Cerent ex- h:Ms. Of the tt.e-Wf -;Z .-, "liver and J7 bronze. Id, IT are Snail quantii.-s of ! t.k' M in the ri-.-r ,..,,! Burke's y-i! at prb-e. F i; w r hand Peine, r r. the n I c.'y tbe ; ,t w ', r;. r. r at '.'.i-r-u f. , r ' .'iro be.r.i '.li.f-n !. tin. nr.'' berif -old in the j-'ial h'gh ;io: a email - ast of the . ..long the; ratches :u'-ann. It ' il.eni to be tree they -x'iry ut: t:l th. is too (.arly v: f ..r u.: taken i'i eiver, jiy ar.j jiiiil .tt .v,d 'u liie firs: T rie: mr,ih. That t'.u- Lam. certain. The. u '. ii'.W M-enlH ;!; William '.:,! arrive'! 'fi, -ate that -Min hearing - tho belief of law atej htrotiha. iyh ; vesterdaj tr:n fu'inta' , they liavo r.o vk of tver from (tie v.;.:.!. ;,rj X that ,-l.e, fojndi r. I ii 'be typhoon off the f.'hlnee o.v. within epoiikirif.: The Iurriir-.k was flis'.a ri;.. of two other V Bse,s when " ,m broke upon them and It is known th -t (th; fxp.-ileneed the full force of ih blow. Had she safely weathered It, she would have returned to Shanghai i..r ttpairs, and her failure to do so makes It appear that Bhe has gone down. The Laurelbank was bound from Phanphal to Astoria. ho was a large vessel, of over 2100 tons rtglfter, and carried a crew of 22 men. all of whom are supposed to have b.en lost. Herman Wise is weil In tha lead In the A. F. C. championship bowling contest and la looked upon as a certain winner. Ha has bowled 31 games of the necessary M thua far and ho a an average of 4t MiiiiIkah, aa waa to hava ben expecliil. fell down atnlra and roduccl a 0 avenige to He haa bowled 34 gnmea and honea to gvt threa eWMo In ailo'cenlon and pull hla average nv Flnn'gon Itaa had hard, harvl lurk and ronaldcra hliuaelf fortunat to hold Vn-cond place. O. C. Ftilton, who waa liwkcl upon aa a form idable iMnteelant. plnyc,! alx gnmea yr leHnvho Unit In the tournament. He had mlacrnhla In. k and nunrroua cent? ra kepi hla average hiwn to 3, ll haa 14 gamca yet to bwl. however, and will likely end with mr than 4o averngo. llurMUgha ehould aleo rtnleh with 41 or over. One of the tnot Interesting fCAturc conniH-te.1 with the city auditor's nine la a reconl Nok. wheneln are recorded the deaths of Wlee burled In the city cemetery. The record commence- with tha year "SI, and. although the book la not more than half aa larvw aa an ordin ary day hook. It holda th list of deaths for about 10 year. The entries on a num ber of th first leaves of th book are somewhat amusing, aa no effort I made at regularity or correct ne. Toward th last the book I kept more avstemntl- cally. with th evident purpose of keep ing; pao In accordance with other official booka of th onto. Th rausea of th deatha recorded would nlmot exhaust the list of alphabetical term, and many are mentioned aa having died of old ag. The aires of women are not given except In a very few lntanoea. but thl many h du to the difficulty of obtaining the correct figures, which are often shrouded In mystery. Th British shin William Ijiw. in tons. Captain Abbott. M day from Shannhal. In ballast, arrived In veaterdnv. and I chartered to load wheat. Th U had a rood passage all th way from the Orient. and met with stronr ea.sterlv wln.U whlih eontliute.1 f,,r three, weeks sbor-lv after leaving the Japan coast. The i Law arrived off the river Friday and met tn Finish, shin Stronsrt, Captain Hen. nlng, day from Kobe. In bllat. The ide. not hng favorahle to enter the river, both ahlis stoo.1 off and were towed In yesterday. Captain Abbott sta'e ih t.o--lhork Is undonbtedtr lost, with all va The lanrelhank I out Ti day from Shanwhal and mut have foundered from th force of th tvthoon met with shortly after leaving rort a the vess.l was believe.! to have encountered tbe full furv of the storm. Both sklnocr be. Ileve she will never be heard of ng.i'n. RHnsnrapo ha been ofere.l on the T aurelbank for nearlv her full value Te 5trona and Ijw expect to b tow.M to Portland Tuesday. What W'anamaker ' to Pbllade'.:,hl and Marshall FleM A Co. to Chlcaco. C. It. Coorr la to Astoria The motto of this leadlnar dry rood house of Astoria I "absolute reliability." Kvervthlnr bought there, whether It b at a hlirh or low nrlc. ) worth exactly what It costs, and turn out to b exactly a repreent ed. If a plec of Jroods 1 not first -cla It will not be aold as such, and th buyer who pur haae It will b franklv told . Except for the taste and rood tudement rjulre.l. the smallest child might buy aa aafely at C. H. Coooer'a a the wisest adult person. It Is this quality that has made "C. TI. Cooper" a household word In Astoria, and every housekeeper knows that what ah huva there mar b de pended upon as the best obtainable article of the klnl to b nun-baa!. Such a reputation ought to b worth a mint of moner to any firm, and a vast and varied a atoek of s-ooo aa C. H. Cooper carrle. It mav b doubted If the entire can'-al Invented ! worth as much In dollar and cent as this "good will" of that establishment. A SMALL POLICY. A . STOP I. Nov. 1 (Editor Astorlan " the dispatches sr correct In regard to the pos'tlon of President MrKlnW and the neare comm'sslonee as to the amount to be offered Snnln as Indemnl'v for tho Phl!.pptn It look lute we ar 'ettlnp down to very small business In thl affair. If the onlv purpose of this rovernmenf a to ret a mueh a oosslble with the leas outlay, then we had better quit pos ing ox humanitarians, or even as high minded and honorable people: throw off rbe mask. If we have had one, and reach for evervthing In sight. In one breath we propose to pay Soaln about a million dollar and In the next gloat over the fv-t of th great value of th Islands It appear the president haa discovered that public opinion doea not favor giving m or 40 millions. Well public opln'on may b wrong: the president should have an opinion of his own sometime. I do not pretend to know 1ut what sum would be reasonable, hut to offer a million Is contemptible. If the Spanish commis sioners do not refuse any such pitiful amount, 1 shall be surprised. W should not forget that the eye of the world are upon u. Our standing depends to a great extent unon the way In which we make peace with Spain. We are not to set ourselves up as Judges of that peopl. To punish them for any crime or mlssdeed In the past Is not our mission. The present Is what we have to deal with. W are acquiring posses slons of vast extent and value, and it would be far better for us to err on the aide of liberality than to Tres Spain In such a way as to publish to the world that we arearrasplng and mercenary, not withstanding our professions at the be ginning of the war. Forty millions may bo too mueh. but let us either offer a sum worthy of their consideration, or offer them none at all. S. T. M KEAN. A SOLDIER'S SENSATIONS. "It was the big shell and shrapnel," said a soldier from Cuba, "that made us hug the ground, but It was the little Mauser bullets that killed our men." It Is the same in every day life. People shiver with panic at tne mention of small pox or yellow fever, but it Is the little disorders of the stomach that really do the most killing. The best medicine for the stomach Is Hostetter's Stomao Rit ters. It cure Indigestion and dynpep1 a. H Is Just as good for women as for men. For a run-down, debilitated condition nothing Is so good or so suro to cure. HoMtotur's Stomach Bitters I nn old time remedy. It has stood the test for yars, and Its popularity Increases day by day. irOTt ARRIVALS. O. eidrnt-Charles W, Mott. T -"Ho Bak er, J. !inwanger, Charles C. Nordwbk, L .H. Hocley. Robert Mcintosh. Portland; ('. M. I:la r, Chicago; W. If. Hiss, ag' Tit South Before the War; J. (. Megier and wife. Brookfield; B. A. Soaborg, Ilwaco. Parker IIoue T. B. Nelson, George Edner, J. M. Spencer, Georgn A. Burton, Portland; W. K. Gould. Pendleton; Oscar Grimm, Coble; A. A. Hekak, Fort Canby REAL K9TATE TRANSFEHS. J. K. HlffKlns and wlfo to Mrs. Mlnnlo II. Me.lhee lots Zl and 22, bloek 5, Bay View $300 Eliza Williamson to Albert Brlx, lot 7, bloek 38, McClure's E2S E. J. Ford and wife to John Robins, lot 32, bloek 32. New Astoria 100 United States to Charles Johnson, east half of northeast quarter, section 23, and west half of northwest quar ter, section 24. township E north, rare 10 west patent MlM. 1UKNA COX PARKKH. Sketch and Comment on and tltiiracler. Her 1.1 fa Thla llfo I th,( vtHmlo of lmtn.rlnl Ity. IVath usher us nil from this vc tllml. Th imture of tho vosMlut'o thnuwh which Individual posse nmke th death of Men Indtvldunl di-tlm-tlvWy (MvulUr. Llvm nr not Iden tical, neither i distil. Wn are her todny. its w arc. hoeau drtllt waa her and completed hts oik. Hut we want to fool pdny that this death la no sad, dreadful, chilling thing. It la Indeed "That golden key That op, the tmlnce of eternity." Mr. Parker haa ixiwiol ihroush nn extraordinary earthly vestlluilo. No Ufa waa ever exactly like her, and In moat thing It was not an ordinary life, llor llfo wa ushered Into existence In tha eastern part of Vermont, lout rive mile from th Ixtnk of th t'onnectlcut river, There, In a well preserved house now lit year old. Irena tx waa iorn 7S ye.ira monlha and 14 daya before (lie date of her death. It u pos along this Ion life and study a few of Ita foot print. Th inotlicr ho hushed her cnrlleat Infant crle dreantiHl not thl her duughtor wiuld dla an hononsl and highly reictos pioneer In the Pac'rlo Northwest nd t burled within hearing dlsl.un-e of the nilllnr urf of th grrsit IMeltlc. But Ih guard- Ian angel set over Ih young Itf had hi fac turned woatwanl. Aa we think of the Indomltabl vneraty that waa ao ivnilnent In her remarka ble !f w ar not surprised ho come from a branch of a noblo stoek. Sh reelvel tho Impetus of mlirhty gen- j emtlon K'for her. As e tod.iy stood In the shadow of our civil wnr, so th people of K'M st.sxl lii the shadow, some what longer, of th revolutionary war Her grandfather wn on of tho parly that threw th te. overboarl In Itoston Harbor. And the pioneer spirit hl. It reappeared In her lit thU s.imo grandfather a he biased his iv into th wild of m n.w iHiuntry to plant a hon wher tho f.t of the white man had but seldom trod. Her girlhood life was marked by that ardent activity which never left her. She waa not ccntcnlil to remain at home end drearily spin tho flax and card th wool as was the iiciieril custom for girls In those day She Ix'.vime an Itinerant ttillore., making her annual tours with her assistants out a circuit of many mile. It was in tnls way ihat sho became acquainted with llirim It. Parker, a hose family lived I.', mil.- from her home. That distance w-.i onlv a neighbor' diatanc in those daya. The friendly Intimacy ripened into love, and "twain hearla" wer made on hen Irena Cox wa St "Till death do ua part" lasted thu over half a century, the third of last June havlnr been her 5oth wedding anniversary. Sh was not spared life's trial and burden. Many were the deep and dark shadow cast Into her life again and ag-.iln. From her early married if m Vermont were) taken two Infant by death's hand. Then came a ittatxtrou fire that swept away home an.! all Its possessions with hotel equipment. In Washington. Vt. This apparent misfor tune turned their thought to Ore gon, where Mr. Parker hud already a brother. He was well anil strong: she was falling In health. It appeared wise to him tn go alone and prepare a home for her. H Marled alone; but n a true and devoted wife she soon deviled that her place waa beside her husband. Sho followed him to New York City: she found him to his utter surprise nnd as ton'shmeni: and, with a on of one of old who declared "whither thou goest I will go; where thou dwell est. I will dwell." she decUred I will go to Oregon, too." And she did com. No life Is without the hind of Provi dence. That hiind w.ut In the following of her huslMiid. Paring x delay at the Isthmus, ca'ise-1 bv the wre. k of the vessel on which they Intended to a I. Mr Parker i-on'r.n-ted the dreadful Panama fever. He had to le mrrled en ImmiM the next passing steamer. A period of three months nursing uch. aa a loirg srd devoid wife al"ne pan Klve. asslste.1 by the salubrious Influence of an ocean voyage and the Oregon cllniate. hrourht Mr. Parker Nick to h.nlth's hap piness. The "Ibfelllng Hotel." of pioneer t'me. sheltered them for a few days; hen the home of W. W. Parker In the Lewi and Clarke valley hecamo their abode for several year. Their wa the common experience of nloneer. They enm In thl stratiK land whero all but a brother were strangers, In lsr.l Of tho women who were then here to Welcome) a sister from the far eojt there aro buf three living now: Mr. Pease. Mrs. Trenchant an. I Mrs. Van Dusen. In 'M thev returned to Astoria from tho I-ewls nnd Clarke. From that date begin the llfo nnd Inftucrirn of Mrs. Hiram B. Parker In Astoria that has touched nnd blessed the heart of a number so great as can be known only by the All Seeing One. Their saw mill stood where the Oregon Bakery now Is located. Thl. which Is now known all over the city a the Parker home, was a forest In olmost prlHtinn state In 'HO. The giant forest was removed and thl home wa erected In '!. With tho saw dust from the mill tho swamp below the house waa fll!d. nnd upon this wore laid the roadway planks to tho houso In the wood. Thirty seven years havo passed since then. Into thl houtto cumo the Joy of the last torn of tho family. Hut the darkest xhndows of this life also crossed this threshold again and again. In '79 Charles JJ., th eldest son. died, aged 21. leaving a. wife and one child. Next a son-in-law was. by sad accident, taken In 'S8. A grand child of nine months soon followed tho father. One year later Mary L. waa aken from her homo on the adjoining tot, nlso leaving a fam..y to mourn with ifrs. Parker nnd her family. Now wo mourn h'-r departure. And tho-e left of her own nro Kben p.. A. Lincoln, Clara L, tho father, and twenty-ono grand children. Wo, today, take the HWty of speaking thing, that sho cared not to speak of while with us. Wo speak of thorn that olhersmny desire to walk In her footntcp and pray that her mnntlo may f ill upon them. Tho work that npp'tib-d most powerfully to her philanthropic heart was that of tho Woman's Belief rorpf. Hhe bc-nmo identified with th local depart ment In June, 'M, lust one month after (Continued on third page.) . 'i 1. . ESTES-GOJIN DRUG Go Leading Druggists of Astoria . . mnnnnnns Try iretoi, a U the Headache. Unusual Linen Values All boar murks of umimimI nil lios, pretty ilocorntivo pieces ruul tlirir more nttrnrtivo fellows nre toM of economical liouso-wives will benefit ty these offerings. Verv henvv Muck Towels of Scutch make, reutly hemmed, reg ular 18o vnlue, I'.'Jc Snow-white Itamnsk Napkins( first rate quality, n range of jmt terns that will please, fl,7f value, tl'X do.. New things in line Imported Table linens. A large and well selected stock to choose from, 7.V value, .MV yd. SHANAHAN BROTHERS Shoes for Early Fall. Another Life In 8hoes-Do you know two ihlrils of your life is pissed rltt your feet encase.! In leather? Worth tho'iitht. Uhy not hyo thrm comfort able? Wa have tha kind that sre pleas ant. They am grateful to tha feet. Tl.s price Is not hliih. Petersen & Brown. L. LEBECK Cnrpcnler nnd Ilnllclcr Ocnornt Contrnclor HOUSE RAISING AND nOVIINO A SPECIALTY THE PARKER HOUSE FirBk-ClaHH in Every Renpect. BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM Special RateH to Theatri cal Partie h A. J. MAHON, Prop Ahtohia, ornc. THE PROOF of the pudillnff is In tho eating and tho proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING Vhnt's sn argument that's con rliiHlvo n demonstration. Ours will stiind tho test HUGHES & CO. 7T I" jp ip , - v . s. . i . t . sure and pleasant cure for OF HAIL Dress Goods, Remarkable Values mm t..n. t i . i niv ouiaa hi wear ami piease, in varied Krray, ulso new and lit tractive an to excite admiration. And prices well, it's wfse ceon omy on our part to make them thus. All wool, rough weave, lustrous finish, Htylish nnd Her. viceable; usually priced ut 75c, now at H5c u yd. An Event In Gloves Harguins. Don't think the lesn of tho irloves. It's eineiL'encv w- O selling emergency that begets prtilit to thrifty purchaser. A straightening of our utin k is re. ponstblo for tho emergency; odds nnd ends of our glove stuck, the values signify the word bargains. About 75 (hut usually retail at 9 1 .50 thu prieo is -l!c pair. MISSES KID Sl.OO per pair AT ALBERT Cor. 9th niul Commercial New Stock Of Canned Fruits and Vege tables just in. Comparison of quality and price of same invited. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Special Sale The Bee Hive COATS, Children up to four years. There is a great variety of these coats. All styles of Childrens' Caps. Bargains in Ladies Coats and Capes. Cloth Cape3 51.50,32.00, $2.50 and up. A large line of Ladies Outing Flannel Wrappers. THE BEE HIVE. ' Astoria's Lrcadliig Hotel HOriE-flADE , , Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every at THE E GOODS jm Blanket Specials r Hright, warm, comfortable; two of tho grades that Hold tho fastost A lew pairs left. At 75 cents a pair the every day $l.'25 tjuality, pretty border designs, About fifteen pairs to choose from. At $ 1,00, pair handsome, whit blankets nro full fivo dollars worth; juVJwool. Douinaline Comforters The lighttst, wiirmeit nnd moht durable comfort made. We huvo them in all grades from $2.50 lip: The Only I'lnoo to Cict HnrualitM. GLOVES DUNBAR" Streets. This Week at SPA. r