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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1898)
THE DAILY AHTOItlAN, Bl'NDAY MOttNLVO, NOVEMBER 18, llWtt. NoTirw or rn.iNo aamichhmicnt IIUL.U VOTIClfl U hnrly nlvn to all tsrsnns ' wiloinsoaVnr tint til aiisclal iimom ciioiit roll fur Ilia atrsai tiiipruvuiiinni lit Ui City of Astoria, Orwon, known as Ui lniiroviniil of ttaoliaiisa slrat from Ninth leTantti atraat, haatiaon DM !A (lis oftlii or Hit Auditor and l'olloa 4 lid if of wlil city and li now oin for Inspection, and will o ramain until wed itMdny, November U, wn, at th hour of 10 o'oloi'lc i. in., whuii tli noinmlllnt on atrooia and imlillo wsya of tli (Nun mm Council, toMvtlinr with tha hoard of aaaaaurs, iiin.lltutlna; Ilia hoard of equalisation, will inrot to raview and Kiiillia void assvsainanl, prlitr to which llm all oli)ill(ii to Mid asanssmant inuit, l Mod with th nld Auditor and roitca Jwls. and If not ao (ll'd id ..'nminun CuiiikMI may at ttia nit rn:u lar iinddna following; anld EM day of No anihar. IMM, confirm aald asaraamant. Thla nollo la iulilir) ,y ordvr of tha Common Council duly ntada hy rotitlin ihnrauf aatd lliuraday, Novomlinr I, ir II. B. NKl-flON, Auditor and I'olics JuOa, 1ly of Astoria, Orinun taid Novamuor I, lipa. rortT Tictcicrs U0po,NTS EAST Through ralaia and tourtat alaapars, dining- and library obaarvatlon aara. KUWANT VUTIIIUl.n THAINR. No. 4 Llnillod Mt I'vrtland at I S) ''No! Llmlt4 arrlva Portland at It tt . as, sW raloa, at., rail or addraa i. w. i)t;NHiiiititr. Af.nt 0.kai N.. A.iorla. A. D. C. DICNMIIITON. CF.aT, L, Portland. Or. Mm SkMW THE EXCELLENCE OP SYKP OF HGS UdUO tlot Olllv to llin .jrlirintttliu linpllultyof tlio I'oinliliuitloii, Imtalho Vaino caro and kit 111 with which It la muniifuvtiirixl ,y aclnitiflo prweaar Known w inn tAMfoiiKu Fin Hritur Co. only, ami wit wLli li Impi rMi upon all tlio liiiMirlniii' of jiiirclnialnf the true ami orltflnul rciiicily, Aa th Ken ulna Njrriip of J-'ljfa la muimfiu'luM by tlio t'Al.miuwu V only, a luiowliMtjfti of that fact will saist ono in avoiding tho wortlilcua linlliuiotia iiiBiuifuctiircd li,y otlmr par tlca. Tim hluli aUmlltiir of th fm roHNU Fin pirnt'C Co. with the medl. cal iroralim, and tho autlafoctlon whl.Jj the ffonulnn Kyru of Fl(fa liua given to nillllona of fmnllloa. tho iiiuiio of tlio Coinmny (ruartmty tno i i.viii-in.o oi ua mined. It h, tar hi xivaiico of all other laxatlvra, a It acU on the kliliicva. lli-r .nri bowcla without IrrlU Jujf or wraken- mif wit-in, ami it not ifrlim uor naiiM-attf. Inonlcrloirct It. bem.ri.-i.i rffi'U. IiIcbmi rruii'inlier t),m the i oiiipany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in raa(iMO.vL Wt MILL. KRW TOHK. R. T. NO SHAM SALE! Having1 dotormlnod to move our businosa back to tho city of Portland wo hereby offer our entiro stock of Ladies' and Gents' underwear, Em broderies, Laco, Notions, Toys and Oriental Fancy Goods, everything, to be sold below cost Chas. Kan & Co 317 Cutmiifrcial St. Victor Rost, Klettutli HI., Iit to r.-ll Ttl'i b Offlr. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER ISnitllMi nnd ft I mm WnliHca ta Mpoclnlly. All rMlrtna dona br myaaif, IUll(a'llnii ffuarvnioml. Mmlc llmri rciMlrad. Marin Clirnimtti ftattd and ItpJrd The Pot Market Flour, - Feed - and - Hoy HT4 Comman,!! Mlrt. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Talaphona No dJ Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4 1 CamnwrcUl It., ntil Palor Ktatauiat.1. J 9 f WAVWrVWM "AW.WA HWfff, WWWWAWM.V.W.W.WAWAW.VWMP.'AW.f W. F. SCHEIBE, BSBwr- FINE CIGARS! A loll Ha Pl. 1M. aa 4mafcra' AiOth. 474 Coitmrclnt Hi. Ms Kopp's "Best TO INCREASE REGULAR ARMY General Corbln Recommends That tbc Volunteers Now In Ser vice Be Mustered Out. MORE OFFICERS NEEDED Keport of Adjutant-Generil to Secre tiry of Wif - Surccsts Increase! Piy for Officers. WAHIIINUTON, Nov. I2.-Adjutmit Oi'iinriil Corliln lina luamd lil imual r"- trt to llm i ruinry of wiir, h conlulim in mil of tt alallntUul nutura alut lliu nriiilo i,l tha I'nllrd Htul', Incln.lliiK tlio faulur and vuluiitwr orum-liv. din- nil rortdn ay. "Hlii 4li uluiitna of llm ritoi o tha im ra and rmrn of I ha vulunii-rr r'Kl limnu huvn rniiulni'd at I li'lr poita of duly, In miwl tap at Krrat perionul njirllli a. Hiul th-y hava done thla cheer fully and wKliout complaint, which ntakra It all tlio inura dnlralla that a iiiMily lncrun of (ho r'aular army muy Im provldi-d f"r, In order that tlm vuiun- trra may bu relajd from further t vie aikl 1w Alluwnd to nlurn to their timivful votatlona." (Iniieral 'or1ln hua ho followln o ny cxiiircrnlna the IncreuM of llie rfU or army; "Tlm omantaaliun of the ravnlry, ar- lllli-ry and Infantry rritmeiile hua loid ha tret of trial In battle and recHvrJ the amiroval of lhoe n command; ao that the lnorc of the lino of the army ili'ltimidrd hy our new (weei eetona ahould a br the addition of thn Herniary num- lxr of rrclmmta organlst-d ere thiMu tin In eervha. Tha number of onVrra hould tm lni ripl by one flnil Ih utrn- nt lo earn troop, battery and company, "Thla wnuld enable the drpurtmeiit lo niM-t the (Vniamla to varloua drtnlla re- iilrint by hiw and then leave the troop, with I ho nrceaedry number fur thi-lr iroiM-r iUi Iplmo and lnatruriin. and In war allow the aiKinlment of aufflclent em-rala and arnerul oftlirm. with out dratruyltik the iffli lency of the army. Ihre-iti-nt-d by (he recent raner.riire f the di-ixrtincnl." The numlier of trained offlcr aa here- pruvlilril for at the bi-aliinlriK of the prrernt war would have eaved Uvea and rmanre, to aay nothing of the ln rraaed rflilency of tlio n-rvlce. "At tha lglnnliiK of the prnrnt war ome W) ultlcrra were apfKilnted to tha faff and volunteer reglmente. With three nd for aldea to tha (encrala and other uly nlnolulely rau.ret for the xn.lun f the war a9rnt from their command), tha rrk-lmente wrra ernt to battle with i-arcrly more than one realment o tha company. It la difficult now, with tha Ick and wounded offlcera, for he drpart- mrnt lo art one officer to the company, nd then frequently here have Wn two companlea with but ona officer. The In- rreaMi propoaed would In no way a;lve a frntler number of offlcera than required. "Offlcera aervlna; In the Weat Indlea nd the I'tMllpplnra will, aa a rule, tie aepnrated from their f.imlllra. and their vln exien-a will b (reutly Increaerd. It recommended ihat alt offlcera below tha rank of major, while ao trrvlnn. hall have the pay and allowance of the blither grade." Oenernl Cortrtn re-ommenda that the men of thn natlonul guard who entered the volunteer army be allowed to return, nd be re-admHted to thmr itate organ utlona. (U-nenil Corbln aUo rccommenda an In- reuae In the pay of nn-commltloned Itlcera. MRS. IRENA COX-PARKER. 1 1 at orKM'ilxutloii, film hua linen na of the ninat eflcleiit inemlMTa ever alnre, helriif II a prealili-nt ' tut a number of yer, At tlmra aho wna thn pillar thiit ntved the. lorn I lnHliltlori. Hlio wua hon ored In tieiiiK madn ainlor vl'a prenld.-nt, rhn ci'oil pirn of honor In tha aintn 1u piirlnioiit. And ou e aha wna elciMed del- eanta to the niMlonal en'-uni'inii-til. Hli" often paid her du'a anmiHlly in adviim a. 'Iliemi due are paid today over alx rnonlha In ailvunce. Tho reenrda of tha ('ofiareKtlonil church a I no ahow Hint for yiitra Mra, I'lirker wna one of the moat energetic- and uae.fiil membera of tlm liitlea' Hewliia Koclnly. Hut It wna not beeniiaa ah wa a memlK-r of any aoclety Hint aha did th thln which mukn her memory ao bli-aae to ao ninny, but It wua liei-niiaa aim loved to he kind with that klndncee Hint rellevea dlatreaa. Hold ona to ma who knew her well. "No one knew, inl even her own family, ho much dleireaa aha rellevmi. Hut ah One (lot-N know. Iilil lie not any, "llnv InK iioiui it onto Ilia imat oi mine ya have dune It unto me." Tliua ehe p.iaie.i Her eorthly Veatlbule wua inn1n ri'llHiit by her tniiiiy deela of mercy. Hhe TIGERS BESTED SONS OF OLD ELI Yale-PrlBcetonGame One of the Most Bitterly Contested on an Eastern Field. TOUCH-DOVYN Oil A FUMBLE la gone, but her memory, rl-h and iirecloua remalna. Her deiairtura wna to her matter of buclneee. With a. calm, yet m oil Impreaatne; manio-r aha told ua but a few daya ago that If her time wna up all waa well. "I am rewdy to ao when my limn la up." And now aim blda ua all a biitlMi) good bye, aa w behold for the laat time, that ha-"y and reatful ciiiltiteiiaiice muy we not raleh the cllmpMa of the peerbaa wladom of the lioet (loettie aa ha altiKa; "Thn nlteoua Imaga of death atanda. Not to tha wlae a a terror, and not aa Ilia end to tho ploua. Wlaelv tho wle mun la driven from thought of death Into action Wlaely the ploua from from death drawa hoie of tillaa fur the future. Kach la wl.ta In hla wuy. and death to life la trnnamuted Wlaely by lolh." " A KRIKND. UUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE TIEBT SALVE In tha world for Cuta, Brulaaa, Borer. Ulcera, Bait Rbaura, Fever aorea.l Tatur, Chappad Handa, Chllblalna. Corna and all Hkln Erupttona, and poaltlvely cure Pllra, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to tiva perfect aatlafai-tlon or money refunded. Prtra centa per bos. Tor aala by Ea tea-Conn Uruf Co. BCIII.KY'tf NKW fOMMAXD. WA8IIINOTON. Nov. 12-Admlrul Bchley. having aeked aaaln for ee a-r-vlce, haa been promlaed command of the European eo,uadron. whkh will lie re- eatubllehrd In a abort time, with aome of tha flm-at crul.era In the navy to exhibit the American flag rredltably to Kurupean nntlona. In TAVtHl MAKKS IlKCOKMS. ritll.AtKI.t'IIIA. Nov. l-SUJor Tay lor, the colored cycllat. toilay lowered the mile record of I 1-i to 1:3 flat, lie lowered the half mile record of Vt to CO. TO INBI'rXT El.KCTIlli'AL WOKK. BAN KHANCISi'O. Nov. 11-Ceneral Creel- chief algnal officer of the United Btalea army, la In tike city. He will In apect the electrical work In the harbor, lie atroraxly favora th' eatabliahment of a vable line between San Krandeco and Honolulu. INDIANS WON THE CJAME. 1 "OUT LAND. Ore.. Nov. ll.-The chem awa Indiana toilay defeated the Y. M. C team at football here. The acore waa 3 to 1L Illinois fNivEiisiTY t::aten. DKTHOIT. Nov. 11-The I'nlveralty of llllnola waa beaten todny y the I'nl veralty of Mlchlgnn by IS to S today on a field thut waa a veritable at-a of mud. A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North rnnlflo Diewi'ry. nf wMol Mr.Jnhu Knpp la prniriotor, tunkoH Imh" for (lotui'H'lo ami riiort tradn. Hottlthl Ina-r for family , or ktn bcor ti plio.l at nn tinm, ilolivery u the l ily lro. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY KKOKIVED IN TB3 PK1MARY, . OBAIJUAR AND ACADEMIC ORADE8 ' J. Ma fffWSSarnfeWMMHeSH4 THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON, fioitldliiK puplla aroepted (or tha ichool week. Data of oNnlng, Haplomlwr Jlli, For ratoa, t., adilfatia th. Suporluroaa INSTRU MENTAL MUfllO. PAINT1NO AND VOICE CULTURE! FORM A' SPECIAL UltPAarMS MURDER AND SUICIDE. I'LAfERVlLLE. Cal.. Nov. n.-Thla etilng. near Shlnglo Sprlnm, thla enmity. Jack Nli'klo ahot nnd killed both hla wife and mother-in-law with a Winchester rltlo. Aftera'anla he n-movod hla ho from hla right fool and with hla toea dlacharged h!a rifle at hla own breaNl, kllllnc hlmaclt almoat Inatnntly. ORKOON AND IOWA AT RIO. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12-Tho battle ahlpa Oregon nnd Iowa arrived ycaterday at lUn to participate In tho annlveraary cclebriitlun of the creation of mo Hraall luit republic. MIXED STATU LEGISLATURE. CHARLESTON. W. Va,. Nov. lX-Qov-ernor Atklnaon now conredca the lower Iioiiho of tha IcglelHturo to tho domocras by iv majority of ono. Thla does not af fect tho majority on Joint ballot for sen ator, except In the actHlemcnt of contests, ua the- sonata Is republican by at least alx. C J-. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Cu',om Ho"-; Ar;- ASTORIA, OREGON. Agont W. F. A (Jo,, and ruolflo Exprem Co'l. Attractive Royal Bavarian China Assorted' rustic scenes on pale, heliotrope background. Graceful shapes Bread Bultcr, Tea and Cake Plates, Salad Dishes, Comports,' ' and ; all the new things out ' Elaborate decorations Effective prices Great Aranrican ImDortinii Tea Ho 671 Commercial atreet. aW IMPORTANT D1FERENCE. To mak. It apparent to thouaanda, who think themaclvea III. that they are not alTI'-ted with any diacasa. put that th. ayatem almply nerda cleansing, la to bring comfort home to their hearta, aa a roatlve condition ta easily lured by ualna Syrup of Flga. Manufactured by I ha California FUT Syrup Company on y and v.d by all drugUta. RIO COMPANY FORAiED. CHICAGO. Nov. 11 Artlclea of Incor poration of tho A. Hooth Company were filed for record today. The capital stock Is set at IT'.W.dX). with .300.000 paid In. The bu.ilneaa of the company Is to engage. In any lino of enterprise connected with tho catching of fish. This Includes ship owning, net making and growing and dealing In vegetables. In a polemical controversy with Rlshop Woodward the famous Father O'Leary once wrote: "Hla lordship any a hp does not believe In the papist purgutory. Well, per Imps he muy go further and fare worse." IS IT A TRIFLE? THAT COMMON TROUBLE, ACID DYSPEPSIA. OR SOUR STOMACH. Now Recognised as a Cause of Serious Disease. Acid Dyspepsia, commonly called heart burn, or sour stomach, Is a form of In digestion resulting from fermentation of llie ft hd. llio stomach being too weak to properly digest It, tho food remalna until fermentation begins, tilling the stomach with gas nnd a bitter, sour, burning taste In tha mouth is often pres ent. The condition soon becomes chronic and being an every dHy occurrence la given but little attention. Because dys pepsia ts not Immediately fatal, many people do nothing for the trouble. Within a recent period a remedy haa been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia nnd stomach troubles. It la known, as Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets, and la now becoming rapidly used and nresciibed aa a radical euro for every form, qf dyspepsia. Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by druggists everywhere at B0 centa per package, H Is prepared by tho Stuart Chemical Co.. Marshall. Mich., and while It promptly and effectually restorea a vigorous digestion. at the same time is perfectly hnrmlessj and will not Injure the most deJIcate .stomach, but on the contrary by giving perfect digestion Strengthens the stomach, improves the appetite and makes Ufa worth living. . Send for free book on stomach diseases. Poe a Rrllllant ninety-Yard Pun Amid Great Applause-Che mawa Beat Portland Y. M. C- A. PRINCETON, N. J.. Nor. 11-The Princeton Tigers defeated tha Bona of Old Ell on llrokaw field this afternoon by a score of ( to 0. Whllii It waa ona of tha moat bitterly contested grimes ever witnessed on football field, It was at the same time one of tha most unsatisfactory, not alono to the Yala team and their supporters but also to wearers of rwnnge nd Hlnck and those who cheered them on to victory. The solitary touch-down waa made on a miserable fumble by Right Half-back Benjamin, when the ball waa within IS yards of Princeton's goal. The ball bad been carried down the field by the Yale team by ateady plunges Into the Princeton Hoe, varied by an oc casional end run until It lay between Princeton's 3) and S yard Una. Tha teama lined up and De Saullea sig nalled for Benjamin to go through the left tackle position In the Princeton Una which waa awfully weak. The ball was passed and Benjamin dived Into a mass of humanity. A second later tha ball was seen to roll clear of a bunch of players and advance a few feet towards the Princeton goal line. Quick aa a Hash, Poe, tha Tigers' iirht-nd. had gathered up the ball and wraa sprtntlnr down the field, with Chamberlain. Stlllman and Benjamin In hot pursuit Th. further he ran the greater was he In the lead, until. In - time than It takes to write K, he had planted the ball squarely between the posts of tha much coveted goal of Tale. When Poe started on his o-yard run up the field the scene which followed beg gard description. The entire stand which surrounded the field waa one surging, yelling masa of humanity In an Instant. Old men and women threw aside dignity for the time being and Joined with the younger but none the less enthusiastic football cranks In thelrcheers for Poe and Princeton. It was several minutes before tne game could proceed. t MRS. BOTKIN'8 CASE SET. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 11-Tne trial of Mrs. Cordelia. BolkJn, accused of the murder of Mrs. J. P. Dunning, at Dover, Del., by means of polaoned candy aent through the malls, has been set for December 5. You Save Dollars By Pnrchaslnf Yonr Dregs. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The only rot-iate. tlmir store where ev ry article is told 15 to 2.5 per cent less than tne Pjnniaciarer'a price. Vera words don't tell it all. Here are soma prii. Keinemia?r verr ratent Medicine. Toilet Article or Drug is sold at on; ratew. Onr mail order business hag trebled in paK tecaiiB everybody within 300 miles of Portland cafi save money by trailn g with us. ffajJlUi. i J iu. ! r,it?J Don't Wear your workinir aPro ftH the j i I Li tle"t, a of Pr management. Do L' ! 1 j4' all your cleaning with Fj f 1 Hi till 0(3m Powder H h T"" e" W Jmt irorklntf clrrthet for rcatinir ' I ?-i-L clot"M Mfl'r in lh d,y- Jt wves time, work and ff'l i i ' 7 worry. Largest paclMKe-grcatest economy. kA ins a. a. raiHUK COIPISI, afllSaam aU Ia.iL r ttM. H 'I "niA-r7TTsaarsBlaaa (Tbb. TstT-W " an.4. tMuatt aUl COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock LeOgglng Engines Built and Rcpnlrcd. rur Cit rat Inre JO 10 w 15 1 7S TS U Ml 6!) 69 IS 39 25 Rerular riea Allcnck's Por on riarert to 15 Ayer' araprld.i-. ... I U0 fHrter". f il .4 Cs"irH... . 85 Scott 1 r mulii mi t i Hoo i 8ariparlra.... 1 op Kalile'it'elerrl 'inM.uttd I 00 ttvrna.f rig tln gnn I)Io.k1 J'nri rt.- - I 00 lieree's Kivnrlle rreMTlpiUm J 00 Pierce's tiol leli i'lllcal DLv eover 1 00 Piece's PelloU ' Wi Ham.' 1'iiik fill 40 Quinln CspmleN or Sutar cojitwi i Diet-, in nouns lnm lil aialn - Qu nine aps'ile., or Ninr-r- ei'Kit-il I Miners, in uoiiiea coiitnlliia IU0 i 35 C)unine t'spaid s, Kuit-r- coKTeii i-.e eis, in ooii i pOMi.hi lie b 0 S grain 41 Qiuii'iie Cpsule, or N 0 1 leu lauieis oones eniibdi't a lOiift-gtiln 55 We buy direct front the mnnufat'turers n quantities, anicn secures tne rKHY LOWEST TKADF. KATES. This euHbles ua to retail at wholesale prices. opav transportation cnarces to as- uria r.n all orders for druir or pttent niedicinet nniotintinK to i5 or over, w lien uecoiuiuniiHl bv tha cash, . . 1 t ' I . i l !11 unr ptio'.OK'rapuio (lepanraenj win in terest you, hvery new tlnnif to photoit rtphy is in stock, and it will dehubt 'tis to linve you call, w helber you buy or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Rate Dnijiylsts Fourth and AVosliinKton, Portland, Ore ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER railroad: Leave I Astoria (Dally) Arrive a.m.p.m.l Portland and Astorlalp.m.a.m. 8:00 6:30' Kxpress trains via I2:iiii;i(i Knappn, intion, wesi uort. Clstskanle. Ooble: connection at uodib ror the East ana puget souna points. 12:20 5:001 S:30l Astoria. Seaside ndl 4:50 7:55 New Astoria: fassenger trains, via warrenton and Liavei. sunnav Hunters- spec- Hal Astoria to Seaside All trains excepting- , the. Sunday, hunt- era' special, leaving; Astoria going to Sea side and returning from Seaside, run on th. Flavel Branch. . . J. C. MAXO.' a p. & p. a: Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ..."Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel... Manufacturers for tbc Pacific Coast for the K0HEKTS KATER-TIBE BOILER. WALKING ADVERTISEMENTS. Every shoe that goes out of this establishment is an advertisement that brings us new trade. The style, the quality, the finish, the priceall count in our favor. People readily discern the goodness in the shoes we sell, and the prices are pleasingly belittled. John Hahti, The Reliable Stioe Dealer. THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATER, PEITER, NOBLE HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQtOKS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day and INtgtit. AUGUST KRAT2, - - Manager Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon MANUFACTURERS OF A TK TsTT Stlce Frolt Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Falrbaven, Wash. Write Us for Prlees GRAND REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS. aVtaaaaMaaVWaaaaaaaaavaraajaatjakaAaaaaa 506 Yards Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels and Moquettes to be dis posed of at less than cost. C. HEILBORN & SON. A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. Prices Lowe With the Fruit to go in them Than Ever.....1 f Sf KOBINSON & LO, iyfe-fete" HATTERS. f yffrai mif 289 wah,n8ton street- awwuitiaiu Sole Agents for the LUN LAP H AT. ?4 Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Pricesii Something New w.j. 431 Bond Street. Writ, for Catalogue 1