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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIA N, SUNDAY MOKMNG, NOVKMNKH 18, 181)8 T-TT DTTCCPT T A JLJ.JLV AVUvJvJlJlViV JOHN T. X.IGHTKH. EilUor. Tlephnn No. M. TIC TIMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent ty mull, pr yr W-00 Dent by moll, per month M turved by carrier, per month 0) SEMI-WEICKLY. Be I by mall, per year. In advene.. ..S100 1'ostnge rre. to suoacrioer. Alt communication Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to the editor, lluslnes communlcatlone of all klnde And rcmlttancee ruunl ba addressed to The Astorlan," The Aatorlan guarantee to ta adver ser lh largest circulation ot any Bewspaper puullshed on tna Columo.e tlvor. Advertising raw a can ba had on appll' cation to tlia buatneaa manager. "Every Spaniard, and every resident ot of Cuban birth, will naturally prefer government by lh United State to gov ernment by (ha Cuban Inaurftnlt, who will at leat be supposed to have more r kaa of a vindictive feellnc. Native bora Cubana, who have estate, to cul tivate, or business) Interest, of any kind, will' naturally prefer to any other the more enduring and powerful government Which the United State can give. A part, and prooafcly not a a mail part, of the Cuban Insurgent, themselves already manifest the earn choice. There are about as many factiona among them ai there are leader, but It la natural that many of each faoUon would rather be ruled by toe United State than by any other faction. Under the circumstances, it appear problematic whether a gov ernment of Cuban by Cubana can be established, with the consent of the In habitant If not. the alternative for them will be government by the Vnlted Plate. Since the Vnlted State will have no power to reject their decision, being in any cave bound to aecuret for the Inland a government upright and trust worthy in It dealings with other na tion. It appear rot altogether Improb able that, without Intention or choice, the United States will be compelled to accent entire responsibility for the fu ture government of Cuba a a part of tha national domain." New Tork Tribune.- Referring- to the demand that the Vnlted States ahall assume the Cuban 'and Philippine debts or pay a cash In demnity to Spam, the London Dally Chronicle observe that for a victor na tion to pay a justly vanquished nation a big cash indemnity would be an all but Incredible novelty. It would be In deed unique, Japan took valuable Chi nese territory, but Instead tf paying a solatium, exacted blc cash Indemnity. Turker did the same to Greece. So Sid Russia to Turkey. True, .nose nation are not so high In the ethical scale that we ihould Imitate their example. But their conduct waa approved, or at least ac quiesced In, by the most enligntened Eu ropean power. Germany took from France two of her fairest province, and then. Instead of paying France for 'hem, or paying France war expanses, made France pay her an enormous indemnity. Trussla did not pay Austria a solatium for Sadowa. nor Denmark one for Svhies-wlf-Ho'.stein. We are not aware that t ranee and Great Britain Indemnified Russia for the latter' loases in the Crimea. And uch example might be multiplied indefinitely. If it be raid that the Vnlted States should take a higher moral ground than wa taken in any of these cases, the ready and Incontroverti ble reply 1 that she Is doing; so. If he followed the example of the European power, some of whose spokesmen are charging her with being ungererous to Spain, she would take all of Spain's col onies and exaot a cash Indemnity of a hundred million or so to boot and oc cupy Cadiz, Barcelona and Cartagena until tha latter wa paid. The Pari Soliel say that no monarchical govern ment would have dared to conduct Itself after the manner of the American. Perhaps not. Few monarchical govern ments would have have dared to show the disinterestedness In the conflict and the generosity and aelf denial In dealing with the vanquished foe that tne United Btateu ha shown toward Spain. OUR FOREIGN COMMERCE. If the foreign commerce for the first nine month of the preent year can be accepted a Indicating anything at all, It Is that the United State la fast reach ing the condition In which lis own peo . pie's wants can be satisfied from the .product of American farm, factories, forests and mine, while the surplus pro duction for exportation Is steadily on the Increase. To be explicit, the Import for the first nine months of the current year were N7u.360.S9J. tha lowest amount by "nearly fifty million for any lmllar per iod In a 3oen years, while .the export for the same period were $854,203,502. the largest amount by nearly $120,000,000 ever M I II., ' ! i." ! !: : lt.rt-iM TV-m-e-inVnCirie.- .l;i.tlni4 ilusV.-uvl nn.lDirtiit. ling ific Stcroficis andDovdi of TVmtra rtti.Kf.n C hrrrful i- I lUUlJlv --i . rvc5S and Rcst.ConLiins nciUw Opnirn.Morphine itfrMsxral. In'otNakcotic. fmJJ - )wtinrii f-ir: A wmtt V.Tfu f A I r tt A.V Iiuii.?.ui jyuuM-ti,. '.'.- Horms ,vOovuisk)iis .r CM. t iiv fssanJIOSSOF SHXK TacJ'e SiCnaluK t .:tt. ... ii I rj.w ... TV.. -- lk t 1- T. txAcrconror vnAPt. eiported In a Imilar period. This de cline In Imports hat occurred, too, at a time when we had more money to buy fore'gn good than ever before. If we had needed them. The balance of trade In our faror, and the heavy balance to our credit from last year's lran-tions, all tended to stimulate foivln buying, and the only Inference I that we didn't buy abroad because we could purchase to better advantage at home. The marvelous expansion of our export trade appear to reach all lines of Amer ican production. The export of agricul tural products were t"Tl SiiCJ. an in crease of J1CO0O.OMJ over the same period In 1W. and $71M.0 over the highest ex portation for the same period In any for mer year. The export of manufacture were $3. C2.045. an increase of 115.0iM.WO over last year, and more than twice the exports of mannfacturea for the Arst Woman's power is larrcly dependent npon her ability to interest, entertain, at tract and plt-ax. It is fur this reason that women strive to become accompli'htd. They study in order thnt they may convene intelligently on all subjects. Tbev strive to become good musicians, graceful dan cers and araiahle hoteses. All accomplishments are unavailing if a woman suffers from ill health in a womanly way. The special weaknew peculiar to the womanly OTyanism. will rapidly wreck the general health. The uffcrer will ! her natural vivacity, her wit. her (rood looks, and the ambition and power to di-play the accomplishments at her command. Any woman affected in this way should resort to hr Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a wonderful medicine for ailing women. It is the invention of an eminent and ?k:r.ful phytician, Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. It aims to cure but one clas of dis eases, and claims to be good for nothing else. It imparts health, ela-tie strength, vigor and virility to the delicate feminine organs. It prepares a woman for wifehood and motherhood. Mrs. Ramos Satiehes. Penswo. Taoa County. N. Met., in a letter to Dr. pierce yi " From s grateful heart mrToice gneuttor,.Vt Vth night and day in a trArma prayer that lie may ruard your hralthand prnrve your hfr. I hrrrbvea press my rntitude to you r the relief I hse received from your wonderful medkine. Fstot. ite PrecTptlO. Alter miffrrin? ynrs of misery 1 nm Uvday a health v and bappy wife, and can truthfully rrromri'tid to women the ue of the Pannte Prev-riptlun' a a regulator of the monthly period!.' The quick constipation -curt Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Never gripe. Secretary Long, of the navv denart- ment, though a member of the Roston bar. ha hi residence at Hlgham, Mass., where his home is the handsomest In the plae. "Much as I like Washington," he said the other day. "I d prefer to be right h-re." Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tta. A pleas ant herb drink. Curt constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. SaiUfiction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and V) cents. For sale by Etes-Conn Drug Co. Senator Lodge wa vlnltlng a former instructor of his at Harvard recently, and when the latter said: "Of course, you've forgotten all your Greek?" the formpr promptly recited half of theAlph of the "Iliad" with only a few mistakes. That the blood should perform Its vital functions. It Is absolutely ncceaesary It should not only be pure but rich In Ufe givlng element. Thee result are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier. Aver' Barsapa rllla Bernhardt Ib said to be considering the plan of producing In this country Ca tullo Mendes' version of the "Medea" of Euripides, which she ha made so- uc cesBtul In Paris. OAQTOniA, Baanth Tin Kind Yw Haw Always Bopghf j m fill ill 1 for Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought A .la Simatuw M nlna month of 1SSJ. These IVurvs Indi cate a total export of manufactured ar ticles of ro.W.f'W for the entire year. Ynth the largest wheat crop ever grown In good demand for foreign ship ment and our exports of manufactured goods increasing at an averse rate of from $y.00O.A to $30axO.h a year the calamity howler have little to encourage them at preent. soap responds to wa ter instantly; washes and rinses off in a twinkling. Lnjtnrfeot hair, of naifaraa color, la, a beautiful head roTeftnx for either sem. and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. Louis de Rougemont real name has been proven to the satisfaction of unbe liever to be Grin. Ban tha A lf a HK ii'inn BS SifaaU: of The bet portrult of Admiral Dewy 1 said by his son to be that Just fin ished hy John Muson. the artist, who na long been a friend of the admiral. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25 cen-. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. The Gaelic I.nuxiie of Amerliu has be n formed In New Tork. and at the meeting a translation of the "Star Snunided Ban ner," made by Rev. K. O'Urewnty, of Prwicott. Arliona. was read. Acker Er!lh remedy will top a cough at any time, and will cur the worst cold In twelve hour, or money re funded. 25 cent and V) cent. For sale by Este-C'onn Drug Co. There wa unveiled Tuesday a tablet to the memory of T. Buchanan Held, the poet, in the front of his formen Cincin nati home, Juttt below the window of the room where he wrote "Sheridan" Rlile." Acker's Dyipepslav Tablets are sold on a poilUve guarantee. Cures heart bum. raising of food, distress ater eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate reilat 26 and M cent. For ale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. It Is said that when Judge Day and Senator Gray were Introduced inte the court room at the Dreyfus hearing: the other day they attracted more attention than either the lawyer or .the wife of the unfortunate Israelite. Beartth Itn Kicfi Yo Haw Alwart BwgW eigsatu f When the hat 1 passed around In Tam many hall, no one Is allowed to talk through It. In 18S7 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh, o. Allen town, Tenn., had an attack of dysentery which became chronic. "I waa treated by the beet physician In East Tennes see without a cure," he say. "Finally I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using about twelve bottles I wag cured sound and well." For sale by Charles Rogers, drua;glt. ' John Payne Is authority for the state ment that the full name of Omar Khay yam 1 Ghrytheddln Ion El Pthh Unwr lbn Ibrahim EI Kheyyami. THE BEST PLASTER. A plcco of flannel dampened with Chamberlain' Pain Balm and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain In the chest or aide, or. a lame; back, give It a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased, with, the prompt relief which It aftqrxuv Pain. Balm 1 also a certain pure for rheumatum. , For, sale ,br Charle Rotreri, drug-gist'; M .1 I . tu I MM wrr w h 3 The if' Kind W You Have plways Bought. inill IP 11 flHRHHl I : Conipoimd Automatic Knine ; ; 1 , 1 r 1 1 y V JStnji iiiul I'Vononiifiil. Writo us for jmrtioular. A. II. A KKII.L, Ul'SSKM. CO., Mannior. 1'ortliuttl, Oivgon, Special QIG Comniorvhil Strt't't near m M Wfc W THOH. GUItsnAN. Proprietor Seventh nnd WnstHlngton Htm, nruuuuvrtnrvvrruvvvruirirrw MANHOOD saraaterd to ear all Drain fuwer. ltrada-he, ak-nja, ferwMSneM. all either art. caused by prefwid. CirraUrPree. mipu fctnred by the f&C MANHOOD RESTOREOSi?: m r . i Tftu vt "i - w w w m x saw u --ii ji cu rxajal4 mU lnwmnu. I' lu h M MruiitJ i, ffvtti .wium?. nT tni(ir, I'nAirtvM u M.irrv, k ituiaiu t tiri, Vr m- d si V r - liiitiU.-n. i a Jb li -.I J.-uTT., t,-U if ti rhwt '-I ui Hirnuii.irrlMM ami nrrosir irrrs'r. t ni.r,.-u mtm, toe fcrwr,fc 'i tKl-irraan.) iiir n'inrr uiiul aJUuouniMa rrPIDKKft trnthtw nn.l tniumiiMHuMi udik Th rMio utTr-r sr mil rurt by Nmr i brr-u nleetv rr eenl are tmtiMnl wH rieum. fl'I'l I'KMK la Uieouiy known torir oiihoui ni raiui a.a A written ruranir tivo an't nion.y rviurrtvil if y hiir 1"a tut tii-xi a ruiau.uiuura fl.lOabol.ail lur iiB. ky uuU. MnJ lor rasatinuUr an-l laaunviiatav AiMrna OA V tit. MEDICIS R 1. O. Hot lKun ITa.K-a.-u, fal r . y CHARI.KS ROOEHfl. C Commercial tit. The Turk hns hevome unsrnfukabiy po lite, lie not only consents to get nut at Crete, bag and baggage, aa requested by the power, but he wiints to raise tha American mission to an rmuussy. CASTOR I A For IalmU and Childrea. Hi8 Kind Yea Hara Alwajs Bocght Bean Ui Bifnatarvof Toon the new mrm rt.i gateway to be erected at Harvard In honor of the unl verslty' stuk-nts who fell In (lie war with SimUii. there will appear the name of Sherman man who was not a soldier, but who g.ive up his life fur the welfare of those who were. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E Hari of Groton. B. D.: "Was taken wltn a bad cold which settlrd on my lungs; couch t In and finally terminated In consumption. Four doclo.n gave rot up. saying I could llv but a short time. 1 gave mylf up to my Savior, determined If I could not stay with my frUnd on earth I would meet my absent one a'jova. My husband wa advised to get Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Cold. I gave It a trial, took In all eight boctic. It haa cured ma, and thank God I am lived and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottle free at Este-Conn Drug Co. Regular a e Wo ind SI Guaranteed or price refunded Oom Paul. It la said, ha latterly be gun to asnumn a little more of the pomp and ceremony of a president. He now has seven troopers to escort him from one government building to another. THE SURE LA ORIPPE CURE There Is no use iuffring from thi dreadful malady. If yen will only get the right rumedy. Ton are having pain all through your body, your llvor la out of order, have no appetite, no Ufa or ambi tion, hav a bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. EUctrlo Bitter Is tka only remedy that will give you prompt and ure relief. They act directly on your liver, stomach and kldnay, tons p the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are gnarasteed to cure or prtoe refunded. For; taW. at Hates-Own Drrg Co. Only so cents per bettla . ' Carlylc: He that cannot wlthni keep hi mind to hlmse-lf cannot practice any considerable thlnK whatsoever. A SURE SIGN OF CROUP. Hoarseness In a child that I subject to croup I a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Couifh Remedy la given as soon ns tho child become hoarse, or even after the rrou-y cough haa appeared. It will pre vent th. attack. Many mother who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that It save them much trouble and worry. It can alway be depended upon and Is pleaaunt to take. For sole by Charles Rogers, druggist It Is only false modesty that closes It eyes to the naked truth. TOUR FA( B Show the state of your feeling, and th. tat. of your health as well. Impure blood make Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skJn erup tion. If yon are. feeling, weak, and. worn put and. do not' have a healthy appear ance you ihould try Acker's Blood Elixir. V! cure.- all blond' disease whor cbtnp arsaparllla and ao-ealiedi purifier, fall; knowing, Iblsi w. sell , every bottle, on a positive, guarantee., For sale by Estts Conn Drug Co. ni Orlcnlnl Cnrlowlllcs ontl Toys. Wo tmisst rciWico Mock nnU Hell Reursrallesss of Col ltuf I aa Pa (Vnipor's Iry (.ItxMU uiv. W V T ? Portland, Or. RESTORED my Mf or. Tm'i ifins svrit rim, Thu wuJtll aervnus duraae, suah a Weak M rotary, La Jt WaktlalafM, Lust Maabugi!, Mgkily Kail, drataa, lev of puwer la Ueaerstiy Orgaaa of ow-etertw.a, youthful emirs, eseeail el lumt-ra, opium or Himuiants. whica ma lu InSranty, CeaMWipllua 0 Inaaony. Cn be carried is ml twket. t to net ta. 4 k at k n gold by sll dratrMa Aik for it. Uktaaolhn h ainllrln c" , trugCu..iluUlbutitigag(Bl. Thud sad Yaaiaillou.. rvMtUod.ut. E8TB(vOONN Ulll'O tX. Asnb, AstorU. i a I .wtn br iuv r .M. .lub-i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED W ' NTED A MAN OF UXt AuUltK to taiivaaa AlyUa on a bualuaa npu 't'lon: a good opnlnr will be offered the right man. AJ.lrcw 11. Aatortsa office. VANTIdIhoUSe" raTAULlSHEt)SI ' arsfarty, atr or (ntlemao, of udf church Ltiltm( m crrepa dent and manager here Ne.i not kav home. Rnlarir Imii rlmt yejr. Enie Belf-adirreaae4 slauitied anvaMpa to A, T. Elder, Uortl Manager, car Astoriao. FOR RENT. roit rent-vk n iiorws an u barn nad lour arras of land, amr Clatsop city station, known a lh Clatsop 1'oetoRli' Apply to A. Tagg. ssi Coromsrdal at. ctty ron BALE. FOR SALIHOt'HE AM' I.oT. COR ner UranJ avenue an-l Tornty-nlnlii strrel. L i Tlo n. lot lliJ feci. Apply to John 8utl. RESTAl'RANTt. ckhjD to CENT MEALd AT TtlC RI ing Sun Restaurant. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WANT KINK sM S.SKI.rt AM 'rHfllh call on lieorae li.irt.ey at thr National. Mlu re nil the d-'llcuilra of the season can be found. THY RllILLINUg UEJbT TEA AND baking powder. i SWEET CREAM 10c A PINT AT THK - I SALOONS. ItHE LOUVER ttNDER THE AD LSI managMiirol of August Krat. Is dau beconung more and more popular r sort. The clu rooia on ttu second froor are now an attractive feature of tb eatahlinhme nt. itiTmri t VII DR. ALFRED KINNKY-)f'li'E A1 realdem e, Commercial atreet, near D.aoi. yiu a liiruia. W'i mia unill IJ. all afternoon until f; vening until o'clock. DR. O. B. E8TE8. PIIVMICIAN AND Surgeon. Special atlentlon to ill-aaa of women and surgery. Orftce over Do tiger' store. Aaiorla. Tele. No. U- DR. JAY TUTTLB, PHYSICIAN ANI1 Burgeon. Ofllce, rooms S and I, Pythian Building, U14fc Commercial irft. Rawl denre same. Telephone H. Acting as sistant surgeon United State marine hospital aervlce. MASONIC. TEMPLE LODOB NO. 7, A." F. ANDA M. Regular communications held on the llrst aad third Tuesilay eyanlng of Mli. C HOLDKrJ. Secretary. ATTORNUld. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Ofllce. Bond. Street, Astoria, Or, A SPECIALTY W toured In I6lo3oiluii. yoneiiDblr..'ai'1oi Wlf. t"amn forssaie pririi uiuier anrna guana- iy. ii rouiM.,-t r lonoiflsi.ey. i.s wnu on tract to nay nillnoit funmoil ti'.rol bllla tui v jhsnrs. If w tail tocuro. If you hnvn ln mar- lify, lo.llde M.tah, anil still have aehi am) jslns, MtteoiatlWIiaalii Hore Tliroa,, simple, )bterttolorrd H(ita.ticrra on wrpartof the only, ilfeirnrKyettruw fulling .u', 1. I tli'S Sevoniliiry lt(, ()' POISON we ft nai antee Ujeure. We solicit ibo moil oliatb jrte case sr.d ciiMlleR the toild for u fii nweennnoteiire. a'hls ill m a'a-STf lHllledthekillof the mixr. eminent niysl ,'l.ina, fc100,001) eaiiiuii iN-hlnil our unroiij i..iinl gutrautr. Absolute proof m( jeaki'loi rmillrntln. AiMremi COItK HKifEDvCOy '"1 Alaauuie X.omlo. CUXCAUU, UX. In a recent lellor the derman anthro pologlHt. Kollman. declared that care ful Invistigatlons havo shown that the prenondeiance of the blondo type In the northern and thu brunette type In the outhern part of Europe antedated the aopearance of the German and Roman In history. It Is claimed that the gold contained in the medal chains, vessels and other object. In the Vatican would make more gold coin than the whole of the present European circulation. TBNEV "North Western Limited" H ClNTHfV TIN ) I'cUcfll MnmrapolU, St. I'aiit mui CliU'ii;'!, It rntcrUliilniily klcNCtlbcil In tn llhistiilcd biHiklct, vkliUli will b lur nislicJ ikii (hi pi'lli'tlon to W. II. MHAD.Oeit. Act., Uii WaiUiuntna Htrwt, roKTtNn, on. P. W. I'AK K t:K, Coin Ant, tliiri Ctrsl Arsuii, stunt, AH - tm BO YIARr IXPKRICNOK s 1 I r V- TMM Mannt f'Mll1 C6YIIOMTt AO. Anrna seaaJna a tisteh an 4'senyilon aiss aaloklf aaooruiii eur iIiih fre ehMhsr aa liintlta to ir.ibKiy pifnttil ('uMniMiilnt. lhMMwtMlrom4sniU UuiAIMoaim l'ill rrk OiAmI aiiy rof MynuMSiii, imiu km tnruia Munn 1 U rwwlr ajmUi outtea, ti W Ui tha Scientific Jlmerican A kakastiiaelf tllMttaise WMkiT. lansst ir ntlslkw at any w-imii hiuriwl. ti a mt i aiontba. It pal krsll )! iwKi vi wui "iibm iwta liaar Olfto, Mrw,Wi shlngiuM, U U (.'areata, and Tnvle-Maika obtained aad all Pal altaiiiiwacwiJiifdlw Meetssvt rite. Ou Orriec Oeeoairt U, . frtsT Orfis and lumMii paual la ic bat litaa uuaa iviwila lwa Waahinaa. iiaad mudal, diaaiag or photo., with oWrls tioa W aarwa, II paunulOa ar e4, h el .kair. f It 4 daa till Mieat tsaatoraa. A PlMUT, " H" tatllxaia hauaai," llk nail l aatu la tha V, &. and luniga oiwauiaa al Irao. AdJitaa, , C.A.SNOW&CO. Am. Siriar Avnai. yiaaaiMaraM. B. O. . The Choicest Table Wines'... Carlson's FamllyLlauor Store 11 HI K ! AkKIVI r.l Mai' for A It Leo , Holllill lieiol, aoiil. . . riiMikane, W. lioa, hull-, i na. oil'', "t. I'aul.i hi-, , v, . ego Ne Y r.IWlni I 10 ' m' ii'l all "ilnn ral and. ,an i 'uihmi. I I No. .V. IS.rt'a-'d, HeM'le anil) Ke. 1 II -a ta V . . p m. aouina I iwN tori "i ISeallle. Taroaia, l B Ipla and ! tenindutr' mlllU. Thre daye to St. Paul. Oinnha, Kan pa. City and orlinr Missouri river l-'ln. Three and one half .Lye to St. L"UU. Milwaukee and Chij-agn fc Kour and one-half dy to Washlnirtoti. Philadelphia and other far raTri Pf'"- Pajiaeugara taking trie A C. It. It. It. I o'rlw k mornins- train will make rinse eonneotlon at Oobie with the -isl bound 'TnlTn'tiepot connectloni at all principal rTsIIgg cheiked through t deatlna tt of tli'kat .,., KV.r. sle.-piiK cr reTVSllon., tlcke ., map of routes' and other mfnrtnMloTi, ra.lonor.d.rre. 824 Commercial Ht.. Astoria, or A. I. I'HARLToN. Analainnt tleneriil l'.iawiKer Ageni. tlS Morrison Street. Portland. Or. Through Tickets TO' THaV- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- PULLMAN PALACE SLEKPBRS. TOURIST SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR OABt Dally to Slt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern olUes , Bngrag. checked through to destlnaUni). I nlon Depots, fnit time, lowest rates, Pintsch UKht ra all oar,, fur rates and other Information call or address- Q. Vf. LOUN8BERRT, Afeai. -r O, R. A.N. C., Aa0tof4A OMsuil 9t J H LOTHROP, 0a. kmmtL Ilk Third art., oor Alder. Portlaaa, Or, vr r OUT y(lWV rRK Hi1 " a1' ay 1l Hi i non-powonon. trJ -. T rmly for tliiDurrhu.a. if JJUIIEX i J'lmii, Sparmstorrhiva. laluldr.l Wiiiim, unnatoral ilia- ' f OuniMl H rharifio, or any luflamma f Jw uma ,.lii Irrliallon ur ul.r. P ji'waiii wnualas. . tioii of, in neons nii'iu lT?oirHlhMBOMIlliolOi), brsn"" H on-Mlrlnitrnl V-AcisomisiwI IWi br ,"'"" 'i X D.a.i. a CP ",t ln wrapper A-1 J" VieyJ i'T eipn.... prnpal.l, f, -t,. warW, or I bulilm, 2.:;,. I 1s ; ; i"' ) jt-'Ui'r .ui us- iwiai;. r.:t:.'iv Go East... via Hilling anil Iliirlltigton rul., yuu reach Omaha. Kaiiana t uy. i'- m.i .n mli.p a.iulharn and nUtlielrO eltlrs half day oonr than traveler. who lake any other una tlo tt via RI, Paul and lh. Iinriington mui a, and you rlile th fl""' M arth-th. Hrliilon, 01. I'ul-' Umlled. ii.. ..t via fwdan and Denver, and ynu ts lh wonderful scenery of Ihn Ruckles, fumed lh world over a l m" "a- nlflcent on tha inmllnwit. Tlckul at oftlies of cunneiMIng Imea A. C. IIKLIHIN. WHEN GOING EAST. Use s flrat tlss Una In Iravellng be tween Mliiiioapoll. Ht. Paul atuH'tilcgo, and lha principal lowna In Central Wia ronain. Pulliiinn llce Hlneplng and Chslr Cr. In aervlce. Th dining car are operated In the I nt arret of It patron, th mst eleginl ervka ever Inaugurated. Meala ar aerved a la crt. To obtain tlnit clt oervlc your ticket should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Dlnx-t connection at Chicago and Mil waukee for all eailern point. rot full Information rail on your near est ticket aaant, or writs JAB. U. 1HNl, General Pasaengar Aaenl, or JAa A. CtiOCX. Iwaukee. Wl. (lrnaral Agent, M Htark Hi reel Portland. Or WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Iugt ound Navi gation Company. Telephone leave Astoria dally, rloepl fliinilay, at 7 . nv . , leayea-roniaivl dally .icept flunday at 1 a. m. Whit" Collar line lrh-ta Inter' hangble on Telerrmne, T. J, l"tlee and it. M. Thompaon for Aatorla ami all way tMiinia. rUvel. Ilaaco. BaaVleW. Ung lla. and N.hcotta. c w rroN. U II. HCOTT. Ai..ri. Agent. Proaldeni, Telephone Mo. U. Tintt 5CMi)tit.rj IiKPAKr ymnf Portland Aiaivl K.. Ma I u in Salt laka, iN-ur.r Ft I W'oiii., tlmalia Kan la H. el Umli. I I lilragu and 'a'l K..t Mill T S' a. m , Jl kfluiiaajams.fitpAiiL .-..-.' 1-ol'i'h. allilW, 191p m. i iiUaauaud SjmI. , r ein Anuria ' IKI1AN TBAI15MIP All Hailing lialrs tub I )rr I tr hanga, flu ean K rulicneo- Mall nviHitlwr 1 S, . 11,11. IT, JU. il, .it aii'l rif lo-Me- m. ? a lu . t Ml Inlay Columbia Hlvar Hteamar To Portland and i Way landings. 1 Kroin I'orHand. J WiilamelU lv.f. ; Aa " e Mo n.Uy a. to 4 mi v n ra Moil. Weill ai4 m 1 Tue. riiur ureton rl't. Newla-rgJ an I Hal hai'-m a Wav-ljuoin . MlllaatMta aad VMM Mil Hlyra. tl 9) p. m. Uo. ..Wad ai.d rt. T . m. Tur,l htm ami sat. , Oleg 'il t'lti, iHaylnli, A n y itmiiiiia. t l.y Klparla illll'V rl' t fot'loni- I I I p. in.' l.y ja nt daily eye'l I'llilay 5aak Ulver. HIlMWlato I.a1iUn. Imvi Lewlelown 'lallt. es nt Prld iy. Q. W. LOUNSnBRHY, Agent Astoria. W. H. HTTRLBURT. Oeo. PM, Act Peru ad. Or, EIST nv SOUTH 12(1 oa' -T O OCBMtjWlAattl LBAVB lOIlTLAND ARR1V1 OVKRLAND BX- I'ltKHH, fur Balam, a. M n .. iu1U''. Ashland, t:M P. U Hacramanto, Ogden, 1 10 A. U Ban Francisco, Mo. lave, Lo. Angeles, JCI Paao, New Or. lean and th. Fast. 1 A A. M Roioburg passenger M:I0 P, Ml Via Woodhtirn, for Dally Mount Angel, Bit- Dally except verton, Wat Bclo, eirept Sunday Rrownvllle, Boring- Hunday 0.11 and Nation..., K A- H 9 orr111! Panger rt:M A. sf M M p. M paas' Its :ZA A M ' i Dally, lUailv eioept flunday. . viiii.-u.ioh ri mm I' in iivisco witn llrol denial A Oriental. Paolflo Mall and Oce nnlo steuniMhlp line fur JAPAN. CHINA, AI'H.UALIA AND HAWAII. u Re hate tlckela on aula dilly between Portland, Hnmimento. and Han Krancla co. Net mtoa S17 flrsllaas, and U mm-ond-clnas, Incluillng slncpnr. Hatis and tickets to Kji stern point, and Europe. Atao Jupaa, (thhia. Honolulu, and Aiislrnlla. On he obtained from J. n KIRKI AND, Ticket Arront. m Third Vt . 11. KOKHLltR, C. It". MAItKHAM Manager. (j, p. Ik P A. Through tlckols Kast for lowest rules Cull on C. J. Trenchnrd. locul ngent Wells Fargo Company' olllce, Astoria ' ilott's Nerverme Pills Th great f remedy for I f l nrvou pro- AivI,,l,l,,,,4 T i.riaa',7 gencratlvg on UvilZAND AKlt.ll UBINO. -jn, f jjj. ICX. Inch ss Nervous PhImiL IT. Hi OU Manhfw!. Imnnlenrv. Mlr,t,l iri. iions,, Youthful Errors, Mental.Vorry, - ih ui i uoacco or v.ipKiin, Which lead to ConwimpUori h4 Intinlty. $JKJ H01TI CHEMICAL CO . Proc t. Cl8l.nUh! yor-Bal. by EBTBS-CONN DRUO CO.