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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVHMHKIt t, IBM. TODATt WEATHER. Y-t Vlrn Oin Fulr; rain along tViniiltun coast. AROUND TOWN. Try Roslyn roal. Elmors. Sanborn Co. I", T. Kndnll nMumfd last tilght frtn Fortland. ' H. P. flowers, of ths Portland hot!. Ii In ttit city. asssssss Ths tamr Signal Wt out yesterday for fleattls. H. F. L. Logan, of Seaside, was In ths city yesterday. Ths Elder crossed out for Ban Fran Cisco yesterday. The steam schooner Fulton la due from Can Francisco today. ( The Columbia. arrived In yesterday morning from San Francisco. Mrs. W. H. Logan left for vlalt with relatives In California yesterday. General Freight and Passenger Agent Iayo returned laat night from Portland. J. H. Delllnirer, of ths rortland Times, was In ths city yesterday, and returned laat night. Best California win. K cents par fal len. Alex Gilbert, tola stent tor Astoria. Telethons C Charlea W. Adama. representing Hall's safe and tork works of San Francisco, la In ths city. Luther festival In Swcdlaa Lutheran thuroh November 10. at t p. m. Admission SS and IS cents. The Prltlsh ship Clackmannanshire. hat laden for Queenstown for order. ( put to ea yesterday, i Tallsend coal and coka la th best (or domestic purposes. For sal by the Astoria Oaa Light Co. Mr. Will WTielan. who ha been the city for the past few days, will turn home this morning. In The P.ritlsh ship TVIecombe Park, wheat laden, la ready for sea and expects to leare out th!s morning. Apples, apples, apple. Tory choice and Yery cheap. Two hundred boxes must be old at ooc. Boss. Hlgglna ft Co. The Holy Innocent guild of Upper As toria will hold their anntuU sale of fancy article on Saturday, November J&. Call and see a new dress suit, the very latest, confined to the McAllen it Mo Connell Cry goods house. Commercial treet A fanner from Younfs river forfeited In the police court yesterday for drunk ones. John Do was fined K for the same offense. For Bala. 100 ton of Roeyln coal; the finest house and steam coal aver brought to Astoria. Elmore, Sanborn Co-. Tele phone, Itala M. Th funeral of John Zaage was held from Pool's undertaking parlors yester day afternoon and the remain were In terred In Greenwood cemetery. Pleasant furnished rooms. Including bath, with first class board, for gentle men only, can be had at SO Seventeenth Street. Reference exchangeu. The first frost of th season occured early yesterday morning. A fog soon settled over the peninsula, however, and the frost was of short duration. A special meeting of the Woman's Re lief corps will be held at 1:39 today. This will be the fctat meeting before Inspection and a full attendance is requested. For rent The entire upper floor of th Badollet building over Albert Dun bar's store. For particular inquire of VT. G. Howell. CI Exchange street. The Wondes Drill, an Indispensable tool to all machinists, plumbers, or workers In Iron, brass, or other metals. Call and e It. C E Orkwits. agent corner of Tenth and Duane streets. The Emergency corps and Red Cross society will meet this afternoon at Res cue carters. It Is desired that there be a full attendance of members, as Import- ant buslnes. will come up. Justice of the Peace Dillon, of . precinct, ha resigned and settled bis ac counts with the county court yesterday. H ha removed to Astoria temporarily, but It Is drtoo4 contemplate going to Alaska. The popularity of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at th Na tional 1 growing dally, and many busi ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. Th lunches sat by Mr. Bartley are the finest In th city. Try W. A. Gaines' private stock wb sky. This Is an old standard liquor, especially recommended for family and medicinal Use and Its purity and quality Is guaran teed. For sale in any quantity by John L. Carlson, sola agent. Twelfth street, near Bond. Nate SchluaMl, a well known A. F. C. bowler, ha adopted a new style, and is bowling phenomlnally. He now uses an j Upright delivery and does much better than lie ha been doing. The bowling committee will raise him few classes before long. .. Lieutenant Sherman, of the naval re serve, has received a set of signal coles from headquarters at Portland. Some of the members of the division are already quite proficient and can give and receive signs quite accurately. The division will practice the signal code tonight at rhe armory. This Is tho age of adulterations, but Harper wblsky la guaranteed strictly pure, superlative whUky. Chemists, an alyst and physicians testify this repeat edly. The evidence Is not only strong but conclusive. The people too, find Harper can be trusted Implicitly; hence the enormous sales of this royal wniBky. Bold by Foard & Stokes Company, As toria. Oregon. Shermftn Cane has taken rharpe of the Seaside postofliee, vice J. H. Johannsen, tealpned. Mr. Johannsen retires from the office with the good will of every patron of the offlre, end it Is the universal ex pression that be has made the best post master 8easlde ever had. It Is under . stood that the change was made for po litical reasons, and not because there were objections or -charges against Mr. Johannsen affecting his administration of the office. Vt'i" V t I f The "All-Star" bowling aggregation, of Chicago, which ftr een endeavoring to make arrangements for a western visit niay yet come to the coast, although the chances ox the trip are not as good as tacy woo some time ego. The eastern ers want a guarantee of flOO & day from each city they visit, - Tbl Is considered a little steep. E. E. Mallory. ths vet eran Portland bowler, ear th eastern rs bowl on dry alleys, and that "a will do hera up" if they come lo Oregon, a th club alloys are kept well oiled. It will be definitely known before lung whether or not the eastern men alll come wset. The torpedo-l-oat Davie Is shout rwdy for another ofnrtal trial trtiv which la expected to take place In shout a week 'The trlnl board has not yt been named by the navy department. The torpedo bout Fox Is also ncarlng completion. Th toroedo-boat Goldeoorough, also und construction at the Wolff A lcer iron work. U oroim-ssltig rapidly, and la be-in- built to attain a speed of V knMa an hour. Th funeral of the late William 8. Kin ney took Place at Salem Monday from th First Haptlst churvh. where service wer conducted by Rev. Frank Sullivan Rev. John Parsons and Rev. Oilman Parker, th latter of Portland. Many of the lodge of Masons, of ahlch the de ceased waa a member, were In attend ance Th Interment wa In cm J r el Iowa' cemetery, and the following acted t nail-hearers: Hurt P. McNary. W. B. Morse, George P. Husthes, W. T. Gray, Oeorire H. Burnett and S. H. Hurley. Many of he friends of the deceased fol- lowed the remalna to th grave. Two hoboes, giving the names of Mason and Smith, wer arrested by th police Monday night. As soon aa they arrived In town they tried to dispose of some pocket knlvea which they had In their possession. The two are thought to b (he vanguard of a crowd of hoboes that Is located above Tonsrue PiVnt, They are camped In a deerted logging shed coo- wnlent to th railroad trao. and their light ran be seen at nights by pn- gera on the Incoming tratna. In the po lice court yesterday Smith and Maaon were fined ga eieh and In the evening ere billed by Chief Hallock for j'astures new. The flrt games In the flower tourna ment will be howlrd Friday. The (Uitrt will bo callcl promptly at o'clock, at which hour players tmut h present. The Atters will mwt th Hel'otrope and th Lillac will try conduMons with the Wel gvlUa It. F. Allen U cnptaln of the Asters. C. R. H'.gg.ns of the Heliotrope. W. C. Laws of the Lilac, and Herman Wise of the Wetgellas. All th members of the club are Invited to be present and see the games, which promise to be very Interesting. The championship begin Thursday night. The bt scores at the alleys yesterday wer Mr. De'.llnger' li for the women and Herman Wise's a. Mr. Wise bowled in Sne form all day. and rolled up an average of sauljr w r 10 or more game. New cushions are being placed In alleys 1 and J. and those alleys aer not used yesterday. New cushions 1 will a'.so oe placed In the other alleys. A private of the Second Oregon, sta tioned at Manila, writing to a friend at Portland, makes very sensational and grave charge against th officers of th company. He state that th food given th men was worse than would ordinarily be ted to dogs, and attribute a great deal of the slcknes among th men to the failure of the officers to properly pro vide for them. He says that a private named Toung. of Corvallis. died from ne glect, The only man named Young In th company waa Edward C. Toung of this city, who enlisted at Corvallis. Lettrr recently published In the Astorlan front the chaplain and the captain of the com pany set forth that Toung received every possible attention, but the private who writes to his Portland friend Says It is a notorious fact that Toung died from neglect. He make other serious charge against the officers, and an Investigation will probaoly follow. The Oriental liner NIngchow finished her cargo yesterday and Is ready to sail for Hongkong, which will be her first port of discharge. The NIngchow yesterday had W tons of flour, which was brought down by the (Vkluhama and put on board at Flavel. Although a smaller carrier than either the Athenian or Brae mar, the Nlngihow was unable to com plete her cargo in Portland and left the Inland city 0) tons short and drawing a feet one inch. Even with this luht draught the NlngcKw wa compels to wait for tides until she got well oown the river, but made the run between the two oorts inside of X hours. The recent rains should have the effect of raising the Willamette several inches, whereby a vessel drawing a f't or two more than the Mngcnow could noat down without grounding. It is scarcely two weeks since the Athenian came down the Will smptrn drawing fA a in.V.A , i i ,hn,.rH .,, , ,.. ' ..., th.n ,ha vWh- ,h. .. ... torla In two days and a half and lightered but JD tons to compWte her cargo. It Is evident the river Is filling up, u other wise the NIngchow would come down fully laden. Sbe will leave out today, weather permitting. A correspondent writing from Ham mond says: An Incident occurred within the limits of our little town last Satur day that reminded the old pioneers of days long since past. The people of the 'coming city" by the sea were not a little surprised over the occurrence. A large wildcat measuring about four feet In lenrrh and a foot and a half in height was shot by Mrs. MCJuIre, while In the act of eatinsr chl- kens. The Intruder was creatine quite a disturbance In the chick en house when Mrs. McWre'a attention was attracted. In that direction, ghe, with the presence of mind of an ex perienced rlmrod. hastily ran to rtm Bcene 01 ln commotion with gun In hand- and Quickly despatched the stealthy member of the feV.rvj race that was de vouring the father of her little flock. Whe- It was renorted that a wildcat bad been killed, quite a number of the towns men and officers from the fort came to see the remains of the unlawful Intruder, and congratulate the heroine for her emaion-like .!!. After the animal, to gether with the slayer, pun In hand had been holograph!. It waa t.-.i-.-n to War renton to be niounttd. tha It mvM serve as a remembrance for th,; .ourageoug act on the. part of Mrs. McOu re, who no doubt, . no' a 11; tie proud of her own bruvery and mi.rkrnaiis)ilp. The result of the g.:n-ra! eVrilons held In the of the 15 states of t,1( ( nlon yes terday vus tfc.t prim:!:; tni,, t f dis ruption In the rlty. and 1. ..,-(,. groups of politicians could be fn n,.arly every comer, busi;-d In predict ing the outcome. The d.-moer.-a.t were particularly anxious t.i .t Van Wyk should carry NPW yorkf linr, ,haf Mc. Gulre and I'h'-lai, should def.-at the re publican candidate-, n California. It was generally expected that tl: r-s jlt would bo very clo?e In those two states and that the elections there would have the r,.at cst bearlnp on tho political future of Oregon. The republican, were not vry sanguine of success, conten ling that democratic, gains were probable as It Is an off year. The democrat, did not make any very erratic, claims, but put In their W w m r(r 0,6 ,K'Rt' reeled that Washington would' make a good Phelan and McGulre. All night long the no m1 V' b'""eed wl,h I T;, wh0 would rUBh ,n the result In a state and then rush out aga n to carry the news to friend. The old-timers recalled former elections, and many Interesting stories were told of past campaigns. One epoch In the nclnt history of the city waa th Olev. land-Klaln campaign, Th loewl repub licans had every asaurance that Wain wa elevted, and thla waa persistently conten.teM py m, Astorlan for veral uay arter th election. The rrpubll.ana had mad arrarerementa for a monster demonstration In honor of their ereal victory, and all waa Joy and hpplnea rounn tnetr hedo,iirtera. Th demo crat stoutly malntalne.1 that t-i.v..i.n.t had carried th country, and they, too. went on with their prcparationa for a retcoration. This wndltlon rntlnued for several oay. th Astorlan meanwhile persisting that Itlaln had been elected. When th result waa Mnnlly made known, tner wa great disappointment among the remihltcana. who enviously eyed th great aemocratto parade a-hlch took placsv, Th bfadquartrra of th parties wer opposlt ea. h other on Commercial street, one occupying th building on th corner of Twelfth and the other being directly across the street. Great crowda of enthuetaat gathered at the respective wtwwamsand yelled themselves hoarse a th return came In, Thoa were palmy day, however, and the old story-telli-r observed this fact with vldnt sorrow yeeterday. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker House-Geo. A. Sheppard. Seat tle; C. R. Judton. A. J. Jenton. Fori 8teven; C. H. pasrson, San Francisco; W. H. Mitchell. W. R. HendrKks. Port land. F. Mason. Wsrrenton: W. Mom. Fort Cwnby; Wm. Dixon. Chinook. Occldent-C. H. Jackson, J. II. Hlhhard. J. W. Cook. H. C. Rowers. A. D. Charl. tin. W. H. Mead. W W. Cotton. J. W. Wilcox. H. M. VanPeura, John Rurrlll. r. J. Ixul. 0H, W. Stewart, Portland; 8. Mayfr. New Tork: C. R. Helnlnger. 8n Francisco: T. J. Rlgg. Chicago; Mr. ml Mrs, Hawkins. A. M. Ilohn. llwaco. REAL E3TATK TRANSFERS. Mary Abercnxnble to John Christian. lot .. block IX second addition to CVean Grove $ u a. W . Noland and wife to George A. Dorrls. lot 11 block t flrst addition to Ocean H. 8. Lyman to Sirah J. Ijnwn. flve acre In section Jl township 7 north. ran- to west Sheriff to Thomas Dolg, lot M. bbck us. Phlveiy J4 MILES HAS COMPLETED DETAILED WAR REPORT. It Haa Reen Submitted to War Depart ment and Contains Exhaustive Re view of Hostilities. NEW TORK. Nov. t-A pcla to the Herald from Washington say: Major General Nelson A. Miles has completed and submitted to th war de partment hi report covering th entire nerlod of hostilities between th I'nlted States and Spain. It could not be learned at th war de partment whether this report In Its en tlretly will be given out for publication In the near future or at all. It is swld that certain portions of th report may be withheld. The aura and substance of the reason for withholding It. It is said. Is the fact that the report I said to deal quarelr with matter that certain of' flclals prefer to keep In the background. Friends of General Mile who claim to be cognisant of th contents of th re port, say It Is exhaustive In dealing with the mlnutet details, and many thlnats which have not been clear to the general public as to the conduct of the ' war are fully and compnhenslvely explained. That the report Is thorough and exhaus tive Is shown by the fact that it cover nearly ) shirts of closely type-written manifold paper and Includes all dis patches sent by and received by General M'e. It In fart covers all the part taken by the army In the war. and details In the most minute manner with the period beginning with General Mile' landnlg In Cuba and until he left the Island of Porto Rico, to come home. The reference to the Santiago campaign alone takes up many pages. The Invasion and c-cupatlon of Porto Rico Is given In detail. It is also mentioned that Gen era! Miles conferred with Admiral Samp son and asked the admiral to protect the landing of the tnlted States troops on Cuban soil, which wa done. The report also refers to the warning General Mile gav to General Shafter and In plain En glish criticises General Shsfter conduct of the campaign of Santiago. The report only makes brief mention of the work of the Inspector general's department, which General Miles thinks was satisfactory Insofar as the inspector general had power and authority to act. From this the Inference Is drawn that the Inspector general waa curtailed by authority greater than his In the con duct of his work. . The report practically statea that th muddled condition of matters relating to the army status Is due to the fact that much Information that was given out was contradicted by the secretary of war, Contained In the report are true copies or every telegram that passed between General Miles and the war department. None of them are curtailed or mutilated and It I said If the report Is published In full many of these telegrams and por tions of others will be made public, for the first time. These telegrams. It Is further said, wilt tell truths that It Is alleged have been so far suppressed. The report makes no reference to the so-called Alger-Mlle controversy, but some of the statements credited to General Miles are reiterated. A friend of General Miles said: "The general will not make the report nubile, but the secretary of war will give It out. "He will not dare to keep it back. It will be a bitter pill for Alger, but when It Is known that the report has been sub mitted the demand for It will be great." THE WEALTH OF CUBA. If Uncle Sam should, In the Interest of humanity, add Cuba to his domains. It would almost double his wealth. With Cuba under a stable government nnd fully cultivated, Uncle Bam would soon -ontrol the world's markets for four great staples tobacco, sugar, coffee and rice. It seems a shame to abandon this rich Island to sn alien race. It Is a greater shame for a man to abandon his storoach to the ravages of disease. To strengthen the stomach taKe Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. It Is Just the thing to stimulate the appetite. It will overcome dyspepsia. If there Is consti pation It will establish regularity of the bowels. It makes the nerves strong and steady, and gives restful slumber. There Is no substitute for It. The Sandwich Islanders estlmato boauty of women by their weight. the CALL FOR WARRANTS. , 'If. : Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants en dorsed prior to July 8th, 18M, to present the same to the County Treasurer at his office, 164 Tenth street, for payment. Interest ceases after this date. Dated Astoria, Oregon, this 20th day of October, 1898. v . , H, C THO&TPSON, County Treasurer, ELECTION RETURNS Aeeer, democrat; Fourth, Young, reub llcan: Fifth, Charmer, 'republican; Hltth Hutler, republican; "ecviith, Wagner,' r publican; Ninth, Krmeulrout, democrat Tenth, Itrosslua, repSbllcitn; Twelfth Williams, republican; Fourteenth, Olm stead republican; Fifteenth, Wright, r publican; Sixteenth, Parker, republican Klghteeuth, Mahou, republican; Twentl eth. Thrope, rcputilli'.tn; Twenty-first, Jack republican; Twwtty-aovnd, lli. II ropulillean; Twrnly. ihlrd, Graham, r" publican; Twenty-fourth, Acheson, repub lican; Twenty-tlfth, Hhowalter. repub lican. Congressmen at large-Urow, r publican; Iviiport, republican. PlTTSHfKG. Nov, l-Heven district In FUtabung give 81 one C.W. J. nks iM and Swallow KW. MISSOURI. ST. LOUIS, Nov, l-The of the republican city ticket bv J plurality la coa.-e.ietl, RHOPK ISLAND. PROVIDENCE. Nov. t-For congress First district, M.-hllle Hull, republican is necte.1; p-ond. A.lln l. Caprvn, re publican. Is elected, ILLINOIS CHICAGO, Nov. t-Flv. probably six. congressmen hav been alned In Illinois by th democrats, and th new congres sional iteration from this stale will likely b evenly divided. in entire republican state ticket Is elected by over .. Tnirty-nv precincts In Chl.-nsn alv hittemr, republican, for slate trvaa urer J; Punlitp, demix-rnt. 3s:.;. WF.8T VIRillNIA. WHEELING. Nov. i-ln this ,-ounty r precincts out of W give, for rna-re. IV.venor. republican, jrtt: HUlr. iimi.i. crat. S07I. The entire republican Icglsm. live ticket goes through. GENERAL GARCIA I'll ESI PES. NEW YORK. Nov. -A dtsp,tch t. the Herald frnm Santa Cms. Cuba says The Culwn assembly wna railed to or der by General Cnllito Garvin, temir. ary chairman. Credential of deputies were examined and a vote taken for per manent officer with the following rult. iMnlngo M.-ndcs Capote, president; Fer nando Freyre de Andrsde. vice-president; Manuel M. Curona.le and Ir. Porflrlo Valient, aecretarles. General Lrrl created a rtpple of ex citement bypresentlng a motion to court martial Oener Callxto N. but It wa reJect.Nl. the assembly Is not a court martial, but has met to deal with th grave prublema which confront th Cuban peopt today. Th assembly I in accord lth th United State and a commute will 1 ent from here to consult wlfh h American government regarding th fu ture of Cuba. ADVISES EARLY SETTLEMENT. NEW YORK. Nov. t-A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid says; The Liberal's leading article says the Spanish govern ment should conclude the negotiations for peace with the utmost rapidity to avoid Germany, Russia or any other country mixing In the question which could mean but fresh disaster to Spain. The article ha created a grat sensation her. ORDERED TO SAMOA 8e" FRANCISCO. Nov. l-The cruiser Philadelphia ho been ordered to Samoa and will leave within a few daya. The Yorktown will probably follow her. It la feared that the forthcoming ele-tin of a new king may result In a revolution and It is desirable 4.0 have mar vrsn-ls triers to protect Ameri.wn Interests. The con tract for the American coaling station at Pago I'ago has been let to San Fr in- Cisco firm. The work will be ssn be gun. ON A SEVEN MONTHS CRUISE. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. l-The United States training ship Adams will, on or about Iccemter I, start on a seven months' cruise. Ily that dute she will have received her batteries at Mare Island. She will proceed from here 'to Magdub-na bay, where she will spend month or so. She will then go to Hono lulu and Oriental parts. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E Hart of Oroton, 8. D.: "Wss taken with bad cold which settled on my lungs cough set In and Anally terminated In consumption. Four doctors gave me up. saying I could live but a short time, gave myself up to my Savior, determined If I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was sdvlsed to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eight botties. It has cured me, and thank Ood I am saved and no-w a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Estes-Conn Drug Co. Regular s xes 50c and 11. Ouaranteed or price refunded A French doctor has Invented an elec trical helment. Inside of which Is a small motor that vibrates strips of steel, the motor making sno turns per minute. The whlzxlng Is supposed lo cure nervous headache end put the sufferer to sleep. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE BEST 8ALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Borer, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores.j Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Flies, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pries S cents per bos. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. "Lulu, dnsr." said the lovely Widow Ilocklns, "at kist I hnvo settled my lust winter's plumber's bill. It was an out ragenus amount, but I hod to meet the mergency. "How did you settle It?" Inquired Lulu Britlze. "I have married tho plumber." All things come round lo him who waits, but his hair gols thinner every ay. THE BURB LA GRIPPB CUKE. There la bo use suffering from thla dreadful malady, if you Will only get she rlffbt romefly. Tea are barlag pain all tbrosgh your body, your liver Is oat of order, have no appetits, no Ufa or ambl tlon, have a bad cold, la fact are com. pletely need up. Electric Bitters la the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure rslkif. They act directly on yor liver; stomach and kldscys, tone op the whole systesn and make you feet Ilka a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or prloe refunded. For sale at Hates-Conn Drt'g Co." Only H cents r bottle, , ii Prof. Edmund J. Jumca, formerly con nentw wiih't!le UnlyersWy of Pcn'n;4'l vanla, has been offered Uhe presidency of th- University of Cincinnati. A few years ago Prof. James became connected wltk the University of Chicago. Don't Boys Lnrgo sailor collar, col oroil cloth trimmings, nml braid to match. A vory sightly unit, ngos from 3 to 8 yearn. Price Ladies Wrapper liotul, lifiivy Vfgmui (.'loth, heavy waist lin ing, iiirrly trimmed with braid, Well sewed, full width skirt. Price $1.00 SHANAHAN BROTHERS 1'hn rrci-iu" Iifirito iciitrnnUI re calls the fact tlmt Mra. M K. Manser, of NewHrt, Ky., Is the only survivor, as fur aa la known, of ?o girls who scat tered (lowers before the rrnchm4n whsn he visited 1'lnclnnatl In 1& AN IMroilTAST DITErtENCE. To make It apparent to thousands, who think themselves III. that thy are not aAV'ted with any disease but that the system simply needs cleansing. Is to bring comfort home to their hearts, ss costive condition Is easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California, Fig Syrup Company only and sold by all druggists. CALL roil 11 IDS. tllds on cedar poles are asked for. tarns to be delivered at stakes st out S M th mile, on "the county road between Tilla mook and Astoria." and to be delivered within & days from the date thereof. The speclflcstlons fur thesa poles are as fol lows: They are lo be of sound, live green cedar, peeled, with knots trimmed close o the folrs: fj frrt long, with a top Of not less than seven Inches In diameter; butts 10 Inches In diameter Mall all bios to the Oregon Telephone Telegraph Co.. Marlray Itullding. Portland, Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that for the pur- pote of making an examination of all persons who niny onr themselves aa candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county scnool superln- endent thereof will hld a public exam ination at the county court house on Wednesday, Nov. . XA, at 1 o'clock p. m. Examination fr atate papers will be held Saturday, November 11 I KM. Dated this Slat day of October. iVtt. JOrl. T. LEE. County School Superintendent. Clatsop County, Oregon. STATE TREASURER'S 1TTH NOTICE. State of Oregon, Treasury Department, Salem, November 1st, 18.-Nottc Is hereby given that there are funds on hand with which to redeem all outstand ing stats warrants endorsed by ms "pre sented and not paid for want of funds" between the dates of September 10th, 1S37, and April 7lh. IM. both dates Inclusive, with the exception of warrants drawn on the swamp land fund. All such warrants, when properly endorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this office, Interest thereon ceasing from and after the date Of this notice. riflL MET9CHAN. State Treasurer. Dn. II. L. 1IENDER80N OCULIST- A permanent resident of Astoria, treats all diseases of the eye, and fits glassss for the correction of all errors of refrac tion. Any glass that does not prove sat isfactory will bo cheerfully corrected. Offce Kinney Building. A docile wlfo will mane any man con celled. Respect a good enemy; he la nt least no hypocrite. TO THE LA DIES OF ASTORIA. Mrs. Btjernstrom bigs to Inform you that hor place of business will only be open rrom a. m. to 12 m. until the lfth of November. After that date I am soing out of business. Through Tickets TO THE-, EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- PULLMAN PALACE SLEBPIRI, TUUKIBT BLEEPEB4 a4 FREE RECLINING CHAIft -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City ' and other Eastern sitias , Bagage cheeked through to destination. ","LJJZPZ?: raJS t,ma- "wort rs.t Plntsdl llifht In all enra ' ' For rates and other Information vU M O. W, LOUNSBERT, Asj m imra si., ooc. Aiaer, rvrVMM, Or, Miss 'Em ! These1 Garments do Jhe talking Will do it for you, as well; f Vestee Salt $-3-75 Leather Stockings p TI.m L.. ju nvirtiiunii viu PUK-Kiug and girl.n, uiroiignoui, iripiv knee, faMt black. C.ive them u trlnl ill MISSES KID $1.00 per pair AT ALBERT DUNBAR'S Cor. Oth and Commercial New Stock Of Canned Fruits and Vege tables just in. Comparison of quality and price of same invited. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO M If Braided plush cape, thibet around collar. $2.86. Cloth capes, $1.60, 2 and $2.60. Guaranteed kid gloves, $1.00. Ladies' skirts, 98c, $1.36, & $1.60 Special sale this week of men's pants. THE BEE HIVE. L. LEBECK Carpenter nnd Builder Qenernl Contractor HOUSe RAISING AND nOVINd A SPECIALTY J. B. WYATT, Phens N. 68 Astorls, Or.g.s Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Grocer Icb, Provisions, PAINTS and., OILS. -'"'( -Jm 7- - Spsclal Atteatloa Psld ts supplying fblps Astoria Public Library , HEADING BOOM FREB TO ALL. Opsn srsry oay from I o clock to I JO and 1:10 to i:n p. m. . frubscrtotton raise- H par annum. Wsat Cor. KIstsoU) SAd Dun fltrMta, for Us. They 1 Boys 2-Piece Salt Nierly ninilo, good lin ing. Ono of tho very lest school vuitN for hoys, ngoK, 4 to 12 yours. Colors, black or groy. Price $1.50 IM....I. V. iiillVB. ..-.j' ior noys .. ; ftwni double? I ' ljg r IsuB 1 "'i. ', I'M .il - .1 . Ml yMMniii fC- . Ths Oily Ilc to(Jt I tt run I ns. GLOVES Streets. ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS Bomstlmes, esDsdany sshool tlmesi, tfces; aoad thatn; good, saay onss, but stroag aad hard to wear outj As for ts soy, O, srs sympathls. with you all ths yaar Unroush, for fhs toys ars a graoi'HBs! on baad, taart aad pookathook, but right bars our sympathy lakss a praotloal sursx Bsr yu saaa our sj assail shsss for bos-sr Petersen A Browi.