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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1898)
V THE DAILY AHTOHIAN, WKJWEHUAY MOKNINO, NOVEMBER 9, 1898. NOTICIO bl VI LI NO VTOTICW Is h'fhy lvn to nil parson whomsoever that thi splal siimi mnsit roll fur tha atraat Improvement In tha Oily of Asiorls, Orion, knvwn h mmovinnl of ICichana itrt, from Nlnlh lo Tnih ilrat, ha bean flld In thi oltlo of thi Auditor and I'olioe Judas of will oily and It now open for Ininxatlun, nrrt will o remain until Wtd tieeday, Novomlii-r U, ikui, at iht hour of 19 oolixk i, m., whan (ho committee on atraela and puhlla, wsys of In Com mon Cuiiiiull, toimliar with tha board of Uteniir), constituting; tha board of )liallstlon, will maul In rtvlaw nd liiallse oUi1 istmnt, prior lo which tlma all obmitin to (Hid assessment mist I flld with tha nld Auditor and J'oIIpo Jtidto, and If not so nid ttit Common Cotiwil may at the next ru lar moiln following' aald tti day of No vmlr, lws, confirm aald ai-ssmsnt. Thi notice la published by nrdtr of th Coftinum Council duly mad by ra.oluiM thereof taid Thursday, November I 1M II. 71, UMMOU. Auditor and I'ollra Jud, Ctly of Astrla, Orogon. pated November I, im. TICKKT8 AltfPOIflTS EAST Throuah llniiif and nalar and tourlat aleaoera. flniiif and Horary nbeenrellon ear. KUCQANT VIHT11IUI.B TRAINS. V. ( LUnltad Mveo Portland at 1 10 Llmltod arrive Portland at l U for rat, Wft. call 0' 01 a. w. IOUNHitiertnT, Afent 0. k h HH Aaiorlt. LC, DENNIBTO, CKiT, JL, I'urtland, Or. a. THE EXCHLEN'CE OF Slit? OF FIGS U duo not only to tho nt-Icrln<i ami Implicit of tliu roinlliiutlon, but also to tho car and aklll wtLla which it U manufactured by sWrtiUilo procoaaet anowD w ilia tAMPOHNIA Flu HtHVP vo. omy, ana wo wish to lmtra upon all tho liiirKirlam-o of puniiaaliiK tho true and orfy Intat n-mrrty, A the Jonulno Hyrup of Fljf la manufactured y tho Cam roii i a Fin 8rnrp Co. oulv, a knowletlyo of that fact will lt ouo In atuMlnjr tho worthies imiiauona manufactured by oilier par tlea. Tho hlh tUmllng of tho Cam roasiA rid Hruvr Co. with tho modi oal profnaalon, and tho aatUfuotlon which the -nulno Syrup of Flifs Lat anTon vo million or fumllloa, makea tho name of tho Company ifuarauty of tho excvllonio of It remedy. It U lor in adranco of all other laxativee, U It at-U on tho kldncyi, liver and boweU without IrrlUtltiK or weaken log thnn, and It (lx not gripe Dor nauaoate. ItordrrtoiretlUbflniiflclal effeuta, plooae remrmber UiC name of llie toinpany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , eAN faixcuoo, ct tecum.!., Kr. aaw tonk. jr. r. NO SHAM SALE! HAvinp determined to move our bnsinoss back to the city of Portland we hereby offer our entire stock of Ladies' and Gonts' underwear, Em broderic8, Lace, Motions, Toys and Oriontal Fancy Goods, everything, to be sold below cost. & Co. 307 Comnicrciul St. Chas. Kan Victor Rdst, (Itftnlh HI., ! ! to ruclil TrlriUi a Offlr. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER RngllaiHand Nwlaa WntcHca ea Hpotlolly. All rTlrinf dona by myMlf, Mtitio Hntr rpalrd. cwiuuacuut) auarontaod. ktufactlut) euaron klArtn Chrunotn.nri Ratfd and Ropalrd THe Pat Market Flour, - Feed and Hay W74 Commrclnl Mtrt. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Talaphon No. O J Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4g CaiM.rclil II., otil Plr RiUrat.t. Manutnoturvr nil liilr In W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A fall lino at PI aM ta.M'11 lr4, Twmc, A, UIm. 474 Commercial tt. TIIC DADICD IIAIICC Th vi m" Vwum. jw m illC lAlttVClt llUUuC Kinmorn. na th other dy tho oniy aiirvivmc mcmiwr or tno arnorai Mi'thMlnt cnirrn', which, brforo tho civil wnr, tried and nunndi-d a tilnhop Tur mnrryin a wuman alavo owner, a do- rlnlon that Ird to the icparatlon of Mrlh- odium North and "Booth. FirBt-Clrt3irt Kvery Heapect. ifttj Ajfl) BIlAlASl) KOOM Special RatcH to ThecVtrl cnl Port lee A. MAHON, Prop AHTOUIA,.UUR. RUBRIC ATINO TOILS ' A SPCIALTV 187) 1(197 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA. Rllir CHANDLERY HARDWAUW 1HON AND BTEKL COAL flltOCFntKfl AND mOVI8ION8 FLOt'n AND MILL FEED PAINTS, 011 AND VAUNLSIIKS liOOfllCIlS' SUlM'LIKfl K A 1 1 II AN Iv'fl BCALK3 DOOIIS AND WINDOWS AORIOULTTIRAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. 8:00 II M 12:20 5: 3' AtoH (Dally) I'oriUiMlmiil AslorU Kk- lirnHii t.lin vln Kimpiiit,1 'linou. WMH)rl, Cliifku 1I0. (ioblc: comit'ulliin ni lol Iti lor tho Kiut and l'u-1 It-'t Hoimj JmlllU ' AiioHiviaiilile nd N'ow 'ilnila niMxniwcr' trulin. rrlve ) m, p.m. h:15lU0 FOB BHI0D9 AHD SEBV0D8 DISOBSHU aitrh aa Vlnd and rfn laU Btbmarh, OldtlliK'lia. FuIiuvm aftr mot. Head icb DlvUitwa, Orowaliieaa, Yluahlnut o( UiviU Iom of AppotltA. OmtlvonoM, Jllotclioa on tho Bkln, Cold Chllla. Dl turlxvl Bleep. Frtirbtful Dreama and all Norroue and Trombllnff Hunaattona. TBB niSI BOSS WIU Om iEUEP III TWESTI MIHDTE8. Evorf lufforei will aoknowledge Uiom to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. fILLt,Ukin aa dlroov ed, will quickly rtore Vemalee to oom plite health. Thr promptly remove obRtraotloneorirrotfulRritbi of the ey iom and euro tick Headache. for A Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MIN, WOMEN OR CHILDMN Beeoham's Pills are Without a Rival And hir tht L ARC EST 8ALR tfanjr rate t Medicine In the WorM. Ma at All Dnur Rtorea, NIKOLA TESLA'S LATEST .WONDER Has Discovered a Means Whereby Vessels May Be Controlled at a Great Distance. DESCRIPTION OF INVENTION Wit the loteotloo of the Inventor to Use It In the Late War, but He Had No Opportunity. NEW YOIIK, Nov. e.-Mkoii TmU. Ilia lolrl( lun, diwrltxHi an applliullori of el..( (rli-1ly wln ily, wtlhirut ilin inur iMwItlon of any artful medium of conimu- liliallun, on cn control and direct. with Hlooliil. tiiu (liii'ln, m movetiiviita oT any y19 ut venml, Ulloon or lurid vlille, M any dlatanra (hut may Im dealred, Krum a amtlon on ahoro. or from the deh of a vrwMH under way. a loriMMln boat julip4 with Vir. Twda'a cotitrollliiK dnvlca may bo iirn-lUtl. ollher on or below ftio aurrnce, manoou- vrrml at will In any dlrwtlon, and finally brnuaht Into otiiiut and tipiixk-d aalnl ho aldo o( a hoirtllo veam.1 at any ixjlnt within tho rang of tho vUlon of tho operator, More than thla, aiwum- ItiK that ll were poaaltrio to au uratnly lo cal lha poaiilon of the vnhI which It la dalrd to dtatroy, tho torpedo boat could t dim-tad lo It, overt If h ablp lay In the harbor ut Houthainpion and tho operator wae atatlonod at Bandy Hook. Mr. Tile aald thai aome monthi had elalMied alnco he had fully developed Die devtra, for which ho baa applied for a patent. When ll waa learned thai Admiral Car ver waa bottled up at Httiitlngo, It waa lil Intention to apply hi machine to av eral launchra ami armlltr craft loaded with hlch eiptoelvea and annihilate the fleet at anchor. Admiral Ctrvera, how ever came out and met hi fate under the (one of the American fleet beiure tho neceaaary arrangement a could be made. Then Mr. Teala planned a raid on the Bpanlah vraaela In Havana harbor, only to be thwarted by the proclamation of the auepenalon of hoetllllli. Hitherto," aald Mr. Teala, "the only mean of controlling- a vtaael from a dixanre have been applied through the medium of a flexible conductor aurh a an elm-trio cubit, but thla ayetrm la aub Je't to oovliMi limitation auch aa are Imiioaed by the length, weight and atrenrth of the conductor which ran be ranirally ued. Hy the dlfth-uliy of maintaining, with aafvty, the J of veel or changing the direction of her movement with rapidity; the necewlty of efTvlng the control from a point am enabled by the ue of my Invention l hlcb la practically fixed, and from many other drawback which are In aeiHtrably connM-tvd with auch a ytem. The plan which I have perfected in volve none of three 'objection, for I employ any meana of propulalon. to Im- art to th moving body or vee the hlaheit po(uI 'apeed, to control the op eration of It machinery and to oirert It movement from either a fixed point or from a body moving- and changing It directlona, however rapidly, ana 10 main tain thla control over great dlatancea. without any artificial connection between the veaael am) the apparatua governing Ita movemvnta. and without auch reatrlc tlona aa thrte muat necceaarlly lnioe. "In a broad ernie. then, my Invention dlro from all of lho ayatem which provkle for th control of the mechanlam carried my a moving object and govern- i it motion. In that I require no In termediate wire, cable or other form of electrical or mechanical connection with the object ave the natural media In apace, I accompllah, ntverthlea. almllar reaulla In a much mure practical manner by producing wave, impuUe or radlatlone which are received through the earth, water or atmoephere by aull- bl apparaluf on th moving body and cue the dralred action. o long a th body remain within the active rv- I g.on or effective range of euch current, wave. Impulra or radiation. I llajvlng explained to you some of the 1 poMlbllttiee of tho device. I will now tve you a practical example of the working of the model before going Into doia led dracrlptlon of how 1 am able to proojuce thee reault." Elevated on etock on a table In the enter of the laborfttory atoo- a model of a crew propelled craft about four feet lona; and aomewhat dlaproportlon ately wide and deep. Mr. tenia explained that It w merely a working model that 0 had mado In order to exhibit to rrel- dent McKtnU-y and that no attempt hd een mAde to follow the uauol iharp Hnee of a torpedo boot. The deck waa allghtly rehed nnd iurmounteil by three alender stahdiird. tho center one being consider ably higher than the pthcr two. wliUh urrled amall Incauduacent bulb, a third bulb belner tlxed at the bow. The keol cohnlatedi of a malve cop per plate, the propelor and rudder be ing in the unual nonltlona, Mr. Teela xplnlnrd that the boat contained the prcpcllliiK machlncrSY conltlng or an lectrlo motor actuatd by a atoruge bat tery In tho hold, another motor to actu- to the rudder and the delicate mechan ism which perform tho function of re ceiving; through the central . atumlnrd the electric Impulaea aant through the tmoaphore from tho distant oM?ratlng atatlon, which act In motion the propel ling and etorlng motore and' through them -light or extlnulh the electric bulba and fire tho exploding charge In chamber In the bow In response to slg- nnl eent by tho operator. "Now witch." aald the Inventor, and going to a table on tho other aldo of the room on which lay a little awitcn box. about five Inche anre, ha gave the lever a ahnrp turn. InxUtntiy the little bronxe propeller begun to revolve at furloil rat. "Now, I will eend the boat to Mnrboxrd," hA aald, and another quli k movement of tn lever aont tho balm aliarp ovr, endj enoth'-r movement than turned It a tyiddly bark aifaln. , Ac another alKinil, th acrew stopped end rvre4, ', , li "Iur1i)g the day," continued Mr, Teala, hi hand on the lever, "we should ate'-r our !ur by lu-eplng tho two stundard In linn, but at night we should dnjnd on the electric light, which would, of course, be screened so aa not to be visi ble to the enemy," and at a signal both the tiny bull) were lllurnlnuU-d. "Now we will assume. Unit the bout has arrived within striking distune of the Vessel to be deatroyod. and the buib In the how will serve to show that the ex plosion tin taken place,' As ho spoke ho touched the lever aejuln and tho light flushed end wss xtlngiilhad. "Imiiglne, If you can." ssld Mr. Tenia. hm tin went buck to his denk, "whut an Irn-iistiibln Instrument of d-Htru' tlon we have In a torw1( bout thus controlled which w can operate (ay r night, on the surface or hnluw It, snd from snv'illn tiince that my Im desired, A ship thus annulled would have no possibility of cape, "I can apoly thla systum of control to any type of vessel nud of any ale. It Is not even neceaaary to muko a close approach lo the veasol to be deatroyed At tho distance of one hundred feet, the explosion of 200 pounds of dynamite will exert a shattering effect upon a battle ship, but there I no ruan why w should not load a vee with t' or ) tons, or even more, of dymimlte, which. exploded even a mlia or so away, would raise a wave that would overwhelm the blgreat ship aver built." Continuing hi description, Mr, Teala aald: "Aa to that part of my Invention which Involve the production of suitable wave or radiation and th conveying of the same to a remote apparatus capable of being operated or controlled by their In fluence. It my be carried out In variou ways, which are at the present time more or leaa understood. Kor example, I may preea through a conducting path, preferably enclosing a large area, a rapidly varrylng current, and by electro magnetic Induction of the same affect a clrcul' carried by a moving body. "In thla case, th action at a ariven dlatance will be the stronger the larger tha area enclosad by the conductor and the rreater the rata of charge of the current. If the Witter were generated In the ordinary waye, the rate of change and consequently the distance at which the action would be practically availa ble for the present purpose, would be very email, but by adopting such means aa I have devised, that Is either by pass ing through the conducting path of a specially designed high frequency alter- nutor or better still at thoee of a strongly charge, oundensor, a very high rate of change may be obtained and the effective re-rere of the Influence thus extended over a vast area, and by carefully adjusting the circuit on the moving body so aa to bo In exact electro-magnetic synchron Inm with the primary disturbances this Influence may be utilised at a great dis tance, "Another way to carry out my Inven tion la to direct the corrent or d s cbargea of a high frequency machine or condenser through a circuit, one ter minal of which Is connected directly or Inductively with the rround and the other with a body, preferably a large aurfac and at an elevation. In this case. If the circuit on the moving body be similarly arranged or connected, differ ence at potential on the terminal of the circuit either by conduct.on or elec truatalio Induct (on reproduced and the same obJe ta attained. "Still another way I 10 pa the cur rent (Imply through the ground by con necting both the terminal of the source of high frequency currents to earth at different and remote points and to ut.l lae the currents spreading through the ground for affecting the receiving circuit proper placed and adjusted. "Finally, I may avail myself. In carry ing out my Invention, of oscll lutlons which do rot fcl'nw any particular conducting path, but propagate In straight line through space of rays, waves, pulse or isiurbances of any kind, capable of brtnglnr the mechan ism of tiody Into action from a distance and at the will of the operator by their effect on suitable controlling device." rilOOKESS OF WORK AND BUSINESS IN HAVANA. NATIVE CUBANS WILL NOT WORK Indostr lesr;on the Island Are '' Crippled 'fcy This Condition and Capital Is Shut Out. HARD PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED Great Amount of Capital Is Awaiting- Investment There, but Unsettle! Conditions Make It Impossible. Revival of Trade Increasing Daily Many Robberies Are Being Committed Rlveru's Re.ease Probable. 55 4:20 Lord Klnsdalo enjoys tho reputation of being the only professional tea taator In the peerage. When he succeeded to the tltlo on the denth of hli father, ho esenyed for a time the life of a country gentleman In the "family farmhouse" (Sloketon), In Cornwall, but the dreari ness of hla surroundings drove htm back to the mot . congenial atmosphere of Lime street In the etty. 1 IVU vVxrrcnton aud Klawl I 1:801 Hund' lUiUio:' spa -lid 4:20 laJl .tralna. axaeptlng the fiunday hunt ra 'Peciai, leaving; Asiot iide and returning from tclsl Wvlna; ad retumlmr tha navel Jiranon. n ...IT. fi ,;;v ing to Sea. tqe run on . j. b. iiAib. o., CASTOR I A For Infanti uhd Children; The Kltid YDuMlava Always Bought dears ' the ' Blgnatare of .... . 414 w vw- Exquisite Bavarian China Colored daisies on green back ground. . Dainty decorations Tea and Chocolate Pots Moustache and Tea Cups Cracker Jars, Sfioon Trays Breakfast, Cake, Tea, and Dessert Plates, Fruit Sau cers, Salads, Creams, Spoon ' Holders, v Butter bishes everything attractive Effective prices i5ijiri& liiipriiif ta Co TT . Write lot Catalogue, 571 Commercial street. NEW YORK. Nov. 8.-A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: Work on tho Mariano for landing the troop Is alraoat at a standstill. Two cradles have been thrown out and are now being filled with atone, but the Cuban labor employed was found most unsatisfactory. In response to a petition from Spanish nu-renuiils to have the far notice In regard to a new tariff extended from the thirty diys advocated In Mr. Porter's roporl to s.xty, business men were vvlth American Interests are formulating a. counter petition praying that inure be no further delay. Signs of a revival of buslnesa her are Increasing dully. The sugar estates In the vicinity of Confucgoe, which Buffered little during the war are commencing op erations, as also are many near MaUm sa. Those 11 tur Havana will not be able to resume (or some Unto to come, the to bacco properties, especially to make pro vision for n vast lucreaso of business; one local firm of Importers placed yester day un order for 40,000 lengths of piping for Irrigating tobacco properties. There has been a great Increase In crime In the city. Many streets are dan gerous for pedestrians at nlsht, A itlar nig case of violence occurred a few even Inn ago, when a well known Spanish merchant was assaulted by three negroes, badlv beaten and robbed. On Saturday night another similar assault was com mitted on the Trado, neur the Vnlted Suites club, but the victim escaped, KejrarditiK the Imprisonment of the Cu ban general, Ruli Rivera, In Monjulch, Barcelona, it Is believed he will be re leased shortly. Tho case of Buculluo, his aide. Imprisoned in Cnbanaa, on a Spanish charage of murder, will likely bo delayed for an InvestlKHtlon. It Is probable there will be a revision of the case of Frank 1 Bollo. Commissioner Jose Mlgul Gomei, ar rived from Sanctl Splrltus, reports great ' misery and lack of food in the Cubnn camps there and at Santa Clara and will see the American commissioners regard ing tho situation. Correspondence of the Associated press, 8ANTIAOO 1E CX'UA. Oct. .-The main problem to be faced by the pro vince of Huntlago. In fiu t that of th en tire Island of Cuba, In Its effort to throw off the lethargy of centuries, are thoae which to a greater or cser degree af flict all communities, namely, capital and labor. With rard to the first there are a very large number of people only desir ing an opportunity to Invest In th Island sa soon a a settled form of gov ernment Is decided upon, but who natur ally, uraler present condition, know ing nothing regarding the future oaf guard to property or the amount of tuxes to be livted. or tho stability of the future government when formed, hesi tate to riek their money. In thla province alone. It I estimated that there are fully twenty million of dollars only wait ing for an assured form of government to be at once invested In business enter prise. A still rreater problem to be solved I the labor question, lor even the exist- Ink' Industrie are crippled for want of bsnda, this particularly applying to the mine. Tha pay I from 11 oenu a day upwards, or about th same aa la paid In the phoaphato mine of Florida, and tho mine will board the laborers at 25 cent a day. It may be taken aa an eetabllahed fact that the present generation of Cubans will never become miners. They are far too enervated and Indolent, and the ne gro race hero find the means of a My subsistence, too easy at hand to have any Incentive to labor. Tbey may do a Iimle lax lit work In the shade; they may make a few cigar, or tbey may even condescend to do a little housework If you do not expect too much In the way of cleaning, but what they prefer la to put on a few star, a huge pair of boots, enormous -purs and a hat something wondrous to behold, mount an easy going Cuban pony and parade tbe pnnc.pal street. Give this to th Cubaa, white, and col ored, and you have him aa pleased as a child with a new toy, a proud a a pea cock and about aa sensible a an ostrich. In Santlaxo there Is another element adding to the lubor trouble, namely, the Jamaica negro, who la one degree worse than Ma Cuban brother in the matter of industry. There are over tOuO of his type here, all wanting job aa waiters, stewards, valets or something equally ewjiy. but aa to tbe real work of the hwand, tne digging, mining and labor that will bring tbe sweat to a man's brow, the Jamaican negro want none of It. The problem was long since solved In his own country by tho Importation of the Indian coolie under contract to work Ave years. Tbe mine owner and other large em ployers of labor are considering some Dlan whereby tbey can overcome the dif ficulty of obtaining men. The Spanlah American Iron Company has aent to Spain for 500. No one can take a three hours' ride over this part of tho island without be ing Impressed with tha fact that the earth Is about the most productive on the face of the globe, and tnat a man with a family and two or three hundred dollars Is probably better off here than any place In the world. With very little labor ho get not only the necessaries of life, but even it lux uries, and in addition can always sell enough to supply himself anu family with the things he cannot grow. His coffee, sugar vegetables, fruit chickens, bogs, goats and tobacco he can raise himself. To -nen whoae ambition k is to lead a quiet, ixy, ready-made existence, not anxious to shine In politics or In any of the leading professions, and who have very modest capital, the province of San tlnco de Cuba offers one of the choicest fields In the world. deep in tho IM I Keep Informed of what ll going on ; trad the papers and V iiL"" ttafiwnMJ eave time from house work for u Jl rest and reading by using AS A 5 CA8MU3 POaTSCR It saves both time and labor o and gives rcsnlts that please, o THE &LMIRBANK COMPANY. KewTorg. Boston. rblladelnhla. 9. 9OOeoaOOQ9OOOa9QCOO9OOOQO0OOOOO0OQ049099e993?i Chicago. M.Loal. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilefMakers Machinists Foundrymen Lexers' Supplies Kept la Stock Logging Engines liulli and Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Mflnofactnrers of tbe Unsurpassed ..."Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel... Manufacturers for tbe Pacific Coast for tbe ROBERTS WATER-Tl'BB BOILER. IS IT A TRIFLE? tOUR FACE Shows the state of your feelings an,d. the state of yur health aawell. . Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. If you are fooling1 weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appear ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir, tt cures all blood, disease where .cheap sarsaparlllss and so-oaiied purifiers fail; knowing thla we soil every bottle on a positive guarantee. Til AT COMMON TROUBLE. ACID DYSPEPSIA. OR SOUR STOMACH. Now Recognised as a Cause of Serious Disease. Acid Dyspepsia, commonly called heart burn, or sour stomach, is a form of In digestion resulting from fermentation of the food. The stomach belnst too weak to properly digest It. the food remains until fermentation begins, filling the stomach with gas and a bitter, sour, burning taste In the mouth is often pres ent. The condition soon becomes chronic and being an every day occurrence Is given but little attention. Because dys pepsia Is not Immediately fatal, many people do nothing for the trouble. Within a recent period a remedy has been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It is known as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and la now becoming rapidly used and Prescribed as a radical cure for every form of dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents per package. It Is prepared by the Stuart Chemical Co., Marshall, Mich., and while It promptly and effectually restores a vigorous digestion, at the same time Is perfectly harmless and will not Injure the most delicate stomach, but on the contrary by giving perfect digestion strengthens tho stomach, Improves the appetite and makes life worth living. Send for free book on stomach diseases. THE PROOF of the pudding is In the eating and the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's conclusive- demonstration. Our will stand the test. HUGHES & CO. WEAR RESISTERS FOR BOYS and GIRLS .. We have a lanre stock of neat and durablo shoes at tha very lowest prices. Before nur- chasing: Elsewhere, call and examine them. JOHN H AHN, The Reliable Shoo Dealer THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATER, rEtTER. NOBLE, K1CK0RY AND SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day and Night. AUGUST KRA.T2, - . Manager Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Vegetable Frnlt ...CAN sjlce and Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. . Astoria, Ore. Write Lis for Prices Falrhaven, Wash. GRAND REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS. 500 Yards Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels and Moquettes to be dis posed of at less than cost. C. HEILBORN & SON. C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, nsurance anl Shicrine. Custom House Broker. . r . . ' ASTflR A flRFnnW " f IV Villi VlllaVIVIf I Agent W, F. 4CoM and Pacific ExprvM Co'i. A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars nnd Jelly Glasses. B With the Fruit to go in them g .....Prices Lower! Than Ever exraiMirmn Robinson & Co., HATTERS. 289 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. Sole Agents for the MJMAP HAT. Hard to beat Our ilrle of airtight Stoves and their Sometiiiiij; New W.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street.