THE DAILY AST0R1AN, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVKMUKIt , m. TODAT'I WEATHIH. tir; coot AROUND TOWN. Try Rodlyn coal, Elmore, Banborn Co, Th MHnMtil( Wt ot yesterday for ij IlKht ahlp. Hon. John Hnhn returned yesterday from a trip to Irtlnnd. Editor ninrkford, of the Clatakanle Chlof, 1 In the city on bulnea. Mr. N. Poton. (menu agent of the rrtflo Coart Company, ta In tha city. Will W1.hin. of Portland, u In tha city In Ilia Inlermt of tha Union Meat Com pany. T. I. Dunbar and Mr. Dunbar loav thla tnortilnc for month's vtalt to Cali fornia. Tha Wlwcomba rarka was towed down to Fort Stevana yeatarday, and 4 neady tot sua. Thn oohoonec Dewey will lev out today for Nehalom In tow of tha tug Maggie. CptMn John Brown, of tti Belriw, who was taken tick a faw day aero, la Improving. Boat California wlna. SO cents par gal. loa. Alex Ollbert, aole amt for Astoria, Telephone B. Luther festival In 8aedlh Lutheran church November 10, at t p. m. AdmlanKm B and 15 cent. ChrUtlAnaen A Co will, tt l umtertooJ. ahorlly move tnto tha old Crosby building on Commercial atreet. Callsend coal and colt a la tha beat for domaatlo purposes. For aula by tha Aatorla Gas Light Co. Tha Clatsop mills were closed yester day out of reepect to the memory of the lata William & Kinney. Tha Critiah bark Beeewtnjt, 1364 tna. Captain Griffith, SO days from Shanghai, In ballast, arrived In Sunday. Two caaea of drunkenneaa were up In tha police court yesterday. In which fine of 5? and IS were lmpoaod. Apples, appib?. apnJea. very choice and Try cheap. Twa hundred boxea must be old at one. Ros. HlCfins A Co. B. D. 8!glcr. a Multnomah t.TTi blnder." came down from the metropolis yesterday for a abort business trip. ' Tha Holy Innorenu guild of VrPr Aa torla will hold their annual aole of fancy article on Saturday, November St. Cfiptain Fowera. of the Wis combe Park, and Captain Jackson, of the Sdberhom. left for the metropolis on business loat tight Call and aee a new dreas auit, the very latest, confined to the McAUen A Mo Ponnell dry goods bouse. Commercial itfWt, Water consumers should bear In mind tha penalty of S cenis charged on all water rates delinquent after the 10th Instant. The British ahlp Crown of Scotland, liS tons. Captain Jenkins. H days from Ban Francisco. In ballast, arrived In Sunday. Mr, J. E. Hwrgina, cashier of the As tori national bank, left yesterday for a month's visit to his former home in Halifax. For Sale. 100 tone of Rosy In coal; the finest bouse and steam coal ever brought to Astoria., Elmore. Sanborn Co., Tele phone, Main S-L C J. Treat hard made the high score. C at the A. F. C. alleys fur the men yes terday. Mra. Dellingfr waa high for the women, with 11 The British ship Silberhorn. wheat laden, arrived in tow from Portland yes terday. About &0 tons of wheat was put on board to finish her cargo. Pleasant furnished rooms. Including bath, with first class board, for gentle men only, can be had at ZX Seventeenth tret References exchanges. For rent The entire upper floor of the Badollet building over Albert Dun bar's store. For particulars inquire of W. O. Howell. 63 Exchange etreeL The tug Relief waa engaged yesterday In dragging for the anchor lost by the City of Athens In colliding with the Wlscombe Park, but did not succeed In finding It. The class In physical culture so suc cessfully conducted by Miss Buckun meyer, of Portland, two seasons ago. is to be reorganized next Wednesday after noon for the winter. The driving of piling for the south aide of the Young's bay bridge was com menced yesterday. The piling will ex tend for ISO feet and three days will be required to do the work. The Wonder Drill, an Indispensable tool to all machinists, plumbers, or workers In Iron, brass, or other metals. Call and see It. C. H. Orkwltx. agent corner of Tenth and Duane streets. The Oriental liner Klngchow arrived from Portland yesterday and docked at Flavel, where he tukts on coal. Sixty tons of merch and live will be put on board to complete her cargo. Clinton's pile driver finished the driv ing of the piling for the Schmidt Bros, cold-utorage plant In 'West Astoria yes terday. Today It will commence driving piling for the railroad warehouse. John Oage, an old farmer living on Young's river, died Saturday night, aged 75. The funeral will be heJd at 1 o'clock today from Pohl's undertaking parlors and the remains Interred in Greenwood cemetery. The popularity of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Na tional Is growing dally, and many busi ness men can be found there every day for thetr midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the finest in the city. Try W. A. Gaines private stock whisky. This is an old standard liquor, especially recommended for family and medicinal use and Its purity and quality is guaran teed. For sale in any quantity by John L. Carlson, solo agent. Twelfth street, near Bond. This la the age of adulterations, but Harper whisky Is guaranteed strictly pure, superlative whisky. Chemists, an alysts and physicians testify this repeat edly. The evidence Is not only strong but conclusive. The people too, And Harper can be trusted Implicitly; hence the enormous sales of this royal whisky. Suid by Foard & Slokee Company, As toria, Oregon. The hteat bulletin Issued at tha A. F. C ahowa that Flnnlgan la high In the conteat for the WIo medal. Ha ha a averaare of .. Ooiilter haa an vem. of MM. Vn(ier H. and ftmiipa J? 1 Mra. Ingalls la high for tha women, with 35.17. The cylinder hewd blew out of a donke eiidlim of llman A MVabe' yr.terri.-iy while coul waa being holnlisl from the atenmer Kgnal at the O. R. A N. d-k. No one was hurt, but the aleamer was eompolled to una her own donkey until repalra are made, which will neoeeMrtly delay her unloading aeveral hour. lion. 11. D. Mrflulre, alatfr fWh com mlMtoner, came down from Portland on the noon train yeaterJuy, returning In the evening. Mr. Ucvluire waa kept luiy during hla ahort atay receiving the con gratulation of hla friend. He wna the almost unanlmoua chotre of the people of thla city for the ortlce, and hla many friend yeaterdey enme nearly ahaklng an arm off Mm. Lee Sing, the Chinaman conflnrd In tha county Jail for being unlawfully In th country, was (riven a hen ring yeaterday before United State Commissioner Thomson. He admitted being without reglnl ration papers and was ordered de- ported. Sing, who speaks good KnglUh, has been In th country for several years and haa worked In this nelghNvhood in the catweity of cook. He waa taken back to Jail, subject to the order of ttie I'nlted Slate marshal. Article of Incorporation of th Alaska Fishermen's Tacking Company were tiled in the county clerk office yesterday, The incorporator are Theodore Slver- on. Christ Cbrlstensen. John Nordstrom Ole B. Oleaon, A. L Clark and John L. CUrknon. The capital st'Vk is fT0.. dl Ided Into 110 share of fc-V each. Th company propose to engage In the can nlng. Kilting and freeilng of .timnn In Alaska and elsewhere, engaging In gen eral merchandise, mlnln,- and steamboat transportation. Robert Thomson, an apprentice on the British ship Silberhorn. wh ch arrlvrd yesterday, wheat t.iden, from Portland. had a mlruculou eccnpe from detith shortly after the vessel' arrival here. A the vessel let go anchor the crw went loft to bend satis and Thomson missed hi footing. f.lltr)g from the m.iin tp to the deck bolcw, a distance of over feet. When picked up. strange to say, hi Inlurle consiiited only of a g ish over the left eye. The accident occurred abMit IUon and Thomson wa brought ashore oon after and t.ken to a doctor, who dressed hi wound. He was considerably shaken UP by the fall and went to St. Mary's hortl for few d.tys to re cuperate. The S-m Francisco Trade- Journal, one of the leading publications tt 'e kind in the I'nlted State, will shortly Issue special salmon edition. The number will be replete with Interesting statistic and information concerning the salmon Industry, and will consist of II pages. No pain will be spared to make it one of the most creditable editions ever Issued on tb Paclfle coast. Carefully prrrwnd j runes vj naiivnsi sumonaes win pe presented In the Journal' special edi tion, and suggestions as to the best manner ot increasing the output of salmon will form otle of the moat valuable features of the paper. It I requested by the Journal that the pack ers of the Columbia river send the names of their cannerl.'. the pack for the prv ent year, and tie principal brands han dled. A general review of the salmon market will also be given. During a c,uall Saturday night th British ship Wlscombe Park tripped hr anchor and drifted down the stream, col liding wi;h the Brit:h ship City of Athens, and damaging that vessel to the extent of about jr.n. The Wlscombe Park was an hored abreast of the can factory and when her anchor fouled the vessel drifts! helplessly with the current and toirely missed the tvmbran Queen colliding with the City cf Athens. The cutheuil and p.irt of the bul wark pf the latter V"! were carried away and her r.eging was damared. The Citv of Athens snapped her anchor ch'iln whrn the collision occurred and lost about M fathoms of it. The Wlscomte Park escaped with sliEht .njurles. Cap tain Powers stating that IS would repnlr the damaKes. The damages to the City of Athens will not detani the vessel from going to sea. The hull of either vessel was not damaged. All features considered detrimental to the Interests of the city in the orllnnnce embodying the street railway franchise were stricken out at a meeting of the street committee, held at the office of the city attorney yeseplay. The ordin ance, whl h h is passed th- second read ing, was referred to the stret committee and ithe city attorney at the last meeting of the council to make such al terations as wotiM seem irper before coming to a final vote In the council. Mayor Bergman. Mr. KeuLtrnr and Coun rtlmen Brix and Clinton were also pres ent at the meeting. Each section of the ordinance was taken up and discussed, and portions, which were believed too wide in their scope, were ruled out. This Included the privilege of building on alleys and public places. It waa agreed that work should commence on the ex tension of the present street railway line In one year after It hnd passed In'o the hands of Mr. Kuttner. It Is understood ;he line will be built to the end of the roadway In East Astoria and extended around Smith's Point at the lower end. The restrictions confining the franchise to certain streets was not definitely set tled at the meeting, but It Is bellevd that an agreement satisfactory to Mr. Keuttner and to the city will tx arrived at when the ordinance Is taken up again for discussion. Another meetinsr will be held by the street committee Saturday next for that purpose. Mr. Keuttner made no objection to the changes made In the ordinance and will assume control of the street railway as soon as the franchise Is granted. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker House John Price, Svenon; Dr. A. J. Dooney, Portland; T. J. And rews, li. Harrison Olympla; W. G. Lab hard. Fort (ran by; S. L. Swanson, S. 15. Graham, Ilwaco. Occident-William Whelan, G. W. Cald well. M. W. Mathiews, Portland; Captain W. H. Cross, Ning'how; A. Olson, Rai nier; Captain J. D. Ellis, Eubomcne; p. Calm, Georpe W. Stewart, Eosion; R. Griffith. Bc-swlng. BODY OF W. 6. KINNEY TO BE BT.TtlKD AT SALEM. Short Sketch of the Lifo of Well Known Astoria Mlllman, Who Died at Portland Saturday. The news of tho death In Portland of William 8. Kinney came as a sad nurpr'se to the people of Astoria. It was gener ally supposed his condition was Improv ing, and that he would soon return to the city. The relapse came quickly, how ever, and he sank rapidly. Deceased was the youngest Bon of the late Robert Couch Kinney, and wag. born In the Chchalem valley, this stale, in 1854. In 1867 bis parents removed to Salem. For several years he was trav- ellng saJeaman fr th Hulem Flouriti Mills Company. Whll resident of th rapttiU city he married Mis Mary Siren. Afterward he weol to Day ton. Where he tllilied , flouring mill. In bri he sold hi Pyton mill and came to Astoria, and. with hla brothers, established a Invf, lmon and fruit can nery on th site of the prenent Kinney cannery In the Wet Knd. lie wn gen eral manager of the cannery unttl isse. In which year he became a stockholder In the company which purchased the oUl Farrell mill, which stood what la now th corner of Fourteenth and Kxolmng; streets. Three years later a great Hi brokV out at the mill, sweeping It. wilt) a big portion of th cltv, away. After th flra the company built on the present lle of the Clatsop mill, mm Mr. Kinney was retained aa manager up to the tlm of hi death. Deeewsed wa known as an energetic and enterprising cltlaen, ami he has done much to assist In th growth of As toria. II was an untiring worker, and could be seen at almost any tlm about the mill, btwtly engaged. It ww always considerate to lh men employed at the mill, and waa held In high esteem by mem. Mr. Kinney leave a wife and four children, the eldest of whom I 1 year of age. Three brother and a lter, all resident of this city, also urv!v him. Th body was shipped from Portland lo Salem, where It will be burled todsy. "ARTISAN" WRITES OF OLASOOW IRON PIPING. Why American Manufacturer Tnderbld Those of European Countries, and the Moral to Be Prawn from It. ASTORIA. Nov. T. (Editor Astortan There I conslde rahle food for thought lesiwlally for Scotchmenk In the leading article of last Sunday' Astortan. How I tt that American underbid Scotchmen for Iron piping? How Is It that American are capxble off perform Ing more wtk than the Scot In a given apace of time? Personally I should nswer these vital ts.xM. ht question follow: a a itiM tne American people r better educated than the European. The Americans are very ambitious and ex Pcot In many case much more than they reillse. tn-rhap. NevertheW. they are expected to work very- hard, because hey are fortunate in being paid better whgt than their European confreres. The opinion a Svtchmn would arrive t on seeing an American working Iti a logging damp, for Instance, would le that the losver was trying to terminate hi existence by too ambitious Inbor. In America men work like machine. When hey are worn out they are cast aside a worthless and out of date. poouanu noes not consider Its men as machines, aw doe not allow em ployer to consider thetr m'n ? such. The manufacturer of Europe compel compel their men to leave the mill at 1J o'clock on Saturday. This I done In order that the hand will have time to forget the'r toll and seek pleasure. They are uppos-d i observe ibe Sabbath hence the half holiday on SatubUy. Which system In th long run will be come more advantageous to the people (Europe or America, time will disclose. Personally I am of the opinion that American manufactures will penetrat the utmost parts of the earth against all obstacle. It must be so. for w Ameri can work at a hlghr pressure than Europeans. W are paid more, and It is my humble opinion that the Amerl.un wurkingman earns every cent that is paid him for his Intelligence and hard work. The day Is not far distant when we shall underbid the Scotch, not only on rpr. but shall shure the Scotish glory of Mng. with her. the greatest idilp countries on earth. ARTISAN. "CEMETARlO PK rAl'O." MANILA'S Iii niAL r.Rol'ND. Pr. M. M. Walker D- scrllxn the gualut Grawyard and tht Old Customs Practiced !y the Native. Pr. M. M. Walker, formerly of th's city, mid now a sunreon of the Fourth fnltwl States cavalry, nt:itloned at Ma nlla. wrttlnir to a friend In Astorin, thus deocrlb" th curi"u hurlal and customs of Mmlla: "There Is a srreot deal of slcknc In the army here. The Cemetarlo de Paco' Is 1ks than a quarter of a mile directly In front of our quarters and from I to S our soldiers are burled there dally. It Is rather deprewilnir to hear the volleys over the graves and taps sounded so often durlntc a day. The cemetery Is a quaint old place. A brick wall about 1 feet hleh and half as thick surrounds probably two are of ground, with an oval-topped chapel In the center of the space, where mass I held early every morning, and also over the dead, by na tive priest. "Our own dead are burled by our chap lain, but the Spaniard and native aro deposited In receptacles In the thick wall for which muot be paid an annual rental of about tin. After the first five yr 1 for which canh is paid at the time of deposit!, should the rent not be paid promptly, the remains are disentombed and thrown In an open space on the top of the wall. Hundreds of skulls of those whose rent has not been paid may be counted In these places set apart for them. "The grounds nre beautifully shaded and kept, and surmounting th top of the cha'wd Is a llfe-slie figure of 'Hope' in marble. The cemetery must be a flrst claxs Investment for the company that owns It. The California regiment has a Catholic prli-t for chaplain, who has bwn made the superintendent of the place by General Otis. "Our soldiers are buried without charge." THE "FLOWER" TEAM3. Followlng are the teams which are to contest In the "flower" tournament at the Astoria Football Club's alleys: Lilacs W. C. Laws, captain; Mrs. Wise, W A. Stlne and George Ohler. Snowballs P. II. Sovey. captain; Mrs. Saery, II. H. Plnrxll and E. P. Hm blet. Bachelor Buttons L. B. Burroughs, captain; Mrs. Adams R. A. Gibson, and Hon Benjamin Young. Chrysanthemum.'. If. Cooper, cap tain; Mrs. G. C. Fulton, P. A. Campbell, O. Bercndes. Welgollas Herman Wise, captain; Mrs. Me-rler. F. A. Fisher, and A. A. Cleve land. Heliotropes C. P.. Hlirglns, captain; Mrs. Fisher. E. W. Crosby, and H. W. Christen sn. Pansles R. G. Prael, raptaln; Mrs. II. F. Prael, B. Wise and C. G. palmbcrg. Asters B. F. Allen, captain; Mrs. In galls. D. Coulter, and H. Sacry, Wallflowers F. Woodfield, captain; Mrs. Stlne, F. Goodull, and N. Schlussel. Forgot-me-nots Alfred Fungo, captain; Mrs. Delllnger, J. Strauss, and P, H. Mc Donnell. It Is proposed to organize ono or two other teams, If a sufficient number of players can bo ofnuto qshrdlshr shrdldd players can bo found to make up the teams. The first games 1n the contest will be bowled Wednesday night. AN IMPORTANT MKKHKNCR T. mk It apparent to lh.uanda, who think (hemselve III, that they ar nt amieel with any diseaso, but that th system simply need demising, I to bring eomrort horn to their hearts, a ciwtlv condition I eaally cured by using Syrup of Klg. Manufactured by lh California. Fig Syrup tVmpuny only and sold by all druggists. CAM, FOR HIPS. Bid on cedar pole are asked for, snma to be delivered at tke ct out 36 to the mile, on "(he county road between Till mook and Astoria," and lo be delivered atthln day from Hi date thereof. Th peclflcatlona for thpse pole nr a fo. low: Thev are to be of sound, live green cednr. peeled, with knot trimmed cl lo the pole: IS feet long, with a top of not le than vn inche In diameter; butts 10 Inche In diameter Malt all bbia to th Oregon Telephone t Telegraph Co., Maclear Building. IVrtland, Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that for th pur pose of making an examination of all person who may offr thmalv candidate for teacher of th school of this county, the county ccnoot superin tendent thereof will hold a public lam ination at lh county court house on Wednesday. Nor. I. ISM, at 1 o'clock p. m. Examination Nr state papers will b held Saturday. November 1J, 1S4. Dated this Slat day or October, lS3t JOH. T. LEE. County 8chool Superintendent. Clatsop County, Oregon. 8TATE TREASURER'S lrflt NOTICE. State of Oregon, Treasury Department. 8alem, Novembor 1st, -Notice la hereby given that there are fund on hand with which to redeem all outstand ing state warrant endorse.! by me "pre sented and not paid for want of fuiula" between the date of September th, 1W, snd April 7th. lsyt. both dates inclusive with the exception of warrants drawn on the swamp land fund. AH such warrants, when properly endorsed, will be pl. upon presentation at this ortlce, Interest thereon ceasing from and after the date of this notice. P11II. METSCH AN. State Treasurer. DR. II. I. HENDERSON-OCl't.lST- A permanent resident of As all d'seases of the eye, and for the correction of ail error lion. Any glasa that doe no Isfactory will be cheerfully OfTce Kinney Bulldlntr. 5 I THE OCCIDENT 1 Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcglcr & WrlRht, PropH. HOHE-HADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. Special aie Commorciul Street near s J. Me THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Hoarding pupils accepted fur tha school week. Iale of opening, Heptcmlicr ,th, For rateM, etc., addreus the BuportoreHH 1 1 p 1 1 RECEIVED IN THE PRIMARY, GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES ESTES-GOHN DRUG Go i Leading Druggists of Astoria xniwmiuu Try " Protoie," a the Headache Don't f Boys Vestee Suit LurKO sailor collar, ool orotl cloth trimmings, ftiul braid to mttcli. A vory sightly suit, gcs from 3 to 8 years. Price Ladies Wrapper (JiKid, lictivy Vegunti t'lotli, heavy wni."t lilt ing, niotly trimiiii'tl with braid, well M'ved, full width skirt. Price $1.00 illSHANAHAN BROTHERS y corrected. i Kopp's "Best 9 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABS0LUELY PURE The North I'aeiflo Brewery, of which Mr.Joho Kopp it proprietor, make beer for domes' io and eiport trade. Dottlerl bwr for family rise, or keg bwr inpplietl at any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Orlcntcil CmHomIUcm nnd Toys. Wo mtial reduce sstock nnd Hell RcanrctlcfsM of Cot" Wing Lee & Co. Cooiicr's Dry Goods Store, 1N8TEU- MENTAL MU8IO. PAINTING AND VOICB CULTOBB FORM A SPECIAL DEPA RTME sure and pleasant cure for Miss ' These Garments do the talking for Will do it for you, as well. 975 Leather StoeklngsiK,?'. Tlio wvll kiiown Uluck Cut stocking for Ik))h and girls , doubl thnnighout, triple ktieo, fiist blin k. Calve them n trial MISSES KID $1.00 per pair AT ALBERT for. 9th und CVmitm-rcinl New Stock Of Canned Fruits and Vege tables just in. Comparison of quality and price of same invited. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO on no li Braided plush cape, thibet around collar, 52.85. Cloth capes, 1.60, 32 and 52.60. Guaranteed kid gloves, 51.00. Ladies' skirts, 98c, 51.36, & 51.60 Special sale this week of men's pants. THE BEE HIVE. L. LEBECK Carpenter nnd Uulltlor General Contractor HOUSE RAISlNO AND riOVINQ A SPECIALTY J. B. WYATT, Phoo No. 68 Aatorla, Oro Herd wore, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provision, PAINTS and OILS. Special AtUotlon Paid t. Supplying Bhlpt Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FUEH TO ALL. Open every oay from 1 o clock to 6:80 and 8:30 to 9:30 p. rru Subicrlptton rate $3 per annum. Wet Cor. Eleventh and Duane Street, Em! Us. They Boys 2-Piece Suit Nicely inmlo, good tins Uign. ,0no of Uio very bi'Ht school suits for boys, yor. age, 4 to 12 Colors, black or groy. Price $t.50 mmn '" e-""' Wsc Tl Only IMaioi t.iC.ct HnrunlitM. GLOVES M StrctU. ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS Sometime, enpoclivlly ichool time, they need thorn; good, eany one, but atrong and hard to woar out. Aa for the boy, O, we iymMjthlze with you all the year throinfh, tot the boy ara a frroat tax on head, ho&rt and iKxjketbwk, but riicht here our eympothy tukea a practical turn, Have you toen our ipeelttl hoe for boyeT Petersen & Brown. BARS