The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 06, 1898, Image 2

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mil STREET TO 83R1) STREKt. , ,
;iotle t hereby atvwa Wt th men t aude hr Ordlmutc Niv Mi), 4
rlly of Aatitria, Omrw, MtUUeal "An .wttaanee Owflrmli)" ttv kmm
the ieolM Awumral fur th Street tuutroveiiiMit Mi nui Ot rf aiela,
(Writ), Known aa The lm(uoviuit t Orn4 Avenite, kMnt Twwue-eimia
atreel Jo Thtrtr-IWrd Wt"V '1 "u)prevt tKr at, m. will due r
Me In vnlleil litaiee gold ruin, ( the m of the clly IrtNwiirer n November
' .:yi5NUE.;1 ! V: .' ,' . ", '
' Niiloa I brtV gtven thai lh Misi uiaai mav t rnrnai Ni. 11, of lh
oity ot Aatorta,, satliled. "An urdniaaoa conifrtalag Ihs siaiiint on
,! ! T.lrphon No. M.
' ' '
TErtik Or aunsciuPTioN.
' ' ' ll"l. "" ""
: ' DAILY.
tint by mall, per yew........
Sent by mall, per month..
Berved by curler, per month
r. .
f ) f, 8EiI-vYEEKLT.
Bent by mall, per year, In advance..
" . Postage Ir lo ttoicnber.
,. M
' All communication Intended for publi
cation should be directed to, lb editor.
Business communication . ot all kind
and . remittances .must b addressed to
STi Aator Jan.!1 , ,.
Tb .Astoria guarantee to 1U 4vr
lieer tha . largest clrcuUuoa of My
newspaper .puolle bed on toe Columbia
river.-., y ; .
'Advertmmg rate n b had on appli
cation to the business managsr.
V One raaao way AJnericaa.s.eaufactur'
tn rg pay.Wgher.wegea than European
tfompMtlon and at tlx tarn tune under-
fell lhenx(la Why line,! contained In
a report from United State Consul Tar
tor at Cliegow.' That city advertised for
trids for Iron piptnsV and jacelvsd its lew-
at bid .'front a .Philadelphia founder.
WowOlasgow te a city war mnoJpal
ownership. U an active principle, and
where the coperaUve system t to blab
lavor asnotur -tboee- conducting1 manu
facturing and Industrial enterprises. That
-a Qsaagaw Arm should .bo .underbid by
'an American firm was a mow to 14
rtde ..which sauted atuc. excitement.
resulting- In the rejection- ' n
New bid were Invited and tb Glasgow
bidder reduced their bid to a minimum,
but were aln underbid by th Phlln.
sMnhla Arm. U awarding th contract
there waa a llvaly earnest between th
committee havtng the matter In chart
od th city counclL Tb committer de
sired to five the contract to th local
arm. but th council deckled to divide
the contract, trivia ihre-vuth to
th American nd four-seventh to th
Glasgow bidder. In th course of th de
bat tb advantage of the American arm
ever the Glasgow competitor waa ebown
ahown by the fact that although the
America arm paid th higher wagea
tb American workman produced S per
cent nor within a given time than th
Scotch workman. And It ta because of tb
kill and .'Intelligence, which give th
American workman greater productivity
than any other that an additional rea
son 1 found why American tabor can
- command maximum wag and tb
American manufacturer compete uc-
ceasfully with the old world product at
borne and abroad.'
From Coneal llonagban at Chemnlti
comes a report of th ooportunltle for
American trade In Germany. JTom on
rod of the empire to the other railroad
and electric line are being opened, ex
tended or Improved. There la an ex.el-
' lent opportunity for the Importation of
American tools, electric appliances, and
' all kind of article used In the construe-
. tton and equipment of these road. It
Americans "'worked" Germany and the
whole continent a carefully a German
'work' h Vnlted 8totei, export of
tool and machinery to Europe would
(Well within a few year to aouoie tneir Keeper sets blm down as a fool. But If
present proportions. There is bsrdly a be be conversant with the way of th
large German house which aoe not tak Latins he will offer four francs, and af
tb leading technical papera of the J ter much haggling and many protean
United States, Very few American houe J Hons on the part of the merchant com
tak German technical paper, although i promise will be reached on a basis of ssy
there are not any better published In
th world. Evidence of th superiority
- . aaI, anil innlUnr.! la '
found In the fact of their imltat'.on by
German machine builder. The conul
atronejly recommend care In patenting
invention. Notwithstanding the hold
ing of a patent in Germany, tbe lw
put U out of the power of outrider to
Import Into the empire for a very long
time. If a thing I patented In Germany
It mut be made there. If not patented
it will be Imitated. In either case, un
le provided with enormou capital, the
American l Obliged to give up largo
share of hi profits. It I neceessry thst
live gents. (peaking German, be sent
to push all cemmerdal venture. Price
of furniture are hkyh. A simple oak rock
ing chair k advertised for VAl. that
would probably ' cost ' $2 in the United
Bute. The demand for "tiles'' I grat;
hardly a house of any sixe and preten
sion I going up that does not put In
hardwood floor In the form of 'Hlle."
Silver end plated ware would sell If prop
erly pushed; also article of hardware
that lighten labor to carpenter. mkh
and mechanic. The moot luccemful
sale even recorded at the chemnitx
consulate were made by the men who
shipped wood-working machines to Ham
burs;, hired a wapim and Interpreter, and
wentj rom city to city, keeping up their
upply by mall or wtr order.
(.; ' "i i
r"r-.- MACT, . ,
: or-.
Clik oKO Timea-Uerald: " '
The negotiation between the American
and Spanish peace commissioners at,
n -r n .vv..v..kM tttnik,li... 1
Th Kind Toa Hare Always
- ia hm .Cot . ater . 30 -year,
ana no ixrn ntaa urwier nia pf
Jj-f-j- annal auprrvlMon alnco IU InfUnoy,
4UCA4U Allow no Mte to deWI v you In thla,
All CountwfelU. Imitation and Substitutes ar but Kx
prljcuU that trifle with and rndangrr th health f
InfkoU and Chlldren-Expcrjtfnc Jacla?t Xxjxrlnient.
Caatorla If a gubstltute for Cantor. Oil, IVmrnclc. Drop
and Soothlnr Syrups. It U IlarmkftS aad ilMcaMiit. It
contains neither Opium,. Morphine nor -other 'Karcotio
abstanr. Its ago Is Its turantc. Jt destroys Worms
and.alMys TTrlbncj. It turcs DUirrUrea aud Wind
Colic It rtlleTM Tethlnjr Troubles, cures Constlpatloa
and FlatulencT. , i;t assimilates the Foh1, rejrulats th
Stomach and llowrls, firing healthy aud natural kS
Tha CbUdtCA'j ranacoa-Tue Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always .BougM
1 1.
In Use For Over 30 Ywr
raaraateea le car all areas aiaeaeea, s
iraia Power, lleeeacae, Waaetslsem. La
sraia rower, whkh,
Pari present a glaring contrast between
the American and Latin method ef
diulomacy. The Spaniard have asked
everything, well knowing that they would
eventually bav to take wbtvr they
could get. They bav bad recourse lo
technicalities and have raised unimport
ant lasses In order le delay the proceed
lues, hoping that something would de
velop la their tsvor.
The American, on tb ottber hand,
bav conducted negotiation very much
aa an American business man would con
duct a buainea transaction. They knew
what they wanted. They knew what con
cessions tbey would maks aad what de
mand they would Insist upon. Tbey did
not ' attempt to conceal their purposes,
but frankly avowed them snd refused ta
modify their term.
That they were succeuful waa a fore
gone concluaton. for boneat, (tralgbtfor-
ward bus.nes dealing will alway tri
umph over dishonesty, prllfogftng . trick
ery and quibbling.
Indeed, the difference between tb
American and Latin diplomacy is well
Illustrated by the buslnes method of
the two people. In a Latin country a
customer asks the hopkeper the prk
of an article. H la told that It 1 ten
francs, if he I an American and pay
It, as he Is quite likely to do, the hop
six franc.
Imagine another transaction In any of
our (urge retail s forts for Instance. A
customer is told that the price of an ar-
If yo are th
j mother of s young
l il gwt' wbo t up
p roach inr
time when
f J-.
l w wag. n 1
Jwod mee Wnd fortibly a",chttr ,0
W0mnnoOd . dO
not hesitate to
stieak freely and
. frankly with her
bout tbe things which most closely con
cern her future happiness. If ahe is sub
ject to any weakness of tbe delicate, spe
cial organism of womanhood, make it your
business to see that this is properly cor
rected, and that she starts upon woman
hood' career with full womanly strength
and capacity. She will bless you lor it all
her life.
Ther is so need of " examtsatisa " sod
local applications 8ouad profcaeiimal
advice may be obtained free of charge, by
writing; to Dr. E. V. Pierce, chief consulting
physician to th Invalids' Hotel and Surg-
una'o. . y., whose
winy rears occupancy of this position
na maae mm recognized among the most
eminent of living specialist In th treat
ment of woman's diseases.
' Every case submitted to him by mall re
ceives careful consideration. Efficient and
inexpensive home-treatment is prescribed
whereby delicate, feminine complaints may
be promptly alleviated and cured. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only
proprietary medicine in th world dmijrned
lor this special purpose by regular ptiysi
cian sji educated, experienced expert.
Miss On L. Rutarl, of Lremont, Areonisc Co.,
Vs., la a letter to Dr. Pierce nan: " Prom April,
iA sutil tbe following r, I suffered se
verely from pain fid menu . i.itioa. For about
twelve hoars before ike appearance of the menses
I would faal riddy. hat a arvere headache, paia
in my back. To fact felt as if every bone In my
body waa breaking. Nothing did me any good.
1 wrote to Dr. Pierre aad he reram mended bis
' Favorite Prescript ion,' and after using tkrc
bottles of It I am glad to say I am cured."
th mm
Doosht, and which habfa ,
.j&aa .bora . U -iroauir .
9f Mlf t. Turn's
leltow ftlia.
Tkt weaerfai ir. t
aii naeanmiea, aha Weak Ulan) iMaf
,vaaemiaaw.beei anaseaa. starsuv Km4
awi. Wu lueaaiav aU dntaa.loBa power ia Oesentres Oraaea of
eRfetr srs. eaaeeil by eeer-eurtkis, Mtafal errara. ajuewat sa ef
taawcee, oata ar atianlaeta, wskh hm Is IslrsiHr, CMoasistiaa or
IsMahy. Csaseowrted ia seat sarket. Has see boa. aw f i Ve (Ball
WaaaaMtmd by nte Peas airtkae Co., Parta. mare. Laae-Paeto
AUadsmnbatlagagcsta, Taird a4 TtaaUi SU.. IMttlawi, Ur.
tlcle I tlo, whereupon the customer of
fer ft If th offender wer not petrified
by the look of scorn aad contempt on th
face of th salesman be would at lea it
receive a reply which would end all dis
cussion. Diplomacy la only nollt and polished
method xf transacting certain matter
of business between nations, and tb
American excel by direct and honeet
method in national a well a Individual
business transaction.
Unless you have ased Ptan'
taap you probably do not know
what we mean by- a soap with
no free fat or alkali in it noth
ing but soap.
The more purely negative soap
Is, the nearer does it approach
Luxuriant hair, of uniform color, Is a
beautiful head covering for either sex.
and msy be secured by using Hall Vege
tabl 8k llli n Hair Renewtr.
Tb scorcher evidently believes In put
tins: hi (boulder to the wheel.
a-nthe im Ui Yw Kit Arwnfafll
Rack for holding pckei In railroad
car ar mad adjustlble by a Text
man' device In which the rack t mount
ed on cord suspended from pulley on
tb too of th car. with weight at th
(other end of th rope to balance the
racks at any height.
That th Wood should perform Ms vital
functlona. it 1 absolutely necesssary It
should not only be pur but rich In IK'
riving elements. These results are beat
effected by the us of that well-known
(tandard blood purlftsr. Ayr' Ssisapa-
Th German empress, wbo Is very fond
of yachting. Is hsvlng the Iduna refitted.
Her majesty will probably cruise with
her children In the rfaltlc next year.
Moki Tea positively cores ilok headaefia.
Indigestion and constipation. A delightful
herb drink. Removes all eruptions of
the iktn, producing a perfect complexion,
or money refunded. S and So cent. For
sal by Est f -Conn Drug Co.
Tobacco ' pipes can be thoroughly
cleaned by a new device consisting of
pump lo be attached to the bowl of the
pipe to draw water In through the stem,
In 1887 Mr. Thorns Mcintosh, Oi Allen
town. Tenn., had an atta k of dysentery
which became chronic. "I was treated
by the best physicians In East Tenne
e without a cure," he say. "Finally
I tried Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. After using about
twelve bottle I wa cured sound and
well." For ala by Charle Rogers,
In a newly designed chandelier a heavy
rubber tube I covered with a woven fab
ric and suspended on pulley to carry the
lamp, which may be adjusted on the pul-
,v, to .ny deilre, he)lfht. tha tube -up.
' : . ,h. h,
r ' " "
BiantU Ila and K Haw) Alwara BougW
Shoe 1ace are to be made with a core
nf hemp or other strong cord enclosed In
a loosely woven casing, the core extend
ing Into a tongue of colled Wire or-soft
brass at either end, thus forming a string
which will not wear out easily. '
Tak Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggist refund the money If It. falls
to cur. 26 cent. Tb genuine baa I B,
Q. on each tablet.
KIH.. MM, ann Ir not Xia ai aai
IhunI for th rollertloa of the taina.
Aitorla Street, Railway Co..
Attorta Street Railway Co....
Aatorla atreet Railway Co
Anderson. WUIIam
...south tO feet
Amlereon. Victor, heir of heir ar Ida
Kleoor AMereon. Ai Anueraon. Al
bert Victor Anderson, Juttna Anuer. .,,,., , , , ,
son, widow Lot I. Klock I. Town of Atvrla, a
Adair. KHen und H of north M feet Lot t, iriotV'w'VvVt'li'uww Ael
tort,, aa Utd out and reHrO4
Adlar. Jaary R....und H of north 1 feet
Branham, Robert J.' und H of N M ft
Itarker, Laura P, Adair, und S of N SI
Durtoa, B. R.
...N. H
Beotllts, rrank
Coraeilss, T. S.
Cbaritoa. Nltl O.
Doasisoa, D. A
Oaonr. Winifred C.
Bosoms. Quel
lioimas. Oast
Byksad. Tb causa A.
Bylaad. Ttuscoas A.
Ryksod, Tkoma A.
Kylaod. Thomas A..
Hyktad. Thomas A.
H y land. Thomas A..
Hyland. Thomas A.
Hyland. Thomas A.
Hyland, Thomas A.
Hyland. Thorn A.
HeDdrickson, August.
.north H
Hakvtst. Andrew worth H
Jackson, John
Jordsn. Mary A und H of N. M ft
Loukkaneti. Ilermaa
Loukaaoasv. Hermaa
Undbsrg. aophla..
.out H
Ijiraon, Llsala
Larson. August wv
Imon. August und S
Ijurllln. Olivia
Mattson. John
Mattson. John
Mannula, Elisabeth
, .
Moor. Jacob
Mannula, manual
Morris. Right Rev. U. Wlstar 8. M ft
Morris. RlKht R-v. H. Wlstar..
Morri. Right Rev. II. Wlatar.
Nufer, Peter ...
Ostron, Joseph
.north 119 feet
bjbl nnd rprordad by J M.
Shlvely. C. W A trinngiiiiVr'iiirre'of liin'.i' ti'iiind..1
on ihe north by thn sojtn Una of
(Irnnd avrnn.v on the went by the
iial Una of Thlr'v. ri'Sf 'rret. and
on the enat by tb bounOary Una
U-lw-en that part of ihn city of
Astoria. re., na lii'd nit and re-rM-onlnl
by J M Hhlvrly and
that Mirt of the'l H.v known
aa the I'ort of ITpper Aatoria n
laid iut and rn-ord'-d liv John
Welrker. Katy Adair.. und of N. U fset
Wlckmn. Frederb k
...und H
..und. H
Wick man, Mary
v ,?',Swln P,l,ble In lntllmiit. the first Installment due Novem.
or uon, invi-.
Barry, Andrew
Bull, John
Sherman. Sarah C
weooer, r. 11 a
By order of the common council of
. .
. , Auditor nd Pnllca
Astoria, Oregon, October 2lh, Us&a.
Word can be automatically counted on
a typewriter by a simple device which
ha a number of dials set In a frame with
a lever at one end to reach under the end
of the space bar a the counter rests on
the table to operate the mechanism
which move th Indicator on the dial.
Dull headache, pain In various part ot
th body, sinking at the pit ot th stem
ach loss t appatlte, faverlshne, pimple
or (ores ax aU posltiv svldenoe of lm
pur blood. No matte bow It became so
It must b purified In order to obtain good
health. Acker's Blood, KlUr ha never
fali to cure scrofulous or sypbllltlo pot
ion or any other blood disease. It 1
certainly a wonderful remedy and w eii
very bottle on a posltiv guarantee.
For sals by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
ine nmn chiiu'ii win ra vhtihii
in aaaewHiieni i aa iiitow;
Ul 1 Hl'H k I. Town or Aetoria,
laid out and recorded by J. U.
MulvsJy : IM.UO
lxt IU, Itlwii i Town of Aeturta, a
laid eut and rtortlel by J. at.
tiiiively ).M
Ut II. llloi-k L Town or Aelorla,
ot u, niiH-a i Town or a,umi
IU out and reooi-dwl by J
Lot II, Iltot-k I. Town of Antorta, a
laid out auJ recorded
ty J. U.
ft... I .V.. , ....
J vnu AMir.t ......... , ,
Ut a, Ulook . Port f UpAr As
toria., as laid out and recorded!
br John Adair
Lot I, ilKKk rO, urt of UlMwr A
I or ia. as lau out
and raikiltt
by John Adair aa
Lot I. UKM'h W. IMrt of HiMwr As
luria.. as laid out and rsvordsd
by John AHtir rf.00
Lot t Illook II. Town of Asturu, a
bJiy ' SO.OO
Lot a lUix-k 1. Town t Astoria, as
UM out aiul rtavrded by J. M.
StUesiy ' mM
Lot a. ItXafe n rt ot Upper Aa-
lark, a law out and rvcurdaj
Miu uui Mia recuruaa ur j t
by John Adair M M
..and HUT, litoot M I'ort of Unr As
toria, as laid out and r"rll
by John Adair., U S ft Lot t. Ulocfc t IVm-I of Upir Aa
lorta. as laid wul and iwordad
by Joan Adair. ti t)
Lot f. in L Town f Aetorta, as
laid oat and rworded by J. at.
U valy , M.M
.awd. H Lot I. HI I. Tn f Astoria, as
Md out and rv-vr0d by J. at.
Mtavaly OS
.d. Lot I. lllo L Town of Astoria, as
(aia out sua rsvoruau ay 4. M
. . . . . .... ...
m i huvivwwi vj ft,
A, 'Hyland, Town of Aatorta, a
kau out ana reconleU by J. m.
Lot I. Block X. as subdleUlad by T.
A Uyaaml. Town of Astoria, as
Uld out and rsooaUd by J. .at.
Lot . lilock H, as ub.llv1d.t by T.
A llylaad. Town of Aaturta, aa
laU out and recorded by J. M.
Mil valy
Lot 10, flioek X. aa sub.tin.Wd by T.
A. Hrlaad. iVwn of Aatoria. a
jakt out and reoorded by J. at.
Lot 11. niock K a suMlvldrd by T.
A. Ilylaod. Tvwn of Astoria, aa
la 1.1 out and rwnurded by J. at.
LtK U. lllo k k as utdlv11ad by T.
A. Hyland. Town of Astoria, as
laid out and raoordad by J. M.
t.l IS lll.wk M -, K, T
A. lljrland. Tuam of Aatoria, a
iaUl out and racordrd by J. M.
hlvsljr K.Ot
Iot H 111'"' . a aubdlvMari by T
A. Hyland. Tvwn of Aetorta, a
laid out and rwxnld by J. U
HhlvHy V M
Lot II. lilork S as auWlvldd by T.
A. Hyland. Town o( Aalont a
ial.l iHtt and ravonlrd by J. it
Meaty .M
Ia n illo k y as suMlvnUl by T.
a Hyland. Town of Aatoria, as
laid out and rav.inirit by J. il.
Bhwsly KM
L t llhh'k TT. Tiiwn of Atona, a
laid out and ravordad by J. M.
ablraly .00
It 7 Hba'k Twn of Asturta, aa
laid out and rvorded by J. U.
Mhivsiy . M.M
L.K I. lll.x-k r Town of Aston, a
iftJ.l out and rw iMMed by J. M.
lot I. Illork f loti of tlmxr Aa
toria. as laid out and recorded
by John Adair I N
Liit I, Work M aa aubillvkll by T
A Hyland. Town M Aai.nH. a
lam out and raMi ty J. M.
liblvely ,.
IaA I lilock M aa aubdlvld-d by T
A Hyland. Twn of Aalorl. a
taid out and recirtlail by J M.
tA I. Illork T Town of Aston. Ia
iaM out and rcH'orlr.i by J. M.
I.ot I. II.H-k T. T"wn of Aalorl. a
laid out and rrronled by J M.
Irf.t ilo-k 1 T'.wn nf Aatoria, as
IaM out an. I recorded by J. M.
!t 10. HI.H-k I Town of A totll. a
l-tld "(it an.l rwiW by J. M
tt lil.x k 1. T'.an nf tstorta, as
laid out and rerordni by J. M.
Iit I Hlo. k 3d autdlrMt.d by T.
A tlvland. Town of Aatora. pa
lM out and recorded by J. M.
lot 4 H'o. a M a by T
C 00
A. Ilylimd. Town of Aaiora. a
MM out anil rworded by J. M.
Ixit 5 HI.h k M aa aiit-livi.M by T.
A. Hvland. Town of Aalora. a
IVd nut and rn-onled by J. U.
,, s'pi.n ' m' 'ia'aiili-iivV.iV by"r!
A. Ilylnnil. Town of Aatoria. ia
laid mil und rx-orilad by J. l.
t, tinrk r T,n 1f Ari, ,
V so
lahi out nnu re.-ort.1 by J. M
i,,,, j ll(M.h , Twn of A,,)ru
iii.l out nn.l rn'oru v J
I - t s. Itlo. k t Town of Atrt
Kid nut nnd r-on1rd by J
lot t. Illork l. I'ort of Vit As
toria, a liild out ami rn'ordxd
John adair
lot !. KliN-k W. Port nf l"mH.r As
toria, aa l.i l.l out and r onl'd by
Jiibn Adair
lot 4. Illork 1. I'ort of I'tira-r As.
toria, na Inld out nnd r onl1 by
Jin Adair
lot 6. Illork . I'ort of fnnr As
n oo
M 40
1W 00
toria, as Inld out nnd worded by
John Adair
lot II, Work Town of Aa'orla, as
lot 3. Work l, I'ort of t'lir.i-r A-
InM out nnd rerordi'd by J. M.
John Adair
lot S. WiM-k T7, Town of Aatora. n
ild out and rerorde'' by J, M.
lot S. WiK-k Ti, Town of Aator'a, n
inld out and rerordrd bv J. M.
lot 10. Work 1, Town oi Aatoria, a
iniri out anil recorded by J. M.
i iz. iikwk 3, rown or ..atom,
lnl1 out und recorded lv .. M.
lot 7, Work S, Town of Aatoria, n
r . out itnu recorded by j. M.
Lot I. Work W. I'ort of 1 1nner As-
toria, aa laid out and recorded by
John Adair
ixt 12,
Work I, Town of Astoria,
laid nut and recorded by J. M.
ooiveiy ,.,
tne City of Astoria Oreiton
. Attest: H. K. NKIaOfiN,
Judge of tho City of Astorl. Oregon.
A handy vegetable sllrer 11 formed Of
a erle of knlve set In th bottom of a
central opening In a standard, with a
slotted head hung on a lever above to
fit over the knlve and force the vegeta
blc through the cutters Into a receptv
cle below.
Hoareenes In a child that I ubjct
to croup I a sure Indication pf the ap
proach of the dls;aH. If Chamberlain'
Coustb Remedy I given a goon .4 th
child become hoarse, or even alor th
crouy cough has appeared, it will pre
vent tha attack. Many mother who
have croupy children always keep thl
remedy at hand and find that it save
them much trouble and worry. It can
alwaya be depended upon and I pleasant
to tak. For sale by Charlet Roger.
lM-enAknoii as Th linprovaiiisirt of Twanty-nliilh Utraal, from, rrank In i I
Urand Avanii,' approved uvtober pith, IMa, will be duo and pavabls In V"'1l
Miarn sold oln at lh office of lha eMy traaaurer on Novambar 1Mb, I. nd tr
nut so paid at said tim lb common couiii'll will orttar warrant Isauad for tu
nm iaciaj saaasameat roll for ins stjrl wninvinein in ins pur m
iHillaotioii of th m.
Tli assessment I aa followsi
AUn A V,
llentllla, rrank S...
V Forc. J. It.
.N 100 ft
Erlrkson, Quslav H
llakvlst, Andrew
Jeffrey, Mary R north M
Laurllla, Olivia
Marion, J, II. a und. MO
und. MO
Marion, Marguarett.
Marlon, raul
Und. 110
Und. MO
und. M0
Mrtn, Mary C...
Mitfloa, Thomas T.
OIn. lis ran Anna
Otn. Waren Anna r
Poyskey, John.
barker. VT. W....
8iphnoti, John.
.east H
west H
tepascsoa, Joaa..
Md, H
..aouth N feet
Thoanpaon, Brick
Toumala, John
WUltamsoa, Jan...
Th following la payabl In Installments, th Aral Installment due November
Ulh, Hat;
Sua John south H lot T, Rloch I. Town of Astoria, a
laid out and rsvorded by J. H. ..
..lvly Nil
I)y order of th common oounoll of th City of Astoria, Oregon.
Attest; l. IS. NKIJtOM,
Auditor and Illoa Judg ot lh City of Aatoru, ursgoa.
Astoria, Oraaton. Ovtober Mth. lKVC
Nolle lo hereby lva Mat tha asaoaa ment mads by ordinance No. Mi nf the
city of Astoria. t)rson, ntm-1 "An ordlnanr eunttrmlng Hm asaeaament on lb
aveclal aaaeaametil roil for the strvat Improvanwnt In tha city of Astoria, uron.
known a 'Tb liaiirovamant of Thtrty-nrat airart. frum ranklm avenue lo
Orand nvanua.' " apprvKl tlctobef lh, lwa, will t due and ayalila In t'nltan
Atataa sold oiln. at the olfire oi the city Ireeeurar. on November lllh. ISM and
If not so paid at said lima, the common n.unril will oritur aarrants issued for
th rollai'tion ot th am. The saaess niant l aa follows:
Anderson. Victor, heir of hair ar Ida
Anderson. Albert Victor Anderson.
Axel William Andnrson. Justin An-
uarson, widow lot t. Illork I. Town of Astoria, a
laid u and ramrdvd by J. M.
rlhlvelr , a go
Adair, Mary R und. lot I. Work I. Town nf Astoria, a
Inld out and recorded by J M
8hlvly H
Adair, Mary R und. H Ul i. Work I Town of Astoria, a
inld nut and re. ordnd by J. M.
hlvely n j
Astoria Street Railway Company 4,t . Work I Town of Astoria, a
t laid out and revurded by J. M
HlllValy J
Astoria Street Railway Company lot I Work i Town of Astoria, as
Jjftl'l out and rsrorde- by J. M
vsly n 00
Astoria Street Railway company Lot lo. Work I. Town of Aatoria. aa
inld nut and rarurdrx. by J. M
Snlveiy n 00
Astoria Street Railway Company Ui n, (no, k 1. Town of Astoria, a
"Id out nd rerordrd by J. M.
ShlvaJy sj oi
Drenhtra, Robert i und. lot . Illork I Town of Aatoria. a
tih'ivsly ' r,r,"',,'H' M
Urenhsm. Robert J lot . Ill'k V'Tow'n'of Aaioria'aa
laid eut and recorded by J. M
Hhivrly 1J ff
Darker. Insure Adair und. I.t &. filork I Town of Astoria, a a
laid out and rerordrd by J. M.
blilvely o t
Parker. Laura Adair urd. S Lot . ltlmk I. Town of Aatoria, as
laid nut and rsvorded by J. M.
nhlvely J
Ueorg. Winifred C lot 7. Illork I. Town of Astoria, as
Inld mil and rerordrd by J. M
Hlilvely ot
Holme. Oust und, U.t . UI.h k 1. Town of Aatoria, aa
An Id out and recorded by J. M
ihively 10 0
Holm. Oul und, H lot I. niok I Town of Aatoria. a
Inld out and recorded by J. M.
bnlvrly 7 fj
Jordan. Mary A und. ,t , Work I Town of Astoria, aa
Ini out and rworded bv J. M
t l ively I 4
Jordan. Mary A und. Vt lot t Work I. Town of Aatoria, aa I out and re.onlr-1 by J. M.
Bhlvely He
Iirsrn. Auaruat und. Vs lot 4. Illork I Town of Astoria, as
iald out and recorded by J, M.
hlvely low
Larsen. August und. U.t . lilock I. Town of Astoria, aa
lnd out and recurdpd oy J. M.
bhlvely J JJ
Larsea. I'. W lot I. Work I. Town nf Astoria, a
inld mil and recorded by J, M.
hlvely 11,00
Mendolt, Ellen Adair und. K W S Wm-k I. Town of Astoria, aa
laid out snd recorded bv J. M.
BMvely (a
Mendell, Ellon Adair und. Vi lot I. Illork 1. Town of Astoria, a
laid out and recorded by J, M.
Hhlvelv , U
We cker. Katy Adair und. H lot 1. flloc- I. Town of Astoria, aa
Inld out and rex'urded by J. M.
Bhlvely ka
Welrker. Katy Adair und. lot . lilock 1. Town of Astoria, na
Inld out and revoriled by J, M.
Hhlvely J B
The follnwln; ar payabl In ten In lnllment. lh first Installment du No.
vemher Kith IKia:
Webber, N. H '. lot 11. Illock t Town of Astoria, a
lu !! uul and rsrordod by J, M.
Hlilvely tO.Ot
11 order of th common council of th City of Aaloria, Oregon.
Attest: It. K, NKlJION.
Auditor and Police Judge nf the City of Astoria, Oregon.
Astoria. Oregon, October fflih, IW.
a-mar arrm Bllltiabiirrnnullmpiilenrr. i rril:Nr.rlaauaaaluUvr, IU
lirvniisiarisn kldneysanil Ihenrlnary nrransol sulmpurlU,
rTrslrBMW atranethansand raalorea small waak utaana.
Tb reason sufferem are not curan by Inirtnrs la ninety per rent sr trmihted wtlh
resaStlia. CL'I'I HKM K Is the only known remeilr lo enra wlilmui an nperallon. SMiiailninl
ala A wrlllenfuaranira given Slid money relumed If an tunes does not sOucl a uariuauaulaura
SlJJOsbns.sIl f.irH.OJ. Ur mall. Send fur rassclrciilar and leailnionlala.
Addrea PAVWla NKDIt'IkB tOP.O, IWji W7S, Han rraiwlnco, Cat ArMadf
r ROOKTt". 4f. Commercial St.
Satan mlle evry tlm ho' ee two
men trying to trad horse.
BtantU II" KUKlYoi Hiw Ahrt-j BougTrt
niackamlth will appreciate a new an
vil with attachment consisting of a
clamping plate, which I fastened to one
end of the anvil and operated by a lever
to hold a piece of metal In position fur
working It.
t A ploir of flannel dampened with
rhamberlnln' Pain Balm and bound on
to, the aflooted paf t i superior to any
plnstor. When troubled with a pain In the
chot or side, or t lame back, glv it a
trial. ' You are certain to be more than
pleased with th prompt relief which It
a fforo. Pal a Balm hi also a certain euro
for rheumatism. For l by Charts
Roger, druggist. , , . 1
Ltt U lilock t, Town nf Astoria,
laid out and rscoTdi-d by J. .M
bhlvely I MIT
Iit I, Illook I. Town of Aalorl. a
Aril.l out and rordl by J. M .
iilvety ......vj l
lot 1, nitwit 4. Town of Astoria, a
I 1.1 out snd rsvordsd, by J. M.
hlvly Ti n
Lot 4. Illock I. Town of Astoria, a
t,. 1.1 mil riiirilHil btf J. XI.
AnivJf :.T....r.....::..:...o.
H lot 7. lilock I. Town of Astoria, a
Inlit out and recorded by J. at. . ..
Uvaly M U
1aI L lllok 4. Town of Aatorle, a
S...V.W 11.11
laid out and riM-onivii uy j.
lail.l laiit aa SI . 1 ass s rt 1 all 1 II V J . a.
lot I lilock I. Town of Aaloria, as
iiild out aud reiHinled by J. M
htvsly I st
Lot . lilock 1, Town of Aaloria, a
lM out mii.I ra.Mir.lml llV J. at.
lil v.l y II M
lol , illCKk I. Town of Aaloria, a
liii'l out and reciniail uy i. m.
tilvly II a
lot I. lilock I Town nf Aatoria, a
laid out and re-ofdd by J. M.
ciliivsiy t t tti t , gi
Lol t, ilo'k''l'Town'e'f Aaloria. as
laid out and recorded by J. at.
Hlilvely Utt
Lol I. lilock l Town of Astoria, a
Inbhout and rscordad by J. at
Iai I. Iilmk 4. Town of Astoria, s
. if;' v
It to, filolh'i Ttwn'Vif AaioVtaV
La id out ana rsiOTasa or t. as.
niuvsiy ,
H Lt 4. llioek I. town of Aatena. m
laid out and rsrsrded by . U.
Lol L Illork I. Town of Aaloria, as
laid out and recorded by J. M.
lot i lilock 1 Town of Astoria, as
aldoui m&& rscorded by J. M.
Lot 1 iTlarkl'Town'oV AaiorM,'aa
11 U
jijimi ana rsooroeo oy 4. at.
Lot' I, ifloch V.'ToVn'of 'Aio'ia.''as
laid out and rsevrdad b J. hL
Lot U, dim k 4, Town of Aiorta, as
I'l out and rwrordwd by M.
m u
S4 lot I. Illnck 4. Town nf Aatoria, as
laid ou
ut aad recorded ny J, at.
liiilvely II U
I ThlJ araal Vu.t.1,1.
tluo el taaimu r.nrb pkyalrten, will quickly eur you nTaTni
jous or dlaeawa e I tli rauv. .irya.., such aa LIManhnoo,
Insomiikft, I'alns la the Ha. k.S.mlnal Knilasinna, Nervmis liebUllr
Pimples. Vainness b. Marry, SihauaUn iirali.a. Varlmrel ai'4
Const Inallon. It slnna all Inaaea bydar or ulsjh, I'ravftnia nulrk.
Masnf diai'liaria, whlrb If nolrherken leaila bi Nnermatnrrhiaa and
ilott's Nerverine Fills
Th pttr
rmdy for
ratrvota pro
trallon and
aU oiivaiii
J dJiosejof th
UuIlK AND Ai ltH tklNU. a,,-, ft ,t
aawaasia Ktimrmuvm arm
a, luch u Ntrvota Prottraron, Filling o
apt lvlanhood, ImpoUncy, Nlghliy Emi.
iloni, Youthful Error, MenUl Vorry, ex
ulv t ot Tobacco or Opium, whlth
Ki to Cooiumpllon and Inunity. JlXK)
yr box- by mailr 6 bout for IS 00.
V11TTS nPEMlCAl CO., Proci. ClaTelSd?nh
J J?! f Is a ann-rotannnn
f IT"1' 8""torrhia,
f laliaiarft.j VVhiiM, aanatnral il.?
f - Ounaiaat ) charges, or any innaninia
11 s w una tar. linn, Irrllallun or uloara-
iriaraall aaaiaaiaa. tloa ut
aiuoous dikiu
irHitMsiOmiiifniCa Manas,
w a. a.
T "-aw-. C a A
j 7' ia paia wrapper,
' m ."' Imtllin, !.T.
uirouiftf aaut va