1 ' - t.Ti. -k- , THE DAILY. AST0B:AN Is the tiff est and test paper THE ASTORIAN hit tb lariat clrculitloa of any pipei on thi Columbia Wvir i i.S. - an the f.nlnmM IHvrf ; ,mr1;tnt.. E2i 'J--"''' ' FULL ASSOCI ATttD PRESS RFC PORT. AHTOJtIA, OKEGON, 81NDAY M0RNIN0,: NOVEMBER , IK',18. NO. 101 VOL. XLIX, 111 - 1 "a - J JK - & in y :i i ?i its i-i i n iii - The Only Stove Store IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpcl.ty: HTOVBH AND HAINGEB We know the lunincaa. Twenty year experience. If you want a GOOD Stove, sco tho stock at the Eclipse Hardware Co. Knowledge lrfn mwk wnk li.x'ki. Griffin lit Foard OUW MOTTOi "Wc Buy anil Sell Everything." Specialties Just Arrived... CARLOAD OF IR-TIGHT AT LOWES CAR LOAD ALL KINDS WET Mackintoshes Umbrellas Rubbers FOE LADIES, GENTS, MISSES, YOUTHS AND CHILDBEN Reliable c. Jba. THE LEADING HOUSE OF of Books... If you Jlcnrti otio thing every day and live long enough you will dio a wino man. Lonrti today that wo handlo tho flu ent, lurgcHt, newent and cIh'iijhwI stock of hla tionery in tho city. Our ahu in loth to j.Icuhu and to accommodate the purses of our patrons. nm. a HuppUm; School Suppllc. & Reed. HEAT r .'KICKS. OF LAMPS LOW PRICKS. Stokes Go. ERS WEATHER Goods; Lowest Prices COOP Important to Buyers Wc take pleasure in calling your attention to tl.e fact that never before was a Latter, finer or handsomer lino of Gapes, Jackets, Iflackintosh Suits and Jlovelty Dress Goods "In all colors" nhewn, than it now on exhibi tion and for Mile at very moderate prices. See them at McAllen k McDonnell, T0 4T1 Commercial 8tret, ASTORIA. 161163 Third Street. POHTLAND. OR. U h ASTORIA TWO AWFUL: ' ACCIDENTS Theater Collapsed at Detroit, Ten or More Workmen Being Killed. SUPPORTS WERE FAULTY Roof Fell Without t Moment's Warning and Workmen Were Caught Beneatb It. j SEVEN COAL MINERS KILLED Terrible Mistake of an Eflflaetr. Who Caused Three Cars to Fall Down a Shaft Upon a Carriage. DETROIT. Nov. 5. The new nve-tory ""onderlnnd theater building li tonight In a hopeless state of collapse, and IS or more live have b-n sacrificed by an p imlllnit IO-nt which orfurrl Ihore I hln nftrrnnon. Shortly brfnr I o'clx k, while iume C nnn wore at work In vari ous parti of th hair-flnlnhod thcuti r. tMirilon of (tin trur(ur (rll In, without a awond'i warnltiR. Nwrly cviry wurkmnn wa curried diwn Into Hip (hi-ater pit. Th top ffallcry win cru."hil down upon the lower calUry. furmlnic a'aort of fntal hlll'lde, dowr which lld broken ateel ulrdera. plank. tltiilH-m. brl k, and a great quan tity of cement from the roof, and carry ing alonit the mr-iHn(f company of men Into tho pit Ih'Iow. very few of whom ecAP! Injury. The front wall of the bullillnit remmlna practically Intact, but he rHut nt1 wall bulKcd out and buckled threateningly. P tnkltiK out of the dead wna rushed and Rood proem wa made, until 5:15 w hen the upper portion of tn eaat wall fell, a ahower of brlcka ntnklng around the crowd of laborer, olflcera and new- paper men. extlnitulnhtnK tha temporary clectrlo llchtu and ennlnir .1 ampde for the mr.-ct. Kortunatt-ly noius of th a who were ittruck by the pec-ond downfall wa perNiunly Injured. Mayor Maybury and other city ntflrtul who were on the ti'rnn thereuntin decided not to further ImiH'rll life In order to auve dead bodle and work im cuxpended until tomorrow. The dcd are: AiiKtmt Aillnrh. (i.xirtte V. White. TtieHlorf Mrli-na. M rtln Hhfter. 'orncllu McArron.fl J imeK Mevemchke. Aliv'i.Ki J:.iiii- l.O'.VKkl. John OrewUkl. Two other bodle had been d Pfovered In the debris at the time of tho second crash. The following are mlslnp-: JVter t'onnors. Jacob I'wen. Krank Wolf. ltfttS. O. Mullln. Twelve other workmen were acrlonsly Inliired. and of thepe It Is fivired that Kdwanl Fisher and J. W. Wilson will die. Th illp.iptcr l su)po!Md to have been duo to the uh of faulty Iron beams In constructing tho supports for the very hiMW roof. 8KVKN WKUK K1U.EO. Wll.KKSHARHK. l'a.. Nov. 5-Scvcn men wen kllli.! anil three r.uauy in lured at tho Kxetcr collier of the LehiRh ."oul Company at West Pittston today. Tho accident w-s due to the alleged cire lessnro of Knulnecr PavlJ Trice, who, actinf In disolKsllenco of positive or dors, caused throe cars to run Into tho K of the shaft. These cars, loaded and welching 11 tons, fell down tho Sw-foot shaft and crashod with frightful force upon a, cwrrlUKo carrying 10 men. Seven were almost Instantly killed. They are: Michael Smith. Andrew Ttnko. Michael Podosabanny. Michael Rraiuke. Joseph E. Culock. Michael Wusloske. Joseph Andrewsky. The lnlurel are: William Ptikos. Joseph Winsler. Paul Ijicksnones. The accident occurred as the men were olnr lo work, and being sent down the shaft In parties of 10. Price. In charge tf the little donkey engine, was shifting loaded cars from the new red ash Bhaft somo distance a.way. This track ep proached tho head of Exeter shaft, and at a distance of 30 feet from It, curved jrently to the right and around the shaft to a breaker. At a point where this tracK commenced to curve was a BWltch and 20 feet of track leading to the head of the shaft, which was used for storing crip pled cars. Close to the head ot the shaft It was closed by a head block. The train was going at good speed, when. Instead of. curving around tne shaft, the cars into the switch, which was open, struck tho hood block, dashed through It, and three of them toppled down tho shaft, completely wrecklinr It. Tho mass of wreckage fell to tho foot of the shaft, choking It, and when, after hard work, the men wero extricated, seven'wore dead and three fatally hurt. THE TEACE SITUATION NOW IS SATISFACTORY. Refusal of the Spanish Commissioners to tho United States' Terms Opens tho Way for a Compronilso. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 Roports to tho stato department received from tho poaco commissioners In Paris Indicate that that body has proceeded In exactly the line anticipated, and consequently the nction of yesterday was not a disappointment. It was fully expected that the Spanish commissioners would endeavor to make better terms than thoso offered by the United, States commissioners. It was not expccM thy -would close with ths American propopltlon. It Is quite probable the way 1 now open for compromise between the two sides, and the monetary difference will be found to be the only one at sobsUni. This, It I believed. I represented by tha differ ence intwten about VhffttSfA, probably the mailmutn allowance which the Unit ed States will be willing to pay 8paln for the Improvement In the Philippines, and th WfiiftfS. which represents about tha mmlmum of the Spanish claim for com pensation on account of tha cession of tha entire group. With about IIM.OuO.OjO at stake In this Usaa It will be teen there I fair reason to expect the negotiations will not ts speedily terminated. TERMS OF" THE PROTOCOU ' PARIS. Nov. (..Regarding (he oeaca negotiations, the Spaniards affect to be lieve that the American had planned to develop the spirit of th Philippine da- mand before the Amtricaa, elections, but they decline to say whether they expect easier terms after tha election. ' r The entire clerical force of the Amert. can commission was busy. tha greater part of Uui night In handling life Span ish presentment, anj the counsel to the commissioners at tha same time exam ined U Wltb View) to .today's private sepplon of the American . ootnmisslon for the formulation ot a response. It may again pa asserted pn the high est autbortty as bearing on tha Spanish argument that when the protocol was signed there was no understanding, ver- bul or otherwise, which the protocol dots n't show forth. Nor have the American commissioners at any time, on the other hand, held or believed that the protocol determined anything against ' Spain's sovereignty In the Philippines. Tha American representatives have. however, bad and doubtless will hld. that the protocol meant to provide and docs provide, for a decision by tha Paris conference regarding tha ownership of the Philippines. In this connection, too, the American will undoubtedly cite the faot that ori ginally the. protocol contained th word "posiieai;," Instead of "disposition," the latter having been substituted at M. C&nibon s riutt and In uelerence to Bpunlsh sens.bllltles. Tne original reading will be unques tionably recurred to now as Indicating the mental altitude of the American signers of the protocol toward American possession of tho Philippines. This line of rrusunlng naturally will Include the question of the precedent which the Span- lards created by the refusal ot the L'ntid State to consider the Cuban debt because It was not mentioned In the pro tocol. ' It Is possible that tne American com- m.ssloners may finally concur with the Spanish contention that the capitulation of Manila, comliiM after tha signing of the protocol, was Invalid. In that event to' Americans may cite, as an oftiet to the tariff duties collected. Jhelr own ex penses la administering the government ot Manila and oYiforitng order. vThey mf-.-k.l0 auk It .Spals) .ishas the Insur gent cordon of the city nd the insurgent control of tho waterworks re-stab- llshid as a step toward the restoration of the tiuus quo ante, which the Spaniards declare was broken by the Americans. Finally, Spain may be asked to con- s.der whether. Instead of being prisoners of tho I'nlted Slates, the Spanish troops at Manlia, were not more exacuy refu- Kees wtthln American protection. liut. however the, contentions may re sult, there are at present no Indications ot a rupture. WANT CI 'HAN 1NSIRGENT OFFICERS RELEASED. Evacuation Commission Asked to Inter ced In Their Rehilf-Other News From the Conquered Territory. HAVANA Nov. 6. An appeal signed by o. large number of Cuians, has been presented to tho L"iIU-d States evacua tion comlssioners tegKing them to in tercedo with the Spamsh government for the relwso of the Cuban general, Kuls Rivera and the Cuban colonel, Uacallac, his chief of staff, who, In March ot last year, were captured by the Spmnlsh gen eral Hermundes de Velasco, while opera ting with his column in the hills about Ca.bcx.idas de Rio Hondo. The local pa pers say thtit the American commission ers have forwarded the petition to Cap tutu GehenU Hlanco. but It Is safe to as sume that they have taken no steps In the matter, as It would be entirely out side their province. Rear Admiral Sampson and his party have returned on the Scorpion from a pleasure trip to Marlel. Colonel Williams, the chief quartermas ter has been attacked with some sort of a fever, which the physicians cannot yet identify, "but he Is not seriously ill. Cap tain Foruker will leave for the United States next Wednesoay. , Captain Brooks nas completed his in spection and Inventory of the batteries and other defences ot Havana and sub mitted his report. Mr. GviU'.d, legal adviser to the United States evacuation commission, will sail for the United States .today on the Ybg- ess, lkuicla. He eoes .to attend to private buslne and will return here In the course of a fortnight. The party Which landed Thurs- day from the transport Panama, lnclud- Ing Representative John Dalxell, and former Congressman Huff, will also be passengers by the Vlgllancla. The Spanish officials have announced a sale of government tugs and launches, Tho only salo effected was of a launch, which went for $3,500. In the other cases the bids fall below tho two-thirds estl- mated vaulo, and tho articles were not sold. Tho official records from Matanias for tho month of October give the births there as 19, tho marriages 10, and the deaths 6C8. Among the steamers that have arrived within the last 21 hours, are the Eures karo, St. Germain, and Los Andes, from Spanish ports, and the Vlgllancla, from Vera Crux, all with passengers and cargo. ST LOUIS CURFEW ORDINANCE. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 5.-Tho Curfew bill to compel children under tho age of 13 to bo off the streets after 8 p. m., In winter and 9 p. ni. In gummor, has been passed by tho city council. The bill. was origin ated by Colonel Alexandor Ilogeand, of Louisville, Ky., president of lao Boys' and Girls' National Association. , Mayor Sogenhelm assured Colonel pen passed Hogelnnd that he would sign the bill, and It will then become a law. A number of the larger cities have adopted Colonel Hogeland's curfew ordinance. THE TERESA LOST AT SEAiS Spanish Cruiser, Foundered While oa Her Way to United States. ENCOUNTERED ' A STORM Cite Opened Great Rents In the , ; Cruiser's Sides - Ml Sne " Filled and Sank. THE SEAMEN WERE SAVED - . , . .. - - . .V . 'V Hovel Plan Employed to Transfer tne Men From tne Sinkinf Vessel to Tnf Which Towed Her. . CHARLESTON. S. C Nov. l-The tug Morrltt put Into Charleston this morning and reported tha loss of the cruiser Ma rta Teresa oft San Salvador, the B hamas. November 3. in the midst of a furious storm. . .. The cruiser left Calmanera, Cuba, on the morning of October . In tow for New York. 8be had already passed Cape Mays! and started northeast around the Bahamas. A furious storm overtook her, and In her condition she was unable U weather the gale. The strain operv-d rents In the hull which had been patched to enable her to make the Journey and she began to fill rapidly. The Merrltt took off Captain Harris and crew from the sinking ship and she soon went down. The Merritt brought the captain and 136 men. who will proceed north by rail. No lives were lost, so far aa known. STORY OF THE DISASTER WASHINGTON. Nov. L-The navy de partment has a message from Lieutenant Commander. Harris, now at Charleston, confirming the loss of the Maria Teresa. ' Ha states that to have turned about and sought another passags would have, been an extremely perilous undertaking to begin with, and even ' after gettin; safely about, the vessel would have been obliged to travel many hundred miles more than Intended In order to have picked up another course closer to the American continent and with the added dangers that the Florida shoals might br.ng. The greatest regret was expressed In official circles resurdlng the loss of the Maria Teresa, Secretary of State Hay said that he was Indeed sorry to hear that It had been found Impossible to bring the vessel to the United States, when everybody wa so much Interested in her. Acting Secretary Allen of the navy said the loss was much greater than any In trinsic value represented In the ship. She was the link that connected the great naval victory with the United Sates. It was the sentiment bred In this country that succeeded in raising her, and It was the wish of the whole people that she should be brought to the United States. It was the general Impression about the state, war and navy department that the loss of the Maria Teresa would pre vent any further attempt to bring any of the other vetwels to this country. A thrilling story of the loss of the Maria Teresa Is given In the olflc'.al re port of Lieutenant Commander Harris to the secretary of the navy, received by telegraph at the navy department late this afternoon. Harris says: At 1 p. m. Captain Cittender asked me to signal tho Vulcan to cast oft the Mer ritfs tow lines and have the Merritt come alongside. I then assumed cora mandi told the men what was to be done and assigned them stations. I told the chief engineer to. sturt the engine to aid the Vulcan 1u keeping out head up. He did so.' but it could run hut a short time with the steam we had. We signalled the Vulcan, "we are about to abandon the, ship; try to, keep us iiead to wind." I ordered Captain Lecato to take charge of thai lee. suet boat and whn4lt was lowered to the rail ordered Captain Chit tenden Into It. against his repeated pro tests. ' He was placed In the boat with hi son. This boat was unabje to reach the lines we had astern, but tha Verrttt picked them up and( after taking Captain fhlttRniinn aboard, towed tha boat to our I lee quarter and repeated this manouver each trip, forming a le for the boats to come under, and then tawing them nock, She was splendidly bandied.. From 1 to 1 o'clock the work of transferring the j crew continued. A life-raft was taken ; over and capslsed, but was righted. The Bmaller surf boat, towed under the lee side, was then gotten out. I in all his trips the quartermaster j poured oil In sponsons on both sides, and j the Vulcan also used ,oll .to make It i smooth where the embarking was done, i I doubt if we could have worked without It. The ship labored more and more ! heavily before I left the bridge. She rolled her sponsons under, Which I should esti mate to be thirty degrees, and her pitch ing was enough to show her rudder, pro pellers and perhaps 12 feet of her keel. With the exception of three men, who got drunk and gave much trouble, all the crew behaved well. Every - man did his duty and my ' orders were Instantly obeyed by the wreckers and the men of tho navy. , JAPANESE MOB DESTROYS j MISSIONARY BUILDINGS, 1 American Residents Leave CUangklng to Places of Safety General ln'Chargo of Garrison Suicides. j SEATTLE, Nov. S.-The Kobe News under data ot Ootober 1 says Tho latest telegrams respecting the ris ings In tho neighborhood of Chungking state that It is a movement against the mUslonnrles on the part ot a marauding band W by one Yu Man Ts ' Tha French church, hospital and school and also the American Methodist charck Chau. about SO mile from g, have been destroyed. Thai the marau'W are comtnttf being swelled and the lawless now num ber about 2,000. moat of tnem Bern; armed with nntlquated rifles, bat thai leaders' own guard, of about 100 men, ta armed with WlncMster rifle. There ara about n EnsrlUh and American subject living at Chungking. Mr. ftmlthers Is the United States consul thers. The consul j are stated to hava wire! to their respective ministers at Pektac silking tliat pressure be brought to bear upon tha viceroy to send troop to sup press the riot; but owing to political changes at Peking, tha government .U l said, will not be able to comply with th order. . ' . . , - -. . The general In command of tha garrlao at Chungking ha committed lulcid t escamt punishment for not suppressing the rioter. The English and America resident of Chungking hava left th city and gone down, .tha river to a place 0t safety. Tha horn d-partment of tha Japan es government la making an investigation with the object ot placing churcbe and buddhlst temples under tha same regula tion. Under the present law buddhlst prtel are debarred from sitting In th diet, al though Japanese christian pastors ara permitted there: but, on the other band, a buddhlst temple is exempt from taxa tion, while a christian church la not. SMALL. POX EPIDEMIC IN THE TOWN OF GIBARA. Mr.- Than Half the Population Strtckra Medical Supplies and Nurse Badly . Needed in tha District, SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Nov. S.-Dr. Woodson, medical Inspector In tha de partment of Santiago, who arrived ber on the U. 8. cruiser Cincinnati, after vis iting Holguln. Glbara, Baracoa, Sagu de Tanamo and Ouantanamo, reports that upon his arrival at Glbara with Col. Hood's regiment he discovered mora tha half the population, suffering from imall pox. There were also many cases of .y phoid and dysentery. He went Immedi ately to work and systematically isolated the bouses. Insisting upon the regiment (the Second Immune) being camped In a healthful location near the sea. Every effort will be made to prevent the American and SptuUsh soldiers from fraternizing, as tha Span;arda coma Uom Holguln. about 37 miles from Glbara. and ara liable to carry Infection. Th whole country between the two town I thickly populated, and the plagu Is scat tend alt along ha rout. . ' Medical supplies are badly needed, aUa delicacies for the convalescents, and tha situation offers n excellent ojppercamlty for nurse and doctors ot tne Red Cross. General Wood will soon leave to mak a personal Inspection of th point vis-' ited by Dr. Woodson, despite the advlc of his friends not to do so. The military governor is simply indefatigable In tha line ot duty. Ho will send Dr. Wood son back to Glbara on the steamer Reloa de Los Angelee with five uoctors and lartw quantity of supplies. General Wood says he knew ot tha epidemic, which had been continuous for three years, and bad every man la Colonel Wood's regiment vaccinated. He believes that none will be stricken and that there la no cause for alarm. Colonel Ray, of th Third Immune regiment, re ports a recent affray on tha Santa Isabel plantation between two ot his man wh were guarding cattle and some IS lnsur- -gents Three of tha Cubans are believed to have been wounded, but their com rades Carried them off. Colonel Ray sent for the Cuban gen eral, Peres, and questioned him regard ing the matter, declaring thai he was positive that the men were of Perea'a command, as they were all armed and wore Cuban cockades. He Insisted that if Peres kent his men under arms, ba should also keep them In camp. "I cannot understand your object," said Colonel Ray to Peres, "In continu ing your men armed on .jo AmerK.ua territory- Are they armed as against the Americans? 'There are no Spanlarus In arms within a hundred miles. What Is the necessity of doing what can only lead to further trouble?" - Gemral Peres said he would Issue or ders restralnlne bis men from similar attacks. Cononel Ray replied: "I shall treat all armed Cubans caught stealing or trying to teal cattle as ba dlts. There Is no reason why these me should not go to work." Colonel Dorrup has completed hla schedule of the guns ctpturea from th Snanlarda to be shipped north. The to tal number Is 131, varying from lft Inche to Inches In calibre. Ther are M six-Inch bronxe pieces, three steel gun and 41 cast Iron guns. In addition t this ordnance there are B.Out) Mauser rifles and 10.000.000 cartridges. EXPOSITION A SUCCESS. OMAHA, Nov. 5. Today the Trana Mlssisslpot and International Exposition, Association decided on paying back 7S cents on every dollor of Btock that waa subscribed for Its construction. After this Is accomplished enough money will remain In tho treasury to more than pay tho remaining 25 cents, and fulfill all obligations. Ike Royal Is the biqhest grade twklog eewoar kaowa. Actual tets show It goes o tilrd further taaa any etbar bread. Fovnin Absolutely Pure OVU. SAMM POWM 00., WW vowc