The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 04, 1898, Image 4

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. BY
Dr. A. D. Rothstein,
Of Seattle, Wash.
Fifteen year experience in optica and
study of the eye
Will be found at the parlors of the Occident Hotel, Astoria, from
NOV. 1st to lOth, 1898
oSering his services to the public.
Lenses specially ground to suit the mol difficult case In th varied frms
tf pret.yopi. asthenopia, myopia, hyper metropi. d.ple-pia. Simple compound ami
mixed estiitnatlsni.
Do your m ache burn. get red or Intlamed? Doe the print run t.vcether
1)0 vou have 'to hold tho paper farther away? IV ),iur bed ache after read
Ing or eewlr.g? Do -ou have lo place the light between th eye and the oukcC
when examining anything?
When attentively conlderlrg a near ob'eol d,ie It mdden'r hecome con
fused and appear to have mist before It? If you have nv the above symp
tom your eyea are failing and require the help of a so.entltic optician.
Tour eyes may be permanently Injured by wearing other people' gl.e.
Dr A. D Rothatrtn uaea th very latest and most improved appliance in
tetlng eye. Ha teet each ey r-ara.eiy. flu each eye ser-arateiy. and
baa lne around to ault each eye a may he required. thu obtaining ha beat r
suit. Remember ha pay special atteo tlon to chidren.
to children. ,
Conaultatlon free at the parlors Occident hotel. Aster!,
Hour of attendance daily, t a. m. t o U; i p. m. to S. and 7 p. m. to JO.
Occasional rain.
Ws are meant to bo living fountain
0t llttl stagnant pooU.-Lury Lrcom.
Try Roalyn coal. Elmore. Sanborn Co,
Captain Smith, of Fort Steven, la
ths city.
A four-maJted ship w reported eff the
tlrer from the cape yesterday. v
TTanted-Glrl to do general housework.
Inquire at Bonbonnelre candy store.
Bt California wln. 10 centi per gal
lon. Alex Gilbert, sole accnt for Aitorla.
TelCDhooe C
Wallaend coal and coke I the best
for domestic purposes. For sale by the
Astoria Gas Light Co.
The British ship City o: Athens. h at
laden, arrived in tow yes'.erJay fr -nt
Portland and Is ready for sea.
Applee, apple, apples, very choice and '
very cheap. Two hundred boxes must be'', ZS ,UZZ7 Im Z" .
old at once. Ron, lliggln & Co.
For Sale. 100 tons of Rosyln coal; the
Bnest houae and steam coal ever brought '
to Astoria. Elmore, Sanborn Co., Tele-
phone, Main 6-1. ,
Wanted, a school girl to do light bouae-
worg In exchange for board. Apply at
Mm E. C Holden's. 4S5 Duane street, As
Pleaaant furnished rooms. Including ron than during any preo-dg year, the
bath, with first class board, for gentle- reason for this great In. reuse In shipping
men only, can be had at S30 Seventeenth Mn th Immense grain cpp on the In
tre. Reference exchanges. j Empire.
. The Tlgllence of the local police ha
mo w v.ic... .. b.
ault and battery on Anderson, was tried
before a Jury In the Justice court yester
day, and the defendant discharged.
For rent Th. entire upper floor of
the Badollet building over Albert Dun
bar's store. For particulars Inquire of
W. O. Howell. Ca Exchange stmt.
W. F. Enodgraaa, Astoria's leading pho
tographer, baa purchased the Crow gal
lery and will hereafter be found located
In the roomf formerly known aa the Crow
taUery. j
' In the county clerk's office yesterday
Matto Suslch, a native of Austria, and
Christian Julius Jensen, a native ot Den-;
mark, declared their Intention to become;
American citizens. j
The dance irlvcn by the women of the
Degree of Honor last night waa one of
the most select affairs thus, far this sea
son. The dance wan held at Flshi-r's.
Which waa handsomely decorated. There
lrere about 40 couples present.
The popularity of the merchant's lunch
served by Mr. Goorge Hartley at the Na
tional Is growing dully, and many busi
ness men can be found there every day
for their midday meal. The lunches set
by Mr. Baxtley are the finest In the city.
Try W. A. Gaines private stock whisky.
This 1 an old Htandard liquor, especially
recommended for family nnd medicinal
use and Its purity and quality Is guaran
teed. For sale in any quantity by John'
L. Carlson, sole agent. Twelfth street,
new Bond.
This Is the ago of adulterations, but
Harper whisky Is ttuurcintetd strictly j
pure, superlutlve whisky. Chemists, an
alysts and physhiana testify this repeat
edly. The evidence Is not only strong
but conclusive. The people too, find
Harper can be (rusted Implicitly; hence
the enormous sales of this royal whisky. ;
Bold by Foard & Stokes Company, As- j
torla, Oregon.
When having your eyes tested or fitted
with glasses go to en optician of experi
ence, not one who fits about one pair a
month on an average. What such a so
called optician does not know about the
business would .1111 a great big book. Dr.
A. D. Rothstein has fitted 19,000 men,
vomen and children in the west and
x.orthwost during the jaat IS years, and
he Is the proper person to help your eyes
and gave your sight.
The Gulf Stream ha about romp'eta
her wheat cargo at Portland and will
leave down the. river m a few daya.
The well known Japanese hark Ttnkio
Maru In loading lumber at Portland for
th Orient Sha will arrive down next
The member of the crew of the Vnitefl
Slatca revenue cutter Perry were vid
off yeterday by IVputy Collector Park.-r.
In all about ts wer paid the men.
The Wonder Drill, an IndUpenaable tool
to all machinist, plumber, or worker n Francisco th! year a the total ac
ta Iron. bra, or other metals. Call and ' tlve shipment, domestic and foreign.
I ee It. C. 1L Orkwiti. agent corner of
j Tenth and Duane :reets.
The Rritlsh sh;p Wlsi-otn'.K- Tark ar
rived In tow yesterdsy from Portland.
She carries 1151 bushel, of wheat, val-
ued at fT!.;, and will lighter T: t"n of
wheat at this port to complete her tungo.
i Tho regular meetlrjr of the directors of
the Astoria FoMtball CIut was held lst
j night, many important matt-Ts o-mlng
1 up for action. Several new roemb-rs were
admltt-I. Herman Wi-ie it r-I Will C.
Laws have Uen ad.iol to the bowling
The news of th iU.uh of In.;or;
rn nlf (. Tueen .M - V, , , - . . i
I with regret In this city. Mr. Mcl. rmott I
had been inspector of hulls an.l bo ler '.
for over ly yeiirs. and hundred of i
trip to Astoria. He. was very popular
among local h!pplng men.
Captain Kerch-n states that there re
now mure ships In the harbor of Portland
than ever before at any one time. The
I ..,-v... ( inai mure i ip-irn sn'ps
I will come to the Columbia river th s-a-
pr.wuctive of many good results. A
detail of patrolmen meets every train and
anUering willies and Meandering M.kes
are promptly Jugged upon their arr.val
here on brakebeums and In baggage cars.
Aitorla ha a hard name among the
bums of the north r-st. and very few
now "hit." the city.
Warrants were placed In the hands of
Chief of Polite Halloik yesterday for tho
collection of assessments remaining un
paid for the improvement of the alleyway
U t ween Thirty-eighth uni For-.y-second
streets In East Astoria; of Thirty-fifth
stre-t, between Franklin avenue and Du-
ane street, and of T.-n;h s'reet, between
Commercial and Exchange.
The new "flower" tournament to be ln-
augurated at the A.v.orla Football Club
will beglr. probably next Wednesday or
Friday. The captains of the s'-ver d teems
nave Deen given until Monday to get
their players together. The names of
C. R. lligKitis. Frank G.d-ll and A
runee have been a J.'.-.l to the n of
entries In the J-gamo championship con
Captain Thomas, of the steamship Bta'e
oi t all ton: la., has resigned, to take
charge of a ini't p.ymg between
San FraiKlseg ami Man'.la. The vacancy
thus cau.-ed will be full by Captain E.
D. Parsoas, an exp-rii need r.avUvitor.
Captain Thomas was one of th most
popular masters on the coast, and he has
a host of frieni.s in ,storla who will wish
hirn luc ess on bib ntw run.
Mr. T. (j. Tlath'.way. of M xsoula.
Mont, -irrved In the dty . e?ter.lay from
Everett, Wah., when, tie has be-n vislt
i Imr relative living In that coition. Mr.
Hatheway has for many years been In
! charue of certain of Mr. Hammond's In
terests in Montana. He is on his way
; back to Missoula and returns by way or
Astoria for the purpose r.f consulting Mr.
Hammond regarding- some of the latter'
business affairs in. Montana.
j It Is stated that It Is not the policy of
tho county court to provide opium or
, morphine flendu with refuse In the
county jail when they become crazy from
the use of tho drugs. County Judge (jray
I states that the city authorities, whenever
a cose comes unuer im-ir no. ice. provide
temporary shelter for these outcasts of
humanity. Although the county has had
such crises recently to deal with the
county Jit-lpe wishes It understood It
was only for a brief period, and that such
cases aro rarely, if ever, confined In
the county Jail at the county's expense.
A man lvln th nam of Anthony
Qulnn waa up brfor Iu-a Jn.l NVImm
yeatentay on a chare nf Wln. ynlnh
latH he had come frm IVrtlnnJ, hv
Inir twn arretted there on a aimlUr
chante an.1 run nut of the city. He !
Keatmt to Attorney Allen to wire to Purt
lanj a to thi tmthfulneoa of hla a:iic
ment. Ilia next ohe'tlv point lit the
aound, an.t ft.r bclnar flmsl lV, he ex
ppewe.1 a doalre to be billed Ur thut
The employe of the Wolff Kwtcker
Iron work, out of working hour, are r-rnnslna-
tr a ttcnoflt lo be ulvcn the f.m
llle of the vli'tlma of the lUM vtt'olilent,
aaya th TVIranint, No p. ma will bv
aiare,l to muke the pronrum original and
attractive. The licet lvnl talent will p
per on It, The cnune I one which lll
te w,'ll advertlae,! In Portland nnd
appeal to every one, and the comvu ,.
throughout the atate. Every opportunity
will be alven the public to ahow Ita aym
paihv In a material manner, and no
doubt all the tlcketa mill be it!po d of In
a few day.
LMMtlct Judge lleHlncr, of Portland,
ha Uaued an order for the ante of th
ateamera Ohuhv.h k and Suahoun.l. Tt
procce,la will be depoaltetl with the court.
The order a the outcome of aevrral
aulta vhlch have Perl nlM u;.ln.t the
ateamer by paenera who Uvt their
effect when th ateamera went to pl''ce
off the river, lioth boata were hound
Alaaka. but encountereil heavy weather
when but a few mllea off th river. No
Uvea were loat, although the boata were
badly dilapidated by the element. They
have been lying In the WllUmette a n
the dlaaater.
Th temer llaneat Queen yeMrrlay
brought down the rwnalnder of the mn
tertiil for the ork on the guna at Fort
Steven. The Queen left for the fort In
the afternoon. Work there la prgr. lng
rapidly. It la ild. and Steven will be
oiu of the tror;e!it poxltlxn In the
country when compleUd. The gum are
of the very latest ileaign. and every,
thing connected lth the rt I up-to-date.
Th dlwtppejrlng gunn are pro.
tecfed by an embankment more than W
fet In thlckne. Alogvther. the fort I
strong enough to reiwl almoat any att.ick
which might be made on A'ori.i.
lul nlghfa ornt w. very ,lagree
aWe The wind,! a vel.o-liy cf
oer j) mile nNotit $ o'cl.v, k. atul p-h
trim found great difficulty In nivluat
In. I'mboMla were blown lr.ile out,
and hat were flying about all urnlng.
Peonl grnernlly tyei1 nt home, and the
treet wre almost deserted by o'cl.x k.
Johnson explain th adere weather
romlltlon by a'.atlng that the w.rk nc .
dont.U u the Nglnnlng of another ni.'Tth
make It Impossible for him to devote
the necej.ry time to the elements. In,
consequence of which Pagu h. fu'.l
war If an assistant csn be secure,! f ir
the local weather man. the weither may
Improve, but otherwise Astortun will be
Compelled to put up wllh rain.
TteslJe the fleet of steamer now
ptylner between Portland and Ran Fran,
claco. loaded with wheat, to the exvlu!cn
of all classe of general cargo, the O.
R. Sk N. Company U delivering thousand
of ton of wheat brought fpim the lnl.ind
Empire to the Souther Poi'inc. to p par
ried through the Willamette valley and
over the mountain to San Franclaco.
At the present rate. It 1 estimated by
competent authority, a much wheat :il
be shipped out of the Columbia basin to
have amounted to In prevlou year.
Theee San Francisco nhipment ore In
duces! by the better prVe obtained there
for the wheat as contrasted with the
Portland market. Every bushel of It I
l'xulod Immediately at Sin Francisco foe
foreign markets, and the earnings of the
j railroad comjKinles ami Portland wi
j shlptv-rs on th difference alone be'we-n
the Portland an.iS.n Vr.m. n-.rVe-.l
I ,,, . I
win amount to m.'iny mill on of dollars. I
The Inland farmer ol.talns tn hetter pro-e J
f r his wheat In tunwiucivp ..f th San
I Francisco demand, but. on the other I
I h-ind. he Is jxild i ss: the price fix-I by '
j the wheat buyers of Eastern or-ifn le-
ling upon the ex.eptl .nally high :
' ' , ' , ' ,
charter rates now .1, m iri.-.l ,y ti p 1
owners f ir loadlig In Portlanl.
Ord. nance Granting Street Railway Fran
chise Passed Seond Reading- 'Ity
Treasurer' Salary Raised.
At the regular meeting of the city coun
cil last night Mayor Itergman presided,
with all the councllmcn present except
A petition from William Rock for a re
tail liquor license wa referred to the
eommitte on health and police.
A petition from J. W. Welch asking
that the board of assessor apportion the
assessment on the Hun docket for lots 4,
5, . 7, 8. and 9. block 111. McClure's, Was
referred to the street committee.
A petition from F. D. Keuttner asking
for the right and privilege to construct
a single or double street railway, with all
necessary appurtenance) . pertaining
thereto for a period of 75 years, on mo
tion laid over until after the ordlnunte
relating to the same be read.
A communication from F. D. Kuettner
statlt that Irregularities had been made
for the transfer of tho Astoria Street
Rallw-ay Company and '-ttlnr forth (he
advantages to the city of a more extend
ed and Improved street railway system,
was, on motion, place. on fill.
A communication from City Treasurer
Carney to the ways and mean committee
stating that hi present salary of llfl a
month wa Inadequate for the work con
nected wllh the office. It being necessary
to employ help from time to time, whii.h
said salary would not Justify, was, on
motion, placed on file.
A r.ort from tho health nnd poll'
committee that Neufer
and Hteiner, Nels Hlmonson and Harry
Jones be granted retail liquor licenses,
was adopted.
The committee on streets and public
ways recornni'iideh tho payment of tho
usual monthly bills, among which wan
that of J.'a.W of the IVent Khore Mills
Company., U7.G0 being deducted for lights
out during the month, and the same was
A communication from the AHtoria
l;uild!ng and Iun Association for the
redemption of property, was on motion
A communication from Fulton I'.ro,.
offering to compromise tho Adair drain
Interest and tallow them to pay the orlg
caso providing tho city will throw off th
inal assessment, which they agree to do
before January 1, was on motion placed
on file.
An ordinance was Introduced accepting
tho Improvement on Exchange street
from Ninth lo Tuiith and read the second
An ordinance was Introduced authoriz
ing tho auditor and police Judge to Issue
a quit claim deed to the Astoria Rulldlng
and Loan Association for lot 2, block 37,
Adair's, nnd rend the second time.
An ordinance was Introduced authoriz
ing tho redemption of tho cast 40 feet of
lot 4, block IS, Alderbrook, for delinquent
taxes of li2, on the payment of W.75 with
in 30 days by W. M. Kelly, and passed
under suspension of the rules.
An ordinance was Introduced granting
to F. D. Keuttner permission to operate
a double or single trnck tret railway
for a period of TS year, and also for Ihe
laying of steam plie for the purpose ot
healing residence,- paying to the city
I Mr cent of the net earnings; and tend
the second time.
An ordinance repealing ordinance No.
11.' and providing for Ihe time and man
ner of Improving Columbia and Alomed
avenue waa pncl, Knllon mid Clinton
voting "no.'
An ordinance appropriating fMiM for
the Nnetlt of U l.ebei k was ptcil,
An ordinance prescribing Ihe duties of
the city treasurer and living bis salary
nt f " per month was passed iinm r sus
pension of the rules, Vninger voting
On motion the ordinance authorla tig
the auditor and police Judge to lsue n
unit claim deed to the Astoria Ituildlug
and Iami Asam-tatlon w-.ia read the third
lime and passed under suspension of
the rules.
A resolution directing th board of
assessors to make a special assessment
for the Improvement of Harrison avenue
to the amount of ICT X. waa on motion
laid over until next meeting.
A resolution directing the hoard of a.
eessora to make a special asesmrnt on
K . I . . . . , ... ...
no- imiTovoiucn! or r.ignm treet waa
A resolution authorial mr the auditor
and r:ice judge to give of a
meeting of the b.-r,l of e.ualtaaton for
filing the assessment roll for the tin
provement of Kxoh.tnge stri't N-tween
Ninth and Tenth was adopted.
A resolution declaring the Intention of
tho council to tmpro Astor street from
st Sixth west io Ninth waa adopted.
A resolution declaring the Intention of
tho council to Improve Hay avenue from
Uifayrtle to Seventh ami from hVvciittt
to llobson to a width of 3" feet waa
adopted. ,
" motion the petition of p. l. Kcu t
n,r. which had Nt-n cte, uhii. wis
laid over until next meeting.
I'ouncll then adjourned.
POUTl.ANtV Nov. 1-Prank M. Ior
nioit. f,.r U years lintel State tor
of Ivllers. del at his home about mid.
night Wednesday, after n lllm ss of
nearly a month.
In add tlon t, th,0 previously tub
lished. lir Rothstein ks th.. attntion
of the iHs.ple of Asioria to the fallowir;
letter teetlfyiug ( tnt profession.. I skill
and etaudliw;. All arsons with we.k or
def.etixe or d .-.ucd ) are invited to
call uml consult lir. Rothste n at the IK.
client Hotel, whether they desire to ava.l
thetr.sclvea of hi advice ami services or
MONTESN.. Wash . Sept i U;.
Kor 8ir:
My gl.u.. are fine; . are those you
sent to my ,n fait, uil the people
you titled here itre well pleased with your
work. My reading cUs.v, all ihai
Cculd bo deslr.-.!
Yours very truly,
HOQl'IAM. Wtsh.Oct,
Mt. A L). HoTltSTt-lv
5, IWi.
lv.r Sir:
The glass,- for Mr. Paer arrived n
rv. saw sun ner SOletwllilly.
1 ........ ...
Phe wears
tnem commuallv and finds mm h
III them. Her headaches have dlssp
peared aa If ty magic, and I assure vou
she Is more than thankful p.r that
ishing you that succee you really de
I am. very truly your.
C. T. II A E R.
Office of V. S. Commiss.ener v( Iinds,
C. L Marsh, t'omnr.
AKLlNiJTiN. Hi . August IS
My glasse arrived In June and I have
w.rn thn rontlntxilly and Hud thetn
satisfactory In every way. My reading
gla-e ;ire very g.Hl sn, use then) at
MKP.t sometimes. ( n bit ! long,
I mv eyes no not s-em to tire as they
rmeriy ill. I. I h ive no ht ita,,on what
ever In r.- ntiimen ling ou to my fr: nis
.is a eons,-, nti. el. ,.ti. skll.ful .-rod ...n.
" ' r" ''"V to use tnts l-tter In
"Ur tlLi-ltO-e. If Vci'J K,.
Your v. rv truly
C. I,. .MARSH.
pTt V'lVTlHTnv'''1 '"T
I. ir Sir:
Ttie ymt !l"e.l for mv IIM'e
'"T ",'!-"f" "'r
s.-m.s to t.. improving all the time uni
li, - .-v.- nr.-'tv s-r.ilgh'. I uni
sitlt'-l that y -hi tli'ir-mghly hh,!m i nd
your b'lslness nml I shall nlw.iys fis.
grateful to you for helping my chid as
you have -lore
Yours very p.
Ml!.- J
AllEriliEEV Wush Oct. 11 Kit
Ml. A. I). ItoTHSTEIN. Seattle. Wash.
Dear Sir:
In ropiy to your Inquiry atsmt my
glasses i am plensed to Inform you that
th.-y suit me perfectly nnd give entire
sHtisf.i.tion In ev.-rv way. U'h'n you
cme this way ng iln I stmll do uil I mn
for vou. Yotir truly.
WEST PC RT. V'!h . Sept. J), l.VS.
8ntte. Wash.
Iear Plr:
My glasses arrived per registered mall
and ns far us I can Judge I think they
are exactly th same ns 'he t'-st glnsse
I wore whnst you were here, of mrse
It Is too early yet to he quite rertaln.
but they seem to fit mi very well, and
especially when rvellng. which I did not
dare attempt with my other gltiss.-s I
thank you for Inquiring and will certainly
write you later.
Your respectfully.
Mr Plain My husband Is n grea-t lover
of the beautiful. Mr. Spite Indeed he
Is. I should think you would almost feel
Jivilou sometime.
THF. REST BALVB In the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Borer. Ulcer. Bait Rheum
Fever sores.l Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain, Corns and all Ekln Eruption
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It Is guaranteed to glvs perfect
aatlsforUnn or money refunded. Price S
cent per box. For sale by Etes-C'onn
Drug Co.
A permanent resident of Astoria, treats
all disease of the eye. and (Its glasses
for the correction of all error of refmc
tlon. Any glass that doe not prove sab
Isf-'t'tory will be cheerfully corrected
Off'-e Kinney Rulldlng.
Notice I hereby given to till parties
holding Clatsop county warrants m
dorsed prior to July Sth, ISM. to present
iv,a samn to the County Treasurer at
his office. 104 Tenth street, for pnyment,
Interest cease after this date.
Dated Astoria. Oregon, this 20th day of
October, 1K8.
County Treasurer,
To make It apparent to thousands, who
think themselves 111, that they nro not
iifM!"tcd with any disease, but that the.
system simply needs cleansing, Is
bring comfort home to their hearts,
a roxtlvo condition Is inslly cured by
using Hyrup of Figs. Manufactured by
tho California Fig Hyrup Company only
and sold by all drugirlsts.
Mrs. SMerntttrom begs to Inform you
that hen- place of business will only ho
open from 9 a. m. to 12 m. until tho lath
of November. After that date I am going
out of business.
Commences Monday Morning, October
3 1 , at Our Store.
This Is a Big Aloiiey-Savlnp; Sale on the Articles
Quoted Below.-
ladies', miss
es' and child
ren's mackintoshesof
the best make in America. Every
garment guaranteed.
knock-down prices eyer known.
These mill be your days to make money daring this great economists sale.
Vou Save Dolfars
By Purchasing Your
Drugs. Patent Medicines
and Toilet Articles of
The only rut-rato drtiif lore w here
every article i ol.l h to i' vt wit.
leas that) 111 manufacturer' price.
Mere wtir.U don't tell it all. Here are
tue rut'. lieinetnlier every Patiiil
Medicine. Toilet Article or J lriij( is aol.1
at cut rat.a
Our mail onler ttiaitiraa da trebled In
)cr, hvcatiao within 'MM)
mile uf l'ortlau.l run safe umiiey by
trading witti u
Cut rale
I rli
. lo H
. I u
... r
... I It!
... I w
.. I U)
Alli-oel Porous I'lailrr
Avers farxapait'la,
farter's fills
Cast aria
faille st'elery Compound .....
isyruli of f lg
On gog ilo-l I'urtner
f lercr favorite I'reserlptlon
1 10
rier.-e l,.. letl -r,nr IHv
iulrl .1 HI
Pie ee l ell. U Ji
V Ksiiis- f t k Mll M
ij'iiuui f'isiile,, or nuirar
i..! l.i,!.i.. to h-ati.s
C"el Inllilt I'll I (lull. .
tTi ilie I at t ,le, S-ir.f.
c. alri Ist'ie!,. n iK.ltles
r.ititNli.tnK l.!.' sisl. i
tuuilie I'npsul . or SiliC-ir
r.Mli 'l I In titl .
rieii.m nit b" 3 itslii
ltlltl'lie t l'l. e., nr Ml f-
' .le i I St. els P tiol
.a t.iii.l.i pn .'i grain
v l uy ilirtvi from llie tiihtnifacttiri'r
ttl 1 11 n li t it I , winch sa-cure tbe
This etiiiliiea ti to rctuil at wholesale
Vernv IrttnaiMirtnlion clisrgis to A-
tuna on all order (nr drug or patent
molic'iies atuotinlitig In or over, w hen
uri-otnptiK'l by the caali,
Dtir ilio'.orpli:r ilcpartment will In
terest joii. J-.very new tliinii In (li"tig
rspl.y is in stm It. itn.l it will ilehglit kia
to have yuU cull, wliellicr yml buy or not.
Woodard, Clarke & Company
Cut-Kate DruiKts
Fourth a tul Wasliington, Portlnrjil, Or.
Parker House V. P, Martin. IO An
geles; Geo. V. EasterlirOok, Oceansldr;
R. lirownsworth, Portland; Hoi Smith,
Link C. Hurton. Elmer II. Colwell. Cuth
lamet; J. H. lverlng, A. (i. Itugglea.
Ilwaco; J. K. Oalther. lav Center; C. H.
Deune. Wurrenlon; T. 11. Ibil, Nalu-otta
Occident T. G. Hatheway. Mlsauula; A.
M. ArmiT. William 8. Ilrown. Sun Fran
cisco; Arthur C. Iawrence, II, A. Hea
borg, Portland; K. JI. Wallace, H-ftttle;
Eugene C. aowney, H.icramimto; Sebree
Hmlth. captain U. 8. A., Fort Steven;
J. J. Iirumbiwh. W. J. Seaman, Ilwaco.
Mr. Mlchn.-I Curtain, Plalnfleld, 111
makes this statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lung; she wa
treated for a month by her family physi
cian, but grew worse. He told her she
wa a hopoless victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
H. r druggist suggested Dr.'i New
Discovery for Consumption; sho bought
a bo' tin and to her delight found herself
benefitted from first dose. She con
llnued Its use nnd after taking six hot
tie found herself sound nnd well; now
does her own housework nnd I ns well
a she ever wns. Free trial bottles of
this Great Discovery at Kt-Cnnn Drug
Co. Iargo bottle W cents and $1.00.
Chollv-She's to li-t mo know nt ibo
end of the Week If she accepts m,
Johnny-It m list be, a terrlblo suspense
Cholly-llatlier! I don't know whether
to break off my other engagement or
Among every 1,ww bachelors there are
I!S criminals; unions married nien the
ratio Is onl IK per l.tHHI.
Stale of Oregon, Treasury Department,
Salem, November 1st, ISM). Notice la
hereby given that there arn funds on
hand with whb-h to redeem nil outstand
ing slato warrnnl endorsed by mo "pre
sented nnd not paid for want of funds"
between the date of September With, 1R&7,
nnd April 7th, 18M, both date Inclusive,
with tho exception of warrnnts drawn on
tho swamp land fund, All such warrants,
when properly endorsed, will bo paid
upon prencnlatlon at this ofllco. Interest
thereon coaslntf from find after the date
of this notice. PHIL METSCHAN,
State Treasurer,
Sl.OO per pair
Cor. 9th and CoiiiiiH'rciul
New Stock
Of Canned Fruits and Vege
tables just in.
Comparison of quality and
price of same invited.
Braided plush cape.thibet around
collar. 52.85.
Cloth capes, 1.50, 2 and 2.60.
Guaranteed kid gloves, $1.00.
Ladies' skirts, 98c, 31.35, & 1.60
Special sale this week of men's
Elcv.ulh Ht., next to V .1 Trlrglsph Office.
Hna$lH nnd Hwlaa
All repairing, don by myself,
Satisfaction guaranteed,
Notice I hereby given that for the pur
poio of maklrof an examination nf all
persons who may offer thomHolvna as
candidates for touchers of thn schools
of this county, tho county school superin
tendent thoreof will hold a public exam
ination nt the county court house on
Wednesday. Nov. 9, 118. nt 1 o'clock p.
m. Examination for stale papers will
bo held Saturday, November 12, IS'JU.
Dated thl 31st day of October, 1M8.
County School Superintendent, Clatsop
County, Orcnon.
All who remember tho humane enter
tainment given at Rescue hall two years
uifo look forward with pleasure to the
entertainment to be Riven at the Molho
dist church, Saturday evonlnir, November
26. An excellent program Is being pre
pared , many numbers ot which. ar very
novel. ,
ladies', miss
es' and child
ren's capes,coats,t&
jackets.all inthe latest styles
and colors at the greatest
Wntcltot a Hpoclnlf y.
Music? Tlnxes repaired.
Marino Chronometer Rated and Repaired
Cnrpcntor nnd Hiilldor
Gcnornl Conlrnclor
Phon. No. 6S
Astoria, Ortgss
Ship Chandlery,
Sp.clsl Att.ntlon Paid ts Supplying Iblpe,