THE DAILY ASTOIUAN, Till RSDAY MORNING, NUYRNHKR 8, 18i8. EYE5 EXAMINED FREE EYES CORRECTED - - SIGpT PDE PERFECT BY Dr. A. D. Rothstein, OPTICAL SPECIALIST Of Seattle, Wash, Fifteen veara experience in optics nnd study of the eye Will be found at the parlors of the Occident Hotel, Astoria, from NOV. 1st to lOth, 1898 oflering his services to the public. i Lenses specially g-rouna 'n th m,f l!'nVu!t car In th. varied farm of presbyopia, asthenopia, myopia, hyper nictropla. d.pIoWa. Simple compound and mixed astigmatism. SYMPTOMS OF FAILING VISION. Do your ir eyes che, burn, a-et red or Inflame,!? Does the print run together? av to hold the paper farther away? Ivors your head ache after read In? 1V -on have to pla the lijhl between the eye and the obtect Do vou have In or sewtnff tiM m'.nln anvlhttltf? When attentively considering a near hut .n.l tnm-ir la have a mitt before It torn your eye are failing ami require N-VER WEAR GLASSES UNLESS THEY ARE PBOPF.M.T FITTED TO TOUR OWN EYES. Tour eve mar be permanently Injured by wearing other people1 glasre. Dr. A. D. Rothstein usee the very latest and mo: improved appliance in testing - evee. He test each eye leoarately. fl: each eye separately, and baa ienses ground to suit ech eye a may be rrq.uire.1. thu obtaining the 6et te suit. Remember h. p) tpevlal attention to children, to children. , , . ... rn.iiiitiin free at the parlors Occident hotel. Astor a. Hour of attendance dally. a. m. TODATa WEATHER. Rain. ' Occasional rain. 4 a -"VJ AROUND TOWN. THCRSDAT. A aged palm tree bear the heaviest Cluster, so live which re planted In and nourished from God know no term , 6f their fruKfuIne. nd w full of map and verdant when the live that have (hut themselves off from Him are I k an old stump, gaunt and dry. fit only for firewood. Alexander Maclaren, D.D. The city council meet tonV. Try Roalyfl Cl. Elmore. Sanborn Co. Ban Francisco. f Mis Maggl urr.s ha returned from to Portland. " A " . - i Mm R. G. Prard ha returned tmm a I Tilt with friends In Portland, j Beat California wine. JO cent per gal- lon. Alex Gilbert. ole afent ror Aiona. Telephone 13. The State of California arrived from Ban Franciwo yesterday, light In frvfeht and passengers. Tonlcht the ladle of the Dt-irree of Honor will Kive an anniversary ball at Fisher' opra house. Wallsend coal and coke 1 the best ) for domestic purpose. For ale by th Astoria Gas Light Co. Now Is the time to get your umbrella , covered, before the heavy rain et In Leave It at C. H. Orkwltr. Apples, apples, pples. very choice and Very cheap. Two hundred boxen must be old at once. Ros. Higg'ns & Co. The steamer Harrison, with general A UCJ unwun , . . o - merchandise for Tillamook. I lying at Flavel awaiting an opportunity to cros j anshire, the two tatter at Sand Island. Out rmJ)r for ai'l 'HI Hkely be de- JIayH for a few ! by the present Malnr Hess and Sargeant Ilendricks, of storm. Fort Canby. and sargeonl jearasiy. oi Fort Stevens, were in the city yesterday on business. For Sale. 100 ton of Royln cwl; the flnest house and team coal ever brought to Astoria. Elmore, Sanborn Co., Tele phone, Main S-L Wanted. . school tfri to do light houe- rorg in exchange for board. Apply at worg In exchange for board. Apply at Mrs. E. C. Holdcn's. 4 Duane street, As toria. The British ship Wlsrombe Park I on th. way down the river. She 1 only partlully loaded and will lighter I'J5 tons of wheat at Astoria. Pleasant furnished rooms, Including bath, with first class board, for gentle men only, can be had at Seventeenth street. Reference exchangeo. For rent The entire upper floor of th. Badollct building over Albert Dun bar'i etoro. For particulars inquire of W. G. Howell, C21 Exchange street. W. F. Snodgraf. Astoria' leading pho. . w . togrophor, na purcnasta uie iuw kh lery and will hereafter be found located In the room formerly known a the Crw gallery. W. Buckley wag taken to St. Mary's hospital yentorduy evening suffering from a double fracture of the arm. He is employed on the Columbine and received his Iniurles while worklnjr at the buoy depot yesterday afternoon. The popularity of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Hartley at the Na tional l growing dally, and many busi ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr, Bartlcy are the finest in the city. Goodl People who buy Schil lings Best drink more tea a year than other people. u m con- e ynip- the help of a st-.eotlne optician. to L.'. 1 p. m. to 5, and T p. m. to :?. S. a Gordon and a. C. Fulton left en the A. ft C. rallrwd yeaterdar on a hunt. In trip, the fuest o( Superintendent VIcGuIre, 0. D. Glover wa brouitht over from Ilwaco yesterday, sufferln from a bolt on the knoe. and wa tiken to St. Mary horpltal for treatment Mirriace license were (t ranted at the county clerk office yeeterday to Ru dolph Basil and Hilda Lars-en; Harry Cribb and Slirle France Sover. T?ie reu!ar metlnir of the W .C. T. V. will be held at Rescue ball at S this after noon. Visitor are welcome. A full at tendance of member lj requested. Three boy were up In the J-v... . ... Testes,., fharKM J-Tfr truct.on : w teJa seriou enoi-sh to warrant usual punishment, tftey were Ut off with a lecture. Try W. A. Ga!ne' private tk wh sky. This i.i an old standard liquor, especially rv?comm.r.d.-.l for family nnd ro-di' use and Its purity and qjitlity Is guaran teed. Ft sale In any quantity by J hn I C'arn. le at'nt. Twelfih street, near Uond. "F!nni(-an" mado some great score at the A. F. C. alley last netht. H bolil a high a CI. but the bst score wa not a 'Xk1 a Cooper's C whh h stoo.j for the day' record. Win.igaln" and 'One again" aluo bowled well, the latter mak ing the excellent score of 17. Ur Ralph Hanna came down on the mal' boat yesterday In place of Mall Clerk Rums, who met with an accident Whit h Wtll nw-f-ll'1,1. him .tlVln. n. home fr a day or two. Mr. Hanna Is now conniwf 1 witfc ih. bn-,i.,.j - -.- - . -. . ' ' . vi .uiuu unv. flee. He return to Portland this morn ing. Shipping on the river wa at a standstill yesterday, the only movements being the outgoing and Incoming San Francisco teamer. Three hu.l.iLn .v.. - . . . i., , r, , , . . t Arthur Flteer, the Arpo ami Clackmann- This is the ago of adulteration, but Harper whisky U guaranteed strictly pure, guperlative whiaky. Chemist, an alyst ar.d physicians testify this repeat elly. The evidence I not only strong but conclusive. The people too, find Harpt-r can be trusted Imollcltlv tyTZit' c-T' 1 & S okt' Ompanjr. A- ckuii. When having your eyes t-m.d or fitted with Kla.Htseii ko to an optician of experi ence, not one who fits about one pair a month on an uver.,,-. What fcuh a so called optician does not knov about the business would fill a Kr-ut b g book. Dr. A. I). Kothstein h:i fitted is.fft men, women and children In the went and nortnwesi during tne pjst 15 years, and he Is t!ie person to hcin vour ,.v and :nvo your sight. The. recfpHon tommlttee for he membership In th.! IPd Cross soeiety to day are Mrs. Fioku h .ir f.- v ...,, L ... iioji'Mary Tomorrow Mrs. Com,;iy and Mrs. Strauss! Saiurdny. Mrs. CI mun :m,i fr n..-.. i - - ' -' ai'i Jim Saturdny, Mrs. C'l.nton and M ,n:, n T.. , . 111 .it. ... . '" ' n Irian. Ti-a will l.n ilii.ri,nii,,.i..a ... nr...n.... narlors aftr Saturday, but the honorary but will be ojii-n to all patriotic eillz;nH at N. grhluHsel'i store. A letter has been reecivej by the Wal socb-ty from the seeretary of the H-d Crops In Portland tatl" l"t $l'st htt-1 b vn .;nt to Manila for hospital purposes, Two morphine fiend an- now confined in the county j;ill on a sort of probation, under the oare of julb-r Hinder. Their ircii. e., 1 I, .. 1 . t. . rm-ral h-nlth l unul. I.m ,.hvui,.:,.i., and. It mny bn said, morally, they are total wrecks. They ar confirmed (lends and are confined only until such time as thy recover, In a measure, from tht-lr depraved condition, when they will be turnexi loose. The state insane anyum has lately refused to admit patients of this kind and as a result they become charge on the tounty whi-ro they happen to live. Another Interesting bowling contest will shortly be InauBiirated at the A. F. C. alleys. Teams of three men and one woman have been selected, each team taking the name of a flower. The first letter of the names of the captains are object doe It suddenly Noor T If you have nv the atniv lo the first letter of the name of the flower. The ttm eacii must meet th other, the one hnuh the greater num ber of game to d lare,l winner. The member of the w!imlt tem wni rei'elve miHlal, in the form of the flower after which the team I named. Th tourna ment will prbMy Ht abotrt two months and promise to excite even more Interest thsn th nh tournnnuiit of a (ear g. Yesterday storm lgn were hoisted and Ih wenther man reported southwest gnle alona the cosst Increaslnii In ve-bx-ny. Towards evening tho wind lit orwised to u mile an hour end mdo thing univmfortshle for petlestrlan carrying umbrellas. The win poured down on th nat and unjust alike and th cloud were thick and heavily laden with rain, trinrln to mind that winter on. commenced in earnest. The treet c Ings re almost Imiwssable in many place, and ht'per were busily engaged lifting tweles yard of skirt free from the gutters, which threatened to demor. lis them. It I o every winter and every rainy day and nothing els I looked for In Astoria. Edmund IUIIev 'recently assumed charge of the Point Adam lighthouse, relieving J. W, Munson. retire,!. Mr. llallev waa formerly ttloned at Cpe F!ttery, Mr. Munson. the rvtltvd keep er. I one f the oldest men in the liKht houte swvlc t th country. He first entered th ervloe In 1S. For IS year he w tiMlond at l'p pisapptvntment, and can relei many Utmjtlng tort-'s of wreck along th coc la ih.we day Jhere ww iv llfe-.avkij itw meuih of tw ClunU rlwr. and th bravery and daring of the employe a the lighthouse were often called upon to rcsvu drowning fishermen and mariner. During, th? U jrenr Mr. Munon w. ,,, . charge ot the station at Cape D aappolnt- ment he aed 3 live. In neriy cxery case he risked hi own for trutt of dl tressed men. and hi record Is probably as remarkable s that of any other keep, er In tile entire isuutry. Mr. Munson also assisted the pilot In many Way. It 1 Quito protMble h will be reward, d by the government for the faithful nun ner In which he performed hi duty. The marriage of Miss Marie Fran.-e Sovey and Mr. Harry Crtbb waa otm-nls.-d at the residence of the bride Win nl at noon yesterday. Hev. Kailver Dielman otTlolatlng. Although the Wed uir.g was strictly a private one. the Im mediate member of the family and few friend only being present, the d co- ration at the residence, were ela!omte. Cut flowers, rose and whit and yellow chrysanthemum predominated and mad charming effect. Mr. and Mr, frllib left last night for Portur.l and the sound cltle. whero they will si nd their honey moon. They will return to the city In a few week and will take up their resi dence here. Many valuable present were received by the happy couple. The bride I the eldest daughter oi Mr. aad Mr. O. Sovey, and U well and favorably known In Atorla. The groom wa for merly In business here, but now has large Jruer-stl In Dawson. It Is hi Intention to return to Alaska In February and de velop hi properties. Mr. will ae company her husband to the north. It It reported that the school board ht reduced the salaries of the teacher, al though official notification has not yet been given. The rumor goe that reduc tion were made In the salaries of all the teacher but one. whose salary ha been increased. Sosne of the teacher wnj had heard the report stated that they knew nothing of the cut, but all were In dtgnaot to learw that their salaries, whkh alreJy are ri.ilculo-y toff htui further rJuce!. The teac;,tr In Astoria i receive poorer mv that, th.. n...- , I all the Cther cities ef Oregon, and the re duction came a surprise to them. Teacher formerly received !') arc now belrg paid from l,J to i) a month. With a few excvptl'jn. A taxpayer said yeoteflay. In speaking of the reduction, that h U unalterably nijwe,l to It. "It Is false economy." said he. "Our tea h- rs are now working for much t's than they should receive, and I cannot conceive how th b.ard experts to secure the services of pro!!cnt teacher f r the money that I being paid. We should not reduce the efficiency of th school. If retrenchment Is necearv l.'t It be made In other part of the city government, but not in the school. ty reducing the salaries of the teachers or some of them the system will be rendered the es satisfactory. Just think of asking teach er to work for SIS a month! The I lea, to me. is ridiculous. I am a heavy (ex payer, but. rather than see the teacher' salaries reduced, I woulu willingly puy another mill." CONSOLIDATION OF A8T0R AND PACIFIC LODGES. At a Meeting of Astor Lodge Last Night the Two Order Were Merged Into One The Banquet. Pacific Lodge No. 17. Knight of Pythi as, and Astor Lodge No. t. were consoli dated at the regular meeting of the latter lol(ce last night By the consolidation the order In Astoria hereafter will be known as Astor Lodge No. t. and It membership will b greatly Increased. Astor lodge 1 one of the oldest in the state and was orgunlxed In Astoria sev eral year prior to Pacific lodge. After the meeting a banquet wa given at Jeff' restaurant, to which 30 member of the newly consolidated lodgo sat down. The table were loaded down with the best of everything and no puln were spared to make the evening a memor able one In the history of tho order In Astoria. Th member of both lodge vied with each other In making tho event a pleasant one, and sincere and harty congratulation were passed between them. At the close of the banquet Chancellor Commander Adoluh Johnson, on behalf of the consolidated lodges, presented past Grand Chancellor A. A. Cleveland, of Pa cllb; No. 17, with a handsome album, an heirloom of tho latter lodge, In a few well-chosen remarks, In whieh ho recalled tho IricHilmublo services rendered the or der by Brother Cleveland. Judge Clove land responded In a feeling and eloipient manner, stating ho would receive tho gift In the same; Kplrit of brotherly love In which It was presented, and would prize it while he lived as a relic of the dc eased members of tho order, whoso Photographs It sacreuiy held. The banquet was over aboul 12 o'clock and the members of Astor and pacific lodges, now consolidated under the mme of Atr No. 6, separated, after having spent an evening long to be remembered. AS IMPORTANT DIFERENCK. To make It apparent to thousands, who think themHelveH III, that they are not aflll"ted with any disease, but that the system simply need cleansing, Is to bring comfort home to their hearts, n a costive condition is eaHlly Mired by mdng Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Byrup Company only and sold by all druggist. TO THE LADIES OP ASTORIA. Mrs. StJernHtrom beg to Inform you that her place of business will only be open from t a. m. to 32 m. until the 15th of November. After that date I am going out of business. MONK TtMTIMONY. In addition (o 4 hoe, previously pub lished, Dr. Hothslvln ask th attention of th people of Astoria to the following letter testifying t hi rfesslom skill and stondinst. All person with wook or dofivtlve or diseased eye are Invited lo call and consult Dr. Itothslolu at ihe tK cldent Hotel, Mhellier they desire to avail themselves of hi advice and service or not, MONTHS ANA, Wa'h., Sept, ft. l.W, , lK, A. D. KOTIISI'KINi Xi-r Sir; .My Klanses ar line' so are those you sent to my nl've ill fuct, nil the people you tltte.1 her me well pleased with our work. My nailing gl.ii lue all iliM could bo desired. Vour very trulv, John o. fi;ti:usi:N, IICMt'UM. Vh.,Oct, i, Ivv-i. . Dlt A l. Uvli IISI KIN; lvr Sir: Th glae for Mrs llaer rrlel O. K. and suit tier solendully. Mm w,-ai them loiuinunlly mnl much relief lit (hem. Her headm'hc have ilisap-m-aied as if t'V inaKlc. Mini I .ino oii she Is more tWi thankful fr that. Wishing )ou that uc, you itally de serve, I ant. very truly yours, i T. IlAKU. Ortlo of V. 8. Commissioner of Land, C. I Marsh, Oomnr. , AHLINillS'N. -h., August IJ.1SST, . Dlt. A. 1 1. ROTHSTKIN: Diiir Hirj M glasse arrived In June and I have worn thoni Mnllinilly and ilnd them satisfactory in every war. Mv reading giassva are very sl kiu! I tout them at liwht soinelllnes, H-ihu a bit t Ion. Vet mv eyi-s do not seem to tire as they formerly did. I have mi hesltn,n what ever In nvoimtiemltng vou to my friends as a conNCM-iinous and skillful ottlclan. i You are at IliH-rty to u.e I his letter In Jroiir business If ou so wish. Your verv trulv. C. U MAItSIt PLAINi:, W-Mh . Sept. , pm;. DR. A D. KOTIItSTKlN; D.-r 8ir: The K'asvea you lifted for my lltt girl are most satisfactory. Her sigbl in. ,v lllll'i o, lo 1, 1 1 liir iiinr o, her evi enp prettv i,ir str ilkht I am satli'lii-,1 that you ihorouijlilv underiiand your huslness and I sliall nlwuvs (e,l gr.iK-ful to you for helping my ill IJ you have done Your verv gratefully XI US. J. A. I.OOM1S. AltFRDKrv Wa.h.. Oct IV 1!W DR. A. l. UoTllSll'.lN. Meat tie, V ah IVar Sir: In reply to vour livpilrv almut mv glasses i am ple.i,l to Inf.'rm vm that they suit me p.rfe.tiy and kivv entire illifuctlon In every wav When vou eunie this way n ln I slm.l do all I can for vou. otirt trulv. Ji'HN DAMATIO WKSTI1I!T V ih Sept. J', l". ' DR. A. D. HOTHSTKIV. Seattle. W.I a II IV. i r S'r: My glasses urrlv,s er regtsipred mill nnd s far us I can Jnlr- I ihlnk they ar exactly the same as the l-t Ktriss I wore wlilist you were here. f rotire It Is too early ! to le ipilto itrt iln but thev si-in to HI mo v,-rv well nd eneclally when ercllng. which I did not dare attempt with my other shimes I thank yvHI tor inquiring and w til certainly write you Is'er Your resrvs-tfiilly. MARY A. TANA. HOTEL ARRIVAL. Parker House A. W. Danb-I. Columbus. O.: W. F. Smith. H. Morriun, IT" elseo: W. J. Seaman. !!waro; A. P. Smith. Portland; N. I. Overn and wlf. Rkhard Njja, Cathlamet; Thoma Itoyle. West port. Occident 0. F. thanahon. Arthur CopelanJ. R. E. Hanna. O. W. Oue, port land; N. Went worth, Nasep i. K. War ren. Warrenton; Frank W, Frt Canby, Bl'CKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE in th world for Cut, Brule. Borer. Clcer. Salt Khum. Fever ore.l Tetter. Chapped Hand. Chilblain. Corn nd sll 8ktn Erupl n. and posit. vely cure Pll'. or no ry re quired. It I guaranteed to glv perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prt -e S cert oer box. For ale by Estes-t'onn urug Co. ANNkI'NVF.-MKNT. James P. lllxs m. r"pr.-entlng the w-ll known line merc hant tal!.,r m ! i-h nient of J. K llin. fU Market, 8m Kr.inciro. under the Baldwin hotel, has arrived and will remain ft few days at the Occident hotel, whir he has en ex hibition a full line of simple iro.xls for gentlemen's wear, suitable for the pres ent and coming sas n. Those wishing first class custom m.d. clothing will do well to give him a call. II.. Is the only practical cutter who hi taken diplomas In the principal cities in tho east for cor rect measuring, skillful labor and correi t fit. who Is soliciting ord.-rs. There arc a great many adventurer who are n"t tailors or cutters, who do not r.-present a respons.ble house, who cannot take a correct measure; subjecting the people to great annoyance and loss. Hoping the public will encoumito a, scientific man to do their work, Mr. Hlxson 1 recom mended. STATE TREASURER'S 1TTH NOTICE. State of Oregon, Treasury Department, Salem, November 1st. ls9S.-Notlce Is hereby given that there are funds on hand with which to redeem H otitstand Ing state warrant endorsed by tin. "pre sented and not ill for want nf funds" between the dates of September )th, 1W7, nnd April "th. IW, both dates Inclusive), with the exception of warrant drawn on the wamp land fund. All such warrant, when properly endorsed, will be paid Uon presentation at this office. Interest thereon ceasing from and after the date of thl notice. PHIL METHCHAN, State Tr-asiir r. SECOND ENTERTAINMENT. All who r.-memlsT the humane enter talnment given at Rescue hall two years ago look forward with pleasure to tho entertainment to be given at the Metho dist church, Saturday evening. November 20. An excellent program I tn-lng pre pared, mnny number of which are very novel. DR. II. L. HENDERSON OCT LIST- A permanent resident of Astoria, treats all diseases of tho eye, ami fit glasse for the corrw tlon nf all error of refrac tion. Any glass lhat does not provo sat Isfactory will be cheerfully corrected Offce Kinney Iiulldln,'. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice I hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants in dorsed prior to July Rth, ISM, to present the same to tho County Treanurer at hi office, W Tenth street, for payment, Interest ceases after this date. Dated Astoria, Oregon, this 20th day of October, 1838. H. O. THOMPSON, County Treasurer, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that for tho pur poio of mnklmr an examination of nil nerson who may offer themselves a candidate for teacher of tho Bchnol of this county, the county scuool superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at tho county court house on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1S58, t 1 o'clock p. m. Examination for slnto papers will be held Saturday, November 12, 1)S. Dated thl 31st day of October, 1838. JOB. T. LEE, County School Superintendent, Clataop County, Oregon. ! GREAT ECONOMIST'S SALE ! . . . - Commences Monday Morning, October ? i, at Our Store. This Is a Big Money-Saving: Sale on the Articles , Quoted Below.- ladies', miss es' and child ren's mackintoshesof the best make in America. Every garment guaranteed. These mill be your SHANAHAN BROTHERS KKM AltKAItt.i: RK.TK. Mrs Mktm,l Curt tin. pUlnflcld. III. makes (his statement. Hut she caught cold, which settle,! on her lungs; she wa treated for a month by her family physi cian, but gr.-w worse. Iln told her sh was n hoeln victim ot consumption and that no medicine could cure her. H. r druggist sMiticrsled Dr. K n a New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her dcl'aiht found herself benefitted from first dnae. t)h con tinued It u and after taking six bot tle found herself sound end well; now doe her own housework and I a well a he ever wa. Free trial bottle of this Great Discovery at Kste- onn Drug Co. Iirge bottle 0 cent and IU0O, The question of who succeej tO Mil I agitnted somewhat In Catholic cirili-. Those who talk of an American pop mut kiKw that thl I brdly poa slble, aa Italian cardinal must sleet I'oMi Leu succrsaor. OABTOnZAt Bi(atu f Tha cs.r of Russia probably own a greater nuantlty of china than any other tHTs-'n In tho world. He ha the chin to all the Rulan ruler far buk as Catherine th C.real. It Is stored In an immense closet In the win ter palace at 8t. peterslmrg. T- rri'.K A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative llromo quinine Taolet. Ail oruuNt refund the money If It fall o ( lire ten's. The g.'iiulna ha U U. g on e i. h tai.let. Go East... vl Billing and Burlington route, and you reach Omaha. Kans City, ML Louis, and all other southern and outheatrn cities half day oonr than traveler who take any othar Una. Go oait via Rt. Paul and th. Bnriinf ton route, and you rid the finest train on earth-the Burlington.. Bt. ruW.'l.lc0 Limited. Uo east via Ogden and Denver, and you e th wonderful enery of the Rockies, famed the world over a th. most mag nlflcent on th. continent Ticket at offb of connecting Hna. A. C. SHELDON. L. LEBECK Carpenter nnd Hullclec (Icnornl Conlrnclor MOUSE RAISING AND nOVINO A SPECIALTY ntrAT TICKETS yStiffl to an HPOIHTS EAST Through palac. and tourlat slMpers, dining and library observation ear. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 Limited Pave Portland at 1:V p. m. No. I Limited arrive. Portland t Kill a. m. For rates, etc., call or address (. W. IXJUNHUERRT. Agent O. It. N Aorl. or A. B. C. DENN1STON. C. P. & T. A.. Portland. Or, THE PROOF of tho pudding 1 In th. eating and I ho proof of liquors IS IN SAA1PLING Thnt's an argument that's con-cluslvo-a demonstration. Ours will stand tho test. HUGHES & CO. J. B. WYATT, Phone No. 6R Aatorl. Orgo Hard ware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries Pro vie lone, PAINTS and OILS. S?.clal AtUntloa Paid t. Supplying Ship! knock-down prices eyer known. days to make money daring this great economists sale.. MISSES KID GLOVES $1.00 per pair AT ALoER Cor. tt!i nn.l (Viiiiinrn'iiil New Stock Of Canned Fruits and Vege tables just in. Comparison of quality and price of same invited. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO SPECIAL BARGAINS IX LADIES' PLliSH CAPES Braided plush cape, thibet around collar. 52.86. Cloth capes, 31.60, 32 and 32.60. Guaranteed kid gloves, 31.00. Ladies' skirts, 98c, 31.35, & 31.60 Special sale this week of men's pants. THE BEE HIVE. Victor Rost, Eleventh HI., next to Postal Ttlrglapb OHlcr. WATCHMAKER Bnallnli nnd HwImm All repairing done by myself, Hatlsfactbin guaranteed. ttjVUJJJJ'JJJMJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJM lAstoria's Lcadliig Hotel Mcglcr 6c Wrlgjht, Props. HOnE-flADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA.. ladies', miss es' and child ren's capes,coats,& jackets, all inthe latest styles and colors at the greatest .Strl.i AND JEWELER WntcliOM n Hpoclnlty. Musln Boxes repaired. Marino Chronometer Rated and Repaired; )Mt .sW .jimwi-'xi:"r- sassV- mil . n