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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1898)
U1K IA1LY . AM'OIUAK. SUNDAY AIOHMNU, OCTOHEK 80, 18i. 4 ,1X aft V W A BROWN MIXED VESTER Suit. hamUotneiy trimmed; regular price 3; now GBKT MIXED CHEVIOT VES tee Cult, trimmed red and white star; regular price $4.50, ,w $3.00 BnOWN CHECKED CASSI roere Suit; Rw-for stylo; trim mod tan, brown and white, worth HM. now CHEVIOT. BLUB SAILOR Suit, American, flags crossed ever anchor; words Admiral Dawn worked In allk: cllt braid around collar; worth 96.50, now. OLIVE COLO R-MIXED Cheviot Suit, handsomely trimmed and aa decant piece of doth; regular price .71, now. NAVT BLUE SAILOR 8UT. elegantly trimmed with white . and blue, and sliver cord around edge of collar; worth always $.; now $4.25 TODAY'S WEATHER. Bain. AROUND TOWN. 8CXDAT. Departing summer Is eloquent with in Tltatlom and beckoning. The hevens thetnselres beckon us onward, not sway from earthly thin, but through them Into spiritual realities. Lucy Larcom. Try Roalyn coal, Elmore, Sanborn Co. Mr. Jac k Allen Is spending a few days In Portland. For the last time this season. Ice cream tt the Parlor today. Mr. Otto Johnson, of Knappton, Is In the city on a short visit to friends. Beet California wine. cents per gal lon. Ales Gilbert sole agent for Astoria. Telephone C. Mr. O. Sovey returned vesterday from Seaside where be ha been the past few tort, ''Now Is the time to get your umbrella covered, before the heavy rains set In. Leave it at C H. OrkwiU. The Rebekah social which was to have Veen given October SI has been post poned until further notice. Wanted Four or Ave nicely furnished rooms; good location; rent reasonable. Address L. Astorian office. For Sale. 100 tons of Rosyln coal; the finest house end steam coal ever brought to Astoria. Elmore. Sanborn Co.. Tele phone, Main t-L Wanted, a school girl to do light house wore in exchange for board. Apply at Mrs. E. C. Holden's. C3 Duane street. As toria. Congregational The themes will be "Repeating the Life of Christ." and "Making the Btt Use of the Best Thln." Albert Bryant, a nephew of William Cullen Bryant, living In Chicago. Is said to bear the most remarkable likeness to his famous uncle. Jeremiah Curtln. the translator of most oi Sienciewlcs's works, is one of the best linguists ever graduated from Har vard. He speaks IS languages. Presbyterian Church Services as usual tomorrow. Theme of tne morning ser mon. "A Glorious Church; evening theme. "The Whole Armor of God." W. F. Snodgraas, Astoria's leading pho tographer, has purchased the Crow gal lery and will hereafter be found located In the rooms formerly known as the Crow gallery. Baptist Church The castor Is home gain. All services Sunday as usual. Subject of the morning discourse, "Providences of God;" evening subject, "Reward." Norwegian Evangelical i Lutheran Church Sunday school at 9:J0 a. m.; Xor wesrlan services by Rev. Orwall of Port land at 10:45 a. m. English services con ducted by same at 7:Du p. m. The popularity of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Xa Uonal Is growing daily, and many busi ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the finest in the city. The favorite whisky of famous men Is Harper, because of its smooth, exquisite flavor; because of its matchless purity; because of Its mellow age. .So wonder K'a the favorite. Every drop sterling. Harper whisky. Sold by Foard 4 Stok'-s Company. Astoria, Oregon. Rev. C. O. Hasford, one of the plom-tra of Methodism In the Northwest, will preexh at 11 a. m. at the Methodtet Church. The pastor will preach ut 7:30 fc m., subject, "The Human Agency In Soul Saving. Portland district Epworth League convention November 4 5 and 6. What do you think of those Schilling's Best advertisements? Is other tea colored? , Is Schilling's Best pure? Js Schilling's Best money back if you don't like it? MAN! b: ROWN CHECKED CASSl- mr Vestee Suit, richly trim med In rmn; regular price 14 to 14.50; now mo H EAVt OUET CA8SIX1ERK Vestee Suit; American tlag eroesed over anchor and Admiral Deirey stitched In silk; tierrr sold for les thn 14 SO; now 3.i0 N AVT BLUE SUIT, REEK er style; a grand piece of roods; two rows of flit bution; real bullion stars and braid; worth from W.50 to I 00. now.... $4.1)0 1 R E E F E R COAT. BLUE Cheviot; line quality, trimmed with black braid and pearl but- tons: cheap at $4.75; now .. S3.75 CHOCOLATE COLOR: FINE Wool Tricot Cloth Reefers; auperbty finished; fla. anchor and Admiral Ptwey stitched In silk; large peart butons; food value at V 10 to 00; now N). 1.) Mrs. J. O. Hanthorn left on Portland yesterday morning. visit to I tVntractor Palmberj will complete the J Sieirth building by the end of the com- Ing week. ' j The 1,-snnetar effloe ha been remove.! j to more commodious quarters across , the street. i ! The Harrison finished taking on canto j yesterday and crossed out late In the ' evening for Tillamook. WallsenJ coal and coke Is the best for domestic purposes. For sale bjr the Astoria Gas Light Co. j i The lighthouse tender Ma.nt.mlta re turned yesterday from a three weeks' trip to the Sound and way ports. 8her.ff Williams will leave for Salem this evening with M. Zulovlch. who was ' sentenced tlary. to one year In the penlten- In the county clerk's office yesterday Thomas J. Brown and Charles H. Knud son made final proof on their home stead entries. Helena J. Orjundale and Christian lan ''" ! Carlson, natives of Norway, were mltted to citizenship In the circuit court yesterday. H. H. Ingalls. W F. McGregor and G. O. Moen left vesterday to spend Sunday duck hunt:n on the tide lands a bo re Tongue point. j The British shin Cambrian Hills and the German ship Vasco de Gama. wheat ! laden for Queenstown for orders, put to sea ytsterday. The British bark Forthhank and the I Br!tlh ship Clackmannanshire, both wheat laden, arrived in tw ytsterday j from Portland. The schooner Pew.-y, with a car? of j general merchandise T r Xeh.ilem. ar- rived yesterday from Portland In tow : of the t;w Maggie. The steomer Rvlshaw arrived from j Coble yesterday evening, having In tow j a barge load of lumlter for S 'hmldt i Bros.' cold storage plant. Marriage licenses were Issued In the Seaborsr and Clara Dunn ngton. Ellas ) Anet and B. Katie Hanktla, I Tho steam schooner Fujton arrived down the river, wheat laden for San Francisco. She left for Knappton to take on a deck load of lumber before crossing out. The Rev. T. A Hyland will hold ser vice and preach at Grace Episcopal church today at 11 o'clock a. m. No even ing service. Sunday school at the usual hour. George and Harry May. of Ft. 8tevens, are In the city. They state that the ex nlosion at the West Shore mills was plainly seen on the West Side, a great cloud of steam being discernible. The Oriental liner Xing Chow was booked to arrive yesterday. A steamer, supposed to be the liner, reported at noon off the river from the raj, proved to lie a steamer bound north. The Xing Chow will likely today. The funeral of the late Mrs. H. B. Parker will be held at the family resl-rtf-nce at 11 o'clock this morning. The services at the grav will be private, and those attending will take the train at 12:3). from the Telephone dock. Mr. Eugene Hamblct. of the Spa, has secured the services of an expert candy maker, who is turning out the tin. si line of chocolates ever offered for s.Ue In tho city The decorations ut the Kpa are extensive and have attracted connlderaMe attention. Very little- has oet-n dono In the past few days on the cold storage plant, under construction for Schmidt Jiros. at West Astoria. Tho contractor, J.beik & I The members of the I'loneer and Hls Palmberg, state, that the delay was ' tori;il Hoelety of Oregon are requested caused by their Inability to secure lutn- to meet at chamber of commerce rooms ; tier, hen It arrives the first of th.; iwek construction will proceed without I Interruption. i sTr-"' 11 Kindt of lioyn' out tonlmoHt GncHnlf. (VYe carry no Satinet, Cottonade or Shoddy Suits.) jJens' HuitH, overcoats, lmtB.niul whirls we need not spenlc of here. ! MnioHt everybody ! Ja torin Iioh found "WE MKAN Herman Wise The Iieliiiblo Clothier nnd Hatter. P. S. A few all Wool Blankets to close out Cheap. ( F. Wolff, of the Arm of Wolff ft i .wicker, of Portland. 1 In the city. Mr. Wolff is cconiKnlr.l by two tn-ichtn- '" Charles K. Mchen and K. Hesse, "' hrTfL " connection with the (rUl ,r" ' steamer Sarrs-n. The Sim- ton's machinery was u'.tncd at Wolff Zlker' shipyards, Rescue parlors will be open all day tomorrow for the purpose of receiving slicncr to the honorary list of the Krd Cross s.H-le:y. A reception, composed of Mrs. L. H. Cownliig. Mrs X. 8hlussel and Mrs. W. Hettuh. will be on hand, and w.ll be glad to see their frtemls present and sign the roll. The committee will be changed each duy during the week. The young people of the city, and all others Interested, are cordially Invited to attend the sessions of the Epworth League convention, to N held at the First M. E. church on November 4. S and 1 Several prominent ulvtnes and Christian workers will address the meet ings, snd the occasion will be one of much Interest and prurlt. especially Jo members of young people's Christian so cieties. Work on the A. A C. R. R. warehouse haa been delayed the past few days on account of the contractors betng un.tblo to secure piling promptly. The piling Is brought from Stella, and a raft Is ex pected In a day or two. The lumber for plunking and bracing haa also run out and work was practically suspended there yesterday. A supply of the latter will be on hand tomorrow. Contractor PaJmberg state that the piling will be au down In J) days. The bracing of the pnin(r ,n has to be done at low tide, the lght tide being the lowest. That part 0 goow kiy now has the appearance of A small forest, the pilling extending from Ine j,. out almot to the e.!e of the chnnnel. The ladles of the Red Cross S.-lety of this city and tho aux'llarv branches all over the state are deserving of much praise for the work they are performing for th" relief of the sick soldiers In the Phl'.llp.nea and in Cuba. Plm-e It became kroa-n that usslstan -e was needed for the relief of the sick nnd wounded, the Red Cross S"-tv has devoted every ef fort to raise funds, which they have promptly forwarded whenever It was most needed. The members of the I organisation hav labored Incessantly to do their duty and their benevolence has materially helped to smooth the plllnw of many a fever-strW ken soldier In Cuba and the Phllllplne Islands. Yesterday the ladle's of the Red Cross of Astoria received word from the secretary of the sixletv at Portland that flM had been forwarded to Manila for hospital pur poses. This sum represents the amount collected by the auxiliary branches throughout the state. County Judge Gray yesterday unoffi cially visited the scene of the construc tion of the Youngs Bay bridge and re ports work progressing very satlsfac torily. The center concrete pier will be completed by the end of the week and ready for the Iron work. The trestle for the south approach Is driven "d capped for a distance of about l.SiO feet, and there Is also about four or Ave hun dred feet of stringers and plank laid. The unfinished portion of the south side of the draw Is also expected to be fin ished the latter part of the week. The diicger, used for throwing up the dykes across the tide land leading from the south approach, la about l.Suo feet from the bridge and In a few days the con tractors expect to complete the road, when It will be ready for planking. The contractors fear that the property owners and others who arc to clear the rlirM of way will delay the work of the digger, if the same is not done at once. Tho dkfger, for the past three or four days, has made from 1M to 17'J feet per day, and met with few obstructions. The weather has been very favorable for some time nnd all work connected with the construction of the bridge. Ik going on as rn-ddly as can reasonably be ex pected. XOTICE OF MEKTINO. on Hunday morning. X tober 3ft. WH. ut 10:9) o'clock. Uy order of president. It. N. CAIIXAMA.N, Secretary. TKACIIEKH' EXAMINATION. I Notice In hereby Riven that for tho pur- po-io of maklw? an examination of nil i ticrsohs who ni.'iy offer themselves ns j candidates for teacherM of the schools of this county, the. county hchoo! superin tendent thereof will hold a. exorn I Inatlon at the county court house on I Wednesday. Nov. 9, IMS, ul 1 o'clock p. m. Examination for siaie papers, will I he h Id .Saturday. November 12. Km. Dated thH 31st day of October, l'. JOH. T. LEE, County School Superintendent, Clatsop fount, Oregon, "OTEL ARRIVALS. Occident L. J. Lively, Morrison, III.; W. d. Kaylor, A. O. Hhowers f'hicoKo; A. P. Metrict. New York; ilnore II. V'hlte. Hoston; W. Sweeney If. S. Kent, A. L. I'essio, Portland; 10. W. HowelH and wife, Fossil, Ore.: Ernest Ooldstonc, A. I) llothsteln. Reuttle. Parker House M. Mendelsohn. D. Kern, Portland: 8. L. Wrlisht and wife. Min neapolis; Janie Komri. Seattle; H. . Wells llwaeo; K. K. hide;', Tacomu; W. R. Ulackbum, Nehalem. mid CTI lllclroi im Suit in nnd nround A- out thnt BUSINESS." MirviiKU. zri.ovicii ;kts ONE YEA It ! IMIltlS.'.NMKNT Pleaded Guilty to Manslaughter Yester day and Whs Semen, t, I ,i the I'en. by Judge Mdlrlde. The case i.f Mitchell Zulovlch. charged -nerally thought he .hi..i he found In the circuit curt yesterday. Ever since the coiumUsioii of the crime for which Zulovlch was held the . . has attracted great Interest, and It was gen. erally expected that the prisoner would he sentenced to a long term In the pen itentiary, t.een favored by for tune, however, and m the happiest man In Astoria yesterday when the court pronounced sentence upon him. For the past two week h had been nervous, fearing that he would ,e .ound guilty of murder In th,. nrst degree, and ho ha often expressed the utmost horror of the gallows. Most men who are ar rested for murder ejhlhit a greater or lesser amount of bravado, but Zulovlch was completely unnerved at the poss. blllty of the punishment that would be Bvtvd out W bun. The cose haj been tried before a Jury last week. and. although the evidence against the accused was very strong. the Jury failed to reach a verdict, seven of the Jurors holding out for conviction and Ave for acquit ful. From the evi dence presented In the case It seemed that Zulovlch had acted hastily when he killed Barnes, although he had slight provocation. A verdict of murder In the first degree was not expected, but It was g -nerally thought he would be foun.l guilty of manslaughter unci sentenced to a long term In the penitentiary. The Jury was discharged anil the case was set for retrial at the February term. Yesterday, however, the defendant an peare.J n c'urt and entered a. plea of guilty to a charge of manslaught. r. Accordingly. Jucfce Mcltrlle sentenced him to a year's Imprisonment In the n-n. Herniary, an.i zulovlch left court nxim In a happy state uf mln I. When his trial was concluded Ut we,g ulovl-h was t'ken fmnt the court room t. the ,-otitity Jail by Sheriff WHM.inis. The prisoner was very ner o,is an. i :n snenT ne mo not i are how great his sentence might be so long- ns ho was not hanged. He was wiring, h.. said, to go to tho penitentiary f .r life, but tlm thought of verdict of murder In th- first degree, with the death twrmlty attached, struck terror to his soul. When he heard the sentence yesterday he was happy. The great fear that had Possessed hlm-that of death on the gnl lows wus over, and It Is probable, that ho will gladly serve out his sentence He haa never given the local authorities any trouble and will likely be an Ileal prisoner at the state enltentlary. .ulovlch Is considered a Very lucky rrwi n. Judge McBrlde handed down tho fol lowing orders: State of Oresron vs. R. M. Oaston charge No. 2; dismissed on motion of district attorney and bondsmen exoner ated. ftat. ef Oregon vs. John Hnndrlck son; dismissed on motion of district at torney and bondsmen exonerated. Koss. Hlgglns & Co. vs. W. K. War ren: ordered that sheriff Issue deed to (. C. Fulton. l. I. Sabln vs. Campbell Bros.; or dered that referee have access to tho books for a perM of live days. Alex. Bernstein vs. Grand Hnplds Im provement Co.; decree as prayed for. mate or urego:i ex rel. Kaboth vs. Nicholas Keruge; demurrer overruled nnd defendant allowed ten days to an wer. 1. Wlngato vs. City of Astoria; or dered that case be referred to ('. E. tun- yon to take nnd report testimony. J. II. l)v Force vs. C. E. Iio Force; by stipulation In open court case dis missed, each paying hla own costs. (.'. E. De Fore vs. J. H. Le Force; same order. M. C. George vs. M. Xolnnd el al; set for trial beiember 19, INDIANS WOI'M) RECOVER MOXEV THAT IS DI'E Til EM. Clatsop Tribe .Sold Us Land to tho Gov ernment, hut Never Received the Amount Stipulated. On Aucust T,, ls.11. the Clatsop tribe of Indians, the IlKhtlnir strength of which was, at that time, IV) warriors., ceded to the t'nlted States Kovermnent tho terri tory held by them in this county. The consideration was !.",,0Of), but the Indians have never received any part of this amount. Their heirs are now taking le-Htf-fs to recover amount, ami Ju d?e Gray went to Sltipanon Friday on business rolltlecteil with tho Hlllt. Hi! met about 20 of the claimants. The treaty was drawn Up ut "Tansey Point, on the Columbia river near Clat sop 'dalns," on the dale ubovo named. The Koverriment was represented by An non Dart, spucrlnlcndont of Indian of fairs; Henry D. SpauldlnK Indian aent, and Josiah L. Parrlsh, Htili-Iiidlan aitent. Tho following head men nnd chiefs signed tho treaty for tho tribe: Tostow, Cotuta, Twills, Tlsk-han Wlnawax, Washington, Wallckaml, Shotolllei.hle, Dulkal, Hcllch nnd Wankaukle. It was witnessed by Nicholas DuUols, secretary: W. W. Raymond, Interpreter, and R. Shortls, acting stib-ngent. The treaty spccllies that tho Indians ceded tho following lands to the govern ment: Heglnning at the western extremity of Point Adams, and running thence southerly along the coast of the Pacific ocean to the mouth of a certain stream ! GREAT ECONOMIC SALE ! Commences Monday Morning, October 3 1, at Our Store. Tliis Is a Biff Money-Saving Sale on the Articles Quoted Below. 30 sfft ladies', miss- r es' and child- re n 's m ac k i n t the best make in America. Every garment guaranteed. These mill be your SHANAHAN BROTHERS s-or. h uf what Is oilbd TllUmm'k II. 1. which . called t'V the IndMns k-le-p,ih-la iFlk Cteeki; thence .!! erlv m and lon s.tld (ream t Its source; thema to lh summit uf the t'x.lst rulige uf in. ,li ll l l ins . theme r:hi'rl- u i 4 allwloek-is. or H.uldl moiinlaln: thence northeasterly to the headwaters of the N'e.-tle ur lls and "arke river; theti.e don and along said river to Young' la)'; thence west, erly along said tay to'the s-mlhern shore of the Columbia tver to the pUce of bo- Inning, the Ikvi ,les,rlted bind bring all that Is rlalmed by said trllss." A tract was reserved fir the Indiana, h-iwever, bring Jr-rbd In the treaty a follows: "Iteglnnlnt; at a stke ithls atske I about ?) vards west of the Flatel huteli on the southern shore of the Columb a rlvrr between Tmsy point and point Adorns, whli h stake is III th eastern boundary of (he old Indian burying grounds; running (hence southerly In a direct Una to the norl- - 'em corner f William llotison's elslm. thence west bounding on suld il.ilm to the ocean; thence north along the ocean to Point Ailtms; thence east up mi. I along the ColunibU rtver to the pi ice uf t-in-nlng " Tho Indians retained privileges, :is Is shown by article III. It Is agreed between the t'nlted El ites and said trIW that the Indh l-luils of the tribe sh.ill t..- ut liberty i oci upy .is form.-rly their tlslilns rpoinds ut the mouth of ili N'.-s. , re. k itlm N'e. i s lu. ii tn Khctirver they wish to do su for the purpose of fishing; wi-l It '- fur ther ogre, d the lii.livl-ltnls of sold lrib- sliolt be ullcie,i to p,-, freely i! 't. the bench from nnd to their r-, r. v.itl-in between their -i!d llshing gr-mnds nnd Point Aduns and allow, d to pick up whil,- (hit miy ! c.i-t .iw.iy upon tho beach. "Arri. le IV. In consideration of the essloii m.iil In the fori going article of this treaty, the t'nlted States agrees to pay to said tribe of Clatsop ludl.ins the sum of ll.'ioii, in payments of $I.V) each, to be made as follows; Two hundred dollars In money, and the liol ii rue In the following ortl. 1,-s. towll; Forty M.mkets, 51 woolen outs, 3) pair of pants. 31 vests, el shirts, 40 pulrs of shoes, ii yards uf liudsey iila:d.;ni yards of calico prints. 3i yards of shirting, 13 blanket shawls. 30 pounds of soap, two barrels of salt, li bugs of flour, 3 pounds of tobacco, ?) pounds of sugar, ?i pounds of tea two barrels of molasses, two oxen or two horses, pi hoes, u axes, six lx quart brass kettles Zi nlvcs. 'ji col ion hanilken hlefs, 10 la-ijuart tin pads, 3u six-quart pans. 1 tin cups, nil af which urn to bo of good iiifctllty und nrn to bo delivered em h year nt Tnns-y Point, and distributed to the heads of the fumllles txlonglng to the tribe. "Article V. There shall be iwrpetunl peiu e and friendship between all the cit izen oi tho I'nited States and all the In dividuals comprising the Clatsop tribe." The Indian havo always lived up to tho letter of the treaty, but the govern ment did not. It seems, keep It con tract. Like treaties were made with nearly every other tribe In Oregon but nearly ull violated the terms of the agreement. The Indians have placed their case In the hands of Washington city attorneys. P.UCKLF.NB ARNICA SALVE THE REST BALVE In tha world for Cut, Urulsei, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores, I Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain, Corn and all Skin Eruption, and poitlvely cure Pll, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price S cent per box. For ale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Crant Allen, the novelist, wa tho first principal of tho govt-rtiniutit college at Spanish Town, Jamaica, HOW. TO LOOK aOOD. Good look are really more than ikln deep, depending entirely tin a healthy condition of ull the vital organ, It the liver I Inactive, you have a bllloua look; If your stomach I disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidney are affected, you have a pinched look. Se cure good health, nnd you will urely have good looks. "Electric Hitter" 1 a good Alterative and Tonic. Acta directly on the stomach, llvor and kidney, purl- flax tho blood, cure pimple, blotchc and bolls, and give a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at Et- Conn Prug Co. CO cent por bottle. CALL FOIl WARRANTS. Notice Is herehy given to all parties holding ClntHop county warrant en dorsed prior to July 8lh, ISIMJ, to present the nmo to the County Treasurer at his office, iA Tenth street, for payment. Interest ceases after this date. Dated Astoria, Oregon, this 20th day of October, 1898. H. C. .THOMPSON, County Treasurer. - iu os Ii es of days to make money daring MISSES KID GLOVES $1.00 per pair AT ALESEEi Tor. ftli mul Commercial NEW CROP CURRANTS AND RAISINS NUTS, CITRONS, MINCE MEAT, ETC Havo you tried Elastic Starch? It beats them all and a beauti ful picture goes with each package XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI Xt XI XI ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Cheap at the Bee Hive Plush cape, thibet fur trim med around the down the front - - Braided cloth cape Braided and beaded cloth cape - A well selected line of jacketa very cheap. All styles of walking hats at THH BEE HIVE. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. B. SI0LIG, MrT The Event Qf Bvents TWO NIGHTS The All Stap English Specialty Co. 25 ARTISTS- All Leaders In Tiiclr LIhch THE BROTHERS LEAONDOR Gladiatorial Acrobats. out! FIFTEEN OTHERS i : L . "WHAT YOU WANTSoin Don't fail to boo this show. usual place. Come early and avoid es anucnua- ren's capes,coats,& jackets, all in the latest styles and colors at the greatest knock-down prices ever known. this great economic sale. Strtf U collar and $2 85 1 60 2 00 t 4 Tuesday & Wednesday, November i and 2 - ' PERI SISTERS Pnrisian Dancers Direct from London etliing new and original. Rcf;rvo Seats, 60c; Gallery, 25c: at the rush.