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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1898)
" 'II ... V 1'flK IAll,Y AHTOKIAN, SUNDAY MOKNLNU, OCTOKEU 30, IftU AM'CetoUe Preparation for Aa- sinnmuiiRUicjotximiiHi'V ling llic Slonuuhs ami Dowt IVomoh'ft I8Jion,Chrf rful ncss flrvl Itol.Contnln riclllk r Ojnuiif.Morpliliic iior Mineral. NotNamcotic. Ahw A DrXlKLZZrtrUCI X 1 " ArxTfcflRrjaadv forffriitln.v lion. Sour Stoncch.DiaiTlaxA , Wgrmstonvubtoiis.lcvxrish una idXoa or Slttl". BSSStSSaJSK r0tnW Signature f new Yorw. lssiMs-ls'B?f'txTein For Infants and Chlldron. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Boara tho Signature cf UMtrt fWtOf VKAC1. AW The Kind You Have Always Bought. 4r W MANHOOD RESTORED f tjf Dr. tva. YellaalM A seta a IIIIm j . as Lii Stithy1' p unmut o,trs OJTSH-OONN DKIKJ UO.. Aanta, Astoria. llAAAAVAAAAAVlAilAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVlUUVVVUUUV The JMPERIAL, Hotel THO. OUINRAN. Proprietor Meventh nnd . J " v p Special Orlenlnl Curlonltlesi nnd Toy. s We muni reduce wlock nnd J Hell Regnrtllsmt of Coal lAHftlY I A A P. P Commercial Street near Ctnr'u Dry Good Store. tb 1 S-G0(lfi DRUG Go Leading Druggists of Astoria M uwwvw ' Try rrotoio, a sure and pleasant core for the Headacbe, RECEIVED IN TBS PRIMAKY. ORAMMAR AND ACADEMIO ORADKa J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Iloiudln uplU MoM fur 111 ichool week. I'kt uf 0wlihig, Hoplviuttcr .Mh, For mum, eta, r.ddrM ih. 8upiior. INSTRU MENTAL MOSIO, PAINTING AND VOICB CCLTORB FORM A SPECIAL DSPA RTMffi HOflE-HADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA1-a ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY S T.ltphon. No. 02 I Handles Only the Choicest Meats 5 4B Cpmrat rcltl It., ntt Palto Rtttiuraut. W. F. SCHEIBE, Manulaoturer and Uonler In A loll Una of Plpaa, totmcco, , ami WwKtfi' Article. 474 Commercial 0ti FINE CIGARS! RUSSIA OFFERS A VIRGIN FIELD From Its Erstwhile Sleepy Con d It Ion, Country IsAwikcnlnjQ to Its Necessities. CHANCES FOR AMERICANS Railway and Other Enterprises Offer a Splendid Field for Invetirmt Vlcwof William T. SteaJ. f'orn-piiiDiwli'rii of dm Awlti-4 Viet. INU(N. 0, .-Wllllum T. BI'1, wrilliiK from HI. I'rl'rl,iii, ny$: Whii Mir Jtibrrt Mrlr, onw of tlio mIiUkI uf lirlllnti amluiulori, lrmifrr.i from rourl of Mxlr(l lu Ilia r wtill it I of l(um, ha rmarkn on h arrival: "I huv coma from a cuun Iry ahlrh Uvea In tho pad, In a tenan try wlilili llvra In the fulur. "Hiiir ihn many ycara hava loiia ty. And In h almoal umh) u Ua pt In a vu In afforl to conlt-nil with th furcn nf Ilia jrrnl, alill KumU la ribiiual InK ilia rM'Ui'ra of lh iriit In or-It-r to ba ilila to coa lib tha Irnmenn lo.nllillllln of Ih fulurr, l(ula U Ih Krralvnt aimrrifala of hli m n tvrr comimclej lulu a itala unit lme h world began. Th Kna.inh wk,ri fairly alone k-U In numbrn the icun lan but thy know no en political U lia-lanre amh aa thai arhlrh bind all Ilia Ituaalana lo lha Ihrona of Cr Mi hula II. "One hundred and twenty million of oirn cmatltut a world In Ihrmaelvea larva anoUKh la ebaorb (heir enerffir and monopolise their attention. The In- difference of lha Ruaalana to what paaeo beynnd Ihelr frontier la phenomenal. Flft'rn year ao one of the a d. ae uauip of th- tlien ampcror, falling Into ronvtraatlon with an Amerkan. aaked blm to what country ha beluieied and waa told America. America, Amerlia,' ald th aid da tamp, 'Where la America,, 'An American traveler recently re- lurik-d from Hlberla gravrly aaaurvd me (hat all the war new he rould find In the OrcrWri paper were Wlef reprint of tepraui dracrlblni the war which Waa raln belwren Hln and Kngland.' Th Kueaiaii preaantry are nut apt lu make fina dladnctlon Mankind, for I hi-rp II ha often nern aald, conalat only of Iwo great dlvlelon tho Hue Una, or pcuklna men. and the non- Ituaalana, or Ibua who cannot apeak. "The email but hljihiy rulllvitrd min ority which lurm Ituaaliut oiUty, the larger group which form in aumlnla- Irallona. and the officer ol Ih army and of (he navy are. of coiirae, keenly alive 19 the evolution of eventa In America. "Tbrre la U. robye.lonoatreff. who I unlvrraally regarded a a kind of lay- li.e and 'perercuior general' through out lluasi. No milder manntreil man aver daunted a chlamatlo to eille. He I keenly aUve to tha American evolution, or. a b think II. degradation. To him Hue Crvker' I a kind of aombr portent of the doom that await parliamentarian or r-nreeentatlv government. In hi 'Iteflertinna of Kuaaatn Slateiman.' which ha Jual mad It appearance In Kngllah, he ruprrMC profound alarm at the xrobable triumph of the Roman I'athollo religion In the I'nltrd State. Prince KhllhofT, mlnlater of war and communication. I known a tha 'Ameri can." lie aerved otne year In American railway ho.a; he wear hla beard In th traditional American faahlon; hi letter are written on a typewriter and he I Imply burning with a deair to repeat In H!lrtit the grand Inuuatrlal develop ment that th Americana have achieved In the laat W year weal of tho Mlsal- alpnl. At the foreign ome. fount Muravtef, ' ft. cynical, llUmurcklan In hi ambi tion, though not In hla capacity, hua kent a careful eye upon the development of American Institution, while acrutiu- loiinly preaervlng the moat rigid neu trality during Ihn war, he had a blue In enttment toward tha I'nited State. Urea and growing power have not mui-h RympAthy with atatca thul are moribund, and 8pnln had few- aympa thlier among the mlnlatera of the ciar. Hut thn Sitanlah War inicrcated them but little. It wa waged, aa It were. In dlatani pl.-inet. Aatronomer nilght watch II. -but It wa not the business of the average man. "American are comln well to the front In Kuaala, a they are dlacoverliag more and more what an Immenae and un developed Held tho land of the cr of fer to Western entcrprlae. Ruaala I but at the beginning of a new epoch of in- rlimtrial development, lb-fore the next century -cloee he hoH- to have achieved progrc a great a that which the United Stiitc ha accompllnhed In tho cloalng century. No one adequately re- alle the Immense agricultural resource of the Immense prairie through which he cr and Prince Khllkoff are run ning an Iron highway I.OOO miles long. Americana are supplying many of the mils. American engineers are every where. One American Is superintending he construction of new trcl work neeir St. Petersburg. Jlnte dreuges are to deepen tha Volgii, the Imclper, the Don, nd I know not hw many Itueslnn river besides. Tha representative of Messrs. Worthlturton Is luylng SiW mile of Ight-lnch piping In the trana-Cuaplan region, through which tho Itothschllds oil combination will pumn petroleum by means of four pumping stations, nil of which will be supplied wlui tho latest pump. "The other dny 1 met an American ge ologist and engineer, who having quit the post of eng.iieer In a gret American ity has been spending the summer ex amining tho gold mines of northern Si beria, nd before tho dny wna over I tumbled on another who hits been re porting on copper mines In the Khlrgt Steppes. The testimony of these Amor-. cans was favorttblo to the labor value of the Siberian workman, "The Russian Is docile, quick to learn and does quite na rood work aa tho skilled laborer In the atntes. Aa n crafts man he Is a past master with his only tool, the axe, and my American friends emed to think he would 'be equa..y deft with other tools If he hud the training of tho skilled artlsnn. "Ort the other hand, another Ameri can declared quite aa positively that the KiisHVttis employed In hla works work aa mechanically as the machines they tend. They never make a, suggestion or propose an Improvement, 'tnelr minds re sluggish and they are the most con- ervatlvo of men. 'There Is manifest In certain quarter a suspicion that after a time tho cordi ality of Russian and American frlcnd hlo may undergo some little change. The American element In the country la a little yeast leavening the Russian mass with American Ideaa. Russian Workmen here and there have heard to observe that they had no uae for a Tsar, a THE EXCELLENCE OF SYfiUPOFFIGS ii due not only to tlio originality and simplicity of tho combination, but a!o lAlk. Ab.. M. .l .1.1,1 ... 1.1. I t. nm vain nii'i anill wuri WHICH 11 1 matiufttcturxl l,y Hi'iitiflu proccaa known to the C'Ai.iyoicr.u Vta SvHt'F Co. only, ami we to iti prew uxn all the Important of purthaaluir tha true am! original retnt-dy, Aa tbe (ft-nulnc Syrup of i'l(f la manufactured by tho CaMrousJA Vtn 8yui Co. only, a knowle.ljro of that fact will taaiat ono in avoldlnjr tfi worthleas Imitations mannfitcttired by otlier par tic. The hlh atandlnjf of the Cam roKNU Fin Hriti-p Co. with I lie medi cal profi-wiloii, ami the aallafactlon which the (fitnulno Syrup of Fiffi has (flen to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the exc:lli!in.o uf its remedy. It U for in advance of all other laxatives, ss it sot on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritatlnif or weaken ing them, and it does not jrripe Dor nautM-ato. In order to (fit its beneflclal effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM ritSHCISOO, Cat Lt uriLLc. Mr. nrw vrk. h. t. phraa which wnu almoat pur Amer ican. No greater contra"! could be coa-c-tvd than that between the feverish, newspaper lit. electric driven democracy of th L'nllnd Htatea and lue alow, pa trlarrhlal deapotlam of Ruaikt. "Conaul (ienernl Halloway. of whom I wa delighted to recelv the beat ac count, aubecrtbea regularly to Dine American newspaper. A the mall do nut come In every day. It la easy to Im agine th perplexity of th unfortunate huaalun cenaor, who ha to examine ev ery column of every page of every paper that pasec through th pt. Bo the eenaur capitulated and taking refuge "ladly in the rule which allow certain official personage to receive their pa per unrenaored. It wa decreed that the conaul gem-raj ihouid receive hi mall Intact. The Incident I Illustrative of much. A thousand American scattered up and down Kuaala and KHierla would let In a flood of light to many dark place and help to roll th Tsar chariot along a little more rapidly than It move at present. 'The action taken by the czar on hi own Initiative In summoning a conference of all the nation to consider whether anything can be don to secure aa arreat of armament, afford an opportunity for the friends of peace In the United State to do a stroke of good buslnea both for th cauan and their country. The csar haa been plentifully nlled with cold douche of skepticism, ridicule and scorn. The dlplomotlst and loveretgnt and the minuter of th old world have no faith In the humanitarian enthualaam of the yiung emperor. Even among his minis ter there ax many who have little sym pathy with h chivalrous crusade of peace. Hut Csar Nicholas mean busl nea and he 1 going through with this business as beat he can wub Uch lup Port a he can commanu." FUNERAL NOTICE. The member of the Pioneer and His torical Society of Oregon are requested to meet at the chamber of commerce rooms on 8unduy, October X), IK9S, to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. H. B. Tarker, a pioneer. Services will be held at her late residence Sunday at 11 o clock. Funeral train leaves at 12:3) for burial at Ocean View cemetery. Prime your badge. Hy order of president. R. V. CARNAHAN. Secretary. THE TEACE COMMISSION'S WORK. The Instruction to the Peace Commis sioners before they started to Paris were not made public for obvious reasons, but from a high official comes the statement that this country will lnsitt upon Spain yielding to every aemand w make. She cannot do otherwise than give up even tually. She Is like the sick man who Is contending with the strong In business circles almost powerless. It takes many year for nations to recover from weak ness, but sick men can quickly regain health and strength by taking Hoatct ter's 8tomach Bitters. There have been many bad cases of dyspepsia and Indi cation cured by this medicine when it looked as though cure waa Impossible. Tp Hitter first put the stomach ta order and bring about proper digestion of food. VTEH AUK AFTEn SCALPS. I'RNVKIt. Oct, 2B.-A special to th N"ws from Vrnl, Utah, say: Re port from over the line In Colorado are that the troops from Fort tmohesne are still In pursuit of the runaway Utes. but thn redskins h.iv thus far eluded them. It Is retorted that flam Wardn Wilcox I gathering a force of cowboy to drive the Indians back. The Indian have announced their Intention to kill a ranchman mimed Thompson, who lives In the vicinity of the tragedy of last year, end who, the Indians bellev be trayed them to the state authorities. REAL ESTATE ERANSFERS. D. Orant Klngrey to V, Vernon Booth, lot i, bloc SS. Adair's I Vl'cc Astoria t 5 00 A. I loot h iMiKing Co. to D. Urant, Klngrey, sumo property 5 00 Sheriff to O. O. Fulton, lots 1. 8. 13 and 14. McCluro's 64 00 SOLDIERS SLEEPING UNDER FIRE. "I suppose some people will shrug their shoulders," said a soiuier who was In tho three days battle of San Juan Hll'.. "when I say that It Is a common thing for soldiers to go sound asleep under tire, when they axe not permitted to re turn tho fire, but must He quiet. It Isn't bravery or recklessness, but the result of Intense excitement on the brain." In the same way many men appear utterly Indifferent to dangerous disorders of the stomach that Hostctter's Stomach flit ters would promptly cure. This remody will nuiko them sleep "like a tup," as the saying goes. It will give them ncrvs of Iron. It will overcome dis tressing stomach and bowel disorders, give tone and strength to the kidneys. CHAR'S INVITATION ACCEPTED, (Conyrlghtcd 1SSS hy Associated Tress.) LONDON. Oct. 29,-It Is announced from St. Petersburg that all the powers have now accepted tho cxar s Invitation to send delegates to the proposed disar mament congress. Each power will be represented by three dolcgatcs, and It will bo the record diplomatic assembly In point of numbers. THAT JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense f re newed health and strength and Internal eloanllness, which follows the use of Syr-D of Figs. Is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old Umo medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy , the genuine, manufactured by the California Flsr Syrup Co. AN OMAHA TRAOEDr. OMAHA. Oct. .-Jut before midnight John isi-lbk. a bricklayer, shot and killed Al. HurKnt, a barber. Sargent had gone to Hellck'e house for the purpose of cloHrtg with Mrs. ll-llck, and had the woman' trunk In a wugon when the husband surprised him. THE FA RRACJt'T'H TRIAL TRIP, HAN FRANCISCO. Oct. -'ih tor pndo boat Farragut made another speed trial today. She made several short but very fa at races against time and attained better than a -knot speed. She wtii do- btlea be given her governmental trial trip some time next week. ,J,M ( . esWAOa. .an. J r a- THE whi mm rUVvLfLsK IIOOHKVELTS CAMPAIGN CLOSED. NEW TORK. Oct. .-Colon Roose- vi-lt returned to thl city this afternoon bavin finished hi campaign tours throughout the state. He mad two ad- dreate tonight. - WILLIAM AT JERUSALEM. JEHl'flALHM. Oct .-Emperor Wil liam and Em pre Augusta Victoria, with their suites, arrived here today. ;kt flesh. 0t Btreflgth. V'i Clear Coronilon and Oood Digestion. Not by Patent 'Medicine, but In Nature's Own War. Any honest phyticlan will tell you that there Is but on way to get Increased flesh; all the patent medicines and cod liver oils to tha contrary notwltbf land Ing. Nature has but one way to increase flesh strength and vigor, mind and body. and that Is through the stomach, by wholesome food, well digested. There Is no reason or common sense In any other method whatever. People are thin, run down, nervous, nale and shaky In their nerve simply because their stomachs are weak. They may not think they have dyspep sia, but the fact remain tha they do not eat enough food, or what they eat Is not quickly and properly digested, as It should be. Dr. Harlandson says the reason Is be suse the stomach lacks certain digestive acids snd peptones, and deficient secre tion of gastric juice. Nature's remedy In such cases Is to rupply what the weak stomach lack. There are several good preparations which will d? hls. but none so readily ss Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which are de signed especially for all atomacb troubles end which cure all digestive weakness on the common sense plan of furnlahlng the digestive principles which the stom ach lack. S'uart's Dyspepsia Tablets give perfect digestion. First effect Is to Increase the appetite and Increased vigor, added flee h pure blood and strength of nerve and muscle Is the perfectly natural resuK, Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest tonic known and will cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. May be found at druggists at M cents for full sized package or direct by mall from Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. George M. Bowers. United States fish commissioner, has presented to Cornell University a collection of nearly 600.000 specimens of 'resh and salt water Ash, AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than the Eatea-Cona Drug Co., who spar, no pains to aeevr. th. best of .Terythliur In their line for their many customers. They have now th. valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This la the wonderful remedy thst Is producing such a furor all over tha country by lu many startling curea. It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Cheat and Lucg. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular else tor CO cents and It Guar anteed to cur. or price refunded. William's Kidney Pills f Haa no enual in diseases of the 7 llrtl - .J I ' . ' . rl ' jxiuueys aut urirarr vrjjans. untj i yon neglected your Kidneys? 11a e vov overworked your nervoua sys- 'cm and caused trouble with your . Rfdnera and IllmliW n pnins In tho loins, siilc, back, groins A una Piadder? Have you a flabby np- . pearunce of tho face especiallvT rtnucr mo eyes r Too f recjuent rte- hire pass urino y William's Kidney . nils will impart new life to the dls- "ased organs, tone no tLa svstem , -and make, a new man of yon. By mail &0 cents per bnx 1 WttUAats Mro. Co., Proi Cleveland, a OrVavs For sale by ESTES-CONN DRUG CO. DEI' art: K8t Mill S p. in Ppokano ! JO p. in. ri1 5CHEDULG5 From Portland Salt 1 a'-;e, "env.r, ft. Worth, Omaha. Kan- fas IMty, I.ouc, Cbu-aiii, ni'd k.Ht. Arriyi Favt M.ll 1 T:2t)a.m. -.1 "ail?, "iv-nuj Miiine.iiioiis. si.r lutj -"v DuluUi, iIUwanke.3 . Chicago and Hict, 10:15 a. ni. otn Aftorla OCEAN STI2AMSM1PS All Sailing lates atib iwl to ehaniie. For .-an Fmneiseo Salli Oetobe-. , S, ia,15, Id 21, , 2? auil S'l. 7 u 111 Oi 0U. uuy 6 a. ni Mon. Wed aud Frl Ta. m, Tues.Thiir Columbia River Bieatmera To Portland and Way Landings. From Portland. Willamette River. Oregon t'lty, Newb-rg, Kalem A Way-Laud's Wlllamett ad Vam hill Rivers. 6am ex Mo uday 4:30 p. m. Tue-c Thur and 8ttt. 8:H0 P. m. MOM.,Ved. ...VsAt i Oregon City, Dayton. andkii. i! ..I II.. ii "Miauiiiiijc. Lv Rlparls dully exo't tfatiiiuay l:4l p. m, 5nk River. Rtliarlato Lewlnton. Lv I.ewUto V43 a. ni, dull exo t Friday COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists a---' ' a asa aw aa aa VVvu-Ju-u'-r Foundrymen Lcmrs Supplies Kept In Stock Logging Engines Dullt and Repaired, Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of tbe Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Manufacturers for the Pacific Coast far tbe ROBERTS KATCR-Tl'BC BOILER. WEAR RESISTERS FOR BOYS and GIRLS We have a larcre stock of neat and dnrahin shoes at tha very lowest prices. Before pur chasing Elsewhere, call and examine them. JOHN HAHN t The Reliable Shoo Dealer 322 LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATER. PEiTER. NOBLE, KICKORI AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day bttd Night. AUGUST KRAT2, - - Manager Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Veretatle Frnit ...CANS... Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairhaven. Wash. Write Ub for Prices. GRAND REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS. 500 Yards Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels and Moquettes to be dis posed of at less than cost. C. HEILBORN & SON. C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, CuB,om houo Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON. nsurance ana Snipping:. AaWiw.F.oo,sndPsdn.Expr.c-.. A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. 5f Pricea Lower! t':i. v. r-..:t i ! ii -S3- . ' . ..." i ii iiu tiiu x i uit iuu in lufiu g Txiciti Ever y-i i - i.jwi w HATTERS, Washington Street, Portland, Ore. Sole Agfcnts for the LiOnlAP HAT. Leave Lewlstown dally except Friday. Q. W. LOCNSBERHT, 1 w ..j...-; AHent Aetorla. W. EL HTTRLETJRT, Oea. Pas. Peruaad. Or. . TT 1 1 A- m nam ig ucm Our line of airtight Stoves and their PrIces-(-(6v Sdrhbihltis New W.J. SCULLY 43i feon'd Street.'