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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1898)
TUB DAILY ASTOIUAN, SIN DAY MOKMNG,. UCruilKR ttO, IWH a tin ;ctoviam JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. M. TEBMS OF BCB8CMPT10N. DAILY. wit V mall, pr w ,..00 out by mall, per month SO Vrvd by carrier, per month $0 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, pr year. In advance... J3.W Postage free to suoecrioers. All communlcaitlone Intended for publi cation should b directed to th editor. Business communication of all kinds and remittance muat b addressed to Th Aatorlan." Th Astorlaa guarantee to Ita advrr- tlacra lha largest elrculauon of any newspaper puollshed on tne Columbia tiTer. Advertising rata can b had on appll cation to the business manner. A FIERT CATARACT. (Br a Banker.) Near th center of that fair garden of the world, Hawaii, which la now coming wndar the elihten4 and tonefloeat rale mt ear American kinsfolk, la a ruffed ami toftr mountain. Its aide rent and tern Into deep cleft and dismal chasms, while awfal ereclafc. and tewnine; nut aacles rls ibeer from their baa until Iter pierce the chxida. At the aom-alt f this mountain (Msuna Loa). at al titude of about U0 ft as a rest 01 area. th crater of an active volcano, winch at time presents a wised and terrible spectacle, (undent to appall th stoutest of bearta Aa a traveler who tras th temerity t aacend to th summit f thla aafaty valve of th flerr Interior af the earth, look dowa Into th great lake of Are beneath ham. a lurid scene la presented to bis terrtSed rase; for the entire vast abyss below Is on greet trailing and racing mass of liquid fire, roll In waves of molten rock tossing in a wild sea of furious agitated disorder; so a column of fused lav like a blood red fountain being forced up through the mass to th height of perhaps fifty of sixty feet, and falling with a roar of thunder &ack ineo the boiling furnace; mew, perhaps, almost beneath the specta tor's very feet a terrible outburst which forces many thousands ot tons it fltry liquid high up In th crater, the mass madly coursing through th caldron's sides, and meeting in frightful collision wi-J an appalling crash, which hurts th glowing liquid high In air In a great aclBUllating cloud of brightly-glittering fire-drop. Bat that thundering uproar appears to Increase, and th rock wherein th ad venturous traveler ta standing trembles and shudders; tongues of Ore mingle with the wildly confused and tossing ig neous mass, which rises higher and high er In the burning pit. great rolling incan descent waves hurled against each other with continually augmenting fury until they threaten to overflow the sides or the crater and lay the fair scene below In one fiery ruin. This disastrous calamity at length hap pened, at the end of the year 1SS0. a con siderable section of the beauuiul island laid waste by the onrushlng mol ten lava. The spectacle of the red hot liquid rock rapidly descending from the summit of the lofty mountain towards th plains Is described as having been on of terrible grandeur and sub , tjjnity. The entire district continued to W agitated by constant tremors, as If th earth Itself were quivering with dread at the catastrophe which was ap proaching, while enormous crevasses pened In the earth, large enough, U is said in one case, to engulf a whole town. The lava poured from the great crater in ever augmenting volume, burning and destroying everything It approached, at length arriving wltnlo a few miles of the prosperous settlement of Hllo. Here it reached a serol-clrcular precipice. In form somewhat like the falls of Niag ara, the cliffs being about five hundred feet In height, a deep lake of water rest big at the bottom of the precipice. Over this precipice and Into the lake the red sot liquid poured In a wide running tor rent, the Impact between the two fluids being a spectacle as terrible and as grand us has perhaps ever oeen wit nessed. But the fir flood conquered, and the hissing and fuslously- boiling water was soon no more, while the hot molten torrent still pursued Us devas tating course. And now the Inhabitants, the major ity of whom had cast away their Idols, and, under the teaching of the mission aries had become devoted Christians, seeing that their town was doomed, un less by a miracle the overflow was ar rested,, proclaimed a day of humiliation sad supplication. All business was us seaded, every church and chapel was erowded, and the peopip young and old, riJ mightily to God for deliverance from' iha Impending destruction. And, as has always happened through th ages when a people humble themselves before the Almighty, confessing their sins, and Imploring forgiveness and deliverance, that deliverance was not withheld; the lava stream suddenly ceased its flow, and the town was saved; the solidified lava stream a short distance from It en virons remaining for all time a rocky monument of the effective r-ower of ear nettt prayer In th Redeemer's name, As an evtdene of th enterprising pol icy of th transcontinental railroads centering In Portland and of how the railroads hav managed to "build up" Portland by that policy, we print be low a list ot the regular linos of paa enger steamers plying from th ports of the Pacific coast: Pan Francisco Pugct Sound Port'and direct to dlreaX to dltvcl to Panama Mexico Australia Honolulu Siberia San Fmnchtco lions Kong Victoria Honolulu Hong Konsr Austral 8lNrt Ran Francisco St. Mlcheal Skaguay Skaguay 6L Michael Victoria Seattl Oregon Except th line of three steamers operating between Portland and Ban Francisco, Oregon hasn't a single lis of paener steamers running to any port outside the state on all th broad Pa cific ocean. Doean't this show that something Is wrong with th great sea board stat of Oregon? Dl.taaca, allle. Pendleton to Portland SI Pendleton to Tacoina M Pandlaton to Beatll Pendleton to Astoria St Leas to Astoria than to aVattl I Walla Wall to Portland XS Walla Walla to Tacotna SI Walla Walla to Seattle Walla Walla to Astoria. ! Las to Astoria than to 6atU I Th right needs no apology. Experience ta th best teacher. Us Acker's English Resaedy In any cas ot coughs, colds or croup. Should It fall to giv Immediate relief money refunded. S eta and S9 eta For sal by Bstes-Conn Drug Co. Gratitude Is the whetstone of otvedlenoe. OASTOIIIA. Bsaitta li M atari fcffi Kfiatsa af Charity is kindness flowing In a stream of benevolence. Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cure constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money rexunoeo. a ana tu cmi. sal by Estea-Conn Drug Co. For There's no reduction of "the wages of sin" in hard times. Our Uttl boy was afflicted with rheu matism in his knee; and at times unable to put his foot on th Boor. W tried la vain, everything that we could hear of that we thought would help him. W al most gav up In despair -advised us to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. VTe did so and th drat bottle rave him so much relief that we got second one, and. to our surprise. It cured him sound and well. J. T. Bays. Pastor Christian Church, Neodesha, Kan. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Abo- two thirds of Infidel philosophy Is simnly fool-osophy. TOUR FA' ?. Shows the state ot your feelings and the state of your health aa well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimples snd skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appear ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir. It CJres all blood diseases where ch-np sarsaparlllas and so-caned purifiers fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantea Prayer and ihank.KlvIng In everything makes anxiety In nothing. That the blood should perform Its vital (functions. It is absolutely necesssary It j should not only be pure but rich In life- giving elements. Then results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier. Ayers' S a rs pe ril la Professional infidelity does less harm than ordinary unfaithfulness. THREE DOCTORS IN CONSULTATION. From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick, what you like best Is to be chosen for a medicine in th first place; what experience tells you Is best, to be chosen In the second place; mbat reason (I.e.. Theory) says is best to be chosen In the last place. But If you can ret Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and vr. neaaon to nolo a consultation to gether, they will snv you Ui best advlc mat can oe iaen. When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because It is pleasant and sat to take. Dr. Experience would rec ommend It because it never falls to ef fect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would recommend It because It Is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on nature's plan In relieving the lu-gs, opening the secretions and re storing the system to a natural and healthy condition. For sale by Charles RoKfrs, druggist. Some good resolutions are li-e blank carlrldnes nothing comes out of them. Old fashions In dress may be revived, but no old fashioned medicine can rep! ice Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. The gospel has not lout Its effect, but much oi the so-called "effect" has lost the gospel. Pears' Pears' soap is dried a whole year. Thats why it lasts so. A tUrinf bal loonist some- ,UU ... m hi ,. I j sin isi m sjnm nearly two hun- f d 1 1 d I e i through th ait hanging on to a parachute un lit (t opens. "01 well," be says, " It usual Iv opens in time. Some time it doesn't on and be is doomed. This rem foolhardy Irot no more so than the sick man who says, "O, I guess 1 11 gel at 11 all right!" , Disease is no guessing matter. If it isn't etop. ped it keep on getting srorse. Manv a man be gins with dvpcpi ''liver complaint. gradunllv loses strearth and vitity vnlil before he know it his lung nr attacked and he finds himself in consumption. The parachntc doesn't open The only real safety for a man whose treneth ia failing from any cause wh it ever is to renew tne source of vitality at their fountain head. The best agency ft this purpose ia the wvnderful Gcddrn Medical Discovery " originated by lh K V. Pierce, chief consulting physioau of the Invalids' Hotel and Sunttoal Institute o( Buftalo, X. Y. This " Iiscovry " toe dt rectlv to the aid ol the enfeebled digestive force and enable them to make healthy nourishing blood, thereby building ap solid muse-alar strength and active aerre fore and energy. The absolute saarsrloes things M does for atck pencil I show t ta tvertne u Sir rtaak A. BSsrU. U PayeOeMU. Pavetl Co.. faa, who WrUe: " It anonls sae pleasure to UattfV to tM rswfrtisble cursuv powwof Dr. rtrrre Cbo Mrdkal IMacuvrry. I wws atvvretv esSteted wit InssbW hinc--sstttag ap Wood, aod w was n kl to roalltHM my work I tried "rr reined" which gtKwas aarehetaad I hd csm!i to ihisk hrrt ww so h wat. I Pw-V Ootdaa ssedlcal IHwsxrery was rvowsssoded to M. sa I Uted II Snd bys to irsprovt t eeic sad ws abe to nmm tarn w-ark. I cunasdee awusifMl4icl ' Vt. Ptore' Coraaaoo fvros Medical Ad wiser aaal nr ft oa-Bt stamp to covet saaUtaa Cloth buKUag jl stamp. Address Dt. fL V. ncv Uurfaio, N. Y. L. LEBECK Cnrpenler and Builder General Contractor MOUSE RALSINO AND nOVlNQ A 5PECULTY PrjF'AT TICKETS KfiH to en ' PAILPOINTS EAST Through pUc and tourist sleeper dining and library observation ear. ELEOANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 Limited leavea Portland at 1 Ko. I Umlt4 arrives) Portland at U:U For rates, etc., rail or address d. W. LOUN8BKRRT, Agent O. K. N-. Astoria. 5! R C. DENXI8TON. C P. T. A., Portland. Or. THE PROOF of th pudding Is In the eating and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLIKG That' an argument that's con clusivea demonstration. Our will stand th test HUGHES & CO. This year' Income in Oregon from grain, hop and wool is about fU.OOO.MO. TO CURE A COLD IS ONE DAT. T.ka laxative Bromo Quinines Tanleta All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. S cents. The genuine has U H. Q. on each tablet Camden. Me., manufactures more ships' anchors than any other plate In America. Bsersth Itaaitf YraHariABaiilti Bifutor f Ninety-five per ci-nt of e railway tracks in the country are l;ild with Steel ralis. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. W have two children who are suoject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack Is coming on my wife gives them Cham berlain's Cough Remedy end It always prevents the attack. It I a household ne cessity In this county, snd no matter what elae we run out ot it would not do to be without Chamberlain' Cough Rem edy. More of It Is sold her than all other cousrh medicines combined. J. M. Nlrkle, of NIckle Eros., merchants, Nlcklevllle, Luxuriant hair, of uniform color. Is a beautiful head covering for either sex and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. Alabama produced 947A11 tons of plsr Iron last year, while the output of Ten nessee aggregated 712.730 tons. OABTOniA. V w What a thlrs? Is point of view! And for what crimes It Is responsible. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Slgnatnro J. B. WYATT, Pfaea N. 68 Aster la, Org Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attsntloa Paid t Supplying Ships mZSW rem-Hif for Utmurfliuts. ' tCBIUV I ti liwi. rmturrli a. OurwiM M cnmrntm, or SDr luosnisis- 144 Mrtcwrt. (Iod, irrltatlua ur ul'm enrMis wswsM. tin of urn eo os dmtii .THtEusiOMIHMtOo. b'snss. Boo-sstrlnKful and 1? - for ssdi in iin wrsppcr, I by press, prupsld, ll i-ica VM " soul". v Clrcalas siit va mutnt.. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. ' - GRAND AVKNUK lMlIU)VliMKNT FU0.M 2nTH STKFiliTTO 83 1U) STRKKl. '..oil.' I hereby aivsn (hut Ot assiasnniit made v Ordlmvnrw NSv WA f h city of Asttuia, Oresrn, entitled "Aa (Vdinanc t'linflrtiilmr th AMeeiiim on tne amcssiihmii itoii rr in treg'n, Known The Impnivemrnt of tliwnd Avenii. l-'iimt f wuHly-Miilli Htrvcl to Thirtv-thlrd Htr.-t,'" 4ir.w.1 tmmr i. im. will l duo mid i.' M In l'nlle.1 Klsti gold vin, l tho uttb-e (if the clly ttvumn'r iu Nm'iiiIht ni ii not lm m smui iiiiik, Issiml (or Hie collection of the s'tme. Astorlu Bin-el Hailwsy t Antoilii 8in-et ltjliwny to Astoria Strvot Itallwuy Co South 10 feet Amlotucii. William btld out and itHoixdsl by J. M bhivvly , Anderson, Victor, heirs of heirs are Ida Klcnor Antlcrsoii. AmI Amlcrsoii, Al bert Victor Anderson, JuMink Altder m, widow t.ol , llluck I, Town ot At.irlit, n litlil oui mid re oiilcd by J. M. rlnlvelv , Adair, Ktlen und H of north Oi fret l.oi S, Mm k 4H. IMrt of t'l' As. toil, mm l.ud out .uul recorded . by Joint Ad.tir Adiar, Mary It.. ..und of north 6i feet l..t 1, lnock to. port of 1'pper A- I0H4 u luld out 411. 1 lecorli ty Joint ltrenhiun, Ilolvrt J.' und l of N M feet I.ot J, ll,mk to, port f I'pper A. . . . ..... . . . . !"r,f'. " out and recorded brker, Ijium I. AiUlr, und S of N by John Admr feot Lol i. lllok 40. lrt of I ppiV A toru.. aa luld out mid recorded ny John AliUr Hurton. K. R Lot 4. Itlock if. Twn of Asicm m, as Uld out and recorded by J. M. Hhlvely Ilentlllw, Frank tVrnellu. T. 8 N. lhitrl..Mfnn Nelll tl und U Donelson. D. A und H George, Winifred C Holme. Oust, und. S Holmes, Oust und. H Ilyland. Thomas A Ilyland. Thomas A ItvlAfi,' Tliiimx k . Ilyland. Thomas A Ilyland. Thomas A llyland. Thomas A.. Ilyland. Thomas A. Ilyland. Thomas A Ilyland. Thomas A Ilyland. Thomas A Hendrlckson. August north j Hakvist. Andrew north H . . . . Jackson. John Jordan, Mary A und H of N. M feet . . . Loukkanen. Herman , . Loukaanen. Herman Undberg, Sophia south H Larson, LUtl Larson. August und 4 Larson. August und ' LaurlliA. Olivia Xlattson. John XI ittson. John Manntlla. Klix-ilieth XIannula, , , Xloore. Jaco.i XIannula. Kmaniie . .. , XIannula. Krlc Xlorrls. RlKht Rev. B. Wlstar B. fi ft Morris. Right Rev. H. Wislar Mon-ls. Right Rev. U. Wlstar "... . . . Nufer, peter south V, Ostron, Joseph north 110 feet cv .. ... Diuveiy, 1.. v a triangular hi-e of land b(i'i.b-l on the nnrih by the souih line of (Jranil avenue on ihe west by the list linn of Thlr'v-tlist sireel, aii.l on t he (list by th., boundary linn betwen that part of ihe clly of Alorla. Ore., as laid out and re recorded by J. Xt. Hhlvely. and that part of the n.ild rl,v known as the Port of Ppper AstorU a laid out and recorded bv John welcker, Katy Adair. .und ot N. M feet Wlckman, Frederick und Vi Wlckman, Mary und. 1 The following are payable In Installments, the first Inatallmenl due Xovem bcr 15th, liiirt: Barry, Andrew Lot 10, Ulock 3, Town 01 Astoria, as laid out ami recorded by J. M. Sullivan, XI Butl, John south ',4 Bherman. Barah C Webber, N. II a By order of the common council of Auditor nnd Police Astoria, Oregon, October 2Hl)i, ltf.18. ieww"SMiM MANHOOD RESTORED Hon of a ismous vous or dlaiieies tlBCrORE ama irrrfl ail III norrorsul imiwianrr, a aja-aae.nK,eo.'iujawiMiMTttr, ei issaritn ki,invanri thmirliiarvorfraiisol siiiinuurlUea replnvvi .iMN.ihMi.nrf i.,.m The reason sufferern are not onreo by Ins-tors Is beenuse ninety per pent are trntibM wllll Prwstatllla. :UPIIiKNKialhMiiy known remedr to cure wh bout n operation. (oiesilm"iil sis. A written jrunrsntee (Ivrn snd money returned If six boxes dis-s not eilwl a punijioieuioura fbOOabox.slzforfvai.bymaU. Menu lor yaaadrculur and lestlniorilala. Adaress OAWI BKDIOIIB CO.. P.O. Ilox 307J, Han Franclseo, Ont, fr"fri'" CHARLKS rtOOKTtS, 4r, Commercial St. The Pacific Bheet Metal Works at New Whaitcom, Wash., started up analn lust week with a half erew, after havlntr been shut down for ahout a month. This means the employment of about fifty ority persons, and Is weteome news to S large number of persons. eireot nnprox eineui m ilm Tt tvf Asieils, irm common council vwll order WicirniHs The iisiiiclil is a ,oilo,; 1aI s, IUh I Tou of Astoria, sa iiiiu urn iui rcortlHl iiy J. M. Mll nitf i ii ill Mllny Mil ol lu, IHuck i Town of AstiM-i.i, a Ini.l mil aiul recorded by J. M. I.i Milve k' ,ii iVi Ml.iM S7.W kii.iV .IV W ) w J.'.W n 10 l,ot u, film k t Town of AUVlu. s I lt out and reroute! by J. M Miueiv Lot II, lUock .1. Town of AtoVl. . Ut . llb-ch J, Town of Atvrt.i. , .. "C ..'"1, Hilll"Jl " roiitvd iy j. at Lot &. IkHk Sf) .rt of t'lMie'r As. jori. mm ikiii out mul nvorue.1 ly John Ikt 1 lll.w.b m l.... .' &- torla. as laid out and rv,rle . by John Adulr , i Lot T. lUock w. I'ort of I ihht As. JorU. a laid out and recorded by John Admr ij fj Lol T. lllock I. Town of Atiru. is Id nut and recorded by J. M nively i l.i , lo,k , Tn of AstorU. iiu out ana rsxorueu iy J M. Bhively Ia1 10. UI.hIi I, Town of" Astoria. laid out and recorded by j. 14. Bhlvely Lot 7. tlkH k M. as aubdVvbW iy"t. A. Ilyland. IVwn of Aslortt. n laid out and recorded by J. M Hhlvely .... , U I lllock t. as suMlvlJe, by T. A. Hyland. TVn of Alorit iald out ami recorded by J. it. tilvely tti tM.w.k w u.t..n..,.i. -e Jt") r.M A. ilyland. Town of Astoru. s laid) out ihI rsconled by J. M hhlvely w It 10 lilwk . as aulxilvlde.1 by T A. Hvland. Twn of As'oru, s I'lld out and recorded by J M Kblvele jj M Lot H jiu-k w s surlvl.l.d by T A. Ilyland. 'lin of A'"ri s I U out and recorded by J M Stilvelv ... tt It 1! Illo k y as suUIIM.Ied ),y 1 A. Ilyland. TVwn ,,f As'rtk. I ud out mid re.-onl.-d by J ' XI Slilev y Lot tl Ill.xk.W as subdivided by T .. iiynino. nun ,,r .4ioni, i1 lil.l out mid recorded by J M Hlilvelv go Ut 11 lllm k :w n siillivl'le. i,y T A. II viand. TV'sn of Astortv. is I ild out and re. .nle. by J ' M Slllvely ., ... yt (j Ut Jl llo'k .V a subdivided by T A. llvlund. Town ot Asloriii as lild out und rec ird.-d b) J M Pnuoir qa4 t .u Din. k i m. ib.tvldrd by T . Hylnnd Twn of Asiortu, n laid nut mid re. orvl d by J l XV elv n) I 1. Ill.u k ST T.wn of As'ori i k I Id out atul re. nriled by J XI Shiv i ly i; M Un 7 lllock S Twn of At"ru. lld out and m or. led In- J XI Hhivelv ... :i 00 It I. lln k r. Town of A,,n ss laid out and recorded by J ' XI Hhivelv i q l j. m.x-k v Port of l Hr A- torla. aa laid out and rt'ordrd . by John Ad.ur M Ixrt l. ltl, k In as sui.livide,! by T A. Ilyland. Town .f Astortt, ,s laid out ami recorder by J. XI Shlvrly UCO lot 1 iiiork W as sul-llvlded by T A. Ilylsnd. Town of Astrtt is laid out and re-orle.l by J,' XI lt'rlW'kr.fown'.rf'Asi.ri,;,;! iivld out and reconled by J XI hlvelv . ... U o U,( . ,M k ST Town nf At rt t. is In hi out and recorded by J XI bnively v m j,,, in,k Ton of Asfwia, s lu'd out and riN-onled by J. ' XI nively . S..ISJ Lot lo. Mlek I Town of Ast ru, is I lid oui an,) rei-nrded by J.'M hlvlv iiu I,t HI.h k 1 Town of ..stnrU, is Inld out and riHrdi"i by J XI rsi w I,t j is,k y. by T A llybind. Town of ai,t ;i. s l.ild out aiul recorded by J XI .... r 5.1 i i iii, k ; u nii..,iii,i,d l,v T A. Hvland. Town of Ator .1. i l i!d out and ne nriled by J. XI. 17 M .t ;, i;,M k l as .uUllvLb d by T. A. Hvl.iml Tn "f At"r 11 . luld out 11 ml recorded by J. XI. Hhlvely ... IT vi .t n Itlo.-k V. as snldlv..Hl by r. A. Ilyland. T"n of Ai"rln ,s laid out 11 nil recorded by J. XI K.ja ,, m,,, k Twn f Astorbt. , laid out and reconled by J. XI Hhlvely I."t 7. Mini k 2 Town of AatorU l.l) '''I out anil ri-'orn. uy J. XI Hhlvely !.(,, .t h. lllock 2 Town of Abr a. , ibl out and re, orded by J. XI Hlil-ev hii 111 i,t 3, toi k I" Port of rpper A- lorla. as laid nut anil re''oM,d tv,'' 1 illock m. Vm'i'ut Vnr'n'. ''W torla us laid out mid rnordiil ,y t. lil.'.Vwl'l'iin'of "rV'ie;r' torla. as lalil out and recorded by John Adair I3).ffl I,(,t fi. Block S. Port of I'mier As toria, n iniii out and recorded l,v John Adair K.f I.ot II. Ulock Town of As'oria, bib - ! u nil recorded bv J XI. Hhlvely 4-1.00 Adair 41.311 Ixt .1. Ulock 4. Port of I'tue r As laid out anil recorded by J. 1 John Adair 9. Oil I.ot J. Itlock T7. Town or As'or". n laid out anil rccople I bv J. M Hhivelv '.CW Iit S, Ulock 37. Town of Astoria, as laid out und recorded bv J. XI. Hhivelv .00 Hhlvely M.Un Lot 12. Ulock .1. Town of ,.slorl a, as tnld out and recorded be u. XT Hhivelv K'Uio I,ot 7, lllock X Town of Astoria, as ' 001 anil recorded liv J. 1 Hlilvelv Ml.tsj Lot S. Itlock 39, Port of l.'oper As- lorla iih labl nut Uli'l recorileu bv John Adulr 1W.00 Lot 12, lllock 2, Town or Astoria, as luld nut und recorded by J. XI. Hoivcly !.() the City of Astoria, Oregon Attest: II. K. NKIyfiON. JwlKe of the Clly of Astoria, Oregon. "COPIOENK" Thla f rest V,u'il VltaiUir,tiinriw:rl Ir curs mil of mi ner French physician, will quickly cure you of all n r- of tun generative orxaiis, such as Lust Manh"", Iasiimiila, I saislu ins tsiics.Beniiiisi cniuisinns, fiervniis lJel,llly, flmples, Unaiimm to Marry, Kilisustlns Jjralns, Vsrlcmia and Oouwlpution. stops all lossen hy liny or nlht Prevents quick nrssol disclisrfo, wlilcli If notehaekeil lesrls Vt Hpermslnrrhi-a snd I wKi.W nrvaria. ASSESSMENT N0TI0R TWMNTV NINTll STKMMT IMri.0VEMI.NT F1U)M P11ANKL1N AVKNUK TO GRAND , i-VKNUlt. ' t i N'nttc Is hury given I hit! thw a itienl inmai ty nrdlthiiu' Nn. SUf, uf in city of Astorlik, Uis. ill. enllllec), "All urdtimm coiifli nilng th nnie.smeiil onj lha siweliil assessment roll for the street Improvement In Hie clly of Asinrla, tirciioit, known as ! Iniiirnveiiienl of TwcM v-nlnlli Hireel, fioin KriiiiMlit to Uiitud Avenue,'" airove, .cioImt pit h, h'w, III Im-.ii iiiiiI p slue In I' nl"l Plate Mold coin at (he office, of Hie city t tensiirer nil Noveinlier I.Mli. IK'S, mid If not so imd at ild time ilie etimiiion council will ntiler Miiiiiint Issmd for III collection f the mine. Th ussessliient Is a follows, Allen A. V I.ol II. Ulock i. Town of AaUirR as In hi out und icciilili'd hy J. M. hhlvely J Si llcittllta, rrsiik I in Kuive, J. II. .N lUO feet i:i'lckon. tlllslitva eiisl U Iliikvisl. Andrew mirth Jeffrey, Mary It , north Laiirllla. Olivia , , Xlarioll, J. II, II und, I ID Marlon. Mamticretta und. 1 lu Xlarloit, Paul Und, 1-lu Xlartun. Mary 0 Und. M0 .Marlon, Thomas K und. MO (il sen. Maren Ahtt Olseit. Xlaren Ann poyskey. John west parkor, W. W east 8ttlhnon. J'din west Stephenson, John . und, .south U ft Thompson. Krick... ToumaU. John .... Williamson. Jan south I Th followlntr la nayabl In lnr.lallm.nls the first Installment duo Nuvcmber I lith. IW: ! Hull. John souih laid out and reiuidfj by J. n . ivsly W 11 lly order of th Common council of th City of Astoria Oregon Attest: II. K. NK.LMON. Auditor and Police Judgs of th. t Hy of Asloila. ores: m. Astoria. (rrnn. IVtulier Zstli. it ASSESSMENT NOTICE. THIRTY FIKsST STKHKT IMPKOVK.MKNT FU0.M FUANKLIN AVKXUMTO GUAM) AVKNUM N'.vllc. lo hereby slven tiiat th assessment made by ordinance No. SCO, of hs city of Astoria. tireon. entitled "An or dinatne confirming the aenieiit mt th st''lal semein roll for tn. street Improvement In ihe city of Al"H i, iineun known as 'The Improvemeru of Thirty-nrst street, front rraiikliii avenue In Onsnd svenue.'" approveil tNloler lull, tws will be due and nayaiile In I nltnt Htatea sold coin, at the offlc oi the clly treasurer, on N'oveml-er IMh, lMv. and If not s pa Id at said tune, the common roiimll will onler warrnnta isaiied fur the collec tion uf th. sam. The assess nielli Is as follows: Anderson. Victor, heir of heir r. Ida t Anileraon. Allwrt Victor Anderson. Asei William Anderson. Justin An- uerson. widow Lot s. llo'k I. Town of Astoru labl put ami recorded by J. M. Adair. Msry It und. Adair. Mary It und. I AstorU Street JUIIwsy Contpany Astoria fllreet Railway Company AatorU fltrr.t Railway I'ompany Astoria Htreet Railway Company Itrenhtm, Robert J und. llrenham. Robert J ' darker. ,aura Adair und. , li.rker Ijiur. Adair ur.l V tlejrg., Winifred C Holme, Oust und. 4 Holmes. Oust und. Jordan. XMry A und, 1,4 Jordan. Mary A und. 14 l.arsrn, Aiutust und. H L.irsrn, Aiucust und. Uirsen. P. X'enileil. Kllen Adair und, 14 Xlendell, Kllen Ailalr un,, 14 WVcki r. h'aty Ailalr und. Wei, ker. Katy Ailnlr und. 14 Hhlvely II. n The following nr. payable In ten In slnllments, the, first Installment due No vintber 1 .Hii. I Km: Webber. N. II I.t 13, Itlock 1 Town of Astoria, as A Id out and rn-orileil by J, XI ililvely 80.00 lly order of the common council of lh City of Astoria. On-non. Atlest: II. K. NKMON. Auditor and Police Jllilite of the ('Ity of Astoria, Ore,,n, Astoria, OrcKon, October fflth, h:s. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columhlk Rlvr and Pufet Bound Navl fatlon Company. Telephone leaves Astoria dnlly, except fliinduy. at 7 p. m. m LeavesPortland dally except Bundny st 7 a. m. Vhlt Collar line tickets InterchanKeable on Telephone, T. J. Potter and It. It. Thompson for Astoria nnd all wiiy points, Havel, "waco, Hoaview, b-ona; ueai-n, anu Nahcotta. c. w. rroNH, Astoria Afi'nt. Telephone No. 1L U. B. SCOTT, President. The Choicest Table Wines... For Families Also for Medical nnd Cooking- I'urr0H, Private Stotk, Creitm Rye, 011 Jllckory, Prl'lo of Kentucky and ilermltugo; uop- sold California Hranille Carlson's FamllyUquor Store 103 TWELFTH STREET. I.ol , Hlmk .1. Town of AtuiM. 'is I..I.I .oil ,illil leenliuut liv J. St. Hlilvelv 3 n Lot I, lllock I. Town of Asloila, ns lul.l out a nil recotded by J. XI. Hlilvelv . .o 4. lllock J. Town of Astoria, as laid out uinl I e, .11 iled by J. XI, Hlilvelv led I, lUock . Town of Astmla. ss laid out slid by J, XI Hlilvelv Lot I, lllock 4. Town of Astoria, us laid out und I will de.l by J. XI. h ,vidy .,( . lllock 1, Town "f Astoria, ss 13 01 .Ml 11 It It laid out mill lecoldi'i! I'V J- i . Hhlvely I 34 St Lot lUock 3. Town of A. lorla, ss bill out Mild recorded by J, M Hhlvely I' " Ud , llloik I. Town of Astoria, ss laid out und recorded by J XI . . Hhlvely It U Ud . film k 1, Town of Astoria, as laid out ami reiotdid by J. M ., Hhlvely 11.11 Lot , filmk S. Town of Aslgrls, sa in I.I out and recorded by J. XI. Iilveiy UU led 0. I'I'm W 1. Town of Astoria, ns labl out and rei ui ueii 11 r t. m. Hlilvely U 1, llbx k I. Town of Astoria, a Mil out nd reionlrd by J. M Hlitvsly . 10. lib- k 4. Town of Astoria, laid out tit rordru by J. XI Hhlvely U I a 4. Illm-h J. Town of Astoria, ss Inld out ml recorded by . U tinivsly , ti I bv, lllovk 1 Town of AstorU. ss in Ii1 out and recorded by J. Is. lilly led k. llbKk s. Town of Astoria, ss laid out SUil recorded by J. M Phlyely , Lot I HkH-k I. Town of Aslort. ss lal'l out and rordi4 by J. W. It U n a v a UN 1111 UU It n Hhlvely lnt I. IU01 k . Town of Atori. s laid out ami recorded b J. XI Miively U 13. IlliK'tt 4. Town of Astoria a labl out nj riiriii wy w 11 a by 4. XI It I. Ilbx-k .Town of Astofls. as laid iil nd fwrdr4 r J M Hh v y s S l.ot 7. ItbMk I Town of Astoria, ss 1 Hhlvely Jt (JQ ly ... Jllmk W l.t S, I Town of Astoria, as laid nut and recorded by J XI. puivec Iv 1.10 lit a. UliH'k I, TViwn nf Astoria, lal'l out and recorded bv J. XI. Hhlvely II. V A,i X lllock I. Town of Astoria, ss laid out and recorded by j. XI Hhlvely a SO ,t J (Ho. k 1 Town of Aston. luld out ami rmnrtte- by J XI Hhlvlv n 00 ltt lo. Him k t. Town of Astoria, ss laid out Mild record., by J. XI Hnlvsl a M A, 11, illnok I. Town nf Astoria, ss 'III out and recorded by J XI Hhlvsly . a 00 Lot i. lllock I Town of Astoria, sa lain out ami renirui i,y j i Hhlvely M I ai . lllock I Town of Asinrln, ss labl out and recorded by J. XI Hhlvely II JT 1-nt 1 lllock I Town of Astoria, as lal'l out and recorded by J XI hhlvely 10 tO Iit . Him k I. Town of Astoria, sa III. I out mnl recorded by j XI HlUVely Lot 7. I'tbM k I. Town of Astoria. .i 14 1 l 00 laid out mid reconled by J. XI Hhlvely Uit 4. I'tl'M k I. Town of Astoria, ss labl out und re. nrilcil by J. XI Hhivelv . 10 10 Ul . lllock I. Town of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by J. XI. HlUVely : 7 4 I.ot 1. lllock I Town of AslorU, sa al oui nnd rmurded bv J. XI. 1 1 Ively t iH I ai t lllock I. Town of Astoria, ss nhl out a lid recorded bv J. XI. Hhlvely . tfj Uil 4 Him k I Town of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by J. XI. Hhlvely 10 tVJ ltt 0. lllock I. Town of Astorbt, ns letd out and recorded ny J. .M. MllVVIy 7.SJ Iit a. IIIih k I Town of Astoria, ss Inht out and recorded by J. XI. Hhlvely m oo !ot i lllock I. Town of Astoria, as tub) out and recorded bv J. XI Hhlvely J.50 ai s. lllock I. Town of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhivelv 11.31 Lot t. Illnc. 1. Town of Astorbt, as laid out and recorded bv J, XI. Hlilvelv .M l-ot it. Illnck 1. Town of Astorbt, as bibl out und recorded by J. XI. GOVKHNMENT rilOl'OHAIA 1) roposnls for Kresli llenf and Krish, Mutton: ortlin i.nlcf Conunlssiry, Vancouver Ilarracka, Wash., Oct, t, IHH. Healeil proposals for furnishing ami d HvnrlnK ITesh Iteef and Kresh Mutton will Imi received her and nt offlcc of com nilnsnrles at Fort Stevens, Oregon, llola Barracks nnd Kurt Hherninn, lduho, Porta Canny, Hpokane, Walls Walla snd Vancouver Barracks, Wash., and Dys and Fort Wrunnel, Alaska, until 11 o'clock a. m Nov. t, 18118, and than opened. In formation furnished on application, En velopes containing proposal should b Indorsed "Proposals for Frean Beef and Fresh Mutton," nnd nililressed to th lindenilKned, or to Commissary at post to l supplied. A. 8, BI100KK8, Cnpt. Chief Com'y. Go East... via Billings and Burlington routs, and you reach Omaha, Kansas city, Bt, Louis, and all other southern and aotnhaiiaiavn t cm,, half a day sOonsr thsn travlsrs wno ion any otner Una, Go east via Bt. Paul and th Bnrilnf ton route, and you rid. th finest train on esrth-th Burlngton,i Bt. Paul-Chicago Limited. Oo enit via Ogden and Denver, and jrou the wonderful sosnery f th Kockiu, famed th world over a th. moil mag. nlflctnt on th oontlntnt Tickets at ofllces of connecting I in. A. C. SHELDON. i