The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 29, 1898, Image 2

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fjallu SVeiortan.
JOHN T, LtOHTKH, Kdltor.
Tlpnon. No. Ct
mi by mall, per year ffi 06
nt by malt, pr month SO
orved tjr carrier, nor month W
Bent by mall, pr yr, In advance... $10
Postag free to ubcrlbr.
All communication Intended (or publl
atlon should be directed to lh editor.
Bualne communication of all kind
and remittance mutt bt audrvaaed to
"The Aatorlan."
Th Aatorlan guarantee to Its advr
titer the r tract circulation of any new
apaf published on th Columbia river,
Advertising rate can be had on appll
aatlon to th buslneee manager.
Th Paris exposition of liM) will hav
a two-fold educational vl" for Amort
ran exhibitor. They a 111 not only lean)
In a practical way Just what competition
thry must prepare to meet in the foreign
market, but alto what shortcoming. It
any, muat be remedied before th A mart
aa gooo will find a welcome abroad.
The foreigner la rather conaervatlve In
matter of trade detail He la avre to
Innovation. Having bou1t flour by the
ieck. be cannot be Induced to buy It by
th barrel. It waa discovered a few year
ago that American butter wa practi
cally excluded from th German market
because It waa not put up In one-pound
package, according to the German dia
tom, but wa shipped acroa th Atlantic
In bulk. Th Pari exposition will not
nly afford a Una opportunity for the
dlfPla of American goods, but it will
alao prove a valuable object lesson for
our manufacturer. (The Yankee ex
blbltor will not be slow to note the
change In Ma good which are necessary
before they can be uccesfu!ly Intro
duced abroad. American consular agent
'ate with practical unanimity that while
American good a a rule are superior
to those they meet In competition abroad,
our manufacturer are too careless or
too Indifferent In the matter of placing
their producta on the market In the moat
attractive form. It Is not enough to
study the fore gn market; the ldlovncra
lle and personal peculiarities of the for
eign purchaser must be learned. Th
American exhibitor at th Pari expo
sition will go across the Atlantic not only
to show, but also to see.
DUCERS. Chicago Times-Herald:
The record of exporta for the flrt nln
month of the year turn Lane striking
proof of our arrowing ascendency In the
market of the world. Alona- with our
conquest of new territory, as an inci
dent In the liberation of an oppressed
people, has come a commercial conquest
that promise to make our proauct su
preme in market that have been con
trolled for centuriea by European na
tions While we were winning the victories
at Santiago and Manila the oroducts of
American farms and factories were in
vading Europe, Asia and Africa and win
ning the victories that have always
crowned American skill and workman
ship wherever foreign embargoes have
not erected barriers against them. Ac
cording to the bureau of statistics the
export for September Indicate that the
year 1S98 will show the largest export
record In the history of the government.
For the nine months ending September
30 the exports were P&.a.XS. against
for the corresponding period
In 1897. and the imports fell from tS.TA
. In 1897 to 473.172.777 In 1S38. The ex
porta for September were JH0.4i5,C38. while
the average September export for the
last sixteen years ha been tCS.OOO.OCO.
The most significant feature of the ex
port record wa the heavy sale of bread
tuffs, which were 30 per cent greater
than in 1896 and double those of 1855. To
measure the full meaning of this great
Increase In foreign sale it is necesrary
to note the remarkable decline In ex
ports. We are selling more goods to
Europe and Asia than ever before, and
are buying less from them, ine Imports
for the first nine months of 1S9S are more
.than 1100,000,000 below the average for
the corresponding periods during the laBt
It must be borne In mind that the bulk
of this trade waa carried In foreign bot
toms. In spite of the fact that our man
ufacturer and exporters were compelled
to ship their goods in British bottoms to
countries where we enter Into direct
competition with British producers, our
ales Show a steady Increase and have
now reached such a figure that Euro
peans are alarmed at the prospect of our
becoming the great trading nation of the
globf '
When we have adjusted the territorial
problem of the war and congress has
taken measures for the development of
an American merchant marine we may
confidently look forward to the day when
American commerce will be dominant 1
In Asia. Mexico and th. South American
Aa an evidence of the enterprising pol
Icy of th tnanscontltwntal railroad
centering In Portland and of how the
railroad have managed to "btllld up"
Portland by that policy, w print be.
low lint of the regular line of paa-
senger ateamer plying from the porta
of th Pacific coast:
San Francisco Pugot Sound Portland
direct to direct to direct to
Panama Siberia San Francisco
Mexico Kong Kong
Australia Victoria
Honolulu Honolulu
Hong Konar Australia
Siberia Pan Francisco
St. MIofuMl Skaguay
Skitfuay St. Michael
Extent the line of thrw stoamrm
operating between Portland ami San
Francisco, Oregon haan't a single line of
passenger steamers running to any port
outride the state on all the broad lw
clfla ocean. Doean't this show that
something 1 wrong with th great sea
board stat of Oregon
Pendleton to Portland
Pendleton to Tacoma
Pendleton to Beattl -
Pendleton to Astoria
Leu to Astoria than to Beattl.
Walla Walla to Portland K
Walla Walla to Tacoma SI
Walla Walla to Seattl El
Walla Walla to Astoria. S
Lea to Astoria, than to Seattl I
Th largest room In the world I In the
Imperial palace at 8t. Petersburg. It I
160 feet kng by ISO feet wide.
Experience la the best teacher. I'm
Acker Er.gllah Reiaedy In any cast or
cough, cold or croup. Should It fall
to glva Immediate relief money refunded.
S eta and 80 eta. For aal by Eatea-Conn
Drug Co,
There are something like 40.CW public
schools In Japan. The buildings are com
fortable, and education Is compulsory.
Bean taa t i X TCJ KH iHr) Krl
Ibi l3i la Hi vnn
No human head was impressed on colna
until after the death of Alexander the
Great. All Images before that were of
Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A ple-
aat herb drink. Cure comtlpatlon and
Indigestion, make you cat. deep, work
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. S and mi cents. For
sale by Eatea-Conn Drug Co.
The wive of Blameae noblemen cut
their hair o that It (ticks straight up
from their heads. The average tangth of
It la about IS Inches.
Our little boy was afflicted with rheu
matism In hla knee; and at time unable
to put his foot on th floor. W tried In
vain, everything that we could hear of
that we thought would help him. W al
most gave up In dept
advised n to try Chamberlain' Pain
Balm. We did ao and the first bottle
gave him ao much relief that we got a
second one. and. to our surprise, it cured
him ound and well. J. T. Bays. Pastor
Christian Church. Neodesha, Kan. FVr
aale by Charlee Roger, druggist.
Soap ha been in use for 3K4 yean,
and is twice mentioned In the Bible. A
few years ago a oap boiler' shop wss
discovered at Pompeii, havir ben bur.
ltd beneath the terrible rain of nhes that
fell upon that city 75 A. D. The soap
found in that shop h.iJ not lut all Its
efficacy, although It had bren buriid -.SO
Ehows the state of your feelings and tne
state of your health aa welL Impure
blood makes Itaeif apparent in a pale and
sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup
tions. If you are feeling weak and worn
out and do not have a healthy apper
ance you should try Acker's Bld Elixir
l; cure all blood diseases where cb-ap
aarsaparillaa and so-caued purifier fall;
knowing this wa sell every bottle on a
poiitiv guarantee.
The present royal crown of Great Brit
ain wa made especially fur the coron
ation of Queen Victoria. To manufac
ture It a number of old crowns belonging
to the preceding sovereigns were broken
up, and the gt-ms extracted for use In
the queen' crown.
That the blood should perform Its vital
functions. It Is absolutely neceassary It
should not only be pure but rich In llfe
glvlng elements. These reults are beat
effected by the use of that well-known
standard blood purifier, Ayers' Sarsapa
rllla Footllght How did your
the part of Julius Caesar?
friend play
Sue Brette Great! I really thought the
audience would assassinate him before
Mark Anthony had a chance. Yonkrs
From Benjamin Franklin.
"When you are sick, what you like best
Is to be chosen for a medicine In the first
place; what experience tells you a bem
to be chosen In the second place- what
reason (I.e., Theory i says Is bear," to be
chosen In the lat plate. But If vou can
(ret Dr. Inclination. Dr. KxperU-hce and
Dr Reason to hold a consultation to
gether, they will give you the best a-lvloe
mat can oe taKen."
When you have a ted cold Dr. Inr.llna
tlon would recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy because It is pleasant and
safe to taJte. Dr. Experience would rec
ommend It because It never falls to ef-
rect a speecv and permanent cure Dr
Reason would recommend It because It
la prepared on scientific principles, and
acta on nature's plan In relieving the
lu-gs, opening the secretions and re
storing the system to a natural and
healthy condition. For sale by Charl-s
Roger, druggist.
THa ennt of a. iiwilln.
.. .... lufl l tUr lng ygt.
lean capable of warming i, thousands
of rnnrnn ham Wn f1vn,.A.i ,
. ,.nulau UIl Uy com
petitive bidder, the lowest figure being
$180,000. The pope declines to Incur the
expense, though great difficulty is ex
nerlenccd in keeping his apartments
warm enough for comfort in his old age
Old fashions In dress niav h. .i...j
but no old fashioned mediclno in ,i '
i iovrj
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and ni.
Drain Sometime
pathetic alory of
la toM by an e i-
onfrdcrat soldier
one dark night
on the skrtntiah line
luring the war. When on the intanl that
It niuket wa aimed to kill a rnion pick
et the latter, auddrnW inspired with a
aewe of hi own arft-nrrira condition,
began to ting those, beautiful words: "Cov
et my defrnoelra head with the shadow
of thy wing " The Confederate withheld
hi hi:d. He could not tire. Th picket
life waa saved.
Death sometime spare the one who
seem marked to be hi victim. I.el no
one dcapair, even in the darkest hour.
Many a man who eremrd picked out lor
death by consumption hat found reointe
and Mfrtjr through the nr of that wonder
ful " Golden Medical Piaeovrrr," which
tr R. V. Pierce, of BulUlo, N Y., inventrd
thirty year ago, and hich has brought
new life and hope to almost couutlca
thousand of men and women.
Every day bring a multitude of letter
to Dr. Pierce, telling gratefully what hi
medicine and hi advice have done to
restore health and happinra to home
where hitherto aickneaa and. misery had
reigned euprcnie.
A gentleiuaa U4ng la Stillwater Washington
Ccwiiiv. Si.inneMa. Mr C. J. McSaaev. wrnra:
"la la apriug of isaa, m Wken III with
coaiiiwraaio, a4 aAvr trytng rrrrythkng I
eauM hear of aad doctoring all, awtriiner my
pbvH-ia atld I had caafuinpti,i. aad that mv
left atrtf was aterty oa. aad that I eoal.l lire
Wl akurt Heae. Akout lrv bottle of I.
Hertr OoUra Xnlk-al Dtannvry broui(ht in
oat all right aad t fund mwrlrof two more
attaraa ar lb asm notable. 1 aa aatUned that
the- 'CoUra Mtdlcat Iawavr ' wtH cure cue-
wnplioa If taken la Urn. I ccwaidrr It th
beat medicia In the wnrVI bt the tharear lor
wbkk It i recoaiasendedL' ' '
Carpenter find Builder
Qenernl Contreactor
Astoria Patllc Library
Open avarr day from I o'clock to I H
14 : M I N n, m.
ubeaHptlo rata- P per annum.
W tsr. Erven th and Doana treat.
Paxat N. M
Aatara. Orag
Ship Chandlery,
Saaclal Attaatiaa raid ta Mpatylafl Ikie
flf '
Through palace and tourtat alaeper.
dining and library obeervailon car.
No. 4 Limited leave Portland at t
p. m.
No. Limited arrives Portland at U.U
a. in.
For rates, etc., 11 or addreas
Agent O. R. N.. Aatorla.
C P. t T, A., Portland. Or.
of the pudding la hi tne eatt
aad the proof of Vqvnra)
That' aa argument that's eaav
daslre a detnoaiatrattaaa.
Our win atajad the teat.
arrhoea, Reonedy.
Rogers, druggist
For aale by Charlea
nillkln Who waa It wrote "Actions
apeak louder than word?"
Harper I don't know, but I'll bet the
thought occurred to blm while he was
trying to sneak upstair at S o clock In
the morning." Chicago Dally New.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All drugg1t refund th money If it falls
to cure. 25 cent. The genuine ha L. u
Q. on each tablet.
li. fnre h srot through with the ores!
dent Agulnaldo'a agent probably realised
the disadvantages of not rramng from
The Spanish nolltlclan are taking el
most aa much Interest In the Monroe doc
trine aa If they had Invented K. Wash
ington Bar.
We have two children who are sunject
to attack of croup. Whenever an attack
1 coming on my wife give them Cham
berlttln'a Cough Remedy and It alway
prevents the attack. It I a household ne
cexnity In thle county, and no matter
what else we run out of. It would not do
to be without Chamberlain' Cough Rem
edy. More of It la sold here than all other
couarh medicine combined. J, M. Nlckle,
of Nlckle Bro., merchant, NIcklevllle,
Luxuriant hair, of uniform color, I a
beautiful head covering for either sex,
and may be aecured by ulng Hall Vege
table Sicilian Hair Renewer.
Freddie Mamma, don't you wish It
would rain diamonds?
Mm. Rich No, dear, if It should people
with money couldn't afford to wear them.
-Jeweler' Weekly,
Beun' Tm MM Haw Always BoigM
A Of
i.ilce la hereby Hvn thai the aaacaammit niadn by Onllnance Nd, lint, of th
city of A hum la, Orwaon, enlitli'd ''An ttrdtnant'e lonnrmlng tlia Ar.mMit on
th HMVlitl Aaoesmnnnt H-ill for the Hireet liiirvenieh m tlm t'lly of Alrlil,
trvm. Known aa 'The Improvement of tli-niul Avinii, -'ntn I aviity-Nlnili
Street to Thlrty-thlrtt HMwl.' " will la due anl payabln In It, H. itu, cm m il.
ottlce f the i-Uv irwtaiirrr on NovemWr IMh. IXi. wtxl If not ... iiul at iWii inn,
the common council alll .vrdvr vrwriant laaiunl for llin collection of tin. ,iim.
Ilia wfnu'iil la aa tollow:
Aatorln Street Hallway t'o M , Itlm k I. Town of Astoria, a
lld out ami rtvordod by J. M
fcmvely I W IX)
AaiorU Street Hallway Cv) Jai 10, lilock L Town of Al.U, na
lulil ul and riH-oi-i,-,l liv J M
AstorU Street Hallway Co ,
, ,
Anderson. William south W feet
Anderaon. Victor, heir of hilr are Ida
r.lenor Aiuteraon, Axel Anileraoii. At-
bcrt Vh'tH
lor A tnltrol. JuatiiA All, lor
aon. wbkw
Adulr. Kllen und of north fret
AdUr, Mary It. ..und i of north M feel
Hrvnhiuti, Uolvrl J." und of N feet
Itnrker. Ium 1. A Wtlr. und of N 68
Burton. E. It
HautUla. Frank
Cornellu. T. 8. N. H
Ch.rlr.ton. Nellie O und S
A -M H
George. Mnlfred t
Holme. Oust.
Holmee. Ouat und. 4
, . .
Hyland. Thomaa A
Hyland. Thomaa A
Hyland. Thoma. A
nyiano. inoma a
Hyland. Thoma A
Hyland, Thomn A
,, . , v .
Hyland. Thoma A
Hyl-md. Thoma A
Hylnnd. Thomaa A
, , .
Hyland. Thoma A
Hendrickson. August north
Hakviat. Andrew north H
, .
Jackson, John
Jordan. Mary A und S of N. M feet
- . . .
Iukkanen, Herman
Loukaanen. Herman
Lindner-. Sophia south h
Larson. Llssle
Iraun. August und
(pinion. August und 4
Laurllla. Olivia
,, ,, , .
Matlson. John
., ,, , .
M-ittson. Jonn
Mannul.1. Ellaibeth
Mannula. Elisabeth.
Moore. Jacob
, .
Mannula. Emanuel
Mannula. Erlo
Morris. Right Rev. U. Wlstar S. 84 ft
, ., ...
Morrla. IllKht Rev. R Ulslar
Mon-lH. Right Rev. B. Wlstar
Nufer, Pete
k w t.
tf.-,,-,Mi 11,, 1 in iiu ii-ri
Shlvely. C. W.
Welcker. Kuty Adair.. und 4 of N. 66 feet
Wlckman. Frederick
.... , .
vucuman, aiary unu. 4
Trw. following aro payable In Installments, tho first Installment due Novum
ber Kith, lhiiS:
Burry. Andrew IM 10. Illock J. Town 01 Aatorla, as
Sutl, John south 4
Bncrman. Harah :
neuuer, ct. 11 ,.u
Hy order of the common council of
Auditor nnd Police
Astoria, Oregon, October JSfth, 1S8.
BrrORp irrra " thahorroranl JmolPnrr IJf'inKMlleJi.aijMDUHdiv.f, ult
trUHfc NB AM Cn kHiwymndtlieiirliiaryowaiiaolalliiupurHlii,
CITInEMM plranvthanannil reaUirMRmall weuk nraan
Tha reason aunrrrn ara notcuren by liorinra la b aua ninety per rent ara troubled wfth
Preetattl tin. ! UFI 1)KN K la that only kltown reined to curw wli houl uii operntlun. nm i.-ai imonl.
als. A written guuranteeKlyeaajid money relurnnU If alx Ihuwi linea nolouucl a imruiuui,ioure
fl.00abox,alxforlOT, bymalb Hendforrasaclrmilaraiid leailmunlalii.
Addreaa IA Vuii HEUIOIKB COr, 0.
General Lee paused In front of a Rlch-mond (Va.) bank the othor day to con
verse with a friend, and thereby almost precipitated a serious run on the Institu
tion. A crowd of gaping; bystanders gathered around the general, and 'then
a timid depositor, fancying that a run had begun, frantically rushed into the
bank and demanded hi money, ,
I.o J, in,,,-), 1Vwn ol Aatorla, na
lal'l "t ni r'oi..d l.y J, M
hnlvrly '
Lot J, uunk 10, li'rl of fpiir A-
MrU.. aa I n, I out ami r-oi ,l.,
I.oT 1.' i!!h k ly i"ort ol I'm.i-r" As-
t 00
.-....., wt
llV l.,ll., 1.1,1,-
OIUI . U .l, OUI U ll.l .M.i..i
I.ol J, Iii.h k o, srt of rpper An
JorU. na l.ilii out and recorded
by John Adiilr
IH J. Ill.Hk li. S'rt of tirr A-
aa iiiki oik ami rvi-orovd
by John Aiir
lot I. ItliH k 37. 'Oiaii of Aaiori:
l.i'VlViV;r.'wn'f 'a'.ioVm."; ' M
I.t'T flha' k w' i'ort' of I'Pi-'r' A- " '
torla. aa laid out and recorded
Lot I iwi of I'Vpor A.:
torla, a biUl out und rwonled
iJirftcaVrirof-Ywi-r-A;". 41 "
torla, aa laid out and rn'orded
Att j, , .-n f A0ri4 w
lai-i out and rtKortltnl dy J. M
.- . e,,,.v!!'. w
, lH.B i Twn f Aatorla. a
mm.i wit and revordvd iiy J. M
uH M'fuicte 'Twn of ' Aaioirlal,' aa
laid out and rtHonled ty J. M
Hhlvelv j ,)
It ? HkM'k , a .uMlvld by T
A. Hyland. Town of Aaloii.A, aa
hhively" mn rrK'r,ir UY J M
Lot r llllN-'k'sVa'aubYlvl'M,'lW, T. ?'
aii a, iiiixh j na aurxuviiiisi ny
A. Hyland. Town of AalorH,
11 J out and recorded bv J
Slll.'.lu p. ... -
Lot a in uamt-iVvMiirbyY '
A. Hyland. Town of Aai..n; ,
In I.I out and ifcordrd hy J M
Hhlvalv K li)
lt pi Hlo, k W na aullivi,lr,l t.y T
A. Hvluml. Town of Aatorla. aa
mi.f out and nvorded by J M
Jhvrlv f? J,)
Lt II Hlm k J na subdivided by T
A. Hyland, lwn of AatorM, na
Nl.l out ami recorded by J l
fwilvely j; i)
i; i,v k W aa eul-lividt-.l by I
A. liylmid. Tn of Aalorii.
I ild out nn.l rm ,rd-,i bv J M
Shlvelv '.. ,
IH 11 Hb kW a auiK l.le-t by T
A. Ilvliunl Twn of !,rl -a
1 1 id out and recorded by J M
f( h mm r y, M .ubduble,! by T
A. Hytnnd. Twii of Aaioru. ia
I ild out and re- onb d by J M
fhl ey
It 31 lilm-k N .utMivl-ied by T,
A. Hyland TWri ot A.lnrli a
Mid out and rec.rde.1 by J M.
Hllllrtlv , .
-lt n 1n k W an a i-l.vbM by T
- Hyland Town nf Aatoli. na
out und ren-nle, by J
'' ; libvk Town V.f Aaioru.' ii
bod out and rv onled by J M
i.( 7 nim-k "i'Toa'n "of AaioVu. "na
laid out and recorded bv J M
Jti j. m it r. Twn nt Aatorla. na
jnbl out and reor.ed by J. M
i'TlM-- k pi.rt'of I .t-r A-
torli. aa liild out and recorded
bv John Adnir ..
t,ot I. Itn. k 3 aa auNllvidH by T
A. Hyland. Town of Aat-wln. a
liild out and riK-onleo bv J M
t 11)
liot lHiock aa 'auMivbipii by T
A. Hyland. Town of Aaiurla. ia
In Id out and rwordrd by J M.
hi laj
, j, Wtwk'r.'. Town 'f ' A ii.'.YYa.' n
Inbl oul and recorded by J. M
Lt . llltM-k IT. Town of Aatorla. t
In Id out and recorded by J M
Ltl . !(Hk I Town nf Aaiorbt, aa
lab nit und ro-iirdml by J. M
hively .,
Il 10. HlfM'k I T" n "f Aar irla. na
biid out and re-rded by j. I
It a HI.M'k J Toan of taluria, na
Mb) mil nnd rwnrdeil by J
jt j n, V ' ... .ui,,lvl l., by T
A Hyliiml Town f Aator a aa
lild out and recorded by J M.
i,, M,,.k w . .iK,ivl.l.-d bv T
A. Ilybind. Town of Aalor'n. aa
I. ib! out nml reorded by J, M
U.t S.'l li.M'k'ji' a a '.'Uii.lividej"by T .
A. Hvbaiid. Town of A'or. na
l ild oul und recorded by J M
T. V)
, 'nbH-k .T!'a 'aii'b.liyi,."l,r' t
A. Hvliind. Town of AHorli, a
laid nut nnd recorded by J M.
j, ; liinrk'r. Town'of Aaiiirl.i.' .a
In Id out and rei orde I by J M
,, - ,, k , TW(1 ,lf Ar,t
n'd out anl rei-iiru- ov J M
, , Tm' V ' T'.wn'Iif' ' Ani-Vr
Jblnut nnd recorded by J. M.
it"J" ViioVk 'V fort' f "I'-ppeV ' a a'-
lurln. aa laid out and r-'or 1,-1
John Alfi.'r
ljlt j (H.k 4n ,,,, f ,, A,.
lorlH. nn 1, 1I1I out nnd recorded by
tiV" liUHoJrirp,.'rt'',,r''t nL.e'..
r m
44 00
M 40
mrlu. a a lab out an I rei-onled bv
J' Adnir 15) 00
,ot s u,Mk prI f f,.r a-
t'lrtii. aa mill out and recorded l.y
. John Adnir
lilock H Town of Aa'or! 1 a
1 ill -"t and rc'iinbd by j M.
A trl-uiKiilnr nlci-e if bind bounded
on the north by the aoulh line of
tlrand avenue, on the went by the
east linn of Tblr',,-M'l ireet, an, I
on the i-nat by Ihi. boundary
iM-tween that part of the cltv of
Astnrbi. Ore., na laid "lit and re
recorded bv J M. Shlvely nnd
that part nf the a ild i-iiv known
an th I'ort of t'pper Aatnrla nn
laid out nnd recorded by Jnh.-l
Adnir 11,50
I At 3. IIUM K l, I'ort of rme r A a
In.-' out and recorded by J. M
John Adair 9,00
I,ot Ti. Hloi K Jl. rown or Aiora. na
Inbl nut 11 nil record!"' by J, M.
Shlvelv 10.01)
It . lilock 37. Town of Ator a, r,
liild out and rmionb-d bv J. M.
hively 10.00
bint out unu recorded by J. M.
Lot 12. illock 3, Town of ..slurl'a, '.in
ha, 00
laid nut und recorded bv . M.
Lot 7. Illock 3. Town of Aaloria. im
out und recorded bv j. M
Httlvely .,d,uu
Lot 6. Illock 39, Port of Coper A"-
tnrlu, an laid nut nml recurdeil by
John Adair 1na An
i,ot 12, nine a 2, rown nr Asiorm, as
laid out und recorded by J. M.
the City of ABtnrla. Oregon.
Aiiest: it. rc. nkiaio.n,
Judge of the City of Astoria, On-gnn,
Thla great VeRniahl
niiiveiv ..... ;
t ll, ilHk J, Town of Aaiorla." na
I il.t out and recotdl by J, M
Hlilvely '
Lot II, llluck J, Town of Aaloilu, aa
l-'Md out and recoiled by J, ,l
tlon of lanioua rrenerj pnysiclun, will quickly cum you nf nil m,r.
vou or dtaw-taea of the jem-ralive urKuna, sucli m ,at MhiiIimkI
InaomiilaJ I'nlnaln tlia J)nck,Hinliial J-.inliialiina, Nervmia Iel,liliv'
Umplea, Unfiineii bi Marry, hiimuntliiK Iiriilns, Vnrleneeie ,,
Coiunlnutlon. 1 1 atnpn all Inwien by ily or iilht I'revema inl, k.
nenaof diacliame, wlilch If notcheelreil leaila bi Hpermaiorrlura anil
Hz ZV7S, Han Fraiictaco, Cnl. F- Ha" ).
CHARLES nOGBRS, 46 CommerrlaJ St.
AV15NUB. y
n hBr,,1,y lv,h ihnt the aaaeasinoni ma.l.i hy nritlnatira Nit, JWT.'nf III
ll) or Aaliirlii, Oii-iioii, mltlitil, "An tirillinimn cniilli inlim din Maiwaainmit mi
lhu mtiviHi ,.ai,nt roll for tli aiivet iinnruveiiii'iit In ilia i-lty of A'lorla,
Oregon, known aa "rha luipiMViMiiniit of Tweiilv-itlulli Hi real, frmn Kraiiklin u
hliiul Avenue, aplove i.i-li.lM-r VU h, isiw. will Ini dun nun payalna In I'lKtwd
Hiiitc Mold coin at the oltlc of the city
in., p.. I-.... i hi piiiii nine in i-oiiinioii c mini II a III order
collection of Hi same, The naaoaatucnt n aa follows;
Allell A. V
liKiiillla. frank
I Korco, J. 1( N 1(W feet
Krlckaoii, (luatava vital
ll.ikviat. Atnlrow nuriii t
Ji'ffiv)'. Miry It .north h
l,aurllli, Olivia
M.irloii, J, II, 11 una. I ll)
M.irioii. ilargueretta , mul, i lu
Marlon. Taul , und, t-u
U-rlon. Mary 0 ..und. Ml)
Marlon, Thomaa K und, .o
olan. Maran Ann ,
OIn. Marn Anna ,
I'oyakey. John wa Vli
I'arker, W. W vast H
Htphnaon, John.,, wat Vk
Hteuhenaon, John und,
Thompaon, Krlck.... aouth b) ft
Toumaia, John
Wlltlamaon. Jan aouth I,
The follow Ina 1 payable In liialallmenl. the first Installment dua Nm .ruber
I Ulh. 1VM:
uuli jonn
Uy order of th common council of
Auditor and folic
Aatorla. Oregon, h-iobr Pili. Ivat.
Notice lr hereby given Inat lh aaaa nielli mmla by (irdlimm e No Ii" of lh
rlty of Aatorla, (irron, eiitillatl "An ordlnancn ennnrniiu I ho a-ppniriit on bn
ai'e.-ul e.ment roll for in aireet iii.-iu in the i liv nf Aatorlu ur-eon
known aa 'The Improvement of Thlriy-nra aireei, frum Franklin avmim to
ilrand avenue.'" approved latoiirr VJin. iv wm t iua a) Myanp pi i nlia.i
Htnlna old coin, at tha offiYei ot th t-lly Irrnaurrr. on Nnvemlwr I Mb, Iwa and
If not an paid at aald lima, the i-oniin-n num. 11 1 1 1 i.r.ler warrant) for
tha cotlacllon of th aarne. Ttie aaaraanieiil la aa follow:
Anderaon. Vbriof. hair of heir ara Id
" Anderaon. Allwrt Victor Anderaon.
Alel William Anderaon, Jualln A-
urraon. widow
Adair. Mary It "'t. Mi
Adair. Mary H unl-
Astoria Street Hallway Company
Aatorla Street Hallway (. onuvany
Aaloria Htrt IUUway Company
Astoria Strvat Hallway Company
llrenham, Robrt i und. 4
llrenham, lloliert J "'- 1,
llarker. Laura Adair und. S
llarker. Ijiur Adair urd, ,
ileorge. Winifred V
Holme. Ouat und. 4
Holme. Ouat und. 4
Jordan, Mry A und. 4
Jordan. Mary A und, 4
I.araen, Aiiguat und. 4
Laraen, August und. 4
Lnraen. P. W
y.'ii.lell, Elian Adnir und. 4
Mmdetl, Kllen Adnir und. 4
We i ker, Katy A'lalr und, 4
Welcker. Katy Adnir und, 4
The following are payable, In Ian
vembar 1Mb- 1W:
Webbor N. H
lly order of the common council of
Auditor nnd l'olr
Alorl. On-gon, Oi tola t ath, In,
A letter by Iirynnt hna been found In
which tho writer ay that he got first
12 apiece for his poems and later 18 cents
a line.
For Infaati and Children.
Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
Table Wines...
Tor raoUllaa
Alto i for M4oinl an
' Coekimj Purpoe)-
Prlrat Btock, Cream Rr, Old Hickory,
Prld of Kantucky and Hermlta-! Ks
oM. California Braajfll.
Carlson's FamllyLIquor Store
7 -
liner i;.l ll ivii, uml
in miiii laaiied fur l
IaiI 11, llluik 4. Town of Astoria, aa
Inlil out am) rociinleil by J, M.
Milvoly ,. I 34 It
l.ul V, lilock 3. Town of Aaliirln, na
laid out inn) 10. Hided hy j, M.
Hlilvwl v 7 I I, Mini k I. Town of AkIiiiIh, na
liil.i nut mid rtM-ordetl t.y J, M.
Ililelv TV HI
4. Illoek a. T' ll of Aatorlu, na
lulil l.ul ami revonlml l.y J. M.
Hlilvoly U.
Uit 1, llloik .1, Town of Aaioilii, a I out ami rounded by J. M
Hlilvnlv tM
l.ul 3, III." k 4, Town of Aatorlii, na
lulil out Hli.l reiolileil ll) J. M,
h .vely It )
Lot llloik 9, Town of Aal mill, a
1. 1 1.1 nut ii mi ivi-onlvil Iiy J, M
HhlNriy I 3H IT llloik 9. Town nf Aatorlu, a
ill.' out ami rHonle, ly J, M.
lu 4. Hlmk 3, Town of Aaiurla, na
)i .
iio nut and re.ol.led ny J. M
Hlilve y II U
Lut 4, lilock 1, Town of Atrla, aa
(ii I1 oul and rpcordrd by J, l
Hliily 11. U t. Iilmk I, Town nf Aaiurlu, n
liild out and ro.oidtd by J, U
Hlilvely H.HJ
Ul , Iilmk , Town nf Aalnrlu. a
liild out ami racordrd by J. M
HlllVelV s
i,t i nim-k I. Town of Aatorla.
11 U
K n
n n
H 11
1 11
liild out and rH-ordd by J. M
Lot lo. Itlm k 4. Town of Aatorla,
Inlil out ami recorded ny J. M
Lot I. IU'vk S. Town of Aatorla. n
Inlil nut and rtHorde.1 by 4, M
Ijit a. lll.M k I Tn uf Aalorta, aa
Inlil out and restirdmt by J, M.
L.ul X llloik a. Twn nf Aslo'l. aa
liil.i uul ami ravorded by J. M.
t.ot 1. lll'H kt I Town of Aalorla, aa
Inlil out ami raH'ordo by J. M.
I.l I. lUork 4, Town of A'tona, aa
Inlil out and rcMonlpd bv J. al
nlvy J W
Lot 13. It
Lot IJ. Ill k 4. Town of Aatorla, a
Inlrl oul and ratofdrd by . H
b lively ' Ill :
U'l t. IHx k I. Town of Aalorlii, aa
Inlil out ami rworded by J M.
Hiilvely II II
4 l.ot 1, Hlmk t Town of Aatorla. a
laid out anil racirrdnl ny j. M.
p ivaly U 11
th a t'lty of Aatorla Orea-on
A I leal: II. K NKlJUiN'.
JmlKe ol the City of A'loitn, uron.
l.ot I. llloik I. Town of Aaloria. a
Inbl oul and recorded by J. M.
hlUVly S. llloik I Town nf Aatorla, a
laid out and re.orilnl by i M.
1. (, llloik I Town of Aatorla. na
Inlil out and rtHorUad by J. M.
Pi i
11 n
U.t . IU. k t Town of Aaloria,
I il.l out and recorded by J, M
iai j llloik 1. Town or Aaion. aa
Inbl out and record- by J. M
Hnively 21 0Q
..t n. Iil.x k !, Town of Aatorla, aa
Hid out ana roril. by J. M
Bnivaly :l 00
I-l II. Ilbn k 1. Town nf AalorH, aa
". out and recorded by J. M
BhIVrly s oi)
Lot S. Illoi k I Town of Aatorla, aa
Inbl out and ret-uriled bv J. l
Shlvniy '
I... I t, Illoi k I Town of Aaloria, na
lo ht out and ravorded by J M
Hiilvaly II J7
Lot I. lilock I. Town nf Aatorla, aa
lnl. I out hiiiI recorded by J M
niuvoiv 10 V)
Iv . lilock t. Town uf Aatorla, na
Inbl out and recorded by J. M
Hliivnly SI 1
1.1 7. Olo, k I. Town uf Aatorla, na
laid oui ami returned by J, .M.
1,1 I. Illix k I. Town of Aatorlu. na
laid not and recorded by J. M
Lot . Ilbn-k I. Town of Aatnrla, na
lnl.l out nml rax-ordid by J. M
I. M
II. 17
IaiI i. lilock I. Town of Aatnrla, na
lnl 01
it and ren'ordeii nv j. ji.
1 I ively
IyO I Itlm k I. Town of Aatorla, na
bib) out and recorded bv J. M
Ixit 4 iil'H k I Town of Aatorla, a
laid oul nml recorded by J. M.
Hhlvely 0 50
Lot lilock I. Town of Aatorla, an
Inbl out nml recorded oy J. M.
r-hnely 7 . it
Lot ft llbn k I Town of Aatorla, aa
laid out nml recorded by J. M.
HWvrly 91.00
Lot ft llloi k I. Town nf Astoria, aa
bib! out mid recorded bv J. M.
Hhlvely J. 50
I.nt il. Iilock I, Twn nf Aatorlu, a
laid out and recorded by J, M.
Hhlvely tl.SU
l.ot fi. Illne.. I Town nf Aatorla, na
bild out unit recorded bv J. M.
Hhlvelv 3.50
Ixit 0, lllnek I. Town nf Aatorla, nn
laid oul a ml revorued !y J. M.
Hhlvely H.a
In aliiilniunt, I ho llrat Ittsullimim dim No-
, . . . . ,
Lot 12, Work t, Town nf Aatnrla, na
laid out nnd recorded by J. M
Hhlvely KO.QO
tho City nf Aaloria Oregon.
Attest! H. K. NKIJION.
Judge uf Ihe City of Aatorlu, (in-Koii.
1rnpimala for I-'resh fleef and Kreah
Mutton; Office cnlef Coiiunlaaary,
Vancouver Ilarrack. Wash., Oct, 5, 1801
Healed urnpoanl for furnishing nnd de
livering Kreah Heef and Kreh Mutton
will be received hern nnd at ndl'va of com
mlaanrles at Fnrt fUcvena, Oregon, Hols
Ilarrncks nnd Fort flhnrmnn, Iduho, Kwrt
'anhy, Biwikane, Walla Wnllii nnd
Viint-nuver Ilitrrucka, Wnsh., and Dyea
nnd Fort Wrrtiignl, Alnskit, until 11 o'clock
n. m., Nov. 8, iron, nnd then opened. In
formation furnished on application. En
velope containing propositi should be
Indorsed "I'ropoaula for Frenn lleef and
Fresh Mutton," and addrNnd to the
undnrslirnod, or to Commlruuiry at pt
to be supplied. A. B. 11KOOKK8, Capt.
Chief Com'y.
Go East...
via Billing and Durllngton rout, and
you reach Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis,
and all other southern and outheaatarn
cltlea halt a day gocmr than travelra
who take any otherlln.
Qo oat via fit. Paul and th Dnrilngton
route, and you rlda th flnt train on
arththe Durllngton, Bt, Paul Chlcaro
Vi) east via Ogden and Denver, and you
see th wonderful soantry of the Rockl..
famd th world over a th. moat mag
nificent on the continent.
Ticket at office, of connecting line..
I rea.mer mi November liilh, li, mid It