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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0B1AN, TUESDAY MOKN1NU, OCTOBER 21, 188. PONDER AND WONDER "The Little MAN! PllOWN MIXED VE8TKB ' gulf. handsomNy trimmed ; .$2.50 regular price $.1; now.. i HEY MIXED CHEVIOT VE8- te Suit, trimmed rd and hlt tr; regular price $4.60, no $3.00 BROWN CHECKED CAS8I mer Bult; Reefer tyl; trim Died tut. brown And white, worth S.M, BOW S3.50 CHEVIOT. BLUE BAILOR Bult, American, flam crowed ver anchor; word Admiral Dewey worked In llk; gilt braid round collar; worth W-M, now. 0! kHVH COLOR-MIXED ' Cheviot Suit, handsomely trimmed and en elegant piece of $4.50 eloth; regular price $i.o5. now MAVT BLUE BAILOR 8UIT. elegantly trKnmed with white and blue, and silver cord around edge of collar: worth alway KM; $4.25 now TODATS WEATHER. Fair w father. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAT. Little they think of the cup I fill For the dkmm creeping under the hill; Little they think of the feast I spread For the wild we creature tnat must be fed. From "A Fallow Field." JuUa C. R. Dorr. Try Roalyn coal. Elmore. Sanborn Co. The State arrived from Sao Franciaco yesterday, C. Murphy, of thl clt U visiting In Portland. The Columbia crossed out for San Fran Cisco yesterday, - r ' The British bark Eulomene wa towed Vp th river yesterday. Th British ship Glendoon wa towed tip th river yeterday. The Elmore arrived In yesterday from Kehalem with a general cargo. The schooner Guide, lumber laden for Ban Francis oo, put to sea Sunday. In the police court yesterday Mr. L. it Burr forfeited for drunkenness. The schooner Berwick, lumber Uden for Ban Francisco, put to sea yester day. Hon. Thomas Irving, a prominent farm er and politician of Cathlatnet. Is In the city. The Alliance, from Ban Francisco, and way porta, arrived In yesterday and pro ceeded up. Sidney M. Smith, of San Francisco, pre sident of the Pacific Sheet Metal Works. 1 in the city. The British bark Australia, wheat laden, for gueenstown, for orders, put to sea yesterday. Harry Taylor and Ed. Belcher, of As toria, were In Vallejo Sunday, say the News of that city. The funeral of the victim of the torpedo-boat Davis horror were held In Portland Sunday. Manager SeJig. of Fisher opera house, returned yesterday from a busi ness trip to Portland. E. A. Dudley, an extensive wheat grow er of Umatilla county. Is In the city, ac companied by hi wife. F. Nicola!, of Portland, on hi way to Tillamook, some cannery Interests. la In the city where he ha The Japanese bark Tenklo Maru. Cap tain Kaneko, with 400 ton of sulphur from Yokohama, arrived In Sunday. Frank Slavln, the pugilist, was a pass enger yesterday on the Columbia on his way from Alaska to San Francisco. Prosecuting Attorney Cteeton yesterday filed his appointment of Johan E. Young as bis deputy, vice C. J. Curtis, resigned. Wanted, a school girt to do light house wor In exchange for board. Apply at Mr. E. C. Holden'. 4M Duane treet, A torla. Pure Whisky. Harper; Perfect Whisky, Harper. Every bottle guaranteed Harper. Bold by Foard & Stoke Company, As toria. Oregon. For Sale. 100 ton of Rosyln coal; the finest house and steam cool ever brought to Astoria. Elmore. Sanborn Co., Tele phone, Main 6-L The ladles of the St Apnea guild will give a social tea and evening musical at the residence of Mrs. Page, on Thursday, October 'CI. The United States coast survey steam er Gedney arrived from the sound and way ports Sunday and docked ai the ccm: bunker to take on fuel. The reserved seats sale for minstrels opens at Griffin & need's this morning. Secure them early and avoid the rush that will aurely occur at tho door. The following were passengers on the Columbia yesterday for San Francis o; Mrs. Captain Graham. Mrs. James Dal fltt, Thomas Dalglty, Miss Winnie Moore. Tea In tea-countries and Schil lings Best in America are the same. ! Both are fresh-roasted. . u A! ROWN CHECKED CASSl- mere Vestce Suit, richly trim- med In green; regular prloe W M; now ?t.V) EAVt ORKT CASS1MERK em es Bult; American flag crossed over anchor and Admiral Dewey atltohed In allk; never sold t1' .$3.50 for leas than H W; now NAVY BLUE 811T. KEEP er style; a grand piece of goods; two rows of gilt buttons; real bullion tar and braid; worth from U-S0 to I7.W. now.... R E E F E R COAT, BLUE Cheviot; fin Quality, trimmed with black braid and pearl but- tons; cheap at $4 3; now $3.75 CHOCOLATE COLOR; FIXE Wool Tricot Cloth Reefer; superbly finished; flag, anchor and Admiral Dewey stitched In allk; large pearl butona; good value at 17 50 to SUN; now .1 I. W. Harper Nelson county, Ky., whisky, a gentleman's whisky, a whisky for the sideboard, a whlky for the sick room. Sola by Foard ft Stokes, Astoria, Oregon. W. F. Snodgrasa Astoria' leading pho tographer, ha purchased the Crow gal lery and will hereafter be founj located In the rooms formerly known a th Crow gallery. Mr. William Benecke, of the Great American Tea Importing Company, made a flying trip to Portland Sunday to be present at the marriage of his sister In that city. The funeral of the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Soru Jensen, who died t O . . 1 . w MAH.In lAnb nl.M It. ih. afternoon. un.a; "! '2 VTU,,VM cemetery. Th tug Astoria arrived In from Qr.y's harbor 8unday with on of the rock barges In tow. The Astoria will tak the Sampson' place while the Utter steamer hi undergoing alteration. Gorton' minstrel will come on their own special car tomorrow, arriving at the depot at 12:15. They will then give a grand parade, after which they will rive one of their elegant concert in front of Griffin k Reed' store. C. H. Cooper made the excellent score of C at the alleys yesterday. Mrs. Stlne and Mr. Dellinger were high for the ladle, frith S&. The first game in the Wise contest were bowled last night, but the playing wa very poor. w. - v i . , - t r During U8 the county treasurer has paid the city of Astoria from the special road fund JJ.06S.TO and road district No. 1 (Warrenton) All the rest of the road districts of the county have received CiS.H, or about I10.K mne. The popularity of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. Georpe Bartley at the Na tional Is growing dally, and many bus ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the flr.e9t in the city. The tug Samson went to Portland a few days ago and w. ill have many alter ations made before going back, towing barges to Gray's harbor Jetty. Her auto matic towing gear and tubular boiler will be removed and replaced by the old style of towing apparatus. c,-- will also be trimmed so as to set lower In the water aft. A doxen men from Fort Canby pulled over In a life boat Sunday night to meet Corporal King Lee. who had returned from a trip to Portland. The soldiers are all lolly fellow and get along much better here than at the fort. 1 he captain of the company Is said to be unpopular among the men. The troop now stat.oned at Canby Is company C, heavy artillery. The following minor orders were mad by Judge Mcllride m the circuit court yesterday; O. Wlngate vs. City of As toriaDemurrer to portion of plaintiff's answer overruled and plaintiff allowed three days to reply. State of Oregon, ex rel. vs. O. B. Estes Order taken Instruct ing clerk to forward to clerk of supreme court some of the papers In the case for comparison. At a meeting of the Astoria branch of the Red Cross society. It was decided to have an honorary membership, consist ing of patriotic men, women and child ren, each member paying 50 cents or more admission. The membership list Is now open at the home of Mrs. A. A. Cleveland. The demands on the society have become so urgent that it has been decided to adopt this means to Increase Its Income. Fresh candies every day at the Parlor, where all such goods ere kept either In glass Jars or show case and are thus free from street dust and disease germs, The Parlor candies come from the be, factories on the coast, where every mod ern facility for making and "curing" candies can be employed. Compare qual ities and prices at the Parlor with other shops, and you will be convinced that It Is the place to get the best goods. The members of Pushing Poet. O. A. It., j pave a camp fire iuppr and dunce lat night In the hall of Engine ntny No. . 1. .tnur.- the Ir.vlud gu'ft wcr the I menitjerH of the Bed (.'ris Society and 1 the second dlvlfcion, Oregon naval bat Gijrton's . talllon. An elcsrant suiiucr served and ;,artuki-n of, after whi'-h short BK-ei hts w re ilellvered by M srs. iJeuley and WriKht, of the j. A. R , Lieu tennnt Sherman, of the naval reserve, ami o:hcrs. Dancinp and wa then commenced, whlcn rounded ut the evening. Peter C'.-trlson. better known as the I "Terrible Swede." was tip before Police . ' Judgf- Nelson yesterday for b.lng drunk. Officer 8:ttcm madi the ;irre'., with th" I tuwlstance of two other policemen. When j St'.tem first took charge of Carlson, the I prisoner became frartiouH, and the ofll I cer was unable to manage him alone. He called for ixtt fiance, and two omor oill cers c-ame to his relief. CarlHon re'!ie i ! to go in the, ordinary way, nnd It was I necessary to drag him to the station. The I arrest waa made early Buruiay morning. ; Judge Nelson lined Carlson $25. Judge McBrlde convened the district court In adjourned session yesterday. The B 11 Kind of l3oyH' and ChlldroncV Suitn cut to olmoHt One-Hnlf. (We carry no Satinet, Cottonade or Shoddy Suits.) Jells' aultH, overcontH, Imts.imd Hhirt we need not Bpenk of here. lmoat everybody in ond iiround Ab torla has found out t lint "WE MEAN BUSINESS." Herman The Reliable Clothier nnd Mutter. P. S. A few all Wool Blankets to close out Cheap. mo.t Important matter to come before the court was the case of Mlchell Zuio vlch. chanted with the murder of "Pat" Parnes, Th work of empanelling a Jury took up considerable time, but the fol lowing were Anally selected: Carl John son. William J. Ilerkard. T. 8. H-nder. son. J. L. Hajscth. William 1-arson. C. A. Mathena. C. Ahues. A. Brlx. II. F. Astmp, L. B. Belland. Charles Outer, and II. Ford. After the selection of the jury court aJJourned over until this morn n. when the tr a will proceed. ' The case has excited great Interest anj I ther wa a large crowd In the courtroom I whrn the vae was called yesterday. For the past day or two the prisoner has i been rather nervous, but he has given Jal'.tr Blndc no trouble. - The following ordinance for the col- tfcrioii it aeaujept remaining unpaid I on the following .treet, were sl.ncd by the mayor yesterday: Th. Eut Aston. The Eaat Astoria ' aueyway; tumernm .ri.. i . -, . . . . . t - change to Grand avenue: Irving avenue. from Fifteenth to Elghteentn; Tentn. from Commercial to Exchange; Thirty. (ifth. from Franklin to Exchange; Wall , street No. L inner ruinam-rs si" To pay L. Lebeck for th Improve- of Commercial street; to Issue and i were ment of sell bond for the Improvement of Twenty-ninth tret. from Fnlnklln to Grand; for the improvement of Grand avenu. from Twenty-ninth to Thirty third; for th improvement of Thirty, flrat. from Franklin to Orand; to pay L Lebeck OS.TT for the improvement of -w..t...i.ik .irMi .ml nonmrlAtlnff. K.-i s VornWle Cyl.r.: and tKl.TS for the Improvement of Grand j and Franklin avenues respectlvly The Oriental liner Mogul Is on the a ay down the river and Is ue her any time thla month, having left Portland Sunday morning. Her draft Is XI feet I Inches and she Is probably getting stuck off and on. as otherwise she would arrive here Sun day evening. Another reason for the de lay is that a large steamer like the Mo itul. heavily laden, can only round the sham curves In day time until he ge'.s well down the river, and. therefore, has to lay over and cast anchor during the night. When the steamship Athenian, which left this nort a few days ngo for Vladlveslock arrived fnm Portland she made the run in two days and a half, being compelled to anchor over night on the way, and then had much trouble In navcatlng down the river. The Mogul, although of leaser length and lighter draft than the Athenian, can round the blur- and keep In the channel onlv dur ing daylktht. which is partly the cU!e of her nonarrtval here. The i'gul Is (V'tir laden, but will finish her cargo by taking on 1000 racks at tills port. The result or tne oowung in me mm month contest for the Hermsn Wise medal Is made known In the latest bul letin Issued at the As'orta Football Club. Frank Goodell, a clasa B man. with two pins handicap, finished hlgn. wnn an average of 41 flat. He bowled only 13 games. For the scratch men Ise, Coop er and Burroughs flnlshed close, air. Wise kept a record of his scores for the Durtose only of determining Just how h Is bowling. He offered the trophy and of course Is not In the contest. He piayea M games, with n average or in.s Is the best average made In the tourna- ment. Cooper was a close second, with 39 for 3 games, Burroughs getting B.35 for 52 games. Allen, of class B, flnlshed In games with 38.42 average. Mrs. Deltlnger was high for the ladles, with an average of M. for 15 games. She Is a clasa B bowler, with one pin handl- cap. Mrs. Stlne average wa H.30 for 23 games; Mrs. Normlle' 33.33 for 12 giimes. and Mrs. Wise' 32.10 for 24 games. The three latter players are in class B. Hereafter the first 25 games bowled by the men and the first 15 game bowled by the women will count In this contest. Six Kaines must be bowled on each alley by the men (the odd game to be played wherever the contestant chooses), while three games must be bowled on earb alley by tho women, tho remaining three to be bowled on any of the alleys chosen by the player. In this way a man's work on ail alleys will be shown, and tho contest will be made the more satisfactory. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker HouscJ. F, Davis. Peter A. Shwlt. Henrv Olmstead, Portland; Jus. B. Frazer, Stockton; F. Modal, Wost--..-; J. Colvln. Mrs. :., Ileef-r, Marsh land; E. A. Dudley and wife. Athena; J. T. Johnson, wl'e and m August A. Nauel. Clatnkanlc: J. JackHon, llwaoo; :. o Taylor, Elsie; . Becker, Albany. OorHent-b. Schmidt, L. H. Spraur, W. Y. iJrowne, B. J. Jossey, t.'harles Phillips, V,'. G. Martin, Portland; Sidney M. Smith, San Francisco; Thomas Irving, I 'hleT.ot; R. P. S-annell. Seattle. CARD OF THANKS. The Woman' Relief Corps begs to nn nornce to nil wht nss;?tted In raising a fund for our navul r. srve tnat, ot'r boys not being called upon to leave their homes, wo have, at urgent callH f ir help from Manila, and aluo for hospital sup plies, ger' 25 to New York for the wounded and nick returning from Cuba, and 125 for hospital supplle at Manila. W are very grateful to all who so gen erously contributed and to those who as sisted at the concert. 11R8. CORA GREEN, Pres MISS IRENE JOHNSON, Sec. Wise TAXPAYERS' PKOTKST AGAINST nVE-illl.u LEVY Petition the County Court At to M ike the Proponed Assessment for H'Md Building Purpose. pr,nteJ ,hi. morn In t the county o8rt uk-.tin,t the prvposrd levy of the S-ml!l road t-tx h't ,,n , i,y , number of additional ,. . . .... Ur. sines t clrvulalrd S.ttur day. . The petition, with the na:r of H the reniontrants. I as follows: ... . M., '.. V n k. -p ; " ,-' ' "l" "P county respcottuuy rri.r"cni n. ukri hi." - ' . .. ed and will require htrye sums of taxes to meet, and will necss.llate larr lvies, ''That the tax-ayers for several year have borrowed money and mortgaged their property In order to meet the taxes; ht many of those mortgage. nd deb ts are still unpaid. Many were not able to borrow money, and large quantities of the property of the county ha been con nscaicd and boufht In by th county and now held by it. "That there Is no demand tor real estate, and. In the opinion of the under signed. It Is pot wise at the present time to Increase the levy or to mke It more than can be pslbly avoid, d. "That, owing to me above, and to th fact that many of the road In Clatsop county are not laid out In the proper place or In the proper manner, and aluo I to defects In the r"d laws, the under. , ,igT,i think It nol in the Interrst of ' economy., or otherwise Judicious, to In- , crvat the levy for roads, and. therefore protest aKalnst any Increase of levy for that purpose. "They also uik that the levy be mad as small as practicable an the expenses cut down dunng the next year so as to ctme llhltt th-J estimate and levy." Charlea II. P. J. H'fcxlmnn H. Carruthem C. J. Tremhard P. K. Warren C. II. Cooper ;e.irge H. C.eflrife N It. Webber F. Sherman J.imes W. Welch F. A. Floher A. C. Fisher C. 8. Wright Sidney Urll Eureka & Eplcur Parking Co. Charles H. iMhr John W. Welch 7. Anatenson Geo. Davidson U C. Kinney Frank J. Taylor West Shore A....S Co Peninsular I .and h Trunt Co. by F. 3. Taylor. It presi , T 0 Trulllner ; f. a. Fulton dent Astoria Gas Light ,C. It. Thomson i rhiMnni IkMAlV Co by W. L. Pugs secretary I). II. Welch Max F. Berende John Hahn Shannhan Bros. W. 8. Kinney W. W. Parker Van Dusen Invest ment Co. B. VanDusen Wm. H. Barker Central lAsHorl Land Co. W. C. Parsens, by It. Carruther Astoria Loan and 8. uordoti, cish' Building Assn., W. ler First National II. Barker, pres. Bank E. G. Roger J. E. Hlgglns j j,-ranj, pttn. rash- A. O. Biwxarth ; ,,.p Atf.ria ftav-W. II. TwIllKht lnga ianh jj 8 Copeland I H j,- Pra j lnpo riracker M j, Kinney I!(.nJamln Young Alcx GnheTt j G wingate j A xjnvlln George W. Wood i jj gchlussel C. W. Fulton A. Montgomery M. Meyer M. Nowlen Astoria Iron Wks John Fox. pres. Charte Ward E. Johnson P. F. Halfrety T. A. Hyland Geo. W. Sanborn Astoria Investment W. Loeb Co., per O. W. 8., O. Sovey ( lcc, George Hill ci Rver -pK. Co.F. M. Warren by E. W. TallantA. M. Smith I Aug. Dnnlelson , churles Rogers j M. C. Chutter I y. -j Chutter Anna Page i r, Johnson t j. uorgman A. Booth Pkg. Co by W. T. Chutter L. M. Davl C. 8. Brown A. J. Meglor Th. Olsen Grant Tulllnger Elmore. Sanborn CoD. Morgan W. H. Wood Louis Klrchoff 11. B. Parker V. Boclllng J. Wlnterhaldor J. W. Mlnnkr Enfatc of C. Boel-George A. Nelson ling, by V. Il'M-lllrig THAT JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating senno of re. newed health and strength and Internal cleanliness, which follows tho uho of Syr-o of Figs. Is unknown to the few who hnve not progressed beyond the old tlmo medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by tho well-informed. Buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fltf Syrup Co. It Ih easier to court tho muso than It Is to -ret her publisher' consent. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants en dorsed prior to July 8th, 18M, to present tho same to the County Treasurer at his office, 1GJ Tenth street, for payment. Interest ceases aftor this date. Dated Astoria, Oregon, this 20th day of October, 1858. II. C. THOMPSON County Treasurer. How Our Prices Trade Kept up. Will Pay You to HACKINTOSHOS Children's two cape navy blue serge. double texture Mackintosh; Slav to to; regular price I9.W; special price U. Ladlea' single texture Cap Mackintosh; regular ilc, JJ.M; special prloe ft . Udles' all wol ere. double or lnl cape, dttubl textur Mackintosh; col. or, blue, green, brown, ami hawk ; t ular prlc 16 W; wt lal prldi H. l4tdl' all wool, allk lined. douWe tex ture Victoria Cap M k ntth; color navy blue; regular 110 garment any whore; special price only M. CAPES AND JACKITTS Udloe' Inch Plu.h Capo. Unetl with near allk thltwt, fur around ettllar: reg ular price B W; lll prtt 1.4.1W all w.tol Astrican Ce; heavy phU.I lining, trunnusl with ttilbel fur; regular price. It W; special price I1W. SHANAHAN BROTHERS You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The only rtit-rslr tlrtig store wlioro rvrry sriicls is sold 15U A per ernt. less mau uie nauuiKium - ..i.v,. Mere words du I tell it all. Here are sums prices Urmrtuiier every l utein Mediciac. iollrt Article or i'run i sui at Put rlea. Our msil order buslusss lis treuisti in tesr. Ut-suse verybody lttuo :UH Diile of Portland cnu inoiiey by tro.lunf with ua. tMlf KeruUr trrl'-e ... K) IS . I 10 ... v . 1 ! ... I IU .. I t .') . I ) Cot rate I'rl.. to 10 fr :s 7 Allr-' Por.,m Mailer Ajrer ear-il.l ( rtrr' I' ills (' oris Hnii f nitu.l ' Ilm. lHritrtl. I'sliie 'rler I'liipoiinU Hrie( '! llreKilB llll I'Ufirtef I'lefi e rreripnon I to I'uree tiol tell J itle.u I'll- I ot't T) - 1 I'le ee's I'ellet i!i ui' i''i' M ii ,r (j i.iitn uie , or oir- ltille.1 l0!l.. in n..ine. ut onlnx li I ki1'i - tj'l hill Vtl'i lie, of Pll.'te ro.itvil I '.It'll, in iM.iuri ronlaliipi 1 x-a'.e tjaiiiji.e .'(. ! . "i suif-ir rimleo l.."'!"., in ihi...-. ro i'ntii . I o.lflli 4i liltuli r t'ai.lle., or "lit r- rt'.ile l iainei. in i.e. riinuliilim liu&graln " We buy direct fn tn the nianilfacturfrs H iiDaiitities, which secures tie VKItY LOWKST TK M'K UATtM. This rimlile ns to retail at wholi-sale We puy transioriaiion rusrges m n torin on all onler (or drugs or pnti-nt Djetliciiies anionntina to 5 or over, wln-n KCiim'aiiitl by the rash. Our pliotoirapliio tli'partmenl will in t..riit von. Kverv new tiling In tilmtoi:- raphy is in stock, and it will ilelight km to bave you call, w net tier you miy or u. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate DriKjijIsts Fourth and WasliiuKton, Portlnml, Ore STOCKHOLDERS MF.ETINO. Nolle I hereby given tnat th regular annual meeting of the stockholders of th Flshermens Packing Co. will be held at th ofllce of the company on Saturday, October 23. WW, at o'clock a. m for th purpose of electing a board of dire, tors for the ensuing year and th transaction of such business a may properly com before the meeting. AUO. MOHEIlO. Secretary, Fishermen' Pkg. Co, (Astoria. Or., September 29. IRjS.) She Before wo wore married you de clared you would go to the ends of tho earth to make mo happy. He Well, what If I did? She I wish you would go now. I don't know anything else that would make me so happy.-lllustnitod Bit. HOW TO LOOK QOOD. Good look r really more than (kin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all th vital organ. If the liver I have a bilious look; If your stomach I disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys arc affected, you have a pinched look. He cure good health, and you will turely have good looks. "Electrlo Bitter" la a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, puri fies the blood, cure pimple, blotches and bolls, and give a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at Este Conn Drug Co. (0 cent per bottle. Tho uverago man seems to Use his wlnh bone more than any other bono In his body. AN ENTEHPRI8INO DIIUOGI8T. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than the Estcs-Conn Drug Co., who sparo no pain to cur the best it everything In their line for their many customer. They have now the valuable agency for Dr. Kins' New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold. Thl I the wondorful remedy that Is producing such a furor all over th country by It many startling cure. It absolutely cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsenos and all affection of the Throat, Cheat and Lung. Call at abov drug stor and get a trial bottl free or a regular size for GO cent and $L Guar anteed to cur or price refunded. Are Kept Down and Our Fast-Increasing The Solution Will lie Pound Uelow. It Hold Our Prices for Comparison,, Indies' all wool heavy Kearny Jackal) slorm collar, military rut; big value at 17.(0; our aolal pries only li&O. Children' navy Mil Reefer Jacket; mad f goiM standard cloth, trimmed with white sulache braid, making a very stylish garment; worth H; our spe cial Klc for M B, Small Wares Children' School Umbrellas, rongg handle, only, each Oe Two lutckage good Envnlo( for..,. 16 Black or Gray Corset Steel, each..,, I Alunmlum Thimbles, each lo Hook and Eye, nard lo taly Rlblon, all Colors, yard le Tin: ."'Lack to turr haimjaixs. Ladies' Fleece Lltied Fast- Black Hose ALBERT Remember the "P. N." CofHCtH. NEW CROP CURRANTS NUTS, CITRONS, MINCE MEAT, ETC Havo you tried Elastic StarchP It beats them all and a boauti ful picture goes with each package J XI H VI till Tl XI XI XI Xi XI ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Cheap at the Plush cape, thibet fur trim mfid around the collar and down the front Braided cloth cape Braided and beaded cane - A- well selected line of jackets very cheap. All styles of walking hats at THE BEE HIVE. GRAND REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS. 500 Yards Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels and Moquettes to be dis posed of at less than cost. C. HEILBORN & SON. Udlea' Feather llo,n'h Udles' Faet HUck llosa, tUr v Towel Racks, oaoh... Embroidery Ilnop. each. Knitting "Ilk. alt colors, spool. H'ampotl Pillow Miami, pslr... Bp Ladles' Heavy Ribbed Vests. ch Children's E. J5. Wsist. acIi KnlllltMi Cotton, ball Collar Buttons, doaen :3Sc per pair OUlAti AND RAISINS Bee Hive - $2 - 1 cloth - 2 85 60 a 00 LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA