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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1898)
" THK DAILY A8T0KIAN. TUESDAY MOUMNU, OCTOBKtt 15, WA. It THE EXCELLENCE OF SYEUP OP HGS U dua not only to tits orljf Inallty tad Impllultyof tlm iMiindlnntloii, ImUlao toUi car ami aUlll with whlah It U uiauufuoturcl by m-lvntino proratM known lu (ho I'Ai.iroiiMA Fm briti'i Co, only, knd wu tvlh to ImproM upon Jl tha inMirlinn of jitirtliaaliiK tha truo mill orltflmil rnmmly. A the iriiulne Hynip of Fltf I nmiiufuolurrd 1T tlm CALiroHsu Viu Hruw Co. only, ft kimwllifo of that fact, will taalat ona In Mvolitlnir tlm worthies Imitations timuufuatured liyothrr par ties. Tim hltfh nUiiillnir of tha Cam ronnu Fid hriiti' Co. with the nidi cl profKMlmi, ami tho satisfaction which the ifrinilim Hvrup of Fljf has given Ui uilllloun of fitmlllm,. makes the name of tha Coiupiuijr (fiisranty tt the riecllrm-tj uf Hi remmly. It U frlii ailvaiioo uf all othc-r laxative, M It aU Oil tho klillirv. liver anil bowela without Irrltatlujf or weaken Ina them, ait'l It ! nit trrloo nor bauM-atn. loonier to vet Us bciirfiolal nffivU, ilrMi reiiH-iiilx-r tho name of tho ('omjmiiy CALIFORNIA TIG SYRUP CO. 4 rtt.N( l( 0, 1. 1. LallIU. Uf. HtW ImHK. N. T. L. LIIUHCK Cnrpcnter tttul llullitcr (Jcnernl Cnnlrnclor HOUSI'. AI5lN(l AM) noVINCl A SPECIALTY FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE b. E. SELIG, Ltseei and fflgr. II, OCTOBER 26 Just niio Jolly Nilit (iOKTON'S . . FAMOUS . . . A LI WHITE NEW yWKKANS MINSTKICLS J n it j-li attiiij; ii ml n Trolling tain if nM tiini' min-trcKv. JStrift I v ri liiii-l, tip to lnto, uinl- vrn rli.N, Hank (iuoiUlo, DcWlttcCwtk. Elliott Bros., Gorton and Sparks Hrljifl on d Schmltt, Mullen ibi Vouu.r ami others Including (lor ton's Gold Set tcttc and the Matchlcv CRESENT CITY QUARTET Iou't iniiH tho 8vtiUt j'ttrndcof iniiifftrt-lsv anil (joint )X's i:n!suk- I'ASSAHLK BAND. Nono like it : : : : : : Uofervrtl heat Mile ojii'UH Tues duy nt (irillin it KcciI'm. TICKETS. Uencrveil Hentn Jo 75 Gallery , tSTtS-GOfiPRUGGO Leading Druggists of Astoria .t uvruwiAn Try Prottolo,, a sure and pleasant cure for the HetKlacbe, ',y.vy.s,.s ,11.1...,-. . 1 - -,-.11,-, ... , ,1 . , mmmrmM.mmmf . . i-i'. Jt Ala INSTBU- niriLa WMsisrtwiMse MENTAL BKCKIVED THE SISTERS OF THE MUSIC. Convent of the GRAMMAR . . . HOty NaUlCS VOI0B CULTDRB and ASTORIA. OREGON. FORMA I ACADEMIC lloiudlin m,,n, P0,.ptetl for tho aphool ! .nAmj wo"kl Dt of opening, HepteinherMh, SPECIAL ; UttAJJalo J For rate, eto., addrftaa thn Buporioroaa DEPARTMENT ; Astoria Leading Hotel Mcgler & Wright, Props. LATE WAR DID NOT COST MUCH Civil War Was Much More Expcn slve per Diem Than tbc right With the Spaniards. OiSE MILLION DOLLARS A DAY The Amount Expended Durlnjthe Late Unpleasantness -The Civil War Cost Nearly as Much Again. cjiif.MKi, oi. :i-a mio.ui id ih Trllmiia fr.nri Wm.liliinl.ui ; I'll. In Mum' i m.i.. fur Mlllill wur aiii; Into limlMiiini'MiKo when imn- imiml Willi lliu mat of I tin (Oliltli'l be I will tlm i,i.. Till! far, Ilia war wlih HiKiln li i'l IiYi.jSi.VII, tir rrm tln uvnr II.uu.ikj day uliii tha t)iiliinln of h'lullllllrn April 21, Hiculimt Ilia eimr lniiua diiiii vt liMMJMi tturltiK (ho civil war, if un Vrrtio itt 1 1. W, !.'! per d"X. Tho litra"'! aiiixuiit out In a aliad ilny tturliitf tha war with Hixilit w M.' II'i.imi, July t, ur neurly enounti lu in lru I a'nl e4Ul a Drat clnai'-lilp, Th licit liiaheat (!)' Weru H''li'llllcr IV, wIifm 1."1.jv on. utieiit, anil July IK, Willi a litnl uf I1.77') '). hut thu dully iK.iia f reiu. Iilly run al"'Va Ilia um.iu) murk. Tha tu.let fur thv f"ur inniilh of dm irr ni Him uI ymr wu l. 112. Ml. whlln llm rili'llluina f..r the Wtmla fl l )nur uf U'li orn only IV),. Ml. .11. ami f'r IhU niniilh Ihn avnrnaa of II i""M t r ini'iilh wu inlnlair-l. In April llm ripen. fi.r I lie uriny unl navy Wera uikIiI. ruhly nlcivn Imritial niuiri, wlmii Ihv tvnt ha. iKsirly 1,. (.11 ...1 My howM a prrri'ptllila lu 1 rn. Wlien Ut.uiio waa .. IU. June a fiirtlir linre.ii.0, Zi.').iv ixtmng iiver tliu lr'iiiiry iounlr, inn July h ,.l llm lilfh.-t rlpeinhlure of 13,. ixidil Tha licit llluiilh ltnreil a 1e rrniw, unly HI.1"' 'i hctna M-nl, hut 4..iPnib r rra. hrl nearly Ui'AU,")", and f'.r 2 ila uf (H tdlH-r tha rlne iib iil.nut ti'J.:'"fi, or nmrly l.).lno Kr day. Tim total duhuriilin lit of the gov. ru llirfit for the fuur lii'XithM of Itir. prr.'lll ymr, wlihh'.l the ilvll !t. ii)iii. m Knd Inti-rrit on tha buill' ilr!.( were 21X111. t" re- i.ilt wera unly II..J.TM u'j, h.liiK a de. fl. ti of for tii" n. l 1 lie l:....j.u..u) npi nl on the op. ralloim of th army and lta dutliiK Ina War of lh re!WIon liu liiile tha rloJ of iho flrt threo month of Iv.l. wnen urtlve .r.i'"Hon f.r h.uliti mrr hrii'K iii.idn. and the nine Inon... of lu, whin Ihn riianca'of thn ((.ivitluiH'tlt were unuauoJly hiavy. ATTCMI'T Til KXTollT AN INSI'HANi'E I''y. A Well Known Mmumnl ltor I'lrcu latr lha Humor of III lirownlna, but III Hvhi-mo Kail. NKW YOltK. IM. :t-A dlilih to thu Herald from Montreal wt: An attempt to ritori isi.uo insurance money I aretnlnaly at lha bottom uf the tury of the alleged drownlna a week ako of lr. W. II. Ireland, a native of Trenton. Ontario, but for year a resident or South Afrlea an J aurKron to I'wll Hhoji. Thn clly tie-ply atlrred up by the event, whbh wn ald to have ovfurrwl .iff the iKmalilaon Hue wharf, and the an nouncement that iKmiildMin'a widow wu at deaih'a ilor In her hotel. When de tective called to ix her, her ior" did not guile attro.1 with that tUI tin her ar rival at the hotel two hmira after It la aliened hnr hutaml wo drowned. Bho fterwria made other contradictory atatomenta. Tltedntwllvea any frankly that they be- tleve that durlna the two hour between tha alli'Kei luddent ami tha Mr). Ireluml reported It at tha h'Mrl, Ireland went to tha depot and took train for Nw York, whimi ha aalled fur Kinclnnd Or ha may huve a friend on tha Trllonla who irava him a hunk In anermy. The TrMunla nlM at dayhraak tha nt Wi'rmiijr for fMiiKw, whara aha wlll'ha wri.'hvd on tier arrival, ,t Tha fin a value of I he limurunra poll, 'In held hy Ireland la Itt.fl"), but aa a mat ler of Iml thera I only nn the ,loi tor' Ufa, tha pri-fiilnm un 117. W Wnrn not pnld nil Auut 1. i)r, Ireland wu well known In floulh Africa, linvlnif taken a prominent part In Ilia Mutahelo wur. 1U wu wounded In the hip and aa a reaull walked ainewhu pirn. He wna mirawit to I'aeil Ithode for eonie limn arul wa a rh-ver man. Word twmea from Vh ilrla, II, (.',, ilmt Ir. limd I known there and onto otleiilpt ed u almlliir 'h,rn to the otie now nroiiKlMK Inteie! here, Mr. Ireland pro tel thiil he know notlniiK ut It. A I'ltlHuNKIi CAI'TL'llKU AKTKIt A M)N() CIIAHIC. A. J, Hmllh In (.'utody at Hentllo for HiealliiK Ireael Hare Hkln from III Krnployer. i'lllCAOO, Oil. 2t.-A Trlhuna Omaha iwciul aayi: After a chuo from utean to oicnn and a (uiiorn w any unit at Heattle, Vah., 10 prevent hi extradition urn! return to Omuhu, lha iKillce have at at lumlwl In tall hera A. J, Hmtth, the em ploya uf O. K, Hkukert, furrier, who on June 'a Iuk l dm'aniHl with 11,'AH worth of drenned rare kln. Hmlth arrived In (muh from Hoatlln In thn tuatiNly of a drpuly herlff. The ptUoiier I a pitiful etuht. He I ulni"t hlllid and hue to lw leu almut like a child and lil Uiht I arowlna worae dully, In a week or he will lie totally blind. Hmlth freely admitted tlwt lie atole the akin, lie uy he committed the 114 1 to rn: money to have In ye treat. by an eminent rye iiUII.i In N-w Vo'k. Illlndlire. ho wild, hud Im rn KrowlliK on hlin for tno r.tne oof. .re he left Oma ha. Ill ulTtli'll'.n he nttributml to Work Ina amotiK the dry fur and kln In Hku- ki-rt etulillnnivrit. HOAItti:i; ItV AltJIKI) MEN'. HKATTI.K. Oft. 21 -The burk Itluhund I.ltht. which tm lirrn IimkIIiik con at Ihn Hmllh Cm,, bunker, did not veil ye t.T'l.iy for Han I rani Inez. uwiu( to an uiifore. n 01 i iirri in e. Ar.-urdlnK to the t,,ry of thn upt.un two boat loaded with men fame to the IliKhlund I.lcht and lewnled h.T. They were armed with revolver and took live ul!or away by force The tnpt.iln would li"t alve an tn tlnutloii an to thn ull.Keil kl liuip.nK. ATTAi h'K!) HY flllMHK. MN I k.N, tut. 2i.-The l'-kln corre poiiit.ut of the linlly Til.-Kram My: ('hlin,. olllir attiifked a Iwrly of Kna'iah eiiKlnw-r 'ftenlny on the IVkln-ll.nikow railway. H.Viral of the ewclne.-!- wire Injurml and a railway cool In j kllli-d. The altumlon I l ou. Thn forelKti envoy will hold en enierency mM-tlng t,mnirrw (Tueaduy.) rilKCAlTlONS HKINO TAKEN. IIAIKA. I'ltUntlne. Oct. 2t-Tne wlhe made an Important nrrrt of a will known anarrhlat here yesterday. Exlni onllnary precaution are brlna taken to Insure the anfety of Kmperor William and Kmpre Auauata Victoria. Ininnx the time that they are bore, veiled wo men will not 4ie allowed In the atreett, aa the police fear the anurvhut mlht niwume Uieao dlKute. 8OMKWHAT UATE. WVIUNGTON. tVt. St-New I re ceived In Whlnrton of tho lanuchlng at Havre of the crulaer Rio Ue Lap-tla, which la to be prevented to Simln by the 8tnnlh realden' In (he Argentine tie- pulillo. and at tho outbreak of the war they rained a fund with which the venae), which wa in provoea of ronmructlon. waa purchuned. C.ICNKRAL MEUIllTT MARRIED. WNDON, CK t. II.-MiiJor-OcncraJ Wes ley Merrltt and Ml Iura WIUlumH, of I'hlniKo, were mn rr led thl afternoon at the Savoy hotel. BUCKLENS ARVICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cut, Brulaei, Sorer. Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever lore, I Tatter, Chappad Hand. Chilblain, Coma and all Skin Eruption, and poeltively curea Pile, or no pay re quired. It la tuaranteed to give perfect (afteraction or money refunded. Price 24 centa nr box. For aala by Kitea-Conn urug Co. A omull tencupful of llttuld ammonia aholild be added to the pain of water with which windows aro cleaned. Dry with clevm elotha and illh with old news wH'r, THE TKACE COMMISSION'S WORK. Tho inatrurtlnna to tho Teace Commla alonera before they started to Purls wore not ntndo public for obvlotta reasons, but from a high olllclul cornea tho atutiMiiont that thla country will lnalnt upon Spain yielding to every demand we nmko. She cannot do othorwlao than Klvo up vn. tunlly. 8ho la like the sick man who Is contending with tho strong In hutdiicHS circles almost powerless. It takes many ymrs for nations to recover from weak ness, but sick men con quickly regain health and strength by taking Hostet ter'a Stomach Hitter. There have .been truiny bad cases of dyspepsia, and indi gestion cured by this medicine when It looked aa though euro waa Impossible, Th Bitters first put the stomach In order and bring about proper digestion of food. Ten cents In your pocket will purchase more than the dollar some one owes you. Doar Editor If you know of a solicitor or canvasser In your city or elsewhore, especially a man who has solicited for subscriptions, Insurance, nursory stock, books, or tailoring, or a man who can sell goods, you will confer a favor by telling him to correspond with us; or If you will Insert this notice In your paper and auch rmrtles will cut thla notice out and mall to us, we may tie able to furnish them a good position In their own and adjoin Ing counties. Address American Woolen MUli Company, Chicago. LAID A TRAP FOR SAA1PS0N Anti-Catbollcs t Havana Tried 1 to Get tlie Admiral to Indorse Their Movement. FAILED TO KEEP HIS DATE Cot Wind of the Plan an J Did Not At tend the Servlces-luirroverneots for Both Cuba and Porto Klco, NEW YORK, Oft. 24.-A dlpitch to th, 1 Herald from Havana uy; Itrur Admiral and Mr. Hunxon start ed to 11 1 1 end thunh till afternoon, but on the way were Jolnwl by neveral Amer ican friend, and for orne rcuaon the cnrrlnKo turned buck when almoat at tha church door. Hntnaon dm not deliver the uddrne which had been ud vet lined, A large crowd gathered at the old Jane Tlieuler, now known aa tho wld Uthe nuine chapel, a great mujority of thoo preaent being there merely to hear Ad miral BumpiK'n. Ilia services were pro Ion., I nmrly two hour, but tha c.ngre- Xtlon wa finally dlmnlased when the Rev. Mr. Kulron decided tlp-ro waa ru. lion of tho admiral appearing. In explanation, Mr, Kuilon ald that Admiral Humpson had not only promlved to uU.'iid but whs aniloua to do to. A majority uf the American here oei eve Admiral Hampton learned at tne lunt moninnt that an attempt had been made to ec ur hi apjuirent ndorement of an attack um CatholUUm by mins of hla preenw at the mecliiig. Thn acrvlci are uipoed to be non- KecUrlan. but were conducted by Mr. Kulton. whose attack upon Cathollclntn huve mado him nolorl'.u, a:ilsted by Itev. Mr. Jjlut. once a catholic and now bitter opiKincnt, and tho It'.v. Mr. Lcyte. of IXmton, who announcea tluit ho wu edui-t.'d for the priesthood. Their ulUck un Itume were mild, but a circular written by Mr. Fulton making a II, r- attack upon the church In Cuba wu distributed. Die A 11 1 rr can commlanlon I ltlll awkit Ing a reply from Washington to recent cubic ini-M-uK1 . Arrungemeiit are al rwu'.y In lug niuile for tho euibllshment of 4 new system of murine inspection In r'uba uud Porto Rico, First, a dlln fitting plant will be establia ed In Ha vuna ear,)' r.cxt prtng. L-iter plum will be estahlUhcd at Halillug,) and San Juan. The tilun Is to have all hiucI thorough' iy o.KinirciiHi ui in pori 01 sa...nT 10- Ktead of ut the port of let illation. iy (hi mean many Uvea may be sawd by preventing the aiperuncu of epidem ics will lie shut out of the United States, The commercial Influence of this plan upon aoulhern port will be 'great, and northern porta will auffer somewhat. A ship now Bulling from Havana for Mo bil, for Instance, must -e (Us.nfecivd before nailing, and the tune consumed In the voyage will count a quarantine. Thut means that Cuba and Porto Rico will be from three to five days nearer all lha ports south of Norfolk than al present If Is understood the president contem plates the apiKilntment of a sanitary comnnislon for Cuba, composed of five members (wo doctors, a sanitary en gineer, lawyer and an accountant. This commission will not only have gen eral charge of the work of Improving san itation, but will attempt to stomp out yellow fever, small pox. berioerl, glun ders all more or less epidemic. The com mission will also colon lie the lepers, of which thero are now about five hundred on tho island. It Is reported that SpAln has provided tJ.ouO.UOO to pay the army In Cuba, and U,OiiO,GOu more will bo advanced In a few days. A small band of Insurgents near Clenfuegos. who left cam- on Thursday, are reported to be committing depreda tions. So far they huvo killed no one, and an attempt will be made to persuade them to give up their arms and go home. DECISION IS AGAINST THE PULLMAN COMPANY. Must Cetoe All Other Opera..ona Than of Building Cars-Ruling of Illinois Supreme Court, CHICAGO. Oct. 24,-The supreme coun of Illinois decided today that the action 1 Instituted by ex-Attorney General Mo loney during his term of office to compel tho Pullman Palace Car Company to re strict Its operations to charter limitations should stand, and remanded the case to the circuit court of Cook county, where It will be tried. Ex-Attorney General Moloney 1ms con tended that the Pullman company was an Incorporation simply for the purpose of making, selling and leasing railroad and street cars. His object was to com pel tho company to retire from real estate, gas. water, heating, brlckmaklng and other enterprises conducted by It at the town of Pullman and In Chicago. The inse wus thrown out by tho circuit court. Counsel for the state demurred and an appeal wus taken to tho supreme court, which wus decided In favor of tho former attorney general. CABINET COUNCIL MEETING. MADRID. Oct. 24.-A cabinet council waa unexpectedly assembled last night to consider tho question ot the repatri ation of the troops nd matters connected with t'ho peace commission. It Is believed that Lieutenant General Correa. tha war 'minister, has resigned, rremler Sugaata docs not deny the iv port of the resignation, but says the mat ter has not been submitted to the council. AGAIN IN TROUouB. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24.-Rlchard Ch'twood, of Company I, First Tennessee regiment, ws stabbed In th back thla mornlnaf whMa In a saloon, Chntwood woa In the provoat guard and waa tryln to arrest on unknown Tennessee private when tha latter stabbed him wit 11 a bay. onet. Chetwood'a conoMllon Is critical, TRAIN ACCIDENT, IH ANOKLKfi. Cat., Oct. 24,-Tha r- glno on the Mit bound train on tha Ban t linrbaru branch of the Southern Pa Mile ran off the track near Camulus sta tion and Engineer ImvIs whs caught un dr the cab and crushed to oestn. Tha fireman on tha engine wu seriously but not fatally Injured, Rt-'N DOWN BY A TRAIN, I.KADVILI.K, Colo., O't, 24-Whlle walklOK on the tracks of thn I). At K. O. R, V on their way from rhurch, tra, Cornelius Hliea and daughter, Margaret, were at no k by a jaenger train and almost Instantly killed. HTRIKERH DETERMINE D. ANDERHON. Ind., Oft. 24 -The strik er at the American Wire Null Company's factory here have voted at a nuia meet ing to continue tho strike. Five hundred employe are Involved. TUB EMPEROR STOLEN'. SHANGHAI, Oct. 21,-lt Is reported anion" Inflctitlal Chinese .oat the em peror was mode away writh yesterday. LUMBER DEALER FAILS. NEW YORK. Oft. 24.-Abolom P. Bachman. lumber dealer, has filed a peti tion In bankruptcy. Llabb.ties, $a.C5. Time Improvea everything but women; Ihey, of course, have been perfect from the beginning. Advice Is about the only tnlng the aver age man will give freely without money and wltnout price. It might be well to remember that one little apple did the world nr. re harm than all tho Ider ever made. Our respect for old age depends a great dol on whether It be applied to men and women or boarding house poultry. According to the bible, there will be no marrying or giving In marriage in heaven probably because thtio won't be enough men o go arour.". It la an Inconsiderate husband who needa a new overcoat the same winter hi wife need a new clk. Powdered camphor placed In the haunts of mice will drive them away, as they dislike the smell. rOS BOI0C3 150 5EBV0U3 rich ai Tlnd and Pain In tho Etomach, ,i.l.llu"s. Fulness after mea's. Head rcl'e. JJlrrloesa, Drowsiness. Flushings of Hero. Losa of Appetitn, Cnatlvenessj lilntchea on tho Skin. Cold Chilli. Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensation. THE FT EST DOSB VUL 0I7E IELIO IS IWEKTI KIIT7TX3. Every luSerer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAkra) rilXft, taken asdlrecT. cd. will quickly restore females to eom plnto health. They promptly remove abstractions or Irregnlsrltiea of the sys toia and cure kick HeadKha - for a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MtN, WOMtN OR CHILDRtN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And fern th LARCEST 8ALE my raicitMettlclnt) la the VtrU, U at all Drv Stores. Tlll 5CHE3aES From Portland DEPART; Aaairs -I- Fast Mail ft p. in. Salt tJiKe. 1 cnv. r. Ft W'oiih, Omaha. Kan ni r,,t "1 Mall l 7:20a.m. sas city, wt. Lout ,i.lU... ...J E.-... fpokane Klver Mlnne,K.l.,SuP,ulj ioililth. Mllwuuiee, Flyer 2 JO p. m. Chicago and East, ! 10:16, ni. t 01a Astoria OCEAN STEAMSHIP All ShIIIiii; lt. s sub ' ject lociiauge. For an Frane so Sail j0.totH-S , u, 12, lls 21. 24, 27 and St. I , ui ex u Columbia River S'"exA,o Steamer jnday To Portland and I Way Landings. I ndii)' Frota Cortland. K.p ,,, Wlllstnette River. To... i n. r a. nt. M011, Wed indFri ireiron CI y. Xewb-.rgJ and Sat. Niiem.t Way-I.xn,l s ' Wlllsm-lta and V.mJ n. . 7 a. m. hill Dlvr I ..v'.. Tuw.Thur ftM m ...r " i. y;v, and Nit. r"V.y-LaudliI: T" r l!l..u.l. 'l.vI.ewUtu 5n.k. River. :44 a. m, t-atdiuay Uiparlulo l.ewistoii. ulaily exe't :4,i p. m. 1 rrmay Leave Lewlstown dally exoept Friday. a. w. LOUN8BERRY. Agent Astoria. W. H. HTTRLBtJRT. Gen. paa. Act Portland. Or. mm au mm tosh nwww'TWHTiatrw ? mmi Go Easto. via BUllngs and Burlington route, and you reach Omaha, Kansas City. St Louia, and all other southern and southeastern cities half a day sooner than travelers who take any other lino. Go oast via St. Paul and the Bnntngton route, and you ride the finest train on earth-the Burllngton.s Bt. Paul-Chicago Limited. Go east via Ogden and Denver, and you see the wonderful scenery of tho Rockies, tamed the world over aa tha most mag nificent on the continent Tickets at offices ot connecting lines. A. C. SHELDON. THE RUSSELL : Compound Automatic Engine 1 Slrong and Ecoiioinicnl Write us for jiarticulnrs. A. II. A EIULL, RUSSELL & CO., Mannger. Portland, Oregon, COLUMBIA Blacksmiths ciler Makers Machinists L.og2lnz Engine Heavy Forging Under lSA'Va,aafylW I Foundrymen aaarasWaaalaM Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Manufacturers for the Pacific Coast WEAR RESISTERS BOYS and GIRLS We have a large stock of neat and durable shoes at the very lowest prices. Before pur chasing Elsewhere, call and examine them. aJOHIN HAHN. Trio Reliable Shoe Dcnlor THE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATER, I'EITER. NOBLE, KICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ' ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day nnd Nlgtit. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Manager Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Frnlt ...CANS... - . Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Prices. 1 ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY 5 Telephone No. 33 I Handles Only the Choicest Meats ! q 41$ Cemiaercial St, aazt Palaca Restauru.t. C. J. TRENCHARD, rnmmkcfftn RrnVArfTA Custom House Broker. nsurance and Shipping:. A. V, .Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. With tho Fruit to go in them Sole Agents for the L UNUAP HAT. W. F. SCHEIBE, A full line nl Pipe. Tobacco, and 6oiok.iV Articles. 474 Commercial tit. -1 1 -7r r-.- ..i IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Built and Repaired. Power Hammer a Specially for the . ROBERTS vATER-Tl'IJE BOILER. FOR LOUVRE Metal Works Syirp Tin a Specialty. Falrhaven. Wash. ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent W. T. A Co., and Paclfio Expreai Co's. ALLEN Prices Lower! -S3- Than Ever.., Robinson & Co, HATTERS. a8g Washington Street, Portland, Ore. Manufacturer and lealer In FINE CIGARS1 Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices. Something New W.J.SCULLY 431 Bond Street. i