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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1898)
THK OAILV A8TOK1AN, TUKSHAY MOKMINU, OCTOKKR , I8VH . i.l. " iiujaai'iiit, kditor. Telephone. No. W. T1CKMS OP SUHrJClUPTION. ! DAILT. BvtiI by mail, per vewr $00 Bent by mutt, pnr month H (tervea by canter, par month .W BEMI-WEKKLT. Bent by mull, per year, In advance... 8 00 PoNtag fre la uberlbr. All communication intended tor publi (Inn should b direct! to the editor. ltimlnes communications of all kind and iwrnlttance mutt b addressed to Th Amorlan." Th Astorian guarantee to It dv r User th argeat ctoulutlon of any n w apr published on th Columbia river. Advertising rate ran t had on appli ration to lh business manager. Plstane. Mile. Tendleton to Portland XU Pendleton to Tacoma rendition to Seattle 89 rendition to Aitorla SI tie to Astoria than to Seattl I Wall. Walla to PortlanJ Wall Walla to Tacoma Walla Walla to Seattle Walla Walla to Aitorla lea to Aitorla than to Seattle.. ....MS ....SI ...XI ....Hi .... ( In other words, a oon as Astoria it atade a common point, the nitrate king mt South America, the rle and Jute ship pKtt of Calcutta and lLwnhay, the or men of Nesr Caledoflh. and hundreds of ttu-r shipper all over the world will atop fcidimg against the IVnland exporters fur ships, and Astoria will huve the ton a&ge of the world at her feet. This Is theory, and a very poor thevwy It Is, even tor Astoria. Yesterday' Oretronian. Why will the OrcgonUn no misrepresent th AstorU contention? Neither the "man" nor :he "paper" so politely al lin'cd to by the Orcir.lan. nor ar.y one in Astoria ha fur advanc-ed any uch "tfcovry" s thin. It Is not in the regulation of lh freight rates of the World through the common point at As toria that the fanners of the Inland Em pire (an gel a better price for their wheat If shipped from Astoria than If Mhlppexl from Portland, but from tho diff. rvnee in the tost of ship charters wh ch will always prevail In favor of Astoria as j against Portland; tho-.ich Astoria will I utre day doubt':? s IfirRvly. if not wholly, j nttl,e Psot:!c coast freight rates. H-w-; vt the "ftorM sM f-e!ght rates may t nrrsent vary. fh!;n will ihar-.erj eheaoer at A?!orla thin at Portland. The JT-M'.W Item copied from tt.e Oreponlan and commented on a few days ko hy the Astomrt which the OresronUn h.s twice sine reproduced nd discussed st lcjurth was the first admission made ty fh Oreponian durlnff the present contro tersy t'.'.at the pric of wheat In the hand f the fsrmer Is reirulated by the cost of charter. Of course such a primary prop osition baa never been denied by that paper, but up to ths time of the publica tion of thp Item It had refused to b drawn Into a discussion of the effect of charter rates on th crop of this season. Tt was because, of this admission, and be cause that Is th very root of the As toria contention, that the Astortan noted and eetnmented on the item. Now It ap pear that the Orejonlan would escape the fore of Its admission and the open ing left by it. throuph ml?re"reer.tatlnn f the Astorian's meaninc. Let believer In fair play and students of the common point question not the Item and the comment of the Astorian: An advance of nearly 4 shillings within Vs than 10 days proves that th frelirht filiation Is fully as stronc as the most "bnlllshly" Inclined operator hsve main tained, and tt Incidentally lops off about TiOP. In the value of th wheat yet un old In the northwest. Oreeonlan. Make Astoria a common point, and not nly will this tvw.ono be restored to ths TalU4 of northwestern wheat within U hours but the worth of every bushel now In the hands of the srower will advance from It to 10 cents In addition. Who knows lh! fact better than the Oreconlan' And yet that paper whl not rlve Its influence to the accomplishment of that object Astortan. A few days airo the Astorian repub lished fmm the San Francisco Commer cial News the name and charter rate of every ship loaded or engaged to load at Ihifet sound and In Portland this sea son. A comparison of these rates shows that ships ds'stlned for Puiret sound Rave acrepted an average lower charter rate of Is 5d. or about 3 cent per ton, than those chanted for Portland. Now the Oreconlan will not deny that ships can be chartered for Astoria nt rates st least as low as for Pusret sound, nnd If an advance of 4s In irenem! charter rates tas depreciated wheat yet In the hands rf northwestern farmers to that extent, would not wheat delivered at common point rates at Astoria restore at lenst Js 5d of such depreciation? Thus, accord tlitr to the Oroponlan's own argument and calculation, a common point at Astoria would restore nearly every penny lost to Xtie unsold wheat by thla freljrht rate i.TTerlatlon. As to whether this freight to f .fluctuation will amount to JTiO.OOO to tho farmers, depends entirely upon how" much wheat Is yet In their hands un old. Tt was estimated at the henrinnlne of the season that the 0. It. N. Com pany would bring Into Portland dfliflO o? whent. Assuming that 010 Oflo tons ef this Is yet unsold In tne hands of somebody, the difference In charter rate between Puget sou no and Portland wuuld enhanr It valu llsaOW. If, therefore, Astoria, a a common point, could obtain ven no better charter rate than Puget Sound, on this (OO.OOO tons of wheat th Orrgonlan'i estimate of loss by ad.snc In freight rate would b approximately restored. This, howwvr, Is not th who! of th Astoria contention. It ha been reasonably demonstrated that wheat de livered at common point rate at Astoria wvuld bring not merely the belter price as compared with Portland of the differ enoe between the Puget sound and Port land market, but It would sell here for about the California price. This, If true, would Increase th value f the farmers' present holdings to i cents a bushel above ! the Puirct sound price, ait. make good every point maintained by th. Astoria n. (in year ago this month th ltrlt:h stoannr Teenk.U was chartered to .ad wheat at Tcma or Portland at X shil ling. A few days later th steam ship O'.enhxhy, well known in this port, was chart-red at ST td. with the sume option. Th steamer cam along so co t.wrrlher In lVoemtr that th Te- nkal was Kvadtst In Portland and the tilcn l.vhy in Tacoma. The tJtenbvhy was a TIHMon steamer, but on t.i long trip down the coast, was unable to get along with less than bM tons of coal, and ac cordingly carried but 311 tons of wheat, which t 3t (d, mad a grxvs anu'uni for the trip of la.Ii;. The steamer cam acroea the Pacific In balla-t, a distance of over mile, and was to day In reaching1 Pugvt sound. To reach her dis charge pc'rt In Krnc h steanud K.tW miles, ana was 73 days making th run, a tal of Il.ovi mi..-. stvuning at a heavy exiH-iiiH1 for !S' das, or un averag giMos earning of l-.-'l per Jay. rc; I Here, again, the Oresrojiian. for the first time, a.irnits another vii-nient In the s-- ! prt situation of A;ri.i as contrasted ' with Portland. Tho loss of tlmu of a J shtplstobe. cotr.iitel in going and return- j Ing from her Krt. t the liUn-l IcKhy's time Is worth earni-g .spic ily of V1 per day, and is to bo con: lr-M as tigurmc (n h. r charter rate, wl-.ata'.-ej; ; the steamer Athenian, whl. h l. tt the Co- j ;u:n'j:.i threi fvet ! the other ( day. alter consuming two ar.u a ha'.f i Cays coming doan the ftm Port. ' la -id? A.i.litii to th .- lo sr.,! a l.i'.t .lays j the eighth n h-mrs the Athenian o- cu;-ie! ; in e -it g up the rtvir t lr.!.p.... we ( hive over three and a h.iif d... w i-t. J .rftwern Astor.a and Portland. At Jvl ivr day thi lo.- of t:n- ...!ld .'.m .tint ; to r.ear'y one do:i.,r ir ten n the .... of tak.n cargo at i ( at Astori.i. I-'r S:a-.ei Cn-'Jl jf. "We s :- a re; rt from .'a;tv'n t the st..te V partment that '.he in'.'Jtrlal avJ r;s r hlh tlon to be held in Grah.imt'n. .u'h A'-' a. btwin V cetr.pcr U a.". 1 Jmu ary :i. will afl-ird an .xoeiUnt o; r r; J n.ty for the introduction "f Amerlc.m sojvls. Cunada has an eye on the South African market, and the f'!s of Can adian exhibitors will t-e sent free to th exposition. Austria and HunCiry are Rttiivr UP a steamer as a Una. ins expo sition. It wl be sent to a sore of purts In the. Orient. ch Is now the most glitterinB prlxe in s.'Kht. Consular re ports have almost daily some referen. to the extraird nary efforts beins made by r.uropnn nations to ext.nj their for eign trade. Every advantage that can be pained through J!rVma.y or n:er priso 1 utillled. The United States con suls unte American manufacturers to be early in new fields, and fifrht for the r share of the trade. Consul S'.owt, of Capetown, says: "Foreign trade unre captured is easily retained, but whn In the hands of the manufacturers of other nations it is hard to win. Cr!s once Introduced are hard to replace, even a newer, cheaper and more etfleient arti cle. Sample and tests will talk more and produce quicker and better reults than In the hands of the be-t salesmen." The county court has JuM In' urred a liability of about 15.'s"j for the Yinm- bay bridife. The city of Astoria has bnn to the expense of lll.t") for a street to the Your's bay bridge, and clt!x-ns, by pri vate subscription, have put up f.'ss) for the cor.sini'-tiun "f a r"aJ 10 th ,,ri :fp m.'iklr.rf a total of nearly p.'.'X'l of obll rations. public and private, on account of highway improveme-r.ts In me y.-ar. In't this tr.o-ich for a ounty In the situation of Clitsop to appropriate for such improvements in one year, wi'hout bein(t now "allci uion tu provide another extn levy? Experience Is the best teachsr. Vse Acker's English Remedy In any case ol coughs, colds or croup. Should It fan to give Immediate relief money refunded. 23 ct. and 50 eta. For sale by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Some characters are like some, bodies In chemistry; very pood, perhaps. In themselves, yet fly o?T and relusc th least conjunction u-h other. Do you know the most luxurious bath in the world ? Have you used Pears' Soap? o o () () () () CI o o () () o o C) o () C) () o () () a o a o o o a n o o o o o o o o o n Toy oVH -roo lW4jt- . B irbUU tobacco because h is It is the very best . . . " ' . ever sold at any prtcc ana it is possicic ana prom able to sell a large piece of this high-grade tobacco at so low a price because there is five times more of it soli than any other kini in the worli. Dempmber 1 when you buy again. iLt W W 'M W O Wis V W W tt 4 A T V I r..: - f-. -V ' . t , -. , s ..... ! i trrr'T'v.;.v; ;v--...v.!v:...'vv:S scroRt Arrta ? rrpIDVF treectfc.t r i t.-.t.-. J r ,. T . : '--r . I 4, uit.-i f-e 1 - . ' f" i ! i p. PeMialiH It II I if ' K HtVil-il It 'I .!! .-I: - ' 'i- i v r.::-.i ci: :r."i. - r vn a' ! r- r :i:r . i". - it $..i M, t ( .f t .'i . '. i ..L S'U'.t.i.ii r ! i .I.IIIVVLJIIDU'IMIU.,:..'! ...... ... , f rilAlit IH Hi 'CKHS Like the dime oo the fcrgt that locked firrlrs and dark Ere tti htUowvdraft quickraed the smuulderieg wrk So hte u a tpsrk; and life is a fire: And life is a flame n.lng higher and Richer. One free breath of nature ere h-ipe die. in men. And the CuMading embers will waken aaiu. Thou-iands of people Uieof wating weak ening diseases every year w ho by all rules of nature and reason ought to be restored to health and strength. The medicines ther receive from the average doctor ac cording to regulation, stereotyped practicr are mere temporary palliative, they do not reach down deep into the vital utganim where the spark of life lie dormant wait ing to be awakened. In numberless cases where every other remedy absolutely fails Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery breathes its strong vi talixmg power upon the slumbering force of life and wakens them into active energy. It quickens the digestive and blood-making glands and empowers them to supply fresh rich nourishment to all the organs and tis sues; imbnes the heart and lungs with vi tality; destroying and excreting naturally from the system the bile-poisoned dreg which lurk in the circulation, thus building np new constitutional vigor and activity. "I took a severe cold which settled on my lansrsand chert, and I suffered intensely " writes Mr Harmon graith of Gsncreek, Kv " I tried several of our best phTtciana and they gaee up all hope of my recovery . they said I had consumption snd could not live more than a few weeks I took five bottles of Dr Pierca s Go'.dca M'-dksl I eixi very and sra sound and well to day I feel better than I have in ten years " - ' Th- harder a man works the more he earns for other. . OABTOniA, Bean th Tto M Haw klfnn fccit Esatu Love may not make the world go round, but It make young men' arms go around waist place. Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleaa ant herb drink. Cure constipation and Indigestion, makes you tat, aleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and M cents. For salo by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Englinh trade unionist now favor a legal eight-hour day, the nationaliza tion of the land and means of pntduc tlon. and they sanction 1he support of so ilallst candidate for parliamentary und murticijiil position. I Our ll-tle boy was arTllcted with rheu matism In hi knee; and at time unabli v:rn" .'721 that we thought would help him. Weal-, most gave up In depali . i j alvls.rd u to try Chamberlain' TaJn j Balm. We did o and th first bottle gave him o much relief that we get a ; second one. and, to our urprle, it cured him sound and well. J. T. Bay, Pastor i Christian Church, Neodesha, Kan. For sale by CharU- Roger, druggist. Prlny-esa Sybllle of Hesse Cassel. who Is closely relu.te.1 to the German lmi-r- iaj nouse. ana i nun iu i , of Euroi, ha chosen to marry a com- moner, Erelherr von Vincke. 8he had previously refused to marry King Alex- I an ler of Servia. C) o o o i) a o o o a o o o o o a o o o o o o chw BittW Ax " - tit . the strongest ever v-ww vvv T? - ers. It is not " cheap " soli at a low price. piece of chcu4ng tobacco O .... .i i r. the name o ; c.) j: W O ti V C ay V v. w' ,.. 4 I fl . .... II.. j. "i ' i S: voni K. : the i.f .t.r fiellngs snd the s'.a e of ynur health as well. Impure bewid makes Itself apparent In a ! an t a.."w C'inip'.i xl 'n. p'.n.pv an l skin erui tlnr.s. If you are fe;.ng weak and worn nut and do not have a healthy appear ance '"U should try Acker's Itl'wd Elixir. I' rare all blooj diseases where cheap arsaparllla and s-wca.ied nuritler fall; thi we sell every battle on a . ;. ) ti guarantee. I'.en:n. .x klne wh.. Is detains! a a prison by the ltr:tlh at oil CaUl-ar. tmvin" been r"luced ti. three sliri in stead i.f the he had b..fiir, lw taken tn sneikin u tineril pIjm and attend ing servu-r nt the Presbyterian tnlspm. That th blood sh iuM perform I s v.iu functions. It Is absolutely necesssary it should not only be pure but rt' h In life 'giving. e,enietits. These reMilts are be"t effected by the ue of that well-known standard blood purtfier, Aers" jiarsapa rllla The sun should n-'t set upon your an. ger, neither sh.iuld H r se un your ennfldi-m e. We hhould fre..y fv.rsrtve, but p.ritei nirely. I will not tm revenged, and this I owe to my enemy; but I will rememfier. and this I ..wo to myself Col ton. THREE DOCTORS IN CONSULTATION. From Renjamln Franklin. 1 "When you are sick, what you like bet Is to be rhosen f r medicine In the flrt pla-e; what experience tell vou Is beat, to be rhnseD In th second place; wht reason He. Theory! says Is best to he chosen In the last place. Hut If you n eet Ir. Inellnsilon. I r. Experience and Dr. Re.isnn t. hold a ron.ultatlm to gether, they will give you the best advice that can be taken." When you have a had cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's j Cough Remedy because It is pleasant nnd SJifu to take. Dr. Experience would r'C i ommend It be. anse it rev.-r falls to f ' fert a siw-edv and p.-rmsnent cure. Ir Reason would re omnieud It because tt Is prepared on scientific principles, nnd acts on nature s plan In relieving the , lu-gs, opening Die secretions and re- ; storing the system to a natural and hNilthy condition, lingers, dnigglst. For salo by Charlei Mamm a y. ilir. you mut say that you nr v.-ry sorry' for saying "Shan't'' to ri'ir-le. ilMuse.i Now say you are v-ry sorry, d'-ar. Hahy mft.-r a long and more p.i.nful iiiiHe!tut. mamma. lnr. In t it more naughty to tell a wicked st"ry than to sny "shan't" to nursle?- I'liri- h. Old fashions In dress may be revived, but tui old fashioned medicine can replace Chamberlain's Co,-, Cholora nnd Di arrhea Remedy. For sale by Charlc Rogers, druggist. A uruinlnio'is r.omlniiion Is distinc tion without a difference. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j Bears the Of t i- Signature of LuzJrJ!L&JC42l , tvtn It's a wine Uirber who never Illustrate his stories with cuts. TO CI'RE A COM) IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablot. All drUL'ITlSta refund the rrmnnv If II flllla t0 , uro. (n, The g,.ulnc ba8 i jj, y on j,), .ai,,.( " ', It Isn't always the fighting parson who puis his congregation to tep. jvutnrunrwmnnjwinM s Ti.o MPER ALHotoi S ............. ... TMOrt. UUINnANi IVoprUlor 5;:;Yi5AdH... uAiVunn nrinAnAsOAAA nnnvAAAA Special aie (.Viniiit'tviiil Slrvtl iifar lO V 1 : N M ENTI'UO 1S A Uf. I II r.! f ,r Pre)! Hee-f srul Pr.shi Mntt.'n: littlee . nlef Ootnml.sirv. Van.nier Hurra, ks. Wash . Oct. . IS1 ; Seale.1 iH"ials f.r furnililn ! ile- ! Iiv.-rliiif Kieh lleef ml I f r.h Mutton Mill ! re, ,-lve.l here ami st ottle.s of coin-tuii-ai le at Kort ftfevenn. l.reip'n, lleti.e I It.irru-ks m.l Krt Hl'erinsn, I I ihn. I'Nirs 1 .iiit.v. Siwkane. Wills Wli anl . in. uver Harr.u kV Wash , an. I t'vea ' n,t K.ft WiinsH AianUa until II o'cl-h k ! a. in.. Nov. 5, v. an.l then pneil. In-! t i!t ... t l.iti fiirnl.htl on appHcttlnii Un-' m:.i..k eeiilainlnit pr'l."aU h.uiM li ir.. ir-.e-l ,,rr,'iNi.i; r,r l-'re.u ter an I l. !i Mnt'.nn." un. I it.l.r..e. ,t ihe Hi'ler Vn..l. ,r t. '.!nmi.irv at p-'St 1. 1 t e . i.i.l el A S UKtMlS i' ' Chief Cim y. I I.t V ikKIVg. , V.I MjI' Ale rd.e0 oolili .e i. 1 . mia. Si-oKalie. We lca. Iliil'-e. ion. niiea. t l':'.l.i h. Nes Y r. ll...toii d I 'l "'.nt e..l ad Hit i l.lltlieaat. ! So. X No. 1 I'J ' a. ni S... V In p m. 'a m ', H..t le an l .taenia rilireaa for No. 6. p in. LSeatiir, Iji'umt, Ilium ' iiia ami li.terme.Iisl 1 :Ik.ihi. Thre day to St Ih'il. Omaha, Kn sas City and other Missouri rlrr v..n'a. Thrwe. ami on hilf -lays to St. L'Uls. Milwaukee and Chicago I'uuT an.l nne-ha.f d iys to v ..hlns-t!. phl'ad. o.h'a and orh-r (r twal-rn po nt. raj.oigers taking th.. A. C. II. It. U. o'i b k morning tniin win nwike . l. conneotlons at Oobie w.ih th 't bound fast moll. ,, , , I'nlon detot conn tl ms at all pr.n. Ipal rltlrw. . ltaggag rhckei throniih to des-ln. tlon of tickets. F.r sle.-iiint i-ar rervatlons. . mnp of routea nnd other inforntatl'-n, call on iyf addre-s J C. M WO Agent. 114 Commercial fit A.'orta. or A D CHAltLTi'N Asalwtant t!enral l';er A, nt HJ Morrison Strewt. I'ortUrul. Or. The Choicest Table Wines... Tor FamlllM Aimt tor la4JciBi aaa OoekUag Purpcaaa Private Duck. Cnta Ryw, Old Hlekary, Prld of Kentucky ar.4 HrmtA-; Ev old Callfomta Bra4la. Carlson's FjmiiyLfqur Store ) TWBUT STOBCT Il.K tor (molly to Mr Skit. ti nt , m ufrald you won't get over it. my ibor sir. Mr. Hklnillm (inxlotiHlyi-iiver our blll?-Kun. CASToniA. Bean lb A V"3 Hart s'wrt B3'.4t! , Bifnator fir , JS, of What's your new plev Ilk.-?" "D'now yet. m'disir; If the and .-nee ne. 1 ah ill call it a driim-i; If 'la y laugh 1 shall ad vertise It as n fa-rclcul comedy.' I'li lt-Me-t:p. HOW TO PREVENT CROI.'P. We have two rhiidren who are suhject to attack of croup. Whenever an a'tai k Is coming on my wife gives them I' btrlaln'i Cough Remedy and It always prevent the attack. It Is a household ne cessity In this county, and no matter what else we run out of It wouid not do to be without Chnmherlnln's Cough Rem edy. More of It I sold here than ull other cousrh medicine combined J. M. Nlckle, of Nlckle Bros., merchant, Nlcklevlllc, Luxuriant hair, of uniform color, I a beautiful head covering for either cx,' and may be secured by Ualng Hall' Vegc-I table SU Ulan Hair Renewer. Miss A. I accepted Dl k Leeds last nht. Hiss n.-Ah! I exixcte.) It, Miss A. Why? Miss H. Rccruso wlien I re fused him he said the next time he would propose 1o some ono who was old enough to know lier own mind. Funny Cuts, Bean th 1 " I3TS Boaflt imfciid Y; Sijnitni of s i ' " i "kt. aVi JT 1 . -a- ; eVtf ivurvrtf l: Portlatid, Or .til' ii ' . . Orients-.! CmHomIiIom nml Toys. Ho imissl rciltico atocknnil Moll MegnrtlloMM of CumIs Wing Lee & Co. CVh.j - cv'h Pry linoils Sttiro, Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North 1'aoilto llrcwery.i.f which MrJuliu Ktpp I irtirr.tor, tuakew W fir iloinea'io kml risirl tra.le, lU.ttlrxl Wr for family uso, or ken Uvr ti.plie4 l any tiuits Jelivrry In til s it jr (rrsv. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY vkMM4 BO VlAHi' tr..SV usionw Ttltl Copvniomtb AO. Anri rAU4 m ll(h um) 4atTlMWn mf t frill f acftllt our ttrHtlri4t tt9 hH hf ftlt itittin M rbN'f t(tiihld ( itttiutiri- ti.WIlrtCtlrrtllianiiV. lIUlrXHl tm I'BlMlU 'iiitti l4Jtti ihrnutfh Jaluntt A ( ex tcir Scientific Jlnicrican. A vtjmrr lltttriai WMhty. t rrBt fir Miiiisin if nr --if ti in" -urnj, Tmim, f : tmr tmdta, l 104 tJ !! fili4arl MUNN c. Co New York l, tit S I "n. '. ITS Wi I-Iltu4v. U u y t iy Z' at ' f . a fx . I '"-! l-t le...,..ib ... if iiita; ii. rrit..i.ii.r C ' ulDlMil Wti.. uan.lar.l ju. -iujr tiw4 f ef aur f m fc. It-. u, irrltlt..ii vi hi" . tf iuaCliri Pa In"" N" inusiui vl t'T sf-1 sel I 1.4 n ii iii, r I haiiM. . insi.r aval mi'. J. B. VVYATT, rtiwM N. l Aataeta, Or(M ; Mnrdwnre, ; Ship Chandlery, (Jroeer.CH, i Prov.H.orm, t'AINTM and OILH. xll Alt.stlM tsl t 4ylt Mlp THE PROOF tt th pixVUng la in th astta a ad th proof of tqtn IS IN SAMPLING That' an arrimt Uiat'i cJoalrw a 4moBUtta Onr wOl wumd th taaH. HUGHES & CO. WHEN GOING EAST - T.'se a first class lln In traveling be tween Minneapolis, Bl. Paul and Chicago, and th principal town In Central Wis consin. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Car In aervlce. The dining rare ar operated In th Interest of It patrons, the moat elegant servlie ever Inaugurated. Meal ar. served a la cart. To obtain first class service your ticket should rrad via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at CI lc ago tmd Mil waukee for all eastern point. Kor full Information rail on your near est ticket Brent, or write JAB. C. POND. General Passenger Agent, or JA8. A. CLOCK. -..Iwauki. Wis. General Agent, Sid fltark Street Portland. Ore. WHIfE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Sound Navi gation Company. Telephone leave Astoria dally, except Runduy. at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tlekets Interchangeable on Telephone, T. J. potter and K, It. Thi.rnnaon for Astoria and all way nolnis. Elavel, Uwaco, Beavlew, Long Reach, and Nahcotta. C. TV. STONE, U. B. 8C0TT, Atorla Agent. President Telephone No, 1L William's Kldnev Pills f Has no enital in diseases of tlioaw ' KUncya aiai L'rluary Oroiins. Havu i you rutrTlitcU'il your Kidneys? HovoT n.ii.Hiwnvb a-kl rraiM 1 es. u A i .1 1. 1., ...t.i. ...T -'Vlll unit Wiiim-M bi.'uw.u null juur 1 klvidnvrs and UUdilcr? Ilavo youC pains in iiiu loitiH, Mius, bncu, irroint i rimldcr? JJtu'e votiafiab'y nn-p;-nranco vi tho Inc especially jmU'.r the rt'oa? Too frequent tic- t.. - t.. -j li-ifii ... i.-i.i -.1111 iuru. uiiuu f .iiiiiniu n rviuury I'll !h will luipurt new life) to thndls caiccl or,fuiia, touo up ihd y.tcm ami make a new man of you. hy inuil 60 cents per bcx. WtLUAMM Mro. Ct., Prop., Cleveland, 0. class! fi c d 5Ly.?JH5J5!!7? .e. vANTKlT"' ivi'iiCA m rt oir tit h H " a i i ni m In canvas AslHi i a liunlnee prt stllnni a g.HMl msln will bliirT.r tii rial It i man. Add. 0, At"ia u' . r ANTBIV-'llOliiaT' VT AltUIMM BO Vfr- party, either lJw ,f g.uilein", ooJ I'huroh un.lln),,a rrp..if lent and manager "" '".'! I'T honi. Klry ll Miwl year, kliieln slf'lilrniiaw stumped alnp 10 A. T. mider, lluiirl Muer, i-ar Aloilnsv ' roil KB NT. KOH ItBN T li)Ol llnllMUJ AND MAUN nd tour acre of bml, .r 1'kstsnp cay latlon, known M Clail lioin.-. Apply I A. '.. W Ciinmf'l oily ron aui rR At.Se-IIOl'W A N I l.t'T, t'oll" iwr tlrsixl avwui S-IIO I wmy in..... Sllei'l. lliieltWII, lot J5r (eel. Apply to Joha Bull, RKMTAUIIANTi. QOOD 7 CICNT MICAIJI AT TUB Ml Ing Kua JlsatauraJiL MmCKLLANktHW iV Vl'U WANT . INK MI'HHIllJt ANI crawlUh tall on lieoi nsiney i National, wheie all tho delbwcle of III scaaoii ll bo found, Tlir'HIIILI.INll M WIT TKA AND Uaklllg puwu.r, kjwKKT CltBAU too A PINT AT TUB BAUHNH. THIO UlllVKH-UNIUCH TUB Alll.w of August Kris. is aau bwHimliig a nior and in' popular r rt. Th. dub room on th oomi Owr ar now au altrMHls (ewlut ot m Mtabllshnwirt. ... 11f(llcUNgi lilt. ALrHICO KINNRT-OKr li'K AT resl.laucs, CiHsiiuartfUl atrswl, nr III nil tittle, hour: Morning until ll all flornoon until Ii iiig uatll I o clock. pit. O. II. KrtTslB, PIIYMICIAN ANU turgun. WKH'ia aiwnuon m uim of W..1H.B and ur.rr. liltlo ov.r la si.r .tot., Astoria. Tl. N U. I. It. JAV TIITTUC. PIITIIICIAN AND Hurgeun. Oltlc. r'm I nd , PythlaaJ lliill.llng, tilt Coninwreiai sireri. w dnc same Telephone ISt. Acting saw slat ant .urgvon t'nlled Btale mark hospital rviw MASON IC. TK.MI'LK IX)IH1K NO. 7, A. t. AND A. M -Kawular colnuiunioaiioin. neiu h th. first and Ihlrd v.alng t saeh muMll. W. lAU'NHIIhlllHl. W. M .tu. C. IKll.l'KN. H-retary. ATTollNICiH. i. J'Alwi uy. ATTV)MNB.T nii i iiur.ns.iAii AT UAvV. Ortle. Hood mrMi, Aatarta. Or. PofAT TICKICTS HjlVS'pOIHTS ERST Thrnuih hsla.' and lourt.l Im, dining and llhiary iihMrvallot. ear ELKOANT VEHIIIIt'l.K TIUINIt No. Limited l'. Portland al t P m. MO. I i.uniie arrive mniina at i. i. Kor fate.. tc . i n or s.vireas il '.V l.iU'NMIIrlllMT. Agent U. It. N.. A.ti or A II C PUN V IHTliN. C. P. A T. A., l-octiaml, or. : . . v all.. lil MM I is i 3i ts.t 1 1 ", caiisuli am i..p.iioil a Ha's-nn ct V-ot a bs, I Cubehi or lnev.tioe and urmAI CURE H 48 M0l)RSl tb Mm d teat with. V out lncoTvricn. eWJlrefr-.'l Astoria Public Library IIKAHINU KOOM rflKB TO AU. Opea every day fro o'clock to I M 4 I H M I . Da. atMMiptlea rat- U per aaaaas. W. Uor VlavMU aad Dwaa ttrMta. HIM K I -JI a. I l " sf rrr.'.. iti Wia" LBAVB PORTLAND AniUVB pyrRLAND KX PllkHri, fur Haieni, Itoasburg, Ashland, Harram.ntn, Ogd.n, Bs.a, Mo Isv. Lo Ang.les, Kl Pai, N.w Or leans sad th Kau Rosoburg paas.ngsr Via Woodhuro, for Mount Angl. Nil. 1:11 P. M 10 A. M 1:ft A. M N:K P. M Dally except Bunday Dally Banday y.rton, Wt Belo, imiwnTiue, and 7: A. 1 1 to P. W Corva 1 1 1 a -- .a.tA . .. , . 7 . - i ja. a pa' ltl:B A. at Dally tDalW except Bunday. c onnej-tlng at Ban Kranolsoo with Ooet dental A Oriental. aeino Mail and OeE anlo Kteamshin line for JAPAN, '"NAXwArjl,llAI.U AND rtelMitn tlekets on sale dally betwaan Portland, Harrame-nln ,nl i ra",. CO. Net rr n; nn.l-. laa. and III i ond-ela, Inelii.llng eleener. Hate and tli keta to Kustern point and li'FF-, " J-'I'Mt, China" ii molSlu .... B - m v . Through Tickets TO TUB- EAST ANDviSOUTMEAST PULLMAN PALACB BLBBPKRB, FREB RECLINING CHAIR CAR! -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, tnicago, Kansas City xl other. Eaatern cltlo . Baggag AhArlfA Va...S. Plntaw rViLJl" -lnX t"". lowaat rata, ThJ! othw taformaUon oall on O. Vf. L0TJN8DERRT. Agent O M a. Vi ,. Of J. H. LOTIIRftP nJM Opeon, WW i .u, c5r.'Ald.'iJiIM,, 0r.