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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1898)
S'ho If l w Tqq ASTORIAN hu the l.rftjt circulation of any eicer THE DAILY ASTOJUAN S3 V-t tlf.cst and tit y:,;tt on the Column I iv. an th fntnmM III vf r Yv KUXL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL XLIX. A8T0JUA, OH BOON, TUKSDAY MOKNINO, OCTOBER. 25, ,li. NO, to A V I I A A f r . . . n.c .. 1 I it I 'M ... A it J A J A. J A. 4 ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS iomattroM, especially school Mm, they bead thn rood, ay on, but strong and hard to wear out. As for ! boy, O, w sympathd with roU til (be yw Uwuirh, tot tn tmyi ar graat In on hMut, hrt and pockstbook. but right tier our sympathy lk practical turn, llav yuu seen our ! Il tbiMM fur livyaT Petersen & Brown. the;parker house wit P.rnt-ClciHH in Every Renpect. BAR AfiD BILIiIARD ROOM Special Rate to Theatri cal Partle h A, J. MAHON, Prop ASTOMIA, OHK, i7 1697 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA-.. LUBRICATINO UILS A SPECIALTY SELL HIP CHANDLERY llaltDWAHR I HON AND MTEEti oil, H(H-r.Rirn and rnnvu onb fMl H AND WILL rllD AlNTH. nlLM AN1 VARNISHES (XHUClltf HOI'I'LlEfl fAlKHANKB "CAl.CH fx NIMH AM) WINlHlWi AUIIHIM.TI'RAL IMPLEMENTS WAUONS AND VCIUCLEa ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. A.lofl (Hsllt) Port find tad AI"M Kl Arrtr a.m. 11 01 I w 6 ju h in, ,111. Ualnt via Kii.Ktx li'llnnii. VVMlixirl, I'luuka iii, wMii; n hi 11 i lion i kiuhl fur lb. fill toil I'u I ft S.HIII.1 polnti. 12 X Ml Atlnrls.MraildsrtttdKr AaUirl I'riirf tr.llll, vlV renins mu Kluvrl All train leaving Astoria going to Hea Id and reluming from KniIiI run on lb. Fl.v.l Branch. , c MAia 6. r. i. a. 731 1. Mackintoshes Umbrellas Rubbers EOE LADIES, GENTS, MISSES, YOUTHS AND CHILDEEN Reliable C IBI- COOPER THE LEADING HOUSE OF ASTORIA The Only ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hp.clnlly: HTOVBH AND HANOEH We know tho LuoincHB. Twenty yean experience. If you wont a GOOD 6tove, ico the htotk at the Eclipse Hardware Co. SiAna-'ilLMf i I """: :.y?.'7l Jt h Foard OUH MOTTOi "We Buy and Sell Everything' Specialties Just Arrived... CARLOAD OF lilPrTIGHT HEAT AT LOWES CAR LOAD ALL KINDS IUI HI Goods; Lowest Prices Stove Store CITY BOOK STORE Headquarter for SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, TYPEWRITER PAPEK, RIBBONS, ETC., ETC GRIFFIN & REED go. PORES DO CIO r Pit ICES. OF LAMPS LOW rRICES. A WARLIKE MOVEMENT The English Are, Placing: All TJielr .ritftlni. Ships In Tflni -for War. J VESSELS READY FOR SEA Trans-Atlantic Liners Being Pre pare! for Hostilities In Case ofaFIgjht With, France. GREAT ACTIVITY NEAR PARIS Troops to Be Autmbltj Immediately t London-Nvl PreptratlODS Colof Ripljly Forwirl I-ONDON. Oct. S4.-Tb BrltUb tilmlr Ity Uuol numlwr o( .lgnlrtcant onlen thl mornlnif. The dockyiirdi at poru. mouth. Irvanport, and Chathum bava n-crlvcd Imtrui-tlona to prepare alz J knot lanIo.boat dwuroyera for com mlnnlon, o thi-y will be able to put to ten in S4 houri. The Cunard and White Star linn have rwciveil fron the a.luiiruliy an Intlroa. tldii to hold the renubiiidited ttramer In readln'ia (or turnlnK over to the navy o tlk in la. rRBPAKINO FOR WAR. TAUIS. Oct. S.-The munlclpul author ltl tt Toulon tiuve ben notltl:l that that plui-e will be the Cffntur of Important naval and military preparation, ami have lx- n inatructrd to arraiine for the imme diate reweptlon of four batulllona of in- Untrv. I.ju marlm and Cuu artlllery- mn. The munloipulliy haa decldl to clone the tohooli, the achoolhouMta to be umxI to lodge the troops. The naval au- thorltlvji have been onlrnd to ezpdltt the nripunition for the outfitting of the squadron. WARLIKE I'KKPARATIOXS. VICTORIA. It. C. CKt. W.-Prcpara-tlona at Kixjulmalt. the naval depot of the Hrltlsh Northern Pacific aquadron, continues unabated. An air of activity prevadra all deportments. The Amphion, which. It Is understood, would not go Into the dry dock until after another learner, already booked, had been dealt with, received instructions today from the admiral of the Heel to commence the necessary work Immediately, and she entered the dry dock this mornlny. The officers do not deny that the prepara tlons now going on are due to the strained relations of France and En gland. PRKIDKNT PERPLEXED A3 TO PITIES ON Cl'RAX TORACCO. Oulxin Plmitera Object to tho Importa tion of Inferior American Tobacco, Which Would Ruin Them. NEW YORK. Oct. 24.-A dispatch to the World from Wellington says: A perplexing problem confronts Prcsl dent McKlnley in l! matter of fixing the dutloa on toUicco on tho island ot Cuba during Its military occupation. Tho clirar makers of Florida and the manufacturers of tobacco in many of the States have aoked about changed In dut'ea during American occupation, and urged tho abolition ot all duty. They say they luive been Injured many thou sands of dollars by the war In Cuba, and that the only way to rebuild tne trade la to encourage the Cuban planter and. American enterprise by giving every In ducement for the growing and shtppThg of tobacco to this country. On the other hand, the Cuban planters have bcgKcd that no action be taken, as It would mean their eternal ruin and practically kill the tobacco Industry In Cuba. They claim that the moment the Import duties are abolished or lowered, tons of Inferior tobacco would be sent from tho Vnlted States Into Cuba, man ufactured Inhi cigars and shipped from tho inland. s Havana cigars, finding their way Into all the nmrKotu of the world. The discovery of this fraud and tho Inferior quality of the goods would forever disi-rcdtt the nroduct and ruin tho market for Havana tobacco. It Is likely that tho president will re fer tha matter to congress for action. Spain, by her grasping methods, which In tho caso of tobacco, the richest source of revenue at her comma ml had an object In view, preserved the Integrity of tho product In the markets of tho world by placing such a high Import duty on to' bacco nfl to practically prohibit Us ship ments into tho Island and so none but Cuhun tobacco has been cJ;ported from tho island. Recent experiments in tobacco cultlva tlon In Florida from Havana seed have demonstrated that all grades of tobacco can be raised in this country which only experts can tell from the genuine article, Its cultivation is Inexpensive. BPAIN WILL NOT RENEW . j TUB WAR BTRUGOLE. j Work on All KortUlcatlona (Hopped, and ' Not the jlllKhtnst Evidence of Re. newlrnf Hoo' 'ties. N": W. YORK, Oct. J4.-A dispatch to I tb World from Madrid says: j SJyT&t Loss of Life Attends a that the Spanish dockyards show abso lutely no sljna of renewed activity, nor tbt sllghUst symptom Implying the re moust Idee of rsnewlng. the struggis with the United Btabae. , Tb vessel composing, jdwlral Cam- ra'a fleet are oow; dispersed. to various port, wlndpUy Cadis, Caruen ul Ferrol, with their crews reduced to, pac footing, and tb. roajortty o the officer on lacy and the marines ashore. Work on all coast defense worse and fortifications for defense, the arsenals U)4 the dockyards, stopped at the sus pension of hostilities. Tn offlcers and wen of Admiral Cer vera'i fleet obtained unlimited leave on arriving. At Ferrol and Cadis especially things are as quiet as before. Beside, gunnery and machinery trials on several ol the war vessels, Including' the Carlo V and I'elayo. revealed lamentable deflolencles. From conversation with minister and ltadln politician, the World crrepoi)3 ent on state that tne notion ot breaking PIT negotiation over the Cuban deli Is regarded as absolutely preposterous and suicidal. Evn as to the Philippines, In which vastly grater interests center, it la taken for granted here that Spain must In the long run yield whatever the United States Insist upon. UN'CCESSFfL ATTEMPT TO REACH THE KLONDIKE. Wanhlngtonlitns Narrowly Escape With Their Lives Trying to Reach Gold Fields. SEATTLE. Oct. 21-T. A. Raker, of Portland. Ore., who arrived from Alaska lam night, says be met two men and a woman at Skagwuy who had Just flnlnhed trip of Incredible bardchlp over he E.lmonton trail. They were Henry Mit chell and wife, of Goldendale, and Geo. Lefevre. of Sjiokane, who left Spokane II months ago tor the Klondike by the overhuid route. When they started they hud 2.CW0 pound of provision and 41 horses. Now they have nothing All their supplies and animals were loet, and they considered themselves fortunate in having escaped with their live. Thy saw provlnton scatter along the trail from the time they were well up In the Interior until they left for the count, and found several grave of those who had perished in attempting to reach the goldflelds. Several times thev lost their way. and It was only by good for- i tune that the trail was found aealn. traveling several hundred miles iuiu perceiving inat It was useless to it- tempt to get through by keeping to the retrumr route, tney made directly for the coast, going down one of the river to the south of Skagway. HAWAIIAN LEGISLATION FIRST BEFORh' CONGRESS. Owing to Growing Trade It Is Believed Congress Will Subsidise a Cablo to un v. a. WASHINGTON. Oct. M.-Of the sev- erui commissions adjusting the relations of the Tnlted States with its newly ac- quired possessions, the Hawaiian will be the first ready with a bill for the ronsld- oration of congress. This, of course, will make provisions for the government of the Islands, but asld from this there will be another of the greatest Importance. It will provide for the construction of a cablo between the Sandwich Islands and the United States. Owing to the growing trade with this new territory and the necessity of the government having quick means of com munication with It officials there, con gress will probably subsidise a cable. AN ALLEGED SHORTAGE. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24,-An alleged shortage has been discovered In the stores of the quartermaster department of the Iowa regiment amounting, In the value of the missing goods, to several hundred dollars. Colonel Loper, com manding the Iowa regiment, admitted that he feared the loss would amount Into the hundreds of dollars, though Its exact extent could only be determined by a careful survey, which Regimental Quartermaster Cady has already under taken. Ho said it was his Intention to put J some competent accountants to work up- on tho books and stores of tha depart ment. Tho colonel said that It was his conviction that no loss i..rough dishon esty could possibly have occurred, and whatever Its extent he believed that it would be found to have nrloen through 1 carelessness or Inexperience of those who had charge of tho Issuing of the sup- piles. ! MILITARY OFFICER APPOlNiED. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 21. Major G. L. Eddlo has been chosen by tho army medical department to succeed Major W. S. Matthows, of the Fifty-hrst Iowa rcrfiment as tho commanding officer of the Presidio hospital. Ho will eventually be placed at the head of tho new hospital . raised with but little cost, which Is about to be erected at the Pre- J "There is a growing sentiment among skllo at a cost of $70,000. MJr Matthews . naval officers that every one of the sunk haa been granted a 30 days furlough, en ships should be raised and, If found to RESULT OF RACE WAR Clash Between White Men and Negroes- TWELVE PERSONS SLAIN Blacks Still Rein; Pursued ml It Is tbongfat Tbat Other Deaths Will Follow. CAUSE OF TKE DIFFICULTY Deputy Sheriff Tried to Arrest No- f ro and Bis Men Were Fired Upon from Amtosb. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. .-Th PI yune' Forest (Mis.) special say; Eleven dead negroes and one dead whit man, and on negro and three whK men seriously Injured I the result at this writing of a bloody war being waged between the white and black races In the Haroersvllle neighborhood of this (Scott) county. Several rioters have been captured and lodged In Jail at Forest to day, but others escaped Into the swampa Large crowd of white men are In does pursuit, however, and more name are hourly expected to be added to the death list. Following is a partial list ot the killed: Black-Fish Burke. J. E. Gatewood, Henry Anderson, John Gatewood, Hugb Anderson, 81m Haralson, Ben Haralson. Whlt-W. H. Sibley. Wounded Black Ben Pace. . White James Hamilton, M. Johnson. James Armstrong. It is Impossible to obtain a full list of the killed, for the reason that some negroes were shot uown In the woods and were hurriedly buried ty the whites where they fell Governor McLaurln went to Harpers ville last night and appealed to the whites not to molest the prisoners In the custody of the sheriff. He finally per suaded the crowd to permit the sheriff to 1 tAice ine Dnsoners to jail. Dueriu dict- I . .,.., .. 1 ,h. PorMt , nrevi!nt tL(1 Ivnchln, of ,1, .,-,. ,n ulrjv J The wgToe, under ,rrMt hav, Mde , 1 - . , ill AAnFaaamn The trouble originated last Friday, when a negro named Burke had an alter cation with his employer, Charles Free man, a white man. In which the negro got the best of the difficulty. The next j night, a crowd of white men. headed by Wallace Sibley, w ho was deputed to ar- . ,he man went t0 Burke.g h0U8e 1 which Is about a mile from Harpersville. . when they arrived upon the scene and caiiej for Burke, they were greeted by a fusllade from the negroes, concealed in ambush in the bushes surrounding the 1 h.,u .,, , tha hoU8e itself. Wallace ' Slblev. the leader, fell dead at the first volley. The whites returned the fire. but were unable to do any execution, as their assailants were all concealed. There Is great excitement over the mat ter and the entire country Is aroused. RATES GO VP. LIVERPOOL, Oct 24. nigher rates are being demanded for cargoes to French ports and some shipowners have refused such cargoes. HOBSON WOULD RAISE THE SUNKEN WARSHIPS. Crlstobol Colon. Vixcaya, and Reina Mercedes Can Be Successfully Float ed With But Little Cost. BOSTON. Oct. Zl.-J'revlous to Lieu tenant Hobson's departure for Washing ton today ho was questioned as to the prospect of raising the sunken Spanish war vessels off Santiago. He said he was now engaged In the preliminary work on the Crlstobol Colon, and that it would take at least three weeks more before anything would be ready. The government had appropriated 300.- 000 for raising the vessel, but It would be money well spent, he said. If the venture proved a success, as the ship is worth $1 000,000. Tho purpose of his visit to this country, Hobson said, was to see the secretary of tho navy regarding further work on the warships, 'e thought the Vlxcava would be Baved, but would not affirm positively. A drydock vould have to bo built" around her before she could be raised. An appropriation of $1,000,000 would cover tho cost of raising tne Vix caya. She cost $3,000,000. Tho Almlrante Oquendo, Lieutenant Hobson says, Is a hopeless wreck. The Relna Mercedes, which was sunk In San tiago harbor. Is a good vessel, and can be be unseaworthy. be kept a relic. Tb Bpufilsh vessel that hav been, and, no doubt, could be, saved and put In com mission should retain their names a a momento of the prow ot America." MARIA TERESA READY. NEW TORK, Oct M.-A dlspatc U th Herald from Caimaner, Cuba, ajrt Th armored cruiser Maria Teresa I coaling. Th cement worked In over th patches will b hardened by Tueaday and all points will be water tight. On account of th wrecked deck beam. beaw chain cable, carried around both turret and hove taut amidships, will b employed to take up tha fore and aftsr train, and In heavy weather sxtr wlr hawsers will b carried from th main mast head to tb deck. All th carpenter work i don, and all other temporary repair ar so nearly completed tbat a hundred Cuban of the working fore hav been, discharged. Tb ng1n ar In a satisfactory condi tion and It I confidently expected that th Maria Teresa, will start for th United State on Thursday. LATE NEWB FROM ALASKAN SEAPORT IWNSL Accidental Shooting at Cook' Inlet Jfsw Gold Strikes Near Atlln City Yielding Rich Returns, SEATTLE. Oct 2t-A detachment of Captain Abercomble' surveying party. consisting of It men under Lieutenant Kelly, V. B. A., arrived her this morn ing from Cook Inlet on the steamer AJ KL . Schooner Woodbury arrived from Cook Inle with C miners. F. M. Stone, of HoilUter, CaL, a passenger, brings new of th accidental shooting of a brother-in-law of L. H. Jlfkln. of Scranlon, Pa September 1 The man waa known to Stone only by th name of PhlL While crossing a river bis pistol fell out of ni belt and was discharged. Another passenger on the Woodbury was Andrew WUluunson, who ha been In Cook Inlet country several year. New gold strike ar reported about ) mile north ot Aliln City, where it I said from S3 to W to the pan, ha been washed out NAVAL STATION 10 BE ESTABLISHED AT ,-N JUAN. Secretary Long Consider It an Excel lent Place, and a Largo Appropria prtatlon v ul Be Asked for. WASHINGTON. Oct 24 -Secretary Long ha taken the Initiative tep to make San Juan de Porto Rico the first naval station in th West Indian water. Congress will be aslud to appropriate monev enough to make It one of the bent equiDped naval sta..ons the United States possesses. Speaking of tills. Sec retary Long said: "A station at San Juan will be of the utmost Importance to the navy. San Juan is an excellent place tor a good many ot our ahlps In the winter time. It Is an Invaluable possession from every point of view." A naval official said: "Congress will be asked to appropriate a large sum of money for the Improve ment of San Juan harbor and the coast defenses. 'It is probable that the historic tort will be retained a far as poss.ole. It is not unlikely that a navy yard will be established." GUAM HAS BEEN CHOSEN. PARIS. Oct i-L The consideration by the peace commissioners of Fortn Rico and the Ladrone islands has been merged with the Cuban question, and all th points Involved are bejug carried for ward to a almultaneou conclusion. When this has been arrived at the Phlllppfn question will be taken up. Of cours there Is still e. possibility of disagree ment. The Joint commission was ad journed until Wednesday next. Guam, In th Ladroneii. has been chosen by th Americans for the United State under the terms of tha rotocol. LAST OF THE DO..S. WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. The following dispatch has been received at the war department: "Ponce. Oct 24. General Ortega and the last ot the Spanish, sol diers sailed for Spain this evening. "Brooke, Major General." VISITS SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 21. Webater Davis, assistant secreti'ry of the In terior, arrived in thin city today. HI visit to the coast is partly for pleasure but chiefly for business reasons. The Royal Is the highest grade baking powder kaows. Actual tests show it goes third IwUwr taa soy etar bread, Absolutely Pure OTU SMUK O0E CO., 4 m few C!ZrM &