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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1898)
1U11Y AM01UAK, TUKSDAY MOKMNO, .WTMUilt Ifc TOPAT'i WBATHSR. ! JLtV.l ' " " iLiuiii Ciw Awvti Sunday Mgbt. AROUND TOWN. Try Roslyn coal, Elmore. Sanborn Co. TUK8DAT. Yh rose, snd gold of dawn o'er apphtr n air H shimmering In It opal tint. .-Lillian Whltlnj. Ib the police court yesterday Peter Cartoon m fined 110 for toeing drunk. It F. L. Logan, of Beasid, returned Sunday from an extended visit to En gland. The Elmore, for Nehalem, and the Harrison, for Tillamook, crossed out yes terday. Mr. and Mr. Duncan Stuart left last Bight for Portland for a ahort visit alth. frlnud. C Hellborn Son ara now offering carpets at price never before dupiuated la Aatorla or Portland. Mr and Mra. C. JL CallcnJer have returned from their wedding trip, and tar Uken up reaidenca at Knappton. Wasted, a school girl to do light house wurt in Mctmnga for board. - Aprlr at Mrs. E. C. Holdene. 4U Duane street. Astoria.- t i y. ,' Tba British ahlp Qlenbreck arrived ai yeaterday carrying UL?M bushels C wheat valued At KT.WU. nd U ready tor .aa. , ' Ts schooner Dewey, lumber laden frean Nehalem (n tow of tha tug Maggie, rrived la yeaterday and proceeded p t Portland. ... fun Whisky. Harper; Ferfect Whisky. Harper. Every bottle guaranteed Harper. Po44 by Foard at Stoket Company. As toria, Orgoo. Tor Bala. 109 tons of ttoayln coal; tha inaat fcouM and stea coal aver brought to Aatorla. Elmore, Sanborn Co., Tele shoo. Mala l-L Tbo British toarg Inverurla arrived ten from Portland yeaterday carrying MJS bushels of wheat valued at 4,000, and la ready for tea. Tha funeraht of Andrew Mannula and Mr. Annte Hervrela wore held yester day morning from Pobl'a undertaking partor. Tha Interments were at eep river. T. F. Bnodgras. Aitoria'a leading pho tographer, kaa purchased the Crow gal lery aad will hereafter be found located la tha rooma formerly known aa tha Crow gallery- Wail they Mat, beat Body Bruseela Carpet. tS centa and tl per yard. Beat Mazbury 'Bruaaels. 6 centa per yard; En-s-tkk Body Brussels, 4S centa per yard. BeUbera Son. . Tba waterfront near tha A. C R. depot presents a buay appearance. Work a. both the PaclUc Steamship Company'a dock and the A. C warehouse U wrogresslng rapidly. ! That special carpet tale of Hellborn at Soav-la attracting crowds of-Righted areata hunters. Housekeeper can now fear fine Brussels for the price ordin arily charged for Ingrains. The tug Samson arrived in from Gray's aarbor Sunday evening wltb two rock large In tow, and left op for-Portland yeaterday, leaving tba bargee at the saooth of the Willamette to be loaded. The barges carry 1700 ton of rock each. The popularity of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Na tional la growing dally, and many Lusi- ! You Can't get good tea for 30 cents. The price of Schilling's Best is little enough; but it is better tea than you can get for anything like the money. 4J IIERMAM HERMAN HERMAN HERMAN HERMAN II E Ii M A K Meet Her II E M A X You ask her to be saving; not to pay too much for Bonnets and so on, because you work hard and for small wages WHY DONT YOU H E B M A N Practice self? When you want a suit, a hat, overcoat, underwear, socks, etc., etc. DO YOU INVESTIGATE II E R M A N The great Reduction we offer on MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR? g n E K M A N We'll Meet flore W I s E HERMAN WISE v- s r fi s r Th3 pliable Clothier and patter. WISE WISE,, WISE . VOSE . nea men can be found there every day foe their midday meal. The lunehe el ty Mr, Eartlcy ,nr4 tha finest In tha city. The Oriental, liner Mogul arrived In Sunday, I days from Honolulu, and pro ceeded up 14 Portland. The Mogul had f Japanese passengers from Tokohama to Honolulu. 8he bed about liM tone of, Orletal curtoa for "Portland. 1 A carlna.t of machinery wae brought down from Portland yeaterday over the railroad for the steamahlp Atncniun. it wae loaded on the O. K. and taken to Flavd. where It will be put on board the steamer when she arrives from i Portland. The British ships Olterspool and Lady IatHlla. the former with ItM.WH bushels of wheat valued at and the latttr with W.S) bushels of wheat valued at MXvSSs put to see. Sunday. The Otter spool goes to Cape Town. South Africa, and the Udy lsUlla to guet'nstown for orders. P. J. Carney, administrator of the estato of William llyan. deo-aned. yee tnley sold lots 17. S5. and . bUn-k I. of suthllvtslon of blwk S. Hustler At kens. at W per lot; six lots In Brad bury s. Ocean drove, at lU.W per M. and lft) acre of mil in Nehalem for )&Mk Mrs. L. M. Smith, teaoher of piano snj organ. Instrumental and vocal music. Sperta reductions mad for claaa of from five to ten In number. Mrs. Smith guarantee satisfaction through bosh pri mary and moat advanced atudlea. For further particulars call at her rooms, lfla Bond atreet The county court waa In session yesier day. filing the tax levies for the year IS. The Progreaslve Association has pe titioned the court for a -mlll tax levy for road purpoaee Instead of t mill, the levy for last year. An estimate of ex pense had toot been reached ystervay and the court wtH further consider the matter this morning. The pilot schooner San Joe came In from sea Sunday, after having a very rowch experience during the late storm. Many of her sails and some of her auy were carried away, but the schooner be haved nobly throughout. The pilots say they never experienced heavier weather off the river. The San Jose wilt get new sails fcetort going to tea again. Sherman and the irembera of the Second division. Oregon naval ba tallkon. returned Sunday night on the train from Portland. They all report having an enjoyable time during their visit. The division acquitted Itself cred itably, though it had nude no extra preparation, and was recognised by all to be superior to any of the divisions In Portland. Pour carloads of fine, large spruce logs arrived In the city from the Necwnlcum yesterday, and were Uken to the Clatsop mills. The logs are to be aawed In'.o lumber for shipment east. A system has been arranged at the mills whereby the kg can be dumped near the chute, greatly facilitating the work. Carloads arrive dally from the western portion ot the county. Fresh candles every day at the Parlor, where all such goods are kept either In gkua Jars or show cases and are thua free from street dust and disease germs. The Parlor's candle come from the tx . factories on the coast, where every mod em facility for making . and "curing" nia ha amnloved. Comnare Qual ities and prtpea at the Parlor with, other shops, and you will be convinced that It t tka pUea to gat tba beat gooda. Auditor and Police Judge Nelson yes terday pHosd warrants In the band of Chief of Police Hallock (or the collec tion of assessments remaining unpaid on the. following streets: Forty-second, from tha alleyway to Bond; Duane. from Sixth to Twelfth: Duane. from Thlrty flfih to Thirty-seventh; Fourteenth, f n ra Grand avenue to Jerome avenue: Four teenth, from Grand avenue to Bond street, and Bond, from Forty-second to Forty-fifth. Frank Goodell is still In the lead for the Herman Wise medals, with an aver age of 41 flat Several other bowlers are well up toward 41. but Mr. GooJell Is probably safe, as the players nearest him have all played more than 30 games, and It will be difficult for them to pull their averages up. Mrs. Normlle. Mrs. Stlne and Mr. DelMng-r are aout evm In the women's contest, and the finish nromlsle to be exciting. A statement Issued by Collector of Customs Fox shows that a total of 1.47C- w I s E 1 2 7 I s w I s E w those economies your- j W I S E E You than Way W E W I' S E WISE WISE WISE .WISE IM oushels of arheat were shUped from 1 this pirt durlni tha past three months, the vlu twin Ot thl amount. 4.U1T ton, or lttt bushels were shipped coastwise. The value of the latter amount of rln was S.. Durln en , same riiod J11t arrla of Hour, val ued at were hlet trwm A-! torla, NMneleen veeaels carried tit (or-! etitn-boiind train. , The offli-era of the Astoria Public U- hrarv association wish to thank the lisnneiar and the Finnish residents of Astoria tor a very handsomely lllua tmied volume. "IMituresque rinland." puhllshel at llelslnsfor. The beau lful scenery Is described In six different Un- tuaires: rrfKian. luiMmn. uomwi, Finnish. rrwtch, and Knirllsh. Every one should call and see It. Other n-w books Just received are "Alaska." hy A. r. wlncford; "A Little House In Vtmlt co." by MarKrt lloiivet. and "In Ills 8tep" by Chart, 8. Sheldon. C. H, Ct'xM'er mad another remarknble score at the A. K. C. alleys last nlht, Ottlng T) pins In the same. As usual, there Is a hardMuck story to tell, lie started off with two strikes, bolh of which he missed, and (tot but two pins In the frame. Tben followed a spare, seven connective trlke and two plna. A strike In th third frame would have siven blm a -ore of II It Is confidently exprcted by the bowlers of the club that Mr. Cooper UI succeed In reachlns the W mark befor Pev-emlH-r I. Several bels to that effect werv made last nktht. Mr. A. 3. Johnson, superintendent of the Oregon forestry exhibit st the Oma ha exposttton, left last evening, to be present at the closing of tha expoaltlon, which takr iJaie Novemler 1. A number of Omron xhKlta will then be donated to college, universities and parks througuout th state, and Mr. Johnson will personally se. that each exhibit e sent la property described and labeled. wVh the section of the state from whko It ram. Some of th largest and moat unique of the forestry exhibit are from ClaUKHt county, and the distribution of tha exhibit In thl way w.u be a great advertisement, not only for this county. but th entire state. Mr. Johnson ex pets to . complete the entire work by November U. and will return to As toria, th latter part of the month. It Is said that the only way to beat a nlckel-ln-the-elot-machlne Is to let It severely alone. A smooth operator who la now In the city can demonstrate th falUcy of this saying, however. For the past day or two flushes have been num erous on the boxes around town, and In vestigation dlschwcs the fact that the operator has been getting more than one man a share of th big hands, and rhe cigars which sre paid for thorn. He has a wonderful system, end has never yet been detected In placing K In effect. Just what hi system Is cannot be told, for he Is smooth enough not to allow dValere to "get on." Nearly a., the clgr storea In town have been visited b the entleroan. and It Is estimated that he has 'skinned" the cigar dealers out of M In rhe pojt few days. Many of the stores nay money for winning on ma chines, cigars being sold to dealers for TH cents. The operator seems to be able to get a flush whenever he wants to. An ordinary flush pays six dgars; e. atrulsiht flush pays W: while a royal flush pay loo. If the operator got but one royal flush a day he would be In an Independ ent position; but his dealre to do up the city l a short time has resulted In deal ers getting onto hhn. It ia thought h use a wire to beat the boxe. ASTORIAN RETVRVS FROM ALASlCAJf 601X FIELDS. An Interesting Talk With Harry Crlbb Regarding; Conditions m th Bust ling City of Dawson. Mr. Harry Crlbb. who has been In Dswsoa fer a year pant, returned to the ckty yesterday. The rigor of the Arc tic ciimate apparently have agreed with him. for he Is In the very best of health, and weigh ten pound mor than when he left the city. Mr. Crrbb arrived on the Cottage City last Thursday, but, as his Alaskan wardrobe w hardly In keeping with the ordinary raiment of frnmleites he was compelled to remain in the sound city while a tailor fluid him out. Mr. Crlbb ts one of the fortunate Klon dike. He did not moke barrels of money mining, but he devoted his time to contracting and hung onto his earn ings. Builders are well pid In the nor thern city, and Mr. Crlbb h:ia laid the foundation for a fortune. He brought out nearly !3uo0 In dust and nuggets. Of the dust all but about !W was left In Seattle, where It Is now 6elrg coined In to money. The ba'anco Is still In his possession. He has a remarkable col lection of nuggets, all of which are of lan site. Speaking of Alaska. Mr. Crlhb sad last nlifht to an Ast'.rtin representative "It l a great country for u man wro Is willing to work. A loafer has no busi ness there. The trouble wlti. many Klondlkers Is that they spend all the money they make. Many miners come to town with thousands of dollar In nug sets and dust and in a few day It Is irone. Personally I have been compelled to put up with many Inconvenience, and I think It would be folly to squander what I have made, no matter bow eaay I came by It. "Last year It was a difficult matter to keep body and soul together, provisions were scarce, and I have lived for weeks on nothing but rice. Now. however, there Is plenty of food, and there will be no destitution In Dawson the coming winter, When I left, about a month ago, flour was selling for K ft sank." "Returned Kilondlkers charge the gov ernment officials with -rupt dealing Are those reports correct?" was asked. "They are." said Mr. Crlbb. emphatl. call-. "Most of the rich claims are secured by friends of the officials, who are In a position to do about aa thy please. At times there wero loref lines of people In front of the commissioners office, hundreds of miners waiting to record claims. The friends of the offlcl ;!. and. It la said, those who paid for the orlvtlcKe. were admitted toy the side door, and permitted to file ahead of the others. The Dawson Nugget, the moi popular pep'?r In Alaxka, handles the officials wlttiout rloves, while tho e"ivrnrn;nt Is representoi by the Mld nliiht Sun. Many of the officials have made thousands of dollars through their positions. "Eale City Is getting to be quite an Important town, and I expect to ate a large city there In a few years. It Is the most Inland American point, and within a radius of 20 miles are somo of the very bent mining properties In Alaska, By dealing at that place miners gave the duties which aro levied at Dawson. Eagle now has a population of aljout KXjO, which Is rapidly Increasing. I have a tot there which I expect to dispone of In a yeftr or so for about 60 4lmes aa much a I paid for It. I think Eagle City will a great town. 1 "There are still many cluims In Alaxka which will pay 130 a day, but miners will not bother with them when they stand . chance to hold properties which may bring thom $150,000 or $200,000 In a snaaon." .Mr.. Crlbb has severed claims, one of which he thinks-will pan out well. He holds property on Hunter. Lovett, nd several other streams. "'He will return , In February, going "by way of ths liikss'j with a Uv; tennt, j 1 Aaex McDonald, 4h bonanta king, was a paasemrer out with Mr, Cribb. The miter sayw McDonald Is worth between t4.ow.ooa and t.x). and yerhap a mil lion or two more, Moponald I a very Inrg nnn, and I quit plain In hi habit. 1( la now on hia way to ton don, where he will put soma of his properties on th market. Mr. Cribb save McDonftld borrows lot of money from acquaintance In Dawson, askln bwns alilch seem ridiculous. fltunellmea he will meet a ntan whom he knows and ask him for "a dollar." However, h never borrow money on which he must y Interest. McDonald doesn't fancy his trip to tendon, because he will have to pay attention to bis drees and conduot himself In the stylish manner peculiar to Londoner. He will return to Alaska In March. According to Mr. Crlhb, Homey Olh nev, of this city, who Is now located at Katrle t'lty, will cme ou wuh a fortun. He has scVmI plitcea of liikKltirs In th town, and I ntaklng big money. Saiflwwter litll Is In lv"n. broke, aa far as money la coiuernel, alihoiiKh he baa very rich hddlitaa. It te prob. a e Mr. t'ritrti say, that he will come cut axitln next sprlns; wlti. more money than he brought out on his drat trip. A com"ny of actor playing In lwon, and one of the lay ts taken from (twlft water's life. Hill oea Inlo tna thi-aler. la.ena lo the play and Uuxh heartily. All the Astorlana In Dasn are dolixg well, and several will irilxliy jrlng out foriunrs. When Mr. t'rlbb left there wa very little sickness. IIOTF.L. ARK1VAU. Occident A. F. Rogers. J II. Rurgard. D. II. Stuart. W. Jwt'kson, V. II. Btuart, r. A. Frem-h and wife. U IV McCloude. Portland; J. A. Wolf. Ban Francisco; J. W. l"hlllp. Ilwsco; T. J. Mctlowan, Chinook: Oeborn Ooulter. 0-trrvlll. Parker Hou-D. It. Kngttsh. Ung Ree-h: H. U. Pinnate. II. Flovkenstelon ftnj wtf q, w. Roberte. IVrtlaad; Wm. j uiX00i Chinook; U W. 1I. National nMi Km o4m,n, Oerval. THAT JOTFl.X FTKl.lNd. With the exttllarutlng sense of re newed health and strength and Internal cleanllnts. which follow the use of Byr-o of Fig. Is unknown to th few who have not progreweed beyond the Old time medicines and the cheap ulUtule sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Most men wish to be absolutely let alone when they are only half way 111, but women can't get enough pelting on such occasions. AN KCHO FROM THE WAR. During the Y,nhre-Sprilh war Her. rmn Wl had an advertlmrnt In th , Astorlan which has attracted the stir- ' tlon of huMern aalvelrtlsens. U was ettmething Ilka thl "How many M'le to Porto Rico?" There' only on Mile and he la one too many for the Spanish; neither do our . clothe suit the Dons, but any Ameri can may Don our suits and ks-k stylish for Utile money. Herman Wise's ads are noticed back East; do you notice them? If you doo't you lose money by It. feecnu yuq never learn of th bargains he offer. Read hi ad In today's Astorlan. Doe It mean that the tree are leaving when they are burring Into green la the spring or shedding their coat tat lb (all. TELLOW JACK IN THE ARMT. "It Isn't the number of men that yel low fever kills that frighten you," said a soldier, "but th unexpected cuddrn ness of Its attnrk. and the rapidity with which it kills." A man I wrll and hearty at 1 p. m : at 4 p. m. he I deadly III; at ( p. m. he I dead, and at $ p. m. h I burled. The man who dies of yellow fever sometimes digs trenches rlsiht up to within f"ur hour of hi burial. In much the same manner men will work 1 day after day In apparent health, and then will suddenly appear a general weakness. Th body Is giving out It needs something to strengthen It. to ton uo the stomach, and assist dlKentlnn. For this purpose Hosteller's Htonwh Hitters Is highly recommended. It Is the best Our ihn'iii'rph!rt department will In tonic ever made. terrst you. F.Very new tiling In plintng- raphy is in st.H-k, ami it will (Mulit sis LKr Editor If you know of a solicitor or canvasser In your c.ty or tlse where, nurfy's'.-'ki especially a man who has sufmi riptlnns. Insurance. books, or tailoring or a man who can sell K"ods, you will confer favor by telling him to correspond with us: or If you will Insert this notice In your paper nlu s'Ji h "urtles will cut this notice out ami mult to us. we may tie able to furnish them a gixxl ponltlon In their own and adjoin ing counties. Addreas Ametlcan Woolen Mills Company. Chicago. "Judge." said a prisoner the other day. "I'll tell you what drove me to drink. My 8-year-old son aske.1 me If the end of the enrth was to come and the eerth I The collecting of hundk. r hi ft It the destroyed while a man waa up In a bal- ' latest fad of American traveling ,d. loon where would he land when h We believe this h il.liy must have orlgln cwme down? If you'll nnswer that, I'll , "led with the Artful IMgcr. never take another drop." BUCKLE N'S ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bore, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns sad all Bkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to giro perfect satisfaction or money refunded. I'rloe S cents per bog. For sale by Eates-Conn Drag Co. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY BENEFIT A grand baxar, conversation and a unique entertainment generally will be elven on the evening of December 1. Thai Woman's ezchanKe will be continued a, usual during the month of December In the library. The librarian will receive all articles that aro donated or to be sold on commission. All willing workers are asked to contribute aome of their I handiwork for the library fair, December 1, Wt. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING, Notice Is hereby given tnat th regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the FlHhermcn Pack'ng Co. will be held at the office of tho company on Saturday, October 29, 198, at o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of director for the ensuing year and th transaction of such business as may properly com Wore.tb meeting. Mo6-R0; "Secretary, Fishermen's' Pkg. Co, .Astoria. Or.. September . IS08.) , ' " A BARGAIN., Furniture of Central Hotel to 1) sold at a great sacrifice and a good chance to continue the buslnes. either as rooming or Itotel business; must be sold as owner Is leaving town. Inquire at Central Hoial, Commercial street, :,cHy. " . , A DOLLAR s a m THAT IS WHAT Do you want a Good ? ? For Boys or Ci U? If you tin, try th''rliuk (.'n't It'AtlicrH'kiun for it wears '.HI jh.t cent Unt r tluiu niiy otlit-r blocking mailt?. Wo have tlit'in for Ikiv niul girlt ond lutlif-s in wM anl cotton at 2" a r-ir. Pi SHANAHAN You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs. Patent Medicines j and Toilet Articles of i I Tlie t'tily riit-tate diuu Mure whore Irverv article U lil 1.1 lo 'i -r rvni.1 teas than the manufacturer' prtre. Mere wurJ tlnn't tell it all. Here are me rir. Kemeiulirr every l'ateiit Xe.lioiLe. Toilet Article r I'rug I suU at rul rates. Oor mail tinier bi'iiu-a Las lrelile-1 In vrar, lwHt everjone within 3j ralie iif Portlau dean save uuitiry t y I trading altli us. imt RernUr Ot rle I r I'm AHcotk'l P"r, tit flatter to Is i 0 Ajr erll !-. t iu rrWt'e Hll I' rotatoria - ?t Itevtt rniuUi-ei 1 1" Tl (r eUrsr-arll a I HI M ysJnr'stVkuy t iwtuuil ... . I ou Ts H)nip'f 'la Oregon Blo'd I'urtlb f I ' yiefee's t viitlte rrrrliiin 1 91 riTf' tluMeu ' illcal In , ester, ... . t ill Me-ee' Pellets S It MjIII anu' f.ak r.l.t A tl giiiQlu riu!., nr siu-sr roiled TlM-. Ii b"llirt etil tnB( It) I gislti IS (ju'ntu 1 sunlit, to Mua.r- e"-alt1 laMett. In iMrtllrt rontaliil" IOV .' g'al". - i Ku 1 11 1 II" I'tptel . "I Kiur- r-",'-! I J-t , la lt.4l.ea mn'sln if I ti 1 (riti t cjululne i'iule-, r -u r- r .' lr.1 I (hii is I- Nm l et eMilliil pii 'igrnia U hay iliret-t fiiiin the niaiiufacturen in iitisniilit', alii-li s-rnri'S U VKUY LOWKST MUlK KTKS. This ftiahlc lis to rrfuil at wlioli-snle prices. We 'uy IrnnsiMirtation charge In As. luria on nil or ler fur dni nr iatcnt Oietlii ines aili'iutititig to .1 r over, lien ncouil itiifl lV ttie cash. to bnve jni 1 all, aheiher )ott huy nr not. Woodafd, Clarke & Company j Cut-Kate t)ruitKts j Kmirth anil WunliitiKtun, P'irl!un., Ore . Each f the V.A memtier of the separa tion community at '.nt, V.. len-nt nbout li,i"l by t ho sale of their prop erty, whli h begins oct. 4 There are ,7.000 acres In the trai t lel..nifit:g to this queer sect. Whenever you hmr a man say that he has no time to marry you may dtpend . uiHin It that some time snmewherv, and with some one. he has wasted a lot of , vulimlile tlme.-Kanas City I "Wllllson's wife Is such a womanly 1 woman," said the gossipy b-mnler. "Poor Wllllsonl" said the snvnge baihe lor, nnd relapsed Into his usual grim si lence. Cincinnati Enquirer. Hur mother I saw him kiss you; I nm tnrrlbly shocked; I did not for a moment Imagine that tin could ilaru to take, such a liberty. Herself Nor did I ma in fact, I het him he darnn't.-Rehotmth Sunday Jierain. Hoax Ton know Schneider the bottler recently became- a magistrate? joix Yes. Well, ho discharged a prisoner yesterday who waa charged with steal Irsr a dozen bottles of ilieer." "So?" "Yes; Hchnelder said It wasn't enough to mako n case." Philadelphia Record, Some years ago Judge Tuley of Chi nngo asked a witness: "You say the de fendant turned nnd whistled to the dog, What followed?" Lie witness made even tho Judge smllo by replying: "Tho dog." After making a speech (n the rolohslng Bismarck heard ono of the men Healed near him declare that his speech was ft had one. Bismarck turned and rnmarked In his piping tone: "The good oratoe'la never a statesman." ' 1 A witness In a London police court de scribed the defendant as a gentltmian. "What Is your Idoa ot a gentleman?" asked tho Judge. "He seems to be a gentleman," replied the witness, '"be cause he walks about all day .long doing nothing, going from public hus ito pub lic house." , .1 1 . dollar VOU r i I Chlldrnn's N.ilural Wool Vests or P.Oits, ' sites to JJ, pries 3d i, nt each. Ladles' Natural Wmil Vls nr pants, slses 91 lo 41; pries 10 cents each. ladles' all Pure Wmd Vesis or site 31 in 41, price II .c!t. Pllts Udlea' lUUetllk and RIUI.r.1 Vests and Pants, noiishrlnkable; price 118 each. Indies' Outing Klattm Nlghts'wns; pent itteriis; prlc to rents each. W have have the largest line ,f .r' and Mls.e lor Hats. Walking Hats and Pedor Hals In the city at th lowf prices. Heat quality Table centa er yard. I'll Cloth; price 11 THE I'LACE TO (JET It. lit i. 1 Ladies' Fleece Lined Fast- Black T3 licmcmber the "P. N." Cornet h. THE LAND ALOEPi ... 1 1 . .ii 1 KtsMijseas' 7 ,i i ii . ROSS, HIGGINS & CO THE BEE HIVE has tho cheap est line qf capes for the money ever shown in Astoria. I,inlifs' liHliilfil f otli oi'i'S $1 iLinIitfi lirniilt'tt iui! leiulftl 2 2 4 t'lnlll fliHI'H LmlitV lriiiilfl inn tt iitlt'd i lotli nipt! Liiilii-s' lioiii ltMiiiip.clnlli 1111J lliiiict tiiiiniH A full assortment of Jackets iu all grades at very low prices. GRAND REHNAKT 56(rd5 !3ody try Brussels and Moquettes. to be dis posed of at less than cost. C. HEILBORN fi; SAVED' made nniim'i lU at qmtllty Ktivlf oil Ctoih; price 0 cents pnr atd.' timid heavy Apron ceiiis iter yard. tllnghutn; pries ( llet timtllty CulU'oes; yard. tin yard wld Imavy lln. i conii pvr yard. price ft cants per. l'lilUfliud Mils- Nmllnsliam Mco Curtains, I yards lung. It Iticliv wide, worth II Ou pair; rtr now tl pair, Window Hhade. B rent each. Curtain l'la, Si rent each. (Iikh heavy quality rent per yard Hhaker Flannel, I NS. BROTHERS Hose 25c per pair IUIAPi OF PLENTY In marked contrast to th Cuban mar ks! Is our own. Our market show thai thl truly Is a "land of Mrmy." Thr I no excuse to be offered for a poor stock of Vegetable and other groceries. We never hav to try for one, You'll com again and again. If you com one. Everything jrou e d oO Liulifft jilalii jilusli, tliilot a rou 1 id tlio collur and 00 tlutrn llio frruit $2 83 Ijulien' Wmlctl. braitcil 50 jiliish cape with' thibct around collar mid 'nil 50 around tho capo 3 00 LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA SALE OF CARPETS. Bsels, Tapes -. i. ,,;.